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Application Applicant 7/31/2024
Docusign Envelope ID: B9C5197E-4A2F-465C-A308-D75EC79C5Bo8 City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 726-3689 Metro Plan Amendment Application, Type IV Type of Plan Amendment (Check One) ❑ Type I: is a non -site specific amendment of the Plan. x❑ Type II: changes the Plan diagram; or is a site-specific Plan text amendment. Property Subject to the Amendment (if applicable) Tax Assessor Map 17-02-35 Street Address n/a Tax Lot(s)__3603 and 3200 Acres Approx 30.77 Metro Plan Designation1_D-R Refinement Plan Designation None Description of Proposed Amendment (Attach additional sheets if needed) The proposal is for a Comprehensive Plan amendment from low density residential to medium density residential and a zone change R-1 to R-2 for Map 17-02-35, TLs 3200 and 3603. This proposalre. i I amendment. No text amendment is requested. Low Densitv residential. Applicant/Owner Information Printed Name of Applicant Creations NW/Hans Thygeson Phone: (503) 816-4060 OocuSigned by: Applicant CdI.1a,S�t,S01A. 7/30/2024 Signature ezFcamn�nnnena Date Mailing Address_ 735 E. Clarendon St, Ste 201, Gladstone, OR 97027 Signed b Property Owner Signature " Mailing Address, 31930 Owl Rd, Eugene, OR 97405 Date 7/30/2024 For Office Use Only - Case No. I ` WPI f i 1� Received By L 4'h (,I(?/, Date Accepted as Complete Docusign Envelope ID: B9C5197E-4A2F-465C-A308-D75EC79C5B08 THE APPLICATION PACKET A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: 1. A complete application page (all of the sections on the opposite side of this page must be filled out). 2. A statement containing Findings of Fact addressimL the Criteria of Anuroval found in Springfield Development Code [SDC] 5.14-135. In order for the Planning Commission and the City Council to consider an amendment of a plan text and/or diagram, there must be Findings of Fact submitted by the applicant. The Findings of Fact must show reason for the request consistent with the Criteria of Approval (shown below). If insufficient or unclear information is submitted by the applicant, the request may be denied or delayed. The application must include requirements for addressing specific statewide goals that the Oregon legislature has said must be part of the amendment analysis. In particular, Statewide Planning Goal 9 Economy and Goal 10 Housing must be addressed for impact on buildable lands inventories, and a Goal 12 Transportation analysis must address criteria contained in OAR 660-012-060(.1) and (2) of the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) . Goals 9, 10 and 12 are three of several "Applicable State -Wide Planning Goals" that must be specifically addressed in criteria (A) of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.14-135.A. These specific items must be included in the application submittal to be considered a complete application. In reaching a decision on these actions, the Planning Commission and the City Council shall adopt findings which demonstrate conformance to the following Criteria of Approval (SDC 5.14-135. A Metro Plan amendment may be approved only if the Springfield City Council And other applicable governing body or bodies find that the proposal conforms to the following criteria. A. The amendment shall be consistent with applicable Statewide Planning Goals; and B. Plan inconsistency: 1. In those cases where the Metro Plan applies, adoption of the amendment shall not make a Metro Plan internally inconsistent. 2. In cases where Springfield Comprehensive Plan applies, the amendment shall be consistent with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. (633 1) 3. A map to scale depicting the existing and lirolmsed diagram change. (If applicable) 4. The application fee. Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee. A copy of the Fee Schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Revised 1/2017 (M) LAND USE PLANNING AND CONSULTING SERVICES 846 A STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 (541) 302-9830 W W W.METROPLANNING.COM DETAILS: Applicant: Owner: NARRATIVE IN SUPPORT OF AN APPLICATION FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-1 TO R-2, AND A COMP PLAN AMENDMENT FROM LDR TO MDR July 30, 2024 Creations NW/Hans Thygeson Jim and Carlie Straub Family Trust Agent: Jed Truett, AICP, Metro Planning, Inc., 846 A Street, Spfd, OR 97477 Map/TL: 17-02-35, TL 3603 and TL 3200 Site Address: Off of Thurston Road adjacent to 7655 Thurston Road Zoning: Low Density Residential R-1. Exhibit D. Size: 24.16 acres and 6.61 acres, for a total of 30.77 acres +-. Exhibits C and D. Services: Fire: Springfield Police: Springfield Water/Sewer: Urban Schools: Springfield Access: Thurston Road Exhibit D Annexation: Yes Refinement Plans: None I. BACKGROUND AND PROPOSAL: The proposal is for a Comprehensive Plan amendment from low density residential to medium density residential and a zone change R-1 to R-2 for Map 17-02-35, TLs 3200 and 3603. This proposal requires a map amendment. No text amendment is requested. The subject property is currently vacant. The subject property is currently designated Low Density residential. The proposal results in an amendment to the Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) diagram by redesignating approximately 30.77 acres of land from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential; Concurrently amending Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 2 of 2 the Springfield Comprehensive Plan (Plan) diagram by redesignating approximately 30.77 acres of land from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential; and concurrently amendment the Springfield zoning map by rezone the same 30.77 acres from R-1 to R-2. II. EXHIBITS A: Site Plans H: Natural Resources Area to be rezoned/redesignated H1: Nat Res Diagram B: Location H2: Wetlands Diagram C: A&T map H3: Wetlands delineation D: RLID printouts I: Landslide diagram E: Zoning diagram J: Staff correspondence F: Aerial K PDC G: Soils diagram and information L: Deed M: Legal Description N: Utilities III. CRITERIA: The criteria for Metro Plan amendments are found in SDO 5.14.135. However, these criteria are largely redundant of the criteria in SDO 5.14.115. The proposal is a Type I amendment, as the property is within Springfield city limits. SDO 5.14.115. The criteria for a zone change are found in SDO 5.22.115. Residential districts are governed by SDO 3.2.200. Then City's adopted Comprehensive Plan has updated and replaced the Metro Plan in most respects with the notable exception of residential policies. For residential land use the Comprehensive Plan is intended to supplement and expand upon Metro Plan policies. Final adoption of the Land Use Element and a parcel -specific Comprehensive Plan Map has just gone into effect as of March 1. A. SDO 5.14.115 Zoning Map Amendment (A) Quasi -Judicial Zoning Map Amendments. The Planning Commission or Hearings Officer may approve, approve with conditions or deny a quasi-judicial Zoning Map amendment based upon approval criteria in subsections (C)(1) through (3), below. The Planning Commission or Hearings Official shall make Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 3 of 2 the final local decision on all quasi-judicial Zoning Map amendments that do not include a Metro Plan diagram amendment. (B) Legislative Zoning Map Amendments and Quasi -Judicial Zoning Map Amendments Raised to a Type 4 Review. The Planning Commission or Hearings Official may make a recommendation to the City Council to approve, approve with conditions or deny Zoning Map amendments and Metro Plan diagram amendments based upon approval criteria in subsection (C)(1) through (4), below. The City Council shall make the final local decision on all Zoning Map amendments involving a Metro Plan diagram amendment. (C) Zoning Map Amendment Criteria of Approval. (1) Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram; (2) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; (3) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property; (4) Meet the approval criteria specified in SDC 5.14. 100 when involving a Metro Plan Diagram amendment; and (5) Compliance with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable. (6443) RESPONSE: The application is for a map amendment to the zoning map and the plan diagram. As such, it is a Type IV application subject to (C)(1) through (4). These criteria are addressed individually, below. B. METRO PLAN POLICIES AND SPRINGFIELD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES Pursuant to Ordinance No. 6463, the Metro Plan has been largely replaced by the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. Compliance with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan establishes Compliance with the Metro Plan, to the extent the Metro Plan remains relevant for residential districts. However, for residential districts the Springfield Comprehensive Plan is intended to supplement and expand upon Metro Plan policies. Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 4 of 2 Final adoption of the Land Use Element and a parcel -specific Comprehensive Plan Map has just gone into effect as of March 1. 1. Metro Plan Policies. Metropolitan Residential Land Use and Housing Element Policy A.13 Increase overall residential density in the metropolitan area by creating more opportunities for effectively designed in -fill, redevelopment, and mixed use while considering impacts of increased residential density on historic, existing and future neighborhoods. Policy A.17 Provide opportunities for a full range of choice in housing type, density, size, cost, and location Policy A.20 Encourage home ownership of all housing types, particularly for low- income households. The proposal is for a Comprehensive Plan amendment from low density residential to medium density residential and a zone change R-1 to R-2 for Map 17-02-35, TLs 3200 and 3603. Increased density is allowed in the medium density residential designation. This property is only 30 acres and is prime land for in -fill and mixed use. Medium density housing is generally more affordable, which provides a better range of choice in house type and cost. These policies have been met 2. Comprehensive Plan Policies No comprehensive plan policies are directly relevant. C. REFINEMENTS PLANS, et.al The subject property is not in the downtown area and therefore is not subject to the Downtown Refinement Plan or other Downtown planning documents. The subject property is not within the Glenwood area and therefore not subject to the Glenwood Refinement Plan or plans associated with this area. The subject property is not on Main Street and therefore is not subject to listed Main Street projects. The subject property is not in the Gateway area and therefore is not subject to the Gateway Refinement plan. Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 5 of 2 The amendment is supported by the Springfield House Strategy. In 2016, the City evaluated the housing needs of the area and developed strategies to increase the supply of housing, particularly housing multi -family housing. The proposed change will allow the development of more diverse multi -family housing. Multi -family housing is generally more affordable than single family housing and thus helps fill the affordable housing need in the City. D. PUBLIC FACILITIES The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property; The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property. The Subject Property is within the City limits and is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the planned use. The residential district of this area has been provided with a full suite of public utilities and services with sufficient capacity to support the requested rezoning from R-1 to R-2. Existing public utilities within or on the perimeter of the subject property include those discussed in Exhibit N. E. SDC 5.14.100 5.14.135 A Metro Plan amendment may be approved only if the Springfield City Council and other applicable governing body or bodies find that the proposal conforms to the following criteria: (A) The amendment shall be consistent with applicable Statewide Planning Goals; and Consistency with appliable Statewide Planning Goals is addressed below. (B) Plan inconsistency: (1) In those cases where the Metro Plan applies, adoption of the amendment shall not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. (2) In cases where Springfield Comprehensive Plan applies, the amendment shall be consistent with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 6 of 2 Consistency with the Metro Plan and Springfield Comprehensive Plan is addressed above. F. OAR 660-012-0060 OAR 660-012-0060 is the Transportation Planning Rule. Compliance with the TPR is addressed below under Goal 12. G. APPLICABLE STATUTES AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES There are no statutes or administrative rules that apply directly to a plan amendment from one residential designation to another. So long as the proposed zoning designation is consistent with the proposed comp plan designation, there are no statutes or administrative rules that are directly applicable to a zone change. H. APPLICABLE STATEWIDE PLANNING GOALS Compliance with Statewide Planning Goals is accomplished by establishing that the proposal is consistent with applicable Metro Plan and Comprehensive Plan policies because these policies have been acknowledged by the State as implementing the Statewide Planning Goals. The below findings demonstrate that the amendment is consistent with applicable Statewide Planning Goals. Goal statements have been summarized. Of the 19 statewide planning goals, 13 are as " urban" goals that may be applicable to comprehensive plan map amendments in the city; however, it is the proposal and its effect on the purpose of these goals that will determine whether the proposed amendment is " consistent with" the applicable goals. The goals that are to be evaluated are: Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement; Goal 2 - Land Use Planning; Goal 5 - Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces; Goal 6 - Air, Water and Land Resources Quality; Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Hazards; Goal 8 - Recreational Needs; Goal 9 - Economic Development; Goal 10 - Housing; Goal 11 - Public Facilities and Services; Goal 12 - Transportation; Goal 13 - Energy Conservation; Goal 14 - Urbanization; and Goal 15 - Willamette River Greenway. Goal 1: Citizen Involvement: The City of Springfield has a citizen involvement program that is acknowledged by the State as being in compliance with Goal 1. Citizens are provided the opportunity to be involved in all phases of the planning process. The proposal does not include any changes to the City's citizen involvement program. The requirements under Goal 1 are met by adherence to the City's provisions for citizen involvement as implemented by the Springfield Development Code ("SDC)." Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 7 of 2 Goal 2: Land Use Planning: Goal 2 requires local plans and regulatory measures to be consistent with statewide goals and land use decisions to be supported by an adequate factual basis. Goal 2 also requires that comprehensive plan amendments be adopted after a public hearing by the governing body that provides citizens an opportunity to comment on the proposed amendment. Goal 2 establishes a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all land use decisions and requires the development of an adequate factual base to support these decisions. A minor change is one that does not have a significant effect beyond its immediate area and is based on special studies or information. The justification for the particular change must be established. The City of Springfield has adopted a comprehensive land use Plan amendment process that includes standards that must be addressed to justify the change. In addition, Oregon Administrative Rules have been promulgated for the Exception Process. Substantial compliance with SDC 5. 14. 100 and the OAR provisions is addressed above and below in this written statement in compliance with the applicable provisions of Goal 2. The SDC implements Goal 2 by providing state -acknowledged procedures and criteria governing land use decisions. This Plan amendment and related zone change application will be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council following two public hearings. This application is being processed in compliance with the requirements of SDC and thus complies with Goal 2." Land Use Planning outlines the basic procedures for Oregon's statewide planning program. In accordance with Goal 2, land use decisions are to be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan, and jurisdictions are to adopt suitable implementation ordinances that put the plan' s policies into force and effect. Consistent with the City's coordination responsibilities and obligations to provide affected local agencies with an opportunity to comment, the City will a copy of the application submittals to the potentially affected agencies. The Metro Plan and Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan together make up the acknowledged comprehensive plan for guiding land use planning in Springfield. The City has adopted other neighborhood or area -specific plans (such as Refinement Plans) that provide more detailed direction for land use planning under the umbrella of the Metro Plan and Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The subject site is not within the boundary of any neighborhood or area -specific plan. The City has adopted the Urbanization, Residential Land and Housing and Economic elements of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan. These adopted elements either replace and supersede (i.e. Urbanization and Economic elements) or update and supplement (i.e. Residential Land and Housing element) the corresponding Metro Plan elements. Springfield's Comprehensive Plan elements have been acknowledged by DLCD. The public hearing process used for amendment of the Metro Plan is specified in Chapter IV Metro Plan Review, Amendments, and Refinements. The findings below demonstrate Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 8 of 2 that the proposed amendment will not make the adopted Metro Plan internally inconsistent. The City's Development Code is a key mechanism used to implement the goals and policies of the City's adopted comprehensive plans including the Metro Plan, elements of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan and neighborhood -specific Refinement Plans. The proposal is classified as a Type 1 amendment to the adopted Metro Plan diagram that is approved by Springfield only in accordance with SDC 5.14.115( A). Type 1 Metro Plan amendments within City limits do not require concurrent approval or adoption by Lane County. The proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment is site-specific and is therefore processed as a Type 3 land use action as described in SDC 5.1.420. The process observed for the proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment is consistent with the policies pertaining to Review, Amendments and Refinements. Additionally, the proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment has been initiated in accordance with the provisions of the City' s acknowledged comprehensive plan and Development Code ( SDC 5.14.125( A)). The proposed Metro Plan diagram amendments are consistent with City ordinances, policies, plans, and studies adopted to comply with Goal 2 requirements. Notice and coordination requirements "with those local governments, state and federal agencies and special districts which have programs, land ownerships, or responsibilities within the area" that includes this proposal will provided consistent with Goal 2. Goal 5: Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces Goal 5 requires the conservation of open space and the protection of numerous natural, cultural, historic and scenic resources. The goal applies to the following resources: riparian corridors, water and riparian areas and fish habitat, wetlands, wildlife habitat, mineral and aggregate resources, energy