HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Applicant 5/10/2024 Schirmer Consulting, LLC · PO Box 10424, Eugene, OR 97440 · (541) 234-5108 Landscape Architecture + Land Use Planning April 16, 2024 Revised: May 10, 2024 Helfrich Family Trust Annexation Map 17 03 24 42 Lot 05202 Written Statement In accordance with SDC 5.7.125, Annexation Initiation and Application Submittal, the applicant, Helfrich Family Trust, is requesting that the City of Springfield review this annexation request and determine that the proposal complies with criteria contained in SDC 5.7.100 and that the requested annexation can be approved. To aid Springfield staff in this endeavor, the following information is provided. I. THE SITE AND EXISTING CONDITIONS A. Planning Context The subject property is inside the Urban Grown Boundary (UGB) and outside the City Limits of Springfield. The site is contiguous to area inside City of Springfield city limits on its west boundary. The Springfield Comprehensive Plan designation, neighborhood plan designation and zoning for the subject property is as follows: Springfield Comp Plan: Low Density Residential Refinement Plan: N/A Base Zone: Low Density Residential Excerpt Springfield Zoning Map B. Subject Site The site is located south of Hayden Bridge Road in Springfield. It is comprised of one tax lot (Map 17 03 24 12, Tax Lot 5202) and is approximately 4.76 acres in size. The site abuts Hayden Bridge Road to the north and 19th Street to the west. The property is surrounded primarily by single family homes and a few large partially developed properties. Additionally, the city is including the portion of Hayden Bridge Road that fronts the property on the north in the annexation application. See Cadastral map for property to be annexed. C. Development Objective The development objective is to build a duplex on the property (2 detached units) in the northeast corner of the property. The remaining property will be left primarily as is for the possibility of future development. Subject Property Helfrich Family Trust Page 2 of 5 Annexation Application April 16, 2024. Revised: May 10, 2024 Schirmer Consulting, LLC · PO Box 10424, Eugene, OR 97440 · (541) 234-5108 Landscape Architecture + Land Use Planning II. ANNEXATION – APPROVAL CRITERIA Annexation Approval Criteria are found in Section 5.7.140 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC). Applicable sections of the Code are in bold followed by proposed findings of facts in italics. SDC 5.7.140. An annexation application may be approved only if the City Council finds that the proposal conforms to the following criteria. A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City’s urban growth boundary; and is (1) Contiguous to the city limits; or (2) Separated from the City only by a public right-of-way or a stream, lake or other body of water. Response: The affected territory is located within the city’s urban growth boundary and is contiguous to the city limits on its western boundary. Given this, criterion 5.7.140(A) is met. B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plan or Plan Districts; Response: The Metro Plan policies are no longer the applicable document. Instead the city of Springfield has adopted the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is designated low density residential on the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. There are no applicable refinement plans. Once annexed to the City of Springfield, the Urbanizable Fringe (UF-10) overlay will no longer apply and the site will be zoned low density residential. SPRINGFIELD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Applicable Springfield Comprehensive Plan policies and findings in support of this annexation request are as follows: Residential Land Use & Housing Element HG-1 Plan for Growth and Needed Housing Policy H.1 Based on the findings in the RLHNA and to accommodate projected growth between 2010 and 2030, Springfield has designated sufficient buildable residential land (a) for at least 5,920 new dwelling units at an estimated density of at least 7.0 units per net buildable acre; and (b) to accommodate a new dwelling mix of approximately 52% detached single family dwellings (including manufactured dwellings on individual lots), 7 percent attached single family dwellings, 1 percent manufactured dwellings in parks, and 40 percent multifamily dwellings. Helfrich Family Trust Page 3 of 5 Annexation Application April 16, 2024. Revised: May 10, 2024 Schirmer Consulting, LLC · PO Box 10424, Eugene, OR 97440 · (541) 234-5108 Landscape Architecture + Land Use Planning The implementation of Middle Housing will allow this client to build 2 units ( a duplex) on the property promoting growth and adding needed housing. HG-1 Foster Housing Choice and Affordability Policy H.7 Continue to develop and update regulatory options and incentives to encourage and facilitate development of more attached and clustered single family housing types in the low density and medium density districts. Response: Middle Housing options incentivize development and facilitate development of housing where housing options were once limited. This project proposes to construct a duplex on the property which allows the property owner to better utilize the property for housing now in anticipation of potential future development. Policy H.15 Update residential development standards to enhance the quality and affordability of neighborhood infill development (e.g. partitions, duplex developments, transitional neighborhoods, rehab housing, accessory dwelling units) and multifamily development. Response: Residential development standards have been updated in the form of Middle Housing code. The relative ease in meeting the code criteria, the reduced lot size requirements, and other criteria all facilitate and enhance the affordability of this infill development. Urbanization Element Goals, Policies & Implementation UG-3 Provide an adequate level of urban services, including but not limited to public water, wastewater, and stormwater management systems, environmental services and an urban multi-modal transportation system as urban development occurs within the UGB. Policy 29. Annexation shall continue to be a prerequisite for urban development and the delivery of services in accordance with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan and Springfield Development Code. Response: This is an application for annexation and is the prerequisite for the client to develop the property with a duplex and potential future development of the remainder of the property. Policy 30. Unincorporated land with the Springfield UGB may be developed with permitted uses at maximum density only upon annexation to the city when it is found that key urban facilities and services can be provided to the area to be annexed in an orderly and efficient manner. Provision of these services to the area proposed for annexation is consistent with the timing and location for such extension, where applicable, and the city's infrastructure plans - such as the Public Facilities and Services Plan; the Springfield Transportation System Plan; the City's Capital Improvement Program; and the urbanization goals, policies and implementation strategies of this Element - or a logical time within which to deliver these services has been determined, based upon demonstrated need and budgetary priorities. Policy 31. For the purposes of land use planning and annexation approval, the Springfield comprehensive plan defines key urban facilities and services as: wastewater service; stormwater service; transportation; solid waste management; water service; fire and emergency medical services; police protection; citywide park and recreation programs; electric service; land use controls; communication facilities; and public schools on a district-wide basis. Helfrich Family Trust Page 4 of 5 Annexation Application April 16, 2024. Revised: May 10, 2024 Schirmer Consulting, LLC · PO Box 10424, Eugene, OR 97440 · (541) 234-5108 Landscape Architecture + Land Use Planning Policy 32. Urban services provided by the city upon annexation to Springfield include storm and sanitary sewers; water; transportation system; police and fire protection; planning, building, code enforcement and library services; and public infrastructure maintenance of city-owned or operated facilities Response: Minimum key urban facilities and services as defined in the Springfield Comprehensive Plan includes wastewater service, stormwater service, transportation, solid waste management, water service, fire and emergency medical service, police protection, city-wide parks and recreation programs, electric service, land use controls, communication facilities and public schools on a district-wide basis (Metro Plan, Chapter V, Glossary, definition 24). As documented elsewhere in this application these key urban facilities and services can be provided to the subject site in an orderly and efficient manner. Policy 33. Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is the water service provider within the Springfield city limits. SUB will be the electrical service provider within the UGB as provided or permitted under Oregon law. Response: Rainbow Water District is the current water service provider for this parcel. Upon annexation into the City of Springfield, Rainbow Water District will initiate a process to transfer the customer to SUB, See attached letter from Rainbow Water District, Fated January 18, 2024. SUB Electric is the electric service provider to this property. Policy 35. The City shall not extend water or wastewater service outside city limits to serve a residence or business without first obtaining a valid annexation petition, a consent to annexation agreement, or when a health hazard abatement annexation is required. Response: This is an application for annexation and is the prerequisite for the client to allow the City to extend water and wastewater service to the subject property upon development. Given the above, criterion 5.7.140(B) is met. C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner; and Response: The annexation site can be provided with key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan. Facilities and services applicable to the site, including information regarding providers, existing facilities and service extensions, is provided below: Storm: Public stormwater infrastructure exists in 20th Street a short distance from the subject property. Sanitary: Sanitary infrastructure is on the west side of 19th Street and accessible through the subject property. Water: Water infrastructure is available adjacent to the site. Water is currently provided by the Rainbow Water District. After Annexation, water will be provided in collaboration with the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). Electric: Electric infrastructure is available on the site. Helfrich Family Trust Page 5 of 5 Annexation Application April 16, 2024. Revised: May 10, 2024 Schirmer Consulting, LLC · PO Box 10424, Eugene, OR 97440 · (541) 234-5108 Landscape Architecture + Land Use Planning Streets: 19th Street is classified as a local road and the portion of Hayden Bridge Road that extends to the subject property is classified as a local road per the TSP. Right-of- way has been dedicated along the Tax Lot on both the west and north sides. Given this, criterion 5.7.140(C) is met. D. Where applicable, fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. Response: See attached Annexation Agreement. IV. Conclusion Based on the information contained in this written statement and elsewhere in the application submittal, the applicant believes that the requested annexation can be approved. If you have any questions about the above application, please let me know. Sincerely, Schirmer Consulting, LLC Carol Schirmer Schirmer Consulting, LLC · PO Box 10424, Eugene, OR 97440 · (541) 234-5108 Landscape Architecture + Land Use Planning May 10, 2024 Andy Limbird Senior Planner City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Helfrich Annexation Completeness Review Response Andy: Thank you for your thorough review of the project and your assistance with answering questions throughout the process. The following are the responses to the Completeness Review items. The City items are in regular typeface and my responses are in italics. Planning Notes 1. Lane County Tax Records assign a total assessed value of $175,152 to the property. This assessed value has been added to the Ownership Worksheet. 2. A redline Tax Assessor’s map showing the annexation boundary starting at a true point of beginning and proceeding in a series of numbered courses (including bearings and distances) will be required with the application submittal. Chris Morehead, City of Springfield, volunteered to produce this document which will also include Hayden Bridge Road right of way north of the property. 3. Because there are public improvements required to serve the subject property an Annexation Agreement will be required for this annexation request. The written statement has been revised to reflect this requirement. The client has been given the Annexation Agreement document and will mail the original signed and notarized copy to the city. Additional Comments not related to the completeness of the application: · As of March 1, 2024 the applicable comprehensive plan is the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. Metro Plan is no longer applicable. The written statement has been revised to reflect this change. · On the supplemental information sheet staff recommends indicating that Yes, there are development plans associated with the proposed annexation. The ‘Yes’ box has been checked. The client plans to build a duplex on the property. · Staff recommends citing the adopted Springfield Comprehensive Plan – Urbanization Element and Residential Land and Housing Element in the narrative. The written statement has been revised to include revisions that cite these sections of the Springfield Comprehensive Plan. Helfrich Annexation Page 2 of 2 Completeness Review Response May 10, 2024 Schirmer Consulting, LLC · PO Box 10424, Eugene, OR 97440 · (541) 234-5108 Landscape Architecture + Land Use Planning · Project narrative contains incorrect site information in Subsection C. The written statement has been revised. I believe this responds to all Completeness items and additional comments. Sincerely, Schirmer Consulting, LLC Carol Schirmer 8E OUT misc misc misc RWDonline.net P.O. Box 8, Springfield, OR 97477 1550 42nd Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541-746-1676 Fax: 541-747-0845 Proudly serving North and West Springfield since 1949! January 18, 2024 Andy Limbird, Senior Planner City of Springfield, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Re: 811-23-000286-PRE, Helfrich Annexation (17-03-24-42-05202) Listed below are our comments for the above referenced proposal: 1. Rainbow Water District (Rainbow) is the current water service provider for this parcel, and contracts with Eugene Springfield Fire to provide fire protection and emergency services. 2. Rainbow understands applicant desires to develop the property and a septic system is not authorized by Lane County due to the proximity of public sewer, so applicant has requested annexation into the City of Springfield to enable connection to the city wastewater system. 3. Upon annexation into the City of Springfield, Rainbow Water District will initiate a process to transfer the customer to the Springfield Utility Board, the City’s chartered water provider, within 3-15 months. Water provider transfers are performed in accordance with ORS 222.465. For an annexation ordinance enacted between April 1, 2024 and April 1, 2025, Rainbow will continue to serve the customer until a transfer to the Springfield Utility Board is completed on July 1, 2025. 4. Springfield Utility Board requirements will be imposed as a development condition even as Rainbow Water District continues to provide water service during the provider transition. 5. The nearest water supply is a 6-inch Rainbow main on the south side of Hayden Bridge Stub that ends in a flush point at the northeast corner of the referenced parcel. Rainbow understands the intention is to construct a single family residence at this time, although the size of the parcel and the availability of public sewer could facilitate a higher density development in the future. 6. A water main extension of approximately 333 feet is not desirable at this time as the large dead-end line would create water quality problems. A possible outcome is that a single new water service and meter could be extended by Rainbow from the location of the flush point at the northeast corner of the property for now, provided applicant agrees to SUB conditions to support a future water main extension to allow connection with 17-03-24-31-02000 and development of either large parcel. 7. Please contact Rainbow Water District at 541-746-1676 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jamie Porter, PE Superintendent Cc: Keoki Lapina, Springfield Utility Board, 202 S. 18th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 150' PROPOSED PRIVATE WASTEWATER (schematic)150'PROPOSED BUILDING LOT: 22,500 SF / DUPLEX W Existing 6" cast iron water line (Rainbow Water District) PROPOSED PRIVATE WASTEWATER (schematic)Existing 36stormwater pipeWWWExisting 6" cast iron water line(Rainbow Water District)SUBJECT PROPERTY Existing Primary Vault single phase (SUB Electric) Existing transformer for 2778 19th Street E EEEEE SSSSSSSS SS WWWWWApril 19, 2024 © 2023, SCHIRMER CONSULTING, LLC SITE PLAN 19th and Hayden Bridge Road Springfield, OR 97477 NPhone: 541.234.5108 PO Box 10424 SCHIRMER CONSULTING, LLC Eugene, Oregon 97440 Landscape Architecture + Land Use Planning 0 50 100 200 Scale: 1" = 100' - 0" MAP AND TAX LOT: 17 03 24 42 05202 Helfrich Annexation ANNEXATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning at the northeast corner of Parcel 1, Land Partition Plat Number 92-P0306, as platted and recorded at County Survey File Number 31021, Lane County Surveyor’s Office Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon, thence along the following six (6) numbered courses: 1) South 89° 58' 29" West a distance of 87.28 feet, more or less; 2) thence North 00° 03' 23" West a distance of 175.00 feet, more or less; 3) thence South 89° 58' 29" West a distance of 203.00 feet, more or less, to a point on the eastern right of way of 19th Street, and a point on the current City Limits; 4) thence along said right of way and said City Limits, North 00° 03' 23" West a distance of 721.76, more or less, to a point on the northern right of way of Hayden Bridge Road (Stub); 5) thence leaving said eastern right of way and said City Limits, North 89° 58' 29" East a distance of 290.76 feet, more or less, along said northern right of way of Hayden Bridge Road (Stub); 6) thence leaving said northern right of way South 00° 01' 31" East a distance of 896.76 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning. Real Property Tax Lot Record Lane County Assessment and Taxation Print Date: Feb 21, 2024 In preparation of these records, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct, and clearly expressed information possible. Nevertheless, inadvertent errors in information may occur. In particular but without limiting anything here, Lane County disclaims any responsibility for typographical errors and accuracy of this information. The information and data included on Lane County servers have been compiled by Lane County staff from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice to the User. Lane County makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, suitability, adequacy, sequence, accuracy, or timeliness of such information and data. The legal descriptions contained herein are for tax lot purposes only. Included in this report: A listing of documents affecting ownership and/or property boundary changes.1. The scanned tax lot record image and any legal description changes made since .2. Map & Tax Lot 1703244205202 Status Active Current Parcel/Account Current TCA 1626280 01904 1626298 01901 Document #Type Date Effective Year Tax Lot Acres Description Card 4.70 Comments: MAIN OFFICE 675 OAK STREET, SUITE 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PH: (541) 687-2233 * FAX: (541)485-0307 FLORENCE OFFICE 715 HWY 101 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 MAILING: PO BOX 508 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 PH: (541) 997-8417 * FAX: (541)997-8246 VILLAGE PLAZA OFFICE 4750 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP, SUITE 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PH: (541) 653-8622 * FAX: (541) 844-1626 STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL SCHIRMER CONSULTING, LLC Date: MAY 07, 2024 ATTN: CAROL SCHIRMER Our No: CT-0342937 PO BOX 10424 Your No: -- EUGENE, OR 97440 Charge: $300.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H E D ) and as of: APRIL 25, 2024 at 8:00 A.M., we find the following: Vestee: DEAN HELFRICH AND GAYLE D. HELFRICH, Trustees of THE HELFRICH FAMILY TRUST Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Taxes, Account No. 1626280, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 24 4 2, #5202, Code 19-04, 2023-2024, a balance due of $656.34. (Tax was $1,969.02) Taxes, Account No. 1626298, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 24 4 2, #5202, Code 19-01, 2023-2024, a balance due of $61.36. (Tax was $184.09) 2. The assessment roll indicates a 2023 postponed farm tax. If the herein described property is changed or modified to the extent that it can no longer be farmed, an additional tax of $9,959.49 will become due and payable. (Account No. 1626280) 3. The assessment roll indicates a 2023 postponed farm tax. If the herein described property is changed or modified to the extent that it can no longer be farmed, an additional tax of $1,130.23 will become due and payable. (Account No. 1626298) 4. City liens, if any, as levied by the City of Springfield for which no search was made. 5. Rights of the public in and to any portion lying within streets, roads and highways. 6. Boundary Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, dated February 16, 1956, between Ray W. Henderson and Dorthy M. Henderson, husband and wife, and Baxter Fisher and Ann Fisher, husband and wife, recorded February 23, 1956, Reception No. 1956-078303, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. *0342937* Order No. 0342937 Page 2 7. Permit and Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, for the use and benefit of the Eugene Water & Electric Board, by instrument recorded September 20, 1983, Reception No. 1983- 033668, Lane County Official Records. 8. Utility Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, by and through the Eugene Water & Electric Board, by instrument recorded May 1, 1992, Reception No. 1992-024148, Lane County Official Records. 9. Conditions and Restrictions in Declaration of Restriction, including the terms and provisions thereof, (but omitting covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, source of income, or other legally protected classes as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law) recorded December 24, 1992, Reception No. 1992-073102, Lane County Official Records. 10. Notice of Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between Robert K. O’Neill, and City of Springfield, recorded December 24, 1992, Reception No. 1992- 073103, Lane County Official Records. 11. Easements, notes, conditions, restrictions and dedications as shown, set forth, and/or delineated on the recorded Plat of Land Partition Plat No. 1992-P0306, filed December 30, 1992. 