HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Applicant 5/16/2024City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SITE PLAN REVIEW – TYPE 1 (Multi-Unit Housing) Application Type □ Site Plan Review Submittal □ Final Site Plan Submittal Required Project Information (Applicant: Complete this Section) Applicant Name: Phone: Company: Email: Address: Applicant’s Rep: Phone: Company: Email: Address: Property Owner: Phone: Company: Email: Address: ASSESSOR’S MAP NO: TAX LOT NO(S): Property Address (if applicable): Size of Property: □ Acres □ Sq. Ft. Units Per Acre: Proposed Project Name: Proposal: Existing Use: New Impervious Area (Sq. Ft.): Required Project Information (City Intake Staff: Complete This Section) Associated Applications: No. of Signs: Case No.: Date: Reviewed By: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Notice Fee: $ TOTAL FEE: $ PROJECT NO.: Owner Signature(s) • I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. Owner: Date: ___________________ Signature Print Owner: Date: ___________________ Signature Print Page 1 of 4 May 16, 2024 City of Springfield Planning 225 5th St, Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Case Number 811-23-000251-TYP1 - Cornerstone Alma (16th Street) Apartments Final Site Plan Submittal and Responses to Conditions of Approval Dear Mr. Thomas Sievers, The development team is submitting the Final Site Plan documents for Cornerstone Alma Apartments located at 1875 16th Street, Springfield. Note that the proposed development is now named Alma Apartments (the development was formerly referred to as 16th Street Apartments). Changes to drawings sheets that occurred after the previous Site Plan submittal have been clouded and tagged as “SI-01”. Not all SI-01 tags are relevant to meeting Conditions of Approval. The following responses to Conditions of Approval indicate which SI-01 revisions are relevant. Responses to Conditions of Approval 1. Prior to Building Permit approval, the building plan set must be updated to show sanitary connection to the floor drain in the trash room. RESPONSE: Sheet A-111 Plan updated to indicate trash room floor drain to sanitary. 2. Prior to Building Permit approval, the building plan set must be updated to include notes and details of the new fencing type and height along the eastern property line. RESPONSE: Sheet A-101 provided showing fence detail at east property line. 3. Prior to Building Permit approval, the building plan set must be updated to note how high the internal sidewalk is raised from the parking area. RESPONSE: Curb heights and top of pavement grades are called out in Civil sheet CV5.0. Curb height to be 6” unless otherwise noted. 4. Prior to Building Permit approval, the building plan set (A-100 Architectural Site Plan and any additional references) must be updated to show that 0.2-foot candle lighting will be utilized. RESPONSE: Note on A-100 revised to correct foot candle lighting requirement. 5. Prior to Final Planning Inspection approval, the applicant must install the streetlight using the Type 2 Encroachment permit process using all materials that meet current City of Springfield standards for street lighting at the time of encroachment permit application. City Page 2 of 4 staff has the relevant details and will provide to the applicant upon request from the design engineer. RESPONSE: Street lights to be provided on (2) existing utility poles. Please see attached correspondence between SUB and design team. 6. Prior to Building Permit approval, the applicant must show on the building permit plans any unused curb cuts restored to full height and all new driveways to be built/rebuilt to commercial standards (which requires 8” of concrete with rebar). City Staff recommends standard detail 3-24 be used. This requires over-the-counter driveway and curb ROW permits. RESPONSE: Existing unused curb cuts are called to be restored to full height curb. See Civil sheet CV3.0 for details. 7. Prior to Building Permit approval, the applicant must show on the building permit plans and install a solid concrete floor in the elevator shaft with a floor drain to the sanitary sewer to limit any pollution from this source that could threaten the drinking water wellhead. Installation of the concrete floor and drain will be confirmed at the time of Final Planning Inspection. RESPONSE: Sheet A-111 Plan updated to indicate concrete elevator sump and sanitary connection. 8. Prior to Building Permit approval, the applicant must show on the building permit plans and install a two-way cleanout at (approximately) the property line on the new connection. Installation of the cleanout will be confirmed at the time of Final Planning Inspection. RESPONSE: See Civil sheet CV4.0 for clean out on SD line at property line. 9. Prior to Final Inspection approval, the applicant must install a new manhole at the connection location in 16th Street. RESPONSE: See Civil Sheet CV4.0 for new manhole. 