sources, natural areas, scenic views and sites, open space, groundwater resources, wilderness areas, historic resources, cultural areas, Oregon recreational trails, federal wild and scenic waterways and state scenic waterways. OAR 660- 023- 0010 and 0020 includes definitions, standards and specific rules applicable to each Goal S resource inventoried for conservation under the goal. The Goal 5 resources listed above have been appropriately considered by the City of Springfield in the Plan. There are no known significant natural assets or historic resources on the property. The amendment does not propose a change to the City's list of Goal 5 resources or propose a change to any regulatory measures related to Goal 5. The property does contain inventoried wetlands. However, the the proposed request is from residential zoning district to another and will not allow new uses that could be in conflict with a significant Goal 5 resource site because in either case, mitigation will be required. The current plan is to mitigate some wetland impacts on-site and some wetland impacts offsite. Goal 6: Air, Water and Land Resource Quality Goal 6 is generally implemented during the comprehensive planning process and local regulations. The City of Springfield's Environmental Services Division (ESD) Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 9 of 2 coordinates the City's compliance with applicable state and federal environmental quality statues. ESD manages multiple programs to maintain compliance with Goal 6 including 1) Water Resources Programs, such as implementing the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NPDES) stormwater discharge permit, 2) Industrial Pretreatment Program such as administering the Pollution Management Practice programs, and 3) Wastewater & Stormwater Programs. The proposed Plan amendment does not alter the City's acknowledged compliance with Goal 6. As Goal 6 pertains to site-specific development, it requires that adequate protective measures are taken to ensure the maintenance of an, water and land quality. This Plan amendment will encourage development of land inside the city for residential use. All new development must comply with applicable local, state and federal air and water quality standards. The general vicinity of the Subject Property is served by adequate on-site water and sanitation facilities. The proposed use of the Subject Property is not expected to produce or discharge any product or by-product that would degrade the quality of the any water and land resources. Further, future development is expected to hook to existing or extended urban infrastructure facilities. Goal 7: Areas Subject to Natural Hazards The Metro Plan and the SDC are acknowledged to be in compliance with all applicable statewide land use goals, including Goal 7. The City of Springfield has existing programs, policies, zoning overlays, and development standards to regulate development in areas subject to natural disasters and hazards. The Subject Property included is not in the City's Floodplain Overlay District or the Hillside Development Overlay District. The proposed Plan amendment does not affect any City regulations or alter mitigation requirements for any properties in areas subject to natural disasters and hazards. Goal 7 is not applicable. Goal 8: Recreational Needs Goal 8 addresses the recreational needs of Oregon residents and visitors. Provisions of this goal are appropriately implemented by a legislative process as part of periodic review of the Plan. The City of Springfield evaluated projected population growth, changes in community demographics, and the recreational needs of citizens and visitors. In compliance with Goal 8, the Metro Plan Diagram designates areas needed for Parks and Open Space. The subject property does not contain any land identified as needed to meet recreational needs or to satisfy the demand for recreational facilities. The proposed Plan amendment and zone change will not affect the City's supply of land available for recreation areas or recreational facilities. The proposed change from LDR to MDR has no direct impact on recreational needs. Goal 8 is not applicable. Goal 9: Economic Development The purpose of Goal 9 is to diversify and improve the economy of the State Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 10 of 2 and is primarily applicable to commercial and industrial development. The subject relates to residential housing and does not impact the inventory of commercial or industrial lands. Goal 9 is not applicable. Goal 10: Housing Goal 10 is intended to provide for the housing needs of the citizens of the State. This Goal is primarily implemented through the provisions of the Plan. The proposed Plan Amendment does not impact the buildable land supply for housing. The Housing element applies to the planning for, and provision or, needed housing types, including multi -family and manufactured housing. Goal 10 requires the City to evaluate and maintain a sufficient buildable land base for projected housing needs over the forecast period. The City monitors and updates the calculated acreage of residential buildable lands when redesignation and rezoning actions affect the net acreage attributed to Low, Medium, and High- Density Residential uses. There is an ongoing need for medium density housing, especially in this area. Thus, the plan amendment is consistent with Goal 10 by providing needed housing. Goal 11: Public Facilities and Services The Subject Property is located in the City of Springfield and a full range of urban services are available to serve the site and the anticipated development. The Plan amendment will not affect the City or other service providers' ability to provide public services. Public Facilities and Services addresses the efficient planning and provision of public services such as sewer, water, law enforcement, and fire protection. In accordance with OAR 660- 011- 0005( 5), public facilities include water, sewer and transportation facilities, but do not include buildings, structures or equipment incidental to the operation of those facilities. The proposed redesignation and rezoning cannot result in permitted uses that will have an adverse effect on the demand for public facilities and services provided to the subject property and adjacent properties. This area of Springfield is already planned for a variety of Residential uses and the public facilities serving this area have been designed accordingly. Goal 12: Transportation The intent of Goal 12 is implemented through the provisions of the State Transportation Planning Rule ( TPR) ( OAR 660, Division 12) which was adopted by LCDC in 1991. OAR 660- 012- 0060(1) requires that amendments to functional plans, acknowledged comprehensive plans, and land use regulations which significantly affect a transportation facility shall assure that allowed land uses are consistent with the identified function, capacity, and level of service of the facility. To determine whether the proposed amendments will significantly affect a transportation facility, the TPR lists specific criteria against which the proposed amendments are to be evaluated. The TPR provides Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 11 of 2 that a plan or land use regulation amendment significantly affects a transportation facility if it: a) Changes the functional classification of an existing or planned transportation facility; b) Changes standards implementing a functional classification system; c) Allows types or levels of land uses which would result in levels of travel or access which are inconsistent with the functional classification of a transportation facility; or, d) Would reduce the level of service of the facility below the minimum acceptable level identified in the TSP (Transportation System Plan). For a complete analysis of how the application meets Goal 12 and the Transportation Planning Rule, the applicant will provide Transportation Planning Rule Analysis prepared by Sandow Engineering. Goal 13: Energy Conservation The Subject Property does not contain any non- renewable energy resources on the property. The proposed Plan amendment will not amend or affect any land use regulations enacted to implement Goal 13. All new development will be required to comply with local, state and federal codes related to energy conservation. Goal 13 is not applicable. The Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals ( LUBA) has established that Goal 13 does not require a specific energy analysis or other Goal 13 analysis for changes to a comprehensive plan diagram or zoning. See Barnard Perkins Corp. v. City of Rivergrove, 34 Or LUBA 660 ( 1998). The proposed comprehensive plan diagram amendment and rezoning does not affect the City's ordinances, policies, plans, or studies adopted to comply with Goal 13 requirements. Converting acreage from LDR to MDR should have a positive impact on energy consumption, as denser residential developed requires less energy. The proposal has no effect on the City's acknowledged compliance with Goal 13. Goal 14: Urbanization The Subject Property is in the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and inside the city limits. This Plan amendment does not propose to expand the Urban Growth Boundary and therefore does not require a review of the transition of rural to urban land uses. The provisions of Goal 14 and OAR Chapter 660, Division 24 (Urban Growth Boundaries) are not applicable. Goals 15 - 18: Willamette River Greenway and Coastal Goals Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 12 of 2 Goals 15 through 18 are inapplicable to this application as they are based in geography and only apply to the Willamette River Greenway and coastal resources. Willamette River Greenway establishes procedures for administering the 300 miles of greenway that borders the Willamette River, including portions that are inside the City limits and UGB of Springfield. The subject site is not within the adopted Willamette River Greenway Boundary area so this goal is not applicable; therefore, this action has no effect on the City's acknowledged compliance with Goal 15. The subject site is not within any coastal overlay so those goals are not appliable. Therefore, this action has no effect on the City's acknowledged compliance with Goals 16-18 I. PLAN INCONSISTENCY (1) In those cases where the Metro Plan applies, adoption of the amendment shall not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. The Plan amendment is a request to change the Plan designation for a specific site and does not include any proposed changes to the Plan text. Adoption of the Plan amendment will not cause any internal inconsistencies in the Metro Plan. The adopted Metro Plan and Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan are the principal policy documents that create the broad framework for land use planning within the City of Springfield. As explained herein, both are applicable to this application. The City' s adopted Zoning Map implements the zoning designations of the Metro Plan diagram and localized Refinement Plans, which are adopted amendments to the Metro Plan. In accordance with Chapter IV —Metro Plan Review, Amendments, and Refinements, the City's Comprehensive Plan is not designed or intended to remain static and unyielding in its assignment of land use designations. To that end, provisions of Chapter IV, Policy 7. a, allow for property owners to initiate an amendment to the Metro Plan diagram to reflect a change in circumstances or need. There are no conflicts created by this proposed diagram amendment based on needed residential land inventories. The development of this land with medium density residential use would not conflict with other land use elements in the Metro Plan including commerical, industrial, park and open space, or government and education. Therefore, adoption of the amendment to the Metro Plan diagram will not result in an internal inconsistency. (2) In cases where Springfleld Comprehensive Plan applies, the amendment shall be consistent with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. See above. J. CONCLUSION Straub: Plan Amendment and Zone Change July 30, 2024 Page 13 of 2 Based on the above, the proposal can be approved. .00 1;.fi11"�13,'1.1 4d'' i s 170.,23511 1711 3 Z`O-3:+11 lti 41 500 i.p 4100 170235.11 IM 17423511 '' i - 12 ; � `" i 17023511 1 1703.3512 _.' � 1030 17023512 171023512 17023,512 7100 176235st1 500 600 i x��•�� r•.�. 00900 etow,.. � t 1 t I I 170 23.4001 1'702350017023500 27411E 1801 2900 VON 00 1 -- f I I 17023500 17023620 3140 40.3 17023504 17033500 '2941 2440 Existing Zoning: R1 ; 1 Existing Designation: LDR I Existing Zoning: R1 Existing Designation: LDR 1702350D 3603 17023500 4402 a �iR:7"94A_3• .1�.:.,,rt�;. 1tk2.3?2'4235�g. c 17423542 aw-e' i ifo�i354i2 Iilb4i 17112;.,�2 70235142 6 – . 1 f7023-54T� 701'354.1 1zt12322:354i ! ).3 R4 2 id14b !i 1,07 a�1�0'2 i5jZ � u I I -,"1102-3541a W023542://#yyi?D235 1 1.7023541 1401 170123541 11104 1402 Lane County GIS, Bureau',of Land Management, State of Oregon State of Oregon DOT, State of Oregon GEO, Esri. Canada, Esri, HERE, Garmin; _ (WCREMENT P, USGS, EPA; U5DA a ` 17023 54 1 1 —!72!M41-1 ! �_ 1300 The information on this map was derived from digital databases on the Lane N County regional geographic information system. Care was taken In the creation of this map, but Is provided "as s" Lane County cannot accept any responsibility 'N\ for ert omissions o' positional accuracy in tfe digital data or the underlying cords. Current plan designation, zoning, etc., for specific parcels should be onfirrned with re the appropriate agency. Thewarranties, expressed or Implied, accompanying this product. However, notification of any errors will be appreciated. 0 85 170 340 Feet Exhibit A: Existing Zoning and Des Lane County, Oregon r- 4#0 17023511 1?023I-ik"235111 104 54'0 ig20Q 1.7,:02451`2 _. --� �. 400 17023511 i 604 Ad - 17023511 Soo .17023511 1 17423512► 0017023511 too) 17023512 17023512 706 Sma.0m _ - _,gym - - I � t 171t2350� 17023500 �.'/@1`��r�n i ;rrnz'tSa1z 17023500 t9CM1 2!)00 270.0 2801 2800 Imposed Zoning: R-2 � Proposed Designation: M R ; 7x2350 o, V 17023500 4402 Proposed Zoning: R-2 Proposed Designation: MDR 370053500 0235 too ow 1702 "d" 1e7028ZJg23242 r ... 1,70231ip54� 343 1=:00 rs � 1V023542 105 1`702354Y4:. AS 1?0A0z?42 it09 ` Ob 17023541 17023541 023547 171123541 1401 174d235;4 23541 11,00 1442 42 1-7021.5-32 107235+42 r 110 I 1e7021. 32 1 � ✓'b70235 " Lane County GIS, Bureauaf Land Management, State of Oregon, State of .� s 11 0 31 51 11236 ' Oregon DOT, State of Oregon G_EO, Esri Canada, Esri, HERE, Garmin' is®2354 t 00 �._. ry � 1 INCREMENT P 17033',2235.1 �"'y, P, USGS, EPA; USDA 7023`_ 116 17423542 �ii1123544}0 - 1.1`7 $5921702354�Z as 144 90 4>70235 17023541 1747351.70235,4273542'1702353420 17023541 112 N The Information on this map was derived from dighal databases on the lane re County gional geographic Information system. Care was taken In the creation of this map, but is provided -as is•. lane County cannot accept any reaponabiity Exhibit A: Proposed Zoning and Des for rs omissions or positional accuracy In the dlgltal data or the underlying records. Current plan designation, zoning, etc., for specific pamels should be confirmed with the appropriate agency. There are no wamaties, expressed or Implied, accompanying this product. However, notification of any enom will be appreciated. n$ i to :A9 r --eat Lane County, Oregon a�800,c� o3d'm'.a5 mm a mac. a�3 3�a3o_� zd'�aa Na ��o�ry a�oa F�ry F � � � •z o��n7 n3 a'. Z: of^a�s'a -aAZoE p w ;r, Azo Rg a L�. CD. ::;:::::: : ......... ..... a 3 r -i- `, .Y.3 � � 3 p w ;r, Azo Rg a L�. CD. ::;:::::: : ......... ..... a 3 r -i- `, �� EXHIBIT B .... �'-:�6a=i obi .:. :, ;,! •.. :.:• 4 ;:F ti �� EXHIBIT B v3n�3?3 35�3c__ 'a�sas3 �yfO��3u daaoaa it IRn•'2� 0 N 0 0 0 3 n 1 :'`^'+I� # ws C9 MOtSy7 �C+ BPI No.%D aOV'F+}}PPyy 1fS��jy j! c�s 7}�na ¢$f�g���g'i �: P°..:r++"*J r, '?�. "J l 1• `_ 4 Sy '°,.; t"''" ry '72r�»'.�1 �„" 5—a v Fi W> a L s � � � L'+ r� � S,si, �� � � i + 6. is - r �i31 +„y -wry � �;. ++•U �j y-. .al +i, ' s, . C� �' '"+ �.,,,r! O �.n�' sy � ±o, �. - k� � t.� „� ' d•P r ;..- cr', -•, �, 5� � � 4a. 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F -'t;: i;� ,ca:.. �� c5 ” - ,�, -�a •w .�+. k - - -F,;. k ., F .�7 a .� 1 ,# IP .s,+ to p s" k„ +�G �} ti� �+- r.+�+ 4 R1 -••t +- MS.,. ta`�� p+' S�' P1 `•" t f'' I w r Y a ��' t� S.v , s7+ G F•-+.i�" ry c- 1 - k+i� + F+' 1-N Q r f•, , �+ �r a as L u ' iek, i 1 + eJ hr' .'X• -xe i t"G'7 �' is O+"1+ • dG.. y. :• :................. vk r Q n Cl o ... _ f4 :1 to Va JF A _ R+ W !71 +i. .a B71lAf7 g' ip C W p��w f- Eo µ a o $ 1 a.r Sd mi to ID o ri VI zn Id7 .J 4z SeiG ,,tet 77 Caruthers Rd Sethers =' .--.•- _ _ is 10 sa U � / �_ V wa '� KAce I — - — - ---- — m �� I Nm p wn> N$ i m R �roai Z 3 T 69 I i TN O Z 'CZ <I �~ am a Z i Nm pp p 3 1sv .I. o i m I 1 I 71STSTREET m v +III Ia rv� 9 O n10 I 00 j 72ND STREET ----- p .�� C D 1 ' O� I O`e in O -rn �• 1 z dao f Z �F 1 o z I rm.,x0 r W r `> a C^D O �gG,y �� en x�ue nn 1 1f ng 1 I Ax '^ O' 300000CT >o ' wm ejI -N> - i xwvUJ _ x monxw neer x^ � O i%w x mn m x rw y C 6 m r 6 o m mw 1 t > .r- 1 aw - mo n,ra.nemm ne,x As 019-00 m /� � z w 33 , � Z OS.ir K'[� gym ply mA nm O 0 ZOO �N Omp O nfm1 pZNj 04Je WON SSNITI9 ZZ oG0 ,1 COrin c2200yo -�� w 0�0D wp 1 0 Ar, mg rom wA p y�y yy �D 09 AK1 S.nr., 00 �> ..1 7• ' om e l oD o� /rF -oN'NN'D3 umk �"�ar-wimw NgvO Cn sxn m Cn s � B�€Bowo �000 o �I ffij 0 -4$? °Z O co G)V7 SN�� 8 -n (h o m0 rn O p m � EXHIBIT C Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 3/29/2024 at 4:44PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Detailed Property Report Site Address N/A Map &Taxlot#17-02-35-00-03200 SIC N/A Tax Account# 0142693 Map & Taxlot # 17-02-35-00-03200 Business Information RLID does not contain any business data for this address Property Owner i Jim & Carlie Straub Family Trust 3193o Owl Rd Eugene, OR 97405 Tax account acreage 6.61 Mapped taxlot acreages 6.61 Page 1 of 4 * Fiupemd r x1ok Aete.& is the aSliMatnd e'ii! of a Wilmt ns 6,iVe l limns tM: anuaty- ots taknv iayaf; and c4 dt i to i;m is(d fre kgdf isutfxs— Improvements No assessor photos, assessor sketches or building characteristic information is available for this tax account. Site Address Information No site address associated with this tax account number General Taxlot Characteristics o Geographic Coordinates X 4292938 Y 878181 (State Plane x,Y) Latitude 44.0516 Longitude -122.8901 o Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction Springfield Springfield Parent Zone LD Low Density Residential o Land Use General Land Use R Code Description data not available data not available Detailed Land Use Code Description data not available data not available Service Providers Fire Protection Provider McKenzie Fire & Rescue Ambulance Provider Eugene Springfield Fire Ambulance District EC Ambulance Service Area East/Central LTD Service Area? Yes LTD Ride Source? Yes Environmental Data Taxlot Characteristics Incorporated City Limits !i Urban Growth Boundary Springfield RLID does not contain any business data for this address Property Owner i Jim & Carlie Straub Family Trust 3193o Owl Rd Eugene, OR 97405 Tax account acreage 6.61 Mapped taxlot acreages 6.61 Page 1 of 4 * Fiupemd r x1ok Aete.