HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Applicant 4/18/2024 MINIMUM DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (MDS) APPLICATION NARRATIVE Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Prepared for: RDC Architecture and Planning 11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 1110 Reston, VA 20190 DIGITAL SIGNATURE TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction ........................................................................................... 1 A. General Information ............................................................................................. 1 B. Project Summary ................................................................................................. 2 II. Land Use Request ................................................................................. 2 III. Site Information ..................................................................................... 2 A. Location and Property Information ....................................................................... 2 B. Existing Development Agreement and Site Use ................................................... 3 C. Proposed Modifications and Site Use ................................................................... 3 IV. Approval Criteria ................................................................................... 4 Appendices A Drawings C0.10 Existing Conditions Plan C1.11 Civil General Notes, Legend, and Details C1.12 Civil Details C1.13 Civil Details C1.14 Civil Details C2.11 Site Materials Plan – North (MDS Site Plan) C2.12 Site Materials Plan – South / West (MDS Site Plan) C2.21 Site Horizontal Layout Plan – North (MDS Site Plan) C2.22 Site Horizontal Layout Plan – South / West (MDS Site Plan) C3.11 Site Grading Plan C4.11 Site Utilities Plan (MDS Utilities Improvement Plan) B Lighting Cutsheets SL1 SL2 SL3 SL4 SL5 C Stormwater Management Report Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative 1 1.0. INTRODUCTION A. General Information Owner and Applicant: BRFI Gateway, LLC Owner's Contact Information: Adam Miller 11611 San Vincente Boulevard, Suite 900, Los Angeles, CA 900049 (310) 496-4130 adam@balboaretail.com Applicant's Representative: Mazzetti 940 Willamette St., Suite 310, Eugene, OR 97401 (503)-601-5968 Contact: Geoff Larsen, P.E. GLarsen@mazzetti.com Project Address 3000 Gateway Street 1. Springfield, OR 97477 Property / Site Description Tax Lots 2109, 2218, 2219, 2200, 2300, and 2305 (Lane County Tax Map 17 03 22 00) 2. Site / Project Area: Total Property Area: 62.71 ACRE Site Work Project Area: 0.62 ACRE Vicinity Map and Site Data Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative 2 B. Project Summary BRFI Gateway, LLC, is proposing to renovate multiple tenant spaces with new demising for new tenant shell spaces including, but not limited to partitions, ceilings, and finishes. the gateway mall. Work includes exterior alterations along the east façade to include new storefronts and roofing replacement. Work also includes electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and life safety system alterations for the re-demised tenant spaces. Site work includes the following: • New pedestrian plaza space along east face of mall, north of Kohl’s and south of former Sears building. Plaza space will support a new mall tenant within this space. • Addition of ADA parking spaces adjacent to the new plaza and improved tenant space. • Addition of landscape improvements and vegetated stormwater treatment facilities to support the new pedestrian plaza space. • Limited reconstruction of concrete within mall entrance corridor south and west of Kohl’s to correct non-compliant ADA access requirements and to accommodate new mall tenants within the former Hometown Buffet space. Limited lighting improvements to address new tenant storefronts. 2.0. LAND USE REQUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a Minimum Development Standards (MDS) application for the project. The nature of the proposed redevelopment and associated site plan is documented in this written statement, supporting exhibits, and drawings. Section III, below, provides context and background information for the existing and proposed development site and associated uses. Section IV, below, provides specific information necessary to evaluate application approval criteria. 3.0. STORMWATER REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Location and Property Information Location: The development site is located in the Gateway area of Springfield, bordered by Gateway Street to the east, I-5 to the west, Harlow Road to the south, and commercial property to the north. Property: The development site is located within Tax 2109, 2200, 2218, 2219, 2300, 2307, and 2305 of Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-22. GGP-Gateway Mall L.L.C. owns all Tax Lots except Lot 2307, which is owned by Target Corporation. The site comprises approximately 70 acres while the development area within the site comprises approximately 2.5 acres. Refer to the Title Report and ALTA Survey in Exhibits B and H for additional property information. Floodplain: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) No. 41039C1133F lists the site as "Zone X" which is outside of the 500-year floodplain, and not within a special flood hazard area. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative 3 Soil Conditions: The National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Survey classifies the on-site soils as Courtney Gravelly Silty Clay Loam, Malabon Silty Clay Loam, Malabon-Urban Land Complex, Salem Gravelly Silt Loam, and Salem-Urban Land Complex. Underlying groundwater depth within gravel stratum is approximately 9’ below ground surface. During winter months, shallow perched groundwater is anticipated within the upper clay / silt soil layer. B. Existing Development Agreement and Site Use The existing Gateway Mall development was originally approved through a 1988 site plan review and Disposition and Development Agreement (Journal #88-44251). The site plan has been subsequently modified several times to accommodate a new movie theater, anchor stores, satellite building pads, site improvements, and public transit projects. The most recent Site Plan Review Modifications were approved in 2014 and are summarized as follows: • Type II Site Plan Review Major Modification (Case TYP213-00017): Included removal of Movies 12 theater and reconfiguration of main mall building and addition of satellite building pads east of the mall building. Approval was issued on January 3, 2014. • Type I Site Plan Review Minor Modification (Case TYP114-00018): Included reconfiguration of satellite building pads east of the mall building and relocation of the covered walkway from the bus station. Approval was issued July 17, 2014. • Type I Site Plan Review Minor Modification (Case TYP114-00031): Included further reconfiguration of the satellite building pads east of the mall building Approval was issued December 11, 2014. • Type II Site Plan Modification (Case 811-21-000165-TYP2): Included construction of an 81 to 84-space commercial parking lot with landscaping, truck maneuvering area, parking lot light poles and fixtures, and vegetated stormwater management facilities west of the existing Walmart Grocery building. Approval was issued October 5, 2021. C. Proposed Modifications and Site Use The currently proposed modifications will not alter the site use or generate additional trips to or from the site. The proposed parking reconfiguration is intended to add additional accessible spaces near the north mall entrance. 4.0. APPROVAL CRITERIA In accordance with Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.15-125 (A), the criteria for approval of the MDS application includes compliance with zoning and land use requirements, compliance with applicable design and construction standards, compliance with parking and landscape standards, and protection of physical features. The findings presented below document compliance with each of the approval criteria and applicable sections of the SDC. This section is organized to follow the format of the applicable SDC Sections. The wording of the SDC is shown in bold italics below, followed by the proposed findings of fact in normal text. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative 4 1. The proposed land use is a permitted use or is allowed as a discretionary use in the land use district. Findings: The development site is zoned and designated Community Commercial (CC) according to the Springfield Zoning Map and adopted Gateway Refinement Plan. The development is not proposing new uses complying with the "Permitted Use" category for the CC district. Existing uses subject to "Special Development Standards" in the CC district may continue to function at their current location or within a relocated space within the main mall building. Such uses may include existing automobile repair garages, automobile rentals, and arcades. 2. If a use is allowed as a discretionary use, in addition to meeting the standards below, a Discretionary Use application must be approved in conformance with the standards in SDC 5.9.100. Findings: The existing and proposed use is not a discretionary use; therefore, this section does not apply. 3. A 5-foot wide landscaped planter strip, including street trees, with approved irrigation or approved drought resistant plants in conformance with SDC 4.4.100 and 4.2.140 must be installed between the sidewalk and parking areas or buildings with the following exceptions: (a) Where there is an unimproved street, a 4-foot-wide landscaped area, in conformance with the applicable standards of SDC 4.4.105, Landscaping, must be provided along the frontage of the property. This landscape area is required to be set back 1 foot from the property line; (b) Where there is not a 4-foot wide area between existing improvements and the front property line for a landscaped area as required in subsection (A)(3)(a) above, due to existing buildings, street width, paved parking, changes of elevation, or location of utilities including catch basins, 1 of the following must be provided: (i) Fencing along the front property line located immediately behind the property line in conformance with SDC 4.4.115, Fences. The fencing must be either wrought iron or masonry and is subject to the fence height standards of the applicable zoning district and the vision clearance setbacks of SDC 4.2.130; or (ii) Provide a landscaped area, in conformance with the applicable standards of SDC 4.4.105, Landscaping, that is equivalent in square foot area to the amount required in subsection (A)(3)(a) above. This equivalent area must be placed at the property corners or other areas of the property that are visible from the street. Findings: The proposed waste storage area is constructed of masonry and metal gates and is screened on all sides in conformance with this code section. 4. The area under the waste storage, the “catchment area,” must be hydraulically isolated and connected to the sanitary system. Findings: The catchment area under the waste storage area is hydraulically isolated and includes a trapped area drain that is connected to the sanitary sewer system. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative 5 5. The waste storage area must be covered. The cover must be: (a) A permanent canopy, roof, or awning that completely covers the waste storage area. (b) Constructed to cover the waste storage area so rainfall cannot come in contact with the waste materials being stored. (c) Sized relative to the perimeter of the hydraulically isolated activity area. Runoff from the cover must be directed to a stormwater destination that meets all applicable code requirements for stormwater discharge. Findings: The waste storage area includes a permanent roof that completely covers the waste storage area and directs rainfall runoff to a stormwater destination in compliance with this code section. 6. Any new outdoor storage areas must be screened. The screening must meet the standards of SDC 4.4.110. Findings: There are no proposed outdoor storage areas proposed with this development. Therefore, this section does not apply. 7. Bicycle parking must be provided or upgraded to meet the standards specified in SDC 4.6.40, 4.6.145, 4.6.150, and 4.6.155. Findings: Based on the 2014 land use decision for Case TYP213-00017, the existing bicycle parking at the site has determined to be adequate and meet the demand of the shopping center. The proposed project is an interior renovation and does not significantly alter the overall floor area. To provide improved distribution of bicycle parking spaces, the project proposes installing (3) new staple-style racks, for a total of (6) new parking spaces. The parking spaces will placed at the west side of the new north pedestrian plaza, along the building wall, adjacent to the new tenant space. 8. Any new or modified motor vehicle parking, loading, and vehicle circulation areas must be provided, including paving, striping, and wheel stops as specified in SDC 4.6.110, 4.6.115, 4.6.120, 4.6.130, and 4.6.135. Findings: Previous land use applications have demonstrated that adequate vehicle parking exists for the mixture of retail, personal services, and restaurant uses currently developed on the site. No additional building area additions or change of use that would require additional vehicle parking is proposed with this project. Four additional accessible parking spaces are proposed with this project. All new parking spaces, aisle widths, striping, wheel stops, and bumper overhangs comply with the dimensional requirements of SDC 4.6-115 All proposed interior parking lot planting areas will meet the applicable standards of SDC 4.4.105. Approximately 656 square feet of new landscaping is proposed to support the creation of 2583 square feet of additional parking area proposed with this project (25%) which exceeds the governing requirement of 7.5% found in Policy 2.2 of the Gateway Refinement Plan. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative 6 9. The submitted storm water plan and supporting documentation, as part of the Utility Improvement Plan, must demonstrate that for any new paving and other new impervious surface area a stormwater facility will function in conformance with the stormwater management standards specified in SDC 4.3.110 and 4.3.115. Findings: Stormwater runoff from the improvement areas will be managed in accordance with SDC 4.3.110, including the recently revised standards under Ordinance 6464. Refer to the Stormwater Management Report, attached as Appendix C, for additional information. SDC 4.3.115 is not applicable to the project. 10. Access to the public right-of-way must comply with SDC 4.2.120. Findings: The proposed development will not impact any site access points or driveways. Therefore, the standards of this section for new access to the public right- of-way does not apply. 11. Sidewalks must be installed or upgraded where the proposed development area abuts a curb and gutter street as specified in SDC 4.2.135. Findings: The existing sidewalks within the adjacent public rights-of-way are improved and the requirements of this section do not apply. 12. Streetlights must be installed as specified in SDC 4.2.145. Findings: The proposed development will not construct new public roadways or impact existing public street lighting. Therefore, the requirements of this section do not apply. 13. Any proposed on-site lighting must be in conformance with SDC 4.5.100. Findings: New LED lighting throughout the project site will be full cutoff and/or shielded to prevent sky glow and limit light trespass. The area will be illuminated with minimal light levels needed to meet SDC section 4.5-110 and that is reasonable to provide both safety and security for users and to prevent unnecessary light pollution. Refer to the attached E1.05 Lighting Plan for light locations and E2.01 for luminaire schedule. Refer to Appendix B for lighting cutsheets. 14. The development area must connect to public utilities as specified in SDC 4.3.105, 4.3.110, 4.3.120, 4.3.125 and 4.3.130 and comply with the Springfield Building Safety Codes, where applicable. (6443) Findings: SDC 4.3.105 - The proposed development will include a connection to the sanitary sewer system to drain the new trash enclosure area. Modifications to the existing sanitary sewer infrastructure will be designed in accordance with this code section. SDC 4.3.110 - The development area is currently connected to the public storm drain system in accordance with this code section. Stormwater utility improvements are addressed in approval criteria 10 above. SDC 4.3.120 - Utility installations will be coordinated with the serving utility provider and the developer will be responsible for the design, installation, and cost of utility Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative 7 improvements. SDC 4.3.125 - Overhead utilities are not proposed for this development. SDC 4.3.130 - Modifications to the domestic water and fire protection services are not proposed for this development. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative Appendix A: Drawings C0.10 Existing Conditions Plan C1.11 Civil General Notes, Legend, and Details C1.12 Civil Details C1.13 Civil Details C1.14 Civil Details C2.11 Site Materials Plan – North (MDS Site Plan) C2.12 Site Materials Plan – South / West (MDS Site Plan) C2.21 Site Horizontal Layout Plan – North (MDS Site Plan) C2.22 Site Horizontal Layout Plan – South / West (MDS Site Plan) C3.11 Site Grading Plan C4.11 Site Utilities Plan (MDS Utilities Improvement Plan) E1.05 Landscape Lighting Plan E2.01 Luminaire Schedule & One Line Diagram Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative Appendix B: Lighting Cutsheets SL1 SL2 SL3 SL4 SL5 Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative SL1 SITE LIGHTING VSR-S-YM Cat#Light Dist.# of LEDs Milliamps Kelvin Volts Mounting Color Options 120-277 (UNV) 347-480 (HV) Bronze Textured (BRZ) White Textured (WHT) Smooth White Gloss (SWT) Silver (SVR) Black Textured (BLK) Smooth Black Gloss (SBK) Graphite Textured (GPH) Grey Textured (GRY) Custom (CS) 1 Yoke Mount (2-Bar)Over 2 3/8” Tenon(YM2) Yoke Mount (2-Bar)Over 3” Tenon(YM3) 16 (16L) 32 (32L) Type 2 (T2) Type 3 (T3) Type 4 (T4) Type 5 (T5) Value Series Round Small (VSR-S) 400 (40) 530 (53) 700 (7) 1050 (1) Bird Spikes (BS) Marine Grade Finish (MGF) Button Photocell (PC) Nema 7-Pin Receptacle (PE7) Photocell + Receptacle (PCR) Receptacle + Shor ting Cap (PER) FSP-211 with Motion Sensor (FSP-8) 8'+ Below (FSP-20) 9'-20’Heights (FSP-40) 21'-40' Heights Rotated Optic Left (ROL) Rotated Optic Right (ROR) Automotive House Side Shield (AHS) House Side Shield (HSS) Buy American (BAA) Trade American (TAA) Build America Buy American (BABA) Custom Controls Integration (CCI) 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2700K, 70 CRI (27K7) 2700K, 80 CRI (27K8) 3000K, 70 CRI (30K7) 3000K, 80 CRI (30K8) 3500K, 80 CRI (35K8) 4000K, 70 CRI (40K7) 4000K, 80 CRI (40K8) 5000K, 70 CRI (50K7) 5000K, 80 CRI (50K8) Notes: 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 16L Only Consult Factory for Lead Time. Consult Factory for 90 CRI Requests. Universal Voltage 120-277 3000K or lower must be selected to meet International Dark Sky Association certification Please contact Factory for Custom Control Integration requests (nLight, NX, WaveLinx, Crestron, DMX/RDM, Synapse, Casambi, Dali II, Avi-On, or other control systems) Turtle Safe Consult factory for all BAA/TAA/BABA requests Amber585-600nM(AMBER) 2700K, 70 CRI(27K7) 2700K, 80 CRI(27K8) 3000K, 70 CRI(30K7) 3000K, 80 CRI(30K8) 3500K, 80 CRI(35K8) 4000K, 70 CRI(40K7) 4000K, 80 CRI(40K8) 5000K, 70 CRI(50K7) 5000K, 80 CRI(50K8) 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 6 7 7 7 REV. 10.25.23 1 Project Name:Type: LED WATTAGE CHART 16L 32L 400 milliamps 21w - 530 milliamps 28w 56w 700 milliamps 36w 71w 1050 milliamps 56w 106w FORM AND FUNCTION • Sleek, low profile housing • Engineered for optimum thermal management • Low depreciation rate • Optical system designed for: - Parking Lots - Commercial Applications CONSTRUCTION • Die Formed heavy duty Aluminum • Corrosion resistant external hardware • One-piece silicone gasket ensures IP-65 seal for electronics compartment • Two-piece silicone Micro Optic system ensures IP-67 level seal around each PCB BUY AMERICAN To ensure the latest BAA/TAA/BABA Standards are being met, please select BAA, TAA, or BABA in the options section. Please contact the factory before placing an order for any NLS products requesting BAA (Buy American Act), TAA (Trade American Act), or BABA (Build America, Buy America). 701 Kingshill Place, Carson, CA 90746 Call Us Today (310) 341-2037 nlslighting.com 2 TYPE II (T2)TYPE III (T3)TYPE IV (T4)TYPE V (T5) ELECTRICAL • 120-277 Volts (UNV) or 347-480 Volts (HV)• 0-10V dimming driver• Driver power factor at maximum load is ≥ .95, THD maximum load is 15% • LED Drivers Ambient Temp. Min is -40°C and Ambient Temp. Max ranges from 50°C to 55°C and, in some cases, even higher. Consult the factory for revalidation by providing the fixture catalog string before quoting and specifying it.