HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Applicant 6/28/2024THE SATRE GROUP Land Use Planners, Landscape Architects, Environmental Specialists 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-4540 • www.satregroup.com TRANSMITTAL TO:City of Springfield DATE:June 28, 2024 225 5th Street PROJECT:Mill Street Apartments Springfield, OR 97477 Final Site Plan Review CLIENT PROJ #: ATTN:SG PROJ #:2305 TRANSMITTED:Herewith X DISPOSITION:For Your Approval Separate Cover For Your Information/Use X Other For Reply TRANSMITTED: # Copies Item Dated No. Pages (In addition to this cover page) Two (2) paper copies and a CD of a: Final Site Plan Review Application Packet Varies Several REMARKS:This Final Site Plan Review application packet is hereby submitted for processing. The submittal includes: 1. This Transmittal 6. Plan Set 2. Application Fee A. Landscape Set 3. Application Form B. Civil 4. Letter Addressing Conditions 7. Architectural set 5. Exhibits A. Draft Stormwater O & M Report B. Updated Stormwater Memo C. Email from Staff We look forward to your assistance with the project. Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions or need any additional information. Thank you. COPIES TO:Agency BY: File X Consultant Team X John Anderson Owner X Other John Anderson, ASLA, Principal / Partner DocuSign Envelope ID: D4A06593-1C91-4723-ACDF-A4B058436980 DocuSign Envelope ID: D4A06593-1C91-4723-ACDF-A4B058436980 6/17/2024 3 Type 2 – Site Plan Review Application Process A. A Type 2 application involves the Director’s interpretation and exercise of discretion when evaluating approval standards. Uses or development evaluated through this process are uses that are conditionally permitted or allowed after Director review that may require the imposition of conditions of approval to ensure compliance with development and approval standards. (SDC 5.1.415(A)). B. A Type 2 decision is made by the Director after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed. A Type 2 application is reviewed according to the procedures below, unless the Director determines that the application should be reviewed as a Type 3 decision. A Type 2 decision may be appealed according to SDC 5.1.800. (SDC 5.1.415(B)). C. When application materials are over 20 pages in length, an applicant must provide an identical electronic version and hard copy of the submitted materials. (SDC 5.1.215(B)(2)). 1. Site Plan Review Completeness Check Meeting • The purpose of the completeness check meeting is to determine whether the proposed development application is complete prior to acceptance of the application for processing by the City. A complete application is required for the review process. • The completeness check meeting will examine if the submittal standards of SDC 5.1.220 and 5.17.115 are met. • A completeness check meeting is required for all Type 2 and 3 land use applications. • Completeness Check Meetings are typically held within five to seven working days of application submittal. • The application must conform with Application Submittal Standards in SDC 5.1.220, the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements found in the SDC 5.17.155, and the Checklist provided in this form below. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Completeness Check Meeting • The applicant, owner, and associated design team are strongly encouraged to attend the Completeness Check meeting, however it is not required. • The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall’s office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. • The Case Planner provides the applicant with a Completeness Check Meeting Checklist specifying items required to make the application complete. • The applicant has 180 days to submit a complete Site Plan Review application to the city; a second Completeness Check meeting is required after the 180 days. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application 4 • The application must conform with the Application Submittal Standards in SDC 5.1.220, the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements found in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.17.155, and the Checklist provided below. • An application will be reviewed for completeness in accordance with SDC 5.1.405. • A Type 2 decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14-day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • At the applicant’s request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 12 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official, as applicable. 5 Type 2 – Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist Please Note: • All the following items MUST be submitted. • If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why in the attached narrative. • When application or appeal materials are over 20 pages in length, an applicant must provide an identical electronic version and hard copy of the submitted materials. ❑ Site Plan Review Application Form ❑ Application Fee – Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. ❑ An electronic copy of all application materials (USB drive or other) submitted at the time of application (if total submittal package is over 20 pages). ❑ Proof of ownership, e.g., deed or other recorded document ❑ Concurrent applications where a proposal involves more than one (1) application ❑ State or Federal Permit Required – The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request. ❑ Completed Attached Stormwater Scoping Sheet One (1) Hard Copy of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal: □ Application materials must be submitted as required below in addition to the requirements in SDC 5.1.220, Application Submittal Standards. Applications that do not include all the necessary information may be deemed incomplete in accordance with SDC 5.1.225, Acceptance of Application. Please Note: • These plans must provide enough information to enable the City to determine that the proposed development is feasible, but are not necessarily required to be detailed construction level documents • The City’s Engineering Design Standards Manual, while not land use criteria, may be used in whole or in part, by the City Engineer to determine the feasibility of a proposed plan. • Nothing herein should be interpreted as implying any requirement in contradiction of Oregon Statute or Oregon Administrative Regulation. ❑ General Requirements. See SDC 5.17.115(A). 6 □ Be prepared by a design professional, licensed in the state of Oregon, when required by state law, such as an engineer, architect, landscape architect, land surveyor, or other qualified professional as determined by the Director; □ Be drawn to scale with the scale indicated on the plans, and the scale sized appropriately for the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan related to the approval standards; □ Include a north arrow and date of preparation and/or revision; □ Provide the physical address of the subject property, if applicable, and the County assessor’s tax map and lot number; □ Provide the names and addresses of all persons listed as owners on the most recently recorded deed; □ Provide the name, address, email address, and telephone number of any person that assisted in preparing the application materials or plans; and □ Show the size of the property and development area in acres or square feet. ❑ Existing Conditions Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(B)). The application must include an existing site conditions plan that shows, for the entire property and the surrounding property to a distance of 150 feet from the subject property boundaries: □ The property boundaries, dimensions, and gross area; □ Topographic contour lines at one-foot intervals for slopes equal to or less than ten percent and at two-foot intervals for slopes greater than ten percent; □ The location and width of all public and private streets, drives, sidewalks, pathways, rights-of-way, and easements; □ Potential natural hazard areas, including areas mapped by the City, County, or State as having a potential for geologic hazards; □ Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County; □ Resource areas, including wetlands on the City’s Local Wetlands Inventory, streams, surface mines, and wildlife habitat identified by the City or any natural resource regulatory agencies as requiring protection; □ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow, and top of bank of all watercourses that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their riparian areas; □ The 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision; □ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3.200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department; 7 □ Features, including existing structures, pavement, large rock outcroppings, drainage ways, canals and ditches; □ The location, size and species of trees and other vegetation having a caliper (diameter) of six inches or greater at four feet above grade; and □ Locally or federally designated historic and cultural resources ❑ Proposed Site Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(C)). □ The proposed development site, including boundaries, dimensions, and gross area; □ Existing site features, including trees, identified on the site analysis map, if any, which are proposed to be retained, removed, or modified by the proposed development; □ The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed structures, utilities, pavement, and other improvements on the site and adjacent to the site for a distance of 150 feet; □ Setback dimensions for all existing and proposed buildings; □ Loading and service areas for waste disposal, loading, and delivery; and □ Outdoor recreation spaces, common areas, plazas, outdoor seating, street furniture, and similar improvements ❑ Utility and Improvement Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(D)). The application must include a utility and improvement plant that shows: □ The name and location of all existing and proposed public and private streets within or on the boundary of the proposed development site including the right-of-way and paving dimensions, and the ownership and maintenance status; □ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, streetlights, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities; □ The location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails; □ The location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and communications connections including cable, internet, and television cable, etc.; □ The proposed connection points of the proposed utilities; and □ The location and size of existing and proposed easement and public dedications ❑ Landscape Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(E)). □ Existing and proposed building and pavement outlines; □ The location and dimensions of existing and proposed terraces, retaining walls, decks, patios, shelters, and play areas; □ Existing and proposed abutting street right-of-way landscaping; 8 □ Screening as specified in SDC 4.4.110; □ Plantings, either existing or proposed, used in erosion control and stormwater treatment facilities; □ Details of a permanent irrigation system, unless specifically exempted as specified in SDC 4.4.100; □ Street trees as specified in SDC 4.2.140; □ A specifications list for all landscaping materials to be used; □ A planting schedule containing the location, size, and species of the existing and proposed plant materials (at time of planting); □ The anticipated size of all proposed plants at two years, or at maturity, whichever is first; and □ A description of planting methods as specified in SDC 4.4.100 ❑ Access, Circulation, Parking, and Lighting Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(F)). □ The location, dimensions and number of typical, compact, and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers, directional signs and striping; □ The location and dimensions of all site circulation for vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles including entrances and exits to the site, and loading and service areas; □ Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways and driveways proposed to be closed; □ On-site lighting including the location, orientation, and maximum height of all proposed exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached. □ For lighting, the type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles and the type of illumination, the wattage, luminous area, and a photometric test report for each light source; □ The location, type, number, and dimensions of all bicycle parking spaces; □ The amount of gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use; □ The location of off-street loading areas; □ Existing and proposed transit facilities; □ A copy of a Right-of-way Approach Permit application, where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility; and □ A Traffic Impact Study prepared by an Oregon Licensed Traffic Engineer when required by and as specified in SDC 4.2.105(A)(4). ❑ Grading, Paving, and Stormwater Management Plan. (SDC 5.17.115(G)). □ Stormwater management system for the entire development area; 9 □ The roof drainage patterns and discharge locations; □ The pervious and impervious area drainage patterns; □ The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainage ways to be retained; and □ The existing and proposed elevations, site grades, and contours ❑ Phased Development Plan. The application must include a Phased Development Plan if phasing is proposed. The plan must indicate any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase as specified in SDC 5.17.115. Phasing must progress in a sequence that promotes street connectivity between the various phases and accommodates other required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electricity. The Approval Authority may require the applicant to enter into an agreement for phased developments, and may require bonding or other assurances for improvements, in accordance with SDC 5.15.135, Bonding and Assurances for Development. ❑ Narrative. The application must include a written letter, narrative, or report documenting how the proposal is in compliance with the applicable approval criteria contained in SDC 5.17.125, Site Plan Review Approval Standards. ❑ Deed Restrictions. The application must submit copies of all existing and proposed restrictions or covenants. ❑ Additional Information. The Director may require an applicant to submit additional information at the time of Site Plan Review application submittal. At the applicant’s expense, additional studies, reports, or exhibits prepared by qualified professionals may be required to address specific site features or concerns to demonstrate compliance with approval standards. Additional information may include, but is not limited to the following items: □ Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been applied for or approved; □ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Oregon-licensed engineer, if the required Site Assessment specified in SDC 5.17.120 indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. ❑ Septic Systems. If the properties are not served by the City sewer system in accordance with SDC 4.3.105, the application must include documentation from the Department of Environmental Quality or its agent that indicates that the proposed development will be in compliance with all applicable requirements for sanitary septic systems when such systems exist on the properties affected by the development. 10 IT IS THE APPLICANT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1.210: The following information may be submitted or may be required to be submitted for the applicant to demonstrate compliance with the applicable approval standards. □ Preliminary Title Report. A Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 90 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. □ Traffic Impact Study. A developer may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed mitigation measures. □ Multiple Unit Housing Standards. Materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 4.7.380, Multiple Unit Housing Standards (if applicable). □ Riparian Area Protection Report. Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW. □ Geotechnical Report. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high-water table, or if required by the City Engineer. □ Overlay District. Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district on plans and narratives. □ Additional Information. Where physical aspects of a proposed development, including but not limited to scale, odor noise, glare or vibration, will impact less intensive surrounding uses, the Director may request submittal of conceptual floor plans or other information necessary to determine compliance with applicable standards. □ Tree Felling Permit. If five or more qualifying trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19.100. □ Wetland Delineation. A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Department of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property. □ Federal or State Permits. The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request. □ Land and Drainage Alteration Permit (LDAP). Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development in accordance with Springfield Municipal Code 8.418. 11 □ Discretionary Use or Variance. Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 must be provided. □ Annexation. An Annexation application must be submitted prior to submission of application, as specified In SDC 5.7.100, where a development is proposed outside of the City limits but within the City’s urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer. June 28, 2024 MILL STREET SCHOOL APARTMENTS Site Plan Review - Final Map 17-03-35-23, Lot 4503 CONDITION OF APPROVAL RESPONSE LETTER The applicant, Mill Street School, LLC, received approval of its Tentative Site Plan Review application (Case No. 811-24-000028-TYP2) on April 2, 2024. It contained fourteen (14) Conditions of Approval. Outlined below, you will find the City’s Conditions in Italic and the applicant’s response to each of those Conditions in regular text. 1. The applicant will obtain all required permits and inspections for the using (of) the existing sewer connection to the building as required by the City of Springfield Plumbing Code. Response: This will be done at Building Permit phase and with the connection to the sewer. 2. Prior to approval of the Final Site Plan, the applicant must provide an operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed storm filter catch basin, consistent with maintenance criteria required by EDSPM 3.03.1. The plan must designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system and must be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. Response: The draft O & M Plan has been generated and is being submitted with this application. See attachment 5a. 3. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide calculations showing the entire parking lot area is being pretreated and/or vegetatively treated with adequately sized treatment areas. Response: See attachment 5B Stormwater Memo. The infiltration basins will be fully vegetated prior to final inspection. See note on the plans. 4. On the Final site plan and building permit plans the applicant must clearly show the elevator shaft to have a solid floor with a sanitary drain. Response: The elevator is an existing part of the building and as such does not have a floor drain. The use was discussed with staff and the elevator is existing and to retrofit with a sanitary drain would be costly and disruptive to the foundation. Also, staff has pointed out that the site is not within any applicable TOTZ, therefore a sanitary drain will not be required. See attachment 5C, an email from staff dated May 22, 2024. 5. The developer must place all existing overhead power and communication services underground from the existing pole to the building at a location to be determined in cooperation with SUB electric and the telecom service provider. Response: See Civil Sheet, Attachment 6B. 6. Final Site Plan must show required pad and transfor4mer located per SUB’s requirements. Applicant must coordinate with SUB to install to their required standards. Response: See Civil Sheet, attachment 6B and Site Plan, attachment 6A. Mill Street Apartments Page 2 of 2 Final Site Plan Review Map 17-03-35-23, Lot 4503 June 28, 2024 The Satre Group • 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686-4540 • www.satregroup.com 7. Final Site Plan must show existing fire hydrant locations. Response: See Civil Sheet, attachment 6B and Site Plan, attachment 6A. 8. Final Site Plan must show the required pad mounted transformer in the location specified by SUB, as well as a 20’ easement around the transformer and a 10’ on all street side property lines. Response: See Sheet L3.0 9. The applicant must dedicate a 7’ PUE along all street frontages adjacent to the site. Response: See Civil Sheet, attachment 6B and Site Plan, attachment 6A. 10. The open courtyard space in front of the building must include pedestrian amenities including benches, seating walls, or similar furnishings. The required amenities must be shown on the Final Site Plan documents. Response: See sheet L3.0 11. Applicant must show the transformer required by SUB with landscaping that meets the requirements noted above in SDC 4.7.385(D)(1)(d). Response: See Sheet L7.0 12. Prior to Final Site Plan Review submittal amenities that comply with the standard above will need to be shown on the site plan. Response: See all Civil, Landscape, and architectural sheets. 13. Prior to Final Site Plan Review approval, the building plan set (A-100 Architectural Site Plan and any additional references) must be updated to show that 0.2-foot candle lighting will be utilized. Response: See lighting sheet L6.0 14. At Final Site Plan Submittal, the easement must be shown on the site plan and a copy of the recorded easement must be provided. Response: The easement is being drafted by legal counsel and a copy of the easement will be submitted for approval by staff prior to being recorded. In advance, thank you for your assistance with this application. If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact John Anderson, at The Satre Group, 541-686-4540, or by email at: JohnA@satregroup.com. Sincerely, John Anderson John Anderson, ASLA, Partner The Satre Group Stormwater Operations and Maintenance Plan Mill Street Apartments - Bazer Branch Engineering Project #23-367 For 525 Mill Street Apartments Springfield, Oregon 97477 CC: John Anderson, ASLA, LEED AP The Satre Group johna@satregroup.com TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD SALEM-KEIZER 310 5th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 | p: 541.746.0637 | f: 541.746.0389 | www.branchengineering.com DATE: May 17, 2024 PROJECT: Mill Street Apartments - Bazer TO: 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 CC: John Anderson, ASLA, LEED AP Materials/Facilities Manager glutz@oregonurology.com FROM: Andrew Park, E.I. Branch Engineering, Inc. RE: Stormwater Operations & Maintenance Plan for 525 Mill Street BEI Project # 23-367 This stormwater management operations and maintenance plan was prepared for the Mill Street Apartments conversion project in Springfield, Oregon. City of Springfield regulations requires a stormwater management system operations and maintenance plan for the facilities on the development. The stormwater management system for this project includes a conveyance system consisting of planters, pipes, area drains, catch basins and filter inserts. The planters’ operation and maintenance logs and schedules have been included in the appendices. Appendices include the following items: APPENDIX A: ❖ Notice of Operations and Maintenance Plan ❖ Legal Description APPENDIX B: ❖ FORM O & M: OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE PLAN ❖ Proposed Conditions Site Utility Map APPENDIX C: ❖ Stormwater Planter Operations & Maintenance Plan ❖ Catch Basin Filter Inserts Operations & Maintenance Plan ❖ Stormwater Management Facility Inspection & Maintenance Log Operations & Maintenance Plan (23-367) May 17, 2024 BRANCH ENGINEERING, INC. 2 The following are instructions for these documents. DOCUMENT INSTRUCTIONS Appendix A- Notice of Operations & Maintenance Plan The Notice of O&M Plan identifies the property as having stormwater management facilities on the property and identifies the financial method used to cover future operations and maintenance. The Notice of O&M Plan must be completed and recorded at Lane County Deeds and Records. Signatures on the Notice shall be notarized. The Notice may be submitted in person or mailed, along with payment of the applicable fees, to the County Recorder’s Office, Lane County Deeds and Records, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401, http://www.co.lane.or.us/AT_PropRec/default.htm. The property description on the Notice must be a full legal description of the property and may not be a tax lot number. Legal descriptions may be obtained from the county assessor’s office. This Notice shall be printed on legal-sized (8 ½ x 14) paper to facilitate the recording process. If printed on smaller paper, additional recording fees may apply. Appendix B- Form O&M: Operations & Maintenance Plan The completed Form must identify the owner’s name, address, and phone number, the site address, financial method used to cover future operation and maintenance, and parties responsible for inspecting and maintaining the facility. The Form O&M does not need to be recorded. A copy of the stormwater management site plan shall be attached to the Form O&M. The plan, approved as part of the permit for development, must show the location of the facility on the site, the sources of runoff entering the facility, and the ultimate stormwater destination. Appendix C- Stormwater Management Facility Inspection and Maintenance Log Stormwater management facility inspection and maintenance logs must be kept on file by facility owners. Logs should note all inspection dates, the facility components that were inspected, and any maintenance or repairs made. The facility-specific O&M plans can serve as a checklist for what should be included in the log (e.g. the facility elements that need to be inspected, frequency of inspection, conditions that indicate maintenance is needed, etc.) APPENDIX A NOTICE OF OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE PLAN ATTACHMENT A: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2022‐031056  NEW TAX LOT  CONTAINS M/L 1.14 AC  17-03-35-23-04503 1914883 Page 1 APPENDIX B FORM O & M PROPOSED CONDITIONS SITE UTILITY MAP Appendix 3A-2 Rev 01/26/16 Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System Land Development Application Number:___________________________________________________ Owner's Name:________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.:___________________________________ Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________ State_____________ Zip________________ Site Address:__________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________ State_____________ Zip________________ Site Map and Tax lot No.:________________________________________________________________ (Or attach document with additional lot information if the facility crosses more than one lot) Type of Facility(ies)____________________________________________________________________ Requirements 1) Stormwater Management Site Plan, (min. 8 1/2" x 11" attached to this form) showing the location of the facility(ies) in relation to building structures or other permanent monuments on the site, sources of runoff entering the facility(ies), and where stormwater will be discharged to after leaving the facility(ies). Landscape and vegetation should be clear on the Plan submitted or submit a separate Landscape Plan document showing vegetation type, location, and quantity (landscape plan). These can be the same Plans submitted for development review. The stormwater management facility(ies) shown on the Site Plan are a required condition of development approval for the identified property. The owner of the identified property is required to operate and maintain the facility(ies) in accordance with the Facility Specific Operation and Maintenance Plan(s) (O&M Plan(s)) attached to this form and on file with the City. The O&M Plan for the facility(ies) will be available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2) Financially responsible party (circle one): Property Owner Homeowner Association Other (describe) __________________________ 3) Party(ies) responsible for maintenance (only if other than owner). Daytime phone no. (______) _______ -_______ Emergency/after-hours contact phone no. (______) _______ - _______ Maintenance Contact Party(ies) Name & Business Address: _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4) Maintenance practices and schedule for the stormwater facility(ies) are included in the Facility Specific O&M Plan(s) attached to this form and filed with the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield. The operation and maintenance practices are based on the version of the City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual in effect at the date of development application, as modified by any plans attached to this document at the time of signing. Application Date: By signing below, Filer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan(s) and in any document executed by Filer and recorded with it. Filer Signature: Print Name: APPENDIX C STORMWATER PLANTER OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN CATCH BASIN FILTER INSETRS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE PLAN MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE LOG Appendix 3A-3 Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE LOG Property Address: Inspection Date: Inspection Time: Inspected By: Approximate Date/Time of Last Rainfall: Type of Stormwater Management Facility: Location of Facility on Site (In relation to buildings or other permanent structures): Water levels and observations (Oil sheen, smell, turbidity, etc.): Sediment accumulation and record of sediment removal: Condition of vegetation (Height, survival rates, invasive species present, etc.) and record of replacement and management (mowing, weeding, etc.): Condition of physical properties such as inlets, outlets, piping, fences, irrigation facilities, and side slopes. Record damaged items and replacement activities: Presence of insects or vectors. Record control activities: Identify safety hazards present. Record resolution activities: MEMO Date: May 21, 2024 Project: Mill Street Apartments 525 Mill Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Project No.: 23-367 Re: Stormwater Quality Requirements Introduction The following document has been prepared by Branch Engineering, Inc. at the client’s request to address stormwater quality requirements for the Mill Street Building project. The purpose of this document is to address the need for the site to meet stormwater quality