12. Non-access across 1.00 foot Reserve Strip Parcel B, at the Easterly terminus of Hayden Bridge Stub, as set forth in Bargain and Sale Deed, recorded January 11, 1993, Reception No. 1993-001577, Lane County Official Records. 13. Water Service Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, dated October 8, 1993, between James Dean Helfrich and Gayle Helfrich, and Rainbow Water District, recorded October 15, 1993, Reception No. 1993-066018, Lane County Official Records. 14. Certification of Assessments for improvements to North 19th Street and Yolanda Avenue, Order No. 97-11-5-9, including the terms and provisions thereof, in the amount of $3,374.87, recorded November 14, 1997, Reception No. 1997-077809, Lane County Official Records. 15. Easements, notes, conditions, restrictions and dedications as shown, set forth, and/or delineated on the recorded Plat of Land Partition Plat No. 1998-P1138, filed June 30, 1998. 16. The effect, if any, of Substitution of Trustee and Deed of Reconveyance, recorded May 22, 2018, Reception No. 2018-023400, Lane County Deeds and Records, which purports to release and/or satisfy the following Mortgage: Mortgage (Line of Credit Instrument), including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Dean Helfrich and Gayle D. Helfrich, Trustees of the Helfrich Family Trust, Mortgagor, to National City Bank, Mortgagee, dated March 5, 2008, recorded March 25, 2008, Reception No. 2008-016782, Lane County Deeds and Records, to secure payment of a note for $415,000.00. Subject to the requirement that this Company be provided with a Satisfaction of Mortgage for recordation executed by the mortgagee of record. Order No. 0342937 Page 3 17. The effect, if any, of Grant of Easement and Maintenance Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, recorded May 5, 2009, Reception No. 2009-023792, Lane County Deeds and Records. NOTE: The above easement may not be valid due to common ownership between the dominant and servient estates at the time of recording. 18. Improvement Agreement Including Notice of Potential Assessment Lien (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement; includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate), including the terms and provisions thereof, in favor of the City of Springfield, recorded May 5, 2009, Reception No. 2009-023793, Lane County Deeds and Records. 19. Improvement Agreement Including Notice of Potential Assessment Lien (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement; includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate), including the terms and provisions thereof, in favor of the City of Springfield, recorded May 5, 2009, Reception No. 2009-023794, Lane County Deeds and Records. 20. Improvement Agreement Including Notice of Potential Assessment Lien (In Lieu of Immediate Construction of Public Improvement; includes Waiver of Right to Remonstrate), including the terms and provisions thereof, in favor of the City of Springfield, recorded May 5, 2009, Reception No. 2009-023795, Lane County Deeds and Records. 21. The terms, provisions, rights of the beneficiaries, and powers of the Trustee under the Helfrich Family Trust, and any amendments thereto, under which the vestee herein holds title NOTE: This report is being supplemented to update the file. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: ec/rh: Title Officer: DEBBIE FORSTROM Order No. 0342937 Page 4 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point being North 0° 03’ 43” West 2893.19 feet, North 89° 49’ 10” East 325.02 feet, and North 0° 01’ 31” West 35.00 feet from the Southwest Corner of the Felix Scott Donation Land Claim No. 51 in Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, said point being the Southeast corner of the Parcel 1 LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 92-P0306 as filed in the Lane County Surveyor Office, County File Survey Number 31021 said point also being on the Northern right-of-way line of Yolanda Avenue; thence leaving said right-of-way line North 0° 01’ 31” West 438.89 feet the true point of beginning; thence South 89° 58’ 29” West 87.28 feet; thence North 00° 03’ 23” West 175.00 feet; thence South 89° 58’ 29” West 203.00 feet to a point on the Eastern right-of-way line of 19th Street; thence along said right-of-way North 00° 03’ 23” West 651.76 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way along the Southern right-of-way of Hayden Bridge Stub North 89° 58’ 29” East 290.73 feet; thence leaving said Northern right-of- way South 0° 01’ 31” East 826.76 feet to the true point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. MAP NO. 17-03-24-42 THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON.