HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeeting Packet Planner 1/17/2024
Conference Room 616 / MS Teams
Staff Review: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 9:00 – 9:30 a.m.
1. Tree Felling Permit 811-24-000021-TYP2 811-24-000005-PROJ Lifepoint
Assessor’s Map: 17-03-15-40 TL: 800, 900, 1000, 1100
Address: Maple Island Wy. & Game Farm Rd.
Existing Use: Vacant
Applicant Submitted plans to remove filbert orchard to allow for construction of
rehabilitation center.
Planner: Andy Limbird
Meeting: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 9:00 – 9:30 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out
from the laserfiche website: https://www.springfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.aspx
811-24-0000121-TYP2 Tree Felling Permit
17-03-15-40 TL 800, 900, 1000, 1100
Maple Island Way & Game Farm Rd.
LifePoint Health
DocuSign Envelope ID: D2F400FD-6F64-4742-AABE-DDFFC5832C3C
December 21, 2023
Tree Felling Permit
Map 17-03-15-40, Lots 0800, 0900, 1000, and 1100
In accordance with the Tree Felling submittal requirements, this written statement describes the proposed
development and demonstrates that the proposal complies with the criteria contained in SDC 5.19.125.
A. Development Objective
The applicant, LifePoint Health and
PeaceHealth, the property owner,
propose to develop a 50-bed
rehabilitation hospital on the 4.99-acre
property identified as Map 17-03-15-40,
Tax Lot 1000, the southern portions of
Tax Lots 800 and 900, and the western
portion of Tax Lot 1100 (collectively, the
Subject Property) located at the
northeast corner of East Game Farm
Road and Maple Island Road.
Subject Property
RLID Maps 2023
B. Project Directory
Applicant Owner
Gregory Thomas Grady Layman
LifePoint Health PeaceHealth
4801 Olympia Park Plaza #1000 1255 Hilyard Street
Louisville, KY 40241 Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (502) 407-6684 Phone: (503) 522-4385
Email: Gregory.Thomas@lifepointhealth.net Email: glayman@peacehealth.org
Landscape Architect (and Applicant’s Representative) Civil Engineer
John Anderson, ASLA Matt Keenan, PE
The Satre Group KPFF Engineering, Inc.
375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201 800 Willamette Street, Suite 400
Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541) 686-4540 Phone: (541) 684-4902
Email: johna@satregroup.com Email: matt.keenan@kpff.com
Planner Surveyor
Dan Halverson BLEW & Associates, P.A.
The Satre Group 3825 N Shiloh Drive
375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201 Fayetteville, AR 72703
Eugene, OR 97401 Contact:
Phone: (541) 686-4540 Phone: (479) 443-4506
Email: dan@satregroup.com Email: survey@blewinc.com
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LifePoint Rehabilitation Hospital
Tree Felling Permit
December 21, 2023
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
A. Development Site
The site is located south of International Way, north of East Game Farm Road and east of Maple
Island Road in the Gateway area of Springfield. It is comprised of one full tax lot (TL 1000) and
portions of three additional tax lots (TLs 800, 900 and 1100) and total approximately 4.99 acres in
size1. The site abuts office facilities to the east, west and north. To the south is a developed
mobile home park with amenities. The project area is within the Springfield city limits.
B. Planning Context
1. Planning and Zoning.
The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan,
Gateway Refinement Plan, and Springfield
Zoning Map, all of which designate the
PeaceHealth property currently as Campus
Industrial (CI). There is a Zone Change and
Comp Plan amendment underway to change
the designation to Commercial and zoning to
Community Commercial.
Additional Planning documents, including the
Springfield Transportation System Plan, the
Springfield Stormwater Facilities Master Plan
and Wastewater Master Plan also apply. Also
applicable is the Drinking Water Protection
Overlay Zone (the site is within the 2-year
Time of Travel Zone Concentrations).
Tax Lot Map Excerpt
RLID 2023
2. Transportation.
a. The metro area adopted transportation plan, The Eugene-Springfield Transportation
System Plan (TransPlan) shows future projects in the vicinity of the subject property (see
b. Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan.
The City of Springfield’s
transportation plan does not include
any projects abutting the subject
property. As with TransPlan, the
Springfield TSP includes projects on
nearby streets (new Minor Collector
projects R-5 and R-6 at the nearby
PeaceHealth RiverBend campus).
These improvements will have no
impact on this proposal.
Transportation System Plan
City of Springfield
August 2020
1 Concurrent with this Site Plan Review application submittal, is a Major Replat application submittal, which when approved, will
replat the subject tax lots placing the proposed rehab hospital on its own tax lot.
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LifePoint Rehabilitation Hospital
Tree Felling Permit
December 21, 2023
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
c. Public Transit.
The metro area’s public transit system, Lane Transit District (LTD), provides service near
the development via the EMX Springfield route. LTD’s International Way route is just to
the north of the subject property with a transfer station located in the center of
International Way.
3. Utilities.
a. Stormwater and Wastewater.
The Subject Property is located in the North Gateway Stormwater Drainage Basin. The
Springfield Stormwater Facilities Master Plan identifies one capital improvement project,
“Low Priority CIP 43,” to address current issues around water quality from the campus
industrial area.
Existing Wastewater Infrastructure
City of Springfield 2018
Existing Storm Infrastructure
City of Springfield 2018
b. Wellhead Protection.
The subject property is located in the Sports
Way wellfield in the 2-year Time of Travel
Zone (TOTZ). Any development will require
approval of a Drinking Water Protection
Wellhead Protection Areas Map Excerpt
City of Springfield and Springfield Utility Board
January 2013
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LifePoint Rehabilitation Hospital
Tree Felling Permit
December 21, 2023
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
4. Natural Resources.
a. Area to the west and north of the Subject
Property is in the Special Flood Hazard
Area — Floodplain Zone A (the blue
hatch). Zone A is the 100-year flood plain
with base flood elevation determined. A
larger portion (the southern section and
Subject Property) of the site is in Zone X,
areas of 500-year floodplain (the yellow
Floodplain Floodway Map
City of Springfield 2019
This section is presented in the same order of applicable requirements found in Section 5.19.125,
Tree Felling Permit Criteria of the Springfield Development Code. Applicable sections of the Code
are in bold italics, followed by the applicant’s response in normal text.
5.19.125 Criteria
The Director, in consultation with the Fire Chief shall approve, approve with conditions or
deny the request based on the following criteria:
(A) Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe
conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures or proposed construction, or
interference with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic safety warrants the
proposed felling.
Response: The proposal is for new construction of a rehabilitation hospital development,
associated parking, landscaping, utilities and stormwater management. The development on
vacant land (To be zoned CC Community Commercial) and preparation of the northern lot for
eventual development (to remain zoned CI Campus Industrial) warrants the proposed tree felling.
The requested removal complies with applicable standards. The development of the property will
require removal of most of the existing trees on the site. The trees on site are predominantly an
old filbert tree farm, three conifers, four apple trees, and one maple on the southern portion of the
(B) Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and
City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area, including
but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion, soil
retention and stability; volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams; scenic
quality; and geological sites.
Response: The proposed tree felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and
City ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area. The number of
trees to be removed is approximately between 300 and 400 Fibert trees (rough calculation due to
density and poor health of trees) and the eight miscellaneous trees mentioned above. The
number of trees required to be installed on site is approximately 40+ trees (this includes parking
lot trees and site landscaping) but does not count existing street trees. The street trees are
already in place on Game Farm Road and Maple Island Road and any of those trees injured
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LifePoint Rehabilitation Hospital
Tree Felling Permit
December 21, 2023
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
during construction will be replaced. The new trees being proposed in parking areas and along
the perimeter of the southern lot will be environmentally appropriate, healthy, well maintained and
cared for. The loss of existing tree canopy will eventually be replaced as the proposed trees grow.
The site is for all intents and purposes flat, so erosion, soil retention and stability are likely not
issues. Appropriate erosion control measures will be practiced during tree felling and construction
of the new hospital. Stormwater will be treated on site prior to being released, thereby protecting
water quality in the area.
Removal of the trees from the subject property should not have a long-term adverse effect on the
surrounding physical and visual environment. The site is bordered on west, east, and north by
Campus Industrial development. The project will plant trees sufficient to meet SDC standards with
respect to parking lot planting, general landscape planting, and street tree planting. The trees are
not part of a larger woodland or tree stand. Most are remnants of a Filbert orchard and these
trees have not been maintained.
(C) Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as
specified in an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings.
Response: It will be necessary to remove all the trees to construct the proposed development.
See Site Plan. The majority of the trees are in the footprint of the building, parking areas,
stormwater basins, and utilities. There are no trees in setbacks that could be retained. The filbert
trees are in fair to poor condition, and, in general remnant fruit or nut producing orchard trees are
quite incompatible with commercial (or residential) development.
(D) In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees will
be permitted on a limited basis consistent with the preservation of the site’s future
development potential as prescribed in the Metro Plan and City development regulations,
and consistent with the following criteria.
Response: A development plan has not previously been approved for the property, though a Site
Plan Review application is being submitted concurrently with or slightly before this application.
Therefore, this criterion does not apply.
(E) Whether the applicant’s proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation is an adequate
substitute for the trees to be felled.
Response: The new trees to be planted will be of a 2" caliper in accordance with SDC 4.4.
105(E)(1) and (F). The quantity of new trees will meet SDC quantity requirements. The proposed
trees will be healthy nursery stock, context appropriate, irrigated and maintained. The new trees
will meet city standards as set forth in the Springfield Engineering Design Standards and
Procedures Manual.
In regard to Vegetation and Re -Vegetation, the proposed planting plan will adequately replace
existing trees with approved types and sizes of trees in appropriate locations. Furthermore, the
entirety of the landscape improvements will include shrubs, ground cover and lawn areas where
there currently are grasses, forbs and bare earth. All the plantings will be irrigated and
(F) Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City.
Response: All trees and slash will be removed from the site within 72 hours. No slash or other
fire hazard posing liability to the City will result from the proposed removal of the trees.
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LifePoint Rehabilitation Hospital
Tree Felling Permit
December 21, 2023
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
(G) Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines specified in the Field Guide to Oregon
Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as
they apply to the northwest Oregon region.
Response: The proposed tree felling is consistent with the specified guidelines. The Oregon
Department of Forestry, through its Community and Urban Forestry program, advocates for
selecting appropriate tree species based on site conditions, avoiding invasive and exotic species,
and reforesting the urban environment. As discussed above, the applicant is proposing practical
planting that includes species from Springfield' s approved species list that are compatible with
the scale of the proposed development.
(H) Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the site can be
accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents.
Response: Construction access to the site will be from Game Farm Road, International Way, or
Maple Island Road. Tree felling activities will take place between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00
PM, Monday through Friday, and will be of limited duration. Therefore, transportation of
equipment and trees from the site will be accomplished without major disturbances to nearby
residents in compliance with this criterion.
Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement and accompanying plan, the
proposed development meets the Tree Felling criteria of approval contained in the Springfield
Development Code. Therefore, the applicant requests that the City of Springfield approve the
proposal. The applicant and their representatives are available for questions. We look forward to
working with staff to ensure this project meets the goals and objectives of the applicant and the City
of Springfield.
If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact John
Anderson at The Satre Group, 541-686-4540, or JohnA@satregroup.com.
John Anderson
John Anderson, ASLA, Partner
The Satre Group