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Conference Room 616 / MS Teams
Staff Review: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.
1. Partition Tentative 811-24-000217-TYP2 811-24-000170-PROJ Franklin Medabalime
Assessor’s Map: 18-02-05-23 TL: 403
Address: 4145 Jasper Rd.
Existing Use: Residential
Applicant has submitted plans for a 2-lot partition
Meeting: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 9:00 - 9:30 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out
from the laserfiche website: https://www.springfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.aspx
811-24-000217-TYP2 Partition Tentative
18-02-05-23 TL 403
4145 Jasper Rd.
Franklin Medabalime
Submittal No.
Document Date: September 10, 2024
Proposal: Type II Tentative Partition Plan to create two (2) new
parcels out of one .92+/- acre parcel.
Property Owner/ Applicant:
Franklin & Sakuntala Medabalime
4145 Jasper Rd
Springfield, OR 97478
Applicant’s Representative/
Planner/Project Coordinator:
Metro Planning, Inc.
c/o Katie Keidel, Associate Planner
846 A Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Surveyor: EGR & Associates
c/o Brent Corning, PLS
2535 Prairie Rd
Eugene, OR 97402
Subject property: 18-02-05-23-00403
Site Address/ Location: 4145 Jasper Rd.
Spfld, OR 97478
Zoning/ Designation:
R-1/ LDR
Total Property Size:
42,408+/- SF
Size Proposed Parcel 1:
Size Proposed Parcel 2:
5,597+/- SF
36,811+/- SF (w/ handle)
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This tentative partition application pertains to Assessor’s Map and Tax Lot 18-02-05-23-00403 (“subject property”), approximately 0.93-
acres, located on Jasper Rd between S 41st St and S 42nd St. The subject property is located inside the Springfield city limits and is
zoned City of Springfield R-1 (Low Density Residential) matching the Springfield Comprehensive Plan Map’s designation of Low
Density Residential.
The proposed partition will create two (2) new parcels out of the parent parcel: Parcel 1 is proposed at 5,597 square feet and Parcel 2
is proposed at 36,811 square feet. Parcel 2 is proposed as a panhandle parcel and will contain the existing dwelling, building and
shed – all to remain on the property at this time.
For staff review, this written statement addresses the proposed partition’s compliance with the criteria and standards for Land Divisions
under Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-115 Tentative Plan – General; SDC 5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements;
and SDC 5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria. The SDC sections are indicated by bold and/or italic typeface; applicant responses follow in
plain typeface.
5.12.115 Tentative Plan – General
Any residential land division shall conform to the following standards:
(A) The lot/parcel dimensions shall conform to the minimum standards of this code. When lots/parcels are more than double
the minimum area permitted by the zoning district, the Director shall require that these lots/parcels be arranged:
(1) To allow redivision; and
(2) To allow for the extension of streets to serve future lots/parcels.
(3) Placement of structures on the larger lots/parcels shall be subject to approval by the Director upon a
determination that the potential maximum density of the larger lot/parcel is not impaired. In order to make this
determination, the Director may require a Future Development Plan as specified in SDC 5.12.120(E).
Response: The subject property is zoned R-1 which requires a minimum lot area of 3,000 square feet. Both proposed parcels meet the
minimum standard. P2 exceeds double the minimum area permitted by the R-1 zone but satisfies Subsections (A)(1) and (A)(2) above,
by partitioning in such a way that further division as well as future extension of access (i.e., the handle portion; street extension not
required) is possible should it be necessary to develop the parcel to its potential maximum density.
(B) Double frontage lots/parcels shall be avoided, unless necessary to prevent access to residential development from
collector and arterial streets or to overcome specific topographic situations.
Response: No double frontage parcels are proposed nor will result from this two-parcel partition.
(C) Panhandle lots/parcels shall comply with the standards specified in SDC 3.2.215 and 4.2.120(A). In the case of multiple
panhandles in Subdivisions, construction of necessary utilities to serve all approved panhandle lots/parcels shall occur prior
to recording the Plat.
Response: P2 is proposed as a panhandle parcel. Panhandle standards are now found in SDC 3.2.240. Compliance with SDC 3.2.240
is addressed in the Tentative Plan Criteria section beginning on page 8 of this narrative.
(D) Public street standards as specified in SDC 4.2.105.
Response: No streets are proposed with this partition plan.
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5.12.120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements
A Tentative Plan application shall contain the elements necessary to demonstrate that the provisions of this code are being
EXCEPTION: In the case of Partition applications with the sole intent to donate land to a public agency, the Director, during
the Application Completeness Check Meeting, may waive any submittal requirements that can be addressed as part of a
future development application.
(A) General Requirements.
(1) The Tentative Plan, including any required Future Development Plan, shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed
Professional Land Surveyor on standard sheets of 18 inches x 24 inches. The services of an Oregon Licensed
Professional Engineer may also be required by the City in order to resolve utility issues (especially stormwater
management, street design and transportation issues), and site constraint and/or water quality issues.
Response: The Tentative Partition Plan set has been prepared by Brent M Corning, an Oregon Licensed Professional Land Surveyor of
EGR & Associates, LLC, on standard sheets of 18” x 24”.
(2) The scale of the Tentative Plan shall be appropriate to the area involved and the amount of detail and data,
normally 1 inch = 50 feet, 1 inch = 100 feet, or 1 inch = 200 feet.
Response: A scale of 1”:30’ is used on the Tentative Partition Plan set.
(3) A north arrow and the date the Tentative Plan was prepared.
Response: A north arrow and date of plan preparation are included on the Tentative Partition Plan set.
(4) The name and address of the owner, applicant, if different, and the Land Surveyor and/or Engineer who
prepared the Partition Tentative Plan.
Response: The names and address of the property owners, also the applicants, Franklin and Sakutala Medabalime are indicated on
the Tentative Partition Plan. The Land Surveyor who prepared the Tentative Partition Plan is Brent M. Corning, an Oregon Professional
Licensed Surveyor of EGR & Associates, LLC.
(5) A drawing of the boundaries of the entire area owned by the partitioner or subdivider of which the
proposed land division is a part.
Response: On the Tentative Partition Plan, a thicker black line is drawn around the subject property to easily show the boundaries of
the subject property.
(6) City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and any special service district boundaries or
railroad right-of-way, which cross or abut the proposed land division.
Response: There are no special service district boundaries, city boundaries, or railroad rights-of-way that cross or abut the proposed
(7) Applicable zoning districts and the Metro Plan designation of the proposed land division and of properties
within 100 feet of the boundary of the subject property.
Response: The subject property is zoned City of Springfield R-1 and designated Low Density Residential on the Springfield
Comprehensive Plan map. All adjacent properties are also zoned R-1.
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(8) The dimensions (in feet) and size (either in square feet or acres) of each lot/parcel and the approximate
dimensions of each building site, where applicable, and the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale.
Response: Dimensions and sizes for each proposed lot are indicated in square feet and/or acres on the attached Tentative Partition
Plan set.
(9) The location, outline to scale and present use of all existing structures to remain on the property after
platting and their required setbacks from the proposed new property lines.
Response: The existing dwelling unit, shed and barn and setbacks to all property lines are indicated to scale on the Tentative Partitio n
Plan set.
(10) The location and size of existing and proposed utilities and necessary easements and dedications on and
adjacent to the site, including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management
systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points.
Response: All utilities are existing and are indicated on the Tentative Partition plan set.
(11) The locations, widths and purpose of all existing or proposed easements on and abutting the proposed
land division; the location of any existing or proposed reserve strips.
Response: The locations of existing and proposed public and private utility easements are shown are the Tentative Partition plan.
(12) The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or
limitations of the reservations clearly indicated.
Response: There is no proposed open space.
(B) A Site Assessment of the Entire Development Area. The Site Assessment shall be prepared by an Oregon
Licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer and drawn to scale with existing contours at 1-foot intervals and
percent of slope that precisely maps and delineates the areas described below. Proposed modifications to
physical features shall be clearly indicated. The Director may waive portions of this requirement if there is a
finding that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on physical features or water quality,
either on the site or adjacent to the site. Information required for adjacent properties may be generalized to
show the connections to physical features. A Site Assessment shall contain the following information.
Response: No site assessment is necessary as there is no development proposed.
(1) The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses that are
shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) Map on file in the Development and Public
Works Department;
Response: There are no watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses Map that encumber the
subject property.
(2) The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted
FEMA Flood Insurance Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision;
Response: According to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Number 41039C1162F, the subject site is located in Zone X, an area
determined to be outside of the 500-year floodplain.
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(3) The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3.200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection
Areas Map on file in the Development and Public Works Department;
Response: According to the Wellhead Protection Map, the subject property is in the 1-Yr and 2-Yr Time of Travel Zone for wellhead
(4) Physical features including, but not limited to significant clusters of trees and shrubs,
watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their riparian areas, wetlands, and rock outcroppings;
Response: There are no significant physical features such as clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses, riparian areas, wetlands, or
rock outcroppings located within the boundaries of the subject property.
(5) Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane
County; and
Response: The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Web Soil Survey indicates that the soil types covering the subject
property consist of Newberg Loam and Chapman-Urban Land Complex. See Note #5 on the Tentative Partition Plan – Existing
Conditions sheet.
(6) Natural resource protection areas as specified in SDC 4.3.117.
Response: There are no natural resource protection areas present on the subject property.
