HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 State of Emergency Declaration Ratification AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 1/22/2024 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Niel Laudati/Asst. City Manager Mary Bridget Smith/CAO Staff Phone No: 541-726-3700 Estimated Time: 10 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: WINTER ICE STORM EMERGENCY DECLARATION RATIFICATION ACTION REQUESTED: Adopt/Not Adopt A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND AMENDING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDER DECLARING A STATE OF EMERGENCY ISSUED ON JANUARY 16, 2024. ISSUE STATEMENT: Consistent with the Springfield Municipal Code (SMC), the City Manager’s Designee has declared a state of emergency due to the winter ice storm. The City Council is being asked to consider a resolution ratifying the Order Declaring State of Emergency. ATTACHMENTS: 1: Resolution DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The recent winter ice storm has caused extensive damage throughout the City of Springfield. On January 16, 2024, City Manager Designee Niel Laudati issued an Order declaring an emergency. SMC Section 2.808 requires an Emergency Declaration Order to be brought before the City Council for ratification as soon as possible after its execution. Based on the extent of the damage and to preserve the safety or protection of life and property, staff recommends the duration of the emergency declaration be extended from seven days to six weeks (February 27, 2024). The additional time will give the Council two regular session meetings (February 5 and 20) to extend or terminate the declaration as needed. For the same reasons, the Council is also asked to consider adding specific authorizations for emergency procurement and development approvals in addition to obtaining response cost reimbursement from Lane County, the State of Oregon and appropriate federal agencies. RESOLUTION NO. _______ A RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND AMENDING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDER DECLARING STATE OF EMERGENCY ISSUED ON JANUARY 16, 2024 WHEREAS, ORS 401.305 provides authority for the City of Springfield to act as an emergency management agency, including authority to establish policies and protocols for defining and directing responsibilities during the time of emergency; WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has enacted a local Ordinance (Springfield Municipal Code (SMC) 2.800, et seq.) pursuant to the authority granted by ORS Chapter 401 that provides for executive responsibility in times of emergency; WHEREAS, SMC 2.808 authorizes the City Manager or designee to declare that a state of emergency exists followed by ratification by the Common Council of the City of Springfield as soon as possible after the declaration of emergency; WHEREAS, Lane County, including the City of Springfield, is experiencing significant damage due to a multi-day winter ice storm that started on January 12, 2024; WHEREAS, the damage created by the winter ice storm includes widespread power outages, treacherous travel, infrastructure and property damage and other dangerous conditions for Springfield residents; WHEREAS, due to the extensive damage caused by the winter ice storm, the entire City of Springfield is in a state of emergency; WHEREAS, on January 16, 2024, the City Manager’s Designee issued an order formally declaring a state of emergency for the City of Springfield; WHEREAS, on January 16, 2024, the Lane County Board of Commissioners adopted an order declaring a local emergency as a result of the winter ice storm; WHEREAS, on January 17, 2024, Governor Kotek declared a state of emergency for Lane County due to the winter ice storm; WHEREAS, the Declaration is attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A and incorporated herein; WHEREAS, on January 16, 2024, the City of Springfield activated its Emergency Operation Center to respond to the winter ice storm and it will remain activated to provide emergency operations assistance for the response; WHEREAS, the initial City of Springfield Emergency Declaration had a seven-day duration, but it has since learned that the infrastructure damage is so significant that it will take longer to respond and repair; therefore, six weeks is a more prudent duration; Attachment 1, Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, SDC 5.110.C exempts from development review any emergency measures that are necessary for the safety or protection of life or property when authorized by the Development and Public Works Director or designee; WHEREAS, to preserve the safety or protection of life or property, the City of Springfield may need to implement emergency development approvals for damaged real property and infrastructure; WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has expended or will shortly expend its necessary and available resources, including resources through mutual aid and cooperative assistance agreements; and WHEREAS, SMC 2.800, et. seq. and ORS Chapter 401 authorize certain actions to be taken during a state of emergency when necessary for public safety or for the efficient conduct of activities to minimize or mitigate the effects of the emergency; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered: Section 1. The Common Council ratifies and accepts the state of emergency declared by the City Manager Designee and the Council accepts the powers conferred on the City Manager Designee pursuant to that declaration, effective January 16, 2024, for the area described therein. Section 2. The Common Council authorizes staff to request assistance and potential reimbursement from Lane County, the State of Oregon, and appropriate federal agencies. Section 3. Emergency procurement is authorized under ORS 279B.080. Section 4. The Common Council authorizes staff to adopt special regulations and emergency measures regarding land development that are necessary for public safety or that will expediate recovery and repair of damaged property and infrastructure. Section 5. The Common Council further amends this Declaration to extend the duration to six weeks, expiring on February 27, 2024, unless sooner terminated or extended by Order of the Common Council. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ___ day of January, 2024, by a vote of _____ in favor and ______ against. _______________________________ Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ City Recorder Attachment 1, Page 2 of 2 CITYϙOFϙSPRINGFIELD ORDERϙDECLARINGϙSTATEϙOFϙEMERGENCY WHEREASϠϙORSϙ͓͏͐ϟϙ͒͏͔ϙprovidesϙauthorityϙforϙtheϙCityϙofϙSpringƱeldϙtoϙactϙasϙan ϙemergencyϙ managementϙagencyϠϙincludingϙauthorityϙtoϙestablishϙpoliciesϙandϙprotocolsϙforϙdeƱningϙandϙ directingϙresponsibilitiesϙduringϙtheϙtimeϙofϙemergencyϢ WHEREASϠϙtheϙCityϙofϙSpringƱeldϙhasϙenactedϙaϙlocalϙOrdinanceϙϼSMCϙ͑ϟ͗͏͏ϙetϙseqϟϽϙpursuantϙtoϙ theϙauthorityϙgrantedϙbyϙORSϙChapterϙ͓͏͐ϙthatϙprovidesϙforϙexecutive ϙresponsibilityϙinϙtimesϙofϙ emergencyϢ WHEREASϠϙtheϙLaneϙCountyϙandϙtheϙGreaterϙEugeneϱSpringƱeldϙAreaϙareϙexperiencingϙaϙsigniƱcantϙ winterϙstormϙthatϙhasϙbroughtϙbelowϙfreezingϙtemperaturesϠϙiceϙaccumulationϠϙsleetϙandϙsnowϢϙ WHEREASϠϙtemperaturesϙremainϙlowϙandϙprecipitationϙcontinuesϙcausingϙhazardousϙconditionsϙ andϙtreacherousϙtravelϢ WHEREASϠϙManyϙSpringƱeldϙresidentsϙdoϙnotϙhaveϙpowerϙandϙitϙisϙanticipatedϙthatϙpowerϙwillϙnotϙ beϙrestoredϙforϙanϙextendedϙperiodϙofϙtimeϢϙϙ WHEREASϠϙthisϙwinterϙstormϙhasϙcausedϙdownedϙtreesϙandϙpowerϙlinesϠϙicyϙroadsϠϙfreezingϙ temperaturesϠϙtheϙclosureϙofϙInterstateϙ͔ϙandϙotherϙstateϙhighwaysϙinϙadditionϙtoϙtheϙclosureϙofϙlocalϙ schoolsϙandϙotherϙgovernmentϙfacilitiesϢ WHEREASϠϙdueϙtoϙtheϙseverityϙofϙthisϙstormϠϙtheϙentireϙCityϙofϙSpringƱeldϙisϙinϙaϙstateϙofϙemergencyϢ WHEREASϠϙonϙJanuaryϙ͕͐ϠϙtheϙLaneϙCountyϙBoardϙofϙCommissionersϙadoptedϙanϙorderϙdeclaringϙaϙ localϙemergencyϙasϙaϙresultϙofϙthisϙwinterϙstormϢϙ WHEREASϠϙtheϙCityϙofϙSpringƱeldϙhasϙexpendedϙorϙwillϙshortlyϙexpendϙitsϙnecessaryϙand ϙavailableϙ resourcesϠϙincludingϙresourcesϙthroughϙmutualϙaidϙandϙcooperativeϙassistanceϙagreementsϢ WHEREASϠϙSMCϙ͑ϟ͗͏͏ϙetϙseqϙandϙORSϙChapterϙ͓͏͐ϙauthorizeϙcertainϙactionsϙtoϙbeϙtakenϙduringϙaϙ stateϙofϙemergencyϙwhenϙnecessaryϙforϙpublicϙsafetyϙorϙforϙtheϙe𿿿icient ϙconductϙofϙactivitiesϙtoϙ minimizeϙorϙmitigateϙtheϙe𿿿ectsϙofϙtheϙemergencyϢ NOWϠϙTHEREFOREϠϙitϙisϙherebyϙorderedϡ Sectionϙ͐ϟϙIϠϙNielϙLaudatiϠϙCityϙManagerϙDesigneeϠϙformallyϙdeclareϙaϙstateϙofϙemergencyϙforϙtheϙCityϙ ofϙSpringƱeldϙe𿿿ectiveϙonϙJanuaryϙ͕͐Ϡϙ͑͏͓͑ϙatϙ͐͗͏͏ϙhoursϙinϙgeographicalϙareaϙlocatedϙwithinϙtheϙ SpringƱeldϙCityϙLimitsϟ Sectionϙ͑ϟϙUponϙthisϙdeclarationϙofϙaϙstateϙofϙemergencyϠϙtheϙCityϙManagerϙorϙdesigneeϙisϙ empoweredϙtoϙcarryϙoutϙtheϙappropriateϙfunctionsϙandϙdutiesϙidentiƱedϙinϙSMCϙ͑ϟ͗͏͏ϙetϙseqϟϙduringϙ theϙtimeϙofϙemergencyϙandϙshallϙimplementϙtheϙEugeneϯSpringƱeldϙMultijurisdictionalϙEmergencyϙ OperationϙPlanϟ Exhibit A, Page 1 of 2 Sectionϙ͒ϟϙTheϙCityϙManagerϙorϙherϙdesigneeϙshallϙtakeϙallϙnecessaryϙstepsϙauthorizedϙby ϙlawϙtoϙ coordinateϙresponseϙandϙrecoveryϙfromϙthisϙemergencyϠϙincludingϠϙbutϙnotϙlimitedϙtoϠϙrequestingϙ assistanceϙfromϙtheϙStateϙofϙOregonϙandϙLaneϙCountyϟ Sectionϙ͓ϟϙThisϙdeclarationϙofϙaϙstateϙofϙemergencyϙshallϙbeϙtakenϙbeforeϙtheϙCommonϙCouncilϙofϙ theϙCityϙofϙSpringƱeldϙatϙtheirϙnextϙavailableϙmeetingϙforϙratiƱcationϟ Sectionϙ͔ϟϙThisϙdeclarationϙofϙaϙstateϙofϙemergencyϙshallϙexpireϙinϙ͖ϙdaysϙonϙJanuaryϙ͑͒Ϡϙ͑͏͓͑Ϡϙ unlessϙsoonerϙterminatedϙorϙextendedϙbyϙorderϙofϙtheϙCommonϙCouncilϟ Sectionϙ͕ϟϙTheϙCityϙManagerϠϙasϙtheϙDirectorϙofϙEmergencyϙServicesϠϙorϙherϙdesigneeϠϙisϙauthorizedϙ toϙimplementϙanyϙofϙtheϙemergencyϙmeasuresϙprovidedϙforϙinϙSpringƱeld ϙMunicipalϙCodeϙsectionsϙ ͑ϟ͗͐͏ϙthroughϙ͑ϟ͓͗͐ϙandϙ͑ϟ͗͑͏ϙinϙtheϙinterestϙofϙtheϙpublicϙhealthϠϙsafetyϠϙorϙwelfareϠϙinϙtheϙareaϙ designatedϙasϙanϙemergencyϙareaϟ DatedϙJanuaryϙ͕͐Ϡϙ͑͏͓͑ ϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶ NielϙLaudati ATTESTϡϙ϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶϶ Digitally signed by Niel Laudati DN: OU=Assistant City Manager, O="City of Springfield, Oregon", CN=Niel Laudati, E=nlaudati@springfield-or.gov Reason: I am approving this document with my legally binding signature Location: your signing location here Date: 2024.01.16 18:10:15-08'00' Foxit PDF Editor Version: 11.2.1 Niel Laudati Exhibit A, Page 2 of 2