HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 08- Lani Moku OLCC Liquor License AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/20/2024 Meeting Type:Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.:Robin Holman - DPW Staff Phone No:541-726-3662 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION FOR A NEW OUTLET FOR LANI MOKU GRILL, DBA: LANI MOKU CHILL. ACTION REQUESTED: Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for Lani Moku Chill, located at 4425 Main St. Springfield, OR 97478. ISSUE STATEMENT: The owner of Lani Moku Grill. has requested the City Council to endorse its OLCC Liquor License Application. ATTACHMENTS: 1: OLCC Liquor License Application. DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The license endorsement for Lani Moku Grill, DBA: Lani Moku Chill is for a New Outlet with Limited On-Premises Sales. The license application has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate City Departments. LlquoR LIcENSE APPLICATION Page L of 4 Check the appropriate license request option: I New Outlet I n Chanse of Ownership I E Greater Privilese I n Additional Privileee Select the license type you are applying for. More information about all license types is available online FullOn-Premises ECommercial E Caterer tr Public Passenger Carrier tr Other Public Location tr For Profit Private Club tr Nonprofit Private Club Winery tr Primary location Additional locations: fl2nd tr3rd tr4th !5th Brewery flPrimary location Additional locations: tr2nd tr3rd Brewery-Public House tr Primary location Additional locations: n2nd tr3rd Grower Sales Privilege [J Primary location Additional locations: tr2nd n3rd Distillery E Primary location Additional tasting locations: (Use the DISTT form HERE) I Limited on-Premises tr Off Premises E Warehouse E Wholesale Malt Beverage and Wine Nameof CitY OR CountY (notboth) Please make sure the name of the Local Govemment is printed legibly or stamped below Date application received : Optional: Date Stamp Received Below tr Recommend this license be granted tr Recommend this license be denied tr No Recommendation/Neutral Printed Name Date Signature Lani Moku Chill Trade Name OLCC Liquor License Application (Rev. 1 0.25.23) LOCAL GOVERNMENT USE ONLY LOCAL GOVERNMENT After providing your recommendation, return this form to the applicant WITH the recommendation marked below Attachment 1, Page 1 of 7 ldentify the applicants applying for the license. This is the entity (example: corporation or LLC) or individual(s) applying for the license. Please add an additional page if more space is needed. Name of entity or individual applicant #1 Lani lVloku Gril! Name of entity or individual applicant #2: Name of entity or individual applicant #4Name of entity or individual applicant #3 LTQUOR LTCENSE APPLTCATTON Page 2 of 4 Trade Name of the Business (name customers will see) Lani lVoku Chill PfemiSeS Street addfeSS (The physical location of the business and where the liquor license will be posted): 4425 IVain St Zip Code: 97478OR State City: Springfield Business email la n i mokug ri I l@yahoo. com City: Springfield Zip Code: 97478 Business phone number: 541-653-6352 County: Lane Does the business address currently have an OLCC marijuana license? ffives WNo Does the business address currently have an OLCC liquor license? ffiYes EJNI Application Contact Name: Brittany Hunt itted with this application. Phone number: 541-914-3541 lan i mokug ri I I @yahoo. com Email Please note: liquor license applications are public records.OLCC Liquor License Application (Rev. 10.25.23) Business mailing address (where we will send any items by mail as described in OAR 845-004-0065t1.l.): 5547 N/ain St the Authori:zed Reprrese nt6tive Attachment 1, Page 2 of 7 LTQUOR LTCENSE APPLICATION Page 3 of 4 o "Real property" means the real estate (land) and generally whatever is erected or affixed to the land (for example, the building) at the business address. o "Common area" is a privately owned area where two or more parties (property tenants) have permission to use the area in common. Examples include the walking areas between stores at a shopping center, lobbies, hallways, patios, parking lots, etc. An area's designation as a "common area" is typically identified in the lease or rental agreement. oEach applicant listed in the "Application lnformation" section of thisform has read and understands OAR 845-005-0311 and attests that: 1.. At least one applicant listed in the "Application lnformation" section of this form has the legal right to occupy and control the real property proposed to be licensed as shown by a property deed, lease, rental agreement, or similar document. 2. No person not listed as an applicant in the "Application lnformation" section of this form has an ownership interest in the business proposed to be licensed, unless the person qualifies to have that ownership interest waived under OAR 845-005-031-1. 3. The licensed premises atthe premises street address proposed to be licensed either: a. Does not include any common areas; or b. Does include one or more common areas; however, only the applicant(s) have the exclusive right to engage in alcohol sales and service in the area to be included as part of the licensed premises. o ln this circumstance, the applicant(s) acknowledges responsibility for ensuring compliance with liquor laws within and in the immediate vicinity of the licensed premises, including in portions of the premisesthat are situated in "common areas" and thatthis requirement applies at all times, even when the business is closed. 4. The licensed premises at the premises street address either: a. Has no area on property controlled by a public entity (like a city, county, or state); or b. Has one or more areas on property controlled by a public entity (like a city, county, or state) and the public entity has given at least one of the applicant(s) permission to exercise the privileges of the license in the area. Lani t\4oku Chill OLCC Liquor License Application (Rev. 10.25.23) L,,6\$..W.zAw.Qa..l%oL.a,.V..THEBUslNEs5AN:a...:.7,WE.W Attachment 1, Page 3 of 7 L!QUOR LICENSE APPL!CATION Lani lVoku Chill Page 4 of 4 Applicant Signature(s): Each individual listed in the applicant information box on page 2 (entity or individuals applying for the license) must sign the application. lf an applicant listed in the applicant information box on page 2 is an entity (such as a corporation or limited liability company), at least one member or officer of the entity must sign the application. eEach applicant listed in the "Application lnformation" section of thisform has read and understands OAR 845-006-0362 and attests that: 1. Upon licensure, each licensee is responsible for the conduct of others on the licensed premises, including in outdoor areas. 2. The licensed premises will be controlled to promote public safety and prevent problems and violations, with particular emphasis on preventing minors from obtaining or consuming alcoholic beverages, preventing over-service of alcoholic beverages, preventing open containers of alcoholic beverages from leaving the licensed premises unless allowed by OLCC rules, and preventing noisy, disorderly, and unlawful activity on the licensed premises. I attest that all answers on all forms and documents, and all information provided to the OLCC as a part of this application, are true and complete. Brittany Hunt 112912024I Applicant name Applicant name Signature Date Applilcant name Signature Date Applicant name Signature Date Applicant/Licensee Representative(s): lf you would like to designate a person/entity to act on your behalf you must complete the Authorized Representative Form. You may submit the form with the application or anytime thereafter. The form must be received by the OLCC before the representative can receive or submit information for the applicant. Pledse note