HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 12 05 Planning Commission Minutes CCI, Work & RSPlanning Commission Minutes – December 5th, 2023 Approved 1/3/24 Attest by S. Weaver 1 Springfield Planning Commission Minutes for Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 Work & CCI Session 6:00 pm Meeting held in the Jesse Maine Room (City Hall) and via Zoom Planning Commissