HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlans Applicant 11/21/2024 (3)Existing Notes A B C D E F (E) Plum Tree (E) Sweet Gum Tree (E) Deciduous Tree (E) transformer per Civil (E) Plane Tree (E) Maple Tree Preliminary Plan L0.1Project No.Sheet Number: 24-12 Submittals: DATE NAME Drawn By: DATENAME © 2018 Kiesel Landscape Architecture Inc: The design ideas and plans represented by these documents are the property of Kiesel Design. Use or copy is permitted by contract only. The use or revisions of these ideas or plans is prohibited without the written permission of Kiesel Design. Type: Title: Raising Cane's Springfield # Z. Kirchwehm Preliminary Harlow Rd. & Gateway St. Springfield, OR 97477 10/2024 1267RC# 11.14.2024Date Signed:Signature: 11.18.24 1st Planning Submittal1 Materials Legend Material Size Area 1/4"-1/2"16,907 SFClear crushed rock, grey 3,073 SFN/A 108 SFN/A Natural colored concrete W/ 3/8" saw cut joints. Finish: TOPCAST ® #05 Direct Colors® Smokestack Grey 102 - 5lb integral colored concrete W/ 3/8" saw cut joints. Finish: TOPCAST ® #05 Fescue blend hydroseed turf mix application 2,798 SFN/A Boulders Enhanced Paving to be natural colored concrete with 45 degree saw cuts and Top-Cast® #5 41 SFN/A 36" - 48" DIA TBD (QTY)"B" "C" "A" A B C 18" - 24" DIA 24" - 36" DIA TBD (QTY) TBD (QTY)Select natural boulders to match crushed rock mulch, grey Raising Cane's - Store #1267 Harlow Rd. & Gateway St. Springfield, OR 97477 TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA: 19,696 SF PROJECT TYPE: Commercial WATER SUPPLY: Potable C BACA B C AB BA CBA CA B AB B C ACAB BABA B B CAB ELECTELECT 4 YDDUMPSTERFOR TRASH4 YDDUMPSTERFOR TRASH4 YDDUMPSTERFOR RECYCLE4 YDDUMPSTERFOR RECYCLE65GALTOTER36" Door 36" DoorDRIVETHRUDRIVETHRU EVVAN EVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVDO NOT ENTER ONE WAY C C C 0 16 32 FT Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" HARLOW RDINTERNAL ACCESS RDGATEWAY ST INTERNAL ACCESS RDPLPL PL PL 2 1 6 3 4 5 A B B AAAAA C1267 SPRINGFIELD, OR C C C C CCCCC D 7 8 B B B F F EE F C 9 Conceptual Plant List Species Name Common Name Size Trees Acer griseum Paperbark Maple 2" CAL. MIN. Chitalpa tashkentensis Chitalpa 2" CAL. MIN. Koelreuteria paniculata Goldenrain Tree 2" CAL. MIN. Nyssa sylvatica Blackgum 2" CAL. MIN. Parrotia persica Persian Parrotia 2" CAL. MIN. Quercus garryana Oregon Oak 2" CAL. MIN. Screening Shrubs Arctostaphylos 'Sunset'Sunset Manzanita 15 gal Arctostaphylos densiflora 'Howard McMinn'Howard McMinn Manzanita 15 gal Berberis mentorensis Mentor Barberry'5 gal Cercocarpus ledifolius Mountain Mahongany 15 gal Cornus sanguinea 'Compressa'Dwarf Bloodtwig Dogwood 5 gal Mahonia aquifolium 'Compacta'Compact Oregon Grape 5 gal Pinus mugo var. pumillo Dwarf Mugo Pine 5 gal Rhamnus californica 'Eves Case'Coffeeberry 5 gal Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor'Dwarf Yedda Hawthorn 5 gal Shrubs/Grasses/Groundcover Achillea 'Moonshine'Yarrow 1 gal Arctostaphylos uva ursi Kinnikinnick 1 gal Hesperaloe parvifolia Red Yucca 5 gal Juniperus h. 'Wiltonii'Blue Rug Juniper 1 gal Lomandra 'Platinum Beauty'Variegated Dwarf Mat Rush 5 gal Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Miss'Little Miss Maiden Grass 5 gal Muhlenbergia dubia Pine Muhly 5 gal Polystichum munitum Sword Fern 5 gal Potentilla fruticosa 'Abbotswood'Abbotswood potentilla 2 gal Teucrium chamaedrys Germander 5 gal Xerophyllum tenax Bear Grass 2 gal Yuuca filamentosa Adam's Needle 5 gal All existing plant material to remain and be protected unless otherwise noted. (E) tree symbol (E) to be removed symbol Existing Tree Protection & Removal Notes Proposed Notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (P) order board per Architect (P) patio furniture per Architect (P) overhead canopy structure per Architect (P) pre-order board per Architect (P) clearance bar per Architect (P) trash enclosure per Architect (P) bike racks per Architect (P) bike storage per Architect (P) light pole locations per Architect, TYP. Tree Requirement Calculations per Predevelopment Findings 1. A MIN. of (2) 2" caliper trees to be provided 1,000 SF of planting area. Total # of trees required: 39 Total # of trees provided: 39 2. Tree canopy covering at least 40 percent of the