HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Applicant 4/5/2024~-33 ~q 5-3.~§PT 10-342151213172994~.PART 2995'1,INDIVIDUALWARRANTYDEED PART 9564997Tor 0/~zo/ FISCHER 1/2ALEXANDRAMORSE,undivided andinterest;an 1/2FISCHER,undividedDODD interestan andwarrantstoconveys SANIPAC INC.. thefollowingdescribedreal situatedin LANE Countyproperly tree specificallyofencumbrances forthherein,except to-wit:setas REFERENCEHEREOFBYTHISMADEAPARTAWHICHISEXHIBITSEE ZlEiNDUl3 "95tl07 10REC U...ZEE'ENGU.13 95lt07PFUND"10.E 2i§$N~V..13~95HD7MTFUND20.U ROADS~PUBLIC ANDHIGHWAYS.RIGHTSor THE IN STREETS,ThisWWW~~whim~("IdNew~RESERVATIONS.EASEMBNTSCONDITIONS,RESTRICTIONS.COVENANTS. RECORD.OF The considerationforthis $true isconveyance (.21.707 {M.."nus INSTRUMENTWILLNOTALLOWusEOF PROPERTYTHEDESCRIBEDINTHISINSTRUMENTINVIOLATIONOFAPPUCAIIIELANDusEIAWSANDREGULATIONS.BEFORESIGNINGon ACCEPTINGTHISINSTRUMENT,THEPERSONAcauuuNGFEETITLE10THEPROPERTYSHOULDCHECKWITHTHEAPPROPRIATECITYORCOUNTYPLANNINGDEPARTMENTToVERIFYAPPROVEDUSESANDTODETERMINEANYLIMITSONuwsunsAGAINSTFARMINGOR[FQRESIPEAGTIcEsAsDETINEDIN98599.97301, Dated:man/95 in A ~ALI:NDRALFISCHER;MORSE4~i~ mm' DODD7~FISCHER'A ~i~~m~zman.¢I .wmmw-nmmwmw- v- um 'W.awem~pl~rWV~ma W.-W... OFM~l'STATE as.,i.l-~'c.$umy.c¥rI'm This~'instru~n'Ienthasacknowledged Octoberbefore 19;1995meonDoddFischer Iw~"/j'3 m A',v ,'*~W ~MI-BEVERL¥J.FISER.....W...~--,/...7.7 ,,..V_7.,NOTARYPuaLIOOREGON'''.._..."~COMMISSION t~WV-~M ,NOJOMSOT~'*'-.,-'7uJG~J~som~~h M gigs???~ammo S/w bl.~N'VIRE~SJUNE P28I~,ry u'i ~Mycommissionexpires:a Until change requested,allis shallbe theFollowingaddress:taxastatements sentto,4-~899jPeerl-Street,~Eugene,97401Oregonv Alterrecording OregonTitleTetuTn,to:.WesternPioneer PO.Boxl0146,Co.,Eugene,97440 9564997. _.describedzpropertyThatportionofthefollowing lying North of the North lineof17thAvenueEast: PARCELI I Beginning the Northwestat of 16 ofLotcorner GLENWOODPARK.platted andasrecordedPage481ofatVolumeT.Lane County Oregon Deed Records;and runningthenceSouth1387.49 feet.less.more point 1948.5orto feeta South theatNortheastoftheZaracornerSweetDonationLandClaimNo.68.Township 17South.Range 3 ofWest the Willamette Meridian;thence South 45'74°171East.feet;thence North 82°64~East.153.9 feet;thence North.1409 feet.more orless,theto North line of said Lot 16;thence West along said North line tothepointofbeginning.in Lane County.Oregon. PARCELII x Beginning pointat 982 feet Southa of the Northeast of the Zaracorner SweetDonationLandClaimNo.68.Notification No.3284.in Township 17 South.Range3ofWesttheWillametteMeridian.the WESt line ofon Lot 23.GLENWOODPARK.platted andas recorded Pageat 481 of Volume T.Lane County Oregon DeedRecords;and thence Southrun line parallelona with the lineWest of saidLot23.1078.5 feet;thence North 41°West 9.2 chains (607.2 feet);thenceNorth62°West..37 chains (24.42)feet:thence North 587.18 feet;thenceEast.415.5 feet the placeto of beginning.in Lane County,Oregon. EXCEPTINGTHEREFROMthat portion lying West of the East line of the oftractlandconveyedLanetoCountybyinstrumentrecordedAugust6.1976.ReceptionNo.76-40388.Lane County Oregon Official Records. PARCELIII :' Commencing pointat 6%5.22 feeta South of the Northeast of the Zaracorner "-Sweet Donation Land Claim No.68,in Township 17 South.Range 3 ofWest the V'Willamette Meridian;thence South 376.8 feet;~1thenceWest.415.5 feet theto 53"~West line of of 11.26tracta formerly belongingacres Williamto R.Walker;thence North 355.3 feet theto Northwest of saidcorner 11.26 acre tract;$3315?~thence following the of sloughcenter South 82°12~East.l.~7 chains (76.62feet);thence North 84°06~East.3.02 chains (199.32 feet);thence North 78°12~East 33731§fmthetoplaceofbeginning.in Lane County.Oregon. EXCEPTINGTHEREFROMthat portion lying West of the East line of the oftractinlandconveyed "Mr-in:Laneto County by instrument recorded August 6.'1976.'ReCeption"No.76-4~388,Lane County Oregon Official Records. NA)V GT0IN93~WSTATE,OF Na.IHCKNOWLIDGMENT.FORM,1 ,wizagmétlséguyzralblhmngCaww...7 r,..,,r ,_r58Countyof. ...........9 NovemberasIT},REMEMBERED,That this day ofon...........,........................................'before me,undersigned,Notarythe Public in and for the State of Oregon,appeared'personally the Withina~namedAlexandraFischerMor-~se r known to beto the identical~hi~viqual described in and whome executed the within instrument and.......3~2,9631acknowledgedtothat ..execuledthe [reel andme voluntarily..'same y%u.....~\uu~-'G~IMONYyriz~gaou5.7%,~-WHEREOF,I have hereunto hand and affixedsetE~":<5:\()Il.:°\/:l}~myJ~I?!"myoftxfiazsg~tho day and abovelast written.year4r*"~i..:.~~r¢=~rrr~."r~~--r '(C,oatI ,ia}!W Malls.~Not Public[or8"~"5%r -commissionexpires0/:wAS~.................................ANDERSONi.....JEAN~\\\{VV~. 9564997 State of Oregon of LaneCounty 55.~-and{orthesaidClerk.I.County InthecertifythatthewithinheifebyCounw.do_'rééordreceived[or atinstrumentwas 0295\S'NOV 5:, 3R21.1 555~" LaneCcuntiné~amll-{LhéiéraiVN ~1'-..V ._....V .I"LaneCopanlerk"~~~"~~'~'~" _) ClerkCounty Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222400275 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non-Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) 800 Willamette Street, Ste 500 (541)683-5422 OWNERSHIP AND ENCUMBRANCES REPORT WITH GENERAL INDEX LIENS Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non-Monetary Encumbrances To ("Customer"):PBS Engineering and Environmental Inc 1325 SE Tech Center Drive, Suite 140 Vancouver, WA 98683 Customer Ref.:_________________________ Order No.:60222400275 Effective Date:January 19, 2024 at 08:00 AM Charge:$400.00 The information contained in this report is furnished by Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon (the "Company") as a real property information service based on the records and indices maintained by the Company for the county identified below. THIS IS NOT TITLE INSURANCE OR A PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT FOR, OR COMMITMENT FOR, TITLE INSURANCE. No examination has been made of the title to the herein described property, other than as specifically set forth herein. Liability for any loss arising from errors and/or omissions is limited to the lesser of the charge or the actual loss, and the Company will have no greater liability by reason of this report. THIS REPORT IS SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY STATED BELOW, WHICH LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY ARE A PART OF THIS REPORT. THIS REPORT INCLUDES MONETARY AND NON-MONETARY ENCUMBRANCES. Part One - Ownership and Property Description Owner. The apparent vested owner of property ("the Property") as of the Effective Date is: Sanipac, Inc., an Oregon corporation Premises. The Property is: (a)Street Address: 1650 Glenwood Boulevard, Eugene, OR 97403 (b)Legal Description: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222400275 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non-Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Part Two - Encumbrances Encumbrances. As of the Effective Date, the Property appears subject to the following monetary and non-monetary encumbrances of record, not necessarily listed in order of priority, including liens specific to the subject property and general index liens (liens that are not property specific but affect any real property of the named person in the same county): EXCEPTIONS 1.City Liens, if any, in favor of the City of Springfield. 2.Rights of the public to any portion of the Land lying within the area commonly known as streets, roads and highways. 3.Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject land has been removed from or brought within the subject land’s boundaries by the process of accretion or reliction or any change in the location of slough or canal. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject land has been created by artificial means or has accreted to such portions so created, or based on the provisions of ORS 274.905 through 274.940. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject land is now or at any time has been below the ordinary high water line of slough or canal. Rights of fishing, navigation, commerce, flood control, propagation of anadromous fish, and recreation, and other rights of the public, Indian tribes or governmental bodies in and to the waters of slough or canal. 4.The Land is within the Glenwood Urban Renewal Area and is subject to the terms and provisions thereof, 5.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to:A. Welch, trustee Purpose:Railway purposes Recording Date:August 21, 1908 Recording No:Book 79, Page 60; Reception No 12140 Affects:Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars 6.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to:Dale Fischer Purpose:Roadway Recording Date:September 1, 1960 Recording No:8940 Affects:Easterly 20 feet and Recording Date: December 17, 1969 and Recording No.: 90772 and Recording No.: 90773 Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222400275 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non-Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) 7.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to:City of Eugene Purpose:Sanitary sewer Recording Date:August 2, 1972 Recording No:11769 Affects:Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars 8.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to:Eugene Water & Electric Board Purpose:Overhead electric distribution line and necessary appurtenances Recording Date:July 15, 1980 Recording No:8034647 Affects:Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars 9.Notice of Approval for Property Line Removal Recording Date:December 15, 1993 Recording No.:9382117 10.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to:City of Eugene Purpose:Utility Recording Date:September 24, 1998 Recording No:9876573 Affects:Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars 11.Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to:Eugene Water & Electric Board Purpose:Utility Recording Date:April 25, 2000 Recording No:2000023124 Affects:Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars 12.Please be advised that our search did not disclose any open Deeds of Trust of record. 13.Existing leases and tenancies, if any, and any interests that may appear upon examination of such leases. Note: Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are paid in full. Fiscal Year: 2023-2024 Amount: $124,087.37 Levy Code: 00480 Account No.: 0299444 Map No.: 17-03-34-33-00800 Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222400275 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non-Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) End of Reported Information There will be additional charges for additional information or copies. For questions or additional requests, contact: Dave Driskill dave.driskill@titlegroup.fntg.com Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 Willamette Street, Ste 500 Eugene, OR 97401 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non-Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) For APN/Parcel ID(s):0299444 For Tax Map ID(s):1703343300800 PARCEL I: That portion of the following described property lying North of the North line of 17th Avenue East: Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 16 of GLENWOOD PARK, as platted and recorded at Page 481 of Volume T, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; and running thence South 1387.49 feet, more or less, to a point 1948.5 feet South at the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 68, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 74º 45' East, 171 feet; thence North 82º 04' East, 153.9 feet; thence North, 1409 feet, more or less, to the North line of said Lot 16; thence West along said North line to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL II: Beginning at a point 982 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 68, Notification No. 3284, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, on the West line of Lot 23, GLENWOOD PARK, as platted and recorded at Page 481 of Volume T, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; and run thence South on a line parallel with the West line of said Lot 23, 1078.5 feet; thence North 41º West 9.2 chains (607.2 feet); thence North 62º West, .37 chains (24.42) feet; thence North 587.18 feet; thence East, 415.5 feet to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion lying West of the East line of the tract of land conveyed to Lane County by instrument recorded August 6, 1976, Reception No. 76-40388, Lane County Oregon Official Records. PARCEL III: Commencing at a point 605.22 feet South of the Northeast corner of the Zara Sweet Donation Land Claim No. 68, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence South 376.8 feet; thence West, 415.5 feet to the West line of tract of 11.26 acres formerly belonging to William R. Walker; thence North 355.3 feet to the Northwest corner of said 11.26 acre tract; thence following the center of slough South 82º 12' East, 1.07 chains (70.62 feet); thence North 84º 06' East, 3.02 chains (199.32 feet); thence North 78º 12' East to the place of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion lying West of the East line of the tract of land conveyed to Lane County by instrument recorded August 6, 1976, Reception No. 76-40388, Lane County Oregon Official Records. Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222400275 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non-Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY "CUSTOMER" REFERS TO THE RECIPIENT OF THIS REPORT. CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, IF NOT IMPOSSIBLE, TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF LOSS WHICH COULD ARISE FROM ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN, OR THE COMPANY’S NEGLIGENCE IN PRODUCING, THE REQUESTED REPORT, HEREIN "THE REPORT." CUSTOMER RECOGNIZES THAT THE FEE CHARGED IS NOMINAL IN RELATION TO THE POTENTIAL LIABILITY WHICH COULD ARISE FROM SUCH ERRORS OR OMISSIONS OR NEGLIGENCE. THEREFORE, CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS THAT THE COMPANY IS NOT WILLING TO PROCEED IN THE PREPARATION AND ISSUANCE OF THE REPORT UNLESS THE COMPANY’S LIABILITY IS STRICTLY LIMITED. CUSTOMER AGREES WITH THE PROPRIETY OF SUCH LIMITATION AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS THE LIMITATIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS AND THE LIMITATIONS WILL SURVIVE THE CONTRACT: ONLY MATTERS IDENTIFIED IN THIS REPORT AS THE SUBJECT OF THE REPORT ARE WITHIN ITS SCOPE. ALL OTHER MATTERS ARE OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE REPORT. CUSTOMER AGREES, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF THE REPORT AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, TO LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS AND ALL OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, LOSSES, COSTS, DAMAGES AND EXPENSES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ATTORNEY’S FEES, HOWEVER ALLEGED OR ARISING, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE ARISING FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY’S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTY, EQUITY, THE COMMON LAW, STATUTE OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF RECOVERY, OR FROM ANY PERSON’S USE, MISUSE, OR INABILITY TO USE THE REPORT OR ANY OF THE MATERIALS CONTAINED THEREIN OR PRODUCED, SO THAT THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY AND ITS AGENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL NOT IN ANY EVENT EXCEED THE COMPANY’S TOTAL FEE FOR THE REPORT. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT THE FOREGOING LIMITATION ON LIABILITY IS A TERM MATERIAL TO THE PRICE THE CUSTOMER IS PAYING, WHICH PRICE IS LOWER THAN WOULD OTHERWISE BE OFFERED TO THE CUSTOMER WITHOUT SAID TERM. CUSTOMER RECOGNIZES THAT THE COMPANY WOULD NOT ISSUE THE REPORT BUT FOR THIS CUSTOMER AGREEMENT, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION GIVEN FOR THE REPORT, TO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND THAT ANY SUCH LIABILITY IS CONDITIONED AND PREDICATED UPON THE FULL AND TIMELY PAYMENT OF THE COMPANY’S INVOICE FOR THE REPORT. THE REPORT IS LIMITED IN SCOPE AND IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, TITLE OPINION, PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT, TITLE REPORT, COMMITMENT TO ISSUE TITLE INSURANCE, OR A TITLE POLICY, AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS SUCH. THE REPORT DOES NOT PROVIDE OR OFFER ANY TITLE INSURANCE, LIABILITY COVERAGE OR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS COVERAGE. THE REPORT IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON AS A REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE TO THE PROPERTY. THE COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS AS TO THE REPORT’S ACCURACY, DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY AS TO THE REPORT, ASSUMES NO DUTIES TO CUSTOMER, DOES NOT INTEND FOR CUSTOMER TO RELY ON THE REPORT, AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE ON THE REPORT OR OTHERWISE. Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222400275 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non-Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) IF CUSTOMER (A) HAS OR WILL HAVE AN INSURABLE INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY, (B) DOES NOT WISH TO LIMIT LIABILITY AS STATED HEREIN AND (C) DESIRES THAT ADDITIONAL LIABILITY BE ASSUMED BY THE COMPANY, THEN CUSTOMER MAY REQUEST AND PURCHASE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER, OR A COMMITMENT TO ISSUE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. NO ASSURANCE IS GIVEN AS TO THE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE OR STATUS OF TITLE. CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES IT HAS AN INDEPENDENT DUTY TO ENSURE AND/OR RESEARCH THE ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE COMPANY OR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE PURCHASED. NO THIRD PARTY IS PERMITTED TO USE OR RELY UPON THE INFORMATION SET FORTH IN THE REPORT, AND NO LIABILITY TO ANY THIRD PARTY IS UNDERTAKEN BY THE COMPANY. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS, AND ALL OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES AND SUBCONTRACTORS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, OR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, INCOME, SAVINGS, DATA, BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITY, OR GOODWILL, PAIN AND SUFFERING, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, NON-OPERATION OR INCREASED EXPENSE OF OPERATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR DELAY, COST OF CAPITAL, OR COST OF REPLACEMENT PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY’S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTIES, FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE AND WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, THE COMPANY’S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER CAUSE WHATSOEVER, AND EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES OR KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY FOR SUCH DAMAGES. END OF THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY