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Meeting Packet Planner 5/20/2024
1 AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET Conference Room 616 / MS Teams Staff Review: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. 1. Metro Plan Amendment 811-24-000129-TYP4 811-22-000195-PROJ Shaun Hyland 2. Zoning Map Amendment 811-24-000130-TYP3 811-22-000195-PROJ Shaun Hyland Assessor’s Map: 17-02-28-00 TL: 402 Address: 5230 High Banks Rd. Existing Use: Vacant Applicant has submitted plans to change plan designation from Sand & Gravel and LDR to LMI Planner: Andy Limbird Meeting: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 9:00 - 9:30 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: https://www.springfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.aspx SITE VICINITY MAP 811-24-000129-TYP4 Metro Plan Amendment 17-02-28-00 TL 402 & 405 5230 Highbanks Rd. Shaun Hyland City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 726-3689 Metro Plan Amendment Application, Type IV Type of Plan Amendment (Check One) Type I: is a non-site specific amendment of the Plan. Type II: changes the Plan diagram; or is a site-specific Plan text amendment. Property Subject to the Amendment (if applicable) Tax Assessor Map ________________________________________ Tax Lot(s)____________________________ Street Address_________________________________________________________Acres____________________ Metro Plan Designation_____________________________ Refinement Plan Designation_____________________ Description of Proposed Amendment (Attach additional sheets if needed) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant/Owner Information Printed Name of Applicant_____________________________________________ Phone:_____________________ Applicant Signature______________________________________________Date_____________________________ Mailing Address________________________________________________________________________________ Property Owner Signature _________________________________________ Date___________________________ Mailing Address_________________________________________________________________________________ For Office Use Only: Case No. ____________________________ Received By ____________________________ Date Accepted as Complete ________________________________________________________ 2-27-24 City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Zoning Map Amendment, Type III Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Applicant Name: Phone : Company: Fax: Address: Applicant Signature: Property Owner: Phone : Company: Fax: Address: Owner Signature: If the applicant is other than the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his or her behalf ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: TAX LOT NO(S): Property Address: Area of Request Square Feet: Acres: Existing Use(s) of Property: Description of The Proposal: Required Property Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section) Case No.: Date : Received by: (initials) Application Fee: Postage Fee: Total Fee: Edited 7/19/2007 bjones May 14, 2024 City of Springfield Development Services Planning Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: 5230 High Banks Road (202213/1.3) Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications – Written Statement Project Address: 5230 High Banks Road, Springfield, Oregon 97478 Assessor's Map: 17-02-28-00 Tax Lots: 402 and 405 Property Owner: Big Bass LLC PO Box 7867 Springfield, Oregon 97475 Contact: Shaun Hyland 541.726.8081 shaun@jhconst.com Owner's Representative: TBG Architects + Planners 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Kristen Taylor or Zach Galloway 541.687.1010 ktaylor@tbg-arch.com or zgalloway@tbg-arch.com WRITTEN STATEMENT In accordance with the Metro Plan Amendment application requirements, this written statement and the enclosed attachments describe the proposal and demonstrate compliance with the relevant Metro Plan Amendment approval criteria per Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.14.135. The proposal is a Type 1 Amendment per SDC 5.14.115, which is subject to the Type IV procedures per SDC 5.1.600. Also, in accordance with the Zoning Map Amendment application requirements, this written statement and the enclosed attachments describe the proposed zone change and demonstrate compliance with the applicable approval criteria per SDC 5.22.115. As part of a concurrent application with a proposed Metro Plan Amendment, the proposed Zoning Map Amendment application is also subject to the Type IV procedures per SDC 5.1.600. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 2 of 22 I. Land Use Request The owners, Big Bass LLC (the “Applicant”), request approval of concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment applications for two properties located at 5230 High Banks Road and identified as Tax Lots 402 and 405 on Lane County Assessor’s Map 17-02-28-00 (the “site”). Both applications are made in accordance with the requirements of SDC 5.1.600, 5.14.135, and 5.22.115, as applicable. The proposed Metro Plan Amendment will change the current plan designation on Tax Lot 402 from Sand and Gravel to Light-Medium Industrial. The proposed Metro Plan Amendment will change the existing split designation on Tax Lot 405 from Sand and Gravel (approx. 0.89 acres) and Low Density Residential (approx. 1.59 acres) to Light Medium Industrial (LMI). The concurrent proposed Zoning Map Amendment will change the current zoning on the lots from Quarry and Mine Operations (QMO) and Low Density Residential (R-1) to the Light-Medium Industrial (LMI) zone. Currently, Tax Lot 402 is entirely in the QMO zoning district and it is proposed to be changed to the LMI zoning district. Tax Lot 405 is split-zoned between the QMO zoning district on the northern portion and the R-1 zoning district on the southern portion. It is proposed to be changed from QMO and R-1 to the LMI zoning district. See attached maps for existing and proposed changes to the plan designations and zones. As demonstrated in Section IV, below, both the Metro Plan Amendment and the Zoning Map Amendment applications meet all applicable criteria in effect at the time of filing, and the application should be approved as proposed. Project Team: Owner & Applicant Big Bass LLC PO Box 7867 Springfield, Oregon 97475 Contact: Shaun Hyland 541.726.8081 shaun@jhconst.com Planner & Applicant’s Representative TBG Architects + Planners 132 East Broadway, Suite 200 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Contact: Kristen Taylor/Zach Galloway 541.687.1010, ext. 115 ktaylor@tbg-arch.com/zgalloway@tbg-arch.com Transportation Engineer Sandow Engineering 160 Madison Street, Suite A Eugene, Oregon 97402 Contact: Kelly Sandow, PE 541.513.3376 kellysandow@sandowengineering.com Civil Engineer KPFF Consulting Engineers 800 Willamette Street, Suite 400 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Contact: Anna Backus, PE 541.684.4902 anna.backus@kpff.com Surveyor EGR & Associates, Inc. 2535 Prairie Road, Suite B Eugene, Oregon 97402 Contact: Ryan Erickson, PLS 541.914.0711 rerickson@egrassoc.com II. Site Description A. Location and Site Context The site is located on the north side of High Banks Road, approximately 1,700 feet north of the intersection of Highway 126 and High Banks Road. The site is identified as Tax Lots 402 and 405 on Lane County Assessor’s Map 17-02-28-00. The site is approximately 26.73 acres or 1,166,537 square feet. The site is located within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) per the Metro Plan and received City Council approval Annexation into the City of Springfield on January 2, 2024. As noted above, the Metro Plan diagram designates Tax Lot 402 as Sand and Gravel. Tax Lot 405 has a split designation of Sand and Gravel and Low Density Residential. Tax Lot 402 is currently zoned Quarry and Mine Operations (QMO). The northern portion of Tax Lot 405 is zoned QMO and the southern portion is zoned R-1. The site is not subject to a neighborhood refinement plan. The proposed changes to the plan diagram and zoning map are consistent with abutting properties. Abutting properties to the north and south of the site are currently designated and zoned LMI. Adjacent properties to the east and west are outside the Springfield UGB, designated Agriculture in the Metro Plan, and are in agricultural use. B. Existing Conditions and Site Access The site is currently undeveloped and has soil types Cloquato Silt Loam, as well as borrow pits and open water. Both lots are covered with compacted gravel and sparse vegetation. There are existing ponds on the site that are currently regulated by the State of Oregon DOGAMI. The resources are now depleted. The site is located in Zone AE and X5 per FIRM panel 41039C1166F. The site is not located in a wellhead facility protection area. The City of Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) classifies High Banks Road as a major collector street. The street is under City of Springfield ownership and maintenance jurisdiction. The primary access to the subject site is provided by an access easement over a shared private driveway that connects to the public 52nd Street right-of-way. There is one existing access connection to this shared private driveway on the western property boundary. This north/south shared private driveway is also shared by abutting properties north and south of the site. III. Relevant Land Use History The 26.73-acre site is not located within a recorded subdivision plat. According to RLID, the southern portion of Tax Lot 405 was annexed into the City of Springfield in 1973. More recently, the City Council approved annexation of Tax Lot 402 and the northern portion of Tax Lot 405 into the City of Springfield on January 2, 2024. Per available public records, there are no other prior City land use applications associated with the site. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 4 of 22 IV. Metro Plan Amendment Approval Criteria – Supporting Facts and Findings This section is organized by the applicable approval criteria per SDC. Applicable approval criteria are outlined in bold italics below and then followed by proposed findings in normal text. A. Metro Plan Amendment – Supporting Facts and Findings 5.14.105 Purpose. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) is the long-range public policy document that establishes the broad framework upon which Springfield, Eugene and Lane County make coordinated land use decisions. While the Metro Plan is Springfield’s acknowledged land use policy document, it may require update or amendment in response to changes in the law or circumstances of importance to the community. Additionally, the Metro Plan may be augmented and implemented by more detailed plans and regulatory measures. (6331) Findings: There is a change in circumstances that makes the requested change to the Metro Plan diagram plausible. Abutting properties to the north and south of the site are designated LMI and are in the LMI zone. Surrounding properties to the east and west are outside the UGB and appear to be in agricultural use. The site is currently vacant and is not in use as a gravel mine or active quarry, as was originally intended by the current Sand and Gravel plan designation. The mining resources at the site are now depleted. This lack of available resources demonstrates that circumstances have changed since the existing Sand and Gravel plan designation was applied. The current LDR plan designation on a portion of Tax Lot 405 is an isolated sliver applied to approximately 1.59-acres of the 2.53-acre lot. This remnant sliver of LDR designation is bounded on three sides by lots designated LMI and Sand and Gravel. (The eastern property boundary is the UGB line and areas to the east are outside the UGB.) The area conditions that informed the current LDR designation have changed. These adjacent lots are developed with a mix of light industrial land uses, including warehouse, storage, and food manufacturing. It is appropriate to redesignate this remnant portion from LDR to LMI to ensure land use compatibility. The proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment creates a cohesive LMI area and reflects recent changes in local context and land use policies in the area. 5.14.110 Review. (A) A Development Issues Meeting is encouraged for citizen-initiated amendment applications. (B) Metro Plan amendments are reviewed under Type 4 procedures as specified in SDC 5.1.140. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 5 of 22 (C) A special review, and if appropriate, Metro Plan amendment, shall be initiated if changes in the Metro Plan basic assumptions occur. An example would be a change in public demand for certain housing types that in turn may affect the overall inventory of residential land. Findings: A Development Issues Meeting (DIM) was held on September 8, 2022, to discuss potential development and code questions related to the site. The Applicant requests to amend the Metro Plan diagram and will adhere to the Type 4 application. The application is consistent with the review criteria. 5.14.115 Metro Plan Amendment Classifications. A proposed amendment to the Metro Plan shall be classified as Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 depending upon the number of governing bodies (Springfield, Eugene, and Lane County) required to approve the decision. (A) A Type 1 amendment requires approval by Springfield only: (1) Type 1 Diagram amendments include amendments to the Metro Plan Diagram for land inside Springfield’s city limits. Findings: The proposed amendment is a Type 1 plan diagram amendment, which applies to land inside the Springfield City limits and only requires review by the Springfield City Council. There are no proposed text amendments. 5.14.120 Relationship to Refinement Plans, Special Area Studies, or Functional Plan Amendments. (A) In addition to a Metro Plan update, refinement studies may be undertaken for individual geographical areas and special purpose or functional elements, as determined appropriate by Springfield, Eugene, or Lane County. (B) All refinement and functional plans shall be consistent with the Metro Plan. Should inconsistencies occur, the Metro Plan is the prevailing policy document. (C) When a Metro Plan amendment also requires an amendment of a refinement plan or functional plan diagram map and/or text for consistency, the Metro Plan, refinement plan and/or functional plan amendments shall be processed concurrently. (D) When a Metro Plan amendment is enacted that requires an amendment to a refinement plan or functional plan map or diagram for consistency, the Metro Plan Diagram amendment automatically amends the diagram or map if no amendment to the refinement plan or functional plan text is involved. (E) An amendment of the Springfield Comprehensive Plan shall be processed as a Metro Plan amendment and comply with the approval criteria specified in SDC 5.14.135. (6331) City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 6 of 22 Findings: The site is not within an area of Springfield that is subject to any known neighborhood refinement plans or special area studies. Further, the proposed amendment to the Metro Plan diagram does not necessitate a concurrent amendment to any special area study, functional plan, or the Springfield Comprehensive Plan to maintain consistency. Therefore, this section is not applicable. 5.14.125 Initiation. Metro Plan amendments shall be initiated as follows: (A) A Type 1 amendment may be initiated by Springfield at any time. A property owner may initiate an amendment for property they own at any time. Owner initiated amendments are subject to the limitations for such amendments set out in this code (see also subsection (E)). Findings: Consistent with SDC.5.14.125(A), the property owner Big Bass LLC has proposed a Type 1 amendment to the Metro Plan diagram. This criterion is met. 5.14.130 Approval Process. (A) The initiating government body of any Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 amendment shall notify all governing bodies of the intended amendment and the Type of amendment proposed within 20 days. If any governing body disagrees with the Type of proposed amendment, that governing body may refer the matter to the process specified in subsection (E) or (F), as appropriate. (B) For any Type 1, Type 2 or Type 3 amendment, a public hearing date shall be set for the Springfield Planning Commission, and the Planning Commissions of Eugene and Lane County, as applicable, within 90 days. (C) For Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 amendments, the Springfield Planning Commission and the Planning Commissions of Eugene and Lane County, shall conduct a single or joint public hearing, as appropriate, and forward that record and their recommendations to the Springfield City Council and to their respective elected officials. The Springfield City Council and the participating elected officials shall also conduct a public hearing, as appropriate, prior to making a final decision. Findings: The Applicant understands that the proposed Type 1 Amendment is subject to public hearings before the Springfield Planning Commission and the Springfield City Council. As a Type I Amendment for property within the Springfield City Limits, the Planning Commissions of the City of Eugene and Lane County do not have purview and public hearings are not required before these bodies. The Springfield City Council will render a final decision on the proposed amendment. These procedural requirements are met. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 7 of 22 5.14.135 Criteria. A Metro Plan amendment may be approved only if the Springfield City Council and other applicable governing body or bodies find that the proposal conforms to the following criteria: (A) The amendment shall be consistent with applicable Statewide Planning Goals Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement: To develop a citizen involvement program that insures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. Findings: The City of Springfield has an acknowledged citizen involvement program that ensures the opportunity for residents to be involved in the planning process. Per SDC 5.14.100, public hearings are required before the Planning Commission and City Council for Metro Plan Amendments. Per SDC 5.2.115, the public notice standards include specifications for the content, timing, and dispersal of mailed notices. The proposal is processed in accordance with these cited standards and does not alter the citizen involvement process. The City’s process for adopting amendments complies with the State’s requirements for citizen involvement; therefore, the proposed amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 1. Goal 2 - Land Use Planning: To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions and actions related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions. Findings: The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) is the acknowledged comprehensive plan for guiding land use planning in the metropolitan area, including Springfield. The City of Springfield has also adopted the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. The site is not subject to a refinement plan. Both the Metro Plan and the Springfield Comprehensive Plan include policy frameworks that guide decision making around land use planning. The Springfield Comprehensive Plan provides supplemental residential lands and housing policies; it does not replace the applicable Metro Plan residential policies. Additionally, Chapter IV of the Metro Plan outlines the required public hearing process used for amendments. The proposed amendment does not affect the factual basis on which the current planning framework was based. It also adheres to the procedural standards in the plan. Lastly, Goal 2 requires that the City coordinate the review of the amendment with affected government agencies. The City handles referrals to other potentially affected agencies. Those referral comments are part of the public record associated with this proposed amendment application. Therefore, the amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 2. Goal 3 - Agricultural Lands: To preserve and maintain agricultural lands. Findings: The site is located within an acknowledged urban growth boundary and does not affect agricultural lands or lands designated for agricultural use. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goal 3 is not applicable. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 8 of 22 Goal 4 - Forest Lands: To conserve forest lands by maintaining the forest land base and to protect the state’s forest economy by making possible economically efficient forest practices that assure the continuous growing and harvesting of forest tree species as the leading use on forest land consistent with sound management of soil, air, water, and fish and wildlife resources and to provide for recreational opportunities and agriculture. Findings: The site is located within an acknowledged urban growth boundary and does not affect forest lands or lands designated for forestry use. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goal 4 is not applicable. Goal 5 - Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces: To protect natural resources and conserve scenic and historic areas and open spaces. Findings: Goal 5 applies to more than a dozen natural and cultural resources such as riparian corridors, wetlands, wildlife habitat, and historic resources. There are no identified Goal 5 resources on the site. The existing ponds are not included on the City’s Goal 5 inventory. The Springfield Natural Resources Inventory does not list a Goal 5 natural resource on or near the site. The Local Wetlands Inventory categorizes the on-site ponds as “not significant”. Metro Plan Policy C.18 states that “Sand and gravel sites identified as significant by the Metro Plan shall be protected in accordance with the requirements of the Goal 5 Rule.” The site is not identified as significant. The site includes ponds that are currently regulated by the state of Oregon for use as a mining operation. The mining resources are now depleted. Furthermore, the Metro Plan acknowledges in its findings that sand and gravel extraction can conflict with other natural resources, and the plan states that “proper rehabilitation and reuse of abandoned sand and gravel sites results in the return of valuable land for urban uses” (pg. III-C-13). The proposed amendment and use of this site enables the rehabilitation of a former quarry. The proposed amendment neither amends a plan or code provision adopted to protect a Goal 5 resource, nor does it allow new uses that conflict with a Goal 5 resource or amend the acknowledged UGB. Therefore, the amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 5. Goal 6 - Air, Water and Land Resources Quality: To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water, and land resources of the state. Findings: Goal 6 addresses local implementation measures that are intended to be consistent with state and Federal policies or regulations. These are focused on clean air, clean water, and waste discharges from future and existing developments. The proposal does not amend the metropolitan area’s air or water quality policies, nor does it impact land resource policies. The City can reasonably expect that any future development of the site will comply with applicable local environmental regulations for water quality and stormwater management. For example, all stormwater must be treated on-site in vegetated facilities to improve water quality prior to discharging to waterbodies or waterways that are connected to off -site City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 9 of 22 waters. Furthermore, the site abuts lots that are designated LMI, meaning that the City has previously determined this area is appropriate for the proposed plan designation. Therefore, the amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 6. Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Hazards: To protect people and property from natural hazards. Findings: Goal 7 addresses natural hazards and requires that all local governments adopt comprehensive plans to reduce risk to people and property from natural hazards. The statewide areas that are subject to natural hazards include floodplains, potential landslide areas, tsunami zones, and coastal high hazard areas. The proposal does not amend the City’s natural hazard policies. The site is in a Special Flood Hazard Area within the 100-year floodplain – Zone AE per FIRM 41039C1162F; therefore, per SDC 3.3.400, all future land use and development of the site is subject to and will abide by the City’s adopted floodplain management regulations for development. The site is not subject to tsunamis or coastal erosion events. Furthermore, the site abuts lots that are designated LMI, meaning that the City has previously determined this area is appropriate for the proposed plan designation. Therefore, this amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 7. Goal 8 - Recreational Needs: To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors and, where appropriate, to provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities including destination resorts. Findings: Goal 8 requires communities to evaluate their recreation areas and facilities and to develop plans to address current and projected demand. The proposed amendment will not affect Willamalane Parks and Recreation District’s adopted 20-year comprehensive plan for the provision of park, open space, and recreation services throughout the City of Springfield, nor will it affect access to existing or future public recreational facilities. Therefore, the proposed amendment has no effect on and is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 8. Goal 9 - Economic Development: To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon’s citizens. Findings: As described above, the proposed Metro Plan amendment will change the plan designation from Sand and Gravel to LMI, which is the same as and compatible with the adjacent properties. The Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Economic Element, the prevailing local policy document, explicitly prioritizes expanding industrial land supply, particularly in Goal EG-1, Policy E.1, which prioritizes designating an adequate supply of land that is planned and zoned to provide sites to accommodate industrial and other employment uses, specifically targeting vacant undeveloped land. Additionally, the proposed plan amendment advances Policy E.4, which directs the expansion of “industrial site opportunities by evaluating and rezoning commercial, residential, and industrial land for the best economic return for the community through the process of City refinement planning, [and] review of owner-initiated land use proposals”. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 10 of 22 The proposed Metro Plan amendment to LMI will increase the supply of industrial lands within the UGB, thereby providing additional opportunities for economic activities. This is a timely and appropriate change that enables the current use of the site – a depleted and now vacant former quarry site – to transition to an economically viable light industrial use. The proposed amendment will support the policies of the Economic Element and does not alter the City’s acknowledged compliance with Goal 9. The proposed amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 9. Goal 10 - Housing: To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state. Findings: Goal 10 requires that communities plan for and maintain an inventory of buildable residential land for needed housing units. As noted above, the site is designated both Sand and Gravel and LDR. Tax Lot 402 is designated Sand and Gravel, which does not permit residential land uses. The proposed redesignation of this lot is not relevant to the Goal 10 findings. Tax Lot 405 is 2.53 acres and approximately 1.59 acres of the lot is currently designated LDR. Abutting properties to the north, south, and west of the site are designated Light Medium Industrial (LMI). Properties to the east are outside the UGB. The Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Residential Land Use and Housing Element (adopted by City Ordinance no. 6268) includes information relevant to Statewide Planning Goal 10. Per the findings of the Element, “the RLHNA [Springfield Residential Land and Housing Need Analysis] indicate that Springfield has an overall surplus of residential land,” and that there is “sufficient buildable land in Springfield’s UGB designated for low and medium density residential uses to meet the needs of the projected population.” Furthermore, the “Low Density Residential designation has a surplus of approximately 378 gross acres”. As of April 2019, the City’s surplus of LDR-designated land inventory had been reduced to 168 acres. The reduction in the surplus land inventory has been achieved through a series of Metro Plan amendments and efficiency measures. Adopted City Ordinance nos. 6364, 6374, 6375, 6378, 6395, 6400, 6407, and 6418, incorporated into the record by reference, redesignated and rezoned more than 228.71 net acres of LDR-designated land to nonresidential or higher density residential designations. Therefore, the amount of surplus of LDR-designated land in the City’s inventory is now approximately 149.19 acres. As stated previously, an approximately 1.59-acre portion of Tax Lot 405 is designated LDR. The proposed Metro Plan amendment reduces the LDR surplus from the current 149.19-acre surplus to 147.6 acres. Furthermore, the currently designated LDR 1.59-acre area abuts lots that are currently designated LMI or proposed in this application to be designated LMI, so a more compatible designation and zone for this small LDR designated and R-1 zoned land area is a LMI designation and LMI zone. The proposed amendment has minimal impact on the residential buildable land inventory and an LDR surplus remains, thereby maintaining consistency with both the Residential Land Use and Housing Element and the Metro Plan. The proposed amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 10. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 11 of 22 Goal 11 - Public Facilities and Services: To plan and develop a timely, orderly, and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development. Findings: These following factors demonstrate that the City of Springfield and partner agencies have planned for the necessary public facilities and services. Any future development will adhere to the applicable local requirements to extend public facilities and use public services, as summarized below. The subject site is located within the City limits and was annexed in January 2024. Per available public records, both overhead electricity and wastewater lines are in the 52nd Street right-of-way. There is an existing private drive with a 60-foot roadway easement, a 20-foot wide EWEB easement and a 10-foot PUE running the length of the private drive leading to the subject site, which can facilitate an orderly extension of services. There are no public stormwater lines in the adjacent 52nd Street right-of-way. According to City staff input during the September 8, 2022, Development Issues Meeting, on-site stormwater treatment and retention is acceptable. Extension of the public stormwater system to the site at the time of development is not necessary. The state-acknowledged Metro Plan defines minimum urban facilities as including the following: wastewater service, stormwater service, transportation, solid waste management, water service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection, citywide parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communication facilities, and public schools on a district-wide basis. Each of the minimum urban services is provided for the site on a City- or district-wide basis, as applicable. The City of Springfield, as a member of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission, provides wastewater services. The City also provides public streets, police protection, and land use controls. The Willamalane Park and Recreation District provides parks and recreation programs citywide. Eugene- Springfield Fire provides fire and emergency medical services. The Springfield Utility Board provides water and electric services. The site is within Springfield School District boundary, and the neighborhood schools include Ridgeview Elementary School, Thurston Middle School, and Thurston High School. Numerous service providers have communication facilities available to the site. The amendment to the Metro Plan diagram does not significantly affect the planning or development of future public facilities or services. Therefore, the amendment is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 11. Goal 12 - Transportation: To provide and encourage a safe, convenient, and economic transportation system. Findings: Goal 12 is implemented through the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR), as defined in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0000, et seq. The TPR is implemented at a local level through the City of Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP). OAR 660-012-0060 states that when land use changes, including amendments to acknowledged comprehensive plans, significantly affecting an existing or planned transportation facility, the local government shall put in place measures to ensure that the allowed land uses are consistent with identified function, capacity, and performance standards of the facility. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 12 of 22 The applicant has conducted a transportation planning rule analysis (TPRA), prepared by Sandow Engineering. The attached TPRA considered the reasonable “worst-case” development for both the current zones and the proposed LMI zone. The analysis found that the additional trips generated by the future development does not cause any area intersections to not meet the applicable jurisdictional standards. See the attached TPRA for details on the analysis and findings for the applicable OARs, which are summarized below. Two intersections are particularly relevant in this area of eastern Springfield. First, the Highway 126/Main Street intersection is currently projected to not meet the V/C standards in 2035 background conditions. Additional trips associated with this proposal will not worsen the V/C condition. Next, the Highway 126/52nd Street intersection operation currently fails to meet the ODOT mobility standards, and it will continue to not meet the standard through 2035. Additional trips associated with this proposal will worsen the V/C condition, thereby causing the intersection to further degrade. In lieu of physical mitigation, the applicant can elect to mitigate the traffic impacts with other transportation management options, including a trip cap applied to future development on the subject site. The Applicant proposes a trip cap of 487 PM peak hour trips be applied to the site. Future development will be subject to the cap, such that trips generated from future development will be debited from the overall trip cap amount available at the time of permitting. Additionally, the Applicant proposes that the trip cap is effectively repealed when physical improvements to the constrained Highway 126/52nd Street intersection are completed meeting the City and ODOT mobility standards through either a publicly funded capital project or a privately funded project, so that this proposed trip cap is no longer applicable to redevelopment of the subject property. The Applicant proposes the following condition of approval: • Future development of Tax Lots 402 and 405 of Lane County Assessor’s Map 17-02-28-00 shall be subject to a trip cap of 487 PM peak hour trips. Trips generated from future development shall be debited from the overall trip cap amount available at the time of permitting. When public physical improvements to the constrained Highway 126/52nd Street intersection are complete, the trip cap shall be repealed because the trip cap is no longer applicable to either the subject property or proposed redevelopment. Any new proposed development shall be subject to current applicable standards. The Applicant is not required to make public improvements to the Highway 126/52nd Street intersection. Based on the findings herein and the attached TPRA as well as the Applicant’s proposed condition of approval to include the above trip cap, the proposal is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 12. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 13 of 22 Goal 13 - Energy Conservation: To conserve energy. Findings: Goal 13 requires communities to maximize the conservation of all forms of energy for land and uses developed on the land. The proposed amendment does not affect the City’s relevant adopted conservation policies, plans, or studies. Future development of the site remains subject to any adopted land development regulations and the Oregon building codes that regulate energy resources. Therefore, the proposal is consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 13. Goal 14 - Urbanization: To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use, to accommodate urban population and urban employment inside urban growth boundaries, to ensure efficient use of land, and to provide for livable communities. Findings: The proposed amendment does not affect the transition from rural to urban land use, as the site has been inside the UGB for decades and was annexed to the City in January 2024. The proposed redesignation and zone change will not affect compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 14. Goal 15 - Willamette River Greenway: To protect, conserve, enhance and maintain the natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, economic, and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette River as the Willamette River Greenway. Findings: The site is not within the boundaries of the Willamette River Greenway. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goal 15 is not applicable. Goal 16 - Estuarine Resources: To recognize and protect the unique environmental, economic, and social values of each estuary and associated wetlands; and To protect, maintain, where appropriate develop, and where appropriate restore the long-term environmental, economic, and social values, diversity, and benefits of Oregon’s estuaries. Findings: There are no estuarine resources on or adjacent to the subject site. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goal 16 is not applicable. Goal 17 - Coastal Shorelines: To conserve, protect, where appropriate, develop and where appropriate restore the resources and benefits of all coastal shorelands, recognizing their value for protection and maintenance of water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, water dependent uses, economic resources and recreation and aesthetics. The management of these shoreland areas shall be compatible with the characteristics of the adjacent coastal waters; and To reduce the hazard to human life and property, and the adverse effects upon water quality and fish and wildlife habitat, resulting from the use and enjoyment of Oregon’s coastal shorelands. Findings: There are no coastal resources on or adjacent to the subject site. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goal 17 is not applicable. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 14 of 22 Goal 18 - Beaches and Dunes: To conserve, protect, where appropriate develop, and where appropriate restore the resources and benefits of coastal beach and dune areas; and To reduce the hazard to human life and property from natural or human-induced actions associated with these areas. Findings: There are no beaches or dunes on or adjacent to the subject site. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goal 18 is not applicable. Goal 19 - Ocean Resources: To conserve marine resources and ecological functions for the purpose of providing long-term ecological, economic, and social value and benefits to future generations. Findings: There are no ocean resources on or adjacent to the subject site. Therefore, Statewide Planning Goal 19 is not applicable. Based on the findings above, the proposed Metro Plan Amendment is consistent with the applicable Statewide Planning Goals. This criterion is met. (B) Plan inconsistency: (1) In those cases where the Metro Plan applies, adoption of the amendment shall not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. Findings: The adopted Metro Plan is the principal document that creates a framework for land use policy within the City of Springfield. The site is not subject to any refinement plans. The proposed Metro Plan amendment does not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. It does not affect any Metro Plan policies or text. There is no conflict created by the proposed amendment to the residential, mining and quarry, or Light Medium Industrial inventory, nor any other land use elements of the Metro Plan. (2) In cases where Springfield Comprehensive Plan applies, the amendment shall be consistent with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. (6331) Findings: The Comprehensive Plan Economic Element and the Residential Land Use and Housing Element, and Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Residential Land Use and Housing Element, apply to the amendment. There are specific goals, policies, and findings in the Comprehensive Plan that apply to the proposed amendment, including the following: Goal EG-1, Policy E.1: Designate an adequate supply of land that is planned and zoned to provide sites of varying locations, configurations, size, and characteristics as identified and described in the Economic Opportunity Analysis to accommodate industrial and other employment over the planning period. These sites may include vacant undeveloped land; partially developed sites with potential for additional development through infill development; and sites with redevelopment potential (pg. 5). City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 15 of 22 Implementation Strategy 1.1: Amend the UGB, Metro Plan diagram and text to add 223 acres of suitable employment land to accommodate employers requiring sites larger than 20 acres. Preserve suitable sites for future development by creating and applying the “Urban Holding Area - Employment” (UHA – E) plan designation and the “Agriculture – Urban Holding Area” zone to the sites as described in the Urbanization Element and Springfield Development Code (pg. 5). Economic Element Finding 7: Buildable Lands Inventory. Springfield’s Commercial and Industrial Buildable Lands Inventory identifies 3,415 acres that are designated for industrial and other employment use. About two thirds of the land designated for employment within Springfield’s UGB is considered developed and is not expected to be redeveloped over the 20 year planning period. Less than 15% of this land is buildable, unconstrained land. The majority of buildable, unconstrained employment land in Springfield has existing development on it that is expected to redevelop over the planning period. Springfield has one buildable site 20 acres and larger and 23 buildable sites in the five to 20 acre size range (pg. 20). Economic Element Finding 16: Need for large sites. The employment land needs that may not be met within the UGB are for sites five acres and larger. The City has only one buildable site 20 acres or larger (pg. 22). The site is in total approximately 26.73 acres of undeveloped land of currently vacant use. The proposed Metro Plan Amendment, as well as the concurrent zone change, to LMI would subsequently create an industrial site 20 acres or larger, addressing an acknowledged existing need of industrial sites over 20 acres in size within Springfield’s UGB. The proposed use fills an existing need, is an allowed use for an LMI site, and leaves the possibility of future development on the site. The proposed Metro Plan amendment is consistent with this Comprehensive Plan goal, policy, and findings of the Economic Element. Goal EG-1, Policy E.7: Where possible, concentrate development on sites with existing infrastructure or on sites where infrastructure can be provided relatively easily and at a comparatively low cost (pg. 7). As mentioned above, the site has existing infrastructure that is necessary for site development, which means that future development can occur at comparatively low cost and without large facility extensions. The site is within the UGB and contiguous to the City limits. The abutting development to the south and north currently has urban services. Per available public records, both overhead electricity and wastewater lines are in the 52nd Street right-of-way. There is an existing private drive with a 60-foot roadway easement, a 20-foot wide EWEB easement and a 10-foot PUE running the length of the private drive leading to the subject site, which can facilitate an orderly extension of services. There are no public stormwater lines in the adjacent 52nd Street right-of-way. According to City staff input during the September 8, 2022, Development Issues Meeting, on-site stormwater treatment and retention is City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 16 of 22 acceptable. Extension of the public stormwater system to the site at the time of development is not necessary. The Metro Plan defines minimum urban facilities as including the following: wastewater service, stormwater service, transportation, solid waste management, water service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection, citywide parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communication facilities, and public schools on a district-wide basis. Each of the minimum urban services is provided near the site on a City- or district-wide basis, as applicable. The City of Springfield, as a member of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission, provides wastewater services. The City also provides police protection, land use controls, and public streets. (The Applicant is aware of public street projects in the vicinity that are identified in the City-adopted Transportation System Plan. Any potential impacts to the local street network or the TSP projects will be addressed at the time of development.) The Willamalane Park and Recreation District provides parks and recreation programs citywide. Eugene-Springfield Fire provides fire and emergency medical services. The Springfield Utility Board provides water and electric services. The site is within Springfield School District boundary and neighborhood schools include Ridgeview Elementary School, Thurston Middle School, and Thurston High School. Numerous service providers have communication facilities available to the site. The proposed Metro Plan amendment is consistent with this Comprehensive Plan policy of the Economic Element. Residential Land Use and Housing Element Finding 10: The results of the RLHNA indicate that Springfield has an overall surplus of residential land, but has deficits in the High Density Residential and Parks and Open Space categories. The Springfield UGB has enough land for 9,018 new dwelling units. There is sufficient buildable land in Springfield’s UGB designated for low and medium density residential uses to meet the future housing needs of the projected population. ▪ The Low Density Residential designation has a surplus of approximately 378 gross acres (pg. 39). The Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Residential Land Use and Housing Element (Ordinance 6268) states that the “results of the RLHNA [Springfield Residential Land and Housing Need Analysis] indicate that Springfield has an overall surplus of residential land,” and that there is “sufficient buildable land in Springfield’s UBG designated for low and medium density residential uses to meet the needs of the projected population.” Furthermore, the “Low Density Residential designation has a surplus of approximately 378 gross acres” (pg. 11). As of April 2019, the City’s surplus of LDR-designated land inventory was 168 acres. The reduction in the surplus land inventory has been achieved through a series of Metro Plan amendments and zone changes. Adopted Ordinances 6364, 6374, 6375, 6378, 6395, 6400, 6407, and 6418 redesignated and rezoned more than 228.71 net acres of LDR-designated land to nonresidential or higher density residential uses. Therefore, the amount of surplus of LDR-designated land in the City’s inventory is now approximately 149.19 acres. As stated previously, an approximately 1.59-acre portion of Tax Lot 405 is designated LDR. The proposed Metro Plan amendment reduces the LDR surplus from the current 149.19-acre surplus to 147.6 acres. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 17 of 22 The proposed amendment, which would include redesignating the 1.59-acre portion of the 2.53-acre lot from Low Density Residential to LMI has minimal impact on the buildable residential land inventory, and therefore, the proposed amendment maintains consistency with the local Comprehensive Plan’s Residential Land Use and Housing Element, as well as statewide planning goals that require local jurisdictions to maintain a sufficient supply of residential lands. Based on the findings above, the proposed Metro Plan Amendment is consistent with the applicable Springfield Comprehensive Plan goals and policies. This criterion is met. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 18 of 22 V. Zoning Map Amendment Approval Criteria – Supporting Facts and Findings 5.22.115 Criteria. (C) Zoning Map Amendment Criteria of Approval. (1) Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram; Findings: As described in the preceding section, Tax Lots 402 and 405 are currently zoned Quarry and Mine Operations, and the southern portion of Tax Lot 405 is currently zoned R-1. The Metro Plan designates these lots Sand and Gravel and Low Density Residential. The concurrent proposed Metro Plan Amendment application (see Section IV., above) redesignates the lots LMI, which is compatible with the adjacent uses and consistent with the abutting parcels inside the UGB that are within the LMI zone. Contingent upon the preceding plan amendment, the proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram. As described above, the concurrent proposed Zoning Map Amendment will change the current zoning on the lots from QMO and R-1 to the LMI zone. Currently, Tax Lot 402 is entirely in the QMO zoning district. It is proposed to be changed to LMI. Tax Lot 405 is split-zoned between the QMO zoning district on the northern portion and the R-1 zoning district on the southern portion. It is proposed to be changed from QMO and R-1 to the LMI zoning district. See attached maps for existing and proposed changes to the plan designations and zones. The proposed changes are not inconsistent with the Metro Plan policies. Of particular relevance and incorporated herein by reference, the zoning map amendment results in a minimal reduction on the buildable residential land inventory (1.59-acres of Tax Lot 405), and as discussed above, an adequate supply of residential lands remain available. Therefore, the proposed amendment maintains consistency with the local Comprehensive Plan’s Residential Land Use and Housing Element, as well as statewide planning goals that require local jurisdictions to maintain a sufficient supply of residential lands. This criterion is met. (2) Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans, and functional plans; Findings: There are no applicable refinement plans, plan district maps, conceptual development plans or functional plans to this specific site. This criterion is not applicable. (3) The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services, and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to be provided concurrently with the development of the property; City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 19 of 22 Findings: The site was annexed into the City of Springfield in January 2024 and is within the UGB. The site is served by a complete range of urban services. Specifically, per available public records, both overhead electricity and wastewater lines are in the 52nd Street right-of-way. There is an existing private drive with a 60-foot roadway easement, a 20-foot wide EWEB easement and a 10-foot PUE running the length of the private drive leading to the subject site, which can facilitate an orderly extension of services. There are no public stormwater lines in the adjacent 52nd Street right-of-way. According to City staff input during the September 8, 2022, Development Issues Meeting, on-site stormwater treatment and retention is acceptable. Extension of the public stormwater system to the site at the time of development is not necessary. The Metro Plan defines minimum urban facilities as including the following: wastewater service, stormwater service, transportation, solid waste management, water service, fire and emergency medical services, police protection, citywide parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communication facilities, and public schools on a district-wide basis. Each of the minimum urban services is provided near the site on a City- or district-wide basis, as applicable. The City of Springfield, as a member of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission, provides wastewater services. The City also provides police protection, land use controls, and public streets. (The Applicant is aware of public street projects in the vicinity that are identified in the City-adopted Transportation System Plan. Any potential impacts to the local street network or the TSP projects will be addressed at the time of development.) The Willamalane Park and Recreation District provides parks and recreation programs citywide. Eugene-Springfield Fire provides fire and emergency medical services. The Springfield Utility Board provides water and electric services. The site is within Springfield School District boundary and neighborhood schools include Ridgeview Elementary School, Thurston Middle School, and Thurston High School. Numerous service providers have communication facilities available to the site. The proposed Metro Plan amendment is consistent with this Comprehensive Plan policy of the Economic Element. The site is within the urban growth boundary and has been annexed into the City of Springfield. The proposed zoning map amendment does not affect the service providers listed above. The majority of key urban services will continue to be provided. The zoning map amendment allows use of the site consistent with the local Comprehensive Plan’s definition of urban facilities, and orderly extension of the required urban facilities and services to the site can be executed consistent with the Springfield Development Code. Therefore, this criterion is met. (4) Meet the approval criteria specified in SDC 5.14.100 when involving a Metro Plan Diagram amendment; and Findings: The zone change application involves a Metro Plan Amendment. As demonstrated above in Section IV, the proposed plan amendment meets the approval of criteria specified in SDC 5.14.100. Therefore, this criterion is met. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 20 of 22 (5) Compliance with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable. Findings: The Oregon Transportation Planning Rule (TPR), which is also known as Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, implements Statewide Planning Goal 12, Transportation. The TPR requires that local governments account for transportation impacts as part of any process that proposes amendments to the comprehensive plan or the official zoning map. The following findings and the attached transportation planning rule analysis (TPRA), prepared by Sandow Engineering, demonstrates that the proposed amendments to the Metro Plan (local comprehensive plan) and the Springfield official zoning map comply with the TPR. (OAR) 660-012-0060 (1) If an amendment to a functional plan, an acknowledged comprehensive plan, or a land use regulation (including a zoning map) would significantly affect an existing or planned transportation facility, then the local government must put in place measures as provided in section (2) of this rule, unless the amendment is allowed under section (3), (9) or (10) of this rule. A plan or land use regulation amendment significantly affects a transportation facility if it would: (a) Change the functional classification of an existing or planned transportation facility (exclusive of correction of map errors in an adopted plan); (b) Change standards implementing a functional classification system, or (c) Result in any of the effects listed in paragraphs (A) through (C) of this subsection. If a local government is evaluating a performance standard based on projected levels of motor vehicle traffic, then the results must be based on projected conditions measured at the end of the planning period identified in the adopted TSP. As part of evaluating projected conditions, the amount of traffic projected to be generated within the area of the amendment may be reduced if the amendment includes an enforceable, ongoing requirement that would demonstrably limit traffic generation, including, but not limited to, transportation demand management. This reduction may diminish or completely eliminate the significant effect of the amendment. (A) Types or levels of travel or access that are inconsistent with the functional classification of an existing or planned transportation facility; (B) Degrade the performance of an existing or planned transportation facility such that it would not meet the performance standards identified in the TSP or comprehensive plan; or (C) Degrade the performance of an existing or planned transportation facility that is otherwise projected to not meet the performance standards identified in the TSP or comprehensive plan. (2) If a local government determines that there would be significant effect, then the local government must ensure that the allowed land uses are consistent with the performance standards of the facility measured or projected at the end of the planning period identified in the adopted TSP through one or a combination of the remedies listed in the subsections (a) City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 21 of 22 through (e) below, unless the amendment meets the balancing test in subsection (e) or qualifies for partial mitigation in section (11) of this rule. A local government using subsection (e), section (3), section (10) or section (11) to approve an amendment recognizes that additional motor vehicle traffic congestion may result an that other facility providers would not be expected to provide additional capacity for motor vehicle in response to this congestion. (a) Adopting measures that demonstrate allowed land uses are consistent with the performance standards of the transportation facility. (b) Amending the TSP or comprehensive plan to provide transportation facilities, improvements, or services adequate to support the proposed land uses consistent with the requirements of this division. Such amendments shall include a funding plan or mechanism consistent with section (4) or include an amendment to the transportation finance plan so that the facility, improvement, or service will be provided by the end of the planning period. (c) Amending the TSP to modify the performance standards of the transportation facility. (d) Providing other measures as a condition of development or through a development agreement or similar funding method, including, but not limited to, transportation system management measures or minor transportation improvements. Local governments shall, as part of the amendment, specify when measures or improvements provided pursuant to this subsection will be provided. (e) Providing improvements that would benefit modes other than the significantly affected mode, improvements to facilities other than the significantly affected facility, or improvements at other locations, if: (A) The provider of the significantly affected facility provides a written statement that the system-wide benefits are sufficient to balance the significant effect, even though the improvements would not result in consistency for all performance standards; (B) The providers of facilities being improved at other locations provide written statements of approval; and (C) The local jurisdictions where facilities are being improved provide written statements of approval. Findings: The City has an acknowledged TSP (Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan). The land was not previously exempted from the TPR during the annexation. The applicant has conducted a transportation planning rule analysis (TPRA), prepared by Sandow Engineering. As addressed in the attached TPRA, the analysis considered the reasonable “worst-case” development for both the current zones and the proposed LMI zone. The analysis