HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance No. 6473 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. 6473 (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REPEALING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS REGARDING LAND DRAINAGE AND ALTERATION PERMITS, ADOPTING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE WHEREAS, the City of Springfield is subject to the National Pollutant Discharge System (NPDES) Phase II permit regulations for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4), administered by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) via the MS4 Modified General Permit (MS4 Permit), effective March 1, 2019, as modified March 21, 2021; WHEREAS, DEQ issued the City of Springfield MS4 Permit on June 1, 2021, and the permit expires February 28, 2024; WHEREAS, the MS4 Permit requires the City of Springfield to address six minimum control measures, including Construction Site Runoff Control; WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has existing regulations for construction site runoff control through the Springfield Municipal Code (SDC) chapter 8, Building Regulations, including overlapping regulations in section 8.300 Drainage and 8.400 Land Drainage and Alteration Permits; WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on these amendments on January 3, 2023; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it in the public interest to amend the Springfield Municipal Code chapter 8 to integrate sections 8.300 and 8.400 into one set of regulations for construction site runoff through the Land Drainage and Alteration Permit, consistent with the requirements of the MS4 Permit, NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Springfield Municipal Code sections 8.400, 8.404 through 8.406, 8.412 through 8.420, 8.306, 8.334, and 8.338 are hereby amended as provided in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference. Section 2. Springfield Municipal Code sections 8.306, 8.320, 8.322, 8.324, 8.330, 8.334, and 8.338 are renumbered as provided in Exhibit A. Section 3. Springfield Municipal Code sections 8.300 through 8.304, 8.308 through 8.318, 8.326, 8.238, and 8.336 are hereby repealed. Section 4. Savings Clause. Except as specifically amended herein, the Springfield Municipal Code will continue in full force and effect. The prior code and regulations repealed or amended by this Ordinance remain in full force and effect to authorize prosecution of persons in violation thereof prior to the effective date of this ordinance. {00031489:1} Section 5. Severability Clause. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 5th day of February , 2024, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 5th day of February , 2024. -MayGF Council President as AIC ATTEST: 4._ City Recorder REVIEWED&APPROVED AS TO FORM Kv'iWC�Kraa 5 DATE: 2/5J24 SPRINGFIELD CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE {00031489:1} Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 1 of 21 AMENDMENTS TO THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE FOR CONSTRUCTION SITE RUNOFF CONTROL LEGISLATIVE FORMAT This exhibit is provided in legislative format: deleted text is shown in red strike-though text, and added text is shown in red underlined text. Commentary is provided in a separate blue box; commentary is for legislative history purposes only and is not an adopted part of the code. LAND AND DRAINAGE ALTERATION PROGRAM 8.400 General. Sections 8 ,1100 to :::42,08.,. .;3 establish regulations to: (1) Restrict the discharge of sediments and other construction related materials, including hazardous substances, into the public stormwater system in order to: (a) Prevent or minimize, to the maximum extent practicable, negative impacts to adjacent properties, to water quality and to the City's Goal 5 natural resources inventory sites resulting from construction activities, and (b) Maintain the capacity of the public stormwater system by minimizing sedimentation; (2) Control excavating, grading, and earthwork construction, including fills and embankments ii�eg . cd- t--sectien , q to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare, and individuals and property against hazards resulting from uncontrolled grading and excavating practice; (3) Establish the administrative procedure for issuance of Land and Drainage Alteration Permits including: approvals; conditions of approval; denial; designation of a site as a sensitive area; extension of the duration of a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit; (4) Establish procedures for determining violations of this code; the provisions of an issued Land and Drainage Alteration Permit; enforcement, including a Notice of Violation; and (5) Establish the appeals process for Land and Drainage Alteration Permits. 8.402 Intent. The goal of the Land and Drainage Alteration Program is the protection of: public and private property; the City's infrastructure; and all Goal 5 Natural Resources inventory of significant sites from potential adverse effects of construction activities. The exact provisions or conditions of a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit are based on the circumstances present at the development site; as a result, the program allows the applicant and the City the flexibility to design and apply the most effective erosion prevention measures on a case-by-case basis. This flexibility extends to modifications of these conditions after the permit has been issued if the City determines the measures are not achieving the intended results. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 2 of 21 8.404 Applicability. (1) These regulations shall apply to all construction related activities in both the City and its urban transition area that result in any of the following: (a) Land disturbance, including, but not limited to, clearing, grading, grubbing, tree felling, excavating, filling, and storing of materials; (b) Structural development, including, but not limited to, buildings, bridges, streets, and other infrastructure including utilities and sewers; (c) Impervious surfaces, including, but not limited to, parking lots, driveways, off- street bikeways and pedestrian trails, access ways, and patios; or (d) Dewatering. (2) All persons in control of property or engaged in construction related activities shall prevent and/or control erosion, sedimentation, and other construction related impacts to stormwater quality in a manner designed to meet the outcomes specified in section 8.408. This obligation shall be implemented through one of the following actions: (a) The issuance of a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit in accordance with section 8.412; or (b) For all other construction activities not subject to the Land and Drainage Alteration Permit requirements, as determined by the director, compliance by property owners with the standards for preventing and controlling erosion, sedimentation, and other impacts associated with construction site management practices. The director will make information about these requirements and prevention measures available through a variety of techniques, including public outreach programs, handout materials, and other educational efforts to assist property owners in meeting this obligation. (3) Regardless of subsection (1), the following activities shall be exempt from these regulations.,. .......................................................:...1..I�ne eirnc of iildlic iitilit eif'oiirrniirn tl�ne oilk rl�nall talks iearoirnallle rite to 9 g........................`........................ .................................................................y.....p..........................................................g............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1i".�............................ irr'dirdimize sedi,ir neirnt�:......diir de ris .car otlh r coirn irrniirn .ir;nts k1i�c�.ir�n eirnt riirng tb; a city.....�toi irrn ater ysteirr:l... 1 the eirrlp ioirn iiru..._ This s.u.lbsectioi n §hal.l tei irrfli hate gt Trio .iirrne tlh. eirn.eir eirnoy, coindi. ioirn is....allevi .ted......... iu.�ili .y. sei' ice is resto.i�er .....oi� a street is i�eop.............sinned to traffic., .. ........................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................... ....................................................................................... (a) Actions by the City, a public utility, or any other governmental agency to remove or alleviate an emergency condition, restore utility service, or reopen a public street to traffic; or (b) Actions by any other person when the director determines, and documents in writing, that these actions are necessary to remove or alleviate an emergency condition, restore utility service, or reopen a public street to traffic. ........................................................ 1he.....- r .y... f....l .l..hk utiiit rfflinr 4*-,... -Ik..... ia� t� srit �-_ ... tea y...leer . F aeia arm-n�rna . .-n.e.r j (J� Ft� d-e � ; pair.....atR n r eor n nlrna ts..:9°irorrn..... Fn�� rn tR n .....c.. y.....r - .r n er.... Frn, he.....exo.. ... . ieFn in n , �ectiefi 4 t f"iinwnate......a - t�.....tn tk% effleFgeincy..coin .. ieil+is afleviate6j utility .n".v e is rent gyred-i ei�.....a street ire-i�eelper E�to tFa-ffic, {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 3 of 21 8.406 Definitions. In addition to the definitions contained in Springfield Development Code, the applicable sections of the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, and applicable sections elsewhere in the SMC, as used in these regulations, the following words and phrases shall mean: Annual Landscape Activities. Activities necessary to maintain the health and function of developed landscaped areas, including, but not limited to: tilling, sodding, mowing, aerating, pruning, and replacement of soil, gravel or addition of soil amendments. Best Management Practices (BMPs). Physical, structural, and/or managerial practices employed to avoid or mitigate erosion, sedimentation, or contamination of the public stormwater system and related natural resources inventory sites, or to otherwise meet these regulations. All BMPs shall be in accordance with the City of Springfield's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). Certified Professional. A person with a background or training in erosion prevention techniques who holds a license or certification to practice in Oregon in one of the following professions: engineering, architecture, landscape architecture, geology, or is in a similar profession; or a person who is certified as a professional in erosion and sedimentation control by the International Erosion Control Association, or any other similar organization. Construction Activity. An activity used in the process of developing, redeveloping, enhancing, or maintaining land, including, but not limited to: land disturbance, building construction, paving