HomeMy WebLinkAboutStudies Applicant 5/10/2024 (3)380 0 55n16helb9reg nnWa]] 302-D99 bailey wllllaM'sa" mg, mm Stormwater Report A & O Enigneering LLC pqu woodland Ridge wMMwn Phases 5 8 beaters; laser Rq Springlielq OR PQQp Ta Map: 1BNMIO 111���fff F Ta lel: 3Gq Side, IS ,a' I4aperad ly. Raileywmams.ETT �' ffii6�ldg ReNawN son Kyle Momd,PE M 5/6/M24 ryprMelse single EamiN Residemhl SubdMslm EKf I'a'' ai�2f Project OVOMe At full without, iM WrodhM Ridge SubdHlsbn Pates 1 through 8 is a propoxd single famlky residential s c ivislonwhh approaimatiI btlona'll.eacmpr I.Mmm ntfamu onehases"&tMsuMMsbn which Is proposed to contain 2191m me 31.Dfi-acre zecrbn of Ne orerall cartel. Mates 14 have a (ready been contnaed, wish smtmwarer repots prepared by AW Ealgineenng and approved by true City of SpdryReld already completed. During Maltz 3&A the Ro water inimstruture waz designed to receive sone amoum of mnoff from Phases 5 -8 The remaining 368 ayes are proposed m drain into the Phase 5 - 8 storm facilities. The propeM is loatetl north dUsper M and eartofxolN 3L There is an wishing 18' culvert pacing beneath Roper Rd right of way and existing 36" culvert berry th the nearby re ilmod before eventually declarong into the WIIarm to Riva sereml miles tlowmtream through natural drainage Ivths. Stnmwa@r rumH from the subdirisinn he propGsed to follow the histonC naNdl drainage path for flaw to evaM1ualfy discharge handed stomiwaMthrough the Painting culuMs beneath Kasper Rd and the railroad arms ger below pre comptswon peakflowratew. To meet Ory of Spingfiekl distention and beadment nequiremems for stomnwater runoff in Phases 59, it is proponad to construct multiple tlry detention ponds that also include al n garden Option to prwltle mearmem and patentor to the devNapment's stomarater runoff. Pmm there, the ponds will outfall wish an Overflow war outlet shature similar to the poM com rusted in Max 3 of the suMnvblon. The underhand part bNow the growing medium will connect to a 1T outlet qpe that dissident downhill of the ponds also follows the morm drainage path as mentioned abore. Rumff within the rightof wry wgl be collected via curb Inlets, wtth houxs proposed to discharge roof drainage to streets via machines in the orb. P 11 woomone Rrz(ge Pnol8 Sform Report moy2024 Existing Conditions The property currently is an open grass field with Irytlmseeded stockpile areas from the construction of Phases —4. Pgavel maintenance path exrtsalongthe southern site boundary that services a series of sanitary manholes over the Cry of SpbngOeltl wastewater trunk line. Web Soil Survey lifts[hefollowing soil types as present onthe 9[e: pR W¢lawloam NSGB #121B Salkum srry day loam, 2to 8 percent slopes NSGB #121c Salkum drift day loam, 8m 15 percent slopes NSGB Tbetotal parcel area I572o aver, bowevegMe new developmentarea is approximately 258anesfor Phases —8, and this will be used for existing conditions analysis. The existing site within the development area slopes townrdsMeftubmvert, buta ditch alongthesouthern stteboundary carries all ronoHea4lrto a series ofculverts beneath an existing railroad trackwhere runoff would leave the site. The 24" culvert underthe railroad tracks feed Into the Up culvert passing underhsper Road as discussed above. The eventual disdzBer ows youth and westtoffe Willamette hearse natural drainage paths. Below Isstable summahLng Me physical characteristics ofthe Phases S 8 development area: PmtliBasin Unit Type&Description Total Pcveage OnrveNumber 1 Pasture/gals id range, fair, HSGC 5..044 79 2 Pasture/grassland range, fair, HSGC 14.716 79 3 Pasture /grassland range, fair, HSGC 6..853 79 Infiltration Infiltration RNng was performed by GeopacllL Inc. and a geotechnlrol report was prepared on December 2F, 2021, which includes the results from the resting. In summary, an INltrated test was performed tithe location N[be proposed ponds and the following recommendations were made: Test Number Test Depth ln) Measured htiltation Rate (in./hr.) IT 3 J 8.2 IT 11 18 8.1 Geopacgc's full report is attached In the appendix with this report. To provide afaclorof safety, an infiltration rate of ln/Mwas usedfor analysis lnthe proposed pond. Woodhordikidgi 8 Storm Report Moymza Proposed Destination Treated and detained onsite stormwater runoff is proposed to discharge onsite and overland Row to follow the historic drainage pattern. This historic flow will pas through culverts under the railroad to W and Men under Jasper Road Post construction peak flow ate will be controlled by oriented facilities to be at or below pre development peak Row rates. IIF[R�1iFi']i f5�G1i1 To work with the proposed layout and the edrting site contours it Is proposed to split the stormwater drainage from Phases 5-8into tour separate systems based on proposed mrMu¢ me the drainage basin map for the development In the appendix of this report for more Information. This flow will eventually discharge into the existing ditch running along the southern boundary of the site as described previously. The proposed ponds will contain an interior min garden section located coati the welrwall outlet structure. This min garden Is designed to Rltate the water qual Ry storm event Into an untlertlrain just below the growing medium. Perforated piping below the Bowing medium will discharge trated stormwater runoff Into a 10 inM pipe running south beneath the weirwall o W et structure. The 161nch pipe will ulsdzBeMMe historic drainage path just south of the outlet structure. The weir wall o W et structure contains a compound weir section In between the toe tithe rain garden and the bank of the pond me the below diagrams for dimensions of each corms weir structure. 100' 00' 15m 14,15d 1]S] T7' ��• 13]5 IID] Hgwe 3. Povtl2 Weu Wall Ouri 5.00' r W � m 15 g 15.pI 15 te5o 17M woomoneW[(ge Pnol8 storm Report Sarni Fat.. 3. aonea3 w., Warr mrsamv r ' r �' 15 05 m 00 The full current of Phases 5-8ofthis subdivision will include 219 single family lots. Tax lot 307 on the northeast canner of the site was also Indutletl In the runoff area fo account for future development. A basin map summarizing drainage basin detelsfortbernlfied subdivision is Indutletl lntbeappentllmfthls report. Tbetable belowsummahusMe plry9rel chamdeh4l¢ of the open storage areas of each pond. Pond# Bttomof Slope EL (ft) Bt[waSquare passage (so IDpotSlope EL (ft) Top of Slope Square rental(sfl ytle5 open )B:U) 151100 3114 515.00 9013 3:1 2 517.00 $243 521.00 ll}R 3:1 3 520.00 6,575 524.00 11,84fi 3:1 There will also be a min garden section of each pond that w111 provide treatment through its growing medium layer. Below is table outivning the rain garden physical characteristics: Pond# &RwaotBG Slope EL (ft) BtbmSquare rental (so Tog ofFIG Slope EL (ft) Top of Slope Square rental (st) 9tle51opes )H:V) 1510.50 1438 511.00 1,922 3:1 2 516.50 6,OID 517.00 6,705 3:1 3 519.50 41 1520.00 5,40fi 3:1 In addtiontothe open storage areas provided aboetbe ponds are pmposec to have 12" o1gmwing media that include underdrain perforated piping lust beneath the layer. The undeff ren piping will be centered In a Y wide rock trench to prevent he perforated piping holes being bugged with the soil media. The following table summanear storage capacities for the pond and rain garden section combined woomone Rrz(ge Pnol8 Storm Report moy2@a Consumer) Hydraulic Calculations HytlmGUsoftware was raised to calculate testing condition peak flows leaving the site from the Uevelopmentarea. Below are some Important parameters raised In calwlatingthe testing conditions peak flow rates leaving the site from the development area: Runoff Method. Santa Barbara Urban Hytlmgaph(SBUH) Area: 26.8 acres Curve Number 98: Unconnected roofs, HSGC 74:>75%Grass cover, good, HSG C(po4construction landscape areas) 98: Paved roads with curbs & sewers, HSG C Land DPSMp[lon: 79: Pasture /grassland/range, fair, HSG C Time ofConcentraton besting Pbase 5: 21.3 minutes Etl4ing Phase 67: 28.0 minutes besting Pbase 8: 39.2 minutes Slorm Type: Type US 24-M Sbnn Events: Water Quality - IAO inches 2- Year Slonn-3.12inches 25Year Sbnn-5.18inches Since home footprints are not known atthis time, a maximum lotmotage as specified in Sphngliaid Development nide Section 3.2.225 were used 45%maximum of lots 4,500 cf or greater can be Impervious, while lots less than 4,5004 can be maximum of 60% impervious. All remaining area after this subtraction were assumed to be grassed landscape with the curye numbers listed above. Seethe basin area table in the appendix of this report for more Information. To ensure sion ywater structures will not cause Loading, the following lrydraullc elevations within each pond were calculated Pond# Open Storage Open Storage Growing Media 2- Year Peak Dec. DO 25TYearPeak Dec. DO 1 51275 515.00 Total Pond# Mpaoty lPOND)- MpaotYlRGI-100% Storage Capaoty 10% 521.00 517.ID 518.94 520.19 3 Storage (fir 524.00 10(fil Space (fir Wld Space (fir WidSpace(cfl 123293 840 144 24,906 2 52897 3,201 602 56)00 3 36A56 2,586 494 39,535 Hydraulic Calculations HytlmGUsoftware was raised to calculate testing condition peak flows leaving the site from the Uevelopmentarea. Below are some Important parameters raised In calwlatingthe testing conditions peak flow rates leaving the site from the development area: Runoff Method. Santa Barbara Urban Hytlmgaph(SBUH) Area: 26.8 acres Curve Number 98: Unconnected roofs, HSGC 74:>75%Grass cover, good, HSG C(po4construction landscape areas) 98: Paved roads with curbs & sewers, HSG C Land DPSMp[lon: 79: Pasture /grassland/range, fair, HSG C Time ofConcentraton besting Pbase 5: 21.3 minutes Etl4ing Phase 67: 28.0 minutes besting Pbase 8: 39.2 minutes Slorm Type: Type US 24-M Sbnn Events: Water Quality - IAO inches 2- Year Slonn-3.12inches 25Year Sbnn-5.18inches Since home footprints are not known atthis time, a maximum lotmotage as specified in Sphngliaid Development nide Section 3.2.225 were used 45%maximum of lots 4,500 cf or greater can be Impervious, while lots less than 4,5004 can be maximum of 60% impervious. All remaining area after this subtraction were assumed to be grassed landscape with the curye numbers listed above. Seethe basin area table in the appendix of this report for more Information. To ensure sion ywater structures will not cause Loading, the following lrydraullc elevations within each pond were calculated Pond# thweatWeir Nal Dec. DO TopatWnd Dec. DO Water Quality Peak Dec. DO 2- Year Peak Dec. DO 25TYearPeak Dec. DO 1 51275 515.00 510.97 51239 513.67 2 518.50 521.00 517.ID 518.94 520.19 3 52200 524.00 5198 52f1.94 52252 woomone RR(ge Pnol8 Storm Report moym2a The cm or Springfield requires apipe W 2LLbrdeslgn storm for each or2, 5n 16, and 2syear aur kel everts. As shown, the ponds completely mrrtaln stormeter runoff from the site during each storm event per city of Spring0eltl Sornmeter deal standards and thus are adequate to protect the subdivision from flooding. The tollowlngtable lifts the peak flow rates for rumoRtrom Pro asking site and the post construction peak flow disdnrgingfrom the retention pond. Pond# Storm Event eating Peak Flow Rate gh) Proposed Peak Flow Rate (cfa) Proposed Peak 2Year 1.14 1.07 1 Flow Rate (cfa) byear 17.31 2Syear 3.14 2.84 18" 2Year 274 2.09 2 46 70 2Syear 7.58 7.37 2Year 1.10 1.04 3 2Syear 3.07 2.12 As shown In the above table 7, the Inst construction peak flow rates area[ or below Re peak laws for asking conditions. Al calculation details can be found mthe allached RydmGo report After discharging from the dry detention ponds, runoff is split Into two basins before eventually reaching the FEE coding culvert under Jasper Rd and asking 24' culvert under the nearby train trach. Phases 38 are all expected to mute towards these asking culverts, so Phase 3 and 4 peak runoff rates were also Ind uded In the proposed peak flow numbers below. Etlrting peak laws were calculated from the Phase M yountlary. The 24' culverts flows eventually mute to the asking try trivial and has the liming capacity for this analysis. To show thatMls culvert has enough apadry for this amount of flow, Table 8 below outlines important hydraulic Information. Basin Existing Peak driver: Full Flow Capacity Proposed Peak Areac) la Storm Even[ Flow Rate (is) Are (in) ofFull (am) Flow Rate (cfa) byear 17.31 853 71.8 18" 22so zcvear n.o9 46 70 As shown above, Re asking culverts have adequate apadry for the proposed peak flow K each basin and detain a significant amount compared to the wising conditions. Pollution Control The ftormwater from the water quality storm event will be completely treated prior to discharging Into the historic natural drainage course. The proposed ponds contain Interior min gardens tar stammerer treatment. doodiondikidgi 8 Storm Report pai The Interior am gardens will be vegetated per City or springnela requirements to provide teattert or stormwaterrunoff The pond and Interior rain gardens also have Hoot olgmwing medium to allowaegetatlon with which Sormwater mnoHOlters through promo dischargers site. Asshmvn In table band dlagamsl 3, the peak water revealed during the water quality storm does not exceed the elevation ofthe lowestnotch lnthewelrwall.All Sormwater from the site one water quality storm event will filtrate through the rain garden prior to discharging through the underdatrfs perforated piping and thus will be adequately treated prior to dlsdrarginghom the site. Conclusion The proposed stormwater system will adequately servethe new Woodland Ridge Phase 5— 8 developments. Post construction peakflows are lower than the peak gmv rates* am brands conditions. The brands culverts under Jasper Road and the nearby train tacks have enough apadto assbown InTable $ to ruutethe proposed flow Into the blrtorlc damage path of the site. Therefore, the storm management system meets oriented requirements. Peak water elevations (l during a water quality storm even within the pond do not rise above the lowest weir wall notch. This shows the dry oriented pontis are adequately sized to allow the runoff to be completely t rated by filtrating through vegetation and soil and thus the storm management system meets water quality requirements. The system will contain runoffthereby, protecting public safety and remwingthe potential for property damage Appendix Woodland Ridge Phases 5— 8 Damage Basin Map Woodland Ridge Phases 5-8 Basin Area Table Woodland Ridge Phases 5— 8 EA strung Culvert Capacities Woodland Ridge Phases 5 —8 Trial Report WOODLAND SUBDIVISION PHASES 5=8 BASIN MAP SCALE. 1 " = 80' 66,321 S REFER TO THE BASIN AREA TABLE FOR�� A "" MORE INFORMATION WEST BASIN: ROW Area = 75,044 SF Lot Area = 98,385 SF Landscape Area = 80,837 SF CENTRAL BASIN:--------------- �\ ROW Area = 172,125 SF ` \ ' ��_,.\----------------- Lot Area = 236,629 SF �` \ Landscape Area = 215,308 SF��� EAST BASIN: ROW Area = 92,884 SF Ir,+Arodo-inQRA'zcr SF V s, 75,849 SF nre 66,321 S REFER TO THE BASIN AREA TABLE FOR�� A "" MORE INFORMATION WEST BASIN: ROW Area = 75,044 SF Lot Area = 98,385 SF Landscape Area = 80,837 SF CENTRAL BASIN:--------------- �\ ROW Area = 172,125 SF ` \ ' ��_,.\----------------- Lot Area = 236,629 SF �` \ Landscape Area = 215,308 SF��� EAST BASIN: ROW Area = 92,884 SF Ir,+Arodo-inQRA'zcr s, 75,849 SF nre 66,321 S REFER TO THE BASIN AREA TABLE FOR�� A "" MORE INFORMATION WEST BASIN: ROW Area = 75,044 SF Lot Area = 98,385 SF Landscape Area = 80,837 SF CENTRAL BASIN:--------------- �\ ROW Area = 172,125 SF ` \ ' ��_,.\----------------- Lot Area = 236,629 SF �` \ Landscape Area = 215,308 SF��� EAST BASIN: ROW Area = 92,884 SF Ir,+Arodo-inQRA'zcr WOODLAND 5-8 BASIN AREA TABLE 11 111, 23G2 191, 11 1 "1 2311 19GG 11 1111 2321 194a 11 114, 2Xa 193a m I 1124 2294 193, M2 I "I 22al 1921 M3 1 71 22GI 191, M4 1 16 2214 1912 MG 1 11 222G IA4 111 1111 2911 32G4 111 16,2 2943 311, III I n, 2211 19IG z211 1 "1 22al 1921 0211 1 "1 1 "1 22al 22al 1921212 1921 a213 1 "1 22al 1921 214 1 "1 22al 1921 211 1 "1 22al 1921 III I "I 22al 1921 W211 1 "1 22al 1921 III I "I 22al 1921 4 MI 213a 291311 Q211 164, 293a 3112 x111 6111 2111 33G2 111 6444 2AII 2114 11 1117 2913 3114 M2 1 7,, 2214 19IG M3 I "I 22al 1921 M4 I "I 22al 1921 MI I "I 22al 1921 MG I "I 22al 1921 III I "I 22al 1921 11 1111 2911 3 1 1 I'll, IG 4 MI 213a 2913 III I "I 22al 1921 MI I "I 22al 1921 11 1 "1 22al 1921 11 1 "1 22al 1921 12 1 "1 22al 1921 13 1 "1 22al 1921 14 1 "1 22al 1921 11 1 "1 22al 1921 11 1111 121, 2111 M, 1 IJ7 22GI 2111 11 IJ77 21" 391, 12 6112 Mll 3932 13 6M, 2111 391G 14 611, 2131 391, 11 6114 2141 391, IG ill, 21G' 3921 11 611J 21a2 3AI, ,a 1 11 2911 314, 11 1 1, 22G4 21G1 11 1114 22a2 1922 m I 1114 22a2 1922 M2 4 11 2141 2911 333 1117 2913 3114 334 1 11 29GI 3 Ill 33, 1 "1 2211 1921 MG JIM 232G 191, III I g,, JIM l9a4 ma 411, 2A13 1912 33, 4 Ili 2A'a 191, 11 4114 2A'a 191G 11 4 Ill 2A'a 191, 12 4 Ill 2A'a 191, 13 411, 2All 191a IG 40, 2l14 2934 11 411, 2214 2111 ,a 412, Jill 2111 11 4 7,7 2111 293a 11 1161 2913 UG, 11 7,,1 3913 4312 12 4127 JAM 191, 13 1 2J6 1142 1214 CE NTUL WIN NYA ARENVI - 12 121 11 14 1 Ill 233G 191, 11 4 M, 29GI ou cefil J1 ill A Impeff 1, 1 - IG921 I I IG 4 Ill 2911 1121 cefil J1 ill A wfid�pe A� w I - 211�la I F 11 1 "1 2931 3222 CE NTUL WIN TOTAL V1 - "All IF 14 1 g,' 2311 1914 11 1124 2314 191, IG 1172 2323 194, 11 1 6w 293G 311, ,a 4 g,, Jill 2141 11 14,, 2M2 Oil 11 14,, 2M2 Oil I I I M, I'll 013 12 1 M, 1113 1112 13 1 J6, JAM 2112 14 141, 2A31 I'll 11 4114 2l41 2911 IG 21, 1921 laa, 11 21, 1921 laa, ,a 21, 1921 lag, 11 111 191, 1,11 11 21, 1921 Jill X, 21, 1921 Jill 111 10, 2111 1Al2 111 1 Ili 2AII 1933 0 111 441, 2944 11G2 III 161, 2 111 IA44a I III Jill 2031 OIG 21, 1921 Jill 11 21, 1921 Jill W02 21, 1921 Jill 03 2 Ili 191, Jill 04 Ili, 23G3 191G Q01 114, 22H 2112 OG I'll 2211 Jill 01 414, 204G 2911 oa Ili 2AII 2133 01 641, 211G III, 11 1614 2 'Ga 1A4G 12 1614 2 'Ga 1A4G 13 1614 2 'Ga 1A4G 14 1614 2 'Ga 1A4G 11 4 14 2131 2914 IG 4 J,, 2911 1132 11 21, 1921 Jill ,a 21, 1921 Jill 11 414, 2AaI 19IG WOODLAND 5-8 EXISTING CULVERT CAPACITIES Worksheet for 18" Existing Culvert Under Jasper aalee Description Full Mal planning Fell wa Caaty Input Data GVF Output Data ChannelNormal Made w7 rc/m k Description Description 18� in GVF Output Data NormalDischarge eptn 18� in k Description Description N/A �r�men, 45 in Top Width Ed ft Crude Depth 178 in Parcent Full during rys Crude Made �.0 �rt� pending 12mLR Vemerty Head 259 ft tt End Number (WA) Maximum Diancharge, 2452 cf; inacharge, Full 22 w ca page Full (4F R/D Jul GVF Input Date Depth in Length ft GVF Output Data Depth n k Description Description N/A AparageEnd x Depth Or ling,ling,Call it Normal Ouer Rlx eelN during LVz upsixi pending during rys Normal Depth 18� in Crude Depth 178 in Channel Made o.ua/R/it nied Spaing In, Hl bk1hug.ai.m. r 2meramC.xene fm24 ewtme I�mal404 lai Worksheet for 24" Existing Culvert Under Railroad aalee Description Full Mal planning Fell wa Caaty Input Data GVF Output Data ChannelNormal Made za rc/m k DezTptlon 24� in Marne me,ell Ed ft GVF Output Data NormalDischarge eptn 24� in k DezTptlon N/A Marne me,ell Ed ft �r�men, it Top Width Ed ft Critual Depth during LVz Parcent Full Fall Critual Made � L21 rt� pending 11 IF LES N Head 193 ft Surgaind Energy 3 93 tt End Number (WA) Maximum Diancharge, 37 7D cf; Dancharge, Full 35 (4Ship, Full � L24 � Jul GVF Input Oats Depth in Length ft Number Of Sters GVF Output Data Depth n k DezTptlon N/A Marne me,ell Ed ft Aparage,End x Depth Or ins,ins,Call it Normal Ouer Rlx eelN during LVz upsixi pending during rys Normal Depth 24� in Critual Depth Channel Made onxaryrt nied Spaing In, Hl bk1hug.ai.m. r 2mernmC.xene fm24 MW tae I� mal404 lai Pure 3 P, nd 01® OO 0 0 a 0 o ��r o ��r 0I. 1.0 1. 1. 