requirements outlined in comments received during the Development Initiation Meeting on June 20, 2023, and Site Plan Review comments received on April 2, 2024. This document will discuss these comments and establish compliance with the City of Springfield Development Code. Water Quality Proposal Springfield Code 4.3.110 requires any development that creates or replaces 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface area to install storm water controls consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSP, December 13, 2012). Furthermore, EDSP 3.02.5 states that 100 percent of parking lots and paved areas be pre-treated for stormwater quality, and 3.02.6 requires 50 percent of the non-rooftop impervious area on site to be treated using vegetative methods. The total non-rooftop impervious area includes approximately 13,000 square feet of parking, 5,000 square feet of walkways, and 1,300 square feet of existing asphalt concrete to remain. This totals 19,300 square feet of area, or 9,650 square feet of impervious runoff area that requires vegetative treatment. To address these requirements, a section of the parking lot on the east side of the building can be regraded and the runoff directed to two stormwater planters. As-builts of the area indicate a stormwater main to the east of the site running north to south, and is likely where an existing catch basin on the subject site makes a connection to the public system. The two proposed DIGITALLY SIGNED planters would replace the catch basin and can overflow to the main after water quality requirements have been met. This parking lot totals approximately 8,200 square feet of impervious area runoff directed to vegetative treatment via the planters. In addition to this parking lot area, walkways on the south and west side of the structure drain to landscape away from the building. This runoff would sheet flow through grass landscape, and provide additional vegetative treatment as the landscape would act as a filter strip. These walkways include 1,800 square feet of impervious area, totaling approximately 10,000 square feet of non-rooftop impervious area that would receive vegetative treatment. For the remainder of of the site, the contractor will need to inspect all existing catch basins designated to remain, as well as TV inspect existing stormwater pipe and replace or repair as necessary. Catch basin filter inserts will need to be installed in existing catch basins, providing mechanical treatment for the remaining impervious areas. This brings the site into compliance with the Springfield code as defined above. Stormwater calculations and analysis performed by Branch Engineering, Inc. utilized HydroCAD 10.00 modeling software using the Santa Barabara Unit Hydrograph hydraulic modeling method. The results of this analysis are attached. 24-Hour Rainfall depths are based on City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual. Conclusion With the information provided in this Stormwater Document and the attached calculations, the proposed development has been designed in accordance with the City of Springfield requirements for water quality. No further stormwater measures are anticipated at this time. 1A Basin 1A 1B Basin 1B 1S North Parking Area 24R EX SD PIPE P1 PLANTER 1 P2 PLANTER 2 2S Walkways - Sheet flow Routing Diagram for 23-367 Mill St Apartments WQ STORM Prepared by {enter your company name here}, Printed 5/21/2024 HydroCAD® 10.00-26 s/n 10784 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Subcat Reach Pond Link Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=1.40"23-367 Mill St Apartments WQ STORM Printed 5/21/2024Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 1HydroCAD® 10.00-26 s/n 10784 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 1A: Basin 1A Runoff = 0.03 cfs @ 7.90 hrs, Volume= 0.009 af, Depth= 1.18" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/Imperv., Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.02 hrs Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=1.40" Area (sf) CN Description * 4,100 98 Pavement 4,100 98 100.00% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.0 Direct Entry, 2.0 0 Total, Increased to minimum Tc = 5.0 min Summary for Subcatchment 1B: Basin 1B Runoff = 0.03 cfs @ 7.90 hrs, Volume= 0.009 af, Depth= 1.18" Runoff by SBUH method, Split Pervious/Imperv., Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.02 hrs Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=1.40" Area (sf) CN Description * 4,100 98 Pavement 4,100 98 100.00% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 2.0 Direct Entry, 2.0 0 Total, Increased to minimum Tc = 5.0 min Summary for Pond P1: PLANTER 1 Inflow Area = 0.094 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.18" for WQ event Inflow = 0.03 cfs @ 7.90 hrs, Volume= 0.009 af Outflow = 0.01 cfs @ 7.02 hrs, Volume= 0.009 af, Atten= 78%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Secondary = 0.01 cfs @ 7.02 hrs, Volume= 0.009 af Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.02 hrs / 2 Peak Elev= 450.21' @ 10.11 hrs Surf.Area= 138 sf Storage= 70 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 83.0 min calculated for 0.009 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 83.0 min ( 778.7 - 695.7 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 449.70' 110 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Type IA 24-hr WQ Rainfall=1.40"23-367 Mill St Apartments WQ STORM Printed 5/21/2024Prepared by {enter your company name here} Page 2HydroCAD® 10.00-26 s/n 10784 © 2020 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 449.70 138 0 0 450.20 138 69 69 450.50 138 41 110 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Secondary 449.70'2.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Phase-In= 0.01' #2 Primary 450.30'4.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs HW=449.70' (Free Discharge) 2=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.01 cfs @ 7.02 hrs HW=449.72' (Free Discharge) 1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.01 cfs) Summary for Pond P2: PLANTER 2 Inflow Area = 0.094 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 1.18" for WQ event Inflow = 0.03 cfs @ 7.90 hrs, Volume= 0.009 af Outflow = 0.01 cfs @ 7.02 hrs, Volume= 0.009 af, Atten= 78%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Secondary = 0.01 cfs @ 7.02 hrs, Volume= 0.009 af Routing by Dyn-Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-36.00 hrs, dt= 0.02 hrs / 2 Peak Elev= 450.21' @ 10.11 hrs Surf.Area= 138 sf Storage= 70 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 83.0 min calculated for 0.009 af (100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 83.0 min ( 778.7 - 695.7 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 449.70' 110 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 449.70 138 0 0 450.20 138 69 69 450.50 138 41 110 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Secondary 449.70'2.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Phase-In= 0.01' #2 Primary 450.30'4.0" Vert. Orifice/Grate C= 0.600 Primary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 0.00 hrs HW=449.70' (Free Discharge) 2=Orifice/Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.01 cfs @ 7.02 hrs HW=449.72' (Free Discharge) 1=Exfiltration (Exfiltration Controls 0.01 cfs) From: Jenna Fribley <jenna@campfirelab.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 10:18 AM To: NOTARY Kelly <knotary@springfield-or.gov> Cc: RUST Mark <mrust@springfield-or.gov>; John Anderson <johna@satregroup.com>; MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov> Subject: Re: 525 Mill St. - Staff Report & Decision Thank you! Jenna L. Fribley, AIA, NCIDQ, LEED AP Architect / Co-Founder Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC jenna@campfirelab.com 541.914.0334 - a.k.a. - Coordinator / Co-Founder, Springfield Design Resource Center Career Instructor, University of Oregon, School of Architecture & Environment Past President, American Institute of Architects Southwestern Oregon Chapter Coordinator / Co-Founder, Booth Kelly Makers District Licensed Broker, Oregon, Hearthstone Real Estate On May 22, 2024, at 10:00 AM, NOTARY Kelly <knotary@springfield-or.gov> wrote: Hi Jenna, In speaking with Clayton; since this is an existing elevator, no modifications are to be done, and you are not in an applicable TOTZ you are not required to retrofit a sanitary drain. I will be sure to note that change once the Final Site Plan comes in for review, as I am sure you will in your response. Kindly, Kelly Notary Planner, Current Planning Web: www.springfield-or.gov Phone: 541.726.3790 | Fax: 541.726.3689 COUNTER HOURS: TUESDAY – FRIDAY 8am-Noon and 1pm-4pm <Outlook-COS_facebo.png><Outlook-COS_twitte.png><Outlook- COS_instag.png><Outlook-COS_youtub.png> <Outlook-Springfiel.jpeg><Outlook-https___go.png> DEI ADA Accessibility - City of Springfield Oregon (springfield-or.gov) From: Jenna Fribley <jenna@campfirelab.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 9:28 AM To: NOTARY Kelly <knotary@springfield-or.gov>; RUST Mark <mrust@springfield- or.gov> Cc: John Anderson <johna@satregroup.com> Subject: Re: 525 Mill St. - Staff Report & Decision **| WARNING: This email originated from outside of your organization. Please do not click on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. |** Kelly, Condition #4 notes that the elevator shaft must have a solid floor with a sanitary drain. However I believe this is based on an assumption that we are adding this elevator - when it actually already exists and we aren’t planning to modify it. I’m linking the 1980 elevator drawings here for reference: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2rvblslgbc7hw6zliy6b2/1980_04-08_Elevator- Addition.pdf?rlkey=nixordhpvhbws9jv0vh7zzi2t&dl=0 I’m hoping/assuming that we don’t need to retrofit a sanitary drain, but please let me know. Thanks! Jenna Jenna L. Fribley, AIA, NCIDQ, LEED AP Architect / Co-Founder Campfire Collaborative: Architecture & Design, PC jenna@campfirelab.com 541.914.0334 - a.k.a. - Coordinator / Co-Founder, Springfield Design Resource Center Career Instructor, University of Oregon, School of Architecture & Environment Past President, American Institute of Architects Southwestern Oregon Chapter Coordinator / Co-Founder, Booth Kelly Makers District Licensed Broker, Oregon, Hearthstone Real Estate