HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 13- FY24 Supplemental Budget 3 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/20/2024 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.:Jessica Mumme/Finance Staff Phone No:541-736-1032 Estimated Time: 10 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: FY24 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET 3 ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolutions: A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENTS CAPITAL, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, AND VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT. ISSUE STATEMENT: At various times during the fiscal year, the Council is requested to adjust the annual budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required changes. These adjustments to resources and requirements change the current budget and are processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department. This is the third of four FY24 supplemental budget requests to come before Council. The City Council is asked to approve the attached Supplemental Budget Resolution. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Briefing Memorandum 2. Supplemental Budget Resolution and Exhibit A DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The overall financial impact of the Supplemental Budget Resolution is to adjust department Operating Expenditures by $3,082,862, Capital Expenditures by $130,000, and Interfund Transfer Expense by $100,000. These are offset by a reduction in revenue of $296,126, a reduction in Reserves of $3,596,338, and a reduction in Contingency of $12,650. FY24 Supplemental Budget 3 Page 1 of 3 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 2/20/2024 To: Nancy Newton, City Manager COUNCIL From: Nathan Bell, Finance Director Jessica Mumme, Budget & Procurement Manager Yueyin Lin, Financial Analyst BRIEFING Subject: FY24 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET 3 MEMORANDUM ISSUE: At various times during the fiscal year, the Council is requested to adjust the annual budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required changes. These adjustments to resources and requirements change the current budget and are processed through supplemental budget requests scheduled by the Finance Department. This is the third of four FY24 supplemental budget requests to come before Council. The City Council is asked to approve the attached Supplemental Budget Resolution. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Financially Responsible and Stable Government Services BACKGROUND: Supplemental budgets may be used to meet unexpected needs or to spend revenues not anticipated at the time the original budget was adopted. In accordance with Oregon budget law, notification of this supplemental budget and a hearing is made no later than five calendar days before the public meeting. A public hearing is only required when a supplemental budget request changes total appropriations within a fund by 10% or greater. Notification of this public hearing was published in the Creswell Chronicle at least five days prior to the public hearing. The attached information identifies the individual items that are included in the February 20th, 2024 Supplemental Budget request. Changes to the budget included in this request fall into three general categories: reallocations, carryforward requests, and new appropriation requests. Reallocations move existing approved budget authority between already appropriated spending categories, such as an appropriations transfer from a contingency account to operating expense. Re-appropriations or carryovers represent money that was committed by contract in the previous year but the contracted work was not completed within the fiscal year. The prior year’s remaining budget amount needs to be appropriated into this year’s budget to allow final payments to be made in the current year. Re-appropriations also may include money for capital projects that were planned but not completed in the prior year. The projects are still scheduled and funds are being carried forward to the current year’s budget. New appropriation requests include both expenditure items that are funded by new revenue, such as a new grant, and expenditure items that are being requested to be funded out of reserves. General Fund 100  Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $100,000, offset by a reduction in General Fund reserves, to provide funding for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in response to the 2024 Ice Storm. Attachment 1 Page 1 of 3 FY24 Supplemental Budget 3 Page 2 of 3  Increase Police Department operating expenses by $400,000 in the General Fund and $75,000 in the Police Levy Fund, offset by a reduction in reserves, to provide funding for overtime expenses in the department. Historically, overtime costs in excess of the budget have been absorbed by savings incurred by vacant positions. Several factors have reduced the available vacancy savings, including unfunded staff retirement payouts, compensation increases for a new labor agreement, and successful hiring efforts. Street Fund 201  Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $687,500, offset by a reduction in operation reserves, for recovery efforts related to the 2024 Ice Storm. Special Revenue Fund 204  Increase Storm Drainage Operating Fund working capital reserves by $100,000, offset by a reduction in Development & Public Works capital expenditures, to reallocate grant funding for the 42nd Street Levee. Grant funds will be reallocated from a Comprehensive Project Management Plan to an Emergency Action Plan. Grant funds must be spent by June 30, 2024, and the Comprehensive Project Management Plan work would not be completed by this date.  Increase Police Department operating expense by $20,000, offset by a reduction in drug forfeiture reserves, to support the Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) pilot project. The project performs focused missions in alignment with crime trends within the City, such as retail theft.  Increase Police Department operating expense $27,000, offset by a reduction in police forfeiture reserves, to support the purchase of three rifle shields ($17,000) and updated safety armor carriers for critical incident response team ($10,000).  Increase Police Department operating expense $57,000, offset by a reduction in drug forfeiture reserves, to support specialized training necessary based on recent best practices, unanticipated changes in personnel, and upcoming events. Funding will support training expenditures related to munition equipment, mobile field force, and attendance at the Western States Hostage Negotiators’ Association (WSHNA) crisis negotiator conference.  Increase Finance Department operating expense by $39,050, offset by a reduction in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) reserves, for increased annual fees for the City’s financial software (PeopleSoft/Oracle). The increased annual fee is a result of ARPA project funds increasing the City’s budget, which determines the annual fee amount. Development Assessment Capital Fund 419  Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $500,000, offset by a reduction in reserves, for recovery efforts related to the 2024 Ice Storm. Development Projects Fund 420  Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $1,000,000, offset by a reduction in reserves, for recovery efforts related to the 2024 Ice Storm.  Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $134,000, offset by a reduction in reserves, for unanticipated work at the five fire stations. Ambulance Fund 615  Increase Fire & Life Safety operating expense by $200,000, offset by a reduction in personnel expenditures ($108,981) and an increase in ambulance fees charges for service revenue ($91,019). The City of Springfield engaged a third-party vendor on the feasibility of a new billing structure to realize more efficiency and improve account receivable collections. The new billing structure eliminated 1.0 FTE, however the FTE was absorbed into an existing vacant position. Attachment 1 Page 2 of 3 FY24 Supplemental Budget 3 Page 3 of 3 Vehicle and Equipment Fund 713  Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $562,500, offset by a reduction in equipment replacement reserves, for recovery efforts related to the 2024 Ice Storm. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Conduct a public hearing and adopt/not adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENTS CAPITAL, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, AND VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT. Attachment 1 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. ___________ SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET #3 A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL, STREET, SPECIAL REVENUE, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENTS CAPITAL, DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL, AMBULANCE, STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, AND VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT. WHEREAS, the Common Council has adopted the budget and made appropriations for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 through Resolution No. 2023-25 adopted June 20, 2023 and as amended by Resolution 2023-34 adopted October 16, 2023 and Resolution No. 2023-39 adopted December 4, 2023; WHEREAS, ORS 294.471(1)(a), (b), (c) and (h) permit a supplemental budget due to an occurrence or condition that was not known at the time the budget was prepared that requires a change in financial planning; due to a pressing necessity that creates a need for prompt action, that was not reasonably foreseen when preparing the original budget; or to budget funds that are made available by another unit of federal, state, or local government, which funds were not reasonably foreseen when preparing the original budget; A reduction in available resources that requires the governing body to reduce appropriations in the original budget or a previous supplemental budget for the current year or current budget period; WHEREAS, the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget and appropriations to meet unexpected needs and to allow appropriations of new revenues pursuant to ORS 294.471(1)(a), (b), (c) and (h) as justified in Exhibit A, which is attached and incorporated by reference; WHEREAS, ORS 294.463 allows transfers of appropriations within a fund when authorized by ordinance or resolution of the governing body, stating the need for the transfer, the purpose of the authorized expenditure, and the amount transferred; WHEREAS, this supplemental budget and adjustments to appropriations are being presented at a public hearing at which the public may comment on such requests; and WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget and appropriations, as adopted by Resolution No. 2023-25 and amended by resolutions 2023-34 and 2023-39, are hereby adjusted as provided in Exhibit A. Section 2: This Resolution will take effect upon adoption by the Council. Attachment 2 Page 1 of 10 ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ___ day of _________, ____, by a vote of _____ for and ____ against. ATTEST: __________________________ City Recorder Attachment 2 Page 2 of 10 General Fund - 100 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office 1,665,389$ -$ -$ -$ (1,000)$ 1,664,389$ Development & Public Works 3,095,222 202,542 - 100,000 - 3,397,764 (1) Finance 2,660,599 62,500 - - - 2,723,099 Fire and Life Safety 13,151,343 - - 89,576 - 13,240,919 (2) Human Resources 969,736 (20,000) - - - 949,736 Information Technology 1,652,478 - - - - 1,652,478 Legal Services 959,862 - - - - 959,862 Library 2,104,887 10,779 - - - 2,115,666 Police 18,123,044 - - 412,650 - 18,535,694 (3,4) Total Department Operating 44,382,561 255,821 - 602,226 (1,000) 45,239,608 Non-Departmental Transfers 1,095,497 57,670 - - 1,000 1,154,167 Contingency 1,000,000 - - (12,650) - 987,350 (3) Reserves* 9,289,837 751,605 - (500,000) - 9,541,442 (1,4) Total Non-Departmental 11,385,334 809,275 - (512,650) 1,000 11,682,959 Total General Fund 55,767,895$ 1,065,096$ -$ 89,576$ -$ 56,922,567$ General Fund Commentary: Street Fund - 201 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office 55,784$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 55,784$ Development & Public Works 7,131,784 19,935 - 687,500 - 7,839,219 (1) Finance 70,456 - - - - 70,456 Total Department Operating 7,258,023 19,935 - 687,500 - 7,965,458 Non-Departmental Transfers 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Contingency 200,000 - - - - 200,000 Reserves* 2,733,206 (57,480) - (687,500) - 1,988,226 (1) Total Non-Departmental 3,083,206 (57,480) - (687,500) - 2,338,226 Total Street Fund 10,341,229$ (37,545)$ -$ -$ -$ 10,303,684$ Street Fund Commentary: Exhibit A FY2023-24 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS TRANSFER 1.) Increase Development & Public Works Department operating expense by $100,00, offset by a reduction in General Fund reserves, to provide funding for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in response to the 2024 Ice Storm. 2.) Increase Eugene-Springfield Fire & Life Safety overtime expenses by $89,576 in the General Fund, offset by revenue from the State of Oregon conflagration funds, to account for unanticipated personnel expenditures related to conflagrations within Oregon occurring between July 1, 2023 and October 31, 2023. 3.) Transfer $12,650 from Contingency to Police Department operating expense for the use of contracted third-party legal support during the Springfield Police Association (SPA) contract negotiations. 4.) Increase Police Department operating expenses by $400,000 in the General Fund, offset by a reduction in reserves, to provide funding for overtime expenses in the department. Historically, overtime costs in excess of the budget have been absorbed by savings incurred by vacant positions. Several factors have reduced the available vacancy savings, including unfunded staff retirement payouts, compensation increases for a new labor agreement and successful hiring efforts. 1.) Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $687,500, offset by a reduction in operating reserves, for recovery efforts related to the 2024 Ice Storm. Exhibit A Page 1 of 8 Attachment 2 Page 3 of 10 Special Revenue Fund - 204 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office 3,726,570$ 74,034$ -$ 5,788$ 1,000$ 3,807,392$ (1) Development & Public Works 5,866,836 1,684,112 - (139,473) - 7,411,475 (2,3) Finance 816,705 (25,869) 184,542 39,050 - 1,014,428 (4) Fire and Life Safety 266,209 36,964 - - - 303,173 Human Resources 104,835 - - - - 104,835 Information Technology 133,866 96,870 - - - 230,736 Library 124,218 86,620 - 18,994 - 229,832 (5-7) Police 479,800 558,971 - 104,000 - 1,142,771 (8-10) Total Department Operating 11,519,039 2,511,702 184,542 28,359 1,000 14,244,642 Non-Departmental Transfers - - - 100,000 - 100,000 (3) Reserves* 5,493,666 (325,840) - (87,338) - 5,080,488 (1,4,5,8-10) Total Non-Departmental 5,493,666 (325,840) - 12,662 - 5,180,488 Total Special Revenue Fund 17,012,705$ 2,185,862$ 184,542$ 41,021$ 1,000$ 19,425,130$ Special Revenue Fund Commentary: Transient Room Tax Fund - 208 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office 235,194$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 235,194$ Development & Public Works 29,923 - - - - 29,923 Library 273,807 600 - - - 274,407 Total Department Operating 538,925 600 - - - 539,525 Non -Departmental Transfers 1,100,000 - - - - 1,100,000 Reserves* 2,269,773 92,366 - - - 2,362,139 Total Non-Departmental 3,369,773 92,366 - - - 3,462,139 Total Transient Room Tax Fund 3,908,698$ 92,966$ -$ -$ -$ 4,001,664$ Transient Room Tax Fund Commentary: - No current activity. 1.) Increase City Manager’s Office operating expense by $5,788, offset by a reduction in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) reserves from the prior year, which were dedicated to support the Fire Governance Review. These costs are related to Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) work with the City Manager and City Council on the Fire Governance model discussions between the Cities of Springfield and Eugene. 2.) Decrease Development & Public Works operating expense by $39,473, offset by a reduction in state grant revenue from the State of Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. The City was awarded the grant for a Comprehensive Plan Map Project in FY22. The project was completed in FY23, and expenditure authority is no longer needed. 3.) Increase Storm Drainage Operating Fund working capital reserves by $100,000, offset by a reduction in Development & Public Works capital expenditures, to reallocate grant funding for the 42nd Street Levee. Grant funds will be reallocated from a Comprehensive Project Management Plan to an Emergency Action Plan. Grant funds must be spent by June 30, 2024, and the Comprehensive Project Management Plan work would not be completed by this date. 4.) Increase Finance Department operating expense by $39,050, offset by a reduction in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) reserves, for increased annual fees for the City’s financial software (PeopleSoft/Oracle). The increased annual fee is a result of ARPA project funds increasing the City’s budget, which determines the annual fee amount. 5.) Increase Library operating expense by $15,500, offset by a reduction in the gifts and memorial reserve, to support several initiatives including on-call staffing, children’s programming, and outreach, marketing, and translation services. 6.) Increase Library operating expense by $2,000 to recognize grant revenue from Springfield Utility Board (SUB) to support the Library Muertos program and Museum Illumination program. 7.) Increase Library operating expense by $1,494 to recognize grant revenue from the State of Oregon’s Child Services Improvement Grant. Grant funds will be used for a limited duration position to support library outreach. 8.) Increase Police Department operating expense $57,000, offset by a reduction in drug forfeiture reserves, to support specialized training necessary based on recent best practices, unanticipated changes in personnel, and upcoming events. Funding will support training expenditures related to munition equipment, mobile field force, and attendance at the Western States Hostage Negotiators’ Association (WSHNA) crisis negotiator conference. 9.) Increase Police Department operating expense $27,000, offset by a reduction in police forfeiture reserves, to support the purchase of three rifle shields ($17,000) and updated safety armor carriers for critical incident response team ($10,000). 10.) Increase Police Department operating expense by $20,000, offset by a reduction in drug forfeiture reserves, to support the Crime Reduction Unit (CRU) pilot project. The project performs focused missions in alignment with crime trends within the City, such as retail theft. Exhibit A Page 2 of 8 Attachment 2 Page 4 of 10 Community Development Fund - 210 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works 1,159,459$ 962,502$ -$ (555,345)$ -$ 1,566,616$ (1) Finance 27,516 - - - - 27,516 Total Department Operating 1,186,975 962,502 - (555,345) - 1,594,132 Non-Departmental Reserves* 250,000 102,266 - - - 352,266 Total Non-Departmental 250,000 102,266 - - - 352,266 Total Community Development Fund 1,436,975$ 1,064,768$ -$ (555,345)$ -$ 1,946,398$ Community Development Fund Commentary: Building Code Fund - 224 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office 23,185$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 23,185$ Development & Public Works 1,531,993 - - - - 1,531,993 Fire & Life Safety 85,645 - - - - 85,645 Total Department Operating 1,640,823 - - - - 1,640,823 Non -Departmental Contingency 35,000 - - - - 35,000 Reserves* 4,210,958 1,177,849 - - - 5,388,807 Total Non-Departmental 4,245,958 1,177,849 - - - 5,423,807 Total Building Fund 5,886,781$ 1,177,849$ -$ -$ -$ 7,064,630$ Building Code Fund Commentary: Fire Local Option Levy Fund - 235 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Fire and Life Safety 1,725,722$ -$ -$ 28,621$ -$ 1,754,343$ (1) Total Department Operating 1,725,722 - - 28,621 - 1,754,343 Non -Departmental Contingency 45,000 - - - - 45,000 Reserves* 2,271,540 (142,944) - - - 2,128,596 Total Non-Departmental 2,316,540 (142,944) - - - 2,173,596 Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund 4,042,262$ (142,944)$ -$ 28,621$ -$ 3,927,939$ Fire Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: 1.) Decrease Development & Public Works Department operating expenses by $555,345, offset by a reduction in federal grant revenue. At the time of the FY24 budget adoption, the total available funding for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) programs was unknown. This request aligns the budget with available resources and the approved CDBG Action Plan for FY24. - No current activity. 1.) Increase Eugene-Springfield Fire & Life Safety overtime expenses by $28,621 in the Fire Levy Fund, offset by revenue from the State of Oregon conflagration funds, to account for unanticipated personnel expenditures related to conflagrations within Oregon occurring between July 1, 2023 and October 31, 2023. Exhibit A Page 3 of 8 Attachment 2 Page 5 of 10 Police Local Option Levy Fund - 236 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Finance 754,400$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 754,400$ Legal Services 93,280 - - - - 93,280 Police 7,929,538 - - 75,000 - 8,004,538 (1) Total Department Operating 8,777,217 - - 75,000 - 8,852,217 Non -Departmental Transfers 27,500 - - - - 27,500 Contingency 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Reserves* 2,380,321 914,059 - (75,000) - 3,219,380 (1) Total Non-Departmental 2,557,821 914,059 - (75,000) - 3,396,880 Total Police Local Option Levy Fund 11,335,038$ 914,059$ -$ -$ -$ 12,249,097$ Police Local Option Levy Fund Commentary: Bond Sinking Fund - 306 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Non-Departmental Debt Service 4,019,570$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,019,570$ Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance* 488,245 (10,732) - - - 477,513 Total Non-Departmental 4,507,815 (10,732) - - - 4,497,083 Total Bond Sinking Fund 4,507,815$ (10,732)$ -$ -$ -$ 4,497,083$ Bond Sinking Fund Commentary: Development Assessment Fund - 419 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works -$ -$ -$ 500,000$ -$ 500,000$ (1) Total Department Operating - - - 500,000 - 500,000 Non-Departmental Reserves* 862,971$ 13,744$ -$ (500,000)$ -$ 376,715$ (1) Total Non-Departmental 862,971 13,744 - (500,000) - 376,715 Total Development Assessment Fund 862,971$ 13,744$ -$ -$ -$ 876,715$ Development Assessment Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Police Department operating expenses by $75,000 in the Police Levy Fund, offset by a reduction in reserves, to provide funding for overtime expenses in the department. Historically, overtime costs in excess of the budget have been absorbed by savings incurred by vacant positions. Several factors have reduced the available vacancy savings, including unfunded staff retirement payouts, compensation increases recommended by Human Resources and new labor agreements, and successful hiring efforts. - No current activity. 1.) Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $500,000, offset by a reduction in assessments finance reserves, for recovery efforts related to the 2024 Ice Storm. Exhibit A Page 4 of 8 Attachment 2 Page 6 of 10 Development Projects Fund - 420 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works -$ -$ -$ 1,000,000$ -$ 1,000,000$ (1) Total Department Operating - - - 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 313,884$ 92,813$ -$ 134,000$ -$ 540,697$ (2) Non-Departmental Transfers - 98,000 - - - 98,000 Reserves* 5,220,387 896,832 - (1,134,000) - 4,983,219 (1,2) Total Non-Departmental 5,220,387 994,832 - (1,134,000) - 5,081,219 Total Development Projects Fund 5,534,271$ 1,087,645$ -$ -$ -$ 6,621,916$ Development Assessment Fund Commentary: Regional Wastewater Capital Fund - 433 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works 2,479,000$ 2,228,030$ -$ -$ -$ 4,707,030$ Total Department Operating 2,479,000 2,228,030 - - - 4,707,030 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 64,680,000 4,185,557 - 130,000 - 68,995,557 (1) Non-Departmental Transfers 25,904 - - - - 25,904 Reserves* 42,740,385 322,716 - (130,000) - 42,933,101 (1) Total Non-Departmental 42,766,289 322,716 - (130,000) - 42,959,005 Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund 109,925,289$ 6,736,303$ -$ -$ -$ 116,661,592$ Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Commentary: Street Capital Fund - 434 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works 118,785$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 118,785$ Total Department Operating 118,785 - - - - 118,785 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 17,208,277 400,000 - - - 17,608,277 Non-Departmental Reserves* 4,937,753 (705,590) - - - 4,232,163 Total Non-Departmental 4,937,753 (705,590) - - - 4,232,163 Total Street Capital Fund 22,264,815$ (305,590)$ -$ -$ -$ 21,959,225$ Street Capital Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $1,000,000, offset by a reduction in reserves, for recovery efforts related to the 2024 Ice Storm. 2.) Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $134,000, offset by a reduction in reserves, for unanticipated work at the five fire stations. 1.) Increase Development & Public Works Department capital expense by $130,000, offset by a reduction in capital project reserves, to support the Poplar Harvest Management Services project. Funding will be used to complete ongoing work related to infill planting and weed control services. - No current activity. Exhibit A Page 5 of 8 Attachment 2 Page 7 of 10 Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund - 611 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office 83,600$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 83,600$ Development & Public Works 5,202,120 19,087 - - - 5,221,207 Finance 62,704 - - - - 62,704 Total Department Operating 5,348,424 19,087 - - - 5,367,510 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 11,391,962 - - - - 11,391,962 Non-Departmental Debt Service 1,706,000 - - - - 1,706,000 Contingency 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Reserves* 26,503,799 840,185 - - - 27,343,984 Total Non-Departmental 28,359,799 840,185 - - - 29,199,984 Total Sewer Operations Fund 45,100,185$ 859,272$ -$ -$ -$ 45,959,456$ Sanitary Sewer Operations Fund Commentary: Regional Wastewater Fund - 612 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office 17,649$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 17,649$ Development & Public Works 23,712,953 372,060 - - - 24,085,013 Finance 181,874 - - - - 181,874 Total Department Operating 23,912,475 372,060 - - - 24,284,535 Non-Departmental Transfers 14,300,000 - - - - 14,300,000 Debt Service 4,113,000 - - - - 4,113,000 Reserves* 10,594,782 1,710,756 - - - 12,305,538 Total Non-Departmental 29,007,782 1,710,756 - - - 30,718,538 Total Regional Wastewater Fund 52,920,257$ 2,082,816$ -$ -$ -$ 55,003,073$ Regional Wastewater Fund Commentary: Ambulance Fund - 615 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Fire and Life Safety 6,862,659$ -$ -$ 91,019$ -$ 6,953,678$ (1) Total Department Operating 6,862,659 - - 91,019 - 6,953,678 Non-Departmental Contingency 150,000 - - - - 150,000 Reserves* - 916 - - - 916 Total Non-Departmental 150,000 916 - - - 150,916 Total Ambulance Fund 7,012,659$ 916$ -$ 91,019$ -$ 7,104,594$ Ambulance Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Fire & Life Safety operating expense by $200,000, offset by a reduction in personnel expenditures ($108,981), and an increase in ambulance fees charges for service revenue ($91,019). The City of Springfield engaged a third-party vendor on the feasibility of a new billing structure to realize more efficiency and improve account receivable collections. The new billing structure eliminated 1.0 FTE, however the FTE was absorbed into an existing vacant position. - No current activity. - No current activity. Exhibit A Page 6 of 8 Attachment 2 Page 8 of 10 Storm Drainage Operating Fund - 617 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office 83,921$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 83,921$ Development & Public Works 7,648,632 20,982 - - - 7,669,614 Finance 62,717 - - - - 62,717 Total Department Operating 7,795,269 20,982 - - - 7,816,251 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 9,892,797 - - - - 9,892,797 