0 o sun�� a�d� Link Routingm apmfo5370_Hm recMi no mi 4-29-24 SAW Ii%as LLC anmm 9aa024 Ho.c M3HO.cDo FL.a.somm.uc Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW berated by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5162024 MytlroCAIXd 1D 20-4b Mn M993©2923 Mytlro CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace Rainfall Events Listing (selected events) Event# Event Me"Type Curve Per, Dural 313 Depth AMC Nem, (hours) (Inches) 1 2Year TypeIA24hr Default 2600 1 312 2 2 25 Year TypeIA24hr Default 2600 1 313 2 3 Water Quality Type IA 24 hr Default 2600 1 160 2 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW berated by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd10296be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need Area Listing)selectetl nodes) Ares CN Deecnpfton a]33 74 175% Glass coyer coon, MSc C (191 s, 1035, 11 3S) 99.423 79 PaswrLgraselamnange Fair MSc C (1005, 1055, 1125, 2155, 2155) sot 95 Payers meas wmnAe & eewera MSc C (1025, 1 WS, 1145) 19153 95 Cnconneclen roofs, MSc C (101 s, 1055, 1135) 1539 95 Wads Surface, MSCC Ri ll)i 1055, 1115) 127.739 52 TOTALAREA Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW berated by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 102960 e/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software GOlri LLC Pace 4 Soil Listing (selected nodes) Ams Goll Guocercnmenr 9D00 MGGA 9999 MSGe 12] ]39 MSG C 99s, 199s, 1916, rill 1936, 1956, 1356, 196s, 1996 1116, 1126, 1136, 1145,2155,2165 9999 MSGD 9999 aner 127.739 TOTALAREA Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd To 204o s/n W.993©2923 Mytlro CAD software Solutions LLO Fords Ground Covers (selected nodes) MSGA! HSG B HSG C MSGD aner Total Ground subaatchmem (acree) (acres) (acree) (acres) (acres) (acree) server Numbers 0000 0000 a]33 0000 0000 a]33 175% Glass cover Good to 1s, 10 5s, 11 3s D000 D000 99423 D000 D000 99.423 Pasthartrassland/range Fair to os, 10 5s, 11 2s, 21 5s, 21 5s 0000 0000 ]30] 0000 0000 Tart Paver roars wmurbs& sewers To 2s, 10 9s, 4S 0000 0000 11133 0000 0000 11133 Unconnected roots 10 1s, 10 5s, 11 3s 9000 9000 1 539 9000 9000 1 539 Water surface 99 s, 11 3s, 11 as, Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW berated by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HydroCAIXd To 204c s/n M993©2923 Hi CAD Software Solutions LLO Pace Ground Covers)selec[etl nodes)(continued) HSGA! HSCA HSGC HSGD Order Total Ground Suoaarahnni iscree) lames) iscree) lames) (acres) iscree) Cover Numbers 9.999 9.999 127.739 9.999 9.999 127.739 TOTALAREA Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MydroCAIXd t0294o s/n M993©2923 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need? Pipe Listing (selected nodes) LIni der, InJnyen Out ILl Length Slope n Wltlrn Dlem/MeIght InsltlaRll Node Numiner (feet) (feet) (feet) Old) inches) inches) inches) Nem, 1 39P 50900 50651 260 90133 9013 90 190 90 2 295P 51650 51575 1290 90213 9010 90 190 90 3 299P 51559 51215 1299 99213 9919 99 1D9 99 4 214P 59959 59619 1999 99149 9913 99 1D9 99 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlalk3.i2" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd t0294b s/nM993© ID23 Myoro CHN Software Solutions LLC Pond Time span -100 50 00 ors, di 05 ors, 981 paints Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviaus/Impery. Reach routing by BynStar-Intl method - Pond routing by Byn Stor-Intl method Sutoalchmenl885: Pond #1 Runoff Area -9, 913 of lot .99%Impervious Runoff 0ep iff ri0min CN=0/96 Runoff=615 cis 6060at Sutoalchmenl1006: EX CON WEST Runoff Area-6lossac 61111%Impervious Runoff 0epN=t 26" FlowLength-925Tc-2I3min ON=79/0 Runoff=114 cfs D64af Sutoalchmenl1016: LOTS Runoff Area=1 79i=sf 54911%Impervious Runoff Poorly D3" TGi6gmin CN=74P96 Runoff=165 cfs 6696at Sutoalchmentl035: ROW Runoff Area loss of 19699%Impervious Runoff Dep iff TGi6gmin CN=0/96 Runoff=119 cfs 6415at Sutoalcturn 35: Pond #2 Runoff Area=P, 372 of 19699%Impervious Runoff Poorly 69" ri0min CN=0/96 Runoff=630 cis 6696at Sutoalcturn O55: EX CON CENTRAL Runoff Area=14716 ac 61111%Impervious Runoff 6epin=126" FlowLengN=6]9' Tc-23_gmin ON=79/0 Runoff=2]4 cfs 15Wat Sutoalchmenl1066: LOTS Runoff Area451937 of 5235%Impervious Runoff 0epN1193" TGi6gmin CN=74P96 Runoff %cfs 1713at Sutoalchmentl085: Pond 1 Runoff Area=25]665f 11161111%Impervious Runoff6epth>269" ri CN=0/96 Runoff=649cfs 6159af Sutoalchmentl085: ROW Runoff Area=1 72, 125 of 19699%Impervious Runoff CepN>269" r i60min CN=0/96 Runoff=2]3cfs 0961 of Sutoalcturn 15: Pardee Runoff Area=116465f 19699%Impervious Runoff6epth>269" ri CN=0/96 Runoff=020cfs 6055al Sutoalcturn 26: EX CON EAST Runoff Area=5.653 ac 699%Impervious Runoff 6epih=t 26" Flow LengN=11Pre ' Tc-392min ON=79/9 Runoff=119cis 6]29at Sutoalcturn 35: LOTS Runoff Area=195 Put of 5569%Impervious Runoff Poorly M r i60min CN=74P96 Runoff-2l)i 6763af Sutoalcturn 66: ROW Runoff Arei6645f 19699%Impervlous Runoff0epth'269" r i60min CN=0/96 Runoff=166cfs 6513af Sutoalcturn 155: West Existing Basin Runoff Area -459i 699%Impervious Runoffr ih=126" FlowLengN=11260' Slope-D%17V rl ON=79/0 Runoff=109]cfs 4792af Sutoalchment2165: East Existing Basin Runoff Area=26710ac 699%Impervious Runoffr ih=126" Flow Leni 396' Slope=60572'/' 1l CN=79/0 Runoff -63i 20rlaf Pond 39P: Pond #1w/Rain Garden PeakElev=51214'Storgge 751cf I nfloru=t296 cis 4657 of Ou 033 cfs 4656af Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlalk3.i2" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd t0264o s/nM993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Reuters LLC need Pontl206P: POND#3 PeekElev=SIDM'Storege=96t3cf lnfloru=3]i cfs 1 341ef OWfloru=t64 cfs 134ef POotl209P: POND#2 Peek Elev=5t3MStorage=25355cf Infloru=]5]cfs 2759ef OWfloru W cfs 2759at Pontl296P: POND#1 Peek Elev=51239' Storage=6i664cf lnfloru=326cfs 1 161a OWfloru=t0i 1 Treat Total Runoff Area- 12]]38 ac Runoff Volume- 16.000 of Average Runoff Depth -1.50" 86]1%Pervious -108311 ac 1538%Impervious -18.528 ac Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd10266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 10 Subcatchment 995: Pond #1 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 11 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[995: Posr Mi Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) ioo oos are 000 000 zoo D16 o00 004 Dor 3.00 o26 o00 011 ooz 400 033 000 ozn ooz soo 040 000 031 003 soo osa o00 045 003 7 o0 084 000 053 am 80o 133 000 111 0.14 00o 162 000 190 004 too) 190 00o 158 003 11 00 155 0 00 1 72 o 03 12 oo 2or 000 195 ooz 13.0) 219 000 155 ooz 140) 2so 00o 2or ooz 15 oo 241 00o 217 ooz 16 oo 25o 00o zn ooz 17 0o 259 00o 235 ooz 180) 263 000 245 ooz 19 oo 2]] 000 254 ooz 2000 285 000 252 0IT 2100 252 000 259 002 2200 299 000 275 0or 23.00 3.05 000 283 ooi 2400 3.12 000 2.59 ooi 2500 312 000 289 000 2500 312 000 289 000 27 00 312 000 289 000 2800 312 000 289 000 2950 312 0 00 25e o 00 so oo 312 000 289 000 3100 312 000 289 000 3200 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 34 M) 312 000 289 000 3500 312 000 289 000 35.00 312 000 289 000 37 00 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 3950 312 0 00 25e o 00 4000 312 000 289 000 4100 312 000 289 000 4200 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 44.00 312 000 289 000 4500 312 000 289 000 4500 312 000 289 000 47 00 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 4950 312 0 00 25e o 00 5000 312 000 289 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd10266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 12 CON WEST Subcatchment 1005: EX CON WEST nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 13 Hytlrograpb for Subcalcbmen[ 1005: EX CON WEST Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl ioo oos o00 0.00 000 zoo D16 o00 000 000 3.00 o26 o00 000 000 400 033 000 000 000 soo 040 000 000 000 s)) ofia o)) 000 004 zoo 064 003 000 on aoo 133 013 000 1.m 00o 162 032 000 0.90 1oo 190 041 000 059 1100 155 049 000 051 12 oo 2or 055 000 044 13.0) 219 osa o00 043 140) zio o]0 000 042 15 oo 241 on o00 041 16 oo 25o 084 000 040 izoo 259 050 000 039 1B M) 263 096 000 039 ioo) 2l] 192 000 036 200) 2 85 198 000 035 21 M) 292 113 000 033 2200 299 118 000 031 23.00 3.06 123 000 02) 2400 3.12 1.25 000 027 25 oo 312 128 000 003 26 oo 312 128 000 000 27 oo 312 128 000 000 2800 312 128 000 000 2000 312 128 000 000 so oo 312 128 000 000 3190 312 128 000 000 3200 312 128 000 000 3300 312 128 000 000 3490 312 128 000 000 35 oo 312 128 000 000 36.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 37 oo 312 128 000 000 3800 312 128 000 000 3000 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 4190 312 128 000 000 4200 312 128 000 000 4300 312 128 000 000 44.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 45 oo 312 128 000 000 46 oo 312 128 000 000 47 oo 312 128 000 000 4800 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 5000 312 128 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd10266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 14 Subcatchment 1015: LOTS nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 15 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1015: LOTS Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) ioo oos o00 000 Dor zoo D16 o00 001 oil 3.00 o26 o00 on o17 400 033 000 o2n o22 soo 040 000 031 02] soo os4 000 045 035 7 o0 081 000 053 045 aoo 133 009 111 1.56 900 162 019 190 D 7 too) 1B0 026 158 050 1100 155 033 172 044 12oo 20] 038 165 03] 13 M) 219 044 155 036 1400 230 050 20] 031 15 oo 240 055 217 031 16 oo 250 061 227 032 17 00 259 Dw 236 031 1800 268 071 245 030 iaoo 2l] 0]6 251 028 moo 285 081 262 02] 2100 252 086 269 025 2200 299 050 276 024 2300 306 095 283 022 2400 3.12 ).93 2.59 021 2550 312 059 2Be o 00 moo 312 059 2Be o00 27 00 312 059 2Be o 00 moo 312 059 2Be o00 moo 312 059 2Be o00 so 00 312 059 2Be o 00 3100 312 059 2Be o 00 3200 312 059 2Be o00 3300 312 059 2Be o00 34 00 312 059 2Be o 00 3300 312 059 2Be o00 3650 312 059 2Be o 00 37 00 312 059 2Be o 00 3300 312 059 2Be o00 3950 312 059 2Be o 00 4000 312 059 2Be o00 4100 312 059 2Be o 00 4200 312 059 2Be o00 4300 312 059 2Be o00 4400 312 059 2Be o00 4300 312 059 2Be o00 4600 312 059 2Be o00 47 00 312 059 2Be o 00 4300 312 059 2Be o00 4950 312 059 2Be o 00 5000 312 059 2Be o00 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd102660e/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 16 Subcatchment 1025: ROW nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 17 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1025: ROW Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) ioo oos are 000 Dor zoo D16 o00 004 009 3.00 o26 o00 011 013 400 033 000 o2D D16 soo 049 000 031 021 soo 064 000 045 02] 7 o0 084 000 063 033 60o 133 000 111 1.19 9.0o 162 000 190 041 too) 190 00o 158 029 1100 155 000 1 7 024 12 oo 2De 000 195 o2D 13 M) 219 000 156 019 140) 2so 00o 2De 018 160) zoo 00o 217 o18 160) 250 00o 227 o17 17 00 259 000 236 o16 1600 268 000 245 015 19.00 2]] 0 00 254 014 moo 285 000 262 014 2100 252 000 269 013 2200 299 000 276 oil 23.00 3.06 000 283 011 2400 3.12 000 2.59 oro 2600 312 000 289 000 26.00 312 000 289 000 27 00 312 000 289 000 28.00 312 000 289 000 moo 312 000 26e o00 so oo 312 000 289 000 3100 312 000 289 000 3200 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 34 M) 312 000 289 000 3600 312 000 289 000 36.00 312 000 289 000 37 00 312 000 289 000 3600 312 000 289 000 3950 312 0 00 26e o 00 4000 312 000 289 000 4100 312 000 289 000 4200 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 44.00 312 000 289 000 4600 312 000 289 000 4600 312 000 289 000 47 00 312 000 289 000 4600 312 000 289 000 4950 312 0 00 26e o 00 5000 312 000 289 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd10266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 18 Subcatchment 1035: Pond #2 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Pond 19 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1 W 5: Pond M2 Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) ioo oos are 000 000 zoo D16 o00 004 ooz 3.00 o26 o00 011 003 400 033 000 ozn o04 soo 040 000 031 005 soo osa o00 045 0or 7 o0 084 000 053 0ny 80o 133 000 111 0.27 90o 162 o00 190 009 too) 190 00o 158 oos 11 00 195 0 00 1 72 o 05 12 oo 2or 000 195 005 13 M) 219 000 195 004 140) 2so 00o 2or 004 15 oo 241 00o 217 o04 16 oo 25o 00o zn o04 17 0o 259 00o 235 004 180) 263 000 245 003 iaoo 2]] 000 254 003 2000 285 000 252 003 2100 292 000 259 003 22.00 299 000 275 003 23.00 3.05 000 283 003 2400 3.12 o00 2.59 002 2500 312 000 289 000 2500 312 000 289 000 27 00 312 000 289 000 2800 312 000 289 000 2990 312 0 00 25e o 00 so oo 312 000 289 000 3190 312 000 289 000 3200 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 3490 312 000 289 000 3500 312 000 289 000 35.00 312 000 289 000 37 00 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 3990 312 0 00 25e o 00 4000 312 000 289 000 4190 312 000 289 000 4200 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 44.00 312 000 289 000 4500 312 000 289 000 4500 312 000 289 000 47 00 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 4990 312 0 00 25e o 00 5000 312 000 289 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paoe20 NCENTRAL Subcatchment 1055: EX CON CENTRAL nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 21 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1055: E CON CENTRAL Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl ioo oos o00 0.00 000 zoo D16 o00 000 000 3.00 o26 o00 000 000 400 033 000 000 000 soo 040 000 000 000 s)) ofia o)) 000 000 7 o0 084 003 000 041 80o 133 018 00o 2.65 00o 162 032 000 1.96 1oo 190 041 000 142 1100 195 049 000 123 12 oo 2or 055 00o 113 13 M) 219 084 000 104 140) 2so o]0 00o for 15 oo 241 on o0o ioo 16 oo 25o 084 000 0)] 1]0o 259 000 000 005 180) 263 0)5 000 0)1 iaoo 2l] 1 I 000 088 moo 2 85 1 1 000 084 21 M) 292 113 000 080 2200 299 118 0 00 0 75 23.00 3.05 123 000 072 2400 3.12 1.25 000 o67 25 oo 312 128 000 008 26.00 312 128 000 Dor 27 00 312 128 000 000 28.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 29.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 3000 312 128 000 000 3100 312 128 000 000 3200 312 128 000 000 3300 312 128 000 000 3400 312 128 000 000 35 oo 312 128 000 000 36.00 312 128 000 000 37 00 312 128 000 000 3800 312 128 000 000 3000 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 4100 312 128 000 000 4200 312 128 000 000 4300 312 128 000 000 44.00 312 128 000 000 45 oo 312 128 000 000 46 oo 312 128 000 000 47 00 312 128 000 000 4800 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 5000 312 128 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 22 Subcatchment 1065: LOTS nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Paoe23 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[19fi5: LOTS Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 15) 0)5 0)) 000 003 zoo D16 o00 004 023 3.00 o26 o00 011 040 400 033 000 o2D o52 soo 040 000 031 055 soo 054 000 045 084 7 o0 084 000 083 1W aoo 133 009 111 4.55 900 162 019 190 173 too) 1B0 025 158 124 1100 155 033 172 10) 12oo 20] 038 165 0)2 13 M) 219 044 155 o8e 1400 230 050 20] 085 15 oo 240 055 217 083 16 oo 250 051 227 080 17 00 259 055 235 on 1800 258 0 71 245 0 74 iaoo 2l] 0]5 254 0]0 moo 285 081 252 os] 2100 252 085 259 053 2200 299 050 275 059 23.00 3.05 095 283 055 2400 3.12 ).93 2.59 o 52 2550 312 059 2Be o 00 moo 312 059 2Be o 00 2]0o ail 059 2Be o00 moo 312 059 2Be o 00 moo 312 059 2Be o 00 soon ail 059 2Be o00 3100 312 059 2Be o 00 3200 312 059 2Be o00 33 M) ail 059 2Be o00 34)) 312 059 2Be o00 3600 312 059 2Be o00 3550 612 059 26e o 00 37 00 612 059 26e o 00 3600 612 059 26e o 00 3950 612 059 26e o 00 40 00 612 059 26e o 00 4100 612 059 26e o 00 4200 612 059 26e o 00 4600 612 059 26e o 00 4400 612 059 26e o 00 4600 612 059 26e o 00 4600 612 059 26e o 00 47 00 612 059 26e o 00 4600 612 059 26e o 00 4950 612 059 26e o 00 50 00 312 059 26e o 00 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 24 Subcatchment 1085: Pond 1 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Paoe25 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1085: Pond 1 Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 15) o)e are 000 001 zoo D16 o00 004 004 3.00 o26 o00 011 005 400 035 000 ozn ow soo 040 000 031 003 soo osa o00 045 011 7 o0 084 000 053 0.14 80o 133 000 111 0.45 00o 162 000 190 014 too) 190 00o 158 011 1100 155 000 172 D 12 oo 2or 000 195 008 13.0) 219 000 155 0or 140) 2so 00o 2or Dor 15 oo 241 00o 217 Dor 16 oo 25o 00o zn oos 17 0o 259 00o 235 oos 180) 263 000 245 oos 19 oo 2]] 000 254 005 2000 285 000 252 005 2100 252 000 259 005 22.00 299 000 275 005 23.00 3.05 000 283 004 2400 3.12 000 2.59 004 2500 312 000 289 000 2500 312 000 289 000 27 00 312 000 289 000 2800 312 000 289 000 2950 312 0 00 25e o 00 so oo 312 000 289 000 3100 312 000 289 000 3200 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 34 M) 312 000 289 000 3500 312 000 289 000 35.00 312 000 289 000 37 00 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 3950 312 0 00 25e o 00 4000 312 000 289 000 4100 312 000 289 000 4200 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 44.00 312 000 289 000 4500 312 000 289 000 4500 312 000 289 000 47 00 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 4950 312 0 00 25e o 00 5000 312 000 289 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXdt0266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paoe26 Subcatchment 1095: ROW nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Paoe27 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1095: ROW Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 15) 0)6 are 000 0)2 zoo 016 0)) 004 ozn 3.00 o26 o00 011 020 400 033 000 o2n o33 soo 040 000 031 04] soo 064 000 045 osi 7 o0 084 000 063 0]6 60o 133 000 111 2.72 00o 162 000 190 094 too) 190 00o 158 065 11 00 155 0 00 1 72 0 % 12 oo 2or 000 195 04] 13 M) 219 000 156 044 140) 2so 00o 2or 042 160) zoo 00o 217 o40 160) 25o 00o 227 03) 17 0o 259 000 236 03] 1600 268 000 245 035 19 oo 2]] 000 254 033 moo 285 000 262 031 2100 252 000 269 029 22.00 299 000 276 027 23.00 3.06 000 283 026 2400 3.12 o00 2.59 024 2600 312 000 289 000 26.00 312 000 289 000 27 00 312 000 289 000 28.00 312 000 289 000 moo 312 000 26e o00 3000 312 000 289 000 3100 312 000 289 000 3200 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 34 M) 312 000 289 000 3600 312 000 289 000 36.00 312 000 289 000 37 00 312 000 289 000 3600 312 000 289 000 3950 312 0 00 26e o 00 4000 312 000 289 000 4100 312 000 289 000 4200 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 44.00 312 000 289 000 4600 312 000 289 000 4600 312 000 289 000 47 00 312 000 289 000 4600 312 000 289 000 4950 312 0 00 26e o 00 5000 312 000 289 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 28 Subcatchment 1115: Pond #3 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Paoe29 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1115: Pond#3 Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 1 ) 0)6 are 000 000 zoo D16 o00 004 ooz 3.00 o26 o00 011 ooz 400 033 000 ozn o)3 soo 040 000 031 003 soo 064 000 045 004 7 o0 084 000 063 0re 60o 133 000 111 0a8 00o 162 000 190 oos too) 190 00o 158 004 11 00 195 0 00 1 72 o 04 12 oo 2or 000 195 003 13.0) 219 000 1% 003 140) 2so 00o 2or 003 160) zoo 00o 217 o03 160) 25o 00o zn o03 17 0o 259 000 236 003 1600 268 000 245 ooz 19 oo 2]] 000 254 ooz 2000 285 000 262 0IT 2100 292 000 269 002 22.00 299 000 276 002 23.00 3.06 000 283 002 2400 3.12 o00 2.59 002 2600 312 000 289 000 2600 312 000 289 000 27 00 312 000 289 000 2600 312 000 289 000 29 M) 312 0 00 26e o 00 so oo 312 000 289 000 3100 312 000 289 000 3200 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 34 M) 312 000 289 000 3600 312 000 289 000 36.00 312 000 289 000 37 00 312 000 289 000 3600 312 000 289 000 39 M) 312 0 00 26e o 00 4000 312 000 289 000 4100 312 000 289 000 4200 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 44.00 312 000 289 000 4600 312 000 289 000 4600 312 000 289 000 47 00 312 000 289 000 4600 312 000 289 000 49 M) 312 0 00 26e o 00 5000 312 000 289 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 30 CON EAST Subcatchment 1125: EX CON EAST nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 31 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1125: EX CON EAST Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl ioo oos o00 0.00 000 zoo D16 o00 000 000 3.00 o26 o00 000 000 400 033 000 000 000 soo 040 000 000 000 s)) ofia o)) 000 003 7 o0 084 003 000 D16 800 133 018 000 1m 00o 162 032 000 o.93 1oo 190 041 000 oso 1100 155 049 000 059 12 oo 2or 055 000 052 13 M) 219 084 000 049 140) 2so o]0 000 048 15 oo 241 on o00 04] 16 oo 25o 084 000 045 1]0o 259 050 000 044 180) 263 0)5 000 043 iaoo 2l] 192 000 041 moo 2 85 198 000 040 21 M) 292 113 000 038 2200 299 118 0 00 0 35 23.00 3.05 123 0 00 0 34 2400 3.12 1.25 000 032 25 oo 312 128 000 0or 26.00 312 128 000 002 27 00 312 128 000 000 28.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 29.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 3000 312 128 000 000 3190 312 128 000 000 3200 312 128 000 000 3300 312 128 000 000 3490 312 128 000 000 35 oo 312 128 000 000 36.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 37 00 312 128 000 000 3800 312 128 000 000 3000 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 4190 312 128 000 000 4200 312 128 000 000 4300 312 128 000 000 44.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 45 oo 312 128 000 000 46 oo 312 128 000 000 47 00 312 128 000 000 4800 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 5000 312 128 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 32 Subcatchment 1135: LOTS nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 33 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1135: LOTS Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 15) 0)6 0)) 000 002 zoo D16 o00 001 013 3.00 o26 o00 011 010 400 033 000 o2D o24 soo 040 000 031 030 soo 061 000 045 030 7 o0 081 000 063 050 600 133 000 111 zM 900 162 010 190 on too) 1B0 026 158 055 1100 155 033 172 048 12oo 20] 038 165 041 13 M) 219 044 156 039 1400 230 050 20] 038 1600 240 055 217 037 1600 250 061 227 035 17 00 259 os6 236 031 1600 268 071 245 032 iaoo 2l] 0]6 251 031 moo 285 081 262 029 2100 252 086 269 028 2200 299 050 276 026 2300 306 095 283 024 2400 3.12 ).93 2.59 023 2550 312 059 26e o 00 moo 312 059 26e o00 27 00 312 059 26e o 00 moo 312 059 26e o00 moo 312 059 26e o00 30 00 312 059 26e o 00 3100 312 059 26e o 00 3200 312 059 26e o 00 3300 312 059 26e o 00 34 00 312 059 26e o 00 3600 312 059 26e o 00 3650 312 059 26e o 00 37 00 312 059 26e o 00 3600 312 059 26e o 00 3950 312 059 26e o 00 40 00 312 059 26e o 00 4100 312 059 26e o 00 4200 312 059 26e o 00 4300 312 059 26e o 00 4400 312 059 26e o 00 4600 312 059 26e o 00 4600 312 059 26e o 00 47 00 312 059 26e o 00 4600 312 059 26e o 00 4950 312 059 26e o 00 50 00 312 059 26e o 00 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 34 Subcatchment 1145: ROW nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 35 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[1145: ROW Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 150 006 0.00 000 001 zoo 016 000 004 on 3.00 o26 o00 on D16 400 033 000 o2n o2n soo 040 000 031 o26 soo os4 000 045 033 7 o0 084 000 053 041 800 133 000 111 1.47 00o 162 000 190 051 1oo 190 00o 158 035 1100 155 000 1 7 030 12oo 20] 000 195 025 13.00 210 000 155 024 1400 230 000 20] 023 15 oo 240 000 217 022 16 oo 250 000 227 021 17 00 250 000 235 o21 1800 288 000 245 010 i000 2l] 000 254 018 moo 285 000 252 017 2100 252 000 259 015 2200 299 000 275 015 23.00 3.05 000 283 014 2400 3.12 000 2.59 013 2500 312 000 289 000 26.00 312 000 289 000 27 00 312 000 289 000 28.00 312 000 289 000 moo 312 000 25e o00 3000 312 000 289 000 3100 312 000 289 000 3200 312 000 289 000 3300 312 000 289 000 34 M) 312 000 289 000 3500 312 000 289 000 36.00 312 000 289 000 37 00 312 000 289 000 3800 312 000 289 000 3950 312 0 00 25e o 00 4000 312 000 289 000 4100 312 000 289 000 4200 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 44.00 312 000 289 000 4500 312 000 289 000 4500 312 000 289 000 47 00 312 000 289 000 4300 312 000 289 000 4950 312 0 00 25e o 00 5000 312 000 289 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.i2" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 1D Posit, e/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC head 36 Tme No.ai U 'slin Basin Subcatchment 2155: West Existing Basin Tme No.ai Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 37 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment2155: West Existing Basin Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl 15) 0)6 0)) 0.00 000 zoo D16 o00 000 000 3.00 o26 o00 000 000 400 033 000 000 000 soo 040 000 000 000 s)) ofia o)) 000 040 7 o0 084 003 00o 153 800 133 018 00o 1D.94 00o 162 032 00o 538 1oo 190 041 000 405 1100 155 049 00o 357 12 oo 2or 055 000 3.21 13.0) 219 osa o00 3.15 140) zio o]0 000 3.05 15 oo 241 on o00 3.03 16 oo 25o 084 00o 2% 1]0o 259 050 00o 2 87 140) 263 096 000 2l] i000 2l] 1 I 00o 2W moo 235 113 000 255 2100 292 113 000 242 2200 299 118 000 229 23.00 3.06 123 000 215 2400 3.12 1.25 000 201 25 oo 312 128 000 002 26.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 27 00 312 128 000 000 28.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 29.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 3000 312 128 000 000 3100 312 128 000 000 3200 312 128 000 000 3300 312 128 000 000 34 M) 312 128 000 000 35 oo 312 128 000 000 36.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 37 00 312 128 000 000 3800 312 128 000 000 3000 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 4100 312 128 000 000 4200 312 128 000 000 4300 312 128 000 000 44.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 45 oo 312 128 000 000 46 oo 312 128 000 000 47 00 312 128 000 000 4800 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 5000 312 128 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.i2" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 1D Posit, e/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC head 38 nm. No.ai U 'slin Basin Subcatchment 2165: East Existing Basin nm. No.ai Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 39 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment21fi5: East Existing Basin Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl 150 ooe o00 0.00 000 zoo D16 o00 000 000 3.00 o26 o00 000 000 400 033 000 000 000 soo 040 000 000 000 soo osa o00 000 023 zoo 054 003 000 os9 aoo 133 013 00o GM 00o 162 032 000 3.25 1oo 190 041 000 242 1100 155 049 000 219 1200 2or 055 000 151 13.00 210 osa o00 193 1400 230 070 000 192 15 oo 240 on o00 190 16 oo 250 084 000 1 7 izoo 259 050 000 171 1800 288 005 000 195 19 oo v] 102 000 159 2000 285 198 00o 152 2100 252 113 000 144 2200 299 118 000 135 23.00 3.05 123 000 128 2400 3.12 1.25 000 120 25 oo 312 128 000 002 26 oo 312 128 000 000 27 oo 312 128 000 000 2800 312 128 000 000 2000 312 128 000 000 3000 312 128 000 000 3190 312 128 000 000 3200 312 128 000 000 3300 312 128 000 000 3490 312 128 000 000 35 oo 312 128 000 000 35.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 37 oo 312 128 000 000 3800 312 128 000 000 3000 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 4190 312 128 000 000 4200 312 128 000 000 4300 312 128 000 000 44.00 312 128 0 00 0 00 45 oo 312 128 000 000 46 oo 312 128 000 000 47 oo 312 128 000 000 4800 312 128 000 000 4000 312 128 000 000 5000 312 128 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model 4.29-24 Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' berated by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paoe40 Pond 39P Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden Pond 39P: Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden am, m*.ag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model 4.29-24 Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd10266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 41 Pond 39P: Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden Pond 39P: Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd to264b s/n 4993© ID23 Mytlro CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 42 Hytlrograph for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Time Inflow &,rage Eevefton Pnmery (news) forst (cubic rest) fleet) forst 1TT oil o 5W 5D oil zoo 033 14 50050 031 aoo 127 379 5W 63 120 400 163 7% 5W75 151 60o 215 1,214 5W92 1 3 soo 255 2120 51424 233 7 00 3.30 3473 51073 3.01 aoo 12.91 15,325 51163 300 000 454 27,654 512.13 4.33 To 327 25,672 512.04 4.25 1100 232 21653 51165 400 1200 237 16423 51161 330 1300 227 11351 51136 365 1400 216 6,700 51113 343 1600 210 2366 51D 5o 273 moo 201 1710 51009 216 1]00 152 14T7 5W99 199 1B M) 133 1241 5W93 133 moo 174 1095 5W BB 179 211 oo 165 9% 5W B3 169 21 00 155 3T7 50073 160 2200 166 635 5W 74 149 2300 135 527 5W 7D 139 2400 125 475 50067 1 so 2600 000 0 50050 001 26 oo 000 0 50050 000 27 00 000 0 50050 000 23 oo 000 0 5W 5D 000 29.00 000 0 50050 000 3000 000 0 5W 5D 000 3100 000 0 50050 000 3200 000 0 50050 000 3300 000 0 50050 000 34 M) 000 0 5W 5D 000 3600 000 0 50050 000 36.00 000 0 5W 5o 000 37 00 000 0 50050 000 33 TT 000 0 5W 5D 000 39.00 000 0 50050 000 4000 000 0 5W 5D 000 4100 000 0 50050 000 4200 000 0 50050 000 4300 000 0 50050 000 44.00 000 0 5W 5D 000 4600 000 0 50050 000 46 oo 000 0 50050 000 47 00 000 0 50050 000 43 oo 000 0 5W 5D 000 49.00 000 0 50050 000 5100 000 0 5W 5D 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 142664 e/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paom 43 Stage -Discharge for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Elevation (feet) Primary (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) 50950 000 51205 626 51660 1656 50955 096 51210 630 51665 1]31 50960 111 51215 634 514 71 1629 50965 125 51220 636 51675 1936 5W 71 139 51225 442 51460 2156 5W 75 152 51230 449 51465 21 B7 50960 194 51235 456 51490 2324 50965 1 73 51240 466 51495 2470 509to 1 63 51245 479 51600 2623 50995 192 51250 492 51605 2753 51900 201 51255 605 51510 2666 51905 209 51260 519 51515 29.69 51910 217 51265 534 51520 3065 51115 225 51210 550 51525 3155 51421 232 51215 566 51630 3243 51025 240 51260 663 51535 3326 51030 247 51265 601 51540 34 let 51135 254 51290 619 51545 34 63 51140 260 51295 637 51650 3656 51145 267 51300 657 51655 36.31 51150 213 51305 676 51155 260 51310 697 51160 266 51315 717 51165 292 51320 7 36 51070 296 51325 760 51075 303 51330 7 62 51Oso 309 51335 604 51065 314 51340 627 51090 32D 51345 650 51095 325 51350 674 51130 330 51355 696 51135 336 51360 922 51110 341 51365 947 51115 346 51371 372 51120 351 51375 996 51125 356 51360 1024 51130 360 51365 1050 51135 365 51390 10]] 51190 370 51395 1104 51145 374 51400 1131 51150 379 51405 1193 51155 364 51410 1196 51190 366 51415 1237 51195 392 51421 1217 51170 397 51425 1319 51115 401 51430 1363 51190 405 51435 1409 51195 410 51440 1456 51190 414 51445 1604 51195 416 51450 1554 51200 422 51455 1605 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainli Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hl CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 44 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Eeve(lon (test) Storage (cubic feet) Elevation (feet) Stuart, (cubic feet) mem 0 51205 25651 me 55 144 51210 26,944 me Do 266 51215 26,043 me 65 432 512m 29,147 &0010 576 51225 so 257 &0015 72D 51230 31,3]3 mem 061 51235 32495 &0065 1, its 51240 33622 met, 1,152 51245 31,]55 me 95 11295 51250 35,6M 51400 1639 51255 3],036 51405 1,563 51260 36,166 51111 1,]2] 51265 39344 51115 1,6]1 51210 405% 511m 2015 51215 41 674 51125 2159 51260 42646 51130 2,303 51265 44,02] 51135 2 44 51200 45212 51140 2591 51295 46 4m 51145 2135 51300 4]601 51150 2 B7 51305 46,601 51155 3, Dios 513 11 moil 51160 3,132 51315 51 227 51165 3261 513m 52447 51170 3,391 51325 53673 51175 3,523 51330 51505 51160 3657 51335 55143 51165 3192 51340 5],36] 51050 3929 51345 56,63] 51055 4,057 51350 59,692 57700 4 21 51355 61,151 511 05 5161 51360 62421 51110 6,162 51365 636M 51115 ]146 51370 64 974 511 m 6139 51375 66259 51125 Dim 51360 6],550 511 so 11136 51365 DO B47 51135 11146 51350 70151 5779, 12160 51395 7766, 51145 13,179 51400 ]21]5 511 So 14204 51405 ]4,09] 51155 15234 51410 75424 511 Do 15271 51415 ]615] 51165 17,312 514m ]6,095 51110 16,350 51425 70441 51175 19,413 51430 60192 51190 Do 471 51435 62150 51195 21535 51440 63,513 51150 226% 51445 64,662 51155 23662 51450 W257 51200 24164 51455 37636 Eeval,n &,rage (test) (cubic feet) 51460 30026 51465 90,419 51470 91,313 51475 93224 51430 94636 51435 95054 51450 97,477 51455 93903 51500 1 D, 314 515 05 1,1 ,]33 51511 113223 51515 101,652 515m 1061 o2 51525 lit 511 515so 1o391 51535 111429 51540 111359 51545 1131299 51550 114133 51555 116,177 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paoe45 We Pontl 286P: POND #3 Pond 206P: POND #3 nm, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paoe46 Pond 206P: POND #3 Pond 206P: POND #3 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264b e/n M993©2T23 Hytlro CAD Software SOlri LLC Paoe47 Hytlrograph for Pond 206P: POND M3 Time Inflow &,rage Eevefton Pnmery (news) forst (cubic feet) fleet) forst 100 003 3 51a 51 000 zoo 025 133 51an 124 3.00 035 155 51134 035 400 047 22D 51105 044 600 059 335 51915 054 600 075 551 51951 167 7 o0 095 12M 51965 071 100 3.69 5,735 52039 092 000 134 9,556 szo.sl Tar To 095 s,m Elam Tar 1100 062 9,133 52D B5 102 12 oo 059 B 21 52073 100 1300 065 7,142 52D 59 1% 1400 063 6,094 52D 44 093 1600 061 5062 52029 1 B moo 059 4,0]9 520.15 065 17 00 056 3,139 52D or ofi2 1600 054 2257 51065 on moo 051 1,446 51969 072 moo 046 710 51954 066 2100 045 271 51905 049 2200 043 219 51654 044 2300 040 191 5166e 141 2400 037 169 51364 037 2600 000 27 51956 001 2600 000 11 51952 000 27 00 000 7 51951 000 2600 000 5 51951 000 2000 000 4 51951 000 3000 000 3 51951 000 3100 000 3 51951 000 3200 000 2 5195, 000 3300 000 2 5195, 000 34 M) 000 2 5195, 000 3600 000 2 5195, 000 36.00 000 2 5195, 000 37 00 000 1 5195, 000 3600 000 1 5195, 000 3000 000 1 5195, 000 4000 000 1 5195, 000 4100 000 1 5195, 000 4200 000 1 5195, 000 4300 000 1 5195, 000 44.00 000 1 5195, 000 4600 000 1 5195, 000 4600 000 1 5195, 000 47 00 000 1 5195, 000 4600 000 1 5195, 000 4000 000 1 5195, 000 5100 000 1 5195, 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdto266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 48 Stage -Discharge for Pond 206P: POND M3 Elevation (feet) Primary (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) 51650 900 52105 1m 51655 901 52110 106 51660 604 52115 1 00 51665 906 52120 110 51670 914 52125 111 51675 921 521 so 112 51660 029 52135 113 51665 936 52190 114 516Oo 641 52145 115 51605 644 52150 116 51900 646 52155 1 1 51905 649 52100 116 51910 651 52165 116 51915 653 52170 119 51921 955 521 75 120 51925 957 52160 121 51930 959 52165 122 51935 961 521 to 123 51940 963 52105 124 51945 965 522.00 125 51950 966 522.05 126 51955 96n 522.10 1 32 51960 970 522.15 137 51965 971 522 21 143 519 71 973 522.25 1 5 51975 974 522.30 1S] 51960 176 522.35 167 51965 177 522.40 1 76 519 to 979 52245 102 51905 960 52250 206 52Iloo 961 522.55 222 52905 963 522.60 236 52D 11 964 522.65 256 52D 15 965 522 71 274 52D 21 967 522 75 204 52D 25 966 522.60 314 529 30 9 Be 522.65 334 520.35 001 52200 356 52D 41 902 522.05 376 52D 45 903 52300 401 52D 51 904 52305 425 520.55 005 52310 449 52D 60 907 52315 474 52D 65 906 52321 607 52970 900 52325 547 52975 100 52330 601 52D so 101 52335 630 52D 65 102 52340 600 52900 103 52345 744 52905 104 52350 601 52100 105 52355 661 Elevation Pnmery (feet) (Cfe) 52360 923 52365 90] 523]1 m54 52375 1123 52360 1103 523 65 1266 523 to 1341 52305 1416 52400 14.96 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdto266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paom49 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 206P: POND M3 Eeve(lon (test) Storage (cubic feet) Elevation (feet) Stuart, (cubic rest) 51650 0 521 05 10642 51655 25 52110 11,035 51660 49 52115 11432 51665 74 52120 11,631 51670 99 52125 12234 51 6]5 123 521 so 1264, 51660 146 521 35 13,050 51665 173 52190 13462 51650 197 52145 13,6]6 51695 zzz 521 50 14,297 51900 247 52155 14,779 519.05 271 521 bo 15145 519.10 2% 52165 15573 519.15 321 52171 16,005 519 21 3a6 52175 15440 51925 370 521 90 16,676 51930 395 52165 17, 32D 51935 420 52150 17,765 51940 411 52195 15213 51945 469 52200 16,661 51950 PM 52205 19116 51955 742 52210 19,576 51960 992 52215 20,037 519.65 1245 52221 21, 5o2 51910 1500 52225 21, 97o 51975 1,757 52230 21641 51960 ton 52235 21916 51965 2279 52240 22,395 519.90 2543 52245 22,676 51995 2 n 52251 23,361 52Iloo 3,079 52255 23,650 52D 15 3409 52260 24,342 52D 11 3,743 52265 24,637 52D 15 4,079 52210 25,335 52D 21 4416 52275 25639 52D 25 4760 52260 26,344 52630 5105 52265 26,69 52635 5451 52290 27,366 52D 41 5605 52295 27,662 52D 45 6159 52300 26401 52D 51 6516 52305 23924 52D 55 6,676 52310 29,450 520.60 7,239 52315 29,960 52D 65 7605 52320 so 514 52670 7974 52325 31051 52675 6, 3a6 52330 31592 52Il6o 6121 52335 32135 52D 65 9100 52340 3269 52690 9431 52345 33235 52095 9,665 52350 33790 52100 11252 52355 34,346 Eevao,n &,rage (test) (cubic rest) 52360 34,910 52365 35476 52370 35,045 52375 35616 52360 37194 52365 37,774 52390 36,357 52395 36, M4 52400 39,95 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 50 tl 288P: POND #2 k Pond 209P: POND #2 am, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd10266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 51 Pond 209P: POND #2 Pond 209P: POND #2 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264b s/n M993©2T23 Hytlro CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 52 Hytlrograph for Pond 201 POND M2 Time Inflow &,rage Eevefton Pnmery (news) forst (cubic feet) fleet) forst 100 106 6 51551 000 zoo 050 237 51530 043 3.00 073 332 51514 163 400 003 533 51547 035 500 1 n 1,151 51559 050 500 152 2512 51532 100 ]00 153 5125 51714 111 aoo 7.54 15513 51a 13 141 000 275 2Q]os 515.59 2.00 To 1 % 25,251 515.93 2.05 1100 170 24471 51a 57 195 1200 194 23275 51a75 1 91 1300 133 22,125 51a 55 165 1400 131 21 147 51551 159 1500 125 20230 51 B 53 152 1500 123 19313 51a 45 150 1]00 115 15,291 51537 1 4 la oo 112 17153 51B 25 145 moo for 15934 51517 142 211 oo 101 14,513 51505 139 2100 055 132T] 51753 135 2200 050 11727 51]]9 132 2300 054 10,153 51755 1 2 2400 075 5555 51749 123 2500 000 4,593 51712 110 2500 000 1245 51551 091 27 00 000 37 51555 001 23 oo 000 15 51553 000 2000 000 10 51552 000 3000 000 7 51551 000 3100 000 5 51551 000 3200 000 5 51551 000 3300 000 4 51551 000 34 M) 000 4 51551 000 3500 000 3 51551 000 35.00 000 3 51550 000 37 00 000 3 51550 000 33 oo 000 2 51550 000 3000 000 2 51550 000 4000 000 2 51550 000 4100 000 2 51550 000 4200 000 2 51550 000 4300 000 2 51550 000 44.00 000 2 51550 000 4500 000 1 51550 000 4500 000 1 51550 000 47 00 000 1 51550 000 43 oo 000 1 51550 000 4000 000 1 51550 000 5100 000 1 51550 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1o266os/n 04993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 53 Stage -Discharge for Pond 3D9P: POND M2 Elevation (feet) Primary (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) 51550 900 51605 139 51555 901 51610 190 51560 904 51615 142 51565 906 51 2➢ 143 51570 914 51625 144 51575 921 51630 146 51660 929 51635 147 51665 939 51640 196 51590 649 51645 149 51595 657 51650 1 51 51600 960 51655 154 51605 964 51660 166 51610 966 51665 164 51615 669 51670 1 70 51620 972 51675 177 51625 975 51660 165 51630 977 51665 193 51635 960 51690 202 51640 662 51695 211 51645 964 51900 221 51650 966 51905 231 51655 669 51910 241 51660 091 51915 252 51665 093 519211 265 51670 095 51925 260 51675 097 51930 296 51660 099 51935 614 51665 101 51940 632 51690 1 W 51945 652 51695 1 04 519 50 672 51700 106 51955 393 51705 1 06 51960 415 51710 110 51965 437 51715 111 51970 461 51720 113 51975 465 51725 115 51960 609 51730 116 519 65 534 51735 116 51990 560 51740 120 51995 667 51745 121 529 00 614 51750 123 52905 642 51755 124 52910 670 51760 126 52015 699 51765 127 52920 746 51770 129 52D 25 610 51775 130 52930 663 51760 132 52935 966 51765 133 52D 41 1655 51790 1 35 52D 45 1152 51795 1 36 52D 51 1254 51600 137 52D 55 1362 Elevation Pnmery (feet) (Cfe) 52D 60 