HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Applicant 10/1/2024JI VICINITY MAP 811-24-000244-TYP1 Historic Review Minor Alterations 17-03-35-13 TL 11500 344 8th Street Cascade Health Center DigiSign Verified - b539083-278c-4908-93ed-96a3a4i eaaf4 City of Springfield SPRINGFIELD Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 IL Historical Review Application Historical. Review Type I - Minor Alterations; Sites or Structures: Historical Review Type II - Major Alterations; Sites or Structures: Historical Review Type III: Addition of a Site or Structure to the Historic Landmark Inventory Removal of a Site or Structure from the Historic Landmark Inventory_ Demolition of Historic Land Mark Structures Applicant Name: C4aft,+V% c� Phone, • 11 i compare : Fax:" (Address: iN 4% C—U*W 6416 lF► " A licant's Re i . � €�• _ � � �fY► Phone:949 4-�a • 8 ompany: PW svms-W 4 msac-- • Fax: ,Address-. 114 (0 e VRUP,, c W-, Cj61"C,4i0r* CAk j 0& a ! Property Owner: 1 i W"e1 i Phone:5+ UZ ` 51 `55 company: Fax: Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: TAX LOT NOs : l t500 Property Address: 'W4 Olt �p� • '5KW1 e V op, , - [description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application Proposal: Sae T ��( i�� A� '� I V •-• �siiqnatures: Please si n and Required Pro ect Information Associated Applications: rint our Warne and date in the a ro riate box an the next a e. take Staff.- complete this section) Case No•: - [date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ T ,S5 Technical Fee: Postage Fee: $_ I PR03ECT NUMBER: \-Z�k- `Z- =4 Revised 10.10.13kl 1 of 7 AutheDigiSign Verified - b539ci 83-278c-4908-93ed-96a3a41 eaaf4 Signatures An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Applicant: Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Gur 6 AcDphdd, Prey►deht Signature Garreth MacDonald, President Print Date: 09/27/24 If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Date: 09/27 /2024 Signature Print Nick Gillaspie Revised 10.10.13kl 2 of 7 AuthepigiSign Verified - b539c183-278c-4908-93ed-96a3a41eaaf4 Historical Review The Historic (H) Overlay District is established to encourage the restoration, preservation and adaptive use of identified Historic Landmark Structures and Sites. The H Overlay District implements applicable Metro Plan policies, the Washburne Historic Landmark District, Section 2.500 et seq., of the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997 and OAR Chapter 660-023. The prospective applicant is encouraged to meet with planning staff to become familiarized with the review process and determine what is required for a complete application. 1. Applicant Submits an Application for Historical Review The application must conform to the Historical Review Requirements Checklist included in this application packet. 2. Review A. Type I applications for Minor Alterations of Historical Landmark Sites and Structures will be reviewed by City Staff. The types of Minor alterations reviewed are, 1. Construction, modification or demolition of accessory structures; 2. Additions, partial or total demolitions or substantial alterations to the building fagade of non-contributing and intrusive structures within the Washburne Historic District; 3. Replacement of damaged exterior features with virtually identical materials; 4. Additions, partial demolitions or alterations to Historic Landmark Sites and Structures which fully conform to the standards of Section 3.3-945 and which are not visible from the street; 5. Installation of fewer than four (4) parking spaces; 6. Installation of signs of less than four (4) square feet; or 7. Any similar alteration or use which does not detract from the character of a Historic Landmark Site or Structure. B. Type II applications for Major Alterations of Historical Landmark Sites and Structures will be reviewed by the Historical Commission. The Historical Commission acts as the Development Review Committee for issues involving Section 3.3-900 Historical Overlay District. Adjacent property owners and occupants are notified and may attend a public review meeting and state their concerns, or send written comments. The