and surfacing, storage and disposal of construction related materials. Construction Footprint. That area of a lot where disturbance to vegetation and land form is necessary for the construction of buildings, parking lots, walkways, landscaping, utilities, and for staging of construction equipment and other similar uses associated with construction activities. Construction Related Materials. Potential water quality pollutants that are used or created during construction activities including, but not limited to: off-site deposits of sediments by vehicles (e.g., tracking, spilling); building material wastes (e.g., scrap metals, rubber, plastic, glass, masonry, wood; paints and thinners; packaging materials; insulation, plaster grout); hazardous substances (e.g., cleaning solvents; chemical additives; concrete curing compounds; acids; paints, thinners); pavement saw-cutting effluent; and concrete washout. Designated Buffer. An area that separates a significant natural resources site, including a wetland or water feature, from a conflicting use; and any conservation zone or protected area established during the development review and approval process that is designed to protect significant natural resources sites or drainage ways. Development Site. Property under common ownership or control, either undivided or consisting of one or more contiguous lots. Property under common ownership that is bisected by a public street or alley shall be considered one development site unless the land was legally divided. Dewaterina. The removal and disposal of surface water or groundwater for purposes of preparing a site for construction or facilitating construction. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 4of21 Directly Drains. The conveyance and discharge of stormwater0»off, either OO the surface or by an open ChdORe| Or pipe, into d water feature that is located OO Or adjacent tO the lot for which COOStnJCt|OO activities are planned, OrOOtn/|OtO its designated buffer area. | ~t~ger` er ~~~V�~~ r~ ~~ ^~ a~ ~-~~^~r' Area.Disturbed A lot Or d portion Of d lot where the vegetation, |dOdfOrD, or topography is altered due tD tree felling, clearing, grubbing, grading, paving, stock piling, or building. Condition.Emergency An |DlDl8d|dt8 danger to life, property, or the eOvinOODleOt due to C|rCUDlStdOC8S beyond the OOOtnO| of the property owner, |OC|Ud|Og, but not ||Dl|ted to, OdtUnd| and hUDldO-CdUS8d disasters |OC|Ud|Og, but not limited to, fires, floods, slides, earthquakes, sinkholes, and tree b|Ovv-dOvvO. Officer.Enforcement The person designated by the director to enforce the pnOviS|OOS of these negU|dt|OOS. Prevention.Erosion Measures to be taken for preventing and/or minimizing Sed|DleOtdt|OO and negative impacts to water quality in the pUb||C StOrDlvvdt8rSySteDl and OdtUnd| neSOUrCe inventory S|t8S due tOerosive impacts on exposed SO|| from water and vv|Od forces. EnOS|OO prevention Shd|| also |OC|Ude measures taken to prevent and/or Dl|O|Dl|ze potential impacts tOthe pUb||C StOrDlvvdt8r system and OdtUnd| neSOUrCeS inventory sites associated with COOStrUCt|OO dCt|v|t|eS |OC|Ud|Og hdOd||Og and storage of construction related Dldt8r|d|S and d|SpOSd| Of bU||d|Og Dldt8r|d| vvdSteS. Highly Erodible Soils. Soils classified as having an erodibility index of 8 or larger by the Natural Resources COOSen/dt|OO Service, formerly the 5O|| COO5ervdt|OO Service. Impacted . Property in proximity to d disturbed site, and subject to enOS|OO, 5ed|DleOtdt|OO, or construction Dldter|d| |DlpdCtS neSU|t|Og from the activity. Disposal.Improper The d|SpOSd| of any OOOStrUCt|OO related Dldt8r|d| in d DldOOer that CdU5eS, Or has the potential to CdU5e, the discharge Of pollutants tOthe pUb||C StOrDlvvdt8rsysteDl Or OdtUnd| neSOUn]eS inventory S|t8S, the depletion of the CdpdC|tv Of the pUb||C 5tOrDlvvdt8r system, or the COOtdDl|Odt|OO of soils. Storage.Improper HdOd||Og Or storing of any OOOStrUCt|OO related Dldter|d|S in d manner that causes or has the potential to cause the discharge Of pollutants tDthe pUb||C StOrDlvvdtersysteDl Or OdtUnd| neSOUrCeS inventory sites, the depletion of the CdpdC|tv of the pUb||C StOrDlvvdt8r system, or the COOtdDl|Odt|OO of soils. Wetlands.Jurisdictional Any lot, parcel or portion of lot which meets the state Orfederal definition of wetlands under the jUr|8d|Ct|OO of state Or federal |dvvS and also all S|gO|fiCdOt vvet|dOdS identified on the Citv's local wetland (see also VVEtldOdS). Permit.Land and Drainage Alteration A permit required for work that is subject to the rules | | and [egUldt|OOS set forth in S�Ct|OOS �.��� tO also referred to as d "grading perDl|t"or"permit." {00028897:3} Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 5 of 21 Land and Drainage Alteration Plan. Information including, but not limited to, a set of maps, data, drawings, and a narrative that describes expected runoff from new construction sites and establishes measures to be taken for preventing erosion, sediments, and other pollutants from construction related activities. Land Disturbance. Activities that can change the physical conditions of a landform, vegetation, and hydrology including, but not limited to, clearing, grading, grubbing, excavating, filling, tree felling, and storing of materials. Lot. The word "lot" includes the words"parcel"or"tract of land." Maximum Extent Practicable. The greatest degree of pollutant reduction achievable through the application of technically feasible, cost effective best management practices, processes, siting criteria, operating methods, or other alternatives approved by the director. Minor Recurring Activities. Repetitive construction or maintenance activities that are performed at different sites as part of an overall work plan or program when no individual disturbance exceeds more than 500 square feet of land area and 50 cubic yards of fill or excavated material. Natural Resources Inventory Sites. Areas on the City's adopted Goal 5 Natural Resources Inventory Maps and located within or adjacent to the public stormwater system, including, but not limited to, waterways, riparian areas shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses Map on file in the development and public works department, wetlands, and conservation zones or easements, which due to their location, topography, vegetation, or other factors provide one or more of the following stormwater functions: flood control, habitat, bank stabilization, and water quality treatment including pollutant removal, shading and temperature stabilization. l of - i .t iatat �'.i (I d0 V) A.....wirittefrr....r'.etrc j......s cR° ....t.l,.r of aor.�...and rcqO Fed....coi.... e rf�easiuiFes7 Permit Holder. The property owner or an agent hired by the property owner who has obtained a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. Person. An individual, trust, firm, joint stock company, joint venture, consortium, commercial entity, partnership, association, corporation, commission, state and any agency thereof, political subdivision of the state, interstate body or the federal government, including any agency thereof. Public Stormwater System. Those stormwater facilities located on public property, public rights-of-way, public utility easements and/or any stormwater facility the City is contractually or legally obligated to operate, maintain, or protect, including, but not limited to: (a) An open drainage way, headwater stream, creek, wetland, spring, or pond, including those not maintained by the City which drain onto city-owned property or into city-maintained facilities; (b) A pipe or sewer and its related appurtenances that carry stormwater and have been designed and constructed expressly for use by the general public and accepted by the director; (c) Streets, curbs and gutters and other surfaces in the public way which are designed to carry stormwater, roadside drainage ditches along unimproved streets; and {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 6 of 21 (d) Flood control and stormwater quality facilities (levees, dikes, overflow channels, swales, biofiltration facilities, infiltration facilities, detention basins, retention basins, dams, pump stations, groundwater recharging basins, sediment traps, wetlands, etc.) that have been designed and constructed expressly for use by the general public and accepted by the director. Responsible Person or Responsible Party. A property owner, Land and Drainage Alteration Permit holder, or their agent or contractor, or other person who is responsible for meeting the outcomes, or responsible for violation of these regulations. Routine Maintenance. The activities and practices necessary to maintain the operating capacity, functional integrity, or aesthetics of a site or facility. Routine maintenance includes, but is not limited to, landscaping, repair of recreation facilities (e.g., ball diamonds, play areas, fields), cleaning of stormwater facilities, and patching of streets. Secondary Containment. On-site erosion prevention measures that include both a preventative measure (e.g., soil coverage, vegetative buffer) and a control measure (e.g., sediment fence, mulch berm, straw bales). Sedimentation. The deposit of mud, sand, soil, sediment or construction materials exceeding one-half cubic foot in volume for every 1,000 square feet of lot size onto adjacent properties, into the public stormwater system, onto natural resources inventory sites located on-site, into public rights-of- way or private streets, and/or into any private stormwater system that discharges into a city stormwater system located off-site by dropping, discharging, directly depositing, or resulting from the action of erosion. Sensitive Area. Sites that meet the criteria contained in section 8.410(1). Stabilization. The completion of all soil disturbance activities at the site and the establishment of a permanent vegetative cover, or equivalent permanent stabilization measures including, but not limited to, riprap, gabions, geotextiles, or bioengineering methods that will prevent erosion. Untreated Runoff. Stormwater runoff due to construction activities that has not been filtered, screened, settled, or otherwise treated for the removal of pollutants, prior to discharge into the public stormwater system, designated buffers, or natural resources inventory sites. Vegetative Buffer. A strip of protected land not less than 25 feet in width separating ground disturbed by construction activity from a water feature, natural resources inventory site, or a property line, whichever is nearest, containing vegetation at least one inch in height that covers at least 80 percent of the buffer area. The buffer area shall be on the site covered by the Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. Visible or Measurable Erosion. Evidence of concentrated flows of water over bare soils, turbid or sediment laden flows, or evidence of on-site erosion including rivulets on bare soil slopes where the flow of water is not filtered or captured on the site using the techniques recommended in the City's Design Manual or an approved Land and Drainage Alteration Plan, or comparable techniques; and, earth slides, mud flows, earth sloughing, or other earth movement which leaves the property. Water Features. Permanent or intermittent bodies of water, including creeks, streams, ponds, rivers, lakes, natural resources inventory sites, drainage channels and jurisdictional wetlands. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 7 of 21 Wetlands. Any lot or portion of a lot which meets the state or federal definition of wetlands that is under the jurisdiction of state or federal laws and also all wetlands identified on the city's Local Wetland Inventory. Wet Weather Season. October 1 through April 30, unless otherwise designated by the director. 8.408 Outcomes. (1) All persons conducting construction activities specified in section 8.404(1) shall employ, to the maximum extent practicable, erosion prevention and construction site management practices which will achieve during both the construction period and wet weather season the following outcomes: (a) Adjacent properties, water features, and natural resources inventory sites are kept free of deposits or discharges of soil, sediment or construction-related material from the site except those that would occur through natural processes from an undisturbed site. (b) Vegetation in water features, natural resources inventory sites, and associated bank and/or riparian areas adjacent to construction sites are preserved or protected from impacts that exceed those that occur through natural processes on an undisturbed site. (c) Public rights-of-way, the public stormwater system and natural resources inventory sites, private streets and private stormwater drainage systems that discharge to the public stormwater system are kept free of mud, soil, hazardous materials, concrete washout, trash, or other similar construction-related material. Direct deposit, dropping, dumping, erosion, tracking, or other discharge by construction vehicles of materials shall not occur in excess of those that occur through natural processes from an undisturbed site. Any discharges that occur shall be prevented from entering water features or the public stormwater system and removed not later than the end of the day in which the discharge occurred, or as directed by the director. During the wet weather season all other work shall cease until such time the discharge has been corrected. (d) Soils and stockpile areas shall not be exposed to precipitation or stormwater runoff without the provision of secondary containment, perimeter controls, and other approved BMPs. (e) Earth slides, mudflows, earth sloughing, or other earth movement that has the potential to leave the property shall not occur in excess of those that occur through natural processes on an undisturbed site. (f) No discharge into the public stormwater system or natural resources inventory sites of construction related contaminants resulting from activities including, but not limited to, cleaning or washing of equipment, tools, or vehicles, shall occur. (g) No hazardous substances, including paints, thinners, saw cutting slurry, fuels and other chemicals shall be released onto the site, onto adjacent properties, or into water features, the public stormwater system, or natural resources inventory sites. (h) Maintain, on the site, all materials and supplies to implement the Land and Drainage Alteration Plan. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 8 of 21 (2) When designing and implementing BMPs to meet the above outcomes, the applicant shall consider the seasonal variation of rainfall, temperature, and other climatic factors relative to the timing of land disturbance activities. All construction activity that will result in soil disturbance during the wet weather season shall, at a minimum, implement and maintain the following BMPs on-site: (a) Construction site entrances shall be graveled with crushed rock of sufficient size and grading as necessary to prevent any off-site tracking. (b) All stormwater facilities, water features, and natural resources inventory sites shall be protected. (c) All exposed soil and stockpile areas shall be covered. (d) Sediment, soil, or construction related material shall be removed immediately from the right-of-way, adjacent property, and the public stormwater system, including water features and natural resources inventory sites. (3) No Land and Drainage Alteration Permit or other approval issued in accordance with these regulations shall be considered to authorize any violation of the above outcomes or wet weather requirements. 8.410 Designation of Sensitive Areas. (1) The City Manager shall publish, and from time to time maintain a map which shows: (a) All parcels where the slope of the lot is greater than 15 percent and/or is subject to the City's Hillside Development Overlay district; (b) All drainage ways or swales; (c) All wetlands; (d) All floodways or floodplains. The areas depicted on such map, and all parcels adjacent to drainage ways or swales, shall be sensitive areas for the purpose of this article. (2) An applicant may request an exception to the sensitive area requirement by submission of actual field or site information that demonstrates that the proposed work area will not adversely impact the relevant inventoried natural resource. (3) An applicant who disagrees with the director's final determination about the designation of a sensitive area may appeal that decision to the City Manager or designee. 8.412 Land and Drainage Alteration Permits. Commentary: Subsection (1)(c) is added to comply with new requirements in the MS4 Permit. Under the MS4 Permit Schedule A.3.d.ii, the City is required to implement construction site runoff control (accomplished through the LDAP permit) for all construction project sites that result in a land disturbance of 7,000 square feet or more. Conforming changes are proposed to (2)(a). The proposed code retains the permit requirement for sites disturbing an acre or more, as required by MS4 Permit, Schedule A section 3(d)(v). {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 9 of 21 Additionally, the changes to subsections (1) and (2) clarify that an LDAP is required for any cut and fill for inhabited structures. Non-habitable structures that are less 200 square feet (the trigger for building permit review) would not require LDAP review. Other existing thresholds for LDAP review are not proposed to change. (1) Land and Drainage Alteration Permit Required. Unless otherwise provided in these regulations and eti r� 8,1300 et stiff, no person shall commence any construction related activity without first obtaining from the City a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit, if the proposed construction related activity: (a) Exceeds 50 cubic yards or more of material on any one lot and/or adversely affects drainage from or onto adjoining properties; (b) Disturbs 500 square feet located in a sensitive area as specified in section 8.410; istu ii lbs 7000 . uuaii e k'eet oiru giro oirue lot oii. aeii o eoiruti°u ou lots a iru eii true ..................................................................................................................................................t.......................................................................................................Y..........................................................................................................................................................q................................................................................................................................... .s...... ..................:.....................................�'..i:... , Ir ;. o irueii u... ...... (e .) Disturbs one or more acres of land at any one time by one or more phases of development, and the disturbance is located on the same lot or on contiguous lots under the same ownership;,......c"ir. e Re gItF iiru airu airruou irut of cut oii, fill foci true laeeirrueirut ok"giro iirul�uali�ite �tii u�etu�ii e, ...............................................................................................................................Y................................................................................................................................................................................................Ii'�............................................................................................................i................................................................................................................................. (2) Waiver of Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. Regardless of any other provisions of this section, the following activities shall not require a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit; however, under no circumstances shall this waiver be construed to mean that these activities are exempt from any of the Land And Drainage Alteration Program requirements of die ��G �I�.ri.:i. _._ ..o d e.. and these regulations other than the requirement to obtain a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. The following activities shall be subject to other provisions, including, but not limited to, the outcome requirements specified in section 8.408: (a) Construction activities involving the disturbance of less than 500 square feet of land surface area in a sensitive area, or activities....which consist of the excavation and fill of less than 50 cubic yards of material gl les5 tl.uairu 7000 .. uaii"e keel iir') aii'".ea eoirusti'".Uetioru aetiYitie s. associate with Ifbu�ildiiru a iruoirflhalbitalble oirig stoic. �etael�ue� aegg.FF i �tiiu�etu�iie �u�el�u as a shed ........................................................................................................................................................0.....................................................................................................................................................................Y..............................................................................................................................:Y......................................................................................................................................................................... c"�.ii:�......q. .11: .q.. �.....exe.. ien.....pair...:Fi.i..l.r.r ....:intef-Ae,4...te.5uj. . ....ir:t.....a..stFu .. ire; (b) The issuance of Land and Drainage Alteration Permits and/or approvals for interior improvements to an existing structure, or other approvals for which there is no physical disturbance to the surface of the land; e G oirustii�u�etioiru of exteii�irual additioirus to existiiru iiru Ie u�ruit d el i.n aired a lexe ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................q.........................q...............................................................................................q............................................................E...................................F.. mile true aii�ea aired volume of exeavatioiru arud oii. fill does not exceed true distu�ii bairuee Introits ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................../.