HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1996-02-08/-14DATE ISSUED: iffi PERMIT NUMBER: INSPECTION LINE SEE INSPECTIONS ON BACK SIDE APPLI.CATION DATE: 225 FETH STREET SPBINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ENGINEERING DIVISION oFFtcE TELEPHONE (503) 726-3753 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NUMBER: LOCATION OF WORK 5ooztP PHONE ()N *q7)742 -3 pHoNE: q$-{64 cffYt z/pl^(frr't? srArE: /lpo pt,r,/) P-- STATE: a4- PHONE ADDRESS: CITY SUBDIVISION CONTRACTOH ADDRESS OWNER: SITE ADDRESS: APPLICANT ztP CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION N PBOJECT SUPERVISOR TAX MAP: TAX LOT: REOUESTED PERMITS:INSPECTIoNS REOUIRED: APPLICATION FEE / OEPoSIT ACCOUNT NOI f erucnoacHMENT PERMTT No TI S20.O0 / VALID FOR SIXTY {60) DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE I cur srnerr E BoRE Q orHen tr E$ I ousr coNTRoL (TYPE oF coNTRoL) I corusrnucroN, sroRAGE, srAGrNG tr tr tr tr tr $ $ s I ornen I aseuaur DEPosrr........... TYPE OF SECURITY DEPOSIT BLANKET SURETY BoNo E SURIITY BOND E CASH / CHECK E$ CURB CUT PERMIT NO: ....., .FL / 2-- tr- INSPECYION. CURE / APPROACH AFTER FORMS ARE ERECTED BUT PRIOR TO POUBING CONCBETE. VALIO FOR 180 DAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE. I secoruo DRrvEwAy (sEE sEeARATE AppLrcATtoN)_ g{,o.oo*$.1s/Fr re I stoewaLK pERMrr No:.......... FT._ tr_ VALIO FOR 180 OAYS FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE. [ ruew E BEMovE / REeATR f] eAVE prANT srntp I srreacr E CURBSTDE E LENGTH INSPEC.LIO!:-SIDEWAIK / ORIVEWAY FOR ALL CONCBETE PAVING WITHIN THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY, TO BE MAOE AFTER ALL EXCAVATING IS COMPLETE, ANO FORM WORK AND SUB.BASE MATERIAL IS IN PLACE. E $1O,OO+$,1s/FT f, sarurraRy sEWER coNNECTToN pERMrr tr T-i $5.00 / VALID FOR SIXTY (60) OAYS FROM OATE OF ISSUANCE fl ro srua E MA|N L|NE (EASEMENT-R/W) Q orHER f sronru sEWER coNNEcnoN PEBMTT: VALID FOR SIXTY {60) DAYS FROM OATE OF ISSUANCE I cnrcH BASIN / BUBBLER E STUB E MAINLINE PROoF OF INSURANCE: $500,000 MINIMUM E $5.00 / I erracHeo O REOUIRED AMOUNT TOTAL DUE: $ TOTAL DUE WITH PERMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Advance signing and work zon€ protection to be in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCo) DEPTH: BACKFILL MATERIAL: WOBK SHALL COMPLY WITH C X ARTICLE 5 OF THE CITY CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY WITH MUTCD ? DESCRIPTION HEIGHT TO DATE: ..WIDTH BACKFILL MATERIAL TO BE UTILIZED EXISTING SURFACE MATERIAL: BORE: PERIOD OF USE OR TIME OF CONSTRUCTION FROM DATE:TIME: TIME:tr PLANS (TWo sETS) ATTAcHED AREA: LENGTH: SURFACE REPLACEI/tNT MATERIALS TO BE UTILIZED TYPE OF DUST CONTROL TO BE UTILIZED: NAME OF OTHER UTILITIES IF THIS IS A JOINT PROJECT WARNING DEVICES TO BE UTILIZED: TYPE OF WORK: CUT OTHEB: REVISTONS 8t24t95 FORM # 1 16 CITYOF SPRINGFIO PEIMIT APPLICATION EXPIRATION DATE: ?7r," Dr'z/nn, PHONE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS / SPtr4IAL INSTRUCTIONS: RESTORATION WORK SHALL ISTANDARD SPECTFICATIONS, B-q-|N-QQ\,JBMAllce3v1111 ExlsnNG ctry coDEs ANrr rri ctlrpulrucE wtrH cuRRENTEXCEPT AS NOTED BELOW. 