types of Major alterations reviewed are: 1. Additions, partial demolitions, or substantial alterations to a building fagade; 2. A change to a more intensive use category as defined in the underlying district; 3. Installation of four (4) or more parking spaces; 4. Removal or radical trimming of large established trees or vegetation, except where necessary for immediate public safety as determined by the City Engineer; 5. Specific Development Standards in the Washburne Historic Landmark District specified in section 3.3-935B.; 6. New construction of 1,000 sq. feet or more within the Washburne Historic Landmark District; or 7. Any other alteration or use that the Director determines may detract from the historic character of a Historic Landmark Site or Structure. Revised 10.10.13ki 3 of 7 AuthEDigiSign Verified - b539c183-278c-4908-93ed-96a3a4l eaaf4 C. Type III Applications for Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory, Removal from Historic Landmark Inventory, Demolition of Historic Landmark Structures and any Discretionary Use listed in the underlying zoning district as specified in section 5.9-100 will be reviewed by the Planning Commission following a recommendation by the Historical Commission. Adjacent property owners and occupants are notified and may attend a public review meeting and state their concerns, or send written comments. Major and Minor Alteration Standards (3.3-945) The following standards apply to major and minor alterations as specified in Section 3.3- 915B. and C., within the H Overlay District. 1. Any proposed use shall minimize exterior alteration of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment; uses that require substantial exterior alteration shall not be permitted. 2. The distinguishing original qualities of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment shall not be substantially altered. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features is prohibited unless an immediate hazard to public safety exists. 3. All historic Landmark Sites or Structures are recognized as products of their own time. Alterations which have no historic basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance are prohibited. 4. Changes that have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment. Where changes have acquired significance in their own right, this significance shall be recognized. S. Distinctive stylistic features and examples of local or period craftsmanship which characterize a Historic Landmark Site or Structure shall be retained. 6. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced. In the even replacement cannot be avoided, the new material shall match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features is based on accurate duplicate features, substantiated by historic, physical or pictorial evidence rather than on conjectural design, or the availability of different architectural elements from other buildings or structures. 7. New design for undeveloped Historic Landmark Sites in the Washburne Historic Landmark District and for alterations and additions to existing Historic Landmark Sites and Structures are permitted when they complement significant historic, architectural or cultural features and the design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material and character of the property, neighborhood or environment. 8. New additions or alterations to Historic Landmark Structures shall not impair the essential form and integrity of the structure. Revised 10.10.13ki 4 of 7 AutheDigiSign Verified - b539c183-278c-4908-93ed-96a3a41 eaaf4 Demolition Standards (3.3-9SO) Demolition of Historic Landmark Sites or Structures is an extreme measure that may be permitted only after all other reasonable alternatives for preservation have been thoroughly examined. A. No demolition permit will be granted for any Historic Landmark Site or Structure unless the owner has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Historical Commission that 1 of the following criteria applies: 1. The condition of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure constitutes a serious and immediate threat to the safety of the public or occupants that cannot be eliminated without repairs that would exceed 50 percent of the value of the structure itself. a. A MIA -certified appraisal shall be required to determine the value of the Historic Landmark Structure. b. At least 2 bids from qualified contractors shall be required to determine the cost of repairs to the Historic Landmark Structure. 