HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Climate Friendly Areas Update AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 1/22/2024 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Chelsea Hartman/DPW Sandy Belson/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-3648/736-7135 Estimated Time: 20 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: CLIMATE-FRIENDLY AREAS UPDATE ACTION REQUESTED: Review and provide input on the project’s key messages and provide guidance to staff on refining potential Climate-Friendly Area locations for the next phase of analysis and outreach. ISSUE STATEMENT: Comprehensive planning staff have been working to implement the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) administrative rules passed in July 2022 by Oregon’s Land Conservation and Development Commission in response to Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-04. These rules include wide-ranging requirements for metropolitan areas and the City of Springfield is mandated to comply with the rules that affect community engagement, land use, and transportation. To reduce air pollution, one component of the rules requires Springfield to identify and designate Climate-Friendly Areas, dense urban mixed- use centers where people can meet most of their needs without relying on a car. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Council Briefing Memo 2. Draft Key Messages 3. Maps of Potential Climate-Friendly Areas Map 1: Historic Overlay District in Downtown CFA Map 2: Downtown CFA Map 3: Glenwood Riverfront CFA Map 4: Mohawk CFA Map 5: Riverbend CFA DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The CFEC rules are broad reaching, complex, and are changing the basis for land use and transportation in the metropolitan areas of Oregon. To assist with establishing Climate-Friendly Areas, the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) contracted with Lane Council of Governments to complete technical analysis and with Kearns and West to support community engagement. This work was completed in 2023 and resulted in City staff submitting the Climate-Friendly Area Study and Community Engagement Toolkit for the designation process to DLCD as required by the CFEC rules. Staff is currently working to create a user-friendly summary of the Climate- Friendly Area Study. Building from the work Kearns and West did in 2023, staff is developing the project’s Community Engagement Plan, which will serve as a guide for project communications and outreach. The plan will be reviewed and approved by the City’s Committee for Citizen Involvement, the Springfield Planning Commission. DLCD is negotiating a contract with Cascadia Partners to work with the City on the next phase of analysis and outreach to further refine and select Climate-Friendly Area(s). All work done by city staff is being supported by city funds. The project is targeted for completion by the end of 2025, but the deadline agreed to by DCLD is the end of 2026. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 1/22/2024 To: Nancy Newton COUNCIL From: Jeff Paschall, Community Development Director Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager Chelsea Hartman, Senior Planner BRIEFING Subject: Climate-Friendly Areas Update MEMORANDUM ISSUE: Comprehensive planning staff have been working to implement the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities (CFEC) administrative rules passed in July 2022 by Oregon’s Land Conservation and Development Commission in response to Governor Brown’s Executive Order 20-04. These rules include wide-ranging requirements for metropolitan areas and the City of Springfield is mandated to comply with the rules that affect community engagement, land use, and transportation. One component requires Springfield to identify and designate Climate- Friendly Areas, dense urban mixed-use centers where people can meet most of their needs without relying on a car, to reduce air pollution. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Council Goals: Mandate BACKGROUND The State’s CFEC rules aim to reduce carbon emitted by vehicles and to increase equity during community engagement and when providing housing and transportation choices. Part of the rules encourage/require more mixed-use development and transportation systems that reduce reliance on greenhouse gas-intensive transportation options and prioritize equitable outcomes. At the May 15, 2023 work session, staff gave an update on ongoing State rulemaking and provided updates on different CFEC components staff have been working on, such as parking requirements, Climate-Friendly Areas (CFA), and Scenario Planning. At that work session, Council provided direction to staff to include Mohawk for analysis and consideration as a potential CFA location in addition to Downtown, Glenwood Riverfront, and Gateway- Riverbend. Council also provided input on draft key messages, which will help maintain consistent communication about the purpose and goals of CFAs. Council input was to refine the key messages to be more user-friendly with plain language. The revised key messages are included in Attachment 2. CLIMATE-FRIENDLY AREAS STUDY The CFEC rules require that Springfield designate one or more Climate-Friendly Areas (CFAs), which are intended to be, or become, urban mixed-use centers that have an above average mix and supply of housing, jobs, businesses, and services, and a higher