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ICE .I i � :�(.:1.).-:.....andC : i .................................... . �.� ,.. . ri (e .) Landscape maintenance activities on fully developed properties, necessary to maintain the existing developed landscape. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 10 of 21 (3) Land and Drainage Alteration Permit Classifications. (a) Type I Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. This permit applies to a property owner or agent that obtains a permit for construction that is located within a sensitive area or is conducting commercial construction activity; (b) Type II Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. This permit applies to a property owner or agent that obtains a permit for residential construction of a single unit or a duplex and is not located within a sensitive area; (c... ..................................... .:. A.... .. .... . t:::ai�.t...... ..d....D i Alf a atk�ft Pefn'��,......... lh� Fn'iit...... i. .......I,)e i, to. .................................................................................. pR"e1in9iFiaiy site.... .. Fevi w FE) . ...er tentative...1...... .titieil+eii� 5LA1 +Vi5ieir i3jpff" and. ,,... ce.mPty wi,t,i,..�...Sect.ief' .8: t:8 : .. ... t....41he.....Spi-if. 4, t��y..u.ni.ei.l .....Ge(Je- (4) Application. :Ii'i... y..... ..q. . ��e6 i°ee,�..........a�:ri...... a'.:).....application...:f .:u.e.rri......te......t.�:�.....payment �e .,� ., �� a.. Il....airud Alteiratioin aired IDiraiirua e %ii a nit it nu�st If % su.�lf iirnitte Ifs tl�rie c %ii t c wirrieii c ii a e%ii sc irri wl�ri� I�rias g...............p...................................................................................................................................................................................y............................... .............. ....................y................................................................................... ................................................................................................... ii itteir:ri.....au�tl�rioirizatic�in fiic�iirr:n..._tlhrie p..[�lr ciit.y..cwirrigll;� to make the ap li, atic�irri.�:....c�iri tl�ri, aIC�Eli, atic�irri....:fbiri�:n.. eFg.[ilbe.d tln�ue Ili reetoii� aired eoirru late witl a all iiruu'oii irruatioiru ire. !jJire oiru said forim oii. otlheii�wise C ............................................................................y...................................................................................................................................................E..................................................................................................................................................................................q.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... s eeif"ie iiru tlnue i!ovisioirus of this code, 'ia.i..�include_... ...S e eati .......E............................................................................................t�...................................................................................................�..................................':.....� �h a. .�..:9eirir�u..... u.�..�.....:i.ir.�....::ICa�.n, the case o a Type I Permit:.....t lx:p. ..... . .pjicati oi n..._imust.....:i.ir.p. .l_u. _ :.... ..completed Land and Drainage Alteration Plan, prepared in accordance with subsection (6) of this section, and such other information as the City may require to act upon the application. (5) Interdependent Land and Drainage Alteration Permit Processing. The application and processing of other city permits, including, but not limited to, Encroachment Permits, Tree Felling Permits, Foundation and Building Permits, are interdependent with the Land and Drainage Alteration Permit process. The development and public works director shall not issue any of these other permits except as follows: (a) Until the director has conducted a site inspection, and approved a required Land and Drainage Alteration Permit, or has determined a permit is not required; or (b) If the property owner or applicant is in violation of a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit, or any conditions of approval. Regardless of the requirements in this subsection, the director may issue Land and Drainage Alteration Permits for construction of public improvement projects in accordance with provisions of tllie 914-th.:i. _._code prior to the approval of the Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. No construction activities shall begin on the public improvements until the director approves the implemented erosion and sediment control measures. Commentary: SMC 8.412(6) meets the requirement in the MS4 Permit Schedule A.3.d.iv.A-B and A.3.d.v, requiring site-specific erosion and sediment control plan prior to construction or land disturbance, per a template provided by the City, which must include consideration of the potential water quality impacts. Subsection (6) also includes provisions from the Soils and Geology Report incorporated from SMC 8.314. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 11 of 21 (6) !Rg.r jired Plains aind Repg�!'"ts. .............................................................................................. ................. . ................... :....................................The Land and Drainage Alteration Plan. A Land and Drainage Alteration Plan shall be prepared by a certified professional and shall describe the techniques and methods to be used to achieve the required outcomes including specific BMPs for wet weather conditions, describe conditions before and after development, and the proposed methods to prevent and control water quality impacts during and after construction. The professional shall certify that implementation of the Plan ensures compliance with section 8.408(1). The director shall review the Plan prior to issuance of a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit and may monitor the development thereafter for continued compliance. The Land and Drainage Alteration Plan shall meet the minimum submittal requirements as listed on the City's application materials approved by the director. Soils aired e lo y p . .............A Soils aind Ge lo y g�p y [iceinsed j Lg� P .................................................................................... ol...........9 ...................................................................................o 9 .................................................. eing.jineeii he d J.je..!3g.E m�y Eg�.q . that the ein e steired g.Qglg.gjst oil re isteired ................ .................................................................... .......... ...... � !j!'...e................................................................................g.j. ��.E�g�!i s u]t wJIJ.�.') a ii...........gj..c..................................... ............................................g.............................................. ce i ie s e i .1 st i in -,oils aired Geol y Rgp gg l.ggj. .... ....p[Qp.��[�tioiii ofthe S Dirt,..........]']�'ie Soils air'id G gig y ................ I...........d P g ............................ ...................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................... ..........solo 9 .IR.e.......p g.Et lrn. y j2 ..waived.............W............h....en....... ........ pj!'. jj....i.m............l....n.....al.'."..y !'."..�p.Q.ft pir P .iied by jjc ir'ise eing.iiii deirnoinstirates that ..........�a........................d. ................. ................................................................................................................................................................ the soils wal.it I.olp -iot ii -e fuirtheir soils aind I pis, ..................... ............................. ........Y Qf b2 P aFgW d&YdgP..I !2.01 ea does ir i, .. ..... .....g.�&ggy �j�'N y .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. ......................... ..... W. J.L.)aici ir.).o t waived ui.r.-)d e..ii t.J.r.-)i s sectioin the Soils aired Geolo [g�pg!I rn u st iir'i I u de ...................................................................................................................................................................................... yj �. i............. ......... ... ..: i..).........................A d&Fg!jjp -i of true suii face aired subsuii face dirai.nag.Q facilities necessa.[Y. . ............tJ gir............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... to F c &M ofinative soU o i.....c ii ....................................................................................... .......................................... 1, o . ... fifl.. ii) f he locatioin ofaireaswithiin the bouindairies of develop gntWhidl'-i cainj UF if i .�.. ............................ . . . ............................1 y aired safely j2g� g.Fg�dj fg.[ Lgj I..d ijr.-i.g sjtes with acc ig-�p.... .....��.ny!.. g djj a g.[�.. ............................................................ ......................... ....................................................... (Ji.).........................QUideliries to Ibe used to ale. .......... ........................................................................................................................ e., tel ire P P.Q.1.1y dky�. ..........�.ii).d [r)ad..J.r.')t..a[ir.). t..t.'I.e. d&YQl.Q.P 02a t a[Q�.........F u c a s...........t t..-i e...........I[ir.T Ii up st e ts gj�-I tj�-Ig� b!2jg.bt of curt �jnd fills aired e p 0!2.F.F ...................... ......... .... .... ... ......................................................................................................... . of F.l.gp s e .....................9 ....................... ........................ ................ Floe !'ecoig-�g-�eir-ided eii'-osioii coiii i uli c s ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...... t�jirflin wall locatioin aji ainy, inecessall.y �Q[[g�ctive irneasuires" ......................................................... ........................................................................................." i )v A n tel I it fldh afteir...y.Fis of irnirnediat .1 adji to tj�'.Q p P..Q.FgW dayd.w.rm. .....�kt....................................................................................................................................... Y .... . ......... ....................... ............................... laind aire di'aira e al er t'.oi.......rrfl4ht have ain adverse effect upg��-I tj�-Ig p p ................................................. ..........!...............n g....................t .2 d&YQl.Q.P 02a t Q.�! rnjgj�-It �be adveirsely�.ffg�gtQd �y tbg &Q�!'�.tioin" ... .......................................................................................... . ... ........................ ..............RQ914[i..........e i.r. e r.].t s...........f b ii................e x cavatioins aired fills. fbir...ain b.u[ldijng g[ F Ega.!jj!'.g�......iincludling Y ......................................................................................... ..........................................................Y ... ................................................... jil"eirneintside estatebl. ...iin co e .....a........d .......... ...............d ....... (4)(A.).........................ib.Q 1p seince oforitical.1 igir soil p -us Whidh if not ....... ..........................................................................................................Y ��.P.D..n, !Y e oil g! o.I.I............................................. ...!'...o.b. I..eJr.T....................................................... ................................... coil-irected would lead to stiructuiral defects., .If the Soils aired Geo. .o y Ike p iindicates ............................................................... ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................:............................................................................................................................. g ........................................................... @ir'Iy Fugb tb.Q [g�p wst addiress eadh lot oir aireas witli said soil coiiis Dirt ir.1............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ aired ideintify �Q[[Qaive actioin that is likely tQ jp.[gyg..nt structuiral da.irnag.Q to tb.Q ................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................... .... .......................................................................................................... ICE .....g, d. sl..ii cl u..ii'"..e. s Commentary: Subsection (7) meets the requirement in Schedule A.3.d.iv.D for the required plans to be kept on site and available for inspection by relevant officials, such as the City or the Department of Environmental Quality. Subsection (8) includes language from 8.336 regarding site inspections and rights of entry, with revisions for clarity and to align with constitutional requirements. (7) Availability. The approved Land and Drainage Alteration Plan a.l.l.d SQ1.1 s a Rd G.!2.ology p ............. .................. .... ..... ........ ..... Q[t,��Njj'QEQ [Qq e[i............d shall be kept at the construction site and be available during on-site inspections. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 12 of 21 Commentary: Edits to this section are intended to align with the Development Code Update project that was adopted in 2022. This section and the criteria in 8.416 also help meet the requirements in MS4 Permit Schedule A.3.d.iv-v for review and approval of erosion and sediment control plans. 8.414 Review Criteria and Approval. .:1).........................I Yiew..._Cir"iteiria.,........_The director shall review the Land and Drainage Alteration Permit application, including the Land and Drainage Alteration Plane and other documents as may be submitted, pir d tlhne irepon"t.....pnr n�ecoirrnirrn lr.ndatioiri of" tlh site :i.lrnspoc oir fbilowiirng. Ibne sits [ins p .ctioirn..�:......lp[ion" tp. p p.% ..C.....ri. .....11 .:ial. . .c......„_Irr;l..0. .....an nn approve, approve with specialconditions, or deny the permit application.._ . ....:[Q.l..1o.. .;,... iroval., ...I..Ihe IXrecton� irr ust n ove aired issnne tl�ne en irrnit if' tl�ne I�in ecton k"iir-ids ..................................................p.p.................................................................................................................................................................................Ip.p............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ that the coirnstiructior-i related activities as no Deed iirn the a Iicatioirn coirrn I v�itlh all a Iicall�le p...............Ip.........................................................................................pp.................................................................................ICE.....Y..................................................................p............................................... n e. nnin"eirrneirnts of this code airnd w tlh tlh Ia out of in n oved on con edition hall n oved t..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Y.............................................................Y.............p.IC ..........................................................................................................................................Y..............pp....................................... evelp.pirrneirp..pon i02.it ui nd nr tlhe -lp[iirngf eld III. velop.lrrneirnt C deg i.Irnclu ilr.rip irrn.:i.irniirrnnnlrr.l. evelop.0 neirp..stairn .pn ds ( III ..Il cn it ni .�:...pn eliir ;fl. n n y....sit pl, ire n e ;i, c n:.... eirnf ..:i e I irp. i i .ic irri..:.. I the Il�in�ecton irrna a n ove aired issnne Il....airnd aired Ian aiirna e Iten atioirn Pen irrnit iirn all�seirice of airn ............................................................................................................. .............I I.p..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................q.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. plppn.PYOJ d yelprrneirnt p Erj g.nfy if he X cton firds that theII aird pi aiinaq Iten tiolr . . .... . r . . ..l:"l ":J ..... oirr'I.ICE.I..i s�:.... ..i, l�:ri..._�;1�:ri ..... II,itei i .......i..irri...... :i,c.irri...... ... ::�::.��..:.. d G oirndition�na.. n oval on I eirnial, I I�ne I in ecton irrnnnst deirn tl�ne en irrnit Iicatioirn if .................................................................................................................................p.11........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...............................II.................................................III.p.............................................................. :IF the director finds that the construction related activities a..F.....pp.p.p.p . ...._:i.Ir.ri..._.I�:p. ......p. II.�I ;l.:i......will result in sedimentation, visible or measurable erosion, or will otherwise violate the conditions specified in section 8.408 on airn otl�nen Iica.b e n ovisioirn of this code. Pirovided Ihoweven the IXrecton" .....................................Y.....................................................p..p..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................F...................................................................................... rrnaY p.ppnov ttne..p n irrnit.ppplicp. ioirn ar;rid issu.0 tlhe......lpon i�ni ..... itl�n .pocial..... oirndi :i.c�irns ire. cessaii.y tf . rrneet.. line n .€ nnineirr;l, hits of this ode if the I�;i,pecton,�,,,,,deten,lrrninnes. that su dh coirri,ditioirn�; an ii..easo.. if Iy fo..Fil�I :. *_, n..... . _ =ectt�ir.....4� ll....e,*�e�..... z'f"y 4 pt%Ffnntj er......ap �ovo-tl�n ......penir�Fk.. itfn speciat.....ce.i:w ,ie ns; ? ......... Effective ive IDate ..,PeFili'.. n�.e. .. 1 . ..n-no ....1l airnd .Irnd Il�n� ,iirnap 1..\ en . ioirn P :p irrnit i�[,).e effective uffnt Dire o Dire nova on cairn. it.o.rna a nova .. t ne I in ecto.. ko ov iirn a site inspection °..............Ll...............................pp..............................................................................................................................................11.p...............................................y...............................................................................................................................................q...... p Il� a eccurre.d-... rn6 tll�ne peFili is.....eFido0F5C-4 A4t'[ie.....: . .e cal° irp, eirncloi seirrn Irnt of the pg i[lrrnit If�,y....the site inspector�.......wlhi.el,..i.irrn.sy....:i.inns.la.de_ Coir6..ti.ar.ns-...l.n n.... �e.d-....a,s-...a.....FeFtfl.t......of..... '*-%.:i.irn , s.t,.. :.n. eal, An applicant who is denied a ..eFili..II....airnd airnd Il naiirna e Itg n[&oirn Pen"irrnit may p.11................................... pp I ..............................................................................................................p................................................................................................................................... Y appeal to the City Manager or designee by providing written notice of the appeal within 30 calendar days of receiving the permit denial. Commentary: The existing code regarding Conditions has been integrated into SMC 8.414 above. Section 8.416 is proposed to be replaced with text being moved from 8.318(7) for pre-development LDAP review (with clarifying edits). 8.416 C :. sIII; iir ,,,,,, „ ,Ilf ii,°a III Ill ;�ui,Milrlirl,ii,; ,,,, ;iII,"°„t ;IIi,M'i'.i ..�.I .........................................................F ven"y I,an:4ar:wd-I r. n.. lteFatieii+Pet"n9it....s kr:KI w4e.....as cernfkiei:K tll�ne.....e em-es set...:f-en tlI+inn" : section n.... .:. : r. anrnd... s.pecna-l-...ceir . iefis...:in npose(.�.a�+a-Fe.s o.f:....the...I,.:ani ... Ian.. ,. . e ltei�atiefi Pc t. n:evl.c .and./Or: -*-% site-:i f p.o.i�.n.,. C:::I�ne re. in eirnei nts of,this ction"ri......applY.... o a pin irrnit p.plplic ioirn su.i.lbir nett : iirn a vairnc :...of° develolpirr.neir t ..p..p.ii;rc .1.......f.irp. . :li: l:ri. .....`.hill;f;i.lr:ri.q:k�.i. .1. ......11 ,ev I,c.pl :I. Ir:ri......( p . .I':.. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 13of21 1p malp that imay affect the site., i occuirs iin the flood pjajin the diirectoil" irr.a aly is ofthe 1p ��� ess air app dime of app {00028897:3} Ordinance No. 0473 Exhibit A Page 14 of 21 Commentary: This section adds language that the permit expires after 180 days, from SMC 8.328. 8.418 Land and Drainage Alteration Permit Duration. (.;il,).........................Chen.�...m.i ....11 .0 i'"a. ti_gi"i...,,..._An approved Land and Drainage Alteration Permit shall remain in effect for the full period of construction activity. The permit may be extended for a period of up to, but not to exceed, one year after completion of the construction activities, if the director determines the extension is necessary to ensure the construction activity has stabilized in accordance with the outcomes specified in section 8.408. Land and Drainage Alteration Plans proposing work between October 1 to April 30 shall include wet weather BMPs. (..2..) I .xI ittioir rnpp n ir. r iirq.o . it becomesir 11 ir of if .. . .rovo I.air Ior r � ....................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. the oil str u� t;i,.oi n u thorized liby Fuj lin p .n;ir�nit i�.....i�not c�ir�nr�rnei n, o ;i lhi.i n 180 days kr orrn....tlino date of su.0 ll':n.. Ir or ir�ni .�:.....or if the oil str u� ti,orn a thorizo. li�y �u� lln Cop.nir�nit i�.....�u��p .ir:n�o cep If��i�n.�oirno ..... t irn.y tiir�no.... kton.n. Alin .... .c!r.k......i. ..... oir n,l.m.eince: .....:foil: ......ICE. .ii;i,cad......q(......1.:. . ..... . .. :... Commentary: This section adds language regarding site inspection and right of access by the City for permitted sites, from SMC 8.336. 8.420 Construction Site Control Reasures md,,,,,,dlf e&'wi r:�F-- „ a ds. (1) Construction Site Practices. In addition to compliance with specific requirements contained in an approved Land and Drainage Alteration Permit, all permit holders shall establish and implement Land and Drainage Alteration Plan practices that will prevent toxic materials and other debris from entering the City's storm drainage and waterway systems. The following construction site practices shall be prohibited and constitute a violation of these regulations: (a) Improper storage of chemicals (e.g., pesticides, fertilizers, fuels, paints, plasters, thinners); (b) Improper disposal of construction waste material, garbage, rubbish, and sanitary waste, plaster, dry-wall, grout, gypsum; (c) Failure to immediately clean up spills of toxic materials; (d) Washing excess concrete material or other construction related material into a street, catch basin, or other public facility, the public stormwater system, private stormwater drainage systems that discharge to the public stormwater system, natural resources inventory sites, or other protected area identified on the approved Land and Drainage Alteration Plan; (e) Allowing construction vehicles to track or spill soil, oil or debris into or onto a street or public right-of-way; (f) Ground disturbing activities or destruction of vegetation in protected areas; (g) Beginning construction activities without a valid permit or prior to initial site inspection by director; and (h) Failure to maintain BMPs including, but not limited to, a sediment fence, inlet protection, or concrete wash out. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 15 of 21 (2) Prevention Measures and Design Standards. The City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual may be utilized to obtain ideas as to how to achieve the outcomes mandated by section 8.408(1). Except as provided in section 8.408, it is not necessary to utilize any of the specific BMPs contained in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, nor is the use of one or more of those BMPs a guarantee that a permit will be issued. Each site and the proposed construction related activities need to be examined to determine what measures are required for that specific site. �; :ICiru eetioir-u of tiyoirk., All woirk u.uirudeiir� airu c o ed Il....air-ud aired I ii aiirua e lteii atioiru C eii irr�uit is su t,6� ct ....................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... .................... p plr - to iiruspgetioiru....l�y tl�uq.....lDiii e toii C the diiir . tour oii:�...au.ut�uoiri�ed ii p e��.lrutatiy irruay......go u�lpgiru tl�uq.....�u .l g..!. oeii.t k.oii. true a ii. ore oQ' irrualkiiru iiru eetioiru aired eii..p'oiI irruiiru otl�ueii a tie a ii a airut to tl�ui soda IN.C ...............11 ....................y.......................................................ICE...............p.......................................................................................g........................p.................................................................................. ..........................................................g........................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... eii soiru §I�uall iiruteii feii�e witlh a lawf"u l iiru� eetioiru u.uirudeii� this code. C ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................p.......................................................................................................................................................... Commentary: This section was previously 8.306, and is renumbered here to 8.421 and revised as shown below, to directly reference the existing administrative abatement procedures in the Springfield Municipal Code, which is used to abate other hazardous property conditions as needed. The Administrative Abatement procedures in 5.006 to 5.018 provide for a notice of abatement and opportunity for the responsible party to perform the abatement themselves, or else the City will perform the abatement and lien the property for the costs. The code also provides for summary abatement without prior notice in the event of an imminent danger to public safety or other emergency condition. 8.42„.,,- Allbateui-ineui��ut of Hazards. ............................. ............................................................................................................ Whenever the director determines that any existing excavation,., OF embankment,, or fill on private property has become a hazard to life and limb, er endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use, or stability of a public way or drainage channel,....._the. ..... ..:i11.e toi I . .... . . . ...... .:_ ...._ .l.. .:. :. .l....._ i.� i � i�i � c oinditic ins to.....libe alb .t �d pu:�.ii�u�airu.t.to a .ir�uiiruistn:�ative lbat it n.eirut I n:c�e du�.n:- s iiru.ectioi�s 5 5 . �,I�riii ou:�gh 5:. 6. 8 of tlhis... ode...4he...ewneir af.....ttre p�.... fty.....upon.....w��rr�cl�:�......, ....exe. . ief,r or lHl. -.l... ...ated�......er et.[*_,F. Peu Sefl.....O F a eFrt iil+coir4ii e I Of saki i pii�oll o't ty�...... . A Feeei pt Of re tiee un.... rutiiru q eii the ffii eetoii:j s... l watRrrFF�...4he peFio4specutueft41heuevin ire aiir oir...e4ffiuriate_sa4#exca tkcft... = o9,4R afkrruert a-s-te eliii Friafe the....haza i:4 af4Ilse iil+Ceirul°eFii...... � rice....... Il a tlie req 4e uer�ts oi.....tll a eerie. Commentary: SMC 8.320 is renumbered here as 8.422 8.4�223- 20 Excavations. (1) Unless otherwise permitted, the slope of any bank in an excavation shall not be steeper than one and one-half horizontal to one vertical, except that such slope may be required to be flatter if soil conditions are found to be unfavorable, or an adjacent foundation or structure may be endangered. (2) Terraces at least six feet in width shall be established at not more than 30-foot vertical intervals on all cut slopes to control surface drainage and debris except that where only one terrace is required, it shall be at mid-height. For cut slopes greater than 60 feet and up to 120 feet in vertical height one terrace at approximately mid-height shall be 12 feet in width. Terrace widths and {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 16 of 21 spacing for cut slopes greater than 120 feet in height shall be designed by an engineer and approved by the director. Terraces shall have a transverse slope of not less than five horizontal to one vertical sloping down towards the bank above the terrace and a longitudinal slope of not less than two percent. Suitable access shall be provided to permit proper cleaning and maintenance pursuant to this code. Swales or ditches on terraces shall have a minimum gradient of five percent and must be paved with concrete not less than three inches in thickness or an approved equal paving. They shall have a minimum depth at the deepest point of one foot and a minimum paved width of five feet. A single run of swales or ditch shall not collect runoff from a tributary area exceeding 13,500 square feet (projected) without discharging into a down drain. (3) Cut slopes shall be provided with subsurface drainage as necessary for stability. Commentary: SMC 8.322 is renumbered here as 8.424. 8.422.4, 3- 2,2 Ground Preparation for Embankments. (1) The area on which an embankment or fill is to be placed shall be cleared of all vegetation, such as trees, logs, stumps, and roots of trees, brush, heavy growth of grass and weeds, and any other objectionable material, such and debris, concrete foundations, metal, or non-earthen materials which cannot be properly consolidated or will not support the load of the embankment or structures. The cleared area shall extend to a width of two feet outside the area to be filled. All trees, existing stumps and large roots shall be removed, except that within the area where fills will be three feet or more in height, trees may be cut flush with the existing ground and grubbing of the remaining stumps will not be required except at locations where subdrainage, trenches, drain pipes, foundations or other structures are to constructed or where unsuitable materials is to be removed before construction of the embankment. (2) The existing ground shall be prepared to receive fill construction by: (a) The installation of subdrains to intercept and dispose of waters from springs, aquifers, or other underground sources of water; and storm drains to intercept and dispose of surface waters where required on approved plans. (b) Compacting the ground area upon which any embankment is to be constructed to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent throughout the top six inches. (3) Embankment fills shall not be constructed upon natural ground slopes which are steeper than five horizontal to one vertical unless such embankments are keyed into the natural ground; and the native material together with the fill material shall be recompacted to a relative compaction of 90 percent. The width of the benches for keying new embankments to existing slopes shall not be less than 10 feet. The construction operation shall be such that a slip plane is not created between the original material and the newly compacted material. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 17 of 21 Commentary: SMC 8.324 is renumbered here as 8.426. S.4.2 .3.24„ Embankment and Backfill. (1) The slopes of an embankment shall not be steeper than two horizontal to one vertical, except where the soils and geology report indicates that steeper slopes may be constructed and maintained safely without creating a potential sliding or erosion condition. (2) In fills over 20 feet in height, a terrace having a minimum width of six feet shall be constructed in the fill slopes, with a maximum vertical spacing of 20 feet between terraces or from the top or bottom of the fill slopes, except that the vertical spacing may be increased if slopes are commensurately flattened where such increase and flattening is recommended by an engineer and approved by the director. The terrace shall have a transverse slope of not less than five horizontal to one vertical sloping down towards the embankment, and a longitudinal slope of not less than two percent. Drainage along the terrace shall be provided as required by section .,,. .:, , of this code. (3) (a) Except as noted below for rock fill, material for embankments and backfills for excavations, slides, walls and other structures shall be spread in layers not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness before compaction, and each layer shall be compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 90 percent. (b) The side slopes of all embankments shall be compacted by means of tampers or rollers to a minimum of 85 percent relative compaction. (4) (a) When fill material includes rock, individual rock shall not be greater than three feet in greatest dimension, and no rock larger than six inches in greatest dimension will be permitted less than 18 inches below finished grade of the embankment. No large rocks will be permitted to nest, and all voids shall be filled with earth or other fine material and properly compacted. (b) Material used for backfilling within 18 inches of walls or other structures shall be free from stones or lumps of material exceeding four inches in greatest dimension. (5) At the time of compaction, the moisture content of the embankment material shall be such that the minimum relative compaction specified may be obtained with the compacting equipment being used. Water shall be added in the required amount to obtain the optimum moisture content for achieving maximum density. Compaction of embankment material which contains excessive moisture shall be delayed until the material has been allowed to dry to such an extent that the relative compaction specified may be produced with the compacting equipment being used. (6) Sufficient field and laboratory tests to determine the relative compaction of the ground and embankment material shall be taken and shall not be less frequent than necessary to obtain compaction tests in each two feet of vertical lift of the embankment. The results of such testing shall be included in the reports required by section .,,. .;6.&3,'38 of this code. (7) The absence of compaction test reports, or inaccuracies or inconsistencies in the test results shall be deemed sufficient to reject the completed construction or to delay issuance of a certification of completion until additional test reports are satisfactory and indicate compliance. The director may require a certificate by an approved soils testing agency based on the tests of the fill at selected elevations. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 18 of 21 Commentary: SMC 8.330 is being renumbered 8.430. This section helps ensures that applicants proactively update or resubmit permit applications when conditions at a site change or do not match what was approved in the permit, or if another dangerous condition occurs. If an applicant does not update their Permit (and associated plans) due to changed conditions, then the City may suspend or revoke the permit until the applicant corrects the conditions and/or submits a new permit application with corrected plan(s). This section ensures compliance with MS4 Permit Schedule A.3.d.iv.C, which requires erosion and sediment control plans be maintained and updated as site conditions change, or as needed. 8.14230.33. Permit Suspension or Revocation. (1) The director may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this code whenever it is found that: (a) The permit was issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information; (b) Conditions at the site vary appreciably from that stated in the application or shown on the grading plans; (c) Construction does not conform to the approved plans, grades, or other conditions of the grading permit; (d) Cessation of work before completion have, left the site in a condition hazardous to public or to the adjacent properties, and the applicant does not comply with reasonable requirements as to completion of the work within the time specified in the permit or an approved extension of time therefor; (e) The applicant does not comply with reasonable requirements to safeguard the workers, the public, or other persons acting in a lawful manner, during his or her construction operations; (f) The applicant, in transporting materials, or operating equipment in, around, to and from the site and in connection with the grading operations for which the permit was issued, fails to operate the equipment properly on or along public roads, or allows materials or litter to encroach, obstruct or be deposited on pavement, or in drainage channels, or otherwise within the road right-of-way, to the detriment of the public road, or creates a hazard on the public road, or causes unauthorized obstruction or diversion of drainage channels within the site areas; (g) Failure to have a qualified inspector, working under the supervision of a registered engineer, on the site during construction operations when so required under the permit. (2) Upon issuance of a notice to cease work, or the suspension of the grading permit, the applicant shall immediately cause all grading and hauling operations connected therewith to cease until permission is received from the director allowing the applicant to proceed after correcting the objectionable conditions or operations so as to eliminate the hazard or encroachment and to prevent recurrence of the situation. {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 19 of 21 (3) Upon the order of the director, any grading permit so suspended may be either reinstated or revoked. Whenever a permit has been revoked, work on the site shall not again commence until a new application has been filed incorporating the necessary revisions in plans or methods of operation required to fulfill the intent of sections ..,. . . .... .� ..... ..... 3 6 �'309 to &,"3�h38 and in accordance with the regulations herein, and approved by the director. Commentary: SMC 8.332 is being renumbered 8.432. 8.4232,-3-32, Fees. (1) Plan Checking Fee. For excavation and fill on the same site, the fee shall be based on the volume of the excavation or fill, whichever is greater. Before accepting a set of plans and specifications for checking, the director shall collect a plan-checking fee. Where not covered by the approved improvement plans for the development, separate permits and fees may apply to retaining walls or major drainage structures in accordance with the state building code. There shall be no separate charge for standard terrace drains and similar facilities. The amount of the plan checking fee for grading plans shall be based on the average actual costs as set forth by resolution of the City Council. The rates and charges herein provided are for incurred costs based upon the use or availability for use of the public right-of-way and/or the storm sewer system, as well as for meeting the routine obligations of ownership, which is necessary for the regulation of and provision for, the public health, safety and welfare. The charge is controlled by the user's or potential user's request and choice of the kind, nature and quantity of use. The plan-checking fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work to that under a valid permit shall be the difference between such fee paid for the original permit and the fee shown for the entire project. (2) Grading Permit Fees. A fee for each grading permit shall be paid to the director based on the average actual costs as set forth by resolution of the City Council. The rates and charges herein provided are for incurred costs based upon the use or availability for use of the public right-of-way and/or the storm sewer system, as well as for meeting the routine obligations of ownership, which is necessary for the regulation of, and provision for, the public health, safety and welfare. The charge is controlled by the user's or potential user's request and choice of the kind, nature and quantity of use. The fee for grading permit authorizing additional work to that under a valid permit shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original permit and the fee shown for the entire project. Commentary: SMC 8.334 is renumbered here as 8.434, with revisions as shown below. The changes include reorganizing the content for better clarity, and separating out the requirements for the form of financial security into a new subsection, and replacing detailed bond requirements with a general requirement that financial security be in a form approved by the City Attorney. This change allows more flexibility for the types of security accepted by the City, depending on specific circumstances. In addition, the amount of financial security required is increased from 110% to 120% to be consistent with other financial security requirements for development-related activities in the City of Springfield. 4 34,3. 4„ d6 Ilf'lii a ii-2clii a.11 S.2.c uu ii-hilly. ( )1 When Bead Rinairi i l -e a il1t is Re uired. I the dime toi irria i�e. u�ii�e gist tl�ie Ii irit °.... q ................... ...............................................................................................III..p.................................... fii„le f°iiri .lei i l se u.ui�i�y, it - tll�ie (J+Fectei� dete�i cries till, the nature of the work i eg ed_p ,ii;irriitt is such that if left incomplete, it will i�esu.ilt iiri eiri oi,ie oi- irrioi-e ol"tl�ie fbiloi iiri olriditioi�is p ...........................................................................y............................................................................................................................................................................................g............................................................................... {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 20 of 21 .rig [.!.Dg �.n adjoining property or streetr OF Mil ere-ate-Cireading a hazard to human life oir health on any property,,, or wil4 .... ..................................................1....... ................................................................ I riparian ir:w.1N. .egatively affecti...r.-I.g physical features including, but not limited to;. vegetations trees over five inches or greater Dli open g g re wa-ym !'-..im w..a t..e.!'". f �JlJties� �" watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map ..... ............................... ........ and their riparian areas locally i. nifica nt ri ariar1 ai'easlocal) igc )t )d identified..g .................................................... .. .. . . I ................................y . wl archeological and/or historical sites, identified threatened or endangered species habitat, areas cer.isjdeye'4 fer lFiclusieft �Fi­t[*_% Gity.sr kai,'H.Js irwe-FAert jurisdictional wetlands.. ..........1ia oi . rock r.*4 outcroppings,,: .... r....n........o....u.........in.......t...........o........f... .I.R........e........ i i!,....e........d....... .S........e................u........r.....i.t.....y.... Re 4.....e........d....... .s............ ity �n.u..F Qq.qa] tg p .at .o........f.........t.......�.......e.............c.......o........q.. ..... o t e de i ir ateirials -id laboir ofthe woirk T P . t 2 0 p -it ofthe airnouint f b F g.�.� i ......air p p ................. ........................................................................................................... .................................. ..g, gdj �y tj� Qj!'...02J...............0.............J...................... ...gj!'