HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 01 03 Planning Commission Minutes CCI PH Final 1 Planning Commission Minutes – January 3rd, 2024 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024 Committee for Community Involvement 6:15 pm (approx.) Meeting held in the Jesse Maine Room (City Hall) and via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Salazar, Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey, Stout, Buck, Thompson, Webber, and Schmunk Absent – None Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Sarah Weaver, Community Development Administrative Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney, Jeff Paschall, Director of Public Works; Stan Petroff, City Engineer; Haley Campbell, Senior Planner; Chelsea Hartman; Senior Planner Chair Salazar called the Committee for Citizen Involvement to order at 6:35 p.m. Item(s): •Community Involvement Strategy: Annexation Code Amendments Haley Campbell / Chelsea Hartman, Senior Planners 30 Minutes Haley Campbell / Staff: gave a brief presentation on the communication strategies for the Annexation Code Amendments. City staff requested input from the Commissioners on the proposed communication strategies in reaching out to the community as seen in the packet. They wanted to know, if there were any edits or additions to the key messages and are there any additional opportunities given the limited resources and timeline. Chelsea Hartman / Staff: confirmed that during the last meeting the Commissioners requested that there should be a way to measure success of the outreach and engagement strategies. This was included in the updated Community Involvement Strategy. One change in the strategy was removing the governance committee. The governance committee was used in prior Development Code Update projects, but since Council did not appoint any Councilors to the governance committee for this project, no Commissioners will be appointed either. Commissioner Stout: wanted to know, if staff already knew which properties would be affected? Are most of the properties residential or commercial and do they have the contact information for these properties? Haley Campbell / Staff: When staff was drafting the Wastewater Master Plan, it was established that there were a little over 200 homes on septic systems within the Urban Growth Boundary that would be affected. Staff uses the Regional Land Information Database to access contact Approved 2/21/24 Attested S. Weaver 2 Planning Commission Minutes – January 3rd, 2024 information for the property owners. Properties outside city limits are primarily residential with a few commercial businesses. Sandy Belson / Staff: mentioned that there were a couple agricultural operations and larger undeveloped properties that would probably still have to go through the public hearing process, but already developed properties could potentially avoid the public hearing process depending on the language adopted in the Development Code. Commissioner Stout: wanted to emphasize that some of the key people may not be the property owners but the business owners who are leasing the property. They should be included in the outreach. Commissioner Schmunk: wanted to know if staff had already established which of the communication strategies was most effective. Would it be productive to sensationalize the Annexation Code update to reach a broader audience? Haley Campbell / Staff: When staff worked on the previous Development Code Update for Stormwater last December, it was apparent that the workshops offered proved to be very successful. There were a few comments posted on Springfield Oregon Speaks, which were included in the final staff report. This Code Amendment would make annexations possible without going through the public hearing process under certain, well-defined instances. Commissioner Buck moved to accept the Community Involvement Strategy as seen in Attachment 1 with the staff recommended removal of the Governance Committee. Commissioner Stout seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Thompson – Aye Schmunk – Aye Stout – Aye Webber – Aye Buck – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Salazar – Aye Motion passes: 7/0/0 Absent Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024 Regular Session (approx.) 7:00 pm Chair Salazar called the Regular Session of the Planning Commission to order at 7:01 p.m. 3 Planning Commission Minutes – January 3rd, 2024 Since all the Commissioners are still in attendance, roll call will not be held again. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA – None PLEDGE OF ALLIAGENCE – Led by Chair Salazar APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – Approved with the corrections noted by staff. December 5th, 2023 •Staff have noted corrections to page 2 of the minutes, under the Housing Code Community Involvement Strategy. The first sentence on page 2 should be corrected to read: “Haley Campbell / Staff: gave a presentation on the Community Involvement Strategies for Affordable Housing Development Code Amendments, which is proposed to be renamed to talk about Income-Qualified Housing.” •There is a typo on page 3 under Public Hearing Item(s) CIP Recommendation. Paschall instead of Pascall. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None Chair Salazar opened the Public Hearing. Public Hearing Item(s): •Capital Improvement Plan Recommendation Staff: Jeff Paschall, Director Community Development Stan Petroff, City Engineer 10 Minutes Stan Petroff / Staff: reported on their presentation to the City Council on the Capital Improvement Plan and confirmed that the Council voiced no concerns or suggested changes regarding the Plan. Chair Salazar: opened the Public Hearing to comment from the public: None. Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey moved to approve the Order in Attachment 4 of the agenda packet for this item, recommending the City Council approve the 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Program. Commissioner Buck seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Thompson – Aye 4 Planning Commission Minutes – January 3rd, 2024 Schmunk – Aye Stout – Aye Webber – Aye Buck – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Salazar – Aye Motion passes – 7 / 0 / 0 Absent REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION •Commissioner Thompson reported on the City Council meeting on January 2nd. BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Elections •Commissioner Rhoads-Dey was elected by consensus to be the new Chair. •Commissioner Buck was elected by consensus to be the new Vice Chair. •Commissioner Stout was elected by consensus to be the new Council Liaison. •Commissioner Thompson was elected by consensus to be the new Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee Liaison. •Commissioner Salazar was elected by consensus to be the new Community Development Advisory Committee Liaison. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sandy Belson / Staff: confirmed that there will be no second meeting of the Planning Commission in January. The Planning Commission will be meeting in February, but it is unclear, if it will be Tuesday the 6th or Wednesday the 21st of February. Staff will inform you once the date has been confirmed. ADJOURNMENT – 7:40 p.m.