HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 20- TGM Grant Resolution of Support AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 7/1/2024 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Drew Larson/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3661 Estimated Time: 5 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: TGM GRANT RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt/not adopt the resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO SUPPORT A TRANSPORTATION GROWTH MANAGEMENT (TGM) GRANT APPLICATION FOR CREATION OF A SPRINGFIELD BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN ISSUE STATEMENT: Walking and bicycling are transportation modes that improve mobility options, public health, and environmental sustainability. Although Springfield’s Transportation System Plan includes all modes, there is a need to further develop plans for the pedestrian and bicycle system to more fully accomplish the goals of the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP). ATTACHMENTS: 1: Resolution of Support for TGM Grant 2: TGM Program Objectives 3: City of Springfield Project Objectives DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City of Springfield seeks to apply to the state’s Transportation Growth Management (TGM) Program to facilitate the creation of a Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan. By pursuing a TGM Program Grant, Springfield seeks to secure funding to develop a comprehensive Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan that enhances safety, accessibility, and connectivity for all ages and abilities. This plan will align with Springfield's Transportation System Plan (TSP) goals, which include enhancing economic vitality, supporting diverse land use patterns, and maintaining a sustainable and efficient transportation system. The Oregon Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) requires integration of bicycle and pedestrian planning into the TSP. The TSP includes bicycle and pedestrian projects needed to improve connectivity between primary destinations within the City or to fill in gaps in the off-street trail system, but contemplates additional planning work to more fully develop the network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Springfield. Further, LCDC has mandated additional bicycle and pedestrian planning work to be completed and integrated into a future TSP update by Dec. 31, 2029. This proposed grant and subsequent project would align with the requirements of the TPR and mitigate the cost to the City to meet the new transportation planning mandates. The resolution authorizes city staff to pursue the grant application and accept the grant if awarded, emphasizing Springfield's commitment to providing a 10.27% local match requirement and seeing the project through to adoption; staff will provide in-kind staff time to satisfy the required local match. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. ___________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO SUPPORT A TRANSPORTATION GROWTH MANAGEMENT (TGM) GRANT APPLICATION FOR CREATION OF A SPRINGFIELD BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Springfield recognizes the critical importance of promoting sustainable transportation options to enhance mobility, public health, and environmental sustainability; WHEREAS, the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) sets forth goals to provide an efficient, sustainable, diverse, and environmentally sound transportation system that supports and enhances Springfield’s economy and land use patterns; preserves, maintains, and enhances Springfield’s transportation system through safe, efficient, and cost-effective transportation system operations and maintenance techniques for all modes; enhance and expand Springfield’s transportation system design to provide a complete range of transportation mode choices; and create and maintain a sustainable transportation-funding plan that provides implementable steps towards meeting Springfield’s vision; WHEREAS, TSP policies 1.3 and 1.4 aim to develop a multi-modal transportation system supporting various urban functions, reducing reliance on single-occupancy vehicles (SOVs), and enhancing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure to accommodate diverse populations, including those with disabilities; WHEREAS, the City of Springfield is committed to expanding Transportation Demand Management (TDM) programs to reduce peak hour congestion and SOV reliance (TSP Policy 2.3), maintaining a safe and efficient bike and pedestrian system (TSP Policy 2.4), enhancing transit accessibility and convenience (TSP Policy 2.5), and promoting a balanced multi-modal transportation approach with intermodal connections (TSP Policy 2.10); WHEREAS, Springfield aims to expand and enhance its bikeway system and support bicycle facilities in both new development and redevelopment (TSP Policy 3.2), ensure a continuous transportation network with direct travel routes for all modes (TSP Policy 3.4), address the mobility and safety needs of all users (TSP Policy 3.5), and create a pedestrian-friendly environment that enhances safety, comfort, and convenience by providing direct routes and removing barriers (TSP Policy 3.7); WHEREAS, achieving these goals and policies requires proactive planning and investment in active transportation infrastructure, including the development of a Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan; WHEREAS, the Transportation Growth Management (TGM) Program provides valuable resources and funding opportunities to support the planning and development of transportation infrastructure projects that plan for all ages and abilities; WHEREAS, the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) at OAR 660-012-0020 requires the inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian planning as integral components of comprehensive transportation planning efforts to improve safety, accessibility, and connectivity for all users; Attachment 1 Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, the City of Springfield seeks to enhance its bicycling and pedestrian infrastructure through the development of a comprehensive Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan, which will guide future investments and improvements in active transportation infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the development of a Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan is essential to fostering connected neighborhoods, promoting economic vitality, and improving the overall quality of life for residents and visitors, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The Common Council hereby expresses its full support for the City’s application for a Transportation Growth Management (TGM) Program Grant to produce a Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan that aligns with the goals and objectives of the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan. Section 2: The Common Council authorizes the City Manager or her designee to develop, execute, and submit the necessary grant application materials to the TGM Program and to take all actions necessary accept said TGM Program Grant funds if awarded to the City. Section 3: This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ___ day of July, 2024, by a vote of _____ for and ____ against. ATTEST: __________________________ City Recorder Attachment 1 Page 2 of 2 Transportation & Growth Management Program Mission Oregon’s Transportation and Growth Management Program supports community efforts to expand transportation choices. By linking land use and transportation planning, TGM works in partnership with local governments to create vibrant, livable places in which people can walk, bike, take transit, or drive where they want to go. Goals and Objectives The TGM Program works in partnership with local governments and other stakeholders to accomplish the following interrelated goals and objectives: 1. Provide transportation choices to support communities with the balanced and interconnected transportation networks necessary for mobility, equity, and economic growth. 1.1 A balanced, interconnected, and safe transportation system that provides a variety of transportation options and supports land uses. 1.2 Appropriately sited, designed, and managed local, regional, and state transportation facilities and services that support the movement of goods and provide for services. 1.3 Mobility choices for underserved communities and those with limited options. 1.4 Safe and convenient walking, biking, and public transportation opportunities to support a healthy, active lifestyle. 2. Create communities composed of vibrant neighborhoods and lively centers linked by accessible transportation. 2.1 Livable towns and cities with a mix of housing types, work places, shops, schools, and parks for people of all ages, incomes and abilities. 2.2 Well-located activity centers, including schools and other government services, which are accessible to pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users. 2.3 A safe and appealing physical environment supportive of the social, cultural, and health needs of all the community residents. Attachment 2 Page 1 of 2 January 2018 3. Support economic vitality and growth by planning for land uses and the movement of people and goods. 3.1 Thriving existing neighborhoods and centers and well-planned new growth that accommodate existing and future residents, businesses, and services. 3.2 Well-located and accessible industrial and employment centers. 3.3 Housing with access to education, jobs, and services. 4. Save public and private costs with compact land uses and well-connected transportation patterns. 4.1 Urban growth accommodated within existing communities, thus minimizing, delaying, or providing an alternative to an urban growth boundary expansion. 4.2 Future transportation needs accommodated within the existing or improved system, thus minimizing, delaying, or providing an alternative to constructing additional major infrastructure projects. 5. Promote environmental stewardship through sustainable land use and transportation planning. 5.1 Transportation systems and land use patterns that protect valuable natural resources, promote energy efficiency, and reduce emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases. TGM Better Ways to Better Places www.oregon.gov/LCD/TGM Attachment 2 Page 2 of 2 Creating a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Project Objectives This project aims to transform Springfield’s transportation infrastructure through the development and implementation of a comprehensive Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. Springfield, like many cities, faces challenges related to safety, accessibility, and sustainability in its transportation network. With this grant application, Springfield seeks to address these challenges and create a more vibrant, equitable, and sustainable community. Our objectives: • Improve Safety: We will identify areas of the community to incorporate necessary safety improvements, e.g., traffic calming measures, improved lighting, and create separated bike lanes and pedestrian paths, etc., into the plan to enhance safety for all road users. • Support Economic Development: We will promote enhancement of the local economy by planning for improved bike/ped connectivity to Springfield businesses, improve streetscapes, foster pedestrian-friendly business districts, and amenities. • Enhance Accessibility: By improving sidewalk connectivity, adding crosswalks, ramps, and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, we aim to increase accessibility for all ages and abilities. • Promote Active Transportation: Through the creation of a comprehensive network of bike lanes, multi-use paths, and pedestrian-friendly streets, we will encourage walking and cycling as viable modes of transportation. • Encourage Health and Wellness: Our efforts will promote physical activity and public health by making it an attractive alternative for residents to walk or bike for short trips instead of relying solely on motor vehicles. • Preserve the Environment: This plan will aim to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions and promote sustainability through alternative modes of transportation, contributing to a healthier environment for current and future generations. • Community Engagement and Education: We will involve the community in the planning process to further understand their needs/wants, and to raise awareness about the benefits of walking and cycling through outreach programs, educational campaigns, and events. • Equity and Social Inclusion: Our plan will aim to ensure the benefits are equitably distributed across all neighborhoods and demographics, including low-income communities and people with disabilities. • Integrate with Transit: We will coordinate with existing public transportation systems, with a goal to create seamless connections between walking, cycling, and public transit, making it easier for residents to combine modes of transportation for their daily travel. Attachment 3 Page 1 of 2 • Monitor and Evaluate: We will establish metrics and benchmarks to track progress towards our goals and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of implemented measures to make adjustments as needed. The proposed Transportation Growth Management (TGM) Grant presents a transformative opportunity for Springfield, OR. By prioritizing safety, accessibility, and sustainability, our Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan aims to create a more vibrant, equitable, and resilient community. Through collaboration with stakeholders, community engagement, and rigorous monitoring, we are confident in our ability to achieve our objectives and create lasting positiv e change. With your support, we look forward to realizing a future where walking and cycling are not only safe and convenient but also integral parts of everyday life in Springfield. Thank you for considering our proposal and investing in the future of our city. Attachment 3 Page 2 of 2