2. The property owner has demonstrated that there would be no reasonable, long- term economic benefit from preservation of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure. In making this determination, the owner shall demonstrate that all potential uses or adaptive uses for the Historic Landmark Site or Structure have been thoroughly examined. For example: a. The fact that a greater economic return would result from demolition than preservation is insufficient to meet this criteria. b. A lack of adequate funds to pursue potential uses or adaptive uses is insufficient to meet this criteria (i.e., selling the Historic Landmark Site or Structure is an option that shall be considered). B. If a Historic Landmark Site or Structure is permitted to be demolished, the property owner shall provide the Historical Commission with: f. Four sets of measured drawings prepared by a qualified draftsperson showing the primary floor plans and the primary exterior elevations. 2. A set of photographs that document the exterior and interior details, including significant architectural elements. C. The property owner shall also supply the Historical Commission with any artifact or other architectural element as identified by the Historical Commission. The artifact or architectural element shall be carefully removed and delivered to the Historical Commission in good condition to be used in future conservation work. Revised 10.10.13kl 5 of 7 AuthEDigiSign Verified - b539c183-278c-4908-93ed-96a3a41 eaaf4 Historical Review Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ❑ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. Historical Review Application Form f� A Brief Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposal. One (1) Copy of the Deed to show ownership. In addition: 12' Type I - Minor Alterations -Four (4) Copies of the Required Information: Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. Photos of the existing structure and/or each damaged exterior feature to be replaced to sufficiently show existing structure and/or conditions. Exterior elevation drawings of the new and/or modified structure. Type of fagade materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. ,FZrType of construction materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. For Installation of fewer than four (4) parking spaces: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirement Checklist attached. P.J.L.1ocation of trees and vegetation, indicating what vegetation is to be removed. umber of parking spaces shown as proposed (to scale). ❑ Type II - Major Alterations - Four (4) Copies of the Required Information: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Photos of the existing structure and/or each damaged exterior feature to be replaced to sufficiently show existing structure and/or conditions. ❑ Exterior elevation drawings of the new structure, addition, alteration or area to be demolished drawn to scale. ❑ Existing type of fagade materials. ❑ Type of fagade materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. ❑ Type of construction materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. For Installation of four (4) or more parking spaces: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirement Checklist attached. ❑ Location of trees and vegetation, indicating what vegetation is to be removed. ❑ Number of parking spaces shown as proposed (to scale). ❑ Type III - Twelve (12) Copies of the Required Information: Revised 10.10.13ki 6 of 7 AumEDigiSign Verified - b539cl83-278c-4908-93ed-96a3a4i eaaf4 Addition of Site or Structure to Historic Landmark Inventory: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Complete City of Springfield Historic Inventory Form. ❑ Current photo of each exterior