• All internal wiring UL certified for 600 VAC and 105°C• All drivers, controls, and sensors housed in enclosed IP-65 compartment• CRI 70, 80 or 90• Color temperatures: Amber, 2700K, 3000K, 3500K, 4000K, 5000K• Surge Protection: 20KA supplies as standard. OPTIONS •BIRD SPIKES (BS)—Offers effective and humane deterrent for larger bird species and provides cost-effective long-term solution to nuisance bird infestations and protect your property. •MARINE GRADE FINISH (MGF)—A multi-step process creating protective finishing coat against harsh environments. • Chemically washed in a 5 stage cleaning system. • Pre-baked • Powder coated 3-5 mils of Zinc Rich Super Durable Polyester Primer. • 1-2 feet inside pole coverage top and bottom. • Oven Baked. • Finished Powder Coating of Super Durable Polyester Powder Coat 3-5 mil thickness. •SHIELDS (HSS, AHS)—House Side Shield (HSS) is designed for full property line cut-off. Automotive House Side Shield (AHS) is a single-sided shield allowing partial cut-off on either side or front of luminaire. CONTROLS •FSP-211 (FSP-X)—Passive infrared (PIR) sensor providing multi-level control based on motion/daylight contribution. •All control parameters adjustable via wireless configuration remote storing and transmitting sensor profiles. •FSP-20 mounting heights 9-20 feet •FSP-40 mounting heights 21-40 feet. •Includes 5 dimming event cycles, 0-10V dimming with motion sensing, re-programmable in the field. • FSIR-100 commissioning remote is required to change sensor settings. Please contact factory for ordering. •NEMA 7-PIN RECEPTACLE (PE7)—An ANSI C136.41-2013 receptacle provides electrical and mechanical interconnection between photo control cell and luminaire. Dimming receptacle available two or four dimming contacts supports 0-10 VDC dimming methods or Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI), providing reliable power interconnect. • Controls Agnostic: Please contact factory for your preferred controls option. (nLight, NX, WaveLinx, Crestron, DMX/RDM, Synapse, Casambi, DALI II, Avi-On, or other control systems) OPTICS Silicone optics high photothermal stability and light output provides higher powered LEDs with minimized lumen depreciation LED life. UV and thermal stability with scratch resistance increases exterior application durability. • IES Types FINISH •5 mils electrostatic powder coat. • NLS’ standard high-quality finishes prevent corrosion protects against extreme environmental conditions WARRANTY Five-year limited warranty for drivers and LEDs. LISTINGS • Certified to UL 1598 •CSA C22.2 No. 250.0 • IP65/ IP67 Rated • Dark Sky Approved • IK10 Rated BUY AMERICAN OPTION While all of the NLS Lighting products listed in this document qualify for the Buy America(n) Act of 1933, we reserve the right to change our listings without notice. The information provided above is for general informational purposes only. We encourage you to consult legal professionals for advice particular to your projects concerning BAA, TAA, BABA or Buy America. Additional NLS Products that meet BAA, TAA standards can be found at the following link: https://nlslighting.com/buy-american/ The information and specifications on this document are subject to change without any notification. All values are design, nominal, typical or prorated values when measured under internal and external laboratory conditions. BUY AMERICAN PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 701 Kingshill Place, Carson, CA 90746 Call Us Today (310) 341-2037 nlslighting.com 3 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS PART NUMBER T2 LM/W BUG T3 HSS LM/W BUG T3 LM/W BUG T4AHS LM/W T4HSS LM/W BUG T4 LM/W BUG T5 LM/W BUG W VSR-S-16L-40-27K7 2305 110 2247 107 2227 106 2324 111 21 VSR-S-16L-40-27K8 2158 103 2104 100 2085 99 2176 104 21 VSR-S-16L-40-30K8 2314 110 2256 107 2236 106 2333 111 21 VSR-S-16L-40-30K7 2492 119 2429 116 2408 115 2513 120 21 VSR-S-16L-40-35K8 2314 110 2256 107 2236 106 2333 111 21 VSR-S-16L-40-40K8 2492 119 2429 116 2408 115 2513 120 21 VSR-S-16L-40-40K7 2693 128 2625 125 2602 124 2715 129 21 VSR-S-16L-40-50K8 2492 119 2429 116 2408 115 2513 120 21 VSR-S-16L-40-50K7 2693 128 2625 125 2602 124 2715 129 21 VSR-S-16L-53-30K7 3275 117 B1-U0-G1 1624 58 B0-U0-G0 3192 114 B1-U0-G1 2016 72 1596 57 B0-U0-G1 3165 113 B1-U0-G1 3304 118 B2-U0-G1 28 VSR-S-16L-53-40K7 3524 126 B1-U0-G1 1736 62 B0-U0-G0 3435 123 B1-U0-G1 2128 76 1708 61 B0-U0-G1 3406 122 B1-U0-G1 3556 127 B2-U0-G1 28 VSR-S-16L-53-50K7 3603 129 B1-U0-G1 1848 66 B0-U0-G1 3511 125 B1-U0-G1 2240 80 1820 65 B0-U0-G1 3482 124 B1-U0-G1 3640 130 B2-U0-G1 28 VSR-S-16L-7-30K7 4100 114 B1-U0-G1 2088 58 B0-U0-G1 3996 111 B1-U0-G1 2592 72 2052 57 B0-U0-G1 4003 111 B1-U0-G1 4176 116 B3-U0-G1 36 VSR-S-16L-7-40K7 4411 123 B1-U0-G1 2232 62 B0-U0-G1 4300 119 B1-U0-G1 2736 76 2196 61 B0-U0-G1 4308 120 B1-U0-G1 4500 125 B3-U0-G1 36 VSR-S-16L-7-50K7 4510 125 B1-U0-G1 2376 66 B0-U0-G1 4396 122 B1-U0-G1 2880 80 2340 65 B0-U0-G1 4404 122 B1-U0-G1 4608 128 B3-U0-G1 36 VSR-S-16L-1-30K7 5858 105 B1-U0-G1 3248 58 B0-U0-G1 5712 102 B1-U0-G1 4032 72 3192 57 B0-U0-G1 5661 101 B1-U0-G2 5880 105 B3-U0-G1 56 VSR-S-16L-1-40K7 6303 113 B1-U0-G1 3472 62 B0-U0-G1 6146 110 B1-U0-G1 4256 76 3416 61 B0-U0-G1 6091 109 B1-U0-G2 6328 113 B3-U0-G1 56 VSR-S-16L-1-50K7 6443 115 B1-U0-G1 3696 66 B0-U0-G1 6283 112 B1-U0-G2 4480 80 3640 65 B0-U0-G1 6227 111 B1-U0-G2 6496 116 B3-U0-G1 56 VSR-S-32L-53-30K7 5858 105 B1-U0-G1 3248 58 B0-U0-G1 5712 102 B1-U0-G1 4032 72 3192 57 B0-U0-G1 5661 101 B1-U0-G2 5880 105 B3-U0-G1 56 VSR-S-32L-53-40K7 6303 113 B1-U0-G1 3472 62 B0-U0-G1 6146 110 B1-U0-G1 4256 76 3416 61 B0-U0-G1 6091 109 B1-U0-G2 6328 113 B3-U0-G1 56 VSR-S-32L-53-50K7 6443 115 B1-U0-G1 3696 66 B0-U0-G1 6283 112 B1-U0-G2 4480 80 3640 65 B0-U0-G1 6227 111 B1-U0-G2 6496 116 B3-U0-G1 56 VSR-S-32L-7-30K7 8086 114 B2-U0-G2 4118 58 B0-U0-G1 7881 111 B2-U0-G2 5112 72 4047 57 B0-U0-G1 7896 111 B2-U0-G2 8236 116 B3-U0-G2 71 VSR-S-32L-7-40K7 8700 123 B2-U0-G2 4402 62 B0-U0-G1 8480 119 B2-U0-G2 5396 76 4331 61 B0-U0-G1 8496 120 B2-U0-G2 8875 125 B3-U0-G2 71 VSR-S-32L-7-50K7 8894 125 B2-U0-G2 4686 66 B0-U0-G1 8669 122 B2-U0-G2 5680 80 4615 65 B0-U0-G2 8685 122 B2-U0-G2 9088 128 B3-U0-G2 71 VSR-S-32L-1-30K7 11088 105 B2-U0-G2 6148 58 B0-U0-G2 10812 102 B2-U0-G2 7632 72 6042 57 B0-U0-G2 10715 101 B2-U0-G2 11130 105 B3-U0-G2 106 VSR-S-32L-1-40K7 11930 113 B2-U0-G2 6572 62 B0-U0-G2 11634 110 B2-U0-G2 8056 76 6466 61 B0-U0-G2 11529 109 B2-U0-G2 11978 113 B3-U0-G2 106 VSR-S-32L-1-50K7 12196 115 B2-U0-G2 6996 66 B0-U0-G2 11893 112 B2-U0-G2 8480 80 6890 65 B0-U0-G2 11787 111 B2-U0-G2 12296 116 B3-U0-G2 106 LUMENS Lumen Maintenance Data Ambient Temperature Drive Current L90 Hours* L70 Hours** 30,000 Hours* 50,000 Hours* 60,00 Hours* 100,000 Hours** 25°C Up to 700mA 58,000 173,000 95.7%91.6%89.6%82.1% 1050mA 48,000 143,000 94.3%89.5%87.2%78.5% *Reported extrapolations per IESNA TM-21 **Projected extrapolations per IESNA TM-21 2700K 70 CRI 3000K 70 CRI 3500K 80 CRI 4000K 70 CRI 5000K 70 CRIAMBER 585-600 nm LED KELVIN RANGE 701 Kingshill Place, Carson, CA 90746 Call Us Today (310) 341-2037 nlslighting.com DIMENSION VSR-S A 14 in. B 4 in. Weight 9lbs B 14.00 REVISIONS REV DESCRIPTION BY DATE APPROVED EOA OPTICAL CONFIGURATIONS EPA EPA SGL D90 D180 T90 T120 QD VSR-S 0.65 0.99 1.3 1.5 1.39 1.5 VSR-S / 16L VSR-S / 32L PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 701 Kingshill Place, Carson, CA 90746 Call Us Today (310) 341-2037 nlslighting.com 16.25" 6.75" YOKE MOUNT (YMX) Aluminum, 2-bar arms mount over round tenon at two outer dimensions: • Over 2-3/8" (YM2) • Over 3" (YM3) PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS 701 Kingshill Place, Carson, CA 90746 Call Us Today (310) 341-2037 nlslighting.com PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS FSP-211 HOUSE SIDE SHIELD AUTOMOTIVE HOUSE SIDE SHIELD Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative SL2 www.tivolilighting.com tel: 714-957-6101 fax: 714-427-3458Page 1 of 8Copyright © Tivoli 09/22/23 Tivoli, LLC. Reserves the right to modify this specifi cation without prior notice. ADAPT Commercial String Light COMMERCIAL STRING LIGHT www.tivolilighting.com tel: 714-957-6101 fax: 714-427-3458Page 2 of 8Copyright © Tivoli 09/22/23 Tivoli, LLC. Reserves the right to modify this specification without prior notice. ADAPT Commercial String Light ADAPT COMMERCIAL STRING LIGHT- How it works Choose your cord color, light engine, and multiple globe options to create a unique experience for any personal or public space Tivoli’s standard 48’ strand with (24) E26 Medium base sockets. Available in black or white with 24” O.C. socket spacing. Choose Your Cord: 4W each with a lumen delivery up to 400 lumens per light engine. Available in 2700K and 3000K only. Order Your Light Engine: Available in both G125 and ST19 profiles. Total of 11 styles to choose from. Multiple ADAPT Globes: www.tivolilighting.com tel: 714-957-6101 fax: 714-427-3458Page 3 of 8Copyright © Tivoli 09/22/23 Tivoli, LLC. Reserves the right to modify this specification without prior notice. ADAPT Commercial String Light www.tivolilighting.com tel: 714-957-6101 fax: 714-427-3458Page 4 of 8Copyright © Tivoli 09/22/23 Tivoli, LLC. Reserves the right to modify this specifi cation without prior notice. ADAPT Commercial String Light COMMERCIAL STRING TCSL-S-X-24-120 X = B (black), W (white) 48’ Commercial string/cord, 24” O.C. with molded male and female end Order Information - String and Light Engine Specification ALS-TF-T25-E26-4W-XXK-6PK-R XXK = 27K (2700K), *30K (3000K) Filament Light Engine Sold as 6 Pack with (1) rubber O-Ring per Bulb *Consult Factory for MOQ ADAPT Commercial String Light (based on 2700K) Socket Spacing 24” Socket Type E26 Socket Count 24 Cord Length 48’ with male and female molded ends Cord Type 3C x 14AWG SJTW Cord Plug 5-15P Polarized Cord Weight 7.85 lbs. Available Cord Color Black, White Field Cuttable Cord NO Operating Voltage 120V AC Watts/Strand 96W based on 10% voltage drop Max Run Feet (384), Strand sets (8), Watts (768) ADAPT Globe Globe Glass (Shatter resistance assist with silicone coating - Glass may still break under certain conditions) ADAPT Light Engine Watts/bulb 4W Lumens/bulb 400 light engine only (Lumen output may varey based on globe choice) Weight (lbs)/bulb .10 Kelvin Temperature 2700K, 3000K CRI 80+ Operating Voltage 120V AC Dimming ELV, TRIAC Base E26 Medium base Certification and Testing Certification (Cord, Light Engine)cETLus Environment (Cord, Light Engine)Wet Location IP Rating (Cord, Light Eng ine)IP65 Lifetime Hours (Light Engine)15,000 Warranty (Cord, Light Engine)3 Years www.tivolilighting.com tel: 714-957-6101 fax: 714-427-3458Page 5 of 8Copyright © Tivoli 09/22/23 Tivoli, LLC. Reserves the right to modify this specifi cation without prior notice. ADAPT Commercial String Light Order Information - ADAPT Globe G125 Globe (Weight: .25 lbs/ea.) Gina LSA-GIN-N Victoria* LSA-VIC-N Gaby LSA-GAB-N Ana LSA-ANA-N Susan* LSA-SUS-N Lucia* LSA-LUC-N Katie LSA-KAT-N Toni* LSA-TON-N Angela LSA-ANG-N Shatter Resistant Silicone Coating Brenda LSA-BRE-N Laura* LSA-LAU-N ST19 Globe (Weight: .10 lbs)/ea. *Consult Factory for MOQ and Lead Time. (Shatter resistance assist with silicone coating - Glass may still break under certain conditions) www.tivolilighting.com tel: 714-957-6101 fax: 714-427-3458Page 6 of 8Copyright © Tivoli 09/22/23 Tivoli, LLC. Reserves the right to modify this specifi cation without prior notice. ADAPT Commercial String Light Standard Spacing and Weights 5/” 11⁄” 5/” 10⁄” 24”MaleFemale 48’ (Standard Factory Length) Filament light engine and ST19 total weight w/48 ft. string 12.65 lbs. Filament light engine and G25 total weight w/48 ft. string 16.25 lbs. 5/” 11⁄” 5/” 10⁄” 10.5”12.5” www.tivolilighting.com tel: 714-957-6101 fax: 714-427-3458Page 7 of 8Copyright © Tivoli 09/22/23 Tivoli, LLC. Reserves the right to modify this specifi cation without prior notice. ADAPT Commercial String Light SHADE-ADP-CSL-BK-25 Light Shade Adapter PVC Black Adapters - Sold in packs of 25 Comes with (25) Adapters, (50) set screws and (1) Allen Key. SHADE-ADP-CSL-BK-01 Light Shade Adapter PVC Black Adapters - Sold individually Comes with (1) Adapters, (2) set screws and (1) Allen Key. Accessories *Consult factory for lead time and MOQ Light Shades HAT DISH FLOWER 8/” 3/” SHADE-FL-BK-BK-10 Light Shade - FLOWER 9.8” Light Shade , Black Top, Black Bottom SHADE-FL-BK-BK-13 Light Shade - FLOWER 13.8” Light Shade, Black Top, Black Bottom 9/” 2/” SHADE-DS-BK-BK-10 Light Shade - DISH 10.2” Black Top, Black Bottom 10/” 1/” SHADE-HT-BK-BK-8 Light Shade - HAT 8.3” Black Top, Black Bottom SHADE-HT-BK-BK-13 Light Shade - HAT 12.6” Black Top, Black Bottom *SHADE-HT-BK-CO-13 Light Shade - HAT 12.6” Black Top, Copper Bottom 3/” 12/” 13/ 2/” *Consult factory for lead time and MOQ www.tivolilighting.com tel: 714-957-6101 fax: 714-427-3458Page 8 of 8Copyright © Tivoli 09/22/23 Tivoli, LLC. Reserves the right to modify this specifi cation without prior notice. ADAPT Commercial String Light Optional Lamp Shade Accessory Mounting Installation with Suspension Cable LS-CABLE LS-LOCK LS-TT Catenary Cable Tensioning Tool allows you to tension wire up to 880lbs. with minimal eff ort. LS-LOCK LS-UVZP LS-UVZP-BK-50 UV Zip Ties 50 pc Bag set. UV resistant, heavy duty ties. Maximum weight up to 100 lbs./per tie. LS-UVZP-BK-30 UV Zip Ties 30 pc Bag set. UV resistant, heavy duty ties. Maximum weight up to 100 lbs./per tie. LS-CABLE-60 Catenary Cable Kit - 60’ (1/8” stainless steel aircraft cable includes 2 cables locks for use with loads up to 200lbs) LS-CABLE-110 Catenary Cable Kit - 110’ (1/8” stainless steel aircraft cable includes 2 cables locks for use with loads up to 200lbs) LS-CABLE-500 Catenary Cable Kit - 500’ (1/8th” stainless steel aircraft cable for use with loads up to 200lbs) LS-TT Catenary Tensioning Tool Catenary Cable Tensioning Tool up to 880lbs with minimal eff ort due to the 6:1 gear drive mechanism. Integral torque gauge controls the load applied to the wire, giving consistent tension every time and optimizing the life of the wire. WARNING: For suspension application, catenary cable is required to support the product, otherwise the warranty will be void. LS-LOCK-X Cable Lock X = 2 (2 Locks), 4 (4 locks) Includes (1) cable release key. Cable Lock for 1/8th inch cable, Heavy-duty lockable fasteners support loads up to 200 lbs. Can be easily adjusted without the use of tools. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative SL3 BOL5010A • Page 117891 Arenth Ave., City of Industry, CA 91748 (800) 423-6561 Fax: (626) 965-9494 www.ela-lighting.com info@ela-lighting.com Rev 06/07/19 Bollard is "Buy America Act" Compliant Proudly Made in the U.S.A. BOL5010A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 The BOL5010A is a round aluminum bollard with a flat top, and can be specified with or without a light source. As a lighted bollard the BOL5010A is available with up to 75 watts of LED, which generates 6530 lumens, and is available in Type V or Type III distributions. Other light sources are also available. The BOL5010A is available with a variety of lens options with an internal reflector for directing the light out for a wider spread. Built to endure almost all weather conditions, the BOL5010A is ideal for sidewalks, walkways at various sites, outdoor shopping malls, parks, schools and universities, government buildings, and much more. BOL5010ABOL5010A Ordering Matrix Bollard - BOL5010A Environmental Lighting for Architecture, Inc. Type: Project Name: BOL5010A • Page 217891 Arenth Ave., City of Industry, CA 91748 (800) 423-6561 Fax: (626) 965-9494 www.ela-lighting.com info@ela-lighting.com Rev 06/07/19 ELA Warranty Info:Environmental Lighting for Architecture, Inc. (ELA) offers a Five (5) Year Warranty on all products exclusively manufactured by ELA. Furthermore, ELA offers a Five (5) Year Warranty on all LED and LED components; and guarantees that no fewer than 90% of the diodes in each fixture will still be operating during this time. Please contact ELA for the details of each warranty. Matrix #:Matrix #: BBU* PCB HSS SB** 1. BBU test button location shall have visibility for testing on site. Consult factory for placement location. 2. BBU LED lumen output reduced in BBU mode. 3. Consult factory for Security Bollard options. 10. Options:Description:Description: Battery Backup Photocell Button House Side Shield Security Bollard Matrix #: AG CC DB GY MG MN PW SB VL WHNote: Custom colors available upon request. (Standard Powder Coat) 9. Body Finish:Description: Augustine Green Charcoal Dark Bronze Architectural Grey Malaga Green Black - Midnight Pewter Statuary Bronze Village Green White Matrix #: AG CC DB GY MG MN PW SB VL WHNote: Custom colors available upon request. (Standard Powder Coat) 8. Head Finish:Description: Augustine Green Charcoal Dark Bronze Architectural Grey Malaga Green Black - Midnight Pewter Statuary Bronze Village Green White 7. Lens:Matrix #: CA CP FA FP OA Description: Clear Acrylic Clear Polycarbonate Frosted Acrylic Frosted Polycarbonate Opal Acrylic Matrix #: 120 208 240 277 347* 480**Contact ELA for details. 6. Voltage:Description: 120VAC 208VAC 240VAC 277VAC 347VAC 480VAC Matrix #: AM* 27 30 40 50Note: Other color temperatures & RGB's available upon request. *Amber not available in corn cobs. 5. Color Temps (k):Description: Amber Color Temp 2700k Color Temp 3000k Color Temp 4000k Color Temp 5000k Color Temp 1306 2176 3482 5659 6530 Lumens LED Tape (4.4w/ft) LED Tape (4.4w/ft) LED Tape (4.4w/ft) LED Tape (4.4w/ft) LED Tape (4.4w/ft) --------------------- Medium Base Socket Contact Factory for Details Non-Lit: Solid Flutes Description: 15 Watts 25 Watts 40 Watts 65 Watts 75 Watts --------------------- 100W Max. 100W Max. --------------- Wattage* 15LED 25LED 40LED 65LED 75LED ----------------- INC HID* NL Matrix #: 1) Dimming options available upon request. *Other wattages & lumens available upon request. 4. Lamping: Matrix #: V3* V5 *Distribution direction is field adjustable 3. Distribution: Description: Type 3 - Vertical Type 5 - Vertical Matrix #: 46 XX 2. Size: Description: 46" Overall Height Customer Determined (Inches) Matrix #: BOL5010A 1. Fixture: Description: Aluminum Body Bollard Mounting Applies to Above Ground and Below Surface mounting BOL5010A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Environmental Lighting for Architecture, Inc. Type: Project Name:Bollard - BOL5010A Ordering Matrix Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative SL4 LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Learn more. Visit: fxl.com | +1 760.744.5240 FBFB LED Up Light DESIGNER DESIGNER BASE PROJECT CATALOG # TYPE NOTES Similar in style to its bigger brother the NP, the FB fits nicely into smaller landscapes and tight spaces. Accommodating up to a 3 LED Board, the FB offers all the same Up Light benefits of the NP in a more compact package. Quick Facts ◼Die-cast aluminum ◼Two-layer marine-grade anodization and powder coat finish ◼Cree® Integrated LEDs ◼ProAim™ adjustability ◼Color temperature filters ◼Compatible with Luxor® technology ◼Phase and PWM dimmable ◼Input voltage: 10-15V 1 of 8 Generated 15 Nov 2023 23:28:42 FB LED Up Light SPECIFICATIONS Output 1 LED 3 LED Total Lumens†114 282 Input Voltage 10 to 15V 10 to 15V Input Power 1.9 W 4.0 W Power Consumption (VA)2.2 W 4.4 W Efficacy (lm/W)63 72 Color Rendering Index (CRI)83 83 Center Beam Candle Power (CBCP)* Flood (35)244 567 Dimming Primary Dimming (Transformer level)Consult transformer specifications Secondary Dimming (Fixture level)Phase-cut**Phase-cut** RGBW Available No No Luxor Compatibility Default Zoning Zoning ZD Option --Zoning/Dimming ZDC Option ---- Mininum Rated Life L70 (Hrs)72,000 72,000 *Information for Wide Flood available in IES files **For optimal performance, use a trailing-edge (reverse phase-cut) dimmer †Measured using the 2,700K CCT option LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Learn more. Visit: fxl.com | +1 760.744.5240 2 of 8 Generated 15 Nov 2023 23:28:42 FB LED Up Light SPECIFICATIONS FX Luminaire FX Luminaire is an industry- leading manufacturer of landscape and architectural lighting products with a focus on the advancement of LED technology and digital lighting control with zoning, dimming, and color adjustment capabilities. We offer a full spectrum of specification- driven lighting fixtures that can be utilized to create elegant, cutting-edge landscape lighting systems for commercial or residential applications. Our products are available exclusively via our extensive professional distributor network. Materials Die-cast aluminum A380 housing and shroud with stainless steel hardware. Die- cast zinc/aluminum alloy knuckle. Knuckle Die-cast zinc/aluminum alloy knuckle with ½"-14 (13 mm) NPSM threads. Compress and lock features prevent slip after installation. 9° increments adjustability over 220° of vertical adjustment. LED Integrated module with Cree LEDs. Gold-plated connectors and conformal coated for maximum reliability and corrosion resistance. Proprietary on-board intelligent driver uses firmware-controlled temperature regulation, maximizing LED life. Field upgradeable and replaceable, the LEDs are rated to 50,000 hrs. Maximum drive current: 1 A. Optics Polycarbonate color temperature adjustment lenses included with fixture: 2,700K (preinstalled), 3,900K (no lens), 4,500K, and 5,200K. Interchangeable optics for 10°, 20°, 30°-32°, or 55-58° distributions ordered pre- assembled to fixture. For additional color filters, spread lenses, hex baffles, etc., use MR-16 sized accessories (MR-16: 1.95" (49.5 mm) dia. x 1.1 mm thickness). Beam angle is calculated using LM- 79 method for SSL luminaires. Finish Two-layer protection of sulfuric acid anodization and polyester TGIC powder coat, providing superior outdoor weathering in all conditions. Tested to ASTM standards. Hardware Stainless steel angle lock screw. Includes 10" (254 mm) ABS slotted installation spike. Wiring 18 AWG (1 mm); SPT-1W; 220°F (105°C); 300V; 5' (1.5 m) length. Sockets Socket contains MoistureBlock™ technology, preventing moisture from wicking up into sealed areas of the fixture. Power Input 10-15VAC/VDC 50/60Hz. Remote transformer required (specify separately). Housing Die-cast aluminum housing with capacity for 1LED, 3LED, or ZDC integrated LEDs. Glare Control Die-cast aluminum shroud with 45° cutoff shroud. Weight 1.92 lbs. (0.87 kg) Lens Tempered glass lens with shock resistance and high tolerance for thermal expansion and stress. International Compliance Compliant per IEC 60598-1 and IEC 60598-2-7 when used with the ground mount ("GM- XX"), or alternate mount greater than or equal to IP65, or by selecting the "e" version. Ambient Operating Temperature 0°F to 140°F (-18°C to 60°C) Sustainability Innovation meets conservation in the design and manufacturing of our products. Where we can, we use recycled materials while maintaining superior functionality. Our LED products provide high-quality light at optimal energy efficiency, lifespan, and durability. Installation Requirements Designed for installation in the upward direction only. Control ZD option utilizes Luxor technology to zone light fixtures in up to 250 groups, and dim each group in 1% increments between 0 and 100%. Select the ZD option for zoning/dimming. Standard fixture is zoneable with Luxor. Manufacturing ISO 9001:2015 certified facility Warranty 10 Years Listings LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Learn more. Visit: fxl.com | +1 760.744.5240 3 of 8 Generated 15 Nov 2023 23:28:42 FB LED Up Light ORDERING INFORMATION Fixture Luxor Option Lamp Compliance Finish [default] Zone ZD Zone/Dim 1 LED 2.0W/2.4VA 3 LED 4.0W/4.4VA [default] 120V (North America) e Int'l (CE Certified) EXAMPLE FIXTURE CONFIGURATION: FB–XX–XXXX–XX FB BZ Bronze Metallic FB Black DG Desert Granite WI Weathered Iron SB Sedona Brown FW Flat White SV Silver LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Learn more. Visit: fxl.com | +1 760.744.5240 4 of 8 