& is the aSliMatnd e'ii! of a Wilmt ns 6,iVe l limns tM: anuaty- ots taknv iayaf; and c4 dt i to i;m is(d fre kgdf isutfxs— Improvements No assessor photos, assessor sketches or building characteristic information is available for this tax account. Site Address Information No site address associated with this tax account number General Taxlot Characteristics o Geographic Coordinates X 4292938 Y 878181 (State Plane x,Y) Latitude 44.0516 Longitude -122.8901 o Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction Springfield Springfield Parent Zone LD Low Density Residential o Land Use General Land Use R Code Description data not available data not available Detailed Land Use Code Description data not available data not available Service Providers Fire Protection Provider McKenzie Fire & Rescue Ambulance Provider Eugene Springfield Fire Ambulance District EC Ambulance Service Area East/Central LTD Service Area? Yes LTD Ride Source? Yes Environmental Data Taxlot Characteristics Incorporated City Limits none Urban Growth Boundary Springfield Year Annexed N/A Annexation # N/A Approximate Taxlot Acreage 6.61 Approx Taxlot Sq Footage 287,932 Plan Designation Low Density Residential Eugene Neighborhood N/A Metro Area Nodal Dev Area No Septic data not available Well data not available Landscaping Quality data not available Historic Property Name N/A City Historic Landmark? No National Historical Register? No EXHIBIT D Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 3/29/2424 at 4:44PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) FEMA Flood IIazard Zone iCode Description 1 X Areas determined to be outside of 50o -year flood. a FIRM Map Number 41039CI267F Community Number 039C Post -FIRM Date data not available Panel Printed? Yes Soils Soil Map Unit#Soil Type Description % of TaxlotAg Class Hydric % 25 Chapman -Urban Land Complex56% 1 0 31 Coburg Silty Clay Loam 22% 2 4 75 Malabon Silty Clay Loam 22% 1 0 56 Holcomb Silty Clay Loam o% 3 to Schools Page 2 of 4 Code Name School District 19 Springfield Elementary School 556 Thurston Middle School 557 Thurston High School 561 Thurston Political Districts Election Precinct 737 State Representative District 7 Emerald PUD Board Zone N/A City Council Ward N/A State Representative John Lively Heceta PUD Board Zone N/A City Councilor N/A State Senate District 4 Central Lincoln PUD Board Zone N/A County Commissioner District 2 (Springfield) State Senator Floyd Prozansld Soil Water Cons. Dist/Zone Upper Willamette / 5 County Commissioner David Loveall Creswell Water Control District data -not available EWEB Commissioner N/A Discount Interest LCC Board Zone 3 $73.77 $2.28 Lane ESD Board Zone data not available 11/02/2022 $73.69 $73.69 Census Information Census data have been removed from this report. To obtain Census data, please visit www.census.gov. For questions or concerns, please contact sunnort(drlid.ore. Liens None. RLID displays liens issued by Cottage Grove, Florence, and Springfield Utility Board. Additional liens can be found in Deeds and Records. Building Permits Please check the State of Oreeon ePermittine System. Land Use Applications RLID does not contain any landuse application data for this jurisdiction Petitions RLID does not contain any petition data for this jurisdiction Tax Statements & Tax Receipts Owner/Taxpayer FFr--- f Account#:0142693 F View tax Statement(S) for: 2023 2022 Tax Receipts Receipt Date Amount Received Tax Discount Interest Applied Amount 11/09/2023 $7377 $73.77 $2.28 $0.00 $76.o5 11/02/2022 $73.69 $73.69 $2.28 $0.00 $75.97 10/25/2021 $7383 $73.83 $2.28 $0.00 $76.11 ! 11/i6/2o2o $71.55 $7155 $2.21 $0.00 $73.76 i, 11/o6/2019 $67.78 } $67.78 $2.10 $0.00 $69.88 Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxadan Owner/Taxpayer Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 3/29/2024 at 4:44PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Owners Owner Address City/State/Zip Jim & Carlie Straub Family Trust 31930 Owl Rd Eugene, OR 974o5 Tax -paver Party Name Jim & Carlie Straub Family Trust lccount Status Status Active Account Current Tax Year Account Status none Remarks Potential Additional Tax Special Assessment Program Farm Deferral :ral Tax Account Information j Tax Account Acreage 6.61 Fire Acres N/A i Property Class 540 - Farm, unzoned farm land, vacant Statistical Class N/A Neighborhood 201500 - Urban Mixed Grade Thurston Category Land and Improvements Township -Range -Section / Subdivision Data Page 3 of 4 Address City/State/Zip 31930 Owl Rd Eugene, OR 97405 Data source: [ane County Assessmentand Taxation Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Subdivision Type N/A Subdivision Name N/A Subdivision Number N/A Phase N/A Lot/Tract/Unit # TL 03200 Recording Number N/A Data source: lane County Assessment and Taxation Property Values & Taxes The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, cler cal errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. _Yea aret Value(RMV) 2023 1 $373,429 0 ff 373,4291 dFal_ sessss aTue 7,113 "�;►� 7.0 2022 X373,42` � -- �$�} � __... �3 4 29i� 7>05. 75.97 202137Z,57E'. --_. �$37�5 7 49 7 •1r 2020 - X395,39 —o `T i395,39�� 51 73.7 2019 -- MS, ig� I - - 345,1 ,4571 9.$R 201 W - $342,04 �0 - -- -342,04 2 7.5 2017 -----r34-2,04 -_04.V�342 - 'VO 04 r .-----��08� S.o 201 *310,9431 0 31 ,94 $5,90 3.3 2015 294,97 -- 0 294,97 $5,73 1• ¢ 2014 $291,,340j o 2§-17' 5.57 5 59•zo 2013 291, 3 T291MR -5,40 • 57.2 2012 , 301,252 301,252 S5,24 53.4 lou j 190,5£• _ _$.61-- 190,512 -5,096 52.03 2010 X95,7{ 10�^ 7( 4>947 50.24 } 20093ot;,133�ol ��+30 133 $4,80 49.94 200 - i `r33�,35 �ol�' —�33f ,3 4, 3 "a 0.01 20073 -" o - _ 273,2 . 20 ,z7�4,39,51 4,52 46-4 43.7 200 2005 S200,277 i ,175 -��noo o $169,1751 04,20 ��15 036 • 4,14 137,95 S4,05514�t42.1 ______- 135,32-- - 3,937 1132,70 3, 23 141, 9�� 3,71 42.07 $41-5 . 40. .40.2 39.0 2004 _ 155,03. o 2003 137,95 i 0 -- 2002 ��135,32 $o 2001 132,7oa o 2000 , 141, 0 19991140,;71- X99$ I _ 1 1-99-7- - r X131 39'0( w � 34 } -'� 12 ,Z�y0 oI - -_`•P 14o,57T�$3,60013 .o 131,39 , 3,4 o� - -- 12 34, 33 � 35.4 $ 34.9 $34.9 � _ 1995 i------ iz5 o9a} — � � $3.7�d - �. 7o --- � XM5709- 4 040 _$39-01 ^r 7:72 x. _. - - �. ".�3 760 �$3� o Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 3/29/2024 at 4:44PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Page 4 of 4 1 Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts Tax Code Area (Levy Code) for current tax year o19o9 Taxing Districts for TCA o1go9 Lane Community College j Lane County Lane Education Service District McKenzie Rural Rite Protection District Springfield School District 19 Upper Willamette Soil & Water ""NOTE Lane County Assessment and Taxation Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts reflect the current certified year. The Billing Rate Document may still reference the prior year's rates and details until we receive the current report from Lane County. Sales & Ownership Changes 0 Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 3/29/2024 at 4:38PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Page 1 of 4 Detailed Property Report I Site Address N/A Map & Taxlot#17-02-35-00-03603 SIC N/A ! Tax Account# 0142768 Property Owner t Jim & Carlie Straub Family Trust 31930 Owl Rd Eugene, OR 97405 Tax account acreage 23.30 Mapped taxlot acreaget 24.16 I fAluhpevi TuxIM Aet-g. tithe cslituuied �Ir •ofa wlot-&,hri d(rr,nir !{ ilm ewhly GIs tnbi h7,�cr, and i. not to he used fio kgol pi q—, 11 Map & Taxlot # 17-02-35-00-03603 Business Information RLID does not contain any business data for this address Improvements No assessor photos, assessor sketches or building characteristic information is available for this tax account. Site Address Information No site address associated with this tax account number General Taxlot Characteristics o Geographic Coordinates X 4292559 Y 877487 (State Plane X,1) Latitude 44.0497 Longitude -122.8915 o Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction Springfield Springfield Parent Zone LD Low Density Residential o Land Use General Land Use Code Description data not available data not available Detailed Land TJse Code Description data not available data not available Service Providers Fire Protection Provider McKenzie Fire & Rescue Ambulance Provider Eugene Springfield Fire Ambulance District EC Ambulance Service Area East/Central LTD Service Area? Yes LTD Ride Source? Yes Environmental Data Taxlot Characteristics Incorporated City Limits none Urban Growth Boundary Springfield Year Annexed N/A Annexation # N/A Approximate Taxlot Acreage 24.16 Approx Taxlot Sq Footage 1,052,410 Plan Designation Low Density Residential Eugene Neighborhood N/A Metro Area Nodal Dev Area No Septic data not available Well data not available Landscaping Quality data not available Historic Property Name N/A City Historic Landmark? No National Historical Register? No Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 3/29/2024 at 4:38PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Page 2 of 4 FEMA Flood Hazard Zone Code Description X Areas determined to be outside of 5oo-year flood. FIRM Map Number 41039C1167F Community Number 039C Post -FIRM Date data not available i Panel Printed? Yes Soils Soil Map Unit# Soil Type Description % of Taxlot Ag Class Hydric % 31 Coburg Silty Clay Loam 52% 2 4 56 Holcomb Silty Clay Loam 39% 3 to 25 Chapman -Urban Land Complex 6% 1 0 118 Salem Gravelly Silt Loam 2% 2 0 lo5A Pengra Silt Loam, 1 to 4 Percent Slopes o% 3 94 Schools Code Name School District 19 Springfield Elementary School 556 Thurston Middle School 557 Thurston High School 561 Thurston Political Districts Election Precinct 737 State Representative District 7 Emerald PUD Board Zone N/A City Council Ward N/A State Representative Sohn Lively Heceta PUD Board Zone N/A City Councilor N/A State Senate District 4 Central Lincoln PUD Board Zone N/A County Commissioner District 2 (Springfield) State Senator Floyd Prozans1d Soil Water Cons. Dist/Zone Upper Willamette / 5 County Commissioner David Loveall Discount Creswell Water Control District data not available EWEB Commissioner N/A $180.99 $5.6o LCC Board Zone 3 $173.77 $173.77 Lane ESD Board Zone data not available $179.14 10/25/2021 $169.68 Census Information Census data have been removed from this report. To obtain Census data, please visit www.census.eov. For questions or concerns, please contact sunoortCaprlid.ore. Liens 7 None. RLID displays liens issued by Cottage Grove, Florence, and Springfield Utility Board. Additional liens can be found in Deeds and Records. Building Permits Please check the State of Oreeon ePermittine System. Land Use Applications RLID does not contain any landuse application data for this jurisdiction Petitions RLID does not contain any petition data for this jurisdiction Tax Statements & Tax Receipts I Account#:0142768 View tax statement(s) for: 2o2s 2o22 Tax Receipts Receipt Date Amount Received Tax Discount Interest Applied Amount 11/09/2023 $180.99 $180.99 $5.6o $0.00 $186.59 $173.77 $173.77 $5.37 $0.00 $179.14 10/25/2021 $169.68 $169.68 $5.25 $0.00 $174.93 itu/02/2022 10/26/2020 $164.41 $164.41 $5.08 $0.00 $169.49 t 11/o6/2019 $155.74 $155.74 $4.82 $0.00 $160.56 Data source: Lune County Assesshtent and T=tion Owner/Taxpayer Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 3/29/2024 at 4:38PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Page 3 of 4 Owners Fire Acres N/A Owner Address City/State/Zip Jim & Carlie Straub Family Trust 31930 Owl Rd Eugene, OR 97405 Taxnaver Land and Improvements Ta Party Name Address City/State/Zip Jim & Carlie Straub Family Trust 31930 Owl Rd Eugene, OR 97405 1 2023 1 $1,165,4031 $0, $i,i65,4o31_ _ $16,7001 Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Account Status Status Active Account Current Tax Year p Account Status none rEj! Remarks Potential Additional Tax Special Assessment Program Farm Deferral Data source: Lane CountyAssessment and Taxation General Tax Account Information Tax Account Acreage 23.30 Fire Acres N/A Property Class 540 - Farm, unzoned farm land, vacant Statistical Class N/A Neighborhood 201500 - Urban Mixed Grade Thurston Category Land and Improvements Data source: Cane County Assessment and Taxation Township -Range -Section / Subdivision Data Subdivision Type N/A Subdivision Name N/A Subdivision Number N/A Phase N/A Lot/Tract/Unit # TL 03603 Recording Number N/A Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Property Values & Taxes The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. I ---- =-tea, Mar1cet Value (itMti) i Totaf Vsessed Value Ta Sear Tmnivivt nrlent 1 2023 1 $1,165,4031 $0, $i,i65,4o31_ _ $16,7001 _ 1 6.59 2022 1,1 5,4031 2021 1,175,19QF.. - _-x _ ..O� o 1,175,19 -- -- 15,741 174.9 2020 j 1,z33,957� - - - --•0 • 1,233,95 15,2 3 $169-49 2o1g 11,077,26110 -- _ 1A77,2 4� - 14, 37� $160.5 • --- 2018- 1,0 7,4711-- - -- 0 1,0._7,471 } 14,40 -_ 155.2 2m7 1,0 7,47 - $0 1,0.7,471 - 13,9 5- 01 $989,124 0 9 9,1$13,578_ 145.5 r2015 920,5710 920,571 13,1 141.7014 $910,77fl 910,77 ! 12,799 ` • 137.3 2013 910,77 Y� _ 910, 12,42 .133.2 2012 5940,1571 S12,2M5 124.62 2011 S420,7321 56 $420,7321 $11,711 119.5f 2010 t -43-2,-33-7F--$61 $11,37.6 115.4 2009 71,0711 -$742�oR{� - $ 03,531 `- Sol 5-6[ -$of _ �6Z';W]l 11,03. 114.7 200. $ 742, 0 10,71 n1.7 2007 03,531 10,40 9107.29 200 455,550 $oj 455,55 10,101 100.4 2005 371,403 -- 01 $57T,4031 $9,573197,4 2004 1 $34213 342,3 11,1 114.3. 2003 1-1304,t;D71 $0l 304, 671 1o, 5 110. 2002 � ._��9g,��-- - - .r..,,.�.� -�510,54q $ 105.2 2001 293,0 O 293,0 q 11,53 11 .1 2000 X313,370 0 $0 313,370 11,35 u . 1999 310,4 0 $310A60 10, 90 103. - - 290,1 0 - --.. -1997 -$279,000 TaT _.. 279,00 01 7,72 79• .�.�; a4o - -a -- -� 27 2409,200 �$�. Produced by Metro Planning Inc. on 3/29/2024 at 4:38PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) $1,200,000 !$1,0001000 $600,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 $0 1995 1997 1899 2001 Current Year Assessed Value $16,700 Less Exemption Amount" N/A Taxable Value $16,700 • Frozen Assessed Value RMV and Assessed Value (1995 - 2023 ) Page 4 of 4 ❑ P.MV Lamd Value IL1 ientValue rt e I Value Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts 2003 2005 2007 2069 2011 2019 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 V- Data source: Lane County Assessment a nd Taxation Tax Code Area (Levy Code) for current tax year o19o9 Taxing Districts for TCA o19o9 Lane Community College Lane County Lane Education Service District E McKenzie Rural Eire Protection District I Springfield School District 19 Upper Willamette Soil & Water --NOTE Lane County Assessment and Taxation Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts reflect the current certified year. The Billing Rate Document may still reference the prior year's rates and details until we receive the current report from Lane County. Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation Sales & Ownership Changes " IF a c �a rice {lloc-F i m�An o . ysls e . u . tp ec s ran ors ra e s R 12 0�] 2021 0 � 12022 g �t o 2 - -- ! _ - frau •amt y rust tm a te. frau 'amt y rust ol 3or2'o'o o 2004 37227 "To traub 1c ae ,trau FamuyI rus Data source: Lane County Assessment and Taxation �4PL'MCML3R=MC:--% 0 �{ It T! um EXHIBIT E 1: _ e1 ..... ... IA ......... :. .. r .. .. ... . ,... .... .�..s:' [p ..:::::. r� ., % .�• C? `^TAS 1:5:::: ..i a m.. •y . �.Ln Ln 14 co 4L1.......................... +Q es , ..... ..... .. .. ::: ti :C3 i r XY .. ........ .....: 4 h aF 7 y , ;Aj ro bg ,. .. L, �f. ms`s$,, ,y, Y.G �Leq x• It < m a .. ............... i ,'� xA NCO I' tlwt M; � f. j En S �c 1 im - - � - .. � �� : : 'r�'•i: :j r�i; � .�I�'� ,psi •, r� :_ .. ....... ti .... : ::: . ,... .... .�..s:' [p ..:::::. r� ., % .�• C? `^TAS 1:5:::: ..i a m.. •y . �.Ln Ln 14 co es , ..... ..... .. .. ::: co y x —t ^•'fie '�'" ... i•. �. �.I e'I u r4 tD W ri A.. v;.s...'..� .s�A•�' 1-4 k7l -4 .•� i n [p ..:::::. ' : 1:5:::: ..i a m.. •y . �.Ln Ln 14 co es , ..... ..... .. .. ::: co y x ... i•. �. �.I e'I u r4 W ri A.. v;.s...'..� .s�A•�' pp _.1]C't r+= ��. •.Sy C"r .y -..a itis cim l`ryy. 61 ,♦r ., rri r+L ^.-I `r C' r,1 . t•Y .. ti � `w �� c, a ' .Ji �'�• .,n .'. ury in ,e � , y. �� .G: :�. w . � �•, i-;. Ln. P;, E•..� u7 zf, u-, �: EXHIBIT Ln cn O VJ a J LCI v=q b5'13 K e;€ o E N - $ y Agim `o AaoaSE E w E I W I �1 tl i '�• �M r�y " •: L� :b ?h�« rVr � S K W H ham.-G� ti r0 rt � r � \, - Er 1:i -i et 15 4q 4• M14 l � • m N �' 11'y U . C7 •1 S_'1 � _—'-- f a.. r I rri_.- � ..1_..c I r+1 rl rJ. =r•J �. h h. • lh If - Lm um in a — - _ EXHIBIT F � e aD ri' s P I � r r W .Ti � � '+"1 tion c'! +;.:� t1 � ; [.+ –,r � iil .} - • Yd•. IYI tri ly LU ... W :;rrl = . I �1 tl i '�• �M r�y " •: L� :b ?h�« rVr � S K W H ham.-G� :;rrl = . N ham.-G� ti r0 rt � r � \, - Er 1:i -i et 15 4q 4• M14 • m tit'Y �' 11'y U . C7 •1 S_'1 � _—'-- f a.. r I rri_.- � ..1_..c I r+1 rl rJ. =r•J �. h h. • lh If - Lm um in a — - _ EXHIBIT F L2 Z CO Ty V (CAA cu Coll .. • \.fir '�. - �" �... M Ln } q C5 c 0 Cal 0 — ' �;�'.' �. _ ., � : '° •` m 7 ! n O I Ln z n ^ y , fN o is43 en, CA rj ' tj r ry ori t A ca • ' m e �� � ,rf v � mA _., +' o .C", Li ML 1L` r� �..' CJ it rv' y '• s7. �rw e E u In gf 1 ' '.J A �,J a".,+ G.7 4j.3 E u co 1 • -4. 1 m Et 5 am } • d� ed 114, t Iat:j q R,• � +, W �`', � � � �Yi �9Aed _ ,.�,. - 4,./•AA k: - r kk4"`"a� .P .. �% F '� i - sd . M-- s.A _awl aN-'":—r _ 5 � � E E � V ^ . r ti L yy t^ V V'' V _� 1 {.Y 11 t J V„"'? of G w L, �17 CJ C7 Cr r C/ C} Yla� L ,J K/kA E : a o E - [`i G•+ JH 42 h4 V rf T o w ., 6rve-.�? ';, yi G o L 1,s q4tTj cu 1'04 c mp, E tpt,. A ` M P.2 im xz, Ln c. & .1 E n !in EXHIBIT I cb w ., 6rve-.�? ';, G o L 1,s q4tTj cu 1'04 c mp, G o L 1,s q4tTj :7) mp, E tpt,. HE P.2 c xz, Ln c. & .1 E n !in EXHIBIT I kim@metroplanning.com From: LIMBIRD Andrew <alimbird@springfield-or.gov> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2024 9:19 AM To: kim@metroplanning.com; RUST Mark Subject: RE: PC/ZC question Attachments: Ordinance No. 6471.pdf Hi Kim, the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan has updated and replaced the Metro Plan in most respects with the notable exception of residential policies. For residential land use the Comprehensive Plan is intended to supplement and expand upon Metro Plan policies. Final adoption of the Land Use Element and a parcel -specific Comprehensive Plan Map has just gone into effect as of March 1. The City has processed a couple of Metro Plan diagram and Zoning Map amendments in the past 6 months or so but none have been for residential land use. However, you are welcome to look at the structure of the applications and staff reports for these submittals. On January 2, 2024 the City Council conducted a public hearing for a 4.99 -acre Plan Amendment and Zone Change in the Campus Industrial area of north Springfield. This proposal was subsequently approved on January 16, 2024 and adopted as Ordinance 6471. The application materials can be found in the City's Laserfiche system by clicking on "Browse Planning Public Files" and "2023" (link: Welcome to Laserfiche WebLink (springfield-or.govj) under Cases 811-23-000182-TYP4 (Metro Plan Amendment) and 811-23-000183-TYP3 (Zoning Map Amendment). The covering staff report are appended to the Ordinance document (attached). Andy From: kim@metroplanning.com <kim@metroplanning.com> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2024 9:01 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew <alimbird@springfield-or.gov>; RUST Mark <mrust@springfield-or.gov> Subject: PC/ZC question **I WARNING: This email originated from outside of your organization. Please do not click on links or attachments unless you know the content is safe. I** Hi, Andrew and Mark: I'm working on a Plan Amendment/Zone Change from RR -1 to RR -2 out in Thurston for Metro Planning. I'm getting a little confused on the current relationship between the Metro Plan and the Springfield Com Plan. Can you point me to any recent PA/ZC applications that I can use as a general template? Thank you, Kim Metro Planning, Inc 846 A Street Springfield, OR 97477 (541) 302-9830 Please do not read, copy or disseminate this communication unless you are the intended addressee. This e-mail communication may contain confidential and/or privileged information intended only for the addressee. If you have received this e-mail in error, please call immediately at 541-954-0095. Also, please notify me bye -mail. Thank you. EXHIBIT J Real Property Tax Lot Record Lane County Assessment and Taxation Print Date: Mar 29, 2024 1 - In preparation of these records, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct, and clearly expressed information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. In particular but without limiting anything here, Lane County disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of this information. The information and data included on Lane County servers have been compiled by Lane County staff from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice to the User. Lane County makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, suitability, adequacy, sequence, accuracy, or timeliness of such information and data. The legal descriptions contained herein are for tax lot purposes only. Included in this report: 1. A listing of documents affecting ownership and/or property boundary changes. 