Non-Departmental Debt Service 553,641 - - - - 553,641 Contingency 200,000 - - - - 200,000 Reserves* 16,365,615 1,218,296 - 100,000 - 17,683,911 (1) Total Non-Departmental 17,119,256 1,218,296 - 100,000 - 18,437,552 Total Drainage Operating Fund 34,807,322$ 1,239,278$ -$ 100,000$ -$ 36,146,601$ Storm Drainage Operating Fund Commentary: Booth-Kelly Fund - 618 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating City Manager's Office 257,038$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 257,038$ Development & Public Works 484,304 - - - - 484,304 Total Department Operating 741,341 - - - - 741,341 Total Development & Public Works Capital Projects 190,000 - - - - 190,000 Non-Departmental Transfers 86,772 - - - - 86,772 Contingency 15,000 - - - - 15,000 Reserves* 576,558 160,114 - - - 736,672 Total Non-Departmental 678,330 160,114 - - - 838,444 Total Booth-Kelly Fund 1,609,671$ 160,114$ -$ -$ -$ 1,769,785$ Booth-Kelly Fund Commentary: Regional Fiber Consortium - 629 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Finance 224,686$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 224,686$ Total Department Operating 224,686 - - - - 224,686 Non-Departmental Reserves* 412,105 155,435 - - - 567,540 Total Non-Departmental 412,105 155,435 - - - 567,540 Total Regional Fiber Consortium Fund 636,791$ 155,435$ -$ -$ -$ 792,226$ Regional Fiber Consortium Fund Commentary: 1.) Increase Storm Drainage Operating Fund working capital reserves by $100,000, offset by a reduction in Development & Public Works capital expenditures, to reallocate grant funding for the 42nd Street Levee. Grant funds will be reallocated from a Comprehensive Project Management Plan to an Emergency Action Plan. Grant funds must be spent by June 30, 2024, and the Comprehensive Project Management Plan work would not be completed by this date. - No current activity. - No current activity. Exhibit A Page 7 of 8 Attachment 2 Page 9 of 10 Insurance Fund - 707 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Human Resources 533,140$ 20,000$ -$ -$ -$ 553,140$ Health Insurance 8,535,823 - - - - 8,535,823 Property & Liability 2,003,254 - - - - 2,003,254 Worker's Compensation 690,488 - - - - 690,488 Total Department Operating 11,762,705 20,000 - - - 11,782,705 Non-Departmental Contingency 200,000 - - - - 200,000 Reserves* 14,267,709 794,069 - - - 15,061,778 Total Non-Departmental 14,467,709 794,069 - - - 15,261,778 Total Insurance Fund 26,230,414$ 814,069$ -$ -$ -$ 27,044,483$ Insurance Fund Commentary: Vehicle and Equipment Fund - 713 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works 1,598,001$ 42,193$ -$ 712,500$ -$ 2,352,694$ (1,2) Fire & Life Safety 237,250 1,304,850 1,816,273 - - 3,358,373 Human Resources - - - 4,000 - 4,000 (3) Information Technology 776,368 - - - - 776,368 Legal 2,300 - - - - 2,300 Library 16,000 - - - - 16,000 Police 688,500 264,000 - - - 952,500 Total Department Operating 3,318,419 1,611,043 1,816,273 716,500 - 7,462,235 Non-Departmental Reserves* 9,160,963 (997,321) (1,816,273) (716,500) - 5,630,869 (1-3) Total Non-Departmental 9,160,963 (997,321) (1,816,273) (716,500) - 5,630,869 Total Vehicle and Equipment Fund 12,479,382$ 613,722$ -$ -$ -$ 13,093,104$ Vehicle and Equipment Fund Commentary: SDC Administration Fund - 719 FY24 Adopted Budget Supplemental Budget 1 Supplemental Budget 2 Supplemental Budget 3 Appropriations Transfers & Adjustments FY24 Revised Budget Department Operating Development & Public Works 414,423$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 414,423$ Finance 46,223 - - - - 46,223 Total Department Operating 460,646 - - - - 460,646 Non-Departmental Contingency 10,000 - - - - 10,000 Reserves* 261,424 316,760 - - - 578,184 Total Non-Departmental 271,424 316,760 - - - 588,184 Total SDC Administration Fund 732,070$ 316,760$ -$ -$ -$ 1,048,830$ SDC Administration Fund Commentary: TOTAL RESOLUTION 434,355,495$ 20,083,863$ 184,542$ (205,107)$ 1,000$ 454,419,793$ *Reserves and Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance are not appropriated for spending and are shown for information purposes only. - No current activity. 1.) Increase the Development & Public Works operating expense by $150,000, offset by a reduction in vehicle and equipment reserves, to replace a Thermolay vehicle. The vehicle is beyond its useful life and will not meet the emissions standards which are scheduled to be implemented in Oregon on January 1, 2025. 2.) Increase Development & Public Works operating expense by $562,500, offset by a reduction in equipment replacement reserves, for recovery efforts related to the 2024 Ice Storm. 3.) Increase Human Resources operating expense by $4,000, offset by a reduction in computer reserves, to replace two computers used by staff. - No current activity. Exhibit A Page 8 of 8 Attachment 2 Page 10 of 10