HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 10 17 Planning Commission Minutes RSPlanning Commission Minutes – October 17th, 2023 Approved 11/7/23 Attested by S. Weaver 1 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 CCI Session 6:00 pm Meeting held in the Jesse Maine Room (City Hall) and via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Salazar, Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey, Stout, and Schmunk Excused Absence: Thompson, Buck Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Sarah Weaver, Community Development Administrative Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney, Haley Campbell, Senior Planner; Chelsea Hartman; Senior Planner; Monica Sather, Planner Chair Salazar called the Committee for Citizen Involvement to order at 6:00 p.m. Item(s): • Community for Citizen Involvement: Annual Report Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager 50 Minutes Commissioners agreed with the content of the report, including right-sizing engagement efforts to the project. They also made the following points. • Springfield Oregon Speaks is a great resource. It is a lot more intuitive than the city’s website. Would love to see it become more of a one-stop shop for people. Would like a button to Springfield Oregon Speaks from the City’s home page. See if there’s a way to add a search function to Springfield Oregon Speaks. • For a project, provide the background (e.g. why are we here, what are we doing, where did we come from) in a simple, concise manner so people can readily determine if they are interested in a topic. They can then decide if they want to look at the various documents or engage further. • People are interested in development activities like new stores, or new businesses going into existing buildings. Issuing press releases about these developments could allow the news media to determine what would be of interest to the people and these articles could be a hook to get people interested in community development. • As we move forward with implementation of the Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities Rules, we need to think about how we present them to the public given that they are a wonky and confusing set of rules. We should explain the reason(s) for doing this work – including that it is mandated by the state. Consider preparing a guide with links to Council and Planning Commission discussions about these rules over the past year. Adjourned the Work Session at 6:55 pm. Planning Commission Minutes – October 17th, 2023 Approved 11/7/23 Attested by S. Weaver 2 Chair Salazar called the Regular Session of the Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLIAGENCE – Led by Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES – Approved / no with corrections • June 21st, 2023 • August 15th, 2023 • September 5th, 2023 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION Commissioner Schmunk reported on City Council’s September 18th meeting. Commissioner Stout reported on City Council’s October 2nd, meeting. BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey reported on the two-day Planning Seminar on Oregon Planning Procedures at Woodburn on September 29th and 30th , 2023. BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sandy Belson / Staff: reported that there were three applicants for the vacant Planning Commission position, one of whom choose the Planning Commission as their first choice. Interviews with the Council will take place next Monday, October 23rd, beginning at 5:45 pm. On November 7th, the Planning Commission will meet for a work and regular session, beginning at 6:00 pm. We are not sure, if we will meet again on November 21st. Please keep the date available in case we have business for that date. ADJOURNMENT – 7:11 PM