(C) A Stormwater Management Plan drawn to scale with existing contours at 1-foot intervals and percent of slope that
precisely maps and addresses the information described below. In areas where the percent of slope is 10 percent or more,
contours may be shown at 5-foot intervals. This plan shall show the stormwater management system for the entire
development area. Unless exempt by the Director, the City shall require that an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer prepare the
plan. Where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system, an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect
may also be required.
Response: No new development is proposed with this partition. All impervious surface is existing. No Stormwater Management Plan is
necessary at this juncture.
(D) A response to transportation issues complying with the provisions of this code.
(1) The locations, condition, e.g., fully improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk, AC mat, or gravel,
widths and names of all existing streets, alleys, or other rights-of-way within or adjacent to the proposed
land division;
Response: The subject property fronts Jasper Road which is classified as a Major Collector with no parking on either side of the street
making the required right-of-way width 56 feet. Jasper Road at the subject property maintains 70 feet of right-of-way with curb, gutter,
and sidewalk. The location, dimensions and condition of Jasper Road are indicated on the Tentative Partition Plan – Existing
Conditions sheet.
(2) The locations, widths and names of all proposed streets and other rights-of-way to include the
approximate radius of curves and grades. The relationship of all proposed streets to any projected
streets as shown on the Metro Plan or Springfield Comprehensive Plan, including the Springfield
Transportation System Plan (including the Conceptual Street Map) and, any approved Conceptual
Development Plan;
Response. No new streets are proposed with this Tentative Partition plan.
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(3) The locations and widths of all existing and proposed sidewalks, multi-use paths, and accessways,
including the location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip;
Response: The location and widths of existing sidewalks on Jasper Road adjacent to the subject property are shown on the Tentative
Partition plan. There are no existing multi-use paths, accessways, or planter strips; none are proposed.
(4) The location of existing and proposed traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles,
transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities, where applicable;
Response: The nearest fire hydrant is located approximately 110 feet east of the northeast corner of the subject property, and 70 feet
north along the north right-of-way, and the west right-of-way of 25th Street. Three utility poles are shown on the Tentative Partition Plan
– two on the subject property and one on Jasper Rd. Please see the attached Tentative Partition Plan - Existing Conditions sheet, and
Notes section thereon, for details.
(5) The location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways demonstrating conformance with lot
or parcel dimensions and frontage requirements for single-family and duplex lots/parcels established in
SDC 3.2.215, and driveway width and separation specifications established in SDC 4.2.120, where
Response: Per SDC 3.2.240, the proposed panhandle driveway serving two parcels, with the existing dwelling located on P2, is
required to be 18’ in width. A 20’ wide panhandle is proposed on the Tentative Partition Plan where the existing driveway for the subject
property is located. The location and dimensions of the existing driveway are shown on the attached Tentative Partition Plan – Existing
Conditions sheet; the location and dimensions of the proposed panhandle driveway are shown on the Tentative Partition Plan –
Proposed Layout.
(6) The location of existing and proposed street trees, associated utilities along street frontage(s), and
street lighting: including the type, height and area of illumination;
Response: There are no existing or proposed street trees. Utilities along street frontages and street lighting are indicated on the
attached Existing Conditions sheet as applicable.
(7) The location of existing and proposed transit facilities;
Response: The nearest LTD transit facility is located on the south side of Main St east of 42nd St and noted on the Existing Conditions
site plan and in the Notes section.
(8) A copy of a Right-of-Way Approach Permit application where the property has frontage on an
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility; and
Response: The subject property is not adjacent to an ODOT facility.
(9) A Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Oregon Licensed Traffic Engineer, where necessary, as
specified in SDC 4.2.105(A)(4).
Response: A Traffic Impact Study is not necessary as no dwellings are proposed with this tentative partition.
(E) A Future Development Plan. Where phasing and/or lots/parcels that are more than twice the minimum lot/parcel size are
proposed, the Tentative Plan shall include a Future Development Plan that:
Response: The subject property is approximately 42,000+/- square feet containing one existing single-unit dwelling in the R-1 zone
where the minimum lot size is 3,000 square feet. The proposed partition will create two new parcels – P1 meets R-1 lot/parcel
standards at 5,597 square feet, not exceeding twice the minimum. P2, containing the existing single-unit dwelling, is proposed to
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remain over 6,000 square feet in area; however, the proposed partition will bring the entire subject property, P2 specifically, closer to
conformance with R-1 zoning standards by decreasing the overall area by > 5,000 square feet. No phasing or future development is
proposed at this time.
(F) Additional information and/or applications required at the time of Tentative Plan application submittal shall include the
following items, where applicable:
(1) A brief narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed land division and the existing use of the
Response: This written statement serves as the narrative describing the proposal in detail.
(2) If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required;
Response: The applicants, Franklin and Sakuntala Medabalime, are also the property owners.