found that the additional trips generated by the future development does not cause any area intersections to not meet the applicable jurisdictional standards. See the attached TPRA for details on the analysis and findings for the applicable OARs, which are summarized below. City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment Applications May 14, 2024 Page 22 of 22 Two intersections are particularly relevant in this area of eastern Springfield. First, the Highway 126/Main Street intersection is currently projected to not meet the V/C standards in 2035 background conditions. Additional trips associated with this proposal will not worsen the V/C condition. Next, the Highway 126/52nd Street intersection operation currently fails to meet the ODOT mobility standards, and it will continue to not meet the standard through 2035. Additional trips associated with this proposal will worsen the V/C condition, thereby causing the intersection to further degrade. In lieu of physical mitigation, the applicant can elect to mitigate the traffic impacts with other transportation management options, including a trip cap applied to future development on the subject site. The Applicant proposes a trip cap of 487 PM peak hour trips be applied to the site. Future development will be subject to the cap, such that trips generated from future development will be debited from the overall trip cap amount available at the time of permitting. Additionally, the Applicant proposes that the trip cap is effectively repealed when physical improvements to the constrained Highway 126/52nd Street intersection are completed meeting the City and ODOT mobility standards through either a publicly funded capital project or a privately funded project, so that this proposed trip cap is no longer applicable to redevelopment of the subject property. Based on the findings herein and the attached TPRA as well as the Applicant’s proposed condition of approval to include the above trip cap, this criterion is met. VI. Conclusion Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement, associated attachments, maps, and with the Applicant’s proposed condition of approval to include a trip cap, the proposed Metro Plan Amendment application meets the criteria of approval contained in the Springfield Development Code, as does the concurrent Zoning Map Amendment application. Therefore, the Applicant requests that the City Council approve the proposed Metro Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment as presented. Both the Applicant and the Applicant's representative are available for questions, as necessary. If you have any questions about the above application, please contact Zach Galloway or Kristen Taylor at TBG Architects + Planners (541.687.1010). ZG/KT cc: Shaun Hyland, Big Bass LLC Kelly Sandow, PE, Sandow Engineering Anna Backus, PE, KPFF Consulting Engineers Ryan Erickson, PLS, EGR & Associates, Inc Z:\PROJ\202213 Hyland 5320 High Banks\Corresp\Agency\Zone Change+Plan Amendment\202213-MPA-ZC_WritStat.docx City of Springfield Concurrent Metro Plan and Zoning Map Amendments Application Attachments Attachment Contents ATTACHMENT A Tax Assessor’s Map ATTACHMENT B Property Deeds ATTACHMENT C FIRM 41039C1166F and 41039C1162F ATTACHMENT D Vicinity Map – Existing Plan Designations ATTACHMENT E Vicinity Map – Existing Zoning Districts ATTACHMENT F Proposed Plan Diagram Amendment ATTACHMENT G Proposed Zoning Map Amendment ATTACHMENT H Transportation Planning Rule Analysis, prepared by Kelly Sandow, PE, Sandow Engineering +++++ ++*********************** ************************************+************ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ( ( ( (( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((( ((((((((( ( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((R R R R RR R R R RR R R ) ) ) ) R R ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( R R 29 33 28 32 21 2728 28 33 34 22 28 20 CO SURVEY #1503 APR 1906APPROX141.24' N 7 8 °4 8 'E 2 9 .5 0 C H = 1 9 4 7 'S89°25'W (S88°50'W)939'SOUTH232'56.66 CH = 3739.56'N0°2'12"E 2528.52'N76°56'W 621.63'126.04'INITIAL205.48'392.64' 140.85' NW COR DLC 62522.05'361.30' 208.71' S89°49'2"W 500.28'1000.65' 15.84 CH = 1045.44' 286.34'100'N69°54'W 806.51'100'30'D=1° CR 1° CR R=5729.58' N72°41'WNORTH 343'2.5 CH LOT 4 NO 440 RIVER 1 16 82.82' 1/4 COR MC 293'9.64 CHN1°17'E (N0°10'E)11 1 7 .9 ' & E A S T 1 3 5 3 .7 '287.40'151.61'2.34 CHN12°24'E194.54'30'60'N89°50'58"E 934.53 & S89°55'14"W J M MANN DLC 49 ESE COR POWERS S56°30'E 20.25 CH =1864.5' 100 APPROX 15.16 CH = S8 3°3'4 0"W S89°50'45"E 1431.53' N76°13'W 303 N86°30'W 136.36 CH=881.76'8.4 CHGAP WEST 630± 683.76'S8°30'E57.76 CHNORTH 2834'EAST64.11' 1/4 COR S68°30'W 2.14 CH= MC G O V T M E A N D E R L IN E 1/4 COR 1/4 COR S60°W 2.77CH= S82°5'E 15.15 CH = 999.9' APPROX CO SURVEY #1503 APRIL 1906 30' 29 9.7 1 ' O F N E C O R D L C #4 9 9.64 CH JESSE M MANN 0.78 CH = 51.48' MC MC 283.63'171.94'59.62 CH M/LSOUTH 91 RODS = 1501.5'30'S77°0'10"E 829.09'202.52'203.63'POINTINITIALN6°27'EN7 ° 2'5 0 " E20.15'N83°3'15"W 877.68' 567.59'417.42'N0°4'46"W 2166.85'NE CORN JOHNSON 50'SOUTH 4.16 CH197.82' 5.82 CH N3°16'30"E27 CH = 1782' NE COR LEBANON - 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W.M.Lane County1" = 400' CANCELLED1003039003022600220025002700400902406 17022800SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD17022800 LCATSKP - 2019-11-18 10:27 REVISIONS11/16/2010 - LCAT155 - CONVERT MAP TO GIS10/10/2013 - LCAT142 - PTN 401 OUT TO NORTH 52ND STREET03/07/2018 - LCAT174 - CANC TL 902 IN TO 2017-P278305/13/2019 - LCAT148 - CANC TL 406 INTO 2019-P285809/25/2019 - LCAT148 - CORRECT TAX CODE LABELS TO MATCH TCA11/18/2019 - LCAT148 - NTL 305, 306, 307 OUT OF TL 30011/18/2019 - LCAT148 - LLA BETWEEN TL 300 & TL 306 Produced using RLID (www.rlid.org) on 01/10/2024 at 11:26 AM Produced using RLID (www.rlid.org) on 01/10/2024 at 11:26 AM K i z e rSlough City of Springfield: Existing Zoning Map Esri Community Maps Contributors, Oregon State Parks, State of Oregon GEO, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, TomTom, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA, USFWS Taxlots (RLID) Urban Growth Boundary Springfield UGB Only Zoning R-1 Residential Light Medium Industrial Heavy Industrial Quarry & Mine Operations 1/10/2024, 11:47:35 AM 0 0.06 0.110.03 mi 0 0.09 0.170.04 km 1:4,514 City of Springfield MapSpring Application Requester assumes all responsibility for the use of this product and agrees to hold harmless the City of Springfield against any loss or damage arising from any error, omission or positional inaccuracy K i z e rSlough City of Springfield: Existing Zoning Map Esri Community Maps Contributors, Oregon State Parks, State of Oregon GEO, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, TomTom, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA, USFWS Taxlots (RLID) Urban Growth Boundary Springfield UGB Only Zoning R-1 Residential Light Medium Industrial Heavy Industrial Quarry & Mine Operations 1/10/2024, 11:47:35 AM 0 0.06 0.110.03 mi 0 0.09 0.170.04 km 1:4,514 City of Springfield MapSpring Application Requester assumes all responsibility for the use of this product and agrees to hold harmless the City of Springfield against any loss or damage arising from any error, omission or positional inaccuracy K i z e rSlough City of Springfield: Existing Zoning Map Esri Community Maps Contributors, Oregon State Parks, State of Oregon GEO, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, TomTom, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA, USFWS Taxlots (RLID) Urban Growth Boundary Springfield UGB Only Zoning R-1 Residential Light Medium Industrial Heavy Industrial Quarry & Mine Operations 1/10/2024, 11:47:35 AM 0 0.06 0.110.03 mi 0 0.09 0.170.04 km 1:4,514 City of Springfield MapSpring Application Requester assumes all responsibility for the use of this product and agrees to hold harmless the City of Springfield against any loss or damage arising from any error, omission or positional inaccuracy K i z e rSlough City of Springfield: Proposed Zoning Map Esri Community Maps Contributors, Oregon State Parks, State of Oregon GEO, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, TomTom, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US Census Bureau, USDA, USFWS Taxlots (RLID) Urban Growth Boundary Springfield UGB Only Zoning R-1 Residential Light Medium Industrial Heavy Industrial Quarry & Mine Operations 1/10/2024, 11:51:14 AM 0 0.06 0.110.03 mi 0 0.09 0.170.04 km 1:4,514 City of Springfield MapSpring Application Requester assumes all responsibility for the use of this product and agrees to hold harmless the City of Springfield against any loss or damage arising from any error, omission or positional inaccuracy