10. Prior to Final Inspection approval, the applicant must construct the stormwater connection and lateral in 16th Street, using the City of Springfield Public type 2 encroachment permit process (this is also required to the new streetlight at this same driveway location). RESPONSE: Type 2 Encroachment Permit Application initiated with CoS Engineering on May 1, 2024. Review in progress. 11. Prior to Building Permit approval, the building permit plans must be updated to label this detail ‘filtration rain garden’ and the other rain gardens to ‘filtration rain gardens’ for consistent wording. RESPONSE: Plans updated for consistent wording. 12. Prior to Building Permit approval, the building permit plan set must be updated to show this required section and material requirement on the detail for the rain gardens. RESPONSE: See Civil detail sheets for typical cross section of filtration rain gardens. 13. Prior to Building Permit approval, the applicant must provide an operations and maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed storm filter catch basin, consistent with maintenance criteria required by EDSPM 3.03.1. The plan should designate maintenance responsibility for operating and Page 3 of 4 maintaining the system and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. RESPONSE: Draft O&M plan submitted with building permit. Sign and recorded O&M plan to be submitted with final building permit submittal. 14. Prior to Building Permit approval, the applicant must consult with and provide correspondence from SUB Electric regarding the plan to provide underground services to the subject site. RESPONSE: Design team has coordinated with SUB Electric to satisfy design requirements needed to serve the site. Power lines between the (2) existing utility poles on the west side of the site (SUB poles 71049 and 66048) will be undergrounded. Electrical service to the proposed building will be underground from a new SUB vault at the northwest corner of project site. A 5-foot easement was provided along 16th Street to accommodate the underground power lines to serve the site. A 5-foot easement was a compromise between SUB and the design team to provide the width needed by SUB and to provide the space needed for the required rain gardens treating the building runoff located on the west side of the building. See provided correspondence between Danny Stanfield (SUB Electric), Rowell Brokaw, and Clayton McEachern (City of Springfield). Sincerely, Peter King, AIA Submitted Documents and Drawing Sheets Documents Responses to Conditions of Approval (this memo) Final Site Plan Submittal Form Correspondence Emails - SUB Electric Re: Undergrounding Services and Street Lights Drawing Sheets G-001 - COVER G-002 - CODE AND EXITING CV1.1 - EXISTING CONDITIONS Page 4 of 4 CV3.0 - HORIZONTAL CONTROL AND PAVING PLAN CV4.0 - UTILITY PLAN CV5.0 - GRADING PLAN CV6.0 - CIVIL DETAILS CV6.1 - CIVIL DETAILS LA-1 - LANDSCAPE PLAN LA-2 - PLANTING SCHEDULES A-100 - ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN A-101 - SITE DETAILS A-111 - 1ST FLOOR PLAN A-112 - 2ND FLOOR PLAN A-113 - ROOF PLAN A-201 - BUILDING ELEVATIONS A-202 - BUILDING ELEVATIONS A-211 - BUILDING SECTIONS A-501 - WINDOW AND DOOR SCHEDULES END OF MEMO Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com> 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up STANFIELD Danny <DannyS@subutil.com>Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 1:40 PM To: Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com>, "cmceachern@springfield-or.gov" <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov>, SIEVERS Thomas <tsievers@springfield-or.gov> Cc: Colleen Osborn <colleen@hfdpartners.com>, Adam <adam@urbanresourcesinc.com>, "gary@meiliconstruction.com" <gary@meiliconstruction.com>, Jim Steigleman <robselectric.jim@gmail.com>, Mark Reyes <mark.reyes@kpff.com>, Matt <matt.keenan@kpff.com>, Peter King <peter@rowellbrokaw.com>, Brooke McDonald <brooke@rowellbrokaw.com>, Lorri Nelson <lorri@rowellbrokaw.com> Jim, Aer speaking with the standards/engineering departments, my supervisor and the director of SUB’s electric division here is what I was able to come up with. OH 3 Phase: There is no benefit to SUB for installing OH 3 phase north of Q Street along 16th Street to S Street. Other than the 3 phase power needed for the Cornerstone development all other services along 16th Street are single phase. Addionally the cost to