...c e.ir............................................................................................................... necessa[y to !'.etuirin the site to p alteiratioiri coindtigiii fldheveir airnouint is deteir"irr'dined iin the p ..................................................... ............................................................................................. ............. .... . .....�N.J� qlq�jc's ..................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................. ..................... Kest i r.].t e lest.......... Iby the............d[i..........e c t o.ii................lied secUr".ity Ust coinsist of...ca.§h ceirtified d1'-iedk Urne ceirtificate oir ........... ................. ....................... ..................................... ........................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................... de oo� g[ 1.!2. dJJ in a ency ficatioin to tl�-e C t that fuinds a.re bei.ing bg].dj gj�-Iti I c im letioiri., W�hein the ................P.......... ... 9 g .............. .....................................................................................i................... Y................................................................................................... ........................... .... ....... .......0............P ........ ................................................................................................................. f"ir i'a I p ........................ .. .p irrnrtt03 i m 1QYQ02!2.innts a.i e...........o...... ........ mai.ir�gte aind certified �bv the i ct ii a.in p..Qftioirl of rei -i i in g. ................................................................................................ .................................. ........................... ........ Y . .............................................................................................................................. s cuii'-i deposited witlh'i tlbg City iir'i.cl.ud.Jii air'i accil"ued iinteire,. .....Aill Ibe retuirine to the de ositoii he !2.......................�1 P ....................................................................................................... ...............................................g ................y.................................................................................................... ....................................................................................d ......................................................P.......................................................................... flinaincial secuirity Wst Ibe iin a f0i"irn app y -y §nafl......... �)O d_... !:it Att rn y., Sudl+ ,. n. ei:� othet" seer l�: ................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................... ........ ........y....................g.!.� e .................. olftate-4he pf-if i; his�or Ifnet- executers�; adffiinistFators�anft a & aFHJ 4lyj ar-a tt-*-% sEiFetyr to the% city foi thef,ai_tW-ut peiforr�e Of the% woFIk F:e edx Su-ch-6eir:4 ei:� ottieF seCEif4ty fuAtieF pfevAe-4iat rt m'.4.1 Fe t t).e Clha4lef@ed ef tefiFniriated unti I at least .30 (Jaye r'ietiee-41hef-eof has, been file6witll+the ffii:sect&F� Notice of Default. Whenever the director 4e*find.s. that a default has occurred in the performance of any term or condition of any permit, written notice thereof shall be given to the principal and to the surety on the tx)ir:ndfiinaincial secuiri Such notice shall state the work to be done to achieve a safe and satisfactory condition and the period of time iin Whidh the woirk imust Ibe coii ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................ .Q. dj.. as (4eeinqe6 tiy tll�:�e (J+Feetei:� to ['.)e reasonably 0& _%cessaFyfer the eeii�n of such WeFk �b .............. ed FK Y............... tt.-)e d i ii:-e. ..cl gl'-.. (34) Duty of Surety. After receipt of such notice the surety shall, within the time therein specified, cause the required work to be performed. (45.) !..\..p 1p[icatior-i of1iial Secuiri �b t e Ci ..............If tb!2 [�aq.Uiired woirk is not c0im 1g, ........................................................................................................................................................... Y b................... ..........................................................................................................................................�.� d., car if the woirk.js pg�. !'..02�adj i i -id not rea'gdied e ap y tj�'Ig� 0 i I'" to I"[QJP ........................................................................................................ ... ................ .....g�.[�.Y aj�........................................................................................................... wJtl�.')[ir.). tl�.')e t..J.ii............... ...1p ........ .....Egy!20J l� J i e..............o.J th in t e C.t i a use the sec ir"I t c ii lete the woirk oir restoire the p.[Qlp alteirratioin g�[!y tg p .............!2...............h.................. Y rn Y.................................................................................U Y Q g............P............................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................... coir'idJfloir'i,g as_deteil"irr'�iir'ied Ib tlh-ie diii'"ectoii............. his reimedy is iin additioin.to aind not iin lieu o. ....t e C.ty.'...F ............................................................ ............................................................................................ ........y..................................................................................... ..................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ................................................................................................ .........f........b...................i ot...Li e.! e..ir.).fo..i:-.c e..ir..T.]e..[:11 a u tt:i oJi'"it e..F...............D1,51P ier:n Of Ga-FA'.� B&F:4;� H" a ca-FA'.� law-H.J [ws-laee-Fi­ ar-A. tt.�e in:otice-Of (Jefatft as�a-pf3q-eve4[y t1he pfeeed i-Fx�paFagfa0i,; has,t.yee-n g4' te th e 1pf�F�coa.� and. , flet e.1A %d [4n t1he tinie sipeeiflef.t� t1he C&9,1P­1ian-ee-1W.. tt*-% pri mipal with-th�e r.ietrce-eFl�� �5_ . ai��. wit d+i:�eetoi:� miW� ��n suspewi*ig OF reVOkiflg th:e E -a-d*vg 4' pEffsbaf'it' to section 8.�"3�"3*of the co(.4ej y , peFiT ..................................... pfoceed wi�tlheut de* ar-H.J W-Fthout furthC`F fetiCe-Of pfeeeredinf w['A',5oevef te use 4he eaFA'-. depe4te4 te catise tt*-% Fe-qui Fed we-Flk te I.K_% den:e try ceFitract Or e4ier fneaf&as,rnay lae dete-Fffiiin:e4. at retiein OF tt-n e (J lector ::::r1he-t.yd­ if air.iyj of su4i­(Jepe4t 4 al 1,; upen cerfoetieft ef 4he we­Flk� Ix. % Fetuff'ned te-4*_% (Jeff.Aer aftef (Jeductir'x % eesteF tt-�e we rk P4U5,1:9 PeFee-FA, 4 ne��eef;� tt'�c {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473 Exhibit A Page 21 of 21 (5) Right of Entry. In the event of any default in the performance or any term or condition of the permit for the work, ft.!2.[ 1p idiing [g�2.F 1&fg� �'Igtice, the surety or any person .......... ...... ....................... .... .... ............................ employed or engaged on its behalf or any authorized representative of the director shall aft.eii:. IpR-evj � g ii:�easefiatale %tiee have the right to go upon the premises to complete the required work or iiTek, it restoire the !'gp2 tgp e--alteiradon coindidons. ...................................................................... pj... . ! . .... . .............................................................................................................................................. (6) Interference Prohibited. No person shall interfere with or obstruct the ingress or egress to or from such premises by any authorized representative or agent of any surety or of the City engaging in completing the work required to perform under the permit or in complying with the terms and conditions thereof or in inspecting the grading operation pursuant to section 8.436&3,'38 of this ........................................................................... code. ......................................................... ...........re i 9C y[Tl gatF.30 R- a to'f nl af e h ested acl p , 4 l­laeg 4�.urAef 4*-, date Of b1le POStRig dieFeef aw.��sllia4 end-i:tpen blie satisfactoi"y cei1n*Aiei1+ef t1le terrTy� aii:6 cenffitieir: � stated........ t[.*%. perir�nit; suclh cefriplet�en: 4-o, 1�lae eMeece4 1�. a cef4icate-af cefflp4et asi,jpfo,�ided l r.� section &3 3 8r a-cepy ef wh+cl+WA be seir:4 te any stKety ei tipi+request. Mien a-ea',_4+heiii:6 haf�k,. ..%eR .................... jpeste(."I'� �t lesa ar+y amoun.ts(.4e(.4ucte6 te pay foF weii* jpet-feffiqe(.��eii+eii:�(Jet- of flie d+Feeter pEff"Suaflt te ar'�Y netiee-af d efatA. W#�.s':'l(J Work k%ing ch arg-re-4 at a rate-41hFee-tiiqries-4he wag-rees; equ'pffieFA' fees af4 lTkALFia-d-Cest�..r ptus 4G peFcent evet-11=:veadj k4fl.ch evet- i a gii:�eaterr be retEfffied-te tt c% &WA-eF upeft eeffip4etien: of weiR. Commentary: SMC 8.338 is renumbered here as 8.436, with minor revisions for clarity. 8.3-3.8 43 6 Completion of Work. (1) Final Reports. Upon completion of the rough grading work and at the final completion of the work, the director may require that the grading plan pi:�epaf-e6 y tlie engiiiieeii:� be supplemented or amended to show the final as-built conditions of the site, including the original ground surface elevations, the as-graded ground surface elevations lot drainage patterns and locations and elevations of all surface and subsurface drainage facilities. He-ef 4*_% he e gjineeir...w o p r�ep.... .....a.. dl tha 9.�i'..ad.l in p o b j.a.. .......................................... ............................................................... 9 shall provide approval that the work was done in accordance with the final approved grading plan. (2) Notification of Completion. The app a t n [i c in jpeii:�nqittee erg-agent shall notify the director .............................. when the grading operation is ready for final inspection. 1 he diirectoil w[l I p[gyide Ff'inal approval shag .......................................................................................................... .... ................... .... iiet k..% giveF-uHtiWhein all work has be.ein coirrIp -id.eii th.e p t ................................... ............................................................................................. tg�dj !jj�................................................ ..!2[M.i ........: including installation of all drainage facilities and their protective devices-�X ar-H.J all erosion control measures have been completed in accordance with the final approved grading plan and die a...l..l.......required reports .......n...d...........a.s.....b........u..i....l.t..p.jg.. ....have been submitted aind a p i I'" I'". �!,gygjj �y tb.�a d i ectoi ........................ P ................................................... {00028897:31 Ordinance No. 6473