1475 52D 65 1693 52970 1717 52975 1645 52D so 1977 52D 65 2113 52990 22.63 52095 2399 52190 25.47 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd to296o e/nM993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 54 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 3D9P: POND M2 Eeve(lon (test) Storage (cubic feet) Elevation (feet) Stuart, (cubic rest) 51550 0 51605 14,5]2 51555 30 51610 15136 51560 60 51615 15,]09 51565 90 51 2➢ 16265 51670 12D 51625 16,666 51675 151 51630 17452 51660 161 51635 16,041 51665 211 51640 16640 51590 241 51645 19,241 51595 111 51650 19,64] 51600 301 51655 20456 516 05 331 51660 21,0]4 51610 361 51665 211695 51615 391 51 6]0 22,321 51620 421 51 6]5 22,953 51625 452 51660 23,569 51630 462 51665 26230 51635 512 51690 24,6]6 51640 512 51695 25,52] 51645 572 51900 26,163 516 50 602 519 05 26,644 51655 905 51910 27,511 51660 11212 51915 26,162 51665 1,522 51920 26,659 516 70 1,63] 51925 29,541 51675 2,155 51930 30226 51660 21477 51935 30921 516 65 2,603 51940 31616 51690 3,132 51945 32,321 51695 31465 51950 33,029 517 00 3,603 51955 33,742 51]05 4266 51960 31,460 517 10 4,]3] 51965 35163 51715 5211 51970 35912 51721 5690 51975 36645 51725 6,174 51960 3],361 517 30 6663 51965 36,126 51735 7,1% 51990 36,6]6 51]40 7655 51995 39632 51745 6,156 52Iloo 40,392 517 50 665fi 52D 15 41,15] 51755 9,179 52D10 41927 517 60 96% 52D 15 42,]02 51765 19219 52D 21 43 463 51]]0 10,746 52D 25 44,269 51]]5 11116 52930 45061 517 60 11615 52935 45 B57 517 65 12,357 52D 41 46660 517 90 12903 52D 45 4]46] 51795 13455 52D 51 46260 51600 14,011 52D 55 49,096 Eeval,n &,rage (test) (cubic rest) 520.60 49,921 52965 50,]50 529 70 51,564 52975 52423 52960 53 266 52965 64,116 52990 54 973 52995 55634 521 00 56,700 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 55 6d 214P: POND #1 Pond 214P: POND #1 am, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 56 Pond 214P: POND #1 Pond 214P: POND #1 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd To264b s/n M993©2T23 Hytlro CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 57 Hytlrograph for Pond 214P: POND #1 Time Inflow &,rage Eevefton Pnmery (news) forst (cubic feet) fleet) forst 109 093 2 59052 099 zoo 021 35 59075 021 3.99 031 45 59031 031 a99 049 59 5W91 039 699 059 99 51012 049 699 055 147 51459 162 ]99 053 469 51072 059 699 3.19 6935 511 51 955 9.99 115 9,613 512.39 1.97 To 062 6,161 512.39 1.95 1199 171 5153 512 me 191 1299 160 3536 51192 095 1399 056 2604 51152 069 1499 055 1 75 51124 063 1699 053 652 51094 075 1699 051 237 51155 064 1]99 049 99 51013 049 1699 047 63 51107 047 19.99 044 75 51192 045 moo 042 67 5W 97 042 2166 046 60 5W92 046 22.99 037 54 5W B7 037 2399 035 46 59063 035 2499 032 46 59062 032 2699 099 4 59053 099 2699 099 1 59051 099 27 99 099 1 59051 099 2699 099 1 59059 099 29.99 099 9 59059 099 3000 099 0 59x59 099 3199 099 9 59059 099 3299 099 9 59059 099 3399 099 9 59059 099 3.99 099 9 59659 099 3699 099 9 59059 099 36.99 099 9 59659 099 37 99 099 9 59059 099 3699 099 9 59659 099 39.99 099 9 59059 099 4099 099 0 59x59 099 4199 099 9 59059 099 4299 099 9 59059 099 4399 099 9 59059 099 44.99 099 0 59x59 099 4699 099 9 59059 099 4699 099 9 59059 099 47 99 099 9 59059 099 4699 099 9 59659 099 49.99 099 9 59059 099 5199 099 0 59x59 099 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdto266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 58 Stage -Discharge for Pond 214P: POND #1 Elevation (feet) Primary (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) 50950 000 51205 100 50955 901 51210 1 01 50960 904 51215 1 02 50965 906 51221 103 50970 914 51225 1 04 50975 921 51230 1 05 50960 029 51235 106 50965 936 51240 121 500to 939 51245 106 5W95 941 51250 toe 51400 944 51255 110 51405 946 51260 111 51111 946 51265 111 51115 150 51270 112 51121 152 51275 113 51125 154 51260 116 51130 156 51265 120 51135 157 512to 125 51140 159 51255 131 51145 161 513.00 1 36 51150 162 513.05 145 51155 164 513.10 153 51160 165 513.15 161 51165 167 513.21 1 7o 51170 16n 513.25 160 51175 170 513.30 16e 51160 171 51335 159 51165 173 51340 210 511to 174 51345 221 51195 175 51350 232 511 0o Dn 51355 246 511 05 176 51360 261 51110 179 51365 v] 51115 Iso 51371 255 51120 162 51375 314 51125 163 51360 333 511 so 164 51365 354 511 35 165 51390 375 51190 136 51355 357 51145 166 51400 420 51151 1 6e 51405 444 51155 050 51410 466 51160 051 51415 453 51165 192 51421 544 51170 053 51425 517 511 75 194 51430 7 04 51160 195 51435 303 51165 056 51440 913 51150 057 51445 1131 51155 056 51450 1156 51200 199 51455 1293 Elevation Pnmery (feet) (Cfe) 51460 1435 51465 1561 514]0 1]40 514]5 1902 51460 29]0 51465 22.43 51400 2423 51405 26 or 51500 27.95 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 2 -Year Rainlaik3.1Y' Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1o266os/n 04993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 59 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 214P: POND #1 Eeve(lon (test) Storage (cubic feet) Elevation (feet) Stuart, (cubic rest) 50950 0 51205 5010 50955 7 51210 5240 50960 14 51215 5473 50965 22 51221 5,711 5W 71 29 51225 5950 5W 75 36 51230 6,195 50960 43 51235 5442 50965 50 51240 5694 509to 56 51245 6949 50995 65 51250 7121] 51400 72 51255 ]4]0 51405 79 51260 ],]35 51410 06 51265 6,005 51415 93 5121 B 27 51424 101 51275 6554 51425 106 51260 6,635 51430 715 51265 9,119 51435 122 51290 9,4% 51440 129 51295 91697 51445 137 5131, 9992 51450 144 51305 14290 51455 217 51310 14592 51460 292 51315 10,696 51465 370 51324 11 zo6 51470 451 51325 11,522 51475 534 51330 11,639 51460 619 51335 12160 51465 7% 51340 12465 51490 7% 51345 12613 51095 669 51350 13,146 51100 964 51355 13462 511 05 1,141 51360 13, 622 57110 1,302 51365 14,166 51115 1666 51370 14513 57120 1634 51375 14,665 571 25 1,605 51360 15 22D 51130 191 51365 15579 51135 2156 51390 15942 5719, 2339 51395 16,306 51145 2524 51400 16 67B 51151 2,712 51405 17,052 51155 2904 51410 1]430 51160 3 W 51415 17,612 51165 31296 51420 16,196 511 70 3,500 51425 15566 511 75 3,]05 51430 16962 51160 3914 51435 19,360 51195 4126 51440 19 7n 511 to 4,342 51445 24167 51195 4,551 51450 215% 51200 4,]64 51455 21009 Eeval,n &,rage (test) (cubic rest) 51460 21 427 51465 21,646 51470 22,2]3 51475 22,]02 51460 23,135 51465 23,572 514 to 24,013 51495 24456 51500 2Qso6 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlalk5.i8" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HyoroCAIXd t0294b s/nM993© ID23 Myoro CHN Software Solutions LLC Pond 60 Time span -100 50 00 ors, di 05 ors, 981 paints Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviaus/Impery. Reach routing by BynStar-Intl method - Pond routing by Byn Stor-Intl method Sutoalchmenl885: Pond #1 Runoff Area -9, 913 of lot .99%Impervious Runoff DepN>493" ri0min CN=0/96 Runoff=026cis 6065at Sutoalchmenl1006: EX CON WEST Runoff Area-6lossac 61111%Impervious Runoff DepN=2% FlowLength-925Tc-2I6min ON=79/9 Runoff=314 cfs 1669at Sutoalchmenl1016: LOTS Runoff Area=1 79i=sf 54911%Impervious Runoff Door'sM TGi6gmin CN=74P96 Runi run cfs 1317at Sutoalchmentl035: ROW Runoff Area loss of 11161111%Impervious Runoff 6epPo M TGi6gmin CN=0/96 Runi or dB 6]09at Sutoalcturn 35: Pond #2 Runoff Area=P, 372 of 19699%Impervious Runoff 6epN>493" ri0min CN=0/96 Runoff=650 cis 6164at Sutoalcturn O55: EX CON CENTRAL Runoff Area=14716 ac 699%Impervious Runoff 6epP1= % FlowLengN=6]9' Tc-23_gmin ON=79/0 Runoff=]56 cfs 3627af Sutoalchmentl065: LOTS Runoff Area=451937 of 5235%Impervious Runoff Door's 73" r i60min CN=74P96 Runoff-9.00cfs 3260 of Sutoalchmentl085: Pond 1 Runoff Area=25]665f 19699%Impervious Runoff6epPo493" ri CN=0/96 Runoff=663cfs O272af Sutoalchmentl085: ROW Runoff Area=1 72, 125 of 19699%Impervious Runoff CepN>494" r i60min CN=0/96 Runoff-461cfs 1626 of Sutoalcturn 15: Pardee Runoff Area=116465f 19699%Impervious Runoff6epPo493" ri CN=0/96 Runoff=634cfs 6112af Sutoalcturn 26: EX CON EAST Runoff Area=5.653 ac 699%Impervious Runoff 6epP1= % Flow LengN=11Pre ' Tc-392min ON=79/0 Runof or cis 1669at Sutoalcturn 35: LOTS Runoff Area=195 Put of 5569%Impervious Runoff Door's %" r i60min CN=74P96 Runoff=396 cfs 1441at Sutoalcturn 65: ROW Runoff Area=926645f 19699%Impervious Runoff Depr' M r i60min CN=0/96 Runoff=249cfs 66]]af Sutoalcturn 155: West Existing Basin Runoff Area -459i 699%Impervious Runoff Depr1=295" Flow LengN=1i269' Slope=DOSP'/' rl CN=79/9 Runoff=245]cfs 11t)i Sutoalchment2165: East Existing Basin Runoff Area=26710ac 6OO%Impervious Runoff Depr1=295" FlowLengN=1,396' Slope-Di1iV 1l ON=79/0 Runoff=l]13cfs 6600af Pond 39P: Pond #1w/Rain Garden PeakElev=51359'Storgge=521 M cf l nfloru=2346 cis 635] of Ou 416 cfs 6359at Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlalk5.i8" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 10264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Reuters LLC need 61 Pontl206P: POND#3 PeekElev=522525torgge=23,552cf Inflouu=3_]95fs 2439ef oweoru=212 cfa 2439at POotl209P: POND#2 PeekElev=SID_19'Storgge=433%cf lnfloru=16935fs 51)1 Onfic ]37dB 696/at Pontl214P: POND#1 Peek Elev=5135T Storage=14i290cf Infloru=6&9cfs 2111ef OWfloru=254 cfs 2111 of Total Runoff Area- 12]]38 ac Runoff Volume- 36.370 of Average Runoff Depth -3.23" 86]1%Pervious -108311 ac 1538%Impervious -18.528 ac Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 62 Subcatchment 995: Pond #1 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 63 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[995: Posr Mi Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 1o) oro are 001 001 zoo o26 o00 oil o03 3.00 042 000 025 003 400 oso 000 o41 o04 soo oar o00 os1 o05 soo for o00 035 oos ]oo 139 00o 1n per aoo 221 o0o 1 9 o.2a 00o 269 00o 245 0or 1000 299 000 275 005 11 oo 3.23 000 3.00 005 12oo 3.44 000 3.21 004 13.00 3.53 000 3.40 004 1400 3.31 000 3.53 004 15 oo 3.03 000 3.75 004 16 oo 415 000 3.01 003 17 00 431 000 4or 003 ra oo 445 000 422 003 19 00 459 0 00 435 0 03 moo 473 000 449 003 2100 435 000 452 003 22.00 497 000 473 002 23.0) 513 000 484 002 2400 5.15 000 4.94 002 25 oo 518 000 4M o00 26.0) 518 000 4M o00 27 0o 518 000 4M o00 28.0) 518 000 4M o00 29.0) 518 000 4M o00 so M) 518 000 4M o00 31 M) 518 000 4M o00 320) 518 000 4M o00 33.0) 518 000 4M o00 34 M) 518 000 4M o00 35 oo 518 000 4M o00 36.0) 518 000 4M o00 37 0o 518 000 4M o00 380) 518 000 4M o00 39.0) 518 000 4M o00 400) 518 000 4M o00 41 M) 518 000 4M o00 420) 518 000 4M o00 430) 518 000 4M o00 44.0) 518 000 4M o00 45 oo 518 000 4M o00 46 oo 518 000 4M o00 47 0o 518 000 4M o00 480) 518 000 4M o00 49.0) 518 000 4M o00 500) 518 000 4M o00 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 64 CON WEST Subcatchment 1005: EX CON WEST nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 65 Hytlrograpb for Subcalcbmen[ 1005: EX CON WEST Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl loo oro 000 0.00 000 zoo o26 o00 000 000 3.00 042 000 000 000 400 D61 000 000 002 soo oar o03 000 ors soo for o00 000 040 ]oo 139 o21 o00 0]2 aoo 221 osa o00 3.0s 900 269 007 Doo 1.97 1000 299 ria 000 133 11 oo 323 136 o0o rig 12oo 344 152 000 003 13oo 363 167 000 oo1 1400 36r 19r o00 D 3 15 M) 306 195 000 084 16 oo 415 200 000 082 17 00 431 221 000 070 1800 445 234 000 075 19 00 459 246 0 00 0 72 moo 473 257 000 068 2100 485 268 000 065 22.00 497 278 000 061 2300 513 2 3 000 057 2400 5.15 2.96 000 053 2600 518 2% 000 oos 26.00 518 2% 000 Dor 27 00 518 2% 000 000 28.00 518 2% 000 000 29.00 518 2% 000 000 3000 518 2% 000 000 3100 518 2% 000 000 3200 518 2% 000 000 3300 518 2% 000 000 34 M) 518 2% 000 000 3600 518 2% 000 000 36.00 518 2% 000 000 37 00 518 2% 000 000 3800 518 2% 000 000 3000 518 2% 000 000 4000 518 2% 000 000 4100 518 2% 000 000 4200 518 2% 000 000 4300 518 2% 000 000 44.00 518 2% 000 000 4600 518 2% 000 000 46 oo 518 2% 000 000 47 00 518 2% 000 000 4800 518 2% 000 000 4000 518 2% 000 000 5000 518 2% 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdtn266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paoe 66 Subcatchment 1015: LOTS nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 67 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1015: LOTS Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) ioo oro 000 Dor o03 zoo o26 o00 oil o26 3.00 042 000 025 033 400 oso 000 o41 o30 soo oar o00 osr o40 soo 1 o o03 035 oso ]00 139 oil 1 1 D 9 aoo 221 o45 1 9 3.0 O0o 269 D 7 245 134 r000 299 090 275 095 rr o0 323 r % 300 032 12oo 344 12o 321 059 1300 353 1 33 340 os] 1400 331 195 353 053 1600 395 159 375 052 1600 415 171 391 059 17 00 431 192 4or 05] is oo 445 194 422 054 i000 459 205 435 051 LLoo 473 215 449 049 21 00 435 225 452 045 22.00 497 234 473 043 2300 603 243 484 040 2400 615 2.51 4.94 037 2600 518 251 494 000 2600 518 251 494 000 27 00 518 251 494 000 2800 518 251 494 000 29.00 518 251 494 000 so 00 518 251 494 000 3100 518 251 494 000 3200 518 251 494 000 3300 518 251 494 000 3490 518 251 494 000 3600 518 251 494 000 35.00 518 251 494 000 37 00 518 251 494 000 3800 518 251 494 000 39.00 518 251 494 000 4000 518 251 494 000 4100 518 251 494 000 4200 518 251 494 000 4300 518 251 494 000 44.00 518 251 494 000 4600 518 251 494 000 4600 518 251 494 000 47 00 518 251 494 000 4800 518 251 494 000 49.00 518 251 494 000 5000 518 251 494 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCADR,19294b e/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paoe 68 Subcatchment 1025: ROW nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Paoe 69 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1025: ROW Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 19) oro are 001 0)6 zoo o26 o00 on o2D 3.00 042 000 025 025 400 oso 000 o41 o30 soo oar o00 os1 o3] soo 1m o00 035 045 ]00 139 00o 1n o55 aoo 221 o0o 1 9 2.00 90o 269 00o 245 059 1000 299 000 275 045 11 M) 3.23 000 3.00 o41 12oo 3.44 000 3.21 034 1300 353 000 340 032 1400 331 000 353 030 15 00 395 0 00 375 029 16 oo 415 000 391 023 17 00 431 000 40] 027 1a oo 445 000 422 025 1900 459 000 435 024 moo 473 000 449 023 2190 435 000 452 021 22.00 497 000 473 o2D 230) 5 o3 000 4M 019 2400 5.15 000 4.94 o17 25 oo 51s o00 494 000 26.0) 51s o00 494 000 27 0o 516 000 494 000 26.0) 516 000 494 000 29.0) 516 000 494 000 so M) 516 000 494 000 31 M) 516 000 494 000 320) 516 000 494 000 330) 516 000 494 000 34 M) 516 000 494 000 35 oo 516 000 494 000 36.0) 516 000 494 000 37 0o 516 000 494 000 33 oo 516 000 494 000 300) 516 000 494 000 400) 516 000 494 000 41 M) 516 000 494 000 420) 516 000 494 000 430) 516 000 494 000 44.0) 516 000 494 000 45 oo 516 000 494 000 46 oo 516 000 494 000 47 0o 516 000 494 000 43 oo 516 000 494 000 400) 516 000 494 000 500) 516 000 494 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 70 Subcatchment 1035: Pond #2 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Pond 71 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1 W 5: Pond M2 Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) ioo oro are Dor ooz zoo o26 o00 oil o05 3.00 042 000 025 oos 400 oso 000 o41 Dor soo oar o00 osr o00 soo 1 o o00 035 on ]oo 139 00o 1 1 o.14 aoo 221 o0o 1 9 0.45 90o 269 00o 245 oro r000 299 000 275 on rr oo 3.23 000 3.00 009 12oo 3.44 000 3.21 003 13 M) 3.53 000 3.40 0or r000 3.3r o00 3.53 0or rs oo 3.93 000 3.75 0or rs oo 415 000 3.91 oos r]oo 431 000 4or oos ra oo 445 000 422 oos 19oo 459 000 435 005 moo 473 000 449 005 21 o0 435 000 452 005 22.00 497 000 473 005 23.0) 513 000 484 004 2400 5.15 000 4.94 004 25 oo 518 000 494 000 26.0) 518 000 494 000 27 0o 518 000 494 000 28.0) 518 000 494 000 29.0) 518 000 494 000 so M) 518 000 494 000 31 oo 518 000 494 000 320) 518 000 494 000 33.0) 518 000 494 000 34 M) 518 000 494 000 35 oo 518 000 494 000 36.0) 518 000 494 000 37 0o 518 000 494 000 380) 518 000 494 000 300) 518 000 494 000 400) 518 000 494 000 41 oo 518 000 494 000 420) 518 000 494 000 430) 518 000 494 000 44.0) 518 000 494 000 45 oo 518 000 494 000 46 oo 518 000 494 000 47 0o 518 000 494 000 480) 518 000 494 000 400) 518 000 494 000 500) 518 000 494 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 72 NCENTRAL Subcatchment 1055: EX CON CENTRAL nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 73 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1055: E CON CENTRAL Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl 1o) oro 000 0.00 000 zoo o26 o00 000 000 3.00 042 000 000 000 400 06) 000 000 004 soo oar o03 000 033 soo for o00 000 003 ]oo 139 o21 o0o r]5 B )) 221 ofia o)) 7.44 9)) 269 )o7 o)) 4.51 1000 299 1i5 000 325 11 o0 3.23 r 35 000 273 12oo 3.44 152 000 234 13oo 353 167 000 221 1400 33r 19r o00 212 15 M) 305 195 000 2% 16 M) 415 209 00o 1O9 17 M) 431 221 o0o 191 ra oo 445 234 000 184 1900 459 245 000 1 7 moo 473 257 00o 167 2100 435 253 00o 153 2200 4 9 2 75 000 149 230) 513 2 3 000 190 2400 5.15 2.96 o00 130 25 oo 51s 2% 000 ore 26.0) 51s 2% 000 002 27 0o 516 2% 000 000 26.0) 516 2% 000 000 29.0) 516 2% 000 000 so M) 516 2% 000 000 31 M) 516 2% 000 000 320) 516 2% 000 000 330) 516 2% 000 000 34 M) 516 2% 000 000 35 oo 516 2% 000 000 36.0) 516 2% 000 000 37 0o 516 2% 000 000 33 oo 516 2% 000 000 300) 516 2% 000 000 400) 516 2% 000 000 41 M) 516 2% 000 000 420) 516 2% 000 000 430) 516 2% 000 000 44.0) 516 2% 000 000 45 oo 516 2% 000 000 46 oo 516 2% 000 000 47 0o 516 2% 000 000 43 oo 516 2% 000 000 400) 516 2% 000 000 500) 516 2% 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 74 Subcatchment 1065: LOTS Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 75 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[19fi5: LOTS Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) loo oro 000 001 his zoo o26 o00 oil os2 3.00 042 000 025 073 400 oso 000 o41 o05 600 oar o00 o61 119 60o for o03 035 167 ]00 139 oil 117 224 aoo 221 o45 1 9 5.95 9.0o 269 072 245 3.33 1000 299 090 275 2 3 11 o0 3.23 r % 3.00 205 12oo 3.44 121 3.21 174 13.00 3.53 1 33 3.4o 167 1400 651 195 655 159 1600 395 159 375 155 1600 415 171 391 195 17 00 431 192 4or 142 1600 445 194 422 1 35 19 oo 459 205 435 129 moo 473 215 449 122 21 00 435 225 452 115 22.00 497 234 473 103 2300 603 243 484 1 or 2400 615 2.51 4.94 094 2600 518 251 494 000 26.00 518 251 494 000 27 00 518 251 494 000 28.00 518 251 494 000 29.00 518 251 494 000 3000 518 251 494 000 3100 518 251 494 000 3200 518 251 494 000 3300 518 251 494 000 3400 518 251 494 000 3600 518 251 494 000 36.00 518 251 494 000 37 00 518 251 494 000 3600 518 251 494 000 39.00 518 251 494 000 4000 518 251 494 000 4100 518 251 494 000 4200 518 251 494 000 4300 518 251 494 000 44.00 518 251 494 000 4600 518 251 494 000 4600 518 251 494 000 47 00 518 251 494 000 4600 518 251 494 000 49.00 518 251 494 000 5000 518 251 494 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 76 Subcatchment 1085: Pond 1 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Pond 77 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1085: Pond 1 Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 19n oro are 001 on3 zoo o26 o00 oil o03 3.00 042 000 025 oro 400 oso 000 o41 ort son oar o00 os1 o15 son 1m o00 ons orn ]oo ran o0o 1n an aoo 221 o0o 1 9 0.75 00o 269 o0o 245 024 1000 299 000 275 ors 11 90 3.23 000 3.00 o15 12oo 3.44 000 3.21 o13 13.00 3.53 000 3.40 ort 1400 3.31 000 3.53 ort 15 in 3.93 000 3.75 011 16 in 415 000 391 011 17 00 431 000 40] oro is in 445 000 422 oro 19 oo 459 000 435 009 moo 473 000 449 009 2190 435 000 452 003 22.00 497 000 473 003 23.00 5 o3 000 4M 00] 2400 5.15 000 4.94 005 25 in 51s o00 494 000 26.00 51s o00 494 000 27 0o 516 000 494 000 26.00 516 000 494 000 29.00 516 000 494 000 3000 516 000 494 000 3190 516 000 494 000 3200 516 000 494 000 33.00 516 000 494 000 34.00 516 000 494 000 35 in 516 000 494 000 36.00 516 000 494 000 37 0o 516 000 494 000 33 in 516 000 494 000 39.00 516 000 494 000 4000 516 000 494 000 4190 516 000 494 000 4200 516 000 494 000 4300 516 000 494 000 44.00 516 000 494 000 45 in 516 000 494 000 46 in 516 000 494 000 47 0o 516 000 494 000 43 in 516 000 494 000 49.00 516 000 494 000 5000 516 000 494 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 78 Subcatchment 1095: ROW nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 79 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1095: ROW Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) ioo oro are Dor o13 zoo o26 o00 011 045 3.00 042 000 025 057 400 oso 000 041 oso soo 031 000 051 084 soo 1 o o00 088 1% ]00 139 00o in 129 80o 221 o00 1 9 4.55 90o 269 00o 245 158 i000 299 000 275 109 11 00 3.23 0 00 3.00 0 93 1200 3.44 000 3.21 078 13.00 3.53 0 00 3.40 0 74 1400 3.81 000 3.58 070 15 oo 3.98 000 3.75 oe] 16 oo 415 000 3.91 054 17 00 431 000 4or 051 1800 445 000 422 058 1900 459 000 435 055 moo 473 000 449 052 2100 485 000 452 049 22.00 497 000 473 045 23.0) sob 000 484 042 2400 5.15 000 4.94 039 25 oo sib 000 494 000 26.0) sib 000 494 000 27 0o sib 000 494 000 28.0) sib 000 494 000 29.0) sib 000 494 000 so M) sib 000 494 000 31 M) sib 000 494 000 320) sib 000 494 000 33.0) sib 000 494 000 34 M) sib 000 494 000 35 oo sib 000 494 000 36.0) sib 000 494 000 37 0o sib 000 494 000 380) sib 000 494 000 300) sib 000 494 000 400) sib 000 494 000 41 M) sib 000 494 000 420) sib 000 494 000 430) sib 000 494 000 44.0) sib 000 494 000 45 oo sib 000 494 000 46 oo sib 000 494 000 47 0o sib 000 494 000 480) sib 000 494 000 400) sib 000 494 000 500) sib 000 494 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 80 Subcatchment 1115: Pond #3 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 81 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1115: Pond#3 Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) ioo oro are Dor ooi zoo o26 o00 oil o03 3.00 042 000 025 004 400 oso 000 o41 o05 soo oar o00 osr oos soo 1 o o00 035 003 ]oo 139 00o 1 1 o.m aoo 221 o0o 1 9 oar 90o 269 00o 245 oro r000 299 000 275 0or rr oo 3.23 000 3.00 oos 12oo 3.44 000 3.21 005 13.00 3.53 0 00 3.40 0 05 1400 3.31 000 3.53 005 15 oo 3.93 000 3.75 005 16 oo 415 000 3.91 004 17 00 431 000 4or 004 is oo 445 000 422 004 1900 459 000 435 004 moo 473 000 449 004 2100 435 000 452 003 22.00 497 000 473 003 23.0) 513 000 484 003 2400 5.15 000 4.94 003 25 oo sib 000 494 000 26.0) sib 000 494 000 27 0o sib 000 494 000 28.0) sib 000 494 000 29.0) sib 000 494 000 so M) sib 000 494 000 31 M) sib 000 494 000 320) sib 000 494 000 33.0) sib 000 494 000 34 M) sib 000 494 000 35 oo sib 000 494 000 36.0) sib 000 494 000 37 0o sib 000 494 000 380) sib 000 494 000 300) sib 000 494 000 400) sib 000 494 000 41 M) sib 000 494 000 420) sib 000 494 000 430) sib 000 494 000 44.0) sib 000 494 000 45 oo sib 000 494 000 46 oo sib 000 494 000 47 0o sib 000 494 000 480) sib 000 494 000 400) sib 000 494 000 500) sib 000 494 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 10266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 82 CON EAST Subcatchment 1125: EX CON EAST Hydroyraph a n a n 10 a 14 16 18 m 22m°. mo.i W K� W W nn a nn na nn 50 n - - - - - - __ - 3ype jA',24-Fjr I 25 Ye'arlRdirifaf1�5.78" RJnAff,Ale9=8.853 at (Runoff Dapt?r:: fi FldwiU?ngtti=1,109• spill �M; 1i,9/jl a n a n 10 a 14 16 18 m 22m°. mo.i W K� W W nn a nn na nn 50 n Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 83 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1125: EX CON EAST Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl loo oro 000 0.00 000 zoo o26 o00 000 000 3.00 042 000 000 000 400 D6o 000 000 Dor soo oar o03 000 o15 soo for o00 000 040 ]oo 139 o21 o00 0]5 Doo 221 osa o00 2.97 90o 269 D 9 000 2.32 1000 299 1i5 00o rot 11 oo 3.23 135 00o rig 12oo 3.44 152 000 113 13.00 3.53 1o] 0 0o r o5 1400 3.31 for o 0o r o0 1600 305 195 000 095 1600 415 209 000 093 17 00 431 221 000 090 rpoo 445 234 000 035 1900 459 245 000 052 moo 473 257 000 0]3 2100 435 253 000 074 22.00 497 273 000 070 2300 603 2 3 000 055 2400 615 2.96 o00 o61 2600 515 2% 000 014 26.00 515 2% 000 003 27 00 516 2% 000 Dor 26.00 516 2% 000 000 29.00 516 2% 000 000 3000 516 2% 000 000 3100 516 2% 000 000 3200 516 2% 000 000 3300 516 2% 000 000 34 M) 516 2% 000 000 3600 516 2% 000 000 36.00 516 2% 000 000 37 00 516 2% 000 000 33 oo 516 2% 000 000 3000 516 2% 000 000 4000 516 2% 000 000 4100 516 2% 000 000 4200 516 2% 000 000 4300 516 2% 000 000 44.00 516 2% 000 000 4600 516 2% 000 000 4600 516 2% 000 000 47 00 516 2% 000 000 43 oo 516 2% 000 000 4000 516 2% 000 000 5000 516 2% 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_SAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 84 Subcatchment 1135: LOTS nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 85 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[ 1135: LOTS Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) ioo oro 000 Dor o03 zoo o26 o00 oil o20 3.00 042 000 025 033 400 oso 000 o41 o44 soo oar o00 osr o54 soo 1 o o03 035 0]5 ]00 139 on 1 1 ioo aoo 221 o45 1 9 3.97 O0o 269 D 7 245 195 r000 299 090 275 104 rr o0 323 r % 300 090 12oo 344 12o 321 0]5 1300 353 1 33 340 0 73 1400 331 195 353 059 1600 395 159 375 D 6 1600 415 171 391 055 17 00 431 192 4or os2 is oo 445 194 422 059 i000 459 205 435 055 moo 473 215 449 053 21 00 435 225 452 o so 22.00 497 234 473 047 2300 603 243 484 044 2400 615 2.51 4.94 041 2600 518 251 494 000 26.00 518 251 494 000 27 00 518 251 494 000 28.00 518 251 494 000 29.00 518 251 494 000 3000 518 251 494 000 3100 518 251 494 000 3200 518 251 494 000 3300 518 251 494 000 3490 518 251 494 000 3600 518 251 494 000 36.00 518 251 494 000 37 00 518 251 494 000 3800 518 251 494 000 39.00 518 251 494 000 4000 518 251 494 000 4100 518 251 494 000 4200 518 251 494 000 4300 518 251 494 000 44.00 518 251 494 000 4600 518 251 494 000 4600 518 251 494 000 47 00 518 251 494 000 4800 518 251 494 000 49.00 518 251 494 000 5000 518 251 494 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCADR,19294b e/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Paoe 86 Subcatchment 1145: ROW nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 87 Hytlrograpb for Subca[cbmen[1145: ROW Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) (cfs) 1o) oro are 001 ow zoo o26 o00 oil o24 3.00 042 000 025 o31 400 oso 000 o41 o3] soo oar o00 os1 o45 soo for o00 035 05] ]oo 139 00o 1n o]o aoo 221 o0o 1 9 2.47 00o 269 00o 245 035 1000 299 000 275 059 11 oo 3.23 000 3.00 oso 12oo 3.44 000 3.21 042 13.00 3.53 000 3.40 040 1400 3.31 000 3.53 033 15 oo 3.93 000 3.75 035 16 oo 415 000 3.91 035 17 00 431 000 4or 033 ra oo 445 000 422 031 1900 459 000 435 030 moo 473 000 449 023 2100 435 000 452 025 22.00 497 000 473 025 23.0) 513 000 484 023 2400 5.15 000 4.94 021 25 oo 518 000 494 000 26.0) 518 000 494 000 27 0o 518 000 494 000 28.0) 518 000 494 000 29.0) 518 000 494 000 so M) 518 000 494 000 31 M) 518 000 494 000 320) 518 000 494 000 33.0) 518 000 494 000 34 M) 518 000 494 000 35 oo 518 000 494 000 36.0) 518 000 494 000 37 0o 518 000 494 000 380) 518 000 494 000 39.0) 518 000 494 000 400) 518 000 494 000 41 M) 518 000 494 000 420) 518 000 494 000 430) 518 000 494 000 44.0) 518 000 494 000 45 oo 518 000 494 000 46 oo 518 000 494 000 47 0o 518 000 494 000 480) 518 000 494 000 49.0) 518 000 494 000 500) 518 000 494 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.i8" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1D Posit, s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC head 88 Tme No.ai U 'slin Basin Subcatchment 2155: West Existing Basin Tme No.ai Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Paoe 89 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment2155: West Existing Basin Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl 1o) oro 000 0.00 000 zoo o26 o00 000 000 3.00 042 000 000 000 400 oso 000 000 o21 soo oar o03 00o 1 5 soo for o00 000 3.45 ]oo 139 o21 o0o soo aoo 221 ofia o)) 29.55 90o 269 D 9 00o 12 71 1000 299 x15 000 914 11 oo 3.23 x35 00o aoo 12oo 3.44 152 00o 6 33 13 M) 3.53 167 00o 655 1400 3 i lin o00 633 15 M) 305 195 000 524 1600 415 209 000 603 17 00 431 221 00o 5so is oo 445 234 000 555 1900 459 245 000 630 moo 473 257 00o 513 2100 435 253 000 475 22.00 497 273 000 443 230) 513 237 000 421 2400 5.15 2.96 o00 390 2600 515 2% 000 003 26.00 515 2% 000 000 27 00 516 2% 000 000 26.00 516 2% 000 000 29.00 516 2% 000 000 3000 516 2% 000 000 3100 516 2% 000 000 3200 516 2% 000 000 3300 516 2% 000 000 34 M) 516 2% 000 000 3600 516 2% 000 000 36.00 516 2% 000 000 37 00 516 2% 000 000 33 oo 516 2% 000 000 3000 516 2% 000 000 4000 516 2% 000 000 4100 516 2% 000 000 4200 516 2% 000 000 4300 516 2% 000 000 44.00 516 2% 000 000 4600 516 2% 000 000 4600 516 2% 000 000 47 00 516 2% 000 000 43 oo 516 2% 000 000 4000 516 2% 000 000 5000 516 2% 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.i8" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 1D Posit, e/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC head 90 Tme No.ai U 'slin Basin Subcatchment 2165: East Existing Basin Tme No.ai Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 91 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment21fi5: East Existing Basin Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) ruches) ruches) dfsl ioo oro 000 0.00 000 zoo o26 o00 000 000 3.00 042 000 000 000 400 oso 000 000 ort 3)) oar o)3 000 oe7 soo 1 o o00 00o 2IT ]oo 139 o21 o00 3.53 300 221 ofia o)) 17.11 9)) 269 )o7 o)) 771 r000 299 r15 000 547 rr oo 3.23 135 000 470 12oo 3.44 152 000 Orr 13 M) 3.53 167 000 3.05 r000 3 i lin o00 3.30 15 M) 305 1 9 000 371 16 M) 415 209 000 359 r]oo 431 221 o00 345 1300 445 234 000 331 19 00 459 245 0 00 315 moo 473 257 000 300 2100 435 253 000 Zea 22.00 497 27e o 00 257 230) 513 2e7 000 250 2400 5.15 2.96 o00 233 25 oo 51B 2% 000 003 26.0) 51B 2% 000 000 27 0o 51B 2% 000 000 23 M) 51B 2% 000 000 29.0) 51B 2% 000 000 so M) 51B 2% 000 000 31 M) 51B 2% 000 000 320) 51B 2% 000 000 330) 51B 2% 000 000 34 M) 51B 2% 000 000 35 oo 51B 2% 000 000 36.0) 51B 2% 000 000 37 0o 51B 2% 000 000 330) 51B 2% 000 000 300) 51B 2% 000 000 400) 51B 2% 000 000 41 M) 51B 2% 000 000 420) 51B 2% 000 000 430) 51B 2% 000 000 44.0) 51B 2% 000 000 45 oo 51B 2% 000 000 46 oo 51B 2% 000 000 47 0o 51B 2% 000 000 430) 51B 2% 000 000 400) 51B 2% 000 000 500) 51B 2% 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model 4.29-24 Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 92 Pond 39P: Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden am, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model 4.29-24 Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 93 Pond 39P: Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden Pond 39P: Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd to264b s/n M993© ID23 Mytlro CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 94 Hytlrograph for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Time Inflow &,rage Eevefton Pnmery (news) forst (cubic rest) fleet) forst 100 ors o 5W50 ors zoo 197 931 509.52 105 aoo 249 1942 51,17 229 400 301 2,739 51D45 257 soo 373 4,009 51093 323 Doo 492 7,491 511 17 347 7 oo 625 14937 51154 332 300 23.33 45,521 512.93 6.25 000 331 61,550 513.55 9.11 To 553 55149 51331 7 55 11 M) sot 45,300 51303 663 1200 421 42451 51215 5 75 1300 403 3],553 51259 515 1400 331 31,3]1 51243 475 15 oo 370 31355 51230 449 16 oo 351 23500 51217 435 17 00 335 25452 51203 425 1300 321 22,25] 511 95 412 moo 305 15920 51173 399 moo 255 15453 51155 355 2100 211 11953 51139 359 22.00 251 3455 51122 352 2300 237 4940 511 04 331 2400 221 2474 51035 255 2500 001 0 5W 50 001 2500 000 0 5W 50 000 27 00 000 0 5W 50 000 2300 000 0 5W 50 000 2000 000 0 5W 50 000 3000 000 0 5W 50 000 3100 000 0 5W 50 000 3200 000 0 5W 50 000 3300 000 0 5W 50 000 34) 000 0 5W 50 000 3500 000 0 5W 50 000 35.00 000 0 5W 50 000 37 00 000 0 5W 50 000 3300 000 0 5W 50 000 3000 000 0 5W 50 000 4000 000 0 5W 50 000 4100 000 0 5W 50 000 4200 000 0 5W 50 000 4300 000 0 5W 50 000 44.00 000 0 5W 50 000 4500 000 0 5W 50 000 4500 000 0 5W 50 000 47 00 000 0 5W 50 000 4300 000 0 5W 50 000 4000 000 0 5W 50 000 5100 000 0 5W 50 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 142664 e/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 95 Stage -Discharge for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Elevation (feet) Primary (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) 50950 000 51205 626 51660 1656 50955 096 51210 630 51665 1]31 50960 111 51215 634 514 71 1629 50965 125 51220 636 51675 1936 5W 71 139 51225 442 51460 2156 5W 75 152 51230 449 51465 21 B7 50960 194 51235 456 51490 2324 50965 1 73 51240 466 51495 2470 509to 1 63 51245 479 51600 2623 50995 192 51250 492 51605 2753 51900 201 51255 605 51510 2666 51905 209 51260 519 51515 29.69 51910 217 51265 534 51520 3065 51115 225 51210 550 51525 3155 51421 232 51215 566 51630 3243 51025 240 51260 663 51535 3326 51030 247 51265 601 51540 34 let 51135 254 51290 619 51545 34 63 51140 260 51295 637 51650 3656 51145 267 51300 657 51655 36.31 51150 213 51305 676 51155 260 51310 697 51160 266 51315 717 51165 292 51320 7 36 51070 296 51325 760 51075 303 51330 7 62 51Oso 309 51335 604 51065 314 51340 627 51090 32D 51345 650 51095 325 51350 674 51130 330 51355 696 51135 336 51360 922 51110 341 51365 947 51115 346 51371 372 51120 351 51375 996 51125 356 51360 1024 51130 360 51365 1050 51135 365 51390 10]] 51190 370 51395 1104 51145 374 51400 1131 51150 379 51405 1193 51155 364 51410 1196 51190 366 51415 1237 51195 392 51421 1217 51170 397 51425 1319 51115 401 51430 1363 51190 405 51435 1409 51195 410 51440 1456 51190 414 51445 1604 51195 416 51450 1554 51200 422 51455 1605 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hl CAD Software SOlri LLC Pane 96 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Eeve(lon (test) Storage (cubic feet) Elevation (feet) Storage (cubic feet) mem 0 51205 25651 me 55 144 51210 26,944 me Do 266 51215 26,043 me 65 432 512m 29,147 &0010 576 51225 so 257 &0015 72D 51230 31,3]3 mem 061 51235 32495 &0065 1, its 51240 33622 met, 1,152 51245 31,]55 me 95 11295 51250 35,6M 51400 1639 51255 3],036 51405 1,563 51260 36,166 51111 1,]2] 51265 39344 51115 1,6]1 51210 405% 511m 2015 51215 41 674 51125 2159 51260 42646 51130 2,303 51265 44,02] 51135 2 44 51200 45212 51140 2591 51295 46 4m 51145 2135 51300 4]601 51150 2 B7 51305 46,601 51155 3, Dios 513 11 moil 51160 3,132 51315 51 227 51165 3261 513m 52447 51170 3,391 51325 53673 51175 3,523 51330 51505 51160 3657 51335 56143 51165 3192 51340 5],36] 51050 3929 51345 56,63] 51095 4,057 51350 59,692 57700 4 21 51355 61,151 511 05 5161 51360 62421 51110 6,162 51365 636M 51115 ]146 51370 64 974 511 m 6139 51375 66259 51125 Dim 51360 6],550 511 so 11136 51365 DO B47 51135 11146 51350 70151 5779, 12160 51395 7766, 51145 13,179 51400 ]21]5 511 So 14204 51405 ]4,09] 51155 15234 51410 75424 511 Do 15271 51415 ]615] 51165 17,312 514m ]6,095 51110 16,350 51425 70441 51175 19,413 51430 60192 51190 Do 471 51435 62150 51195 21535 51440 63,513 511 50 226% 51445 64,662 51195 23662 51450 W257 51200 24164 51455 37636 Eeval,n &,rage (test) (cubic feet) 51460 30026 51465 90,419 51470 91,313 51475 93224 51430 94636 51435 95054 51450 97,477 51495 93903 51500 1 D, 314 515 05 1,1 ,]33 51511 113223 51515 101,652 515m 1061 o2 51525 lit 511 515so 1o391 51535 111429 51540 111359 51545 1131299 51550 114133 51555 116,177 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXdt0266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 97 kd206P: POND N #3 We Pond 206P: POND #3 am, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXdtn266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pane 98 Pond 206P: POND #3 Pond 206P: POND #3 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264b s/n M993©2T23 Hytlro CAD Software Seri LLC Pane 99 Hytlrograph for Pond 3D6P: POND M3 Time Inflow &,rage Eevefton Pnmery (news) forst (cubic feet) fleet) forst 100 on 15 51a 53 000 zoo 055 237 51003 050 3.00 171 502 51050 055 400 035 327 51057 163 soo 105 1642 51973 174 soo 191 3279 52D 13 032 ]00 179 5,015 520.43 003 aoo 6.75 15790 52165 119 9.00 241 23,331 52.51 2.16 To 171 23101 52.46 1.95 1100 147 22,057 522.35 171 1200 123 21106 522.25 152 1300 116 20253 522.17 190 1400 1 12 19,561 52210 132 1600 106 16006 522.03 126 is oo 1 o m233 52105 124 1]00 009 17,446 52136 122 1600 094 165% 52176 121 moo 00o 15563 52165 116 moo 065 14476 52152 116 2100 060 13,310 521 36 113 22.00 075 12067 52123 110 2300 070 1o760 521D7 for 2400 065 9,401 520.69 103 2600 009 6276 52D 47 093 2600 000 3124 52D or 062 2700 000 462 519.44 064 2600 000 21 51B 54 for 29.00 000 10 51B 52 000 3o 00 000 6 51B 51 000 3100 000 5 51B 51 000 3200 000 4 51B 51 000 3300 000 3 51B 51 000 3400 000 3 51B 51 000 3600 000 2 51B 5o 000 36.00 000 2 51B 5o 000 3700 000 2 51B 5o 000 3600 000 2 51B 5o 000 39.00 000 2 51B 5o 000 4000 000 1 51B 5o 000 4100 000 1 51B 5o 000 4200 000 1 51B 5o 000 4300 000 1 51B 5o 000 44.00 000 1 51B 5o 000 4600 000 1 51B 5o 000 4600 000 1 51B 5o 000 4700 000 1 51B 5o 000 4600 000 1 51B 5o 000 49.00 000 1 51B 5o 000 5100 000 1 51B 5o 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd to266o s/n 04993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 100 Stage -Discharge for Pond 206P: POND M3 Elevation (feet) Primary (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) 51650 900 52105 1m 51655 901 52110 106 51660 604 52115 1 00 51665 906 52120 110 51670 914 52125 111 51675 921 521 so 112 51660 029 52135 113 51665 936 52190 114 516Oo 641 52145 115 51605 644 52150 116 51900 646 52155 1 1 51905 649 52100 116 51910 651 52165 116 51915 653 52170 119 51921 955 521 75 120 51925 957 52160 121 51930 959 52165 122 51935 961 521 to 123 51940 963 52105 124 51945 965 522.00 125 51950 966 522.05 126 51955 96n 522.10 1 32 51960 970 522.15 137 51965 971 522 21 143 519 71 973 522.25 1 5 51975 974 522.30 1S] 51960 176 522.35 167 51965 177 522.40 1 76 519 to 979 52245 102 51905 960 52250 206 52Iloo 961 522.55 222 52905 963 522.60 236 52D 11 964 522.65 256 52D 15 965 522 71 274 52D 21 967 522 75 204 52D 25 966 522.60 314 529 30 9 Be 522.65 334 520.35 001 52200 356 52D 41 902 522.05 376 52D 45 903 52300 401 52D 51 904 52305 425 520.55 005 52310 449 52D 60 907 52315 474 52D 65 906 52321 607 52970 900 52325 547 52975 100 52330 601 52D so 101 52335 630 52D 65 102 52340 600 52900 103 52345 744 52905 104 52350 601 52100 105 52355 661 Elevation Pnmery (feet) (Cfe) 52360 923 52365 90] 523]1 m54 52375 1123 52360 1103 523 65 1266 523 to 1341 52305 1416 52400 14.96 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1o266os/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 101 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 206P: POND M3 Eevellon (test) Storage (cubic feet) Elevation (feet) Storage (cubic rest) 51650 0 521 05 10642 51655 25 52110 11,035 51660 49 52115 11432 51665 74 52120 11,631 51670 99 52125 12234 51 6]5 123 521 so 1264, 51660 146 521 35 13,050 51665 173 52190 13462 51650 197 52145 13,6]6 51655 zzz 521 50 14,297 51900 247 52155 14,779 519.05 271 521 bo 15145 519.10 2% 52165 15573 519.15 321 52171 16,005 519 21 3a6 52175 15440 51925 370 521 90 16,676 51930 395 52165 17, 32D 51935 420 52150 17,765 51940 411 52155 15213 51945 469 52200 16,661 51950 PM 52205 19116 51955 742 52210 19,576 51960 992 52215 20,037 519.65 1245 52221 21, 5o2 51910 1500 52225 2157, 51975 1,757 52230 21641 51960 ton 52235 21516 51965 2279 52240 22,395 519.90 2543 52245 22,676 51955 2 n 52251 23,361 52Iloo 3,079 52255 23,650 52D 15 3409 52260 24,342 52D 11 3,743 52265 24,637 52D 15 4,079 52210 25,335 52D 21 4416 52275 25639 52D 25 4760 52260 26,344 52630 5105 52265 26,69 52635 5451 52290 27,366 52D 41 5605 52295 27,662 52D 45 6159 52300 26401 52D 51 6516 52305 23524 52D 55 6,676 52310 29,450 520.60 7,239 52315 29,960 52D 65 7605 52320 so 514 52670 7574 52325 31051 52675 6, 3a6 52330 31592 52Il6o 6121 52335 32135 52D 65 9100 52340 3269 52690 9431 52345 33235 52055 9,665 52350 33790 52100 11252 52355 34,346 Eevao,n &,rage (test) (cubic rest) 52360 34,910 52365 35476 52370 35,045 52375 35616 52360 37194 52365 37,774 52390 36,357 52395 36, M4 52400 39,95 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 10266b s/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 102 W2W09P: POND #2 Weir Pond 209P: POND #2 am, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 10266b s/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 103 Pond 209P: POND #2 Pond 209P: POND #2 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HvoroCAIXd to264b s/n M993 © 2T23 Hl CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 104 Hytlrograph for Pond 201 POND M2 Time Inflow &,ral Eevefton Pnmery (norm) forst (cubic feet) fleet) forst 100 034 29 51555 001 2 o0 112 743 51552 1 3 300 141 2143 51675 097 400 1 71 3051 517 02 119 500 212 6575 517 so 117 600 231 11,139 51774 1 s 7 00 357 13,131 51635 119 600 Mee 37,595 519.51 616 9.00 505 41,W7 gene 6.45 To 357 35,141 51972 456 1100 306 33, or 519.50 371 1200 259 so He 51935 313 moo 245 29,529 51925 250 1400 235 26525 51916 250 1500 229 2,591 51913 247 moo 219 2,235 51905 237 1]00 209 26 fire 51903 227 1600 199 25,961 51505 217 1900 16e 25,303 51603 206 211 oo 179 24,621 51666 106 2100 169 23,906 51662 16e 22.00 156 23,1% 51677 190 2300 196 22,3% 51670 171 2400 1 37 21691 51663 162 2500 000 16952 51926 164 2600 000 11970 51731 132 27 00 000 7444 51736 119 2600 000 3415 51694 1 01 29.00 000 167 51531 031 3000 000 25 51554 001 3100 000 13 51552 000 3200 000 9 51551 000 3300 000 7 51551 000 3100 000 5 51551 000 3500 000 5 51551 000 36.00 000 4 51551 000 37 00 000 3 51551 000 3600 000 3 51551 000 39.00 000 3 51550 000 4000 000 2 51550 000 4100 000 2 51550 000 4200 000 2 51550 000 4300 000 2 51550 000 44.00 000 2 51550 000 4500 000 2 51550 000 4600 000 2 51550 000 47 00 000 2 51550 000 4600 000 1 51550 000 49.00 000 1 51550 000 5100 000 1 51550 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlalk5.i8" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd to266o s/n 04993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 105 Stage -Discharge for Pond 3D9P: POND M2 Elevation (feet) Primary (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) 51550 900 51605 139 51555 901 51610 190 51560 904 51615 142 51565 906 51 2➢ 143 51570 914 51625 144 51575 921 51630 146 51660 929 51635 147 51665 939 51640 196 51590 649 51645 149 51595 657 51650 1 51 51600 960 51655 154 51605 964 51660 166 51610 966 51665 164 51615 669 51670 1 70 51620 972 51675 177 51625 975 51660 165 51630 977 51665 193 51635 960 51690 202 51640 662 51695 211 51645 964 51900 221 51650 966 51905 231 51655 669 51910 241 51660 091 51915 252 51665 093 519211 265 51670 095 51925 260 51675 097 51930 296 51660 099 51935 614 51665 101 51940 632 51690 1 W 51945 652 51695 1 04 519 50 672 51700 106 51955 393 51705 1 06 51960 415 51710 110 51965 437 51715 111 51970 461 51720 113 51975 465 51725 115 51960 609 51730 116 519 65 534 51735 116 51990 560 51740 120 51995 667 51745 121 529 00 614 51750 123 52905 642 51755 124 52910 670 51760 126 52015 699 51765 127 52920 746 51770 129 52D 25 610 51775 Iso 52930 663 51760 132 52935 966 51765 133 52D 41 1655 51790 1 35 52D 45 1152 51795 1 36 52D 51 1254 51600 137 52D 55 1362 Elevation Pnmery (feet) (Cfe) 52D 60 1475 52D 65 1693 52970 1717 52975 1645 52D so 1977 52D 65 2113 52990 22.63 52095 2399 52190 25.47 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlalk5.i8" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1o296os/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 106 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 3D9P: POND M2 Eevellon (test) Storage (cubic feet) Elevation (feet) Storage (cubic rest) 51550 0 51605 14,5]2 51555 30 51610 15136 51560 60 51615 15,]09 51565 90 51 2➢ 16265 51670 12D 51625 16,666 51675 151 51630 17452 51660 161 51635 16,041 51665 211 51640 16640 51590 241 51645 19,241 51595 111 51650 19,64] 51600 301 51655 20456 516 05 331 51660 21,0]4 51610 361 51665 211695 51615 391 51 6]0 22,321 51620 421 51 6]5 22,953 51625 452 51660 23,569 51630 462 51665 26230 51635 512 51690 24,6]6 51640 512 51695 25,52] 51645 572 51900 26,163 516 50 602 519 05 26,644 51655 905 51910 27,511 51660 11212 51915 26,162 51665 1,522 519211 26,659 516 70 1,63] 51925 29,541 51675 2,155 51930 30226 51660 21477 51935 30921 516 65 2,603 51940 31616 51690 3,132 51945 32,321 51695 31465 51950 33,029 517 00 3,603 51955 33,742 51]05 4266 51960 31,460 517 10 4,]3] 51965 35163 51715 5211 51970 35912 517211 5690 51975 36645 51725 6,174 51960 3],361 517 30 6663 51965 36,126 51735 7,1% 51990 36,6]6 51]40 7655 51995 39632 51745 6,156 52Iloo 40,392 517 50 665fi 52D 15 41,15] 51755 9,179 52D10 41927 517 60 96% 52D 15 42,]02 51765 19219 52D 21 43 463 51]]0 10,746 52D 25 44,269 51]]5 11116 52930 45061 517 60 11615 52935 45 B57 517 65 12,357 52D 41 46660 517 90 12903 52D 45 4]46] 51795 13455 52D 51 46260 51600 14,011 52D 55 49,096 Eevao,n &,rage (test) (cubic rest) 520.60 49,921 52965 50,]50 529 70 51,564 52975 52423 52960 53 266 52965 64,116 52990 54 973 52995 55634 521 00 56,700 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd10266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 107 irtl 216P: POND#1 Pond 214P: POND #1 am, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd 10266b s/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 108 Pond 214P: POND #1 Pond 214P: POND #1 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainlaik5.18" Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HvoroCAIXd to264b s/n 04.993©2T23 Hl CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 109 Hytlrograph for Pond 214P: POND #1 Time Inflow &,ral Eevefton Pnmery (news) forst (cubic feet) fleet) forst 100 014 11 5W53 002 200 043 31 51405 045 aoo 051 133 51442 oso 400 173 244 51457 055 soo 000 674 51433 172 soo 121 1694 51122 032 00 155 3 599 51172 o M 400 5.53 11,319 513s 1.74 000 210 13,742 513.59 2.57 1000 193 11335 51331 101 1100 123 Torsi 51311 154 1200 for 9,714 51205 132 1300 103 9,057 51234 119 1400 097 3540 51275 113 1600 005 7969 51264 111 1600 001 7334 51252 109 1700 1 3 6637 51239 1 o lroo 032 5333 51224 104 1400 073 5,099 51207 101 211 oo 074 4,233 5113e 1O7 2100 070 3,453 51169 003 22.00 165 2625 51193 033 2300 161 1313 51125 033 2400 057 1,050 51102 077 2500 000 5 5W 53 000 2600 000 1 5W 51 000 2700 000 1 5W 51 000 23 oo 000 1 5W 50 000 2000 000 0 5W 50 000 3000 000 0 5W 50 000 3100 000 0 5W 50 000 3200 000 0 5W 50 000 3300 000 0 5W 50 000 34.00 000 0 5W 50 000 3500 000 0 5W 50 000 33.00 000 0 5W 50 000 3700 000 0 5W 50 000 33 oo 000 0 5W 50 000 3000 000 0 5W 50 000 4000 000 0 5W 50 000 4100 000 0 5W 50 000 4200 000 0 5W 50 000 4300 000 0 5W 50 000 44.00 000 0 5W 50 000 4500 000 0 5W 50 000 4600 000 0 5W 50 000 4700 000 0 5W 50 000 43 oo 000 0 5W 50 000 4000 000 0 5W 50 000 5100 000 0 5W 50 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd to266o s/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 110 Stage -Discharge for Pond 214P: POND #1 Elevation (feet) Primary (Cfe) Elevation (feet) Pnmery (Cfe) 50950 9.00 51205 100 50955 901 51210 1 01 50960 904 51215 1 02 50965 906 51221 103 50970 914 51225 1 04 50975 921 51230 1 05 50960 029 51235 106 50965 936 51240 121 500to 939 51245 106 5W95 941 51250 toe 51400 944 51255 110 51405 446 51260 111 51410 446 51265 111 51415 450 51270 112 51421 452 51275 113 51425 454 51260 116 51430 456 51265 120 51435 457 512to 125 51440 459 51255 131 51445 461 513.00 1 36 51450 462 513.05 145 51455 464 513.10 153 51460 465 513.15 161 51465 467 513.21 1 7o 51470 46n 513.25 160 51475 470 513.30 16e 51460 471 51335 159 51465 473 51340 210 511 to 474 51345 221 51495 475 51350 232 51100 427 51355 246 511 05 476 51360 261 51110 479 51365 v] 51115 460 51371 255 51120 462 51375 314 51125 463 51360 333 511 so 464 51365 354 511 35 465 51390 375 51190 436 51355 357 51145 466 51400 420 51150 46e 51405 444 51155 050 51410 466 51160 051 51415 453 51165 492 51421 544 51170 053 51425 517 511 75 494 51430 7 04 51160 495 51435 303 51165 056 51440 913 51150 057 51445 1431 51155 056 51450 1156 51200 199 51455 1293 Elevation Pnmery (feet) (Cfe) 51460 1435 51465 1561 514]0 1]40 514]5 1902 51460 29]0 51465 22.43 51400 2423 51405 26 or 51500 27.95 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr 25 -Year Rainli Prepared by A&C Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1o266os/n 04993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 111 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 214P: POND #1 Eevellon (test) Storage (cubic feet) Elevation (feet) Storage (cubic rest) 50950 0 51205 5010 50955 7 51210 5240 50960 14 51215 5473 50965 22 51221 5,711 5W 71 29 51225 5950 5W 75 36 51230 6,195 50960 43 51235 5442 50965 50 51240 5694 509to 56 51245 6949 5W95 65 51250 7121] 51400 72 51255 ]4]0 51405 79 51260 ],]35 51410 06 51265 6,005 51415 93 5121 B 27 51424 101 51275 6554 51425 106 51260 6,635 51430 715 51265 9,119 51435 122 51250 9,4% 51440 129 51255 91697 51445 137 5131, 9992 51450 144 51305 14290 51455 217 51310 14592 51460 292 51315 10,696 51465 370 51324 11 zo6 51470 451 51325 11,522 51475 534 51330 11,639 51460 619 51335 12160 51465 7% 51340 12465 51490 7% 51345 12613 51055 669 51350 13,146 51100 964 51355 13462 511 05 1,141 51360 13, 622 57110 1,302 51365 14,166 51115 1666 51370 14513 57120 1634 51375 14,665 571 25 1,605 51360 15 22D 51130 191 51365 15579 51135 2156 51350 15942 5719, 2339 51355 16,306 51145 2524 51400 16 67B 51151 2,712 51405 17,052 51155 2504 51410 1]430 51160 3 W 51415 17,612 51165 31296 51420 16,196 511 70 3,500 51425 15566 511 75 3,]05 51430 16562 51160 3914 51435 19,360 51195 4126 51440 19 7n 511 to 4,342 51445 24167 51195 4,551 51450 215% 51200 4,]64 51455 21009 Eeval,n &,rage (test) (cubic rest) 51460 21 427 51465 21,646 51470 22,2]3 51475 22,]02 51460 23,135 51465 23,572 51450 24,013 51495 24456 51500 2Qso6 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Repareb by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62924 HyoroCAIXd 10294b s/n M993© ID23 HyoroOAn Software Solutions LLC Pond 112 Time span -1 00 50 99 ors, di 05 ors, 981 paints Runoff by SBUH method, Split Perviaus/Impery. Reach routing by BynStar-Intl method - Pond routing by Byn Stor-Intl method Subcalchmeirri Pontl#1 RunoRArea=9,11135f ffDDl1%Impervious RunoffnepPi=l 1B T-60min CN=0/90 Runoff=606cfs hil of Subcalchmenl9006: EX CON WEST Runoff Area -f rostac 61111%Impervious Runoffr i=1121" Flow Leni Tc-273min ON=79/0 Runoff -66i 6100af Subcalchmenl9096: LOTS Runoff Area=1791222 of 549n%Impervlous Runoff6epP1=6]n" T-i60min CN=74P90 Runoff=666cfs 0240 of Subcalchmentl035: ROW Runoff Area -750145f tDDlYa Impervious Runoff6epP1=1 10" T-i60min CN=0/90 Runoff=650cfs 617Oaf Subcalchmentl035: Pond #2 Runoff Area=P, 372 of 10600%Impervious Runoff Dri 10" ri0min CN=0/90 Runoff=612 cis 6039at Subcalchnn O55: EX CON CENTRAL Runoff Area -14 716 ac 600%Impervious Runoff 6epP1=621" Flow LengN=O]9' Tc-23_gmin ON=79/0 Runoff=021cfs 0262 of Subcalchmentl065: LOTS Runoff Area=451, 937 of 52 36% Runoff 6epP1=667 r i60min CN=74P90 Runoff=150 cfs 6503at Subcalchmentl O85: Pond 1 Runoff Area=25]005f 10600%Impervious Runoff Dri 10" ri0min CN=0/90 Runoff=021cis 6065at Subcalchmentl085: ROW Runoff Area=1 72, 125 of 10600%Impervbus Runoff CepN=t 10" TGi6gmin CN=0/90 Runoff=115 cfs 6309at Subcalchnn it S: Pardee Runoff Area -11, 846 of 10600%Impervious Runoff OepN=110" ri0min CN=0/90 Runoff=600 cis 6027at Subcalchmentl126: EX CON EAST Runoff Area=6.053 ac 600%Impervious Runoff 0epP1=021" Flow LengN=1i 469' Tc-392min ON=79/0 Runoff=610 cis 6122at Subcalchmentl135: LOTS Runoff Area=195207 of 5560%Impervious Runoff OepN 71 T-i60min CN=74P90 Runoff=672cfs 0266 of Subcalchmentl166: ROW Runoff Area inks of 10600%Impervious Runoff0epP1=110" T-i60min CN=0/90 Runoff=662cfs 0210af Subcalchmenl2155: West Existing Basin Runoff Area=45030 ac 600%Impervious Runoff0epP1=621" Flow LengN=1i20P Slope -Din /' Tc-123min CN=79/0 Runoff=665cfs Dibli Subcalchmeirri: East Existing Basin Runoff Area=26]00ac 600%Impervious Runoff0epP1=621" Flow LengN=1,390' Slope=60572'/' Tc-139min CN=79/0 Runoff=639cfs 6477af Pond 39P: Pond #1w/Rain Garden Park Elev=51t02' Storage=4532 cf Infl -190 cis 1760 of Ou loru=332 cfs 1760at Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raveat:1.40" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoreCAIXd 10264o e/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software 5olu11ons LLC Pame 113 Pontl206P: POND#3 PeekElev=51972 Storage=1i626rf Infloru=162cfs 95laf oweoru 73 dB 9561 at POotl209P: POND#2 PeekElev=51719Storege4,757d lnfloru=261cfs 1 111a owaoe=l ig ea 1 911 of Pona29aP: POND#1 PeakElev=51957 storage=9244 Ineouu=122cfa 9439af oweoru 76dB 9439at Taal Runoff Area- 12]]38 ac Runoff Volume- 3.]]8 of Average Runoff Depth -0.36" 8671%Pervious-108311 ac 1538%Impervious -18.528 ac Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 114 Subcatchment 995: Pond #1 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 115 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbmen[995: Posr Mi Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) inches) inches) inches) (cfs) 100 003 0.00 000 000 zoo ow o)) 000 000 3.00 oil o00 ooz o00 400 o16 o00 005 Dor soo ozz o00 003 Dor soo ozo 000 014 Dor 7 o0 033 000 oz1 0.03 aoo oso 000 041 are 000 073 000 053 003 too) 031 000 051 Dor 1100 D 3 000 os] Dor 12 oo 0)3 000 0]3 Dor 13.00 0)) 000 on Dor 1400 103 000 0)3 Dor is oo 1 1 000 D 3 Dor 1600 113 000 051 Dor 1]00 115 000 055 Dor 1600 1211 000 059 Dor 1000 124 000 103 Dor moo 1 2 000 105 Dor 3100 131 000 10) Dor 33.00 134 000 113 Dor 33.00 1 3 000 115 Dor 3400 1.4) 000 1.15 Dor 3600 190 000 115 000 moo 190 000 115 000 37 00 190 000 115 000 moo 190 000 115 000 moo 190 000 115 000 3o 00 190 000 115 000 3100 190 000 115 000 32 oo 190 000 115 000 33.00 190 000 115 000 3400 190 000 115 000 3600 190 000 115 000 35.00 190 000 115 000 37 00 190 000 115 000 3600 190 000 115 000 3000 190 000 115 000 4000 190 000 115 000 4100 190 000 115 000 42 oo 190 000 115 000 4300 190 000 115 000 44.00 190 000 115 000 4600 190 000 115 000 4600 190 000 115 000 47 00 190 000 115 000 4600 190 000 115 000 4000 190 000 115 000 5000 190 000 115 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62624 MyoroCAIXd 1n266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 116 CON WEST Subcatchment 1005: EX CON WEST Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 117 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1005: EX CON WEST Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) inches) ruches) tcfsl 100 003 000 0.00 000 zoo ow o00 000 000 3.00 oil o00 000 000 400 o16 o00 000 000 600 022 000 000 000 soo 020 000 000 000 zoo 033 000 000 000 600 oeo 000 000 001 000 073 001 000 00] moo 031 003 000 003 1100 D 3 001 000 003 12 oo 003 005 000 003 13.00 003 00] 000 003 1400 103 003 000 003 1600 105 009 000 009 moo 112 011 000 009 )zoo 115 012 000 0w is oo 120 014 000 000 moo 124 015 000 009 2000 123 015 000 003 2100 131 013 000 003 22.00 131 010 000 003 23.00 1 3 020 000 003 2400 1.40 0.21 000 00] 2600 190 021 000 001 2600 190 021 000 000 27 oo 190 021 000 000 23 oo 190 021 000 000 2000 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 3100 190 021 000 000 3200 190 021 000 000 33.00 190 021 000 000 34 M) 190 021 000 000 3600 190 021 000 000 35.00 190 021 000 000 37 oo 190 021 000 000 33 oo 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 4100 190 021 000 000 4200 190 021 000 000 4300 190 021 000 000 44.00 190 021 000 000 4600 190 021 000 000 4600 190 021 000 000 47 oo 190 021 000 000 43 oo 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 5000 190 021 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd1n266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 118 Subcatchment 1015: LOTS Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 119 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1015: LOTS Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) inches) inches) inches) (cfs) 100 003 000 000 000 zoo ow o)) 000 0)2 3.00 oil o00 ooz o04 400 o16 o00 005 0or soo ozz o00 003 009 soo oz9 000 014 013 7 o0 033 000 oz1 o17 aoo oso 000 041 o.65 9.00 0]3 000 053 oz3 too) 031 000 051 o17 1100 D 3 001 os] 015 12 oo 093 001 o]z o13 13.00 09) ooz on o12 1400 103 003 o)z o12 is oo 1 1 004 D 3 o12 1600 112 004 091 011 1]00 115 005 095 011 1600 1211 005 099 011 1000 124 0or 1 03 010 moo 1 2 D 1 105 010 2100 131 009 109 009 2200 134 010 113 009 2300 137 011 115 003 2400 1.4) ).0 1.15 0or 2600 190 012 115 000 26.00 190 012 115 000 27 00 190 012 116 000 26.00 190 012 116 000 moo 190 012 116 000 3000 190 012 116 000 3100 190 012 116 000 3200 190 012 116 000 3300 190 012 116 000 3400 190 012 116 000 3600 190 012 116 000 36.00 190 012 116 000 37 00 190 012 116 000 3600 190 012 116 000 3900 190 012 116 000 4000 190 012 116 000 4100 190 012 116 000 4200 190 012 116 000 4300 190 012 116 000 44.00 190 012 116 000 4600 190 012 116 000 4600 190 012 116 000 47 00 190 012 116 000 4600 190 012 116 000 4900 190 012 116 000 5000 190 012 116 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd1n266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 126 Subcatchment 1025: ROW Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 121 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1025: ROW Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) inches) inches) inches) (cfs) 100 003 0.00 000 000 zoo ow o)) 000 001 3.00 011 000 ooz o03 400 o16 o00 005 005 soo ozz o00 003 0or soo ozo 000 014 010 7 o0 033 000 oz1 013 aoo oso 000 041 0.50 000 073 000 053 013 too) 031 000 051 o12 1100 D 3 000 oe] 011 )zoo 053 000 D 7 D 13.00 0)) 000 on D 1 1400 103 000 o)z D 1 is oo 1 1 000 D 3 D 1 1600 112 000 051 0or 17 00 115 000 0)5 0or 1600 1211 000 059 0or to o0 124 000 103 oos moo 1 2 000 105 oos 2100 131 000 1 005 22 M) 134 000 113 005 23.00 1 3 000 115 005 2400 1.4) 000 1.15 005 2600 190 000 1 1 000 26.00 190 000 1 1 000 27 00 190 000 116 000 26.00 190 000 116 000 29.00 190 000 116 000 3000 190 000 116 000 3100 190 000 116 000 3200 190 000 116 000 33.00 190 000 116 000 3400 190 000 116 000 3600 190 000 116 000 36.00 190 000 116 000 37 00 190 000 116 000 3600 190 000 116 000 39.00 190 000 116 000 4000 190 000 116 000 4100 190 000 116 000 4200 190 000 116 000 4300 190 000 116 000 44.00 190 000 116 000 4600 190 000 116 000 4600 190 000 116 000 47 00 190 000 116 000 4600 190 000 116 000 49.00 190 000 116 000 5000 190 000 116 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 122 Subcatchment 1035: Pond #2 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HyoroCAIXd to264o s/n 04.993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Pond 123 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1 W 5: Pond M2 Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) inches) inches) inches) (cfs) 100 003 are 000 000 zoo ow o00 000 000 300 oil o00 oot o01 400 o16 o00 005 001 soo ozz o00 003 ooz soo oz9 000 014 ooz 7 o0 033 000 oz1 9m aoo oso 000 041 9.11 9.00 073 000 053 004 1400 031 000 051 003 1100 D 3 000 os] ooz 12 oo 093 000 o]z ooz la oo 093 000 on ooz 1400 113 o00 oBe ooz is oo 103 000 D 3 ooz )aoo 112 000 051 ooz 17 00 115 000 095 oot 1B M) 1211 000 059 oot 1400 124 000 103 001 moo 123 000 105 001 2100 131 000 109 001 22 M) 134 000 113 001 23 oo 1 3 000 115 001 2400 1.49 000 1.15 001 25 oo 190 000 115 000 26.00 190 000 115 000 27 00 190 000 116 000 26.00 190 000 116 000 29.00 190 000 116 000 3000 190 000 116 000 3100 190 000 116 000 3200 190 000 116 000 33 oo 190 000 116 000 3400 190 000 116 000 35 oo 190 000 116 000 36.00 190 000 116 000 37 00 190 000 116 000 33 oo 190 000 116 000 3000 190 000 116 000 4000 190 000 116 000 4100 190 000 116 000 4200 190 000 116 000 4300 190 000 116 000 44.00 190 000 116 000 45 oo 190 000 116 000 46 oo 190 000 116 000 47 00 190 000 116 000 43 oo 190 000 116 000 4000 190 000 116 000 5000 190 000 116 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd1n266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 124 NCENTRAL Subcatchment 1055: EX CON CENTRAL Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 125 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1055: E CON CENTRAL Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) inches) ruches) tcfsl 100 003 000 0.00 000 zoo ow o00 000 000 3.00 oil o00 000 000 400 o16 o00 000 000 300 022 000 000 000 soo 020 000 000 000 zoo 033 000 000 000 aoo oeo 000 000 003 000 0]3 001 000 o17 moo 031 003 000 013 1100 D 3 001 000 