wall of the structure or if a vacant site, one current photo of the site. ❑ Written findings which address the criteria for Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory (SDC 3.3-920). Removal of Site or Structure from Historic Landmark Inventory: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Copy of the City of Springfield Historic Inventory Form. ❑ Copy of the National Register Designation (if applicable). ❑ Current photo of the site or structure. ❑ Written findings determining Historic Designation was erroneously applied according to the criteria for Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory (SDC 3.3-920). Demolition of Historic Landmark Structure: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Information to meet the criteria of Demolition standards (SDC 3.3-950). Plot Plan Requirements A Plot plan must be drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 8 1/2" X 14" and must contain the following information: O The scale (appropriate to the area involvied and sufficient to show detail of the plan related data such as 1' = 30", 1" = 50' OR 1" = 100'), north arrow and the date of preparation; • The street address and assessor's map and tax lot number; • The dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the property; • Proposed and existing buildings; location, size (gross floor area), conceptual floor plan, setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height; • Off-street parking areas, vehiclular access points and their dimensions; and • The name and location of all existing and proposed public and private streets and sidewalks within or on the boundary of the proposed property. The following additional information may be required, please check with planning: • The on -site drainage system to an approved storm system; • The connection to the City sanitary sewer system; • The location and height of proposed or existing fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles and signs; • Required landscaped areas and street tree locations to include type of landscaping or trees and type of irrigation system; or • Any additional information necessary to address land use computability or Metro Plan issues. Revised 10.10.13ki 7 of 7 T I 0, I DON SHERMAN ASSOCIATES PROJECT: CASCADE HEALTH CENTER:: 344 8t' St Springfield OR SUBJECT: Historic Review submittal Package NOTE: THIS SUBMITTAL IS CONCURRENT WITH THE FOLLOWING SUBMISSIONS AND CASE NUMBERS: MINOR VARIANCE 811-24-000220-TYP2 SITE PLAN REVIEW TYP2 811-24-000238-PRE SPR NARRATIVE Proposal to remodel existing America Legion building to house CASCADE HEALTH CENTER — Chiropractic offices for Garreth MacDonald. NEW FRONT ENTRY Relocate main building entry to center of the entry porch. New double glass/metal handicap accessible entry doors and full sidelights each side. Proposed new full-length side light windows at each end of porch to replace existing entry doors. NEW WINDOWS WITH DECO PANEL/LIGHTING DETAIL Proposed new deco panel detail composed of smooth finish concrete fiber board base siding with 2" x 3/4" concrete fiber batten and trim material. Painted finish to match. new windows/trim. The design intention is to emulate a very simple, mid-century inspired panel detail in a scale large enough to help soften and enhance the otherwise plain exterior. NEW EXTERIOR LIGHTING New 12" square indirect sconce lighting on deco panel details at front and north sides. One each will be installed on each side of the new entry door system on front porch. One at new rear entry door. See attached specs 0261 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That ..... ... ........... I.... Zdgar...R-. FAx=zzorta..a.LA Ul=tle in consideration of Tea. .... .. ........ I . ..... to_ teem ­ by paid rosz AaerlcaU Lee;Loa, a• gorpora4t-toft— do. hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto said zvrIzefield Popt.440,. T.:w Americaa corporation l id. ate MLvAWassigns, all the "lowing red property, with the tenements, heredirasnents and appurtonancox, situated in the cv"'r of . ...... and State of Oregon, bounded and described as Wows, to -wit: Beginsaud, at a point b4 feet West of the 1:ortizenst corner of -dock. 75 of 4prInaieLd lnve*tmout Eu,d Ponar 00VIR&Uyto Addition, as platted and recorded at Pmt;e 3'J6 of Volume LnnL county Oregon Deed Records, rtuinind ti,ttnce Sout., 119 feet more or less to an alley running Last and lieSt tilrOU L Said Block; t.ten--e "lent b4 feet, t'lou"'o "rt" 119 feet more or logo LO t"o Mort,. line of Said t-,once East 6� feet to ti.e place of bo4n.4ne in LarLO County. Oregon. To Have and to Hold the above described and granted promises unto the said .. ....... ... — . .��i .......... Q - Pot. #40. Tee . . . . . .............. .. anal 1W . ........... ..... assigns forever. ....... . ... . ...... .............. ....... . ...................... ... ** ..... .. .... AM ��Iw I..'' ......... . .. the grantor 6 above maned do covenant to and with the above named grantee dud ),to AON.WW assigns that . ... . ..... ... tLey. are-- . lawfully w;xrd in fee simple of the above granted premises, that the above jr-tted premises are free from an encumbrances, .. .... . . ..... ... .... ............... ............ . .... ..... ....... ................................ . .... .... . ......... . .. ......... ...... . .. ... ... . .. . .............. --.— ........... ....... ...... ..... .............. . . ....... ....... ............ .... ........... . ... .... .... ..... --- ....... .. ...... .... . ..... ... .. ........... ... ............. . ......................... ..... . . ... ..... ................................................... .......... ........... ....... . ..... . ............. ...... . ............................... ........... . ......... I .... .... ..... - . . .... ... ....... .......... .. . . and that. thOY will and . t44 r. heirs, executors and aefinihistrators, shall warrant and forever deland the above granted preadam-, and every part and iswed thereof. against the (awful claims and demands of an persons Whomsoever, ........... .......... &-jesel 6WOL ?I IIA- 4"A'W", , 'C"I, 'Ummuted In the Presence of r GTa )r"-t "Paw ....... . .. . ..... (SK&O .. . .... ...... . ............... .......... .... . .. . ..... ............ ..................... -- ................ ......... .. . (SEAL) ............ I . ..... ........ ................... ....... . ..... (SEAL) 3 S 1 4 — I pC 4, Z r Z r 4� rej ' 7 *r I 11, 75 a I -A M 7L t 1 Ll i c x = T z 0 CL U Ul Ul 4; CDI -4 Z cr G) cx G) cr "n 1> ( D 3 :E CD CD S 3Lca M m CL 0 =3 0 c 7t3 M CD 'o 0 OL Er m EP c 4� 3 j- CD 0 0 0 Q 0 -0 V m 0 �o x as CD X m 0 Ga m CL CD m 0) c, — :3 0 - CO), 0 try (a R CD -n CD C) 0 G) -1 CP C T D 3 0 0 D c OL CD -1 -4 m (D 9) (D :3 ch GI x -A N3 f) :3 OL VD Do N3 r-L m D Fj 2; 6a�l LNO,w ZZ 1.y t go CO 3 72. r X C37 00 00 d p. f ■ r IV� ANL w ql A * ® EURofase® * INC. TEL 905.695.2055 toll free 1 .800.660.5391 FAX 905.695.2056 toll free 1 .800.660.5390 33 West Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill, Ontario Canada 1-413 1 L8 35852, LARGE SQUARE OUTDOOR LED SURFACE MOUNT OPTIONS AVAILABLE ITEM NO. FINISH SHADE 35852-D18 GRAPHITE GREY PROJECT INFORMATION Job Name: Comments www.eurofasexom 11 314" 171IX fir' ■� 1� PRODUCT DETAILS No. 35852-018 Product Color GRAPHITE GREY Shade / Accent Colour METAL Width 11.75" Height 11.75" Ext 1.75" Weight 4.8LBS LIGHT SOURCE DETAILS Light Source Type INTEGRATED LED Input Voltage 120V/277VV Bulb Voltage 120V Socket Type LED Total Wattage 18W Kelvin 3000K CRI 90 Dimmable NO TECHNICAL DETAILS Canopy / Backplate Height 6.75" Canopy / Backplate Width 6.75" Driver ROYALUX IP Rating 65 Location WET Approval 6L Title 24 YES Date: I— 1_1. i Type: DESIGN WITHLIGHT FIGHT V%7H DESIGN DON SHERMAN ASSOCIATES PROJECT: CASCADE HEALTH CENTER - 344 81h St Springfield OR SUBJECT: EXTERIOR DOOR STYLE OPTIONS AND SCHEDULE PRELIMINARY DOOR SELECTION FRONT ENTRY PAIR OF 30X68 outswing ENTRY DOORS - THREE LIGHT with Handicap accessible threshold and hardware ENTRY PORCH 4 EA. 28X68 OPERABLE - THREE LIGHT REAR ENTRY 30X68 outswing ENTRY DOOR WITH SIDE LIGHT with Handicap accessible threshold and hardware. Tear sheets are for design intent only - final door system to be specified. r � r �� � �/ . a M �� �:� r `� _ Hover Image to Zoom 