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 Backfill with %" minus rock. Compact every 1 8" loose depth. Requires compaction with a stoel rolller. A.C. to match the greater of existing depth or 4,'. All cuts sealed for fina! inspection. Temporary patch may be used st the end of the day. Signing and Zone protection to comply with MUTCD Cut concrete only on score lines or cold joints. Sidewalks and driveways min. 3,O00psi. Curbing min 3,Soopsi / No patchwork less than 3'. Meet min. requirements on curb cuts, Spfd. code. Restore planted areas, Spfd. code 206.3.0S Spec. to Bore / Jack / No A.C. cuts. Mechanical compacting required. No patchwork allowed. Lateral cuts to have control density fill. Cuts to be polymerized crack sealed for final inspection. Mininum 2" crushed rock %" minus. 019 020 021 o22 o23 o24 025 o26 o27 028 029 030 031 032 o33 343 Minumum 4' clearance at any point, swing-away. Concrete minimum 4" depth, 3,00opsi. Trench to be "T" cut. Needs Stato / County permit. aNo above ground enclosings in sidewalk or handicap ramps. Diamond cut A.C./Concrete value boxes to grade. Fresh Oil signs / Graded. Comply with Americans with Disabilities Act. Concrete slabs, 72hrs. curing time, 450opsi. Concrete slabs require joint seal material. Driveway requires dowels every 18". Submit traff ic control plan prior to excavation. Notify Traffic Division before excavatign. Core drill main line, insert tse, 2o/o min. grade. Must comply with the provisions of ORS 757.54 1 to 757,57'l 6" Circular hole/H2O-Vac. t, Comments: rHE LANE urrldiEd"UbtHbiflrttrNc couNcrl,s"oNE CALL NUMBER" 1-900-332-2344 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING CURB CUT AND S]DEWALK INSPECTIONS CALL 726.3769 (RECORDER} STATE YOUR DESIGINATED CITY JOB NUMBER/PERMIT NUMBER, JOB ADDRESS, TYPE OF INSPECTION REOUESTED, AND WHET{ YOU WILL BE READY FORINSPECTION, CONTRACTOR'S OR OWNER'S NAME AND PHONE NUMBER. REOUESTS RECEIVED BEFORE 7:00 A.M. W|LL BEMADE THE SAME DAY, REOUESTS AFTER 7:OO A.M. WILL BE MADE THE NEXT WORKING DAY. INSPECTIONS ARE To BE CALLED IN AFTER EXCAVATIONS ARE MADE AND FORM WORK IS IN PLACE BUT PRIOR TO POURING CONCRETE. fl snrurnRY sEWER, sroBM sEwER, ENcRoAcHMENT pERMrr AND orHER TNSpECTToNS cALL crry MATNTENANCE AT726-3761. SIGNATURE: AMOUNT RECEIVED DATE PAID -r RECEIPT NO:BECEIVED BY: Signature Date ?-g- Fy s!gnature, I stite and agree, that I have gare.fully examined the completed application and do herebv certifv that all informationnereln ls Irue ano correct, and-!.turther certlfy tha!_any and all.work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the Qitv ql Springfield.,.applicable City.Standard ipecifications and Drawints, ana trreiiwJoiiiL Stat;;Ibi:eiroii'peiGinin6 i5 iFr-Jworri'-clescrlbed herein, I turther certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 70-1 .055 will bd used bn thisproject. The City- may inspect tfre work site described in this permit at any time durinq a one year period followinq the receiot bv the Citv ofnotice of co.mpletion of the described work and specify, at the City's sole de5cression, ani additional resioraiion-wbik reouireA-io-return the site to a standard acceptable to the City. The permittee'will be notified in writin'.q of ahv work reoulreO ana wrtlfrjve iEirtv lef:-t!9LJtfA!l'" 9e1".9{![t9p-oiige to corllplete'tre work. Woik not compt-etedJt tre 6n"a ot1h6 ihirty in,d *ttt ije pijiioiinea'tii,'irreurty ano tne costs wtil be btiled to the permtttee. !