HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 05 21 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes RS 1 Planning Commission Minutes – May 21st, 2024 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Tuesday, May 21st, 2024 Approved 6/4/24 7:00 p.m. Regular Session Attested S. Weaver Meeting held in Council Chambers Room (City Hall) and via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Rhoads-Dey, Vice Chair Buck, Stout, Thompson, Webber, and Schmunk Excused absence – Salazar Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Sarah Weaver, Planning Commission Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney; Tom Sievers, Senior Planner Chair Rhoads-Dey called the Regular Session to order at 7:02 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLIAGENCE – Led by Chair Rhoads-Dey. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES May 7th, 2024 - Approved BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None Item(s): •Major Variance for Proposed Marijuana Retailer at 1853 2nd Street Staff: Tom Sievers, Senior Planner 5 Minutes Kristina Kraaz / Staff: Since the hearing was closed during the last Planning Commission meeting the normal Public Hearing disclaimers don’t apply. She confirmed that statement regarding conflicts of interest needs to be expressed. Chair Rhoads-Dey asked Commissioners for any conflicts of interest: •Rhoads-Dey – has a potential conflict of interest as he is an active real-estate broker in the community. He has no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. •Buck – has no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. He has a potential conflict of interest as a commercial insurance agent practicing in the area and a homeowner. •Stout – has no conflict of interest, no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. •Thompson – has no conflict of interest, no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. 2 Planning Commission Minutes – May 21st, 2024 •Webber – has no conflict of interest or ex parte contact. He noted that as he had been absent at the previous meeting, he watched the video recording and therefore had the information he needed to vote. •Schmunk – has no conflict of interest or bias. Chair Rhoads-Dey: confirmed that there was a motion pending from the May 7th meeting. He noted that the Staff report and the Findings have been updated to reflect the Public Hearing testimony. He opened the Commission up for debate of the motion. Kristina Kraaz / Staff: restated the motion: the commission moved to approve the Major Variance as proposed, including the updated Staff Report and Findings. Chair Rhoads-Dey: called on the Commissioners to discuss the motion. Hearing no further points of discussion on the motion, he called for a roll call vote. Roll call vote: Rhoads-Dey – Aye Buck – Aye Schmunk – Aye Webber – Aye Stout – No Thompson - Aye Motion passed: 5 in favor / 1 opposed / 1 absent. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION Commissioner Thompson reported on the May 6th, 2024 Council meeting. BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION - None BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sanday Belson / Staff: reported that there were 2 students from the University of Oregon attending the Planning Commission meeting from the PPPM program. She announced that the next Planning Commission Meeting will take place on June 4th in Council Chambers beginning at 6 p.m. for a Work Session, which will be followed by a brief Regular Session at about 7:00 p.m. She hopes that all the Commissioners can attend in person to take a picture of all the Commissioners together in Council Chambers. Chair Rhoads-Dey adjourned the Regular Session. Planning Commission Minutes – May 21st, 2024 3 ADJOURNMENT – 7:14 p.m.