install OH 3 phase along 16th Street would greatly increase the cost of the Cornerstone development with the need to install mulple poles and thousands of feet of OH primary conductor. The biggest obstacle in trying to install 3 phase from Q to S Street is that SUB would also need a minimum 10’ . easement from Q to S Street in order to convert the OH primary from single phase to 3 phase. Easement: In the aached .pdf you will see where SUB is asking for a minimum 5’ . easement that runs along the west property line of 1875 16th Street with a 10’ . bump out easement for the transformer vault. Using the 5’ . easement and the ROW will allow SUB to install the needed 3 phase infrastructure needed for this development (SUB does not usually allow new infrastructure to be placed in the ROW). I know this 5’ . easement is something we had originally discussed aer SUB requested the 10’ . easement. I relayed to my supervisor and the director the importance of this development to the City of Springfield which is the reason I was able to get approval for the minimum 5’ . easement. Keeping with the original plan of placing the single phase underground and installing 3 phase underground from Q Street to the NW corner of 1875 16th Street is our best opon moving forward with the least amount of changes to the current plans/designs. If the City of Springfield approves of SUB leaving the exisng SUB Poles #66048 & #71049 we can use these Poles for the needed street lights required for the Cornerstone development. Leaving these pole also makes feeding the 2 properes on the west side of 16th Street (1872 & 1874 16th Street) much easier as we will not need to push conduit under/across 16th Street. Let me know if anyone has any quesons/concerns. 5/13/24, 11:48 AM Rowell Brokaw Mail - 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3290abaed&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1796525273135884107&simpl=msg-f:1796525273135884107 1/2 Email correspondence regarding undergrounding of overhead utilities and mounting lights on existing utility poles provided for meeting Condition of Approval 14. Irrelevant emails in this email thread have been omitted for clarity. -Jim Collins, RBA - 5/13/2024 PAGE 1 Thanks, Danny Stanfield Electrical Engineering Technician Springfield Ulity Board DannyS@subutil.com Office: (541) 744-3701 Cell: (541) 521-1441 From: Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2024 3:53 PM To: STANFIELD Danny <DannyS@subutil.com>; cmceachern@springfield-or.gov; SIEVERS Thomas <tsievers@springfield-or.gov> Cc: Colleen Osborn <colleen@hfdpartners.com>; Adam <adam@urbanresourcesinc.com>; gary@meiliconstruction.com; Jim Steigleman <robselectric.jim@gmail.com>; Mark Reyes <mark.reyes@kpff.com>; Ma <matt.keenan@kpff.com>; Peter King <peter@rowellbrokaw.com>; Brooke McDonald <brooke@rowellbrokaw.com>; Lorri Nelson <lorri@rowellbrokaw.com> Subject: 16th St - SUB power meeng follow-up Hi all, [Quoted text hidden] 5' ft. easement with 10' ft bump out.pdf 7K 5/13/24, 11:48 AM Rowell Brokaw Mail - 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3290abaed&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1796525273135884107&simpl=msg-f:1796525273135884107 2/2PAGE 2 EASEMENT DIAGRAM ATTACHMENT REFERENCED BY DANNY STANFIELD PAGE 3 Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com> 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov>Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 11:54 AM To: STANFIELD Danny <DannyS@subutil.com>, Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com>, SIEVERS Thomas <tsievers@springfield-or.gov> Cc: Colleen Osborn <colleen@hfdpartners.com>, Adam <adam@urbanresourcesinc.com>, "gary@meiliconstruction.com" <gary@meiliconstruction.com>, Jim Steigleman <robselectric.jim@gmail.com>, Mark Reyes <mark.reyes@kpff.com>, Matt <matt.keenan@kpff.com>, Peter King <peter@rowellbrokaw.com>, Brooke McDonald <brooke@rowellbrokaw.com>, Lorri Nelson <lorri@rowellbrokaw.com> The city agrees to the lights going on the exisng wood poles and the rest of the proposal below. From: STANFIELD Danny <DannyS@subutil.com> Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2024 1:40 PM To: 'Jim Collins' <jim@rowellbrokaw.com>; MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov>; SIEVERS Thomas <tsievers@springfield-or.gov> Cc: Colleen Osborn <colleen@hfdpartners.com>; Adam <adam@urbanresourcesinc.com>; gary@meiliconstruction.com; Jim Steigleman <robselectric.jim@gmail.com>; Mark Reyes <mark.reyes@kpff.com>; Ma <matt.keenan@kpff.com>; Peter King <peter@rowellbrokaw.com>; Brooke McDonald <brooke@rowellbrokaw.com>; Lorri Nelson <lorri@rowellbrokaw.com> Subject: RE: 16th St - SUB power meeng follow-up **| WARNING: This emai l originated from outs ide of your organization. Pl ease do not click on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. |** Jim, [Quoted text hidden] 5/13/24, 11:51 AM Rowell Brokaw Mail - 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3290abaed&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1797152811312610555&simpl=msg-f:1797152811312610555 1/1PAGE 4 Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com> 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up Lorri Nelson <lorri@rowellbrokaw.com>Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 3:31 PM To: MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov> Cc: STANFIELD Danny <DannyS@subutil.com>, Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com>, SIEVERS Thomas <tsievers@springfield-or.gov>, Colleen Osborn <colleen@hfdpartners.com>, Adam <adam@urbanresourcesinc.com>, "gary@meiliconstruction.com" <gary@meiliconstruction.com>, Jim Steigleman <robselectric.jim@gmail.com>, Mark Reyes <mark.reyes@kpff.com>, Matt <matt.keenan@kpff.com>, Peter King <peter@rowellbrokaw.com>, Brooke McDonald <brooke@rowellbrokaw.com> Thanks Clayton - can the team confirm one item? Will the existing single phase lines running overhead between the two existing poles on our site remain overhead? Thanks, Lorri [Quoted text hidden] -- LORRI A NELSON, AIA, ASLA Architect I Landscape Architect ROWELL BROKAW ARCHITECTS 1203 Willamette, Suite 210 Eugene, Oregon 97401 [Quoted text hidden] 5/13/24, 11:52 AM Rowell Brokaw Mail - 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3290abaed&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1797166468543900953&simpl=msg-f:1797166468543900953 1/1PAGE 5 Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com> 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov>Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 10:05 AM To: Lorri Nelson <lorri@rowellbrokaw.com> Cc: STANFIELD Danny <DannyS@subutil.com>, Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com>, SIEVERS Thomas <tsievers@springfield-or.gov>, Colleen Osborn <colleen@hfdpartners.com>, Adam <adam@urbanresourcesinc.com>, "gary@meiliconstruction.com" <gary@meiliconstruction.com>, Jim Steigleman <robselectric.jim@gmail.com>, Mark Reyes <mark.reyes@kpff.com>, Matt <matt.keenan@kpff.com>, Peter King <peter@rowellbrokaw.com>, Brooke McDonald <brooke@rowellbrokaw.com> I thought that the overhead wires remaining is necessary for the across the street connections to the west, if not then they should be placed underground. In any case there should be conduit placed for if/when the whole street is changed is underground it can be done as easily as possible in the this location [Quoted text hidden] 5/13/24, 11:53 AM Rowell Brokaw Mail - 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3290abaed&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1797327166985110433&simpl=msg-f:1797327166985110433 1/1PAGE 6 Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com> 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up STANFIELD Danny <DannyS@subutil.com>Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 10:48 AM To: MCEACHERN Clayton <cmceachern@springfield-or.gov>, Lorri Nelson <lorri@rowellbrokaw.com> Cc: Jim Collins <jim@rowellbrokaw.com>, SIEVERS Thomas <tsievers@springfield-or.gov>, Colleen Osborn <colleen@hfdpartners.com>, Adam <adam@urbanresourcesinc.com>, "gary@meiliconstruction.com" <gary@meiliconstruction.com>, Jim Steigleman <robselectric.jim@gmail.com>, Mark Reyes <mark.reyes@kpff.com>, Matt <matt.keenan@kpff.com>, Peter King <peter@rowellbrokaw.com>, Brooke McDonald <brooke@rowellbrokaw.com> Clayton/Lorri, My design has the single phase OH primary between SUB Pole #66048 at 1875 16th Street north to SUB Pole #71049 at 1925 16th Street going away but the Poles are staying. SUB will then run 350 triplex underground from SUB Pole #71049 south to SUB Pole #66048 then running up the pole to refeed the existing secondary crossing 16th Street for lots 1872 & 1874 16th Street. Both Pole #71049 & Pole #66048 will be used as City Street Light Poles. Someone will need to notify Comm (CenturyLink/Lumen & Comcast) if they need to be placed underground as well. Let me know if anyone has any questions/concerns. Thanks, Danny Stanfield Electrical Engineering Technician Springfield Utility Board DannyS@subutil.com Office: (541) 744-3701 Cell: (541) 521-1441 [Quoted text hidden] 5/13/24, 11:53 AM Rowell Brokaw Mail - 16th St - SUB power meeting follow-up https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=f3290abaed&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1797329851413376568&simpl=msg-f:1797329851413376568 1/1PAGE 7