-lqrlhqr_qSlq_" !q,elturp tfiat all require( inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readabte from the street,ano tne approved set ot plans wlll remarn on the site at all times during construction. VALIDATION: f rnnrrrc REVTEWED BY: f eruorrueERtNc REVTEWED By: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE DATE DATE: DATE f rvnrrureNANCE: INSPECTION: DATE: INSPECTIONT DATEr WORK IN PROGRESS AT TIME OF COIVIPLETION ELEVENTH MONTH: DEPOSIT RETURNED: f eennltrr rssUED BY: FOR SIDEWALK AND CURB CUT PERMITS PLACE A COPY (COMPLETED) IN PERMIT DRAWER. P U B LI C I1'O'iKS D E PA RTf,'' E N T 4L)i{//\','S 7 /i-4I /()N l- NG t t'r E I l; t N(- [)/t4s,c)rv hlAll\i I El't/\NCE sl,FraNGra€L() *r,?25 rrlt t :;tt !)llli!!'tQf 15 7D ( )ti : i oarc l-26- 1L APPUCANT (PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS OE PROPERTY FOR DRIVE\A'AY PERh,II APPLICAI'ITS TELEPIlOI'JE I.IUIIBE Please skelch tlre proposed driv'ervay. lnclude the (ollowing applicable ilems: house or building. proposed driveway. exisling driveway. and slreel names. lnclude dirnensions and measurerncnls lo propcrly lincs. road interseclions and bordering driveways. (See 3s ALL APPUCATIONS OUTSIDE TI{E CITY LJIJIITS OT SPRINGFIET' TI-IAT ARE TryITI{IN TI{E t:,RBN Gltovvfl{ BOU,{OA RY t{EQUlltE n Ln,.lE CoUl{I-Y l,IRt'ltT. t'lole: I'tre City of Sprirretield will not granl a sccond driveway permil on an ArleriaJ or Collcclor Slrccl Jt_ trct fia,)-,2- /,q1 nl s, ADh4ttrttSlRAttON/t:NGtttLf RING (!;Oj) 726 375.1 I AX (:{);t) /?6 3689 a APPLICATIOI{ FOR A $ECoND DRIVEWAY / ovER\^,/IDTI{ DRtVElryAY I $ql' 1. P(operly type: Single Fanrily Residence - Duplex X Z. fte p,oposed driveway will take access ftorn wlriclr sttee(S..4a 3. Tlro dis-!ance lrorn llre cdge ol llre driveway lo tlro ncarcsl cotncr (lncasurc<J lo tlro curb rcturn) is / 6 teet. .,. r,- r.""* driveway will givo access to: gr,"g"t carporl- side yard- Otlrcr ' 5. The dislance from the fJ(opcrly line lo tlre Oarage. carporl. [cnce. wall.'or ollre(. (wlrere tlie vclricle is to be parked) is 1[-ff-leet- 6. \ Jill tlre propbsed parking / slorage atea creale a.vision obslruction lo adjacenl driveways or. lo any velticular movemenl on a public street? (See vision clearance Appl-rcan( hereby agrees to install ure requesled driveway to city o( springrfield standards' Tlrc applicant lurtlrer \ agrees to ha'e G- o( concrete irr t6e sidewalk area (adjacent to tlre driveway).'and to pave llre area behind urc ' ;;-k ;o*';irr," riJ*rL, or driveway apron. wilh a minimum depth o( 3- aspltattic concrele or 6- o( por0and cemenl concrete. The area behind ure sidewalk strall be paved a minimum d( 18 (eeL The appficant agnees ttrat if lrelshe does nol grave ure area behind Ure sidewalk witlrin 30 days of cutting the curb opening. Urc City of Springrfreld has (he au{rority fo close fhe drivelvay access by remov:l o( tlre curt cuL A[ incurred cosk shall be assumed by Ure applicant and ( unpaid. said cost slrall trecome : hen of t]re property' when lhis appfication is approved by the city. lhe applicant must oblain a curbcuudriveway pernul (rom the Pubftc Works Department. Engineering Division- Curbcul / Drivervav Permil Fee e. on an imptoved slreet (exisling curb): s10.oo plus S.15 pef tineat (ool of curb cut' b. On an unimproved street (no curb): Sl2-O0 c.oncurrentlyunimprovedslreelslhatareunderconstruction:S12.00 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE oorr, l-26 -1'( /-% APPROVED BY crRnFflc DlvlsloN BUILDING PERI"4I NO IE: /- qQ TRA 9.1 ATTACI{l'rtENT: Msion Cleatance. Exarnple #1 ., Other