0 IL teves & Sous Legacy 51 in, x 80 in. Icon 3 Lite Modern Clear Class LHOS Black Mahogany Fiberglass Prehung Front Door wl 12 in. SL \/ Questions & Answers r 0/ Hover Image to Zoom fir• >�.1°�� +��.t➢dq� Al PA' OWS Quote Name: Don Sherman Customer: DISCOUNT WINDOWS j Payment Terms: DISCOUNT WINDOWS 1635 JUNIPER ST JUNCTION CITY, OR 97448-1907 Sales Representative: Sam Sohlman Mobile: sams@oregondiscountwindows.com Weighted Average: U-Factor:.24, SHGC:.27, VT: 0.5 Comments: For warranty information please visit www.milpard.com/warranty/ MILCARD WINDOWS and DOORS Quote Number: Created Date: Modified Date: PO Number: Total Windows: Total Doors: Total Sq Ft: Total Perim Ft: Est. Delivery: Billing Information Shipping Information Name: DISCOUNT WINDOWS Name: DISCOUNT WINDOWS Address: 1635 JUNIPER ST Address: 1635 JUNIPER ST JUNCTION CITY, OR 97448-1907 JUNCTION CITY, OR 97448-1907 Phone: Fax: Email: Phone: Fax: Email: Line: 1 Location: Front Quantity: 4 Trinsic V300, 2340, PW,13/8" Setback, Ext White / Int White, U-Factor:.24, SHGC:.27, VT:.50 1/8" SunCoat (Low-E) over 1/8" 4th Surface HP Coating Flat, Ext White/Int White, Colonial 3W3H Argon Gas Filled Tariff Viewed From Exterior SQPCK036957_1 8/13/2024 8/13/2024 10 162.00 169 Model = Picture Item Total: $526.72 Size = Call Out: 5050 Line Total: $2,106.86 Net Frame: 591/2" x 591/2" Energy Star Zone(s) = North Central Glass =1/8" SunCoat (Low-E) over 1/8" 4th Surface HP Coating with Gray EdgeGardMAX Spacer Glazing =1" OA Dual Glaze with Argon Grids = Flat, Ext White / Int White, Colonial 3W3H Ratings = STC: 29, OITC: 24, PG: DP-PG35 Calculations = Unit Area (Sq. Ft.): 25, Unit Perimeter (nominal in lineal ft): 21' Other Ratings = CPD: MIL-A-291-06850-00002 Customer Approval: Quote Number: SQPCK036957_1 Print Date: 8/13/2024 Page 1 of 4 'Line:2 Location: South Quantity: 4 Trinsic V300, 2340, PW, 13/8" Setback, Ext White / Int White, U-Factor:.24, SHGC:.27, VT:.50 1/8" SunCoat (Low-E) over 1/8" 4th Surface HP Coating Flat, Ext White/Int White, Colonial 2W3H Argon Gas Filled Tariff Model = Picture Item Total: $259.96 Size = Call Out: 2049 Line Total: $1,039.82 Net Frame: 231/2" x 561/2" Energy Star Zone(s) = North Central Glass =1/8" SunCoat (Low-E) over 1/8" 4th Surface HP Coating with Gray EdgeGardMAX Spacer Glazing =1" OA Dual Glaze with Argon Grids = Flat, Ext White / Int White, Colonial 2W3H Ratings = STC: 29, OITC: 24, PG: LC-PG40 Calculations = Unit Area (Sq. Ft.):10, Unit Perimeter (nominal in lineal ft): 14' Other Ratings = CPD: MIL-A-291-06850-00002 Viewed From Exterior Customer Approval: Line: 3 Location: West Quantity: 1 Trinsic V300, 2340, PW,13/8" Setback, Ext White / Int White, U-Factor:.24, SHGC:.27, VT:.50 1/8" SunCoat (Low-E) over 1/8" 4th Surface HP Coating Flat, Ext White/Int White, Colonial 2W3H Argon Gas Filled Tariff Model = Picture Item Total: $259.96 Size = Call Out: 2049 Line Total: $259.96 Net Frame: 231/2" x 561/2" Energy Star Zone(s) = North Central Glass =1/8" SunCoat (Low-E) over 1/8" 4th Surface HP Coating with Gray EdgeGardMAX Spacer Glazing =1" CIA Dual Glaze with Argon Grids = Flat, Ext White / Int White, Colonial 2W3H Ratings = STC: 29, OITC: 24, PG: LC-PG40 Calculations = Unit Area (Sq. Ft.):10, Unit Perimeter (nominal in lineal ft): 14' Other Ratings = CPD: MIL-A-291-06850-00002 Viewed From Exterior Customer Approval: Quote Number: SQPCK036957_1 Print Date: 8/13/2024 Page 2 of 4 `Line:' 4 Quantity: 1 A Location: West Trinsic V300, 2340, PW,13/8" Setback, Ext White / Int White, U-Factor::24, SHGC:.30, VT:.56 1/8" SunCoat (Low-E) over 1/8" 4th Surface HP Coating Argon Gas Filled Tariff Viewed From Exterior Model = Picture Item Total: $256.68 Size = Call Out: 3040 Line Total: $256.68 Net Frame: 351/2" x 471/2" Energy Star Zone(s) = North Central Glass =1/8" SunCoat (Low-E) over 1/8" 4th Surface HP Coating with Gray EdgeGardMAX Spacer Glazing =1" OA Dual Glaze with Argon Ratings = STC: 29, OITC: 24, PG: LC-PG40 Calculations = Unit Area (Sq. Ft.):12, Unit Perimeter (nominal in lineal ft): 15' Other Ratings = CPD: MIL-A-291-06850-00001 Customer Approval: Quote Number: SQPCK036957_1 Print Date: 8/13/2024 Page 3 of 4