new parking lot area at maturity but no more than 15 years after planting. Total parking lot area: 21,830 S.F. Total proposed parking lot tree shade canopy S.F. at maturity: 13,648 Total proposed parking lot tree shade canopy % at maturity: 62% 3.The tree spacing, and species planted must be designed to maintain a continuous canopy, except when interrupted by driveways, drive aisles, and other site design considerations. Existing Notes A B C D E (E) Plum Tree (E) Maple Tree (E) Sweet Gum Tree (E) Plane Tree (E) Deciduous Tree All existing plant material to remain and be protected unless otherwise noted. (E) tree symbol (E) to be removed symbol Existing Tree Protection & Removal Notes Tree Removal Plan L0.2Project No.Sheet Number: 24-12 Submittals: DATE NAME Drawn By: DATENAME © 2018 Kiesel Landscape Architecture Inc: The design ideas and plans represented by these documents are the property of Kiesel Design. Use or copy is permitted by contract only. The use or revisions of these ideas or plans is prohibited without the written permission of Kiesel Design. Type: Title: Raising Cane's Springfield # Z. Kirchwehm Preliminary Harlow Rd. & Gateway St. Springfield, OR 97477 10/2024 1267RC# 11.14.2024Date Signed:Signature: 11.18.24 1st Planning Submittal1 1. Existing trees to be retained on private property must not have construction occur within the drip line, unless a landscape architect certifies that affected trees will not have at least a 90 percent chance of survival over a 5-year period. 2. Trees to be retained must be provided with protection with at least a 3-foot-tall temporary fence barrier around the drip line and include protection around the tree to prevent abrasion to the tree. Tree Protection Requirements The Landscape Plan is to be in compliance with the City of Springfield. 1. The design of the irrigation system shall conform to the hydrozones of the landscape design plan. 2. An underground irrigation system shall be provided. 3. In all planting areas, low volume water irrigation (subsurface drip) will be provided to maximize water infiltration into the roots. 4. A dedicated water meter shall be provided for common landscape area. 5. A weather base "smart controller" shall be utilized. Controller shall be programmed to water in early morning or night. 6. A rain sensor shall be installed at each controller. 7. Water use calculation shall certify conformance with the current requirements. 8. Trees to be irrigated by bubblers. Irrigation Plan Statement Note: The sizes of all trees proposed for removal are 5" DIA. at DBH or larger. The project proposes the removal of (11) existing trees due to proximity to proposed construction and improvements as shown in L0.1 and L0.2 while preserving (25) existing trees. The felling of existing trees are to be in accordance with the criteria set forth in SDC 5.19-125. 1. Prune the retained trees for clearance if necessary to allow for enough clearance for the equipment and materials used. The trees proposed for removal can be removed prior to placing the tree protection fencing. Care will be taken to ensure that no tree parts of the retained trees are damaged during the removal process. 2. Trees that are proposed for removal that are within the critical root zones of retained trees must be removed by means of felling. Removed trees will be hauled using the internal access roads connecting to Gateway St and Harlow Rd. 3. The stumps of removed trees that are within the critical root zones of the retained trees can only be removed by surface grinding the woody above ground tree part to just below the soil surface. Earth moving equipment may not be used to pull stums or whole trees over within the critical root protection zones of the retained trees. 4. After the trees are removed and lift pruning has been performed, the tree protection fencing shall be created. Tree Removal Notes ELECTELECT 4 YDDUMPSTERFOR TRASH4 YDDUMPSTERFOR TRASH4 YDDUMPSTERFOR RECYCLE4 YDDUMPSTERFOR RECYCLE65GALTOTER36" Door 36" DoorDRIVETHRUDRIVETHRU EVVAN EVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVDO NOT ENTER ONE WAY 0 16 32 FT Scale: 1/16" = 1'-0" HARLOW RDINTERNAL ACCESS RDGATEWAY ST INTERNAL ACCESS RDPLPL PL PL A C C C C C B B DD AAAAA C1267 SPRINGFIELD, OR B E E E E E EEEEE