(3) A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets, driveways, pedestrian connections, fire
hydrants, and other transportation/fire access issues within 200 feet of the proposed land division and
all existing Partitions or Subdivisions immediately adjacent to the proposed land division;
Response: A vicinity map is shown on the attached Tentative Partition Plan.
(4) How the Tentative Plan addresses the standards of any applicable overlay district;
Response: The subject property is located within the Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District. DWP Overlay criteria a re
contained in SDC 3.3.225 and included below for staff review.
3.3.225 Review.
(A) A DWP Overlay District Development Application is required when the criteria of both subsections (A)(1)
and (2), below are met:
(1) A site is affected by one of the following:
(a) There is a change of land use, occupancy or tenancy of a property, including, but not
limited to: a change from vacant to occupied; or
(b) During the Building Permit process; or
(c) In conjunction with any development application, including, but not limited to: Site Plan
review and Minimum Development Standards.
(2) The action in subsection (A)(1), above will:
(a) Affect the storage, use, and/or production of hazardous or other materials that pose a
risk to groundwater; or
(b) Increase the quantity of hazardous or other materials that pose a risk to groundwater
that are stored, used and/or produced.
Response: A DWP Overlay District Development Application is not required for the subject property as the proposed two-parcel
partition does not meet the criteria of both subsections (A)(1) and (2), above.
(5) How the Tentative Plan addresses Discretionary Use criteria, where applicable
Response: The proposed 2-Lot tentative partition within the R-1 zone is a permitted use according to SDC 3.2-210. No Discretionary
Use Permit is required.
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(6) A Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19.100;
Response: No trees will be felled as a result of this Tentative Partition Plan.
(7) A Geotechnical Report for slopes of 15 percent or greater and as specified in SDC 3.3.500, and/or if the
required Site Assessment in SDC 5.12.120(B) indicates the proposed development area has unstable
soils and/or high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County;
Response: There are no slopes greater than 15% on this site. Soils are not classified as unstable and water table is not high ; a
geotechnical report is not required.
(8) An Annexation application as specified in SDC 5.7.100 where a development is proposed outside of the
city limits but within City’s urban growth boundary and can be serviced by sanitary sewer;
Response: The subject property is within the City of Springfield city limits.
(9) A wetland delineation approved by the Department of State Lands shall be submitted
concurrently where there is a wetland on the property;
Response: There are no existing wetlands on the subject property.
(10) Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been applied for or approved shall be
submitted concurrently;
Response: No Federal or State permits are required with this tentative Partition application.
(11) All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of
installation and method of financing;
Response: There are no public improvements proposed. The tentative partition is funded with private financing resources.
(12) Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of a Homeowner’s Association Agreement, where
Response: No deed restrictions or Homeowner’s Association are proposed at this juncture.
(13) Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the
Director may waive certain submittal requirements specified in subsections (A) through (M).
However, the Tentative Plan shall address the applicable standards listed under the park
Subdivision approval criteria specified in SDC 5.12.125.
Response: This application does not propose the Partition of a manufactured dwelling or mobile home park.
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5.12.125 Tentative Plan Criteria
The Director shall approve or approve with conditions a Tentative Plan application upon determining that all applicable
criteria have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the
application. In the case of Partitions that involve the donation of land to a public agency, the Director may waive any approval
criteria upon determining the particular criterion can be addressed as part of a future development application.
(A)The request conforms to the provisions of this code pertaining to lot/parcel size and dimensions.
3.2.215 Lot Area and Dimensions.
Response: The applicant’s request to subdivide the subject property’s approximately 0.93 acres into two (2) parcels conforms to the
provisions pertaining to lot/ parcel size and dimensions as specified in SDC 3.2-215. The minimum lot area allowed in the R-1 zone is
3,000 square feet. Both proposed parcels meet the minimum area:
P1: 5,597 SF
P2: 36,811 SF
3.2.220 Setbacks.
Response: Setbacks for the existing dwelling and buildings to remain on proposed P2 are indicated on the Tentative Partition Plan set
and comply with setback requirements contained in SDC 3.2.220. The garage is located on the northwest corner of the existing
dwelling and therefore set back 18 feet from the property line forming the proposed “pan” portion of the lot. Side yard setback of 5 feet
is exceeded. Rear yard setback of 10 feet is exceeded. See attached Tentative Partition Plan set for exact dimensions.
3.2.235 Density.
Response: The subject property is zoned R-1 which allows 6-14 dwelling units per net acre. At approximately 0.93-acres the subject
property’s allowed density is 5-11 single-unit dwellings. There is currently one existing dwelling on the subject property. The proposed
partition will bring the two new parcels closer to conformance with zoning density standards.
3.2.240 Panhandle Lot or Parcel Development Standards.
(A)Special provisions for lots/parcels with panhandle driveways:
(1)Panhandle driveways are permitted where dedication of public right-of-way is not required to meet the Street
Network Standards contained in SDC 4.2.105(D) or (E) or to comply with the density standards in the applicable
zoning district. Panhandle driveways are not permitted in lieu of a public street required to meet the Street Network
Standards contained in SDC 4.2.105(D) or (E).
(2)The area of the pan portion does not include the area in the “panhandle” driveway.
(3)The minimum paving standards for panhandle driveways are:
(a)Twelve feet wide for a single panhandle driveway from the front property line to a distance of 18 feet,
where there is an unimproved street; and from the front property line to the pan of the rear lot or parcel,
where there is an improved street; and
(b)Eighteen feet wide for a multiple panhandle driveway from the front property line to the pan of the last lot
or parcel. This latter standard takes precedence over the driveway width standard for multiple unit dwelling
driveways specified in Table 4.2.2.
(4)Panhandle lots must meet fire code access requirements based on the number of units.
Response: The proposed 20’ wide panhandle driveway, not including the area in the pan portion of the proposed panhandle parcel, will
meet the required 18’ paving width per SDC 3.2.240(3)(b). No public street is required with this partition. “No Parking Fire Lane” signs
will be posted on either side of the fire access (panhandle driveway) per Springfield Fire Code (SFC) 503.3 and SFC Appendix D103.6.
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5.12.125 Tentative Plan Criteria (continued)
(B)The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map,
and Conceptual Development Plan.
Response: The subject property is zoned R-1 for the City of Springfield, which is consistent with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan
Map Designation of Low-Density residential.
(C) Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity;
sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be
exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless
otherwise provided for by this code and other applicable regulations. The Director or a utility provider shall
determine capacity issues.
Response: No development is proposed; capacity requirements will be addressed at time of potential future development.
(D)The proposed land division shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction
standards contained in this code and other applicable regulations.
Response: This proposed 2-parcel partition shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards
contained in this code and all other applicable regulations.
(E)Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with
susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their
associated riparian areas; other riparian areas and wetlands specified in SDC 4.3.117; rock outcroppings; open
spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in SDC 3.3.900 or ORS
97.740.760, 358.905.955 and 390.235.240, shall be protected as specified in this code or in State or Federal law.
Response: There are no significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses and riparian areas; rock outcroppings; open spaces;
areas of historic and/or archaeologic significance. Relevant physical features are included on the attached Existing Conditions sheet
(F)Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian
safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas,
transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on
arterial and collector streets as specified in this code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT
access management standards for State highways.
Response: No new parking areas or ingress-egress points are proposed.
(G) Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished as specified in this
Response: Development of any remainder of the subject property can be accomplished in compliance with the Springfield
Development Code.
(H) Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development as specified in this code.
Response: Adjacent land either is, or can be, developed.
(I) Where the Partition of property that is outside of the city limits but within the City’s urbanizable area and no
concurrent annexation application is submitted, the standards specified below shall also apply.
Response: The subject property is within the City of Springfield city limits.
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(J) Where the Partition of a manufactured dwelling park or mobile home park is proposed, the following
approval criteria apply:(…)
Response: This proposal does not include a manufactured dwelling park/mobile home park; this criterion is not applicable.
September 10, 2024
City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Spfld, OR 97477
Attn: Tom Sievers
RE: July 16, 2024 Completeness Check
Application File No.: 811-24-000165-PRE
Application Name: Medabalime Partition - Tentative
Assessor’s Map & Tax Lot: 18-02-05-23-00403
Site Address: 4145 Jasper Rd
Dear Tom,
Please accept this letter in response to the July 16, 2024, Completeness Review for the Medabalime Partition. Herein addressed
are all Completeness Checklist items that City of Spfld Planning and Public Works staff indicated were missing or incomplete
from the application Pre-Submittal.
Staff comments and Springfield Development Code (SDC) sections are indicated by bold and/or italic typeface; applicant
responses follow in plain typeface.
Should you have further questions or require additional information please contact me at your earliest opportunity.
Kind regards,
Katie Keidel
Associate Planner
811-24-000165-PRE – Medabalime Partition
Response to Completeness Review
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Noted as Applicable: Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the additional
standards of the overlay district.
Response: The subject property is located within the Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District. DWP Overlay criteria are
contained in SDC 3.3.225 and included below.
3.3.225 Review.
(A) A DWP Overlay District Development Application is required when the criteria of both subsections (A)(1) and (2),
below are met:
(1) A site is affected by one of the following:
(a) There is a change of land use, occupancy or tenancy of a property, including, but not limited to: a
change from vacant to occupied; or
(b) During the Building Permit process; or
(c) In conjunction with any development application, including, but not limited to: Site Plan review and
Minimum Development Standards.
(2) The action in subsection (A)(1), above will:
(a) Affect the storage, use, and/or production of hazardous or other materials that pose a risk to
groundwater; or
(b) Increase the quantity of hazardous or other materials that pose a risk to groundwater that are
stored, used and/or produced.