thdt dpplicantsflicensees are responsible for oll information provided, even if an outhorized representative submits ddditionol forms on beholl of the applicant. OLCC Liquor License Application (Rev, 10.25.23) Date Attachment 1, Page 4 of 7 OREGON LIQUOR & CANNABIS COMMISSION BUSI N ESS IN FORIVIATION Please Print or Type liCant Name:Lani Moku GrittApp Trade Name (dba)Lani Moku Chill Business Location Address '4425 Main St C Springfield ZIP Code:wqa E Food service Hours: 11 to 8 E Alcohol service Hours: 11 to B E Enclosed, ftgyy chain link fence The exterior area is adequately viewed andior supervised by Service Permittees. (l nvestigator's I nitials) Business Hours:OutdoorArea Hours The outdoor area is used for: Sunday Monday to to to to Sunday IVonday Tuesday 11 toB Tuesday 11 WednesdaY 11 Thursday 11 Friday 11 to8 to8 to8 to8 Wednesday 11 to 8 Thursday 11 to 8 Friday 11 to 8 Saturday 11 to8 Saturday 11 to8 Seasonal Variations: E Yes No lf yes, explain E tive tr,tusic E Karaoke E RecorOed Music E Coin-op"rated Games E ol nausic E vio"o Lottery Machines E oancing E nro" Dancing E sociat Gaming E lir" Entertainment E PootTables ! fr/inor Entertainers E Otf,"r, Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday to to to to to to to *Minor Entertainers in an area prohibited to minors need prior from the OLCC Restaurant: 3o Outdoor: 70 Lounge: Other (explain): Total Seating: 1ooBanquet: I understand if my answers are not true and complete, the OLCC may deny my license application. Check ALL that apply:ENTERTAINMENT DAYS & HOURS OF LIVE OR DJ MUS SEATING COUNT OLCC USE ONLY lnvestigator Verified Seating:_(Y) _(N) lnvestigator ln ilielc' Applicant Signature:Date I Z Rev: 2.1.23 Phone: s+t -oss-ossz Attachment 1, Page 5 of 7 OREGON LIQUOR & CANNABIS COMMISSION FLOOR PLAN INSTRUCTIONS t. Your floor plan MUST be submitted on the Floor Plan Form below 2. Use a separate Floor Plan Form for each level or floor of the building. The floor plan(s) must show the specific areas of your premises. 3. Label areas i.e. dining area, bar, lounge, lottery, outside patio and sidewalk cafe areas. 4. Food Counters should be labeled as such, and not as a Bar. At a Food Counter, food service/consumption is the predominant activity. At a Bar, alcohol service/consumption is the predominant activity. Please label Food Counters and Bars accordingly. 5. lnclude alltables and chairs. (See Example below) 6. lf you have an outdoor area, please show it in reference to the licensed building. 7. lf you have sidewalk seating please contact your local government to see if a permit is required for use. 8. lf this is a Food Cart Pod please labelthe floor plan where the alcoholwill be served from, where food will be served, where the seating will be and any other food carts that are in the pod. Please do not use complex architect drawings as your floor plan, unless they are clearly readable and show all the tables and chairs. RESTAURANT EXAMPLE FOOD CART POD EXAMPLE w AflEgON L1uUOA & (ANNAA$ COMMfi$I&T,4 rlaa?"?tAlaVaeM lM, A@ tt14 wrtrlatffirnd@l|.l7lw ,jX.W.By-qg-L}-C-,.-. titRwun W@ "1.&Wk%r. t*ampla ...,...,.&.at @ &u.,.....,,ww,&tw&,4".fut w 1xec*tt ulugq & e#1r44wr5 caMM$$wN rLCIaxPL&'f',FAfrM lw fu. &fr r*$/rh*wb$Wd wt,;116fr FN4qssLLA E:vaf&a*Fw$el?*n _ W-w 1@w@a ,att/,4@4lt l'l4.r44 E$tM . ...,.*n4w&r*,.,..wwMw, a*c ann Jnncruc fM Qaa W 6*cfrffiWQea OLCC Liquor License Floor Plan {Rev.3.22) w W I:Illwll lL"-ll W1ll cet I IlL-J I ffc llF*11ll*'i1 f i";;11| '. ,.... ) II-"1 I fu\M Attachment 1, Page 6 of 7 OREGON LIQUOR & CANNABIS COMMISSION FLOOR PLAN FORM Your floor plan must be submitted on this form Applicant Name Trade Name (dba) 1 (cuA (rt' \ (f os\6\0,ir 3{ ^\,*J tua f,n*u-^-c.t/ 13+'t fI l-) n {tr] D \nIoc" c 3 e ^\wlL] 'fl I r. l"-^r^* / E*it En lvro^cel E*il k", Ce,.r{ (rav (}al))\ 4. ..........o Lcc usE oNrY......... MTNOR POSTTNG ASSTGNMENT(S) oI Jl I L-' t:] o t-t r-- o o ( E Attachment 1, Page 7 of 7