010 )zoo 053 005 000 019 13.00 003 00] 000 020 1400 103 003 000 020 is oo 103 000 000 021 is oo 112 oil o00 021 )zoo 115 012 000 o.21 is oo 120 014 000 021 moo 124 015 000 021 2000 123 015 000 020 2100 131 013 000 020 22 oo 134 010 000 010 23.00 137 020 000 013 2400 1.40 o.21 o00 o17 25 oo 190 021 000 002 26 oo 190 021 000 000 27 oo 190 021 000 000 23 oo 190 021 000 000 2000 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 3100 190 021 000 000 32 oo 190 021 000 000 33.00 190 021 000 000 34 M) 190 021 000 000 35 oo 190 021 000 000 35.00 190 021 000 000 37 oo 190 021 000 000 33 oo 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 4100 190 021 000 000 42 oo 190 021 000 000 4300 190 021 000 000 44.00 190 021 000 000 45 oo 190 021 000 000 46 oo 190 021 000 000 47 oo 190 021 000 000 43 oo 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 5000 190 021 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62624 MytlroCAIXd 102660 e/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 126 Subcatchment 1065: LOTS nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 127 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbmen[19fi5: LOTS Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) inches) inches) inches) (cfs) 100 003 000 000 000 zoo ow o)) 000 004 300 oil o)) 0)2 oro 400 o16 o00 005 o16 soo D22 o00 003 oz3 soo ozo 000 014 o32 7 o0 033 000 oz1 041 aoo oso 000 041 1.57 000 073 000 053 055 1oo 031 000 051 041 1100 D 3 001 os] 035 12 oo 003 001 o]z o31 13.00 003 ooz on oso 1400 103 003 oBe ozo is oo 103 004 D 3 ozo )aoo 112 004 051 025 17 00 115 005 005 027 )aoo 1211 005 059 025 loo) 124 0or 103 025 moo 123 003 105 023 2100 131 D 1 022 22.00 134 010 113 021 23.00 1 3 oil 115 o2a 2400 1.4) ).0 1.15 013 25 oo 190 012 115 000 26.00 190 012 115 000 27 00 190 012 116 000 26.00 190 012 116 000 moo 190 012 116 000 3000 190 012 116 000 3100 190 012 116 000 3200 190 012 116 000 33.00 190 012 116 000 3400 190 012 116 000 35 oo 190 012 116 000 36.00 190 012 116 000 37 00 190 012 116 000 33 oo 190 012 116 000 3900 190 012 116 000 4000 190 012 116 000 4100 190 012 116 000 4200 190 012 116 000 4300 190 012 116 000 44.00 190 012 116 000 45 oo 190 012 116 000 46 oo 190 012 116 000 47 00 190 012 116 000 43 oo 190 012 116 000 4900 190 012 116 000 5000 190 012 116 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 128 Subcatchment 1085: Pond 1 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62924 HyoroCAIXd to264o s/n 04.993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC Pond 129 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1085: Pond 1 Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) inches) inches) inches) (cfs) 100 003 are 000 000 zoo ow o)) 000 001 300 oil o)) 0)2 001 400 o16 o00 005 ooz soo ozz o00 003 003 soo oz9 000 014 004 7 o0 033 000 oz1 are aoo oso 000 041 9.19 9.00 0]3 000 053 oos 1400 031 000 051 005 1100 D 3 000 os] 004 12 oo 093 000 o]z o03 la oo 093 000 on o03 1400 1 03 0 00 0 Be o 03 is oo 103 000 D 3 003 )aoo 112 000 091 003 17 00 115 000 095 003 1B M) 1211 000 099 003 loo) 124 000 103 002 moo 123 000 105 002 2100 131 000 109 002 22 M) 134 000 113 002 23 oo 1 3 000 115 002 2400 1.4) 000 1.15 002 25 oo 190 000 115 000 26.00 190 000 115 000 27 00 190 000 116 000 26.00 190 000 116 000 29.00 190 000 116 000 3000 190 000 116 000 3100 190 000 116 000 3200 190 000 116 000 33 oo 190 000 116 000 3400 190 000 116 000 35 oo 190 000 116 000 36.00 190 000 116 000 37 00 190 000 116 000 33 oo 190 000 116 000 3000 190 000 116 000 4000 190 000 116 000 4100 190 000 116 000 4200 190 000 116 000 4300 190 000 116 000 44.00 190 000 116 000 45 oo 190 000 116 000 46 oo 190 000 116 000 47 00 190 000 116 000 43 oo 190 000 116 000 4000 190 000 116 000 5000 190 000 116 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd1n266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 136 Subcatchment 1095: ROW nm. P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 131 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1095: ROW Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) inches) ruches) (cfs) 100 003 0.00 000 000 zoo ow o)) 000 003 3.00 oil 000 002 003 400 o16 o00 005 012 6)) 022 000 003 on soo 020 000 014 023 7 o0 033 000 021 03o aoo oso 000 041 1.14 000 073 000 053 041 too) 031 000 051 023 1100 D 3 000 os] 024 12 oo 0)3 000 0]2 o2D 13 M) 055 000 on o1) 1400 103 000 0)2 01) is oo 1 D 000 D 3 01) 1600 112 000 051 o17 1]00 115 000 055 015 1600 1211 000 059 015 1000 124 000 103 015 moo 1 2 000 105 014 2100 131 000 10) 013 22.00 134 000 113 012 23.00 1 3 000 115 oil 2400 1.4) 000 1.15 010 2600 190 000 115 000 26.00 190 000 115 000 27 00 190 000 116 000 26.00 190 000 116 000 29.00 190 000 116 000 3o 00 190 000 116 000 3100 190 000 116 000 3200 190 000 116 000 33.00 190 000 116 000 3400 190 000 116 000 3600 190 000 116 000 36.00 190 000 116 000 37 00 190 000 116 000 3600 190 000 116 000 39.00 190 000 116 000 4000 190 000 116 000 4100 190 000 116 000 4200 190 000 116 000 4300 190 000 116 000 44.00 190 000 116 000 4600 190 000 116 000 4600 190 000 116 000 47 00 190 000 116 000 4600 190 000 116 000 49.00 190 000 116 000 5000 190 000 116 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 132 Subcatchment 1115: Pond #3 Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 133 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1115: Pond#3 Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) inches) inches) inches) (cfs) 100 003 are 000 000 zoo ow o00 000 000 300 oil o00 003 001 400 o16 o00 005 001 soo ozz o00 003 001 soo ozo 000 014 ooz 7 o0 033 000 oz1 are aoo oso 000 041 0.09 000 073 000 053 003 1oo 091 000 051 003 1100 D 3 000 os] 003 12 oo 003 000 073 001 13.00 009 000 on o01 1400 103 000 093 001 is oo 109 000 D 3 001 )aoo 113 000 051 001 1]00 115 000 055 001 1B M) 1211 000 059 001 1400 124 000 103 001 moo 129 000 105 001 3100 131 000 109 001 33.00 134 000 113 001 33.00 1 3] 0 00 115 0 01 3400 1.40 000 1.15 001 35 oo 190 000 115 000 moo 190 000 115 000 37 00 190 000 115 000 moo 190 000 115 000 moo 190 000 115 000 3000 190 000 115 000 3100 190 000 115 000 32 oo 190 000 115 000 33.00 190 000 115 000 3400 190 000 115 000 35 oo 190 000 115 000 35.00 190 000 115 000 37 00 190 000 115 000 33 oo 190 000 115 000 3000 190 000 115 000 4000 190 000 115 000 4100 190 000 115 000 42 oo 190 000 115 000 4300 190 000 115 000 44.00 190 000 115 000 45 oo 190 000 115 000 46 oo 190 000 115 000 47 00 190 000 115 000 43 oo 190 000 115 000 4000 190 000 115 000 5000 190 000 115 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HynroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd1n266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 134 CON EAST Subcatchment 1125: EX CON EAST Hydroyraph a rr a s 10 a in is is m 22m; mo.ai W K� W W no a nn na ns .o a ' •_• •__gip;:_ •--_; .__•__ - . _ _'- ArEa5953-ac _ -- - -- -- - -- -- -- ---1--RJndHMblulfie-01122 of r T a rr a s 10 a in is is m 22m; mo.ai W K� W W no a nn na ns .o a Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAIN Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 Hytlro(HIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 135 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1125: EX CON EAST Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) inches) ruches) tcfsl 100 003 000 0.00 000 zoo ow o00 000 000 3.00 oil o00 000 000 400 o16 o00 000 000 300 022 000 000 000 soo 020 000 000 000 zoo 033 000 000 000 aoo oeo 000 000 001 000 073 001 000 00] moo 031 003 000 003 1100 D 3 001 000 000 )zoo 053 005 000 009 moo 055 ow o00 000 1400 103 003 000 000 is oo 103 000 000 010 is oo 112 oil o00 010 )zoo 115 012 000 0.m is oo 120 014 000 0.m moo 124 015 000 010 2000 123 015 000 010 2100 131 015 000 009 2200 134 010 0 00 0 W 23.00 1 3 020 000 000 2400 1.40 0.21 o00 ooa 25 oo 190 021 000 002 26 oo 190 021 000 000 27 oo 190 021 000 000 23 oo 190 021 000 000 2000 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 3100 190 021 000 000 3200 190 021 000 000 33.00 190 021 000 000 34 M) 190 021 000 000 35 oo 190 021 000 000 35.00 190 021 000 000 37 oo 190 021 000 000 33 oo 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 4100 190 021 000 000 4200 190 021 000 000 4300 190 021 000 000 44.00 190 021 000 000 45 oo 190 021 000 000 46 oo 190 021 000 000 47 oo 190 021 000 000 43 oo 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 5000 190 021 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62624 MyoroCAIXd 1n266oe/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 136 Subcatchment 1135: LOTS Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 137 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment 1135: LOTS Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) inches) ruches) (cfs) 100 003 000 000 000 zoo ow o00 000 002 3.00 oil 000 002 005 400 015 000 005 00] 600 022 000 003 010 soo 020 000 014 015 7 o0 033 000 021 010 aoo oso 000 041 o.II 000 073 000 053 025 loon 051 000 051 019 1100 D 3 Dor os] 015 12 oo 003 Dor 0]2 014 13.00 003 002 on o14 1400 103 003 032 013 is oo 103 001 D 3 013 1600 112 001 051 012 1]00 115 005 055 012 1600 1211 005 059 012 1000 124 00] 103 oil moo 123 003 105 oil 2100 131 009 109 010 2200 131 010 113 009 2300 137 oil 115 009 2400 1.40 o.12 1.15 003 2600 190 012 115 000 26.00 190 012 115 000 27 00 190 012 116 000 26.00 190 012 116 000 moo 190 012 116 000 3o 00 190 012 116 000 3100 190 012 116 000 3200 190 012 116 000 3300 190 012 116 000 3100 190 012 116 000 3600 190 012 116 000 36.00 190 012 116 000 37 00 190 012 116 000 3600 190 012 116 000 3900 190 012 116 000 4000 190 012 116 000 4100 190 012 116 000 4200 190 012 116 000 4300 190 012 116 000 44.00 190 012 116 000 4600 190 012 116 000 4600 190 012 116 000 47 00 190 012 116 000 4600 190 012 116 000 4900 190 012 116 000 5000 190 012 116 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MytlroCAIXd1n266be/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC need 138 Subcatchment 1145: ROW Tme P*gag Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2DI Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 139 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbmen[1145: ROW Time Preclp_ Pery Excess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) inches) inches) inches) (cfs) 100 003 0.00 000 000 zoo ow o)) 000 0)2 3.00 oil o00 ooz o04 400 o16 o00 005 oos soo ozz o00 003 009 soo oz9 000 014 o12 7 o0 033 000 oz1 015 aoo oso 000 041 Due 9.00 0]3 000 053 oP too) 031 000 051 015 1100 D 3 000 os] 013 12 oo 093 000 o]z oil 13.00 09) 000 on oro 1400 103 000 o)z o10 is oo 1 1 000 D 3 010 1600 112 000 051 009 1]00 115 000 055 009 1600 1211 000 059 005 19.00 124 000 103 D 1 moo 1 2 000 105 0or 2100 131 000 109 0or 22 M) 134 000 113 0or 23.00 1 3 000 115 0% 2400 1.4) 000 1.15 oos 2600 190 000 115 000 26.00 190 000 115 000 27 00 190 000 116 000 26.00 190 000 116 000 29.00 190 000 116 000 3000 190 000 116 000 3100 190 000 116 000 3200 190 000 116 000 33.00 190 000 116 000 3400 190 000 116 000 3600 190 000 116 000 36.00 190 000 116 000 37 00 190 000 116 000 3600 190 000 116 000 39.00 190 000 116 000 4000 190 000 116 000 4100 190 000 116 000 4200 190 000 116 000 4300 190 000 116 000 44.00 190 000 116 000 4600 190 000 116 000 4600 190 000 116 000 47 00 190 000 116 000 4600 190 000 116 000 49.00 190 000 116 000 5000 190 000 116 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainea t:1.40" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266b s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC head 146 Tme No.ai U 'slin Basin Subcatchment 2155: West Existing Basin Tme No.ai Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 141 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbmen[2155: West brisling Basin Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) inches) ruches) tcfsl 100 003 000 0.00 000 zoo ow onn 000 000 3.00 oil o00 000 000 400 o16 o00 000 000 son 022 000 000 000 son o29 o00 000 000 zoo 033 000 000 000 aoo oso 000 000 Dig 000 073 001 000 053 moo 031 003 000 053 1100 D 3 001 000 oso 12 in on3 005 000 05] 13.00 on3 00] 000 oso 1400 103 003 000 o62 is in 103 ooh o00 054 is in 112 011 000 obs )zoo 115 012 000 obs is in 120 014 000 055 to o0 124 015 000 054 2000 123 015 000 o62 2100 131 013 000 oso 22.00 131 Dig o00 053 23.00 1 3 020 000 055 2400 1.40 o.r o00 052 25 in 190 021 000 000 26 in 190 021 000 000 27 in 190 021 000 000 23 in 190 021 000 000 2000 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 3100 190 021 000 000 32 in 190 021 000 000 33.00 190 021 000 000 31.00 190 021 000 000 35 in 190 021 000 000 35.00 190 021 000 000 37 in 190 021 000 000 33 in 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 4100 190 021 000 000 42 in 190 021 000 000 4300 190 021 000 000 44.00 190 021 000 000 45 in 190 021 000 000 46 in 190 021 000 000 47 in 190 021 000 000 43 in 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 5000 190 021 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainea t:1.40" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266b s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC head 142 Tme No.ai u 'slin Basin Subcatchment 2165: East Existing Basin Tme No.ai Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HytlroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software Returns LLC need 143 Hytlrograpb for Subcatcbment21fi5: East Existing Basin Time Preclp_ PervPxcess Imp Excess Runoff (hours) ruches) inches) ruches) tcfsl 100 003 000 0.00 000 zoo ow onn 000 000 3.00 oil o00 000 000 400 o16 o00 000 000 son 022 000 000 000 son o29 o00 000 000 zoo 033 000 000 000 ann oen 000 000 oil 000 073 001 000 031 moo 031 003 000 034 1100 D 3 001 000 033 12 in on3 005 000 031 1300 o93 00] 000 035 1400 103 003 000 037 is in 103 ooh o00 033 is in 112 oil o00 oas )zoo 115 012 000 oas is in 120 014 000 033 to o0 124 015 000 033 2000 123 015 000 037 2100 131 013 000 035 22.00 131 Dig o00 031 2300 1 3 020 000 033 2400 1.40 o.r o00 031 25 in 190 021 000 000 26 in 190 021 000 000 27 in 190 021 000 000 23 in 190 021 000 000 2000 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 3100 190 021 000 000 32 in 190 021 000 000 3300 190 021 000 000 31.00 190 021 000 000 35 in 190 021 000 000 35.00 190 021 000 000 37 in 190 021 000 000 33 in 190 021 000 000 3000 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 4100 190 021 000 000 42 in 190 021 000 000 4300 190 021 000 000 44.00 190 021 000 000 45 in 190 021 000 000 46 in 190 021 000 000 47 in 190 021 000 000 43 in 190 021 000 000 4000 190 021 000 000 5000 190 021 000 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainea t:1.40" berated by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266os/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 144 Pond 39P: Pond #1w/Rain Garden Wei — IE DuEIEwP 1i Pond 39P: Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden nm, m*.ai Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 145 Pond 39P: Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden Pond 39P: Pond #1 w/ Rain Garden Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62624 MvoroCAIXd To264o s/n M993 © ID23 Hl CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 146 Hytlrograph for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Time Inflow Storage Elevation Pnmery Tests) forst (cubic hear (teed forst 109 099 9 59059 099 zoo 013 9 59059 013 3.99 033 9 59059 033 499 051 9 59059 051 5 99 172 9 59059 172 699 199 112 50054 953 99 131 411 59054 123 699 4.96 3,736 51D.53 3.12 099 177 2,515 51D.37 2.57 1400 125 559 5W 73 147 1199 1me 319 54061 1 14 12 66 652 149 54055 657 1366 066 92 54053 651 1499 034 46 59052 067 1699 062 16 59051 034 1699 079 2 54059 069 17 99 076 1 59059 076 1699 072 9 59059 073 1499 069 9 54059 079 moo 065 9 59059 066 21 09 062 9 59059 063 22.99 056 9 59059 059 2399 054 9 59059 055 2499 059 9 59059 051 2699 099 9 59059 099 26.00 099 9 59059 099 27 99 099 9 59059 099 26.00 099 9 59059 099 29.00 099 9 59059 099 3099 099 9 59059 099 3109 099 9 59059 099 3299 099 9 59059 099 3399 099 9 59059 099 3.99 099 9 59059 099 3699 099 9 59059 099 36.99 099 9 59059 099 37 99 099 9 59059 099 3699 099 9 59059 099 3099 099 9 59059 099 4099 099 9 59059 099 4109 099 9 59059 099 4299 099 9 59059 099 4399 099 9 59059 099 44.99 099 9 59059 099 4699 099 9 59059 099 4699 099 9 59059 099 47 99 099 9 59059 099 4699 099 9 59059 099 4099 099 9 59059 099 5199 099 9 59059 099 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCA6 Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1o266os/n 04993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 147 Stage -Discharge for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Elevation (tear Primary (Cfe) Elevation (tear Pnmery (Cfe) Elevation (tear Pnmery (Cfe) 50950 000 51205 626 51660 1656 50955 096 51210 630 51665 1]31 50960 111 51215 634 514 71 1629 50965 125 51220 636 51675 1936 5W 71 139 51225 442 51460 2156 5W 75 152 51230 449 51465 21 B7 50960 194 51235 456 51490 2324 50965 1 73 51240 466 51495 2470 509to 1 63 51245 479 51600 2623 50995 192 51250 492 51605 2753 51900 201 51255 605 51510 2666 51905 209 51260 519 51515 29.69 51910 217 51265 534 51520 3065 51115 225 51210 550 51525 3155 51421 232 51215 566 51630 3243 51025 240 51260 663 51535 3326 51030 247 51265 601 51540 34 let 51135 254 51290 619 51545 34 63 51140 260 51295 637 51650 3656 51145 267 51300 657 51655 36.31 51150 213 51305 676 51155 260 51310 697 51160 266 51315 717 51165 292 51320 7 36 51070 296 51325 760 51075 303 51330 7 62 51Oso 309 51335 604 51065 314 51340 627 51090 32D 51345 650 51095 325 51350 674 51130 330 51355 696 51135 336 51360 922 51110 341 51365 947 51115 346 51371 372 51120 351 51375 996 51125 356 51360 1024 51130 360 51365 1050 51135 365 51390 10]] 51190 370 51395 1104 51145 374 51400 1131 51150 379 51405 1193 51155 364 51410 1196 51190 366 51415 1237 51195 392 51421 1217 51170 397 51425 1319 51115 401 51430 1363 51190 405 51435 1409 51195 410 51440 1456 51190 414 51445 1604 51195 416 51450 1554 51200 422 51455 1605 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&O Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd to264o s/n M993© ID23 Hl CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 148 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Eevellon (test) Storage (cubic feet) Elevation (feet) Stuart, (wbicfiet) mem 0 51205 25651 me 55 144 51210 26,944 me Do 266 51215 26,043 me 65 432 512m 29,147 me 71 576 51225 so 257 me 75 72D 51230 31,3]3 mem 061 51235 32495 so965 1,006 51240 33622 met, 1,152 51245 31,]55 me 95 11295 51250 35,6M 51400 1639 51255 3],036 51405 1,563 51260 36,166 51410 1,]2] 51265 39344 51415 1,6]1 51210 405% 511m 2015 51215 41 674 51425 2159 51260 42646 51030 2,303 51265 44,02] 51035 2 44 51200 45212 51940 2591 51295 46 4m 51445 2135 51300 4]601 5145, 2 B7 51305 46,601 51D55 3, Dios 513 11 m112 51DDo 3,132 51315 51 227 51D65 3261 513m 52447 51470 3,391 51325 53673 51475 3,523 51330 51505 51Dm 3657 51335 55143 51D65 3192 51340 5],36] 51050 3929 51345 56,63] 51055 4,057 51350 59,692 57700 4 m 51355 61,151 511 05 5161 51360 62421 51110 6,162 51365 636M 51115 ]146 51370 64 974 511211 6139 51375 66259 51125 Dim 51360 6],550 511 so 10136 51365 DO B47 511 35 11146 51350 70151 5779, 12160 51395 7766, 51145 13,179 51400 ]21]5 511 So 14204 51405 ]4,09] 51155 15234 51410 75424 511 Do 15271 51415 ]615] 51165 17,312 514m ]6,015 51110 16,350 51425 70441 51175 19,413 51430 60192 51190 Do 471 51435 62150 51195 21535 51440 63,513 51150 226% 51445 64,662 51155 23662 51450 W257 51200 24164 51455 37636 Eeval,n &,rage (test) (wbicfiet) 51460 30026 51465 90,419 51470 91,313 51475 93224 51430 94636 51435 95054 51450 97,477 51455 93903 51500 100,314 515 05 101,]33 51510 103223 51515 101,652 515m 105,102 51525 10],511 51530 10391 51535 no 429 51540 111,359 51545 1131299 51550 114133 51555 116,177 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62924 MytlroCAIXd 10266b s/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 149 Pond 306P: POND #3W eir Pond 206P: POND #3 am, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 156 Pond 206P: POND #3 Pond 206P: POND #3 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.4O" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 HvoroCAIXd to264o s/n M993©2T23 ill CAD Software Seri LLC Pond 151 Hytlrograph for Pond 2D6P: POND M3 Time Inflow Storage Elevation Primary (name) feet (cubiceeu (teen feet 100 000 0 51a 5o 000 zoo 004 32 51a 55 002 3 i 009 79 51a55 1W 400 015 101 51 ]o 014 son 021 m 51a]4 121 600 029 145 51a79 025 7 o0 033 157 51634 037 600 1.42 1,149 519.0 9.71 000 050 1,352 519.0 9.72 1400 035 354 51024 057 1100 031 155 51631 031 12 in 025 141 51 6]9 027 1300 025 133 51 6]3 025 1400 024 135 51677 124 1600 024 133 51677 024 1600 023 130 51 6]5 023 17 00 022 127 51675 022 1600 021 124 51 6]5 021 loon 024 m 51 6]5 024 211 oo 019 115 51674 019 2100 013 114 51673 013 22.00 017 177 51672 017 2300 015 1 D 51672 015 2400 015 103 51 6]1 015 2600 000 22 51655 001 2600 000 10 51652 000 27 00 000 7 51651 000 2600 000 5 51651 000 2000 000 4 51651 000 3000 000 3 51651 000 3100 000 3 51651 000 32 in 000 2 51650 000 3300 000 2 51650 000 34.00 000 2 51650 000 3600 000 2 51650 000 35.00 000 2 51650 000 37 00 000 1 51650 000 3600 000 1 51650 000 3000 000 1 51650 000 4000 000 1 51650 000 4100 000 1 51650 000 42 in 000 1 51650 000 4300 000 1 51650 000 44.00 000 1 51650 000 4600 000 1 51650 000 4600 000 1 51650 000 47 00 000 1 51650 000 4600 000 1 51650 000 4000 000 1 51650 000 5100 000 1 51650 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCA6 Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 112661 s/n 0n.993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 152 Stage -Discharge for Pond 206P: POND M3 Elevation (tear Primary (Cfe) Elevation (tear Pnmery (Cfe) 51650 000 52105 1m 51655 001 52110 106 51660 604 52115 1 00 51665 006 52120 110 51670 014 52125 111 51675 021 521 so 112 51660 029 52135 113 51665 036 52190 114 516Oo 041 52145 115 51605 044 52150 116 51900 046 52155 1 1 51905 049 52100 116 51910 051 52165 116 51915 053 52170 119 51921 155 521 75 120 51925 057 52160 121 51930 059 521a5 122 51935 061 521 to 123 51940 063 52105 124 51945 065 522.00 125 51950 066 522.05 126 51955 osn 522.10 1 32 51960 070 522.15 137 51965 071 522 21 143 519 71 073 52225 1 5 51975 074 522.30 1S] 51960 176 522.35 167 51965 177 522.40 1 76 519 to 179 52245 102 51905 060 52250 206 52Iloo 061 522.55 222 52005 063 522.60 236 52D 11 064 522.65 256 52D 15 065 522 71 274 52D 21 1 67 522 75 204 52D 25 066 522.60 314 520 30 0 Be 522.65 334 520.35 001 52200 356 52D 41 002 522.05 376 52D 45 003 52300 401 52D 51 004 52305 425 520.55 005 52310 449 52D 60 197 52315 474 52D 65 006 52321 607 52070 000 52325 547 52075 100 52330 601 52D so 101 52335 630 52D 65 102 52340 600 52000 103 52345 744 52005 104 52350 601 52100 105 52355 661 Elevation Pnmery (tear (Cfe) 52360 923 52365 90] 523 71 loan 52375 1123 52360 1103 523 65 1266 523 to 1341 52305 1416 52400 14.96 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1o266os/n 04993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 153 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 206P: POND M3 Eevellon (teed Storage (cubic eet) Elevation (feet) Stuart, (cubic ear 51650 0 521 05 10642 51655 25 52110 11,035 51660 49 52115 11432 51665 74 521 20 11,631 51670 99 52125 12234 51 6]5 123 521 so 1264, 51660 146 52135 13,050 51665 173 52190 13462 51650 197 52145 13,6]6 51655 zzz 521 50 14,297 519 00 247 52155 14,779 519.05 271 52160 15145 519.10 2% 52165 15573 519.15 321 52171 16,005 519 21 3a6 52175 15440 51925 370 521 90 16,676 519 30 395 52165 17, 32D 51935 420 52150 17,765 51940 411 52155 15213 51945 469 52200 16,661 519 50 PM 52205 19116 51955 742 52210 19,576 51960 992 52215 20,037 519.65 1245 52221 21, 5o2 51910 1500 52225 2157, 51975 1,757 52230 21641 51960 ton 52235 21516 51965 2279 52240 22,395 519.90 2543 52245 22,676 51955 2 n 52251 23,361 52Iloo 3,079 52255 23,650 52D 15 3409 52260 24342 52D 11 3,743 52265 24,637 52D 15 4,079 52210 25335 52D 21 4416 52275 25639 52D 25 4760 52260 26344 52630 5105 52265 26,69 52635 5451 52290 27366 52D 41 5605 52295 27,662 52D 45 6159 52300 26401 52D 51 6516 52305 23524 52D 55 6,676 52310 29,450 520.60 7239 52315 29,960 52D 65 7605 52320 so 514 52670 7574 52325 31051 52675 6, 3a6 52330 31592 52Il6o 6121 52335 32135 52D 65 9100 52340 3269 52690 9431 52345 33235 52055 9,665 52350 33790 52100 11252 52355 34346 Eevao,n &,rage (teed (cubic ear 52360 34,910 52365 35476 52370 35,045 52375 35616 52360 37194 52365 37,774 52390 33357 52395 36, M4 52400 39,95 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 154 Pontl308P: POND #2 Weir Pond 209P: POND #2 am, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MyoroCAIXd 1n266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 155 Pond 209P: POND #2 Pond 209P: POND #2 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62624 HvoroCAIXd to264o s/n 04.993©2T23 Hl CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 156 Hytlrograph for Pond 201 POND M2 Time Inflow Storage Elevation Primary (name) feet (Cnoiweeu (teen feet 100 000 0 51550 000 zoo oo] so 51550 004 3 i 019 139 51573 015 4 i 029 P] 51579 025 500 041 214 51535 040 500 057 259 51553 055 ]o0 075 399 51515 070 aoo 2.53 2,975 516.55 lee 9.00 1 00 4,739 517.16 1.16 To 072 3 77 517 00 105 1100 063 2,469 516 3o 099 lzoo 053 1146 51659 090 1300 052 272 51595 057 lain 049 241 51590 049 1500 043 233 51590 043 1500 046 233 51539 046 17 00 045 223 51533 045 la in 043 223 51537 043 moo 041 217 51636 041 211 oo 039 211 51535 039 2100 036 205 51534 037 22.00 034 193 51533 035 2300 032 191 51532 032 2400 030 134 51531 030 2500 000 36 51556 001 2500 000 16 51553 000 27 00 000 10 51552 000 23 in 000 ] 51551 000 29.00 000 6 51551 000 3000 000 5 51551 000 3100 000 4 51551 000 3200 000 4 51551 000 3300 000 3 51551 000 34.00 000 3 51550 000 3500 000 3 51550 000 36.00 000 2 51550 000 37 00 000 2 51550 000 33 in 000 2 51550 000 39.00 000 2 51550 000 4000 000 2 51550 000 4100 000 2 51550 000 4200 000 2 51550 000 4300 000 1 51550 000 44.00 000 1 51550 000 4500 000 1 51550 000 4500 000 1 51550 000 47 00 000 1 51550 000 43 in 000 1 51550 000 49.00 000 1 51550 000 5000 000 1 51550 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd to266o s/n 04.993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 157 Stage -Discharge for Pond 3D9P: POND M2 Elevation (tear Primary (Cfe) Elevation (tear Pnmery (Cfe) 51550 900 51605 139 51555 901 51610 190 51560 904 51615 142 51565 906 51 2➢ 143 51570 914 51625 144 51575 921 51630 146 51660 929 51635 147 51665 939 51640 196 51590 649 51645 149 51595 657 51650 1 51 51600 960 51655 154 51605 964 51660 166 51610 966 51665 164 51615 669 51670 1 70 51620 972 51675 177 51625 975 51660 165 51630 977 51665 193 51635 960 51690 202 51640 662 51695 211 51645 964 51900 221 51650 966 51905 231 51655 669 51910 241 51660 091 51915 252 51665 093 519211 265 51670 095 51925 260 51675 097 51930 296 51660 099 51935 614 51665 101 51940 632 51690 1 W 51945 652 51695 1 04 519 50 672 51700 106 51955 393 51705 1 06 51960 415 51710 110 51965 437 51715 111 51970 461 51720 113 51975 465 51725 115 51960 609 51730 116 519 65 534 51735 116 51990 560 51740 120 51995 667 51745 121 529 00 614 51750 123 52905 642 51755 124 52910 670 51760 126 52015 699 51765 127 52920 746 51770 129 52D 25 610 51775 1 s 52930 663 51760 132 52935 966 51765 133 52D 41 1655 51790 1 35 52D 45 1152 51795 1 36 52D 51 1254 51600 137 52D 55 1362 Elevation Pnmery (tear (Cfe) 52D 60 1475 52D 65 1694 52970 1717 52975 1645 52D so 1977 52D 65 2113 52990 22.64 52095 2399 52190 25.47 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCA6 Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1o296os/n 01993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 158 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 3D9P: POND M2 Eevellon (teed Storage (cubic eet) Elevation (feet) Stuart, (cubic ear 51550 0 51605 14,5]2 51555 30 51610 15136 51560 60 51615 15,]09 51565 90 51 2➢ 16265 51670 12D 51625 16,666 51675 151 51630 17452 51660 161 51635 16,041 51665 211 51640 16640 51590 241 51645 19,241 51595 111 51650 19,64] 51600 301 51655 20456 516 05 331 51660 21,0]4 51610 361 51665 211695 51615 391 51 6]0 22,321 51620 421 51 6]5 22,953 51625 452 51660 23,569 51630 462 51665 26230 51635 512 51690 24,6]6 51640 512 51695 25,52] 51645 572 51900 26,163 516 50 602 519 05 26,644 51655 905 51910 27,511 51660 11212 51915 26,162 51665 1,522 519211 26,659 516 70 1,63] 51925 29,541 51675 2,155 51930 30226 51660 21477 51935 30921 516 65 2,603 51940 31616 51690 3,132 51945 32,321 51695 31465 51950 33,029 517 00 3,603 51955 33,742 51]05 4266 51960 31,460 517 10 4,]3] 51965 35163 51715 5211 51970 35912 517211 5690 51975 36645 51725 6,174 51960 3],361 517 30 6663 51965 36,126 51735 7,1% 51990 36,6]6 51]40 7655 51995 39632 51745 6,156 52Iloo 40,392 517 50 665fi 52D 15 41,15] 51755 9,179 52D10 41927 517 60 96% 52D 15 42,]02 51765 19219 52D 21 43 463 51]]0 10,746 52D 25 44,269 51]]5 11116 52930 45061 517 60 11615 52935 45 B57 517 65 12,357 52D 41 46660 517 90 12903 52D 45 4]46] 51795 13455 52D 51 46260 51600 14,011 52D 55 49,096 Eevao,n &,rage (teed (cubic ear 520.60 49,921 52965 50,]50 529 70 51,564 52975 52423 52960 53 266 52965 64,116 52990 54 973 52995 55634 521 00 56,700 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62924 MyoroCAIXd 1n266bs/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 159 Pond 214P: POND #1 am, P*uig Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAD Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Raineat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62624 MyoroCAIXd 1n266os/n M993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 166 Pond 214P: POND #1 Pond 214P: POND #1 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5310_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62624 HvoroCAIXd to264o s/n 04.093©2T23 Hl CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 161 Hytlrograph for Pond 214P: POND #1 Time Inflow Storage Elevation Primary (name) feet (Cnoiweeu (teen feet 100 000 0 50050 000 zoo 003 13 5W59 003 aoo 003 22 50055 003 4 i 013 n 5W69 012 son 013 33 50073 117 son 025 39 5W 77 124 7 o0 032 45 50031 032 100 1.21 679 51D.53 9.72 000 043 451 garb 9ba 1100 031 45 50031 031 1100 027 41 5W79 027 1200 023 33 50075 023 la in 022 37 50075 022 1400 021 35 50075 021 is in 020 35 50075 021 is in 020 35 50074 021 1]00 Dig 34 5W74 Dig 1100 013 33 50073 013 1100 117 33 5W73 117 moo 015 32 50072 015 2100 015 31 5W71 015 22.00 014 30 50071 015 2300 014 29 5W 7D 014 2400 013 25 5W69 013 25 in 000 3 50052 000 26.00 000 1 50051 000 27 00 000 1 50051 000 26.00 000 1 50050 000 29 in 000 0 50050 000 3000 000 0 50050 000 3100 000 0 50050 000 3200 000 0 50050 000 3300 000 0 50050 000 34 in 000 0 50050 000 35 in 000 0 50050 000 36.00 000 0 50050 000 37 00 000 0 50050 000 3300 000 0 50050 000 3000 000 0 50050 000 4000 000 0 50050 000 4100 000 0 50050 000 4200 000 0 50050 000 4300 000 0 50050 000 44.00 000 0 50050 000 45 in 000 0 50050 000 46 in 000 0 50050 000 47 00 000 0 50050 000 4300 000 0 50050 000 4000 000 0 50050 000 5000 000 0 50050 000 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29-24 SAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Reparetl by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd to266o s/n M993 © ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pace 162 Stage -Discharge for Pond 214P: POND #1 Elevation (tear Primary (Cfe) Elevation (tear Pnmery (Cfe) 50950 000 51205 100 50955 901 51210 1 01 50960 904 51215 1 02 50965 906 51221 103 50970 914 51225 1 04 50975 921 51230 1 05 50960 029 51235 106 50965 936 51240 121 500to 939 51245 106 5W95 941 51250 toe 51400 944 51255 110 51405 446 51260 111 51410 446 51265 111 51415 450 51270 112 51421 452 51275 113 51425 454 51260 116 51430 456 51265 120 51435 457 512to 125 51440 459 51255 131 51445 461 513.00 1 36 51450 462 51305 145 51455 464 51310 153 51460 465 51315 161 51465 467 51321 1 7o 51470 46n 51325 160 51475 470 51330 16e 51460 471 51335 159 51465 473 51340 210 511 to 474 51345 221 51495 475 51350 232 51100 427 51355 246 511 05 476 51360 261 51110 479 51365 v] 51115 460 51371 255 51120 462 51375 314 51125 463 51360 333 511 so 464 51365 354 511 35 465 51390 375 51190 466 51355 357 51145 466 51400 420 51150 46e 51405 444 51155 050 51410 466 51160 051 51415 453 51165 492 51421 544 51170 053 51425 517 511 75 494 51430 7 04 51160 495 51435 303 51165 056 51440 913 51150 057 51445 1431 51155 056 51450 1156 51200 199 51455 1293 Elevation Pnmery (tear (Cfe) 51460 1435 51465 1561 514]0 1]40 514]5 1902 51460 29]0 51465 22.43 51400 2423 51405 26 or 51500 27.95 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model_ 4.29.24_BAW Type IA 24 -hr Water Quality Rainfat:1.40" Prepared by A&Q Engineering LLC Printed 5/62624 MvoroCAIXd 1o266os/n 04993© ID23 Hi CAD Software SOlri LLC Pond 163 Stage -Area -Storage for Pond 214P: POND #1 Eevellon (teed Storage (cubic eet) Elevation (feet) Stuart, (cubic ear 50950 0 51205 5010 50955 7 51210 5240 50960 14 51215 5473 50965 22 51221 5,711 5W 71 29 51225 5950 5W 75 36 51230 6,195 50960 43 51235 5442 50965 50 51240 5694 509to 56 51245 6949 5W95 65 51250 7121] 51400 72 51255 ]4]0 51405 79 51260 ],]35 51410 06 51265 6,005 51415 93 51210 B 27 51421 101 51215 6554 51425 106 51260 6,635 51430 715 51265 9,119 51435 12 51250 9,4% 51440 129 51255 91697 51445 137 5211, 9992 51450 144 51305 14290 51455 217 51310 14592 51460 292 51315 10,696 51465 370 51321 11 zo6 51470 451 51325 11,522 51475 534 51330 11,639 51460 619 51335 12160 51465 7% 51340 12465 51490 7% 51345 12613 51055 669 51350 13,146 51100 964 51355 13462 511 05 1,141 51360 13, 622 57110 1,302 51365 14,166 51115 1666 51370 14513 57120 1634 51375 14,665 57125 1,605 51360 15221 51130 191 51365 15579 511 35 2156 51350 15942 5719, 2339 51355 16,306 51145 2524 51400 16 67B 511 51 2112 51405 17,052 51155 2504 51410 1]430 51160 3 W 51415 17,612 51165 31296 51420 16,196 511 70 3,500 51425 15566 511 75 3105 51430 16562 511 60 3914 51435 19,360 51165 4126 51440 19161 511 to 4,342 51445 21167 51195 4,551 51450 21,5% 51200 4164 51455 21,009 Eeval,n &,rage (teed (cubic ear 51460 21 427 51465 21,646 51470 22,2]3 51475 22,]02 51460 23,135 51465 23,572 51450 24,013 51495 24456 51500 2Qso6 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102940 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 164 Events for Subcatcbment995: Por Mi Event Relnfell Runoff Volume Cepth turner) (Cfs) (brothers) turned) 2Year 312 915 9060 259 251 5.15 036 ante 4.93 Water Quality 160 005 0029 115 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102640 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 165 Events for Subcatcbment 1005: EX CON WEST Event Relnfell Runoff Volume Cepth turner) (Cts) (brothers) turned) 2 Year 312 114 1643 123 251 5.15 3.14 1.459 2.96 Water Quality 199 the 0195 921 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1D 20-4v s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 166 Events for Subcatcbment 1015: LOTS Event Relnfell Runoff Volume Cepth (manes) (Cfs) (brothers) (manes) 2Year 312 166 0695 2W 251 5.15 3.64 1.317 3.54 Water Quality 160 066 0240 I 7 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102940 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 167 Events for Subcatcbment 1025: ROW Event Relnfell Runoff Volume north turner) (Cfs) (brothers) turned) 2 Year 312 119 9415 259 251 5.15 2D1 0rea 4.94 Water Quality 199 059 0179 115 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1D 20-4v s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC Pane 168 Events for Subcatcbment 1035: Pond M2 Event Relnfell Runoff Volume north turner) (Cfs) (brothers) turned) 2 Year 312 0 30 I We 259 251 5.15 0.50 0.161 4.93 Water Quality 199 012 0939 115 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 1D 20-4v s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 169 Events for Subcatcbment 1055: EX CON CENTRAL Event Relnfell Runoff Volume Cepth (manes) (Cts) (brothers) (manes) 2Year 312 274 1555 126 251 5.15 7.55 3.627 2.96 Water Quality 160 021 0262 021 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102640 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 170 Events for Subcatcbment 1D6S: LOTS Event Relnfell Runoff Volume Cepth turner) (Cfs) (brothers) turned) 2 Year 312 456 1 713 190 251 5.10 9D0 3.265 3.70 Water Quality 160 150 0503 O67 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102940 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 171 Events for Subcatcbment 1005: Pond 1 Event Relnfell Runoff Volume Cepth turner) (Cfs) (brothers) turned) 2Year 312 949 9159 259 251 5.15 0.53 0372 4.93 Water Quality 199 921 1 O 115 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102940 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 172 Events for Subcatcbment 1095: ROW Event Relnfell Runoff Volume north turner) (Cfs) (brothers) turned) 2Year 312 273 0951 259 251 5.15 4.61 1.U5 4.94 Water Quality 199 115 9339 115 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102940 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC Pond 173 Events for Subcatcbment 1115: Pond M3 Event Relnfell Runoff Volume north turner) (Cfs) (brothers) turned) 2Year 312 020 9055 259 251 5.15 0.34 0.112 4.93 Water Quality 190 005 002] 115 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102640 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 174 Events for Subcatcbment 1125: EX CON EAST Event Relnfell Runoff Volume Cepth turner) (Cts) (brothers) turned) 2Year 312 119 1729 123 251 5.15 aw 1.659 2.96 Water Quality 199 019 0122 921 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102940 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 175 Events for Subcatcbment 1135: LOTS Event Relnfall Runoff Volume Cepth (manes) (Cfs) (brothers) (manes) 2 -Year 312 205 0763 204 251 5.15 3.95 1.441 3.56 Water Quality 160 072 0265 071 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102940 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 176 Events for Subcatcbment 1145: ROW Event Relnfell Runoff Volume north turner) (Cfs) (brothers) turned) 2 Year 312 166 1513 269 251 5.15 2.49 0.5]] 4.94 Water Quality 160 062 0210 116 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102940 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 1]] Events for Subcatcbment2155: West Existing Basin Event Relnfell Runoff Volume north turner) (Cts) (brothers) turned) 2 Year 312 1097 4792 126 251 5.15 29.57 11.097 2.96 Water Quality 160 065 0602 021 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102940 s/n M993©2923 Hl CAD Software Solutions LLC head 178 Events for Subcatcbment 21 fi5: East Existing Basin Event Relnfell Runoff Volume Cepth turner) (Cts) (brothers) turned) 2 Year 312 634 2350 123 251 5.15 17.13 G.fi00 2.96 Water Quality 160 039 0477 021 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102960 s/n M993©2923 Hydric, CAD Software Returns LLC Pond 179 Events for Pond 39P: Pond #1 wl Rain Garden Event Inflow Pnmery Elevation Strata (Cts) (Cts) (fees) (cubic feet) 2 Year 1293 433 51214 2],]51 251 23.46 9.16 51159 fi2'1M Water Quality 493 332 51192 4532 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102960 s/n M993©2923 Hydric, CAD Software Returns LLC Pond 180 Events for Pond 206P: POND M3 Event Inflow Pnmery Elevation Strata (Cts) (Cts) (fees) (cubic feet) 2Yeer 371 164 529M 9,613 251 6.79 2.12 532.53 23553 Water Quality 162 073 51972 11626 Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102660 s/n M993©2923 Hydric, CAD Software Returns LLC Pond 181 Events for Pond 3D9P: POND M2 Event Inflow Pnmery Elevation Strata (Cts) (Cts) (fees) (cubic feet) 2Year ]5] 2W 513M 25,355 251 14.9a ].3] U9.19 0.1,356 Water Quality zea 119 51]19 4,]5] Woodland Ridge Phases 5 - 8 5370_HytlroCAO Model _4.29-24_BAW Mufti -Event Tables Prepared by AMD Engineering LLC Printed 5/62024 MvoroCAIXd 102660 s/n M993©2923 Hydric, CAD Software Returns LLC Pond 182 Events for Pond 214P: POND IT Event Inflow Pnmery Elevation Strata (Cts) (Cts) (fees) (cubic feet) 2Year 3211 1 D 51239 6,661 251 5.59 2.54 513.67 14,299 Water Quality 122 076 51657 924