intensity of development. The areas must be served by or planned to be served by high-quality pedestrian, bicycle, and transit infrastructure to make it safer and easier for people to travel without a car. The rules outline a two-phased process including technical analysis and community engagement for local governments to first study and identify potential locations for CFAs; and then select one or more locations while applying development standards and identifying strategies to help alleviate or prevent the need to move elsewhere because of rising costs within the selected area(s). Attachment 1 Page 1 of 3 MEMORANDUM Page 2 In 2023, Lane Council of Governments provided technical assistance to Springfield to study potential CFA locations that have the best potential to meet State requirements and align with the City’s existing plans and policies. The CFA study included: • Evaluation of how current land use regulations and other policies conform with the rules • Calculation of the capacity of the areas to accommodate residential uses based on zoning • Determination if areas outside the city limits (ie. Glenwood Riverfront) could be readily serviceable with urban levels of water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation • Analysis of equity concerns and potential for displacement of underserved populations, including identifying possible strategies for addressing this concern. Additionally, Kearns & West prepared Springfield for equity-focused community engagement associated with the CFA Study and developed a Community Engagement Toolkit for the designation process. In conformance with the rules, Springfield submitted the CFA Study and Community Engagement Toolkit for DLCD review and comment in advance of the December 31, 2023 deadline. Potential Climate-Friendly Areas See Attachment 3: Potential Climate-Friendly Area Locations for maps of the areas currently under consideration based on the findings of the Climate-Friendly Areas Study, which includes: • Downtown • Glenwood Riverfront • Mohawk • Riverbend Area of Gateway These areas were identified using certain locational criteria required by CFEC rules: • Urban centers (based on adopted Nodal-Development Areas, Multi-Modal Areas, and Downtown) • Accessible via existing or planned high-quality bicycle and pedestrian networks and within ½ mile of planned high frequency transit corridors • Outside the floodway and steep slope areas Further Refinement of Potential Climate-Friendly Areas The CFEC rules require that one or more CFAs be designated that can accommodate 30% of Springfield’s needed housing capacity. The current configuration of the potential Downtown CFA location can accommodate 47% of needed housing capacity while the potential Glenwood Riverfront CFA location meets 29% of needed housing capacity. Specifics of where and how to implement CFAs will be vetted during the outreach process with the community and decision- makers. One part of the CFA Study examined how existing land use regulations align with CFEC rules, which helped identify how this work can build on planning Springfield has done to identify and address needs for mixed use areas. Land use districts with the highest existing compliance with CFEC rules include Glenwood Mixed Use Plan Districts (except the Employment Mixed Use), Mixed Use Commercial, Mixed Use Residential, Community Commercial, Medical Services District with the Nodal Overlay, and Booth-Kelly Mixed Use. Land use districts with the lowest existing compliance include R-1, Heavy Industrial, Light Medium Industrial, Glenwood Employment Mixed-Use. These land use districts were identified to either be considered for eventual removal from the potential CFA locations or would require more adjustment to existing land use regulations in order to remain included. Question for Council: Should all, some, or none of the areas noted below be removed from what we present to the public as part of potential CFA locations? Attachment 1 Page 2 of 3 MEMORANDUM Page 3 Based on findings in the CFA Study, staff recommend that certain areas be removed from the potential Climate-Friendly Area locations due to low or non-compliance with CFEC requirements. The areas being considered for removal include: • R-1 land use district • Washburne Historic District • Heavy Industrial and Light Medium Industrial land use districts • Glenwood Employment Mixed Use land use district and remaining area south of Franklin Blvd. in Glenwood since the Commercial Mixed Use can’t be disjointed from the rest of the potential Glenwood Riverfront CFA location Removing some or all of these areas would result in changes to the current potential CFA locations in Downtown, Glenwood Riverfront, and Mohawk. Staff will address any changes by updating maps and housing capacity calculations for any revised areas. Additionally, staff will consider how to address individual historic properties that are within the potential Downtown CFA location as part of upcoming analysis and outreach. See Attachment 3: Potential Climate- Friendly Area Locations, which includes: • Map 1: Historic Overlay District in Downtown CFA – Shows the Historic Overlay District, but only the Washburne Historic District is being proposed to be excluded from the potential Downtown CFA location. • Map 2: Downtown CFA – Shows the existing zoning and the current and proposed potential CFA location. • Map 3: Glenwood Riverfront CFA – Shows the existing zoning and the current and proposed potential CFA location. • Map 4: Mohawk CFA – Shows the existing zoning and the proposed and current potential CFA location, which has very minimal changes. • Map 5: Riverbend CFA – No changes are being proposed to this potential CFA location. This map showing existing zoning was developed as part of the CFA Study. Next steps Springfield will start the process with our community and appointed and elected officials to select one or more CFA’s out of the identified potential locations. In determining which area(s) will be designated a CFA, staff will identify the changes required to land use and zoning rules and to Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan. Depending on the area(s) selected, staff may also need to identify changes to Springfield’s neighborhood refinement plans. Ultimately, the City Council will formally designate one or more CFAs and adopt the corresponding amendments to land use plans and the Development Code. If the selected area(s) include property outside the city limits, the Lane County Board of Commissioners will also be part of the adoption process. Staff is currently working to create a user-friendly summary of the key takeaways from the Climate-Friendly Area Study to share with the community and decision-makers. Staff is also developing the project’s Community Engagement Plan, which will serve as a guide for project communications and outreach for implementation of Climate-Friendly Areas. The Community Engagement Plan will be reviewed and approved by the City’s Committee for Citizen Involvement, the Springfield Planning Commission. Lastly, DLCD is negotiating a contract with Cascadia Partners to work with the City and provide support for the next phase of analysis and outreach to further refine and select Climate-Friendly Area(s). The project is targeted for completion by the end of 2025, but the deadline agreed to by DCLD is the end of 2026. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and provide input on the project’s key messages and provide guidance to staff on refining potential Climate-Friendly Area locations for the next phase of analysis and outreach. Attachment 1 Page 3 of 3 Climate-Friendly Areas: Draft Key Messages for Community Engagement Using key messages helps maintain consistent communication about the purpose and goals of Climate-Friendly Areas. The following messages are a starting point as the project is in its early stages. The project team may adapt these messages based on feedback received throughout the project. These messages can serve as verbal talking points or continue as written content. Why: • In 2007, the Oregon Legislature established a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. • In response, Executive Order 20-04 issued by the Governor in 2020, directed State agencies to take additional actions to reduce emissions. • To meet Executive Order 20-04, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development created the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities program. • Oregon’s Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities program requires some cities, including Springfield, to reduce air pollution from vehicles by updating transportation and land use plans to reduce the need to drive alone. Transportation changes involve eliminating off-street parking requirements and preparing Springfield for more electric vehicles and travel choices. Climate-Friendly Areas focus on plans to create more dense mixed-use areas. What: • The built vision for Climate-Friendly Areas is dense urban centers that will have jobs, homes, and services close to each other so people can meet most of their needs without relying on a car. Some Climate-Friendly Areas may not look like this yet, and changes may not be immediate. Climate-Friendly Areas are meant to support a transition to higher intensity uses over time. • The State defines ways in which Climate-Friendly Areas can reduce air pollution and prioritize equitable outcomes, which include: o More opportunities for development where people can live, work, shop, and play in close proximity. o Easier and safer ways for people to walk, bike, roll, and take the bus by making sure we have high quality streets and paths for everyone. o Less off-street parking to free up land for housing, businesses, and other services. o Practical strategies to avoid or minimize the need for people to relocate elsewhere due to rising costs, and to keep and increase affordable housing options. • This work will build on planning Springfield has done to identify and address needs for mixed use areas in places like Downtown, Glenwood, Mohawk, and Gateway-Riverbend. • Updates to development standards, like building height and density, will not differ much from those already in place for Downtown and Glenwood. When & How: • Adopting Climate-Friendly Areas involves: Attachment 2 Page 1 of 2 o Finding potential locations for Climate-Friendly Areas. o Selecting one or more locations while applying requirements and strategies within the chosen Area(s). This work will take several years. • In 2023, the City studied potential locations that can meet State rules. The City will share the results from this study in 2024. • In 2024, the City will further explore the four potential Climate-Friendly Areas to understand how the City would need to change existing plans and policies to meet state requirements. • Designating Climate-Friendly Areas may put some vulnerable populations at risk of displacement as new development takes place in these areas over time. Early in the project, an analysis identified vulnerable populations across Springfield. The City can work with these communities to identify strategies to help alleviate or prevent the need to move elsewhere because of rising costs. • Elected officials will ultimately select one or more Climate-Friendly Area(s) by adopting an ordinance. The adoption process is estimated to start in 2025. • Climate-Friendly Areas will also be important as the City works on future efforts to meet transportation priorities and housing needs in our region. This includes: o Scenario Planning: An exploration of local transportation and land use actions that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As part of this, the City will look at how different policies might support growth and development in Climate-Friendly Areas. o Transportation System Plan: A blueprint for the City's transportation investments over the next 20 years. As part of updating the Plan, the City will identify key investments to ensure Climate-Friendly Areas are safe and easy to get around without a car. o Planning for Housing: Climate-Friendly Areas will be sized to fit at least 30% of existing and future housing needs over the next 20 years. They will be one way we measure whether we have enough land to house our growing population. • Selecting Climate-Friendly Areas will include changes to land use and zoning rules and to Springfield’s Comprehensive Plan. We may also need to change Springfield’s neighborhood refinement plans to include Climate-Friendly Areas. Who: • The City will give everyone who is interested in this project a chance to weigh in on the exploration of potential Climate-Friendly Areas and on the related strategies to help people stay in their neighborhood. • Housing and economic development interests are an important part of the conversation that informs the Climate-Friendly Area selection process. • In line with Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities requirements, the City will strive to center the voices of historically marginalized community members—especially those who have been harmed by past planning, climate, and transportation decisions. • In 2023, the City interviewed community leaders to gather input on how to best engage historically marginalized community members in transportation and housing planning projects. Feedback from these interviews informs our engagement efforts. Attachment 2 Page 2 of 2 Washburne District There are no warranties that accompany this product. Users assume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 1/4 Mi.1/8 Historic District Overlay (original phase, from LCOG) Downtown CFA boundary Ge o graphic Inf o r m ation ServicesDevelopment & P u blic Works D e p tJan 2 0 2 4 MAP 1: HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICT IN DOWNTOWN CFA Attachment 3 Page 1 of 5 Agriculture - Urban Holding Area Public Land & Open Space Quarry & Mine Operations Booth-Kelly Mixed Use Employment M.U. (Glenwood)G G G G G G G G Neighborhood Commercial Mixed Use Residential R-3 Residential R-2 Residential R-1 Residential Heavy Industrial Light-Medium Industrial Commercial M.U. (Glenwood) Mixed Use Commercial G G G G G G G G Community Commercial ZONING There are no warranties that accompany this product. Users assume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 1/4 Mi.1/8 Downtown CFA (from LCOG) Historic District Properties Downtown CFA, proposed MAP 2: DOWNTOWN CFA Geogr ap hic Informa t i o n ServicesDevelopm e n t & Public W o r k s DeptJan 2024 Attachment 3 Page 2 of 5 There are no warranties that accompany this product. Users assume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 1/8 Mi. Public Land & Open Space Office Mixed Use (Glenwood) Booth-Kelly Mixed Use G G G G G G G G Employment M.U. (Glenwood) Heavy Industrial Light-Medium Industrial Commercial M.U. (Glenwood) G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G Mixed Use Commercial Community Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Residential M.U. (Glenwood) R-3 Residential R-2 Residential R-1 Residential G G G G G G G G ZONING Downtown CFA (from LCOG)Downtown CFA, proposedGe o graphic Inf o r m ation ServicesDevelopment & P u blic Works D e p tJan 2 0 2 4 MAP 3: GLENWOOD RIVERFRONT CFA Attachment 3 Page 3 of 5 Major Retail Commercial Community Commercial Mixed Use Residential R-3 Residential R-2 Residential R-1 Residential Mixed Use Commercial General Office Public Land & Open Space ZONING Geogr ap hic Informa t i o n ServicesDevelopm e n t & Public W o r k s DeptJan 2024 There are no warranties that accompany this product. Users assume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 1/8 Mi. Mohawk CFA (from LCOG) Mohawk CFA, proposed MAP 4: MOHAWK CFA Attachment 3 Page 4 of 5 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 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Users assume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product. 0 1/8 Mi. R-3 Residential R-2 Residential R-1 Residential Community Commercial Mixed Use Commercial Medical Services Campus Industrial Neighborhood Commercial """"" """"" """"" ZONING Riverbend CFAGeograp hic Informa t i o n ServicesDevelopm e n t & Public W o r k s DeptJan 2024 MAP 5: R IVERBEND CFA Attachment 3 Page 5 of 5