Generated 15 Nov 2023 23:28:42 FB LED Up Light PHOTOMETRICS FB 1LED - Illuminance at a Distance Distance Center Beam fc Beam Width Feet (Meters)Feet (Meters)Foot-Candles (Lux)Foot-Candles (Lux)Vertical Vertical : : 19.319.3 °°Horizontal Horizontal : : 19.919.9 °° 20.0' (6.1 m)19.3 fc (208 lx)1.4' (0.4 m)1.4' (0.4 m) 4.0' (1.2 m)4.8 fc (52 lx)2.7' (0.9 m)2.8' (0.9 m) 8.0' (2.4 m)2.1 fc (23 lx)4.1' (1.3 m)4.2' (1.3 m) 12.0' (3.7 m)1.2 fc (13 lx)5.4' (1.7 m)5.6' (1.7 m) 16.0' (4.9 m)0.8 fc (9 lx)6.8' (2.1 m)7.0' (2.1 m) 24.0' (7.3 m)0.5 fc (5 lx)8.1' (2.6 m)8.4' (2.6 m) FB 3LED - Illuminance at a Distance Distance Center Beam fc Beam Width Feet (Meters)Feet (Meters)Foot-Candles (Lux)Foot-Candles (Lux)Vertical Vertical : : 17.317.3 °°Horizontal Horizontal : : 17.217.2 °° 20.0' (6.1 m)69.2 fc (745 lx)1.2' (0.4 m)1.2' (0.4 m) 4.0' (1.2 m)17.3 fc (186 lx)2.4' (0.7 m)2.4' (0.7 m) 8.0' (2.4 m)7.7 fc (83 lx)3.6' (1.1 m)3.6' (1.1 m) 12.0' (3.7 m)4.3 fc (46 lx)4.9' (1.5 m)4.9' (1.5 m) 16.0' (4.9 m)2.8 fc (30 lx)6.1' (1.9 m)6.1' (1.9 m) 24.0' (7.3 m)1.9 fc (21 lx)7.3' (2.2 m)7.3' (2.2 m) LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Learn more. Visit: fxl.com | +1 760.744.5240 5 of 8 Generated 15 Nov 2023 23:28:42 FB LED Up Light ORDERING INFORMATION MOUNTING OPTIONS: Specify Separately Mounts Catalog No.Mounts Catalog No. 250015840000Long Slot Spike 250020020000Three-Prong Spike 250030410000SPLock Ring 753900Super Slot Spike COUP-XX*Straight Coupling ELBW-050-XX*90º Coupling GM-SSGutter Mount GM-XX*Ground Mount with ½" Thread MJB-050-XX*Mini J-Box for ½" Thread MM-050-XX*Mini Mount PARSProAim® Ratcheting Spike PM-XX*Post Mount SJ-XX*Super J-Box Spike TB-XX*TreeBox® Mount with ½" Thread TMNT-050-XX*T-Mount Coupling with ½" Thread TR-YY*-6P-XX*Tree Ring VB-050-XX*VersaBox® Mount with ½" Thread VHR-ULVariable Height Riser for Up Lights WM-XX*Wall Mount Knuckle WP-1G-050-XX*Single-Gang Wall Plate with ½" Thread WP-RD-050-XX*Round Wall Plate with ½" Thread YY*-R-SL-XX*Sign Light Riser, Aluminum YY*-R-XX*Aluminum Riser, ¾" Diameter LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Learn more. Visit: fxl.com | +1 760.744.5240 6 of 8 Generated 15 Nov 2023 23:28:42 FB LED Up Light ORDERING INFORMATION GLARE OPTIONS: Specify Separately Glare Catalog No.Glare Catalog No. 250015260000Hex Baffle for MR-16 LED Lamps LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Learn more. Visit: fxl.com | +1 760.744.5240 7 of 8 Generated 15 Nov 2023 23:28:42 FB LED Up Light ORDERING INFORMATION POWER OPTIONS: Specify Separately Power Catalog No.Power Catalog No. MT-6WPlug-in transformer, 6W ST-UVStep-Down Transformer, UV (120/277 V to 12 V) SURGE-MODLighting Fixture Surge Module LANDSCAPE AND ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Learn more. Visit: fxl.com | +1 760.744.5240 8 of 8 Generated 15 Nov 2023 23:28:42 Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative SL5 Outdoor | Surface facade luminaires | TANGO TANGO 29 (TA-31862) We reserve the right to make technical and design changes. 02:57, 15-04-2024 https://www.ligman.com/tango-29-ta-31862/ THAILAND LIGMAN Lighting Co.,Ltd. 17/2 Moo 4, Monthong, Bang Nam Priao, 24150 Chachoengsao - Thailand info@ligman.com Product description Ø186 - 274 mm - Down - Round Luminaire Structure - Die-cast aluminium housing and frame - Pre-treated before powder coating ensuring high corrosion resistance - Single cable entry - Stainless steel fasteners in grade 304 with zinc flake coating (ZFC) - Durable silicone rubber gasket - Clear toughened glass - High-efficiency optical reflector - Integral control gear - Optional surface mounting box for easy wiring or conduit connection when wiring from behind is not possible - TANGO luminaires with uplight and colder than 3000K CCT do not meet the IDA certification requirements Optic AS Product colour 01 - Black (RAL 9011) 02 - Dark Grey (RAL 7043) 03 - White (RAL 9003) 05 - Matt Silver (RAL 9006) 06 - Bronze (RAL 6014) Special finishes upon request SU01 - Concrete - Urban SU02 - Softscape - Urban SU03 - Stone - Urban SU04 - Corten - Urban SW01 - Oak - Woodland SW02 - Walnut - Woodland SW03 - Pine - Woodland Outdoor | Surface facade luminaires | TANGO TANGO 29 (TA-31862) We reserve the right to make technical and design changes. 02:57, 15-04-2024 https://www.ligman.com/tango-29-ta-31862/ THAILAND LIGMAN Lighting Co.,Ltd. 17/2 Moo 4, Monthong, Bang Nam Priao, 24150 Chachoengsao - Thailand info@ligman.com Technical information Material Aluminium Light source 1 COB Power 29 W Lumen 2535 - 2566 lm Efficacy 87 - 88 lm/W Driver option Integral control gear Driver Constant current (CC) Input voltage 220-240 V 50/60 Hz Optic AS Optic value 46°x56° CCT / CRI 3000K CRI80, 4000K CRI80 Dimming type On/Off, 1-10V, DALI Product colours Black, Dark Grey, White, Matt Silver, Bronze, Concrete - Urban, Softscape - Urban, Stone - Urban, Corten - Urban, Oak - Woodland, Walnut - Woodland, Pine - Woodland Weight 4.4 kg Operating temperature -20 °C to 40 °C Through wiring Single cable entry Lens / Reflector / Optic Clear toughened glass, High- efficiency optical reflector MacAdam Ellipse 3 SDCM Lifetime L90B10 (hours)> 55,000 Variants (1-10V, DALI) Compatible with EN/ IEC 60598-2-22: Suitable for emergency installations as central supply, non- maintained (Z0) Accessories Surface mounting box for easy cabling (TANGO 29) SCE-TANGO-29 DALI Control System Control-DALI Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 MDS Application Narrative Appendix C: Stormwater Management Report STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT Gateway Center North Mall Renovation Minimum Development Standards Application April 11, 2024 Prepared for: RDC Architecture and Planning 11921 Freedom Drive, Suite 1110 Reston, VA 20190 DIGITAL SIGNATURE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................... 1 2.0 Project Description ................................................................................... 1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 1 Existing Conditions .................................................................................................... 2 Proposed Improvements ............................................................................................ 2 3.0 Stormwater Regulatory Requirements .................................................... 2 Overview ................................................................................................................... 2 Stormwater Structural Controls .................................................................................. 2 Treatment Standard Justification ............................................................................... 3 Exempt / Untreated Areas .......................................................................................... 3 Stormwater Quantity .................................................................................................. 4 Drinking Water Protection .......................................................................................... 4 4.0 Stormwater Management Approach ........................................................ 5 Stormwater Treatment ............................................................................................... 5 Stormwater Destination ............................................................................................. 5 Stormwater Conveyance............................................................................................ 5 Stormwater Point Source Pollution Control ................................................................ 6 Appendices A Figures Figure 1A Stormwater Facility Contributing Areas Figure 1B Exempt Areas Map Figure 2 Stormwater System Diagram Figure 3 Drinking Water Protection Overlay Map B Sizing Data SIM Form C Operations and Maintenance Data Draft Notice of Operations and Maintenance Agreement Draft Operations and Maintenance Agreement Rain Garden O&M Plan Stormwater Planter O&M Plan Stormwater Management Facility Inspection & Maintenance Log Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Stormwater Management Report 1 1.0. INTRODUCTION This report is a summary of the methodology and design criteria used to meet City of Springfield stormwater standards. The stormwater management facilities for this project are designed under Springfield Development Code (SDC) and the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual (SWMM) Simplified Approach (Section 2.4.1) methodology. In accordance with the SDC and Eugene SWMM, this report includes a stormwater facility description as well as a summary of site variables, hydraulic controls, and calculated values. Also included in this report is a copy of the Stormwater Facility Operations and Maintenance Plan (Appendix C). 2.0. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Overview This stormwater report supports the private improvements proposed under the Gateway Center North Mall Renovation project. The project is located at the north end of the Shoppes at Gateway, 3000 Gateway Street, bordered by Gateway Street to the east, Interstate 5 to the west, Harlow Road to the south, and commercial property to the north. Site area and map/tax lot information is shown below. . Project Address 3000 Gateway Street 1. Springfield, OR 97477 Property / Site Description Tax Lots 2109, 2218, 2219, 2200, 2300, and 2305 (Lane County Tax Map 17 03 22 00) 2. Site / Project Area: Total Property Area: 62.71 ACRE Site Work Project Area: 0.62 ACRE Vicinity Map and Site Data Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Stormwater Management Report 2 Existing Conditions The existing site is currently fully developed as a commercial shopping center with a mix of retail sales and service, and eating and drinking establishment uses. The existing ground surface at the site consists of vehicular and pedestrian pavements and established landscaped areas. Proposed Improvements The improvements with this project will include paved vehicle parking spaces, replaced pedestrian pavements and associated furnishings, new lighting, landscape improvements, stormwater treatment facilities, and supporting utilities. The site improvements are divided into two areas, one located north of the existing Kohl’s building (North Area), and one located west of the south side of the Kohl’s building (South Area). Pedestrian pavement replacement in the South Area is limited to the minimum amount necessary to correct existing non-ADA conforming slopes. The project will be permitted as a tenant space renovation using the Minimum Development Standards (MDS) application. The project will include a vegetated hybrid stormwater planter/rain garden facility, sized to accommodate runoff from the replaced vehicle and pedestrian pavement areas in the north redevelopment area. Refer to Figure 2 in Appendix A for a diagram of the proposed stormwater system. 