HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 11 07 Planning Commission Minutes WS & PHPlanning Commission Minutes – November 7th, 2023 1 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 Work Session 6:00 pm Meeting held in the Jesse Maine Room (City Hall) and via Zoom Jesse Maine Room is ADA accessible. Planning Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey, Stout (joined later), and Schmunk, Buck Excused Absence: Salazar, Thompson Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Shannon Morris, Administrative Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney, Jeff Paschall, Community Development Director; Stan Petroff, City Engineer; Andy Limbird, Senior Planner Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey called the Planning Commission Work Session to order at 6:00 p.m. Item(s): • Capital Improvement Program: A Community Reinvestment Plan Staff: Jeff Paschall / Stan Petroff 50 Minutes Stan Petroff / Staff: gave a brief presentation on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP), which is a five year plan that is updated every two years. The updated plan covers the years 2025 – 2029. The CIP is a planning tool to forecast plan what projects may reasonably be anticipated and delivered in the next five years and typically meet one of the four criteria i.e., regulatory requirements, maintain, repair, or preserve an existing asset, respond to Council priorities and citizen requests, or projects identified in long-range plans. CIP is funded typically through user fees, gas tax, System Development Charges (SDCs), through development activity, through the assessment fund, or bonds and grants. The projects fall under four main categories, stormwater, streets and transportation, wastewater, buildings and facilities. Jeff Pascall / Staff: requested input from the Planning Commission upon reviewing the list of priorities that should be different. Staff will be presenting the CIP to Council and they would like to have the Planning Commission’s input on the priorities before that meeting. The Planning Commission will have the opportunity to review the CIP again in a Public Hearing in December. Jeff Paschall / Staff: responded to the Commissioners questions by explaining that the aging infrastructure is a national problem that has not been addressed due to financial constraints. When the stormwater piping was initially installed 70 years ago it was thought to be solid enough to hold indefinitely. Moving forward the wastewater master plan is to strategically target exchanging out the compromised wastewater piping. Consultants have been engaged to Planning Commission Minutes – November 7th, 2023 2 set up a timeline of which segments of piping should be replaced at about two miles annually and create a financial plan to be able to realize this goal. Regular Session 7:00 p.m. Meeting held in the Jesse Maine Room (City Hall) and via Zoom Jesse Maine Room is ADA accessible. Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Shannon Morris, Administrative Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney; Andy Limbird, Senior Planner Mike Reeder, Land Use Attorney, 375 West 4th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon, 97401 STE 205, representing the applicant PeaceHealth; Alicia Beymer, Chief Administrative Officer at PeaceHealth; Greg Lehman???, Planning Director for PeaceHealth; Kelly Sandour???, Traffic Engineer for PeaceHealth, 1255 Hilyard Street, Eugene, OR 97403 Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey called the Regular Session of the Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. Planning Commissioners Present: Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey, Stout, and Schmunk, Buck Excused Absence: Salazar, Thompson PLEDGE OF ALLIAGENCE – Led by Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – Approved – with no corrections • October 17th, 2023 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 1) PeaceHealth Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change Staff: Andy Limbird, Senior Planner 45 Minutes Kristina Kraaz, City Attorney, read a brief statement regarding conflicts of interest. Potential Conflicts of Interest: • Rhoads-Dey – has a potential conflict of interest since he is an active real-estate broker in the community. He has no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. • Buck – has no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. He has a potential conflict of interest as a commercial insurance agent practicing in the area. Planning Commission Minutes – November 7th, 2023 3 • Stout – has no conflict of interest, no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. • Schmunk – has no conflict of interest or bias. Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey: asked if there were any challenges as to the Commission’s impartiality or the jurisdiction about the item before it. Hearing none, he called on Staff to present the staff report. Andy Limbird / Staff: gave a presentation on the PeaceHealth Metro Plan Amendment and Zone Change (see PowerPoint Presentation). The current zoning for this property is campus industrial and the lot has been vacant since it was designated as such. The applicant is requesting this 4.99 acre lot be redesignated and rezoned to facilitate development of a rehabilitation hospital, which is a medical facility. This is currently not a listed use for a campus industrial district. The applicant would like this property to be redesignated as commercial, which would allow for the proposed medical services to be zoned for this site. Mike Reeder / Attorney representing the applicant: gave a brief overview of the background and reasons PeaceHealth would like to redesignate and rezone the property from campus industrial to commercial to facilitate the development of a rehabilitation medical center. Allowing for rezoning would allow to build upon the robust medical services community in Springfield and strengthen the healthcare cluster offered to the community. Chair Salazar called on the Commissioners to pose questions to the applicant. Commissioner Buck: pointed out that the orchard on the property extends past the property they are requesting a rezone for. Would changing the zoning designation affect the other part of the orchard that would not be rezoned? Mike Reeder / Applicant Representative: stated that the proposal to rezone the 4.99 acre southern part of the filbert orchard has no effect as to what would happen with the northwest part of the property. At this moment, PeaceHealth has no plans to develop the northwest section of the site, but it could in the future. Andy Limbird / Staff: pointed out that the applicant was required to submit a transportation analysis and to include the northwestern section of the property would be difficult since the use for this property is still undefined. Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey called on the public to give testimony: • In Favor – None • Opposed – None • Neutral – None Commissioner Stout: want to know what the closest pedestrian needs to walk to the facility? Planning Commission Minutes – November 7th, 2023 4 Andy Limbird / Staff: From the roundabout a transit platform around International Way and Maple Island Farm Road that would only be about 700 feet to the property. Commissioner Stout: wanted to know if the proposed rehabilitation facility already exist or would it be a new development? Also, where do they believe the newly hired employees would reside? Would the tax base change with the rezoning and would the value of the property change with the rezoning? Finally, what other uses would be allowed with the zone change? Alicia Beymer / Chief Administrative Officer PeaceHealth: The proposed rehab facility would be new and the only one of its kind in the State of Oregon. PeaceHealth is bringing the acute rehab unit from the University District hospital, which is closing and moving it to the new expanded facility being built on the proposed site. The new hires would probably live in the vicinity of the new facility. Mike Reeder / Attorney for the Applicant: could not speak to the question of what the taxes would be levied due to the rezoning of it, but assumed that the value of the property would increase with the new designation. Andy Limbird / Staff: had many discussions with the applicant about the different type of uses, if the site was rezoned. Medical services district limits the allowable land use. There could be other tenants within the facility, but it would not be conducive to have a tenant like Walgrens, or Dutch Bros. Commissioner Schmunk: wanted to know about the traffic study and the sanitary sewer plan. Andy Limbird / Staff: informed the Commissioners that a traffic study was submitted and staff recommended that a sewer capacity analysis be completed in conjunction with their site development plan. Kristina Kraaz / Assistant City Attorney: reminded the Commission that the intent of a quasi- judicial hearing is to establish that the land use change meets the criteria of approval. Other considerations are not within the scope of the hearing. Commissioner Buck: moved close the public hearing. Commissioner Schmunk seconded the motion. Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey: requested a voice vote on closing the public hearing: Those in favor: Rhaods-Dey, Stout, Schunk, Buck Those opposed: None Those abstaining: None Planning Commission Minutes – November 7th, 2023 5 Motion carries. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ADJOURNMENT – 7:11 PM