2. The scanned tax lot record image and any legal description changes made since . Map & Tax Lot 1702350003200 Status Active Document # Type 2021-080060 Warranty Deed Comments: Description Card Comments: Current Parcel/Account Current TCA 0142693 01909 Date Effective Year Tax Lot Acres 12/15/2021 2022 6.61 6.61 EXHIBIT K F' #72$1 - 170-2/35 OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTI F REAL. PROPERP.ES ? OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR. LANE COUNTY. OREGON 3200,��0 TAX Lor - - 142 693 - DEED RECORD �AICRES YEAR 16-1 I 35 17 2 RAINING NO, I SECTION - TOWNSHIP S. RANGE E. OR W, W. M. VOL, PAGE BEARING I DISTANCE 1943 1974 978 1980 1980 i 3.66' 1982, 2a), /wj �d 3. Gay South 11.5 -7 -chs, Test 6.47 chs. North ss¢7 X6.86 chs BEARING REFERENCE OR LEGAL SUBDIVISION I 1236 413 Beginning at a point in the R48 (/12223 Southerly line of the County Road, on the East line of the James C. 'R902/23998 Looney D.I.C. #54, Notf. 3710 in R966402485 Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Ud.0966/02486 5.51 chains' South of the most North-- i Rll84/82-0801 I erly Northeast corner of said Claim,�_ 13 a 3 running thence on the East line of the Claim, thence j I thence s to the Southerly line of the County Road, 'thence ;along the Southerly line of the Co— Iunty Road, on a curve to the left, the chord of which bears North 670 51'East to the place of beginning, containing more or less 16.61 d-15 IA OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTIES OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR. LANE COUNTY. OREGON N A Real Property Tax Lot Record Lane County Assessment and Taxation 4 Print Date: Mar 29, 2024 In preparation of these records, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct, and clearly expressed information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. In particular but without limiting anything here, Lane County disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of this information. The information and data included on Lane County servers have been compiled by Lane County staff from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice to the User. Lane County makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, suitability, adequacy, sequence, accuracy, or timeliness of such information and data. The legal descriptions contained herein are for tax lot purposes only. Included in this report: 1. A listing of documents affecting ownership and/or property boundary changes. 2. The scanned tax lot record image and any legal description changes made since . Map & Tax Lot 1702350003603 Status Active Document # Type 2022-002683 Warranty Deed Comments: Description Card Comments: Current Parcel/Account Current TCA 0142768 01909 Date Effective Year Tax Lot Acres 12/06/2021 2022 23.30 23.30 OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTIES OLD NUMBER OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR LANE COUNTY, OREGON CODE NO. 2 _ I AERIAL PHOTO 'AXHOP 17-02--35 LOT NO, 3603 35 17 2 Wes t ACCOUNT NUMBER SECTION TOWNSHIP S. `RANGE W.M. LOT BLOCK NO. NO. ADDITION CITY INDENT EACH NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION DEED RECORD ACRES REMAINING DATE OF ENTRY DEED NUMBER COURSE TO THIS POINT Beg. at the most Elly NE. corner of the 1962 R185/53716 James C.Looney DLC.085,Sec.2,Twp.18S,Re2W,VlM. & claim 1962 Guardians 'p 054 in Sec.35,Twp. 17S,R.21'd,WAA. thence #15147 West 379.50 ft. to the corner angle of said 1970 claim; thence North 30.1.00 ft. along the East line of sail ,iR489/14742 '1982 R1199/82-19253 claim to t, he SE. corner of the F.J. Gray Jr, property 1987 R1448/8709916 as desc, in Vol. 236/413, of LCODR. thence running West 1312.08 ft along the South line of the aocgf-037-�Zvl l said!F.Gray property & along the South line of the Guy Mathews property desc. .in Vol. 267/486, of LCDR. & along the southl line Of the Ralph C. Witcher property as desc, in Vol. 231/33 of LCODR. to the SW: corner of the said Ralph G„ M tcher- property; thence running S.00051E. 799.0 ft. to the center of the , Eugene—Springfield Land & Water Co. irrigation canal; thence rur}ping in an Elly direction along the center line of said canal a distance of 1747.0 ft. to the intersection of said 1 canal wit�the East line of the J.C. Looney DLC,#85,Twp; 18S,R.ZN,M. & claim #54, in Twp. 17S,R.2W'VJM.,thence running � North 448:0 f t. along the East• line of said claim to the POB., all a part of the said James C. Looney DLC., in LCO. Cont. m/1 24.87 Correction in acreage 1966 23.30 I i 1 .d OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTIES OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR LANE COUNTY, OREGON CODE NO. OLD NUMBER AERIAL PHOTO MAP TAX NO. LOT NO. ACCOUNT NUMBER SECTION TOWNSHIP S. RANGE W.M. LOT BLOCK NO. NO. ADDITION CITY DEED RECORD LEGAL DESCRIPTION ACRES INDENT EACH NEW PATE OF ENTRY DEED NUMBER REMAINING COURSE TO THIS POINT Grantor's Name and Address: Oak Management, L.L.C. 2087 Orchard Heights Road NW Salem, OR 97304 Grantee's Name & Address: I James Michael Straub, Trustee Carlene Marie Straub, Trustee 31930 Owl Road Eugene, OR 97405 AFTER RECORDING,. RETURN TO: Howard F. Feinman, Attorney at Law 975 Oak Street, Suite 800 Eugene, OR 97401 Until a chan a is re uested. send tax statements to: James Michael Straub, Trustee Carlene Marie Straub, Trustee 31930 Owl Road Eugene, OR 97405 Lane County Clerk 2�2�-�8�060 Lane County Deeds and Records III 11111111111 1111111111111111 N $97.00 01998049202100800800030033 12/30/2021 08:32:14 AM RPR -DEED Cnt=1 Pgs=3 Stn=1 CASHIER 06 $15.00 $11.00 $61.00 $10.00 WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM Oak Management, L.L.C., an Oregon limited liability company, Grantor, conveys and warrants to James Michael Straub and Carlene Marie Straub, Trustees of the Jim & Carlie Straub Family Trust dated June 4, 2014, for the benefit of James Michael Straub, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein, situated in Lane County, Oregon, which is more particularly described on Exhibit 1 attached hereto. record. Tax Account No.: 142693 Map & Tax Lot N.9.: 17-02-35-00-03200 The property is free from encumbrances except easements, conditions, restrictions and liens of The true consideration for this conveyance is other than money. The liability and obligations of Grantor to Grantees and Grantees' successors and assigns under the warranties and covenants contained herein or provided by law shall be limited to the amount, nature, and terms of any title insurance coverage available to Grantor under any title insurance policy, and Grantor shall have no liability or obligation except to the extent that reimbursement for such liability or obligation is available to Grantor under any title insurance policy. The limitations contained herein expressly do not relieve Grantor of any liability or obligations under this instrument, but merely define the scope, nature, and amount of such liability or obligations. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTION 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND Warranty Deed — Statutory Form EXHIBIT L BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTION 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. Dated this 15th day of December, 2021. Oak Management, L.L.C. By: James M. Its: Manager STATE. OF OREGON County of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me on December 15, 2021, by James M. Straub as Manager of Oak Management, L.L.C. Notary Public for Oregon OFSEAL HOWARb F FEINMAN fi NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION N0.1001492 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SONE 30 2024 _ Warranty Deed — Statutory Form Page 2 Exhibit 1 Legal Description Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of the County Road on the East line of the James C. Looney Donation Land Claim No. 54, Notification No. 3710, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 5.51 chains South of the most Northerly Northeast corner of said claim, and running thence. South on the East line of the claim 11.57 chains, thence West 6.47 chains, thence North 8.86 chains to the Southerly line of the County Road, thence along the Southerly line of the County Road, on a curve to the left, the chord of which bears North 67 degrees 31' East to the place of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. Exhibit 1 — Legal Description Page 1 Grantor's Narne:The Straub Family Trust ula Dtd 12123/2003 Grantee's Name: Jim & Carlie Straub Family Trust Did 0010412014 and Address: 31930 Owl Road, Eugene OR 97405 AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO: 131930 Owl Road, Eugene OR 97405 Until a change !s requested, all tax statements shall be sentto the following address: Jim & Carile Straub Famiy Trust Did 0610412014 31930 Owl Road, Eugene OR 97405 Lane County Clerk 2022-002683 Lane County Deeds and Records 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $112.00 02001333202200026830020026 01119/2022 09:28:38 AM RPR -DEED Cnt=1 Pgs=2 Stn=16 CASHIER 04 $10.00 $20.00 $11.00 $61.00 $10.00 WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM Michael W. Straub and Linna R.Straub as Trustees of The Straub�„�n'I Trust, executed December 23, 2003, Grantors, convey and warrant to James Straub & Carlene Rs ustees of the Jim & Cariie Straub Famiy Trust Dtd 0610412014,Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein situated in Wheeler County, Oregon, to -wit: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A The said property is free from encumbrances except easements, conditions, and reOictions, and liens of record. The liability and obligations of the Granter to Grantees and Grantees- heirs and assigns under the warranties and covenants contained herein or provided by law shall be limited to the amount, nature, and terms of any right or indemnification available to Grantor under any title insurance policy, and Grantor shall have no liability or obligation except to the extent that reimbursement for such liability or obligation is available to Grarltgr under any such title insurance policy. The true consideration for this conveyance is other than money:.�.�e l'Wo' �°'�'�;d Q��ow �ir-Fhls Crio}�JuG��ruc4 ' G7�i,t°!+-�har� �:fly �In Michael W. Straub, Trustee and Grantor na R. Straub, Trustee and Grantor BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE HO�RINQUI 424, R ABOUT THE FPER AND RIGHTS, 1F ANY, UNDER ORS 195 300, ISL301 AND 195 305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17. CHAPTER 895. OREGON LAWS 2009. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS DEPARTMENT 0 OR 2TO R6.O10IFY HTo VERIFY THE APPROVED USESAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING ANSFERRED OF THE LOTIS A OR PARCEL, LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED ANYTOF LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES. AS DAND I g&306 EFINED IN ORS O 195. AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS 42 NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF AN 8 AND ER ORS 185.300. 195.301 CHAPTER 655, OREGON LAWS 200790195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, ss. 13 liv jaiblhMicae! W. Straub and Linna R. Straub as This instrument was acknowledged before me on Trustees and Granters. CCN OFFICIAL STAMP ILL *my JAMI ANN KIRST Notarty Public for OregonfNOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON 1VCOMMISSION NO, 1003786 COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 09, 2024 Exhibit A Property 1 (Thurston, 23.3 acres) Beginning at the mosteasterly northeastcomer ofthe James C. Looney and wife Donation Land Claim No. 85, in Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, and Claim No. 54 in Section 35, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence West 379.50 feet to the comer in angle of said claim; thence North a distance of 301 feet along East line of said claim to the Southeast comer of the Frederick J. Gray, Jr. and Elsie M. Gray property as described in Volume 236, Page 413 of Lane County Oregon Deed Records; thence running West 1312.08 feet along the South line of the said Frederick J. Gray, Jr. and Elsie M. Gray property and along the South line of the Guy Mathews and Elsie Mathews property as described in Volume 267, Page 486 of Lane County Oregon Deed Records; and along the South line ofthe Ralph G. Witcher and Josephine Witcher property as described in Volume 231, Page 33 of Lane County Oregon Records to the Southwest comer ofthe said Ralph G. Witcher and Josephine Witcher property; thence running South 0 degrees 05' East a distance of 799 feetto the center ofthe Eugene Springfield Land and Water Company irrigation canal; thence running in an Easterly direction along the center line of said canal a distance of 1747 feetto the intersection of said canal with the East line of the James C. Looney and wife Donation Land Claim No. 85, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian and Claim No. 54, in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence running North along the East line of said claim a distance of448 feetto the point of beginning, all a part of the said James C. Looney Donation Land Claim in Lane County, Oregon. #7281 170.2/35 OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPT1dM_" F REAS. 'PROPERTIES OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR; LANE COUNTY. OREGON 3200/ -Q F TAX LOT142 93 e] DEED RELOAD ACRES YEAR 16-1 ` 35 17 2 1 REMAINING Np, I SECTION—_ - I TOWNSHIP S. 1 RANGE E. OR W. W. M. j VOL. 1 PAGE BEARING I DISTANCE ` BEARING REFERENCE OR LEGAL SUBDIVISION^ 11943 1974 j 978 1980 1980 19821 74/ 3. Gz' South 11.57 -chs, arrest 6.47 chs, North 8.86 chs 1256 418 j Beginning at a point in the } R487/12223 Southerly line of the County Road, I on the East line of the James C. R902/23-998 Looney D.I.C. #54, Notf. 3710 in 8966/02485 Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Md. 966/102486 5.51 chains' South of the most North- i R1184/82-0801 I erly Northeast corner of said Claim, III �, 3���3 running thence on the East line of the Claim, thence !thence to the Southerly line of the County ;Road, thence ;;along the Southerly line of the Co- unty Road, on a curve to the left, the chord of which bears North 670 131'East to the _place of beginning, containing more or less 6.61 EXHIBIT ISI F, OLD NUMBER MAP 17-02-35 NO. LOT NO. INDENT EACH NEW COURSE TO THIS POINT OFFICIAL RECORD OF DESCRIPTIONS OF REAL PROPERTIES OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR LANE COUNTY, OREGON CODE NO. rAX142 7683603 I AERIAL PHOTO LOT NO. 35 17 2 West NUMBER SECTION ' TOWNSHIP S. RANGE W.M. \ I BLOCK NO. ADDITION LEGAL DESCRIPTION IBeg. at the most Elly NE. corner of the James C.Looney DLC.#85,Sec.2,Twp.18S,R*aJ,VlM. & claims 054 in Sec.35,Twp.17S,R.3N,Wh4. thence fiWest- 379.50 ft. to the corner angle of said claim; thence North 30.1.00 ft, along the East line of sai claim to the SE. corner of the F.J. Gray Jr. property as desc. it Vol. 236/413, of LCODR. thence running West 1312.08 ft along the South line of the said F.Gray property & along the South line of the Guy Mathews property desc. .in Vol. 267/486, of LCDR. & along the south line of the Ralph C. Witcher property as desde in Vol. 231/33 of LCODR. to the SW: corner of the said Ralph G. W tcher, property; thence running 1S.00051E. 799.0 ft. to the center of the Eugene—Springfield Land & Water Co. irrigation canal; thence ruining in an Elly direction along the center line of said canal a distance of 11747.0 ft. to the intersection of said canal wit the East line of the J.C. Looney DLC.#85,Twp; 18S,R,2AWVp . & claim #54, in Twp. 1 7S,R.ZvV,WM.,thence rrunn i n g North 448.0 ft, along the Easy line of said claim to the POB., all a part of the said James C. Looney DLC., in LCO. Cont. m/I Correction in acreage l 5 CITY DEED RECORD ACRES DATE OF ENTRY I DEED NUMBER I REMAINING 1962 1962 1970 1982 1987 1966 1R 185/5371 Livarcaians p #15147 �R489/14742 R1199/82-19253 R1448/8709916 ate- ©-3 Q* 24.87 23.30 Thurston Rd Utility Narrative WASTEWATER: Per Springfield's GIS map, there is an existing 15" wastewater trunk line that runs within the Thurston Road right of way to the eastern property line of T.L. 2600. This existing system can be extended to the eastern edge of T.L. 3200 and provide service stubs to the properties fronting -Thurston Road - Preliminary engineering shows this wastewater line is deep enough to provide service to tax lots 3200 and 33603 which are proposed for annexation. There is also an existing wastewater line at the North end of 74th Street that can also be extended to serve a portion of tax lot 3603. In discussion with Springfield Public Works staff, the existing wastewater systems discussed above have sufficient capacity to serve the development of the subject property, therefore this criterion is met. STORMWATER: There are multiple open drainage stormwater systems in the area of the property to be annexed that provide destination for treated stormwater. 75th Street Creek is an existing open ditch that flows to the North through the property, eventually routing water through culverts under Thurston Road to South Cedar Creek on the North side of Thurston Road. Gray Creek is an existing open ditch on the South end of the property that flows West to another existing ditch system West of Thurston Elementary School. This ditch then flows North to a culvert under Thurston Road that routes to South Cedar Creek. Since both the open ditches are designated as either a WQLQ stream or a water of the State, water quality treatment will be incorporated into the onsite stormwater management systems to meet DEQ requirements prior to discharge offsite. In addition, detention will be incorporated into the design of the onsite stormwater management facilities to keep post -construction peak flows below the existing condition. EXHIBIT N WA Existing stormwater systems available to the site can be utilized with appropriate onsite design, therefore this criterion is met. Based on preliminary survey data from AKS Engineering and EGR &Associates, there are existing water lines at the Northwest corner of T.L. 2700 in the Thurston Road right of way. There is also an existing water line that is located at the North end of 74th Street in the right of way. -The water lines can be extended from the existing locations to serve the entire development for domestic use and fire protection. The water system can be "looped" from Thurston Road to 74th Street to provide a reliable system. There is adequate water facilities to serve the development, therefore this criterion is met. FRANCHISE UTILITIES: SUB Electric - There are existing electric facilities at both the North and South end of the subject site. An overhead electric line is located on the North side of Thurston Road along the full frontage of tax lot 3200. There is also an underground electric system at the North end of 74th 'Street. There is adequate service adjacent to the property to serve future development. Comcast Cable -There are existing cable/internet facilities at both the North and South end of the subject site. An overhead line is located on the North side of Thurston Road along the full frontage of tax lot 3200. There is also an underground system at the North end of 74th Street. There is adequate service adjacent to the property to serve future development. Lumen -There are existing phone/internet facilities at both the North and South end of the subject site. An overhead line is located on the North side of Thurston Road along the full frontage of tax lot 3200. There is also an underground system at the North end of 74th Street. There is adequate service adjacent to the property to serve future development. Northwest Natural Gas - Based on NW Natural service maps, there is existing natural gas service to Thurston Elementary School in Thurston Road west of the property. There is also natural gas service in the existing subdivision to the South, but does not extend to the North end of 74th Street. Natural gas is available to the property, but would require offsite extension of facilities. Therefore, this criterion is met.