3.0. STORMWATER REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Overview: This project is subject to the Springfield Development Code (SDC) with Ordinance No. 6464 code amendments. SDC 4.3.110(B)(1) requires that any development that creates or replaces 5,000 square feet (SF) or more of impervious area use a site-specific stormwater management approach that incorporates one or more structural stormwater controls. Because the pavement replacement in the South Area is under 5,000 SF and is limited to the minimum amount required to correct existing non-conforming ADA slopes, an exemption to the requirements of SDC 4.3.110(C) is requested. Justification for this exemption request is included in the Exempt/Untreated Areas section below. This report provides information to document the proposed approach for satisfying SDC 4.3.110(C) for the North Area only. Stormwater Structural Controls: Stormwater structural control technical standards are outlined in SDC 4.3.110 (C)(2). The proposed development area will include stormwater treatment facilities that use vegetation to treat stormwater runoff from a majority of the pavement replacement areas. The stormwater facility will be designed to maximize infiltration into the native soil and will be designed to meet the stormwater treatment standard if native soil infiltration rates or perched groundwater preclude full infiltration. Refer to the Treatment Standard Justification below for additional explanation. The proposed stormwater treatment facilities will be designed to meet the requirements of SDC Chapter 4, Appendix D and the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. TSS, bacteria, and mercury standards are addressed through compliance with the approved prescriptive facility design criteria presented in SDC Chapter 4, Appendix D. Increased temperature of runoff will be addressed with stormwater planting improvements and passive infiltration through a vegetated stormwater treatment facility. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Stormwater Management Report 3 Treatment Standard Justification: This section provides justification for meeting the treatment standard per SDC Section 4.3.110 (D). Based on previous geotechnical investigations, site soil conditions consist of an upper layer of clay and silt, underlain by a gravel layer. Based on past borings performed within the vicinity of the project area, the depth of upper clay / silt layer is expected to range from 5'-7' deep. Prior geotechnical investigations have indicated the upper silt and clay layers may result in shallow perched groundwater during the wet season. Accordingly, the proposed stormwater treatment facility has been designed to maximize infiltration but has also been designed to meet the treatment standard if soil conditions or perched groundwater prevent full infiltration of the water quality design storm. As part of the 2015 Mall redevelopment project, a series of treatment and infiltration facilities were constructed within the parking lot south of Kohl's. Those existing stormwater facilities have been observed during wet weather conditions and appear to be performing well. As such, the currently proposed stormwater treatment facility is expected to infiltrate the water quality design storm during most conditions. However, during periods of prolonged wet weather, perched groundwater conditions may develop, resulting in groundwater mounding and diminished infiltration rates. Under those conditions, the proposed facility will function as a treatment facility, meeting the treatment standard under SDC Section 4.3.110 (C)(2)(b). The treatment facility will include a perforated subdrainage pipe placed beneath the bottom of the facility but above the native soil elevation. This configuration will allow stormwater to infiltrate into the native soil under ordinary conditions. When incoming flows exceed the infiltration capacity of the native soil, treated stormwater will be conveyed to the elevated perforated pipe, which discharges to the onsite stormwater system. The treatment facility includes a 6" rock reservoir beneath the stormwater filter soil, just above the native subgrade. This drain rock reservoir will provide additional storage to promote infiltration and will also serve as a pathway to convey treated stormwater to the elevated perforated pipe. Refer to the details in the Permit Drawings for additional information. Exempt / Untreated Areas: As noted above, the redevelopment within the North Area fully meets the stormwater treatment requirements of 4.3.110 (C)(2)(b). There are several isolated areas of impervious surface replacement where it is not feasible to meet the treatment standard, refer to Figure 1B in Appendix A. The following is a summary of these areas and the rationale for meeting the intent of the code. • North Area Grading Transition Zone: The North Area will be re-graded to slope all redeveloped / reconfigured impervious surfaces (Basin 1) to the proposed stormwater treatment facility. In order to accommodate the re-grading at the eastern perimeter, a small zone of ring road needs to be elevated to ensure drainage from the improvement area is directed to the stormwater treatment facility. This section of ring road will receive a tapered mill and overlay to elevate the east edge of Basin 1. The untreated transition zone is less than 1,500 SF. This condition has been reviewed and tentatively approved by City stormwater staff. • South Area Non-Compliant Cross-Slope Correction: A small area of concrete pavement area ((approximately 1,000 SF) will be replaced within the corridor south and west of Kohl's. This zone of pavement (South Area) is being replaced to address non-compliant cross-slopes to meet ADA standards. This pavement replacement area serves as the pedestrian entrance / egress corridor to the Mall and is bordered by Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Stormwater Management Report 4 existing pavement and building wall on all sides. As such, it is not feasible to provide stormwater treatment for this isolated area. It should be noted that the project will decrease the overall impervious surface area in the North Area (from pre-development to post- development) by approximately 656 SF (7.5%). In light of the infeasibility of treatment and decrease in impervious surface, the project team requests that this area be considered incidental and relieved from the treatment standard. It should also be noted that other regional jurisdictions allow exemptions to stormwater treatment standards for addressing ADA compliance issues. • East Area Trash Enclosure: The east area trash enclosure roof is approximately 260 SF. Some minor adjacent pavements will be removed and replaced with no net change in impervious surface. Since the trash enclosure improvement is employed to address source control standards, the team requests this surface be considered incidental. Stormwater Quantity: Under pre-development conditions stormwater runoff from the site is discharged to an existing private storm drain system in front of the former Sears building. This private storm system consists of 8”-12” pipes in the parking lot that drain to a 48” pipe on the north side of the site. The 48” pipe outfalls to a public open channel on the west side of the site adjacent to Interstate 5. The public open drainage channel is designated as a wetland. The channel transitions to a 60” pipe near the southern end of the site and continues to the south under Harlow Road. No capacity issues in the downstream system have been identified during prior projects at the site. The proposed development will not result in the creation of additional impervious surfaces and will therefore not increase peak runoff rates from the site. In addition, the new stormwater treatment facility is designed to infiltrate runoff from the development area to the maximum extent possible which will further reduce peak runoff from the site. Drinking Water Protection: The proposed development site lies within the 10-20-year Time Of Travel Zone (TOTZ) for Springfield Utility Board (SUB) wellhead protection. Per SDC 3.3.225(A) a Drinking Water Protection (DWP) application or exemption request is required due to the change in occupancy/use. The project team requests that DWP applications and exemption requests be submitted prior to occupancy, since the tenants, materials storage, and operational procedures for tenants are not known at the time of this application. This approach has been approved for previous land use processes at the stie. A DWP Overlay Map showing the TOTZ boundary is attached as Figure 3 in Appendix A. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Stormwater Management Report 5 4.0. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT APPROACH Stormwater Treatment The proposed stormwater treatment facility will meet the criteria outlined in SDC 4.3.110 and the City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual, and will include a minimum 12” of growing medium over a drain rock reservoir with a perforated underdrain to collect filtered stormwater from the water quality design storm. The facility has been designed with 6” of storage depth and 2” of freeboard. Under the SDC 4.3.110(G) commentary, the simplified calculation methodology (EDSPM Chapter 4, Appendix 4C) is acceptable for sites meeting the treatment standard with less than 15,000 SF of contributing area. the proposed development meets this criteria and sizing calculations are performed using the simplified method. Since the proposed facility is a planter on one side (vertical wall) and rain garden on the other (sloped sides), the more conservative sizing factor of 0.03 is used. The sizing factor applies to the flat bottom area of the facility, which is conservative. Refer to Figure 1A in Appendix A for a map of contributing areas. Refer to Appendix B for the City’s Simplified Sizing Worksheet. Refer to Table 4.1 for a summary of treat ment area and contributing impervious surfaces. Table 4.1 – Stormwater Facility Sizing Facility Basin Contributing Area Sizing Factor Planter Size (Bottom Area) Minimum Actual Minimum Actual SF -- -- SF SF Planter 1 1 8,025 0.03 0.03 241 241 Stormwater Destination The proposed stormwater facility will discharge to an existing 8” diameter PVC pipe with a slope of 0.8% that was installed with the original mall construction in 1988. As previously mentioned this pipe leads to a 48” public outfall to the open channel on the west side of the property. Stormwater Conveyance The proposed stormwater facility will discharge through a 6” pipe with a running slope of 0.5%. Below is a Rational Method calculation demonstrating that the peak runoff rate for the 2-year storm event that will be discharged from the development area. This flow calculation is conservative, as the flow from this stormwater facility will be attenuated slightly by the delay caused by flow through the planter growing medium and infiltration into the native soil. Anticipated Flow Rate from Planter 1 to 6” Storm Drain: Qcomposite = Ccomposite x I x Atotal Aimpervious = 0.18 acres Apervious = 0.01 acres Atotal = 0.19 acres Cimpervious = 0.90 Cpervious = 0.30 Ccomposite = (0.9*0.18)/0.19 + (0.3*0.01)/0.19 = 0.87 I = 1.4 inches/hour Qcomposite = 0.87 * 1.4 * 0.19 = 0.231 cfs Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Stormwater Management Report 6 Stormwater Point Source Pollution Control The proposed development includes a trash enclosure located near the southwest corner of the former Sears building. The trash enclosure is covered with a permanent roof structure that directs stormwater runoff to the existing storm drain system. The area under the trash enclosure is hydraulically isolated and includes an area drain that drains to the sanitary sewer system. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Stormwater Management Report Appendix A: Figures Figure 1A Stormwater Facility Contributing Areas Figure 1B Exempt Areas Map Figure 2 Stormwater System Diagram Figure 3 Drinking Water Protection Overlay Map SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDCO CO RRRRLEGENDSTORMWATER PLANTERBASIN BOUNDARYSTORMWATER PLANTERBASIN 1PLANTER 10'30'FIGURE 1ASTORMWATER FACILITY CONTRIBUTING AREASGATEWAY CENTER NORTH MALL RENOVATION04/11/2024Scale: 1"= 30'FORMER SEARSKOHL'SN CO CO AD0'50'FIGURE 1BEXEMPT AREAS MAPGATEWAY CENTER NORTH MALL RENOVATION04/11/2024Scale: 1"= 50'NWEST TRASH ENCLOSRE (EXEMPT)BASIN 1 (TREATMENT PROVIDED)REFER TO FIGURE 1ANORTH AREA GRADE TRANSITION ZONE (EXEMPT)SOUTH AREA REPLACEMENT FORCORRECTION OF ADA NON-COMPLIANCE (EXEMPT) SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDCO CO RRRRPLANTER 10'30'FIGURE 2STORMWATER SYSTEM DIAGRAMGATEWAY CENTER NORTH MALL RENOVATION04/11/2024Scale: 1"= 30'FORMER SEARSKOHL'SLEGENDPIPE - EXISTINGPIPE - PROPOSEDSTORMWATER PLANTERCLEANOUTPLANTER OVERFLOW DRAINN HHH HHH HH H HHH HHH HHHH H HH HHHH HHH H HH HHHHH H H HHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHH HHHHHHA/CCCCC0'200' FIGURE 3 DRINKING WATER PROTECTION OVERLAY MAP GATEWAY NORTH04/11/2024Scale: 1"= 200' N 10-20 YEAR TOTZ20-99 YEAR TOTZ MODIFIED TENANT SPACES SHOWN HIGHLIGHTED IN YELLOW FORMER SEARS CINEMARK KOHL'S GATEWAY STREET INTERSTATE 5 Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Stormwater Management Report Appendix B: Sizing Data SIM Form SIM FORM: 2014 (Simplified Approach for Stormwater Management) Application Building Permit #  Address Residential/Commercial Tax Lot #(Circle One) NRCS Soil Type or Measured Infiltration Rate Facility Sizing Total Proposed New or Replaced Impervious Surface Area  Box 1 Impervious Area Reduction Permeable Pavements sf Eco‐Roof sf Contained Planter sf Tree Credit sf Total Impervious Area Reduction Box 2 Total Impervious Area Requiring Stormwater Management Box 3 (Box 1 ‐ Box 2) Facility Sizing for Water Quality Only Surface Facilities Impervious Area Managed Sizing Factor Facility Surface Area Rain Garden sf         x0.05 = Stormwater Planter sf         x0.03 = Swale sf         x0.06 = Vegetated Filter Strip sf         x0.2 = Sand Filter sf         x0.03 = Facility Sizing for Water Quality and Flow Control Surface Facilities Impervious Area Managed Sizing Factor Facility Surface Area Rain Garden sf         x0.11 = Stormwater Planter sf         x0.07 = Sand Filter sf         x0.07 = Facility Sizing for Water Quality, Flow Control and Flood Control *** Only for use in Type A & B Soils Surface Facilities Impervious Area Managed Sizing Factor Facility Surface Area Rain Garden sf         x0.13 = Stormwater Planter sf         x0.11 = Sand Filter sf         x0.11 = Sum of Total  Impervious Area Managed Box 4 Point of Discharge (check one) (Box 4 must be equal or greater than Box 3) Overflow to gutter (weephole) Overflow to public storm drain pipe Overflow to Open Drainage Subsurface Infiltration 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, OR 97477 17 03 22 00 5300 8025 8025 8025 0 241 X 8025 75 Malabon, Hydrologic Group C Gateway Center North Mall Renovation 2014 SIM FORM: Tree Credit and Rainwater Harvesting Worksheet See "Tree Credits" section for more information regarding the use of trees to meet Stormwater Impervious Area Reduction. New Evergreen Trees To receive Impervious Area Reduction Credit, new evergreen trees must be planted within 25 feet of the new or replaced impervious surfaces.  New trees cannot be credited against rooftop areas.  Minimum tree height (at the time of planting)to receive credit is 6 feet Enter number of new evergreen trees that meet qualification requirements in Box ABox A Multiply Box A by 200 and enter result in Box B Box B New Deciduous Trees To receive Impervious Area Reduction Credit, new large deciduous trees must be planted within 25 feet of the new or replaced impervious surfaces and new small deciduous trees must be planted within 10 feet of new or replaced impervious surfaces.  New trees cannot be credited against rooftop areas.  Minimum tree caliper (at the time of planting)to receive credit is 2 inches. Enter number of new deciduous trees that meet qualification requirements in Box CBox C Multiply Box C by 100 and enter result in Box D Box D Existing Tree Canopy To receive Impervious Area Reduction Credit, existing large tree canopies must be within 25 feet and existing small tree canopies must be within 10 feet of ground‐level impervious surfaces (cannot be credit against roof top surfaces).  Existing tree canopy credited towards Impervious Area Reduction must be preserved during and after construction throughout the life of the development. Minimum tree caliper to receive credit is 4 inches.  No credit will be given to existing tree canopy located within environmental conservation areas. Enter square footage of existing tree canopy that meet qualification requirements in Box E. Box E Multiply Box E by 0.5 and enter result in Box F.Box F Total Tree Credit Add Boxes B, D and F and enter the result in Box G Box G Multiply Box 1 of Form SIM by 0.1 and enter the result in Box H. Box H   Enter the lesser of Box G and H in Box I. (This is the amount to be entered as "Tree Credit" on Form SIM.)Box I SIM FORM 2014 Instructions 1.  Enter square footage (sf) of total impervious area being developed into BOX 1. 2.  Enter square footage (sf) for impervious area reduction techniques. 3.  Enter sum of the impervious area reduction techniques into BOX 2. 4.  Subtract BOX 2 from BOX 1 to find BOX 3, the amount of impervious area that requires stormwater management. 5.  Select appropriate stormwater management facilities. 6.  Enter the square footage of impervious area managed that will flow into each facility type. 7.  Multiply each impervious area managed by the corresponding sizing factor. Enter this area as the facility surface area,      This is the size of facility required to manage runoff 9.  Where selecting facilities that will overflow, select the point of discharge location. 10. Enter the sum of the total of all the impervious area managed into BOX 4. BOX 4 must be greater than or equal to BOX 3. Gateway Center North Mall Renovation April 11, 2024 Stormwater Management Report Appendix C: Operations and Maintenance Data Draft Notice of Operations and Maintenance Agreement Draft Operations and Maintenance Agreement Rain Garden O&M Plan Stormwater Planter O&M Plan Stormwater Management Facility Inspection & Maintenance Log NOTE: The O&M materials is in draft form and will be recorded upon request from the City after initial review Appendix 3A-1 Rev 01/27/17                          Page 1 of 1                       EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012   Notice of Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System The undersigned owner(s), is hereby given notice that stormwater runoff from the “Property” described below requires stormwater management facilities to be located, designed, and constructed in compliance with the City of Springfield’s Engineering Design and Procedures Manual. Said facilities shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the Operations and Maintenance Agreement (O&M Agreement) on file with the City of Springfield, Development and Public Works Department. __________________________________________________________________ (Property Owner/Developer) acknowledges and agrees to maintain private stormwater treatment facilities listed in this document. The maintenance of the stormwater facilities listed in this document is required as part of the Development Agreement with the City of Springfield. This facility will be operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements stated in this document and in the latest edition of the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, Chapter 3. The City reserves the right to enter and inspect any stormwater facility located on the “Property” to ensure the facilities are operating as designed. Failure of the responsible party to inspect and maintain the facilities can result in an adverse impact to the public stormwater system and the quality of receiving waters. The requirement to operate and maintain the stormwater treatment facilities in accordance with the approved site development agreement and the site O&M Agreement is binding on all current and future owners of the property. The Agreement and its O&M Plan may be modified under written consent of new owners with written approval by and re-filing with the City. The O&M Agreement and O&M Plan for facilities constructed pursuant to this notice are available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 Fifth St, Springfield Oregon, or call (541)-736-3753, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p. m., Monday through Friday. The Subject premises, is legally described as follows: (Tax lot number cannot be used to describe the property. Legal descriptions may be obtained from the county assessor's office). SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE By signing below, the signer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan and in any documents attached. This instrument is intended to be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors, and assigns. In Witness whereof, the undersigned has executed this instrument on this ________day of ________________, 20____. Owner(s): Signature ____________________________________ ___________________________________________ Print Name ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane, This instrument as acknowledged before me on ___________________________, by _____________________________________________________________, owner(s) of the above described premises. This instrument as acknowledged before me on ___________________________, by _____________________________________________________________, as _____________________________________________________________ of _____________________________________________________________, owner(s) of the above described premises. _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires   RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT & PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. 225 FIFTH ST. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477  RESERVE THIS SPACE FOR RECORDING STICKER **Avoid $20 nonstandard doc FEE (font too small)… Print this form on Legal size paper.**   BRFI Gateway, LLC c/o Balboa Appendix 3A-2 Rev 01/26/16 Page 1 of 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012 Operations and Maintenance Agreement Private Stormwater Management and Treatment System Land Development Application Number:___________________________________________________ Owner's Name:________________________________________________________________________ Phone No.:___________________________________ Mailing Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________ State_____________ Zip________________ Site Address:__________________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________ State_____________ Zip________________ Site Map and Tax lot No.:________________________________________________________________ (Or attach document with additional lot information if the facility crosses more than one lot) Type of Facility(ies)____________________________________________________________________ Requirements 1) Stormwater Management Site Plan, (min. 8 1/2" x 11" attached to this form) showing the location of the facility(ies) in relation to building structures or other permanent monuments on the site, sources of runoff entering the facility(ies), and where stormwater will be discharged to after leaving the facility(ies). Landscape and vegetation should be clear on the Plan submitted or submit a separate Landscape Plan document showing vegetation type, location, and quantity (landscape plan). These can be the same Plans submitted for development review. The stormwater management facility(ies) shown on the Site Plan are a required condition of development approval for the identified property. The owner of the identified property is required to operate and maintain the facility(ies) in accordance with the Facility Specific Operation and Maintenance Plan(s) (O&M Plan(s)) attached to this form and on file with the City. The O&M Plan for the facility(ies) will be available at the Development and Public Works Department, 225 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. 2) Financially responsible party (circle one): Property Owner Homeowner Association Other (describe) __________________________ 3) Party(ies) responsible for maintenance (only if other than owner). Daytime phone no. (______) _______ -_______ Emergency/after-hours contact phone no. (______) _______ - _______ Maintenance Contact Party(ies) Name & Business Address: _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4) Maintenance practices and schedule for the stormwater facility(ies) are included in the Facility Specific O&M Plan(s) attached to this form and filed with the Development and Public Works Department, City of Springfield. The operation and maintenance practices are based on the version of the City of Eugene's Stormwater Management Manual in effect at the date of development application, as modified by any plans attached to this document at the time of signing. Application Date: By signing below, Filer accepts and agrees to the terms and conditions contained in the Operations and Maintenance Plan(s) and in any document executed by Filer and recorded with it. Filer Signature: Print Name: (310) 496-4130 BRFI Gateway, LLC c/o Balboa 1161 San Vicente Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90049 3000 Gateway Street Springfield OR 97477 17-03-22-00- 05300 Stormwater Planter/Rain Garden Hybrid Stormwater Management Manual 4-19 Eugene 2014 4.5.7 Rain Garden O & M Plan Rain Gardens are vegetated surface reservoirs used to collect and treat stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces by allowing the pollutants to settle and filter out as the water percolates through vegetation and soil mediums before infiltrating into the ground below or being piped to its downstream destination. Rain Gardens can be used to help fulfill a site’s required landscaping area requirement and should be integrated into the overall site design. Numerous design variations of shape and planting scheme can be used to fit the character of a site. The reservoir basin shall infiltrate stormwater within 24 hours. All facility components and vegetation shall be inspected for proper operations and structural stability, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installation, 2 times per year thereafter, and within 48 hours after each major storm event. Training and/or Written Guidance information for operating and maintaining vegetated infiltration basins shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. A copy of the O & M Plan shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. Inspection Logs shall be kept by the facility owner demonstrating the following items have been inspected and are being maintained properly: • Access to Rain Gardens shall be safe and efficient. Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the components of the facility shall be removed. • Debris and Litter shall be removed to prevent channelization, clogging, and interference with plant growth. Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall be raked and removed. • Erosion Damage shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming. • Grassed Rain Gardens shall be mowed to 4”-9” high and grass clippings shall be removed no less than 2 times per year. • Infiltrating Rain Gardens shall be excavated and cleaned, and gravel or soil shall be replaced to correct low infiltration rates. • Inlets shall be cleared when conveyance capacity is plugged to ensure unrestricted stormwater flow to the rain garden. • Mulch shall be replenished as needed to ensure healthy plant growth. • Nuisance and Prohibited Vegetation from the Eugene Plant List (such as blackberries and English Ivy) shall be removed when discovered. Invasive vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced. • Outlets shall be cleared when 50% of the conveyance capacity is plugged. • Overflows shall be cleared when 25% of the conveyance capacity is plugged. Stormwater Management Manual 4-20 Eugene 2014 • Rocks or Other Armoring shall be replaced when only one layer of rock exists above native soil. • Sedimentation build-up near or exceeding 2” in depth shall be hand-removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control measures. Sediment shall be removed if it is more than 4 inches thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetation. • Slopes shall be stabilized using appropriate measures when native soil is exposed. • Vegetation shall be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion. Dead vegetation shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when vegetative filter function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced immediately to control erosion where soils are exposed and within 3 months to maintain cover density. Spill Prevention Measures shall be exercised on site when handling substances that contaminate stormwater. Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identified. Non-Chemical Pest Control measures shall be taken to prevent development of insects, mosquitoes, and rodents. Stormwater Management Manual 4-23 Eugene 2014 4.5.9 Stormwater Planter O & M Plan Stormwater Planters are infiltration and filtration stormwater facilities that can provide flood control, flow control and stormwater quality benefits. Stormwater Planters are walled vegetated surface reservoirs used to collect and treat stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces by allowing pollutants to settle and filter out as the water percolates through the vegetation and soil mediums before infiltrating into the ground below or being piped to its downstream destination. Stormwater Planters can be used to help fulfill a site’s required landscaping area requirement and should be integrated into the overall site design. Numerous design variations of shape and planting scheme can be used to fit the character. All facility components and vegetation shall be inspected for proper operations and structural stability. These inspections shall occur, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installation, 2 times per year thereafter, and within 48 hours after each major storm event. Training and/or Written Guidance information for operating and maintaining Stormwater Planters shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. A copy of the O & M Plan shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. Inspection Logs shall be kept by the facility owner demonstrating the following items have been inspected and are being maintained properly: • Access to Stormwater Planters shall be safe and efficient. Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the components of the facility shall be removed. • Debris and Litter shall be removed to prevent channelization, clogging, and interference with plant growth. Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall be raked and removed. • Erosion Damage shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming. • Filter Media consisting of sand and/or topsoil shall be tested to ensure stormwater percolates through the planter. Remove and replace sand and/or topsoil to correct percolation deficiencies. • Infiltrating Stormwater Planters shall be excavated and cleaned, and gravel or soil shall be replaced to correct low infiltration rates. Water should drain through the planter within 3-4 hours after a storm event. • Inlets shall be cleared when conveyance capacity is plugged to ensure unrestricted stormwater flow to the rain garden. • Mulch shall be replenished as needed to ensure healthy plant growth. • Nuisance and Prohibited Vegetation from the Eugene Plant List (such as blackberries and English Ivy) shall be removed when discovered. Invasive Stormwater Management Manual 4-24 Eugene 2014 vegetation contributing up to 25% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced. • Outlets shall be cleared when 50% of the conveyance capacity is plugged. • Piping shall be cleared of sediment and debris to maintain conveyance capacity. • Planter Walls shall be examined for deficiencies, such as rot, cracks, and failure, and repaired as needed. Holes that are not consistent with the design and allow water to flow directly through the planter to the ground shall be plugged. • Sedimentation build-up near or exceeding 2” in depth shall be hand-removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control measures. Sediment shall be removed if it is more than 4 inches thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetation. • Vegetation shall be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion. Dead vegetation shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when vegetative filter function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced immediately to control erosion where soils are exposed and within 3 months to maintain cover density. Spill Prevention Measures shall be exercised on site when handling substances that contaminate stormwater. Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identified. Non-Chemical Pest Control measures shall be taken to prevent development of insects, mosquitoes, and rodents. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE LOG Property Address: Inspection Date: Inspection Time: Inspected By: Type of Stormwater Management Facility: Location of Facility on Site (In relation to buildings or other permanent structures): Water levels and observations (ponded water, Oil sheen, smell, etc.): (Approximate Date/Time of Last Significant Rainfall): Sediment accumulation & areas of erosion. Record sediment removal/erosion repair: What is the current condition of vegetation? Record survival rates, invasive species present, number of dead plants, etc.) Record any replacement plants and type of vegetation management (mowing, weeding, etc.) What is the condition of physical properties such as inlets, outlets, piping, fences, and irrigation facilities? Record maintenance performed and replacement activities: Presence of insects or damage from animals. Record control activities: Identify safety hazards present. Record resolution activities: For assistance please call Public Works Maintenance at 541-682-4800.