HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01- Human Services Commission AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 5/28/2024 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Erin Fifield / DPW Staff Phone No: 726-2302 Estimated Time: 10 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ACTION REQUESTED: Discussion only. ISSUE STATEMENT: Since Fall 2022, Lane County has led an effort with Springfield and Eugene to reimagine the future of two interrelated Lane County boards and commissions: the Human Services Commission (HSC) and the Poverty and Homelessness Board (PHB). Changes were made to the HSC to focus resources on reducing poverty and increasing housing stability, and to better align that work with the PHB strategic plan. Other changes were made to clarify roles and responsibilities, particularly on prioritizing funding and policy strategies. ATTACHMENTS: 1: Lane Manual Updates to the Human Services Commission 2: Final HSC Bylaws 2.26.2024 3. HSC Bylaws – summary of changes DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City of Springfield annually awards City general funds and federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to Lane County to help provide needed social services to households in Springfield. These funds are pooled with other federal, state, and local funds from Lane County and Eugene to fund a variety of community programs, including homeless access centers, rent assistance, permanent supported housing, street outreach, basic needs for households with low- incomes, children and youth development, veteran supports, and other programs. The revised HSC will be made up of at least seven members from jurisdictions in Lane County that contribute financially toward the work of the Lane County Department of Health & Human Services. Currently, Councilors Rodley and Webber serve as the Springfield representatives on the HSC. The HSC will oversee all unencumbered and pooled HSC directed funding, develop priority areas of work and funding, and leverage public and private resources to support the coordination and implementation of regional human services in support of the regional PHB strategic plan. Mayor VanGordon is the Springfield representative on the PHB. The changes to the HSC and PHB were accepted by the HSC and the PHB, respectively, in February 2024, and subsequently approved by the Board of County Commissioners on April 16, 2024 (see Attachment 1). These changes will be reflected in the City’s Fiscal Year 2025 IGAs with Lane County for both the City’s general fund and CDBG contribution. Attachment 1 Page 1 of 8 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 8 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 8 Attachment 1 Page 4 of 8 Attachment 1 Page 5 of 8 Attachment 1 Page 6 of 8 Attachment 1 Page 7 of 8 Attachment 1 Page 8 of 8 1 Updated 2/26/2024 Approved by the Human Services Commission: 2/26/2024 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION EUGENE/SPRINGFIELD/ LANE COUNTY OR Bylaws Attachment 2 Page 1 of 5 2 ARTICLE I: AUTHORITY, PURPOSE AND FUNCTIONS Section 1 – Authority This Human Services Commission (HSC) was established through an intergovernmental agreement (IGA), dated February 17, 2009, between Lane County and the Cities of Eugene and Springfield, pursuant to ORS 190.010. Lane County Department of Health & Human Services serves as the administering body for the work of the HSC. Section 2 - Purpose To focus and synergize resources to reduce poverty and increase housing stability, thereby improving the health, well-being, self-sufficiency, and safety of low-income, disadvantaged, and disabled County residents and communities. To serve as a funding allocation group for HSC pooled funds. Section 3 – Roles and Responsibilities A. Create an annual work plan to prioritize and leverage resources that support the Poverty and Homelessness Board (PHB) Strategic Plan. HSC members are encouraged to participate in the PHB strategic planning process. B. Oversee all unencumbered and pooled HSC directed funding, as provided via the HSC Intergovernmental agreement (IGA). a. Annually develop priority areas of work for unencumbered HSC funding pool. b. Additional encumbered funding (e.g., CDBG) may also be included in the IGA, however it will not be part of the HSC pool. C. Identify funding priorities (e.g., 20% street outreach, 40% emergency shelter) for the HSC pooled funding to support the regional strategic plan developed by the Poverty and Homelessness Board (PHB) that has a broader scope than the Continuum of Care funding. D. Leverage public and private resources to support the coordination and implementation of regional human services in support of the regional PHB Strategic Plan. E. Surface and prioritize policy strategies in furtherance of the Strategic Plan. F. Liaise with their jurisdictional elected bodies, to ensure jurisdictions weigh-in appropriately to HSC decisions, as needed. ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP Section 1 - Representation A. The HSC shall consist of seven members, at a minimum. B. Each jurisdiction is represented by a specific number of respective governing bodies based on financial contributions to the HSC: 1. No jurisdiction will have more than three members total. 2. Additional jurisdictions brought onto the HSC shall not have more membership than their proportion of the funding they provided in the most recent fiscal year. 3. No more than two elected officials from each jurisdiction. If a jurisdiction has three members one may include an appointed budget committee member. Attachment 2 Page 2 of 5 3 C. Each jurisdiction can include one staff member with them at any meeting. Such staff will be considered non-voting members. Section 2 - Appointment, Re-appointment and Filling of Vacancies A. Each jurisdiction appoints its HSC members according to the jurisdiction’s own process for appointment, re-appointment, and filling of vacancies related to commissions. Section 3 - Tenure A two-year term commencing on January 15, shall be assigned to each membership position represented on the committee. Members shall serve until the expiration of the term to which they are appointed. ARTICLE III: ELECTIONS AND OFFICES Section 1 - Officers and Duties – Executive Committee A. The officers of the committee shall consist of a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. 1. Chairperson. The chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the board and shall appoint subcommittees. 2. Vice-chairperson. The vice-chairperson shall assume the duties of the office of chairperson in the absence of the chairperson. 3. Each of the three jurisdictions will be represented on the Executive Committee unless it creates a quorum, then just one person per jurisdiction may be represented. 4. Officers will meet with Lane County staff prior to HSC meetings to set the upcoming agenda. Section 2 - Election of Officers A. The full committee shall accept nominations for officers from the floor and shall elect officers annually. B. Officers of the committee shall serve from January 15 until January 15 of the following year. Officers may be re-elected but may not serve more than two consecutive terms. ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEE Section 1 - Regular Meeting The committee shall establish the time and place for holding regular meetings. These will, to the degree possible, be the same time, day of the week, and location. Section 2 - Special Meetings A. Special meetings of the committee may be called by the chair, or in the absence of the chair, the vice-chair, or a majority of the committee. B. The person or persons calling the meeting shall fix the time and place for the meeting. Section 3 - Notice of Meetings A. Notice of all meetings shall be given to all members at least three days prior to such meetings. B. Public notice by Lane County will be given in sufficient time to comply with open meeting laws. Attachment 2 Page 3 of 5 4 Section 4 - Conduct of Meetings A. To hold a meeting, a quorum of the HSC must be present. A quorum is the majority of the total number of appointed members. Official actions of the HSC require the presence of a quorum. B. Members should try to work together in meetings in a collegial manner and avoid the need to rely on complicated parliamentarian rules. If necessary, the HSC may refer to Robert's Rules of Order for process concerns. Section 5 - Voting Each member of the HSC is a voting member. HSC members must vote on all issues presented at regular and special meetings where the member is in attendance, except when there is a conflict of interest. The HSC agrees to develop decision-making criteria that will serve as touchstones for future discussions and voting. ARTICLE V: SUBCOMMITTEES The HSC may form standing subcommittees in furtherance of their stated purpose and roles. Subcommittees may be ongoing or time limited. Staffing of a subcommittee will be dependent on Lane County’s resources and availability. ARTICLE VI: CONFLICT OF INTEREST In accordance with ORS Chapter 244, HSC members are public officials and may not participate in a decision in which he or she has a private pecuniary interest. HSC members who have an actual conflict of interest must announce for the record the nature of the conflict and recuse themselves from participation by verbal or written notification to the committee as by ORS 244.120. ARTICLE VII: AMENDMENTS AND BY-LAWS Section 1 These by-laws may be amended or repealed, or new by-laws adopted by a majority vote of the members at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose at which a quorum is present. Written notice of such proposed amendment, and the nature of, shall be given to the membership at least 21 days prior to the date of the meeting at which the amendments are to be considered. Section 2 All such amendments, after adoption by the committee, become effective upon approval by the jurisdictions through amendment of the intergovernmental agreement for this committee. ARTICLE VIII: R ELATIONSHIP TO THE P OVERTY AND H OMELESSNESS B OARD The Poverty and Homelessness Board (PHB) is an action-oriented group of elected officials, community stakeholders, and individuals who represent low-income and homeless people's Attachment 2 Page 4 of 5 5 concerns. In 2023, PHB and HSC agreed that intentional collaborative work is necessary to meet future sustainability challenges, deepen commitment to equity and root cause work and to streamline operational efficiencies. The HSC will: a. Develop and progress a workplan to leverage support for the PHB Strategic Plan. b. Develop and progress an annual policy agenda based on the workplan. c. Engage in other collaborative work as agreed upon by the two entities. d. Welcome PHB members to meetings. e. Collectively host a joint PHB and HSC meeting and educational opportunity annually The PHB will: a. Develop a Strategic Plan and invite HSC members to participate fully in the development process. b. Provide feedback on the HSC annual policy agenda. c. Engage in HSC identified activities to progress the HSC policy agenda. d. Welcome HSC members to meetings. e. Collectively host a joint PHB and HSC meeting and educational opportunity annually. HSC CHARTER -- Rev. February 26, 2024 Attachment 2 Page 5 of 5 Human Services Commission (HSC) Bylaws February 2024 Bylaws Update Notable Points of Change/Clarity By Kate Budd, Human Services Division Manager, Lane County Human Services Division  Clarified the Authority was established through an Intergovernmental agreement between the three jurisdictions and Lane County administers the body.  The HSC purpose has been revised to focus and synergize resources to reduce poverty and increase housing stability. This includes serving as the funding allocation group for the HSC pooled funds.  Roles and Responsibilities have been clarified, including: o Creating an HSC workplan based on the Poverty and Homelessness Board Strategic Plan. o Oversee unencumbered and pooled HSC funding o Identify HSC pooled funding type priorities o Leverage resources to support the plans o Surface and prioritize policy strategies related to the PHB strategic plan o HSC members will liaise with their jurisdictional bodies in order to weigh-in on HSC votes.  Membership o The seven-member representation has been changed to a minimum. o Jurisdictional representation is based on the financial contributions to the HSC. o No jurisdictional will have more than two elected officials and three members. The third will be an appointed budget committee member. o An additional jurisdiction may join the HSC, contribution to the pooled funds is necessary. o Each jurisdiction may include one staff member in meetings. Staff are non-voting members.  Officer Duties – Executive Committee o Memorializes having the three jurisdictions represented in the Executive Committee, unless it creates a quorum, then one person per jurisdiction may be represented. o Memorializes the Executive Committee meeting to set the HSC agenda.  Conduct of meetings o Clarifies quorum must be met to hold a meeting, versus identifying a set number of HSC members. o Relaxes meeting rules, identifying members should work together in meetings in a collegial manner and avoid the need to rely on complicated parliamentarian rules. Roberts Rules may be referred to for process concerns.  Voting o HSC will develop decision-making criterion that will serve as a touchstone for future discussions and voting.  Subcommittees o Memorialized that there are no active subcommittees.  Relationship between PHB and HSC o Identifies what each body will do related to the other and that a joint meeting will be held annually. 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