Response: A DWP Overlay District Development Application is not required for the subject property as the proposed two-parcel
partition does not meet the criteria of both subsections (A)(1) and (2), above.
1. A 10 easement along Jasper Road is required. The easement along the eastern property boundary should not be a
PUE, but rather a dedicated sewer easement over that or shared but not a PUE.
Response: A 10’ Public Utility Easement is now proposed along Jasper Road. Along the east property boundary of proposed
Parcel 1, a 7’ Private Utility Easement for sanitary sewer is proposed to benefit Parcel 2. See the attached Tentative Partition
Plan – Proposed Plan.
2. No additional driveway onto Jasper Road will be allowed here and the new and existing parcel must share the
existing driveway with a shared access easement. This easement should include maintenance responsibilities.
Response: Both proposed parcels will utilize the existing driveway. A 20’ Access Easement is proposed within the handle portion
of proposed Parcel 2 to benefit proposed Parcel 1. Upon approval of the tentative partition plan, an easement will be recorded
that includes shared panhandle driveway maintenance responsibilities; this can be made a condition of tentative approval.
3. I can’t tell from the information available, but the current home and the new lot will need to have the power service
provided from underground to the building. The lines along Jasper Road are transmission lines and can remain.
Response: The existing home and the new proposed lot will have power provided from underground; this can be made a
condition of tentative approval.
811-24-000165-PRE – Medabalime Partition
Response to Completeness Review
Page | 2
4. Is the existing home on sanitary or on septic? Service location needs to be shown if on sewer and provided with an
easement and if on septic the field needs to be shown that is fully within the proposed lot for the existing home.
Response: See the attached Tentative Partition Plan – Existing Conditions site plan for location of existing waste water lines that
serve the existing dwelling on proposed Parcel 2.
A 7’ private utility easement across the east boundary of proposed Parcel 1 is proposed for the benefit of the existing dwelling on
proposed Parcel 2.
5. As no impervious surfaces are being created, the partition does not have to meet current on-site treatment
requirements, however the drainage for the existing home must be shown to be managed so it does not depend on or
discharge to the proposed new lot. When the new lot has development on it, if it does exceed 5,000 sf of new or
replaced impervious, it will be required to meet on-site treatment requirement at the time of building permit.
Response: The storm runoff from the existing dwelling will be managed so as not to depend on or discharge to the new proposed
parcel. This can be made a condition of tentative approval.
1. Provide “No Parking Fire Lane” signs on both sides of the fire apparatus access road (driveway to existing house)
per 2022 Springfield Fire Code 503.3 and SFC Appendix D103.6.
Response: “No Parking Fire Lane” signs will be affixed to both sides of the shared panhandle driveway. This can be made a
condition of tentative approval.
1. Shared access easement will be required for new parcel.
Response: A 20’ Access Easement is proposed within the handle portion of proposed Parcel 2 to establish a shared access. See
the attached Tentative Partition Plan – Proposed Plan.
2. Applicant must reserve the area for future ROW associated with the extension of Stellar Way to S 42nd Street.
Response: A 41’ right-of-way dedication is proposed for reservation in association with the extension of Stellar Way to S 42nd
Street. See the attached Tentative Partition Plan – Proposed Plan.
Real Property Tax Lot Record
Lane County Assessment and Taxation
Print Date: Jun 19, 2024
In preparation of these records, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct, and clearly
expressed information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. In particular but
without limiting anything here, Lane County disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy
of this information. The information and data included on Lane County servers have been compiled by Lane
County staff from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice to the User. Lane County
makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, suitability,
adequacy, sequence, accuracy, or timeliness of such information and data.
The legal descriptions contained herein are for tax lot purposes only.
Included in this report:
A listing of documents affecting ownership and/or property boundary changes.1.
The scanned tax lot record image and any legal description changes made since .2.
Map & Tax Lot 1802052300403
Status Active
Current Parcel/Account Current TCA
0561538 01900
Document #Type Date Effective Year Tax Lot Acres
2017-036032 Bargain and Sale Deed 07/19/2017 2017 0.92
2016-050677 Quit Claim Deed 10/07/2016 2017 0.00
2013-049444 Warranty Deed 09/10/2013 2013 0.00
Description Card 0.00
Detailed Property Report
Site Address 4145 Jasper Rd Springfield, OR 97478-6548
Map & Taxlot#18-02-05-23-00403
Tax Account#0561538
Property Owner 1
Medabalime Franklin Mojes & Sakuntala
4145 Jasper Rd
Springfield, OR 97478
Tax account acreage 0.92
Mapped taxlot acreage† 0.93
† Mapped Taxlot Acreage is the estimated size of a taxlot as derived from
the county GIS taxlot layer, and is not to be used for legal purposes.
Map & Taxlot # 18-02-05-23-00403
Business Information
RLID does not contain any business data for this address
Dwelling 1 / Building Type » Class 3 dwelling
Assessor Photo Assessor Sketch
image not available
Inspection Date 11/04/2013 Bedrooms 6 Roof Style Hip
Building Class 3 Full Bath(s) 3 Roof Cover Comp shingle medium
Year Built 1958 Half Bath(s) 0 Masonry Fireplace(s) Yes
Effective Year Built 1985 Depreciation 18% Percent Complete as of Jan 1 st 100 %
Heat Radiant - ceiling
Base Sq Ft Finished Sq Ft Exterior
1st Floor 2708 2708 Wood siding
Total Sq Ft 2708 2708
Floor Characteristics
Detached Garage N/A Attached Garage 330
Basement Garage N/A Carport N/A
Paved Patio N/A Paved Driveway 2526
Other Square Footage
Site Address Information
4145 Jasper Rd
Springfield, OR 97478-6548
House # 4145 Suffix N/A Pre-directional N/A
Street Name Jasper Street Type Rd Unit type / # N/A
Mail City Springfield State OR Zip Code 97478
Zip + 4 6548
Land Use 1111 Single Family Housing
USPS Carrier Route N/A
General Taxlot Characteristics
Geographic Coordinates
X 4273532 Y 872452 (State Plane X,Y)
Latitude 44.0343 Longitude -122.9633
Taxlot Characteristics
Incorporated City Limits Springfield
Urban Growth Boundary Springfield
Year Annexed 1997
Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 6/19/2024 at 3:36PM using RLID (www.rlid.org)Page 1 of 5
Zoning Jurisdiction Springfield
Parent Zone LD Low Density Residential
Land Use
Code Description
data not available data not available
General Land Use
Code Description
data not available data not available
Detailed Land Use
Year Annexed 1997
Annexation #97-79
Approximate Taxlot Acreage 0.93
Approx Taxlot Sq Footage 40,511
Plan Designation Low Density Residential
Eugene Neighborhood N/A
Metro Area Nodal Dev Area No
Septic data not available
Well data not available
Landscaping Quality Average
Historic Property Name N/A
City Historic Landmark?No
National Historical Register?No
Service Providers
Fire Protection Provider Eugene Springfield Fire
Ambulance Provider Eugene Springfield Fire
Ambulance District EC
Ambulance Service Area East/Central
LTD Service Area? Yes
LTD Ride Source? Yes
Environmental Data
Code Description
X Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood.
FEMA Flood Hazard Zone
FIRM Map Number 41039C1162F
Community Number 039C
Post-FIRM Date data not available
Panel Printed?Yes
Soil Map Unit#Soil Type Description % of Taxlot Ag Class Hydric %
96 Newberg Loam 81%2 0
25 Chapman-Urban Land Complex 19%1 0
Code Name
School District 19 Springfield
Elementary School 554 Mt. Vernon
Middle School 1353 Agnes Stewart
High School 560 Springfield
Political Districts
Election Precinct 2456
City Council Ward S4
City Councilor Beth Blackwell
County Commissioner District 2 (Springfield)
County Commissioner David Loveall
EWEB Commissioner N/A
LCC Board Zone 3
Lane ESD Board Zone 3
State Representative District 7
State Representative John Lively
State Senate District 4
State Senator Floyd Prozanski
Emerald PUD Board Zone N/A
Heceta PUD Board Zone N/A
Central Lincoln PUD Board Zone N/A
Soil Water Cons. Dist/Zone Upper Willamette / 5
Creswell Water Control District No
Census Information
Census data have been removed from this report. To obtain Census data, please visit www.census.gov. For questions or concerns, please contact
None. RLID displays liens issued by Cottage Grove, Florence, and Springfield Utility Board. Additional liens can be found in Deeds and Records.
Building Permits
Please check the State of Oregon ePermitting System.
Land Use Applications
Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 6/19/2024 at 3:36PM using RLID (www.rlid.org)Page 2 of 5
RLID does not contain any landuse application data for this jurisdiction
RLID does not contain any petition data for this jurisdiction
Tax Statements & Tax Receipts
Account#: 0561538
View tax statement(s) for: 2023 2022
Receipt Date Amount Received Tax Discount Interest Applied Amount
11/09/2023 $5,262.74 $5,262.74 $162.77 $0.00 $5,425.51
11/10/2022 $5,090.67 $5,090.67 $157.44 $0.00 $5,248.11
11/08/2021 $4,999.33 $4,999.33 $154.62 $0.00 $5,153.95
11/13/2020 $4,853.36 $4,853.36 $150.10 $0.00 $5,003.46
11/13/2019 $4,707.41 $4,707.41 $145.59 $0.00 $4,853.00
Tax Receipts
Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation
Owner Address City/State/Zip
Medabalime Franklin Mojes & Sakuntala 4145 Jasper Rd Springfield, OR 97478
Party Name Address City/State/Zip
Medabalime Franklin Mojes & Sakuntala 4145 Jasper Rd Springfield, OR 97478
Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation
Account Status
Status Active Account Current Tax Year
Account Status none
Remarks none
Special Assessment Program N/A
Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation
General Tax Account Information
Tax Account Acreage 0.92
Fire Acres N/A
Property Class 101 - Residential, improved
Statistical Class 130 - Class 3 single family dwelling
Neighborhood 191500 - Urban Mixed Grade Springfield
Category Land and Improvements
Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation
Township-Range-Section / Subdivision Data
Subdivision Type N/A Subdivision Name N/A Subdivision Number N/A
Phase N/A Lot/Tract/Unit # TL 00403 Recording Number N/A
Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation
Property Values & Taxes
The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals,
clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any
discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes.
Real Market Value (RMV) Total Assessed Value Tax
Year Land Improvement Total
2023 $139,634 $494,584 $634,218 $296,068 $5,425.51
2022 $139,634 $443,442 $583,076 $287,445 $5,248.11
2021 $144,703 $374,734 $519,437 $279,073 $5,153.95
2020 $99,089 $354,166 $453,255 $270,945 $5,003.46
2019 $87,562 $317,697 $405,259 $263,054 $4,853.00
Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 6/19/2024 at 3:36PM using RLID (www.rlid.org)Page 3 of 5
2018 $87,377 $283,710 $371,087 $255,393 $4,574.68
2017 $84,848 $253,664 $338,512 $247,954 $4,398.85
2016 $79,044 $215,443 $294,487 $240,732 $4,306.43
2015 $73,961 $197,048 $271,009 $233,720 $4,183.66
2014 $73,285 $185,231 $258,516 $226,913 $4,120.51
2013 $73,285 $140,174 $213,459 $213,459 $3,762.94
2012 $75,419 $135,026 $210,445 $210,445 $3,511.45
2011 $63,161 $159,237 $222,398 $220,304 $3,694.62
2010 $64,721 $171,600 $236,321 $213,887 $3,678.34
2009 $97,854 $154,000 $251,854 $207,657 $3,586.34
2008 $115,586 $170,820 $286,406 $201,609 $3,526.77
2007 $95,470 $196,810 $292,280 $195,737 $3,192.18
2006 $80,083 $177,560 $257,643 $190,036 $3,102.03
2005 $67,482 $149,130 $216,612 $184,501 $3,033.69
2004 $57,002 $140,940 $197,942 $179,127 $2,975.51
2003 $46,635 $133,740 $180,375 $173,910 $2,838.35
2002 $45,277 $126,170 $171,447 $168,845 $2,571.86
2001 $44,390 $123,700 $168,090 $163,927 $2,531.89
2000 $38,600 $130,210 $168,810 $159,152 $2,499.06
1999 $29,460 $111,460 $140,920 $139,399 $2,245.58
1998 $34,250 $104,170 $138,420 $135,339 $2,191.05
1997 $34,250 $100,160 $134,410 $131,397 $1,491.79
1996 $30,860 $80,390 $111,250 $111,250 $1,162.25
1995 $37,400 $91,900 $129,300 $129,300 $1,334.95
Current Year Assessed Value $296,068
Less Exemption Amount * N/A
Taxable Value $296,068
* Frozen Assessed Value
Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation
Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts
Tax Code Area (Levy Code) for current tax year 01900
Taxing Districts for TCA 01900 City of Springfield
Lane Community College
Lane County
Lane Education Service District
Springfield Economic Development Agency
Springfield School District 19
Upper Willamette Soil & Water
Willamalane Park & Recreation District
**NOTE Lane County Assessment and Taxation Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts reflect the current certified year. The Billing Rate Document may still reference
the prior year’s rates and details until we receive the current report from Lane County.
Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation
Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 6/19/2024 at 3:36PM using RLID (www.rlid.org)Page 4 of 5
Sales & Ownership Changes
Sale Date Sale Price Doc #Image Analysis Code Multiple Accts? Grantor(s)Grantee(s)
07/19/2017 $0 2017-36032 6 No Medabalime Franklin Mojes Medabalime Franklin Mojes & Sakuntal
10/07/2016 $287,000 2016-50677 2 No Howard Loree L & Michael W Medabalime Franklin Mojes
09/10/2013 $320,000 2013-49444 W No Almeida Grace B Howard Loree L & Michael W
11/21/2003 $165,000 2003-121134 U No Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp Almeida Grace B
08/19/2003 $206,478 2003-81013 B No First American Title Insurance Co Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp
03/28/1998 $135,500 1998-32852 W data not available Coop, Jean M data not available
08/20/1992 $0 1992-47731 6 data not available Coop, Vernon H data not available
Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation
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