HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024 04 16 Planning Commission Minutes PH 1 Planning Commission Minutes – April 16th, 2024 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 Regular Session 7:00 pm Meeting held in the Council Chambers (City Hall) and via Zoom Council Chambers is ADA accessible. Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Rhoads-Dey, Vice Chair Buck, Stout, Schmunk, Salazar, Webber, and Thompson Absent: None Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney; Mark Rust, Current Planning Manager; Andy Limbird, Senior Planner; Sarah Weaver, Planning Commission Assistant Springfield Utility Board: Keoki Lapina, Engineering Supervisor; Dan Halverson, Applicant’s Representative, Senior Planner - Satre Group Chair Rhoads-Dey called the Planning Commission Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLIAGENCE – Led by Chair Rhoads-Dey. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – None BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None PUBLIC HEARING ITEM 1) Springfield Utility Board Zoning Map Amendment Staff: Andy Limbird, Senior Planner Kristina Kraaz, City Attorney, read a brief statement regarding the Quasi-Judicial hearing and conflicts of interest. Chair Rhoads-Dey opened the Public Hearing and called for statements on a potential or actual conflict of interest. Conflicts of Interest: •Rhoads-Dey – has a potential conflict of interest since he is an active real-estate broker in the community. He is a homeowner in Springfield and is a Springfield Utility Board customer. He has no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. •Buck – has no ex parte contact or independent knowledge. He has a potential conflict of interest as a commercial insurance agent practicing in the area. He also has a student Attest by S. Weaver May 7th, 2024 2 Planning Commission Minutes – April 16th, 2024 who attends a school nearby and owns property in Springfield and is a Springfield Utility Board customer. •Salazar – has a potential conflict of interest since is a homeowner in Springfield and is a Springfield Utility Board customer. •Thompson – also has a potential conflict of interest since he is a homeowner in Springfield and is a Springfield Utility Board customer. •Stout – has no actual conflict of interest, no ex parte contact or independent knowledge except for taking walks near the property. He has a potential conflict of interest as a property owner and SUB customer. •Schmunk – has no conflict of interest or bias. He did visit the site but it does not affect his impartiality. He is a property owner and SUB customer as well. •Webber – also has a potential conflict of interest since he is a homeowner in Springfield and is a Springfield Utility Board customer. Andy Limbird / Staff: gave a presentation on the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Zoning Map Amendment. Confirmed the School District is aware of the utility project near Thurston Middle School and doesn’t have any concerns. Commissioner Schmunk: asked if there were trees on the property and how many acres will be occupied by the facility? Andy Limbird / Staff: confirmed that there were trees on the eastern and southern boundaries of the property and that the facility would occupy about 3 acres leaving room for the parking lot and emergency access. Because there are many homes around the facility, SUB, the City and Fire department would like to have additional emergency access. They have planned for a series of walkways granting the facility with additional emergency access – extending from 65th Street and connecting to 66th Street and Thurston school. Commissioner Thompson: wanted to know, if the facility was not approved, could this property be developed with a minimum of 25 single unit dwellings? Andy Limbird / Staff: That is correct. The City has anticipated the need for utilities in the Comprehensive Plan and this facility is well within the acreage allotted for it. Commissioner Salazar: would this facility help Springfield prepare for growth by the ability to serve more customers? Andy Limbird: confirmed that this would increase SUB’s capacity and expand their delivery volumes and prepare Springfield for future population growth. Dan Halverson / Applicant’s Representative: stated that the zone change would allow for SUB to develop a new water facility, which would provide safe and clean water for the City of Springfield’s future growth. SUB agrees with the Staff report and once the zone change is approved, the next step would be to work on the facility’s design and submit it for site review. 3 Planning Commission Minutes – April 16th, 2024 Commissioner Stout: will there be any heavy electrical on site? Dan Halverson / Applicant Representative: The facility does not need additional electric. They would have access to electrical through the adjacent school. Keoki Lapina / Springfield Utility District: confirmed that all their power needs are on site. They do intend to build a back-up generator just in case of power failure. Chair Rhoads-Dey called on the public to give testimony: •In Favor – None •Opposed – None •Neutral – None Commissioner Buck: moved close the Public Hearing and the record. Commissioner Schmunk seconded the motion. Role call vote: Webber – Aye Stout – Aye Schmunk – Aye Thompson – Aye Salazar– Aye Buck – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Motion passes unanimously. Chair Rhoads-Dey: closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner Buck moved to adopt the Order as presented in the packet as attachment 3 in this item as presented tonight. Commissioner Schmunk seconded the motion. Webber – Aye Stout – Aye Schmunk – Aye Thompson – Aye Salazar– Aye Buck – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Motion passed: 7 / 0 / 0 4 Planning Commission Minutes – April 16th, 2024 REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION Chair Rhoads-Dey: reported on the April 1st City Council meeting. BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION – None BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT •Response to public comments regarding middle housing along South 70th Street. The Commission will allow public comment before Mark Rust speaks to the Middle Housing rules. Ms. Howe, South 794 South 70th Street: spoke with Mark Rust after the last meeting. She was informed by the developer, Royal T, that the City of Springfield is requiring Jesse Maine Park to build a cyclone fence and a locked gate. She stated that the neighboring houses feel this is not necessary. She was also informed by the developer that they are tearing down her fence and taking 22” of her yard away. They only gave her two days’ notice to establish the property lines, which was not enough time to get representation and a surveyor to survey the property lines. Caroline Ruhe, South 739 South 70th Street: is very concerned about the development on South 70th Street as well as the Finley Heights development on South 71st. There will be traffic issues when large developments are built. It should be evaluated for safety. She also spoke with neighbors and there are concerns about water run-off since the ground is clay. They are also very concerned that there is not enough parking for these developments. Mark Rust / Staff: gave a detailed overview of the State’s new mandate on Middle Housing and the notice requirements for triplexes and quadplexes, which have affected some residents along South 70th Street. Commissioner Buck: It appears that the property owner was not given enough time to contest having their fence torn down. Is there anything that can be done? Mark Rust / Staff: confirmed that the City of Springfield does not have standing in civil disputes. Kristina Kraaz / Staff: agreed with Mark Rust that this issue is a civil matter and if the survey is incorrect, the property owner can reclaim expenses through the civil court process. State law considers such disputes as between property owners. The City would only be involved, if one of the adjoining properties belonged to the City. She encouraged the property owner to seek counsel. Commissioner Salazar: Are there concerns of the pan handle / access to the site being changed, which would limit access? 5 Planning Commission Minutes – April 16th, 2024 Mark Rust / Staff: stated that the site plan was sent to the Fire Marshal for review. The Fire Marshal requires a turnaround area which can be seen in the site plan but not on Mapspring. Sandy Belson / Staff: sent the Commissioners an email informing them of a training opportunity with the Chinook Institute for Civic Leadership for staff on Friday and public servants on Saturday. If you are interested in taking part in either of the trainings, please contact the Planning Commission Assistant and she can arrange your participation. We have a meeting on May 7th. There is not a Work Session scheduled for that evening. The meeting will begin at 7 P.M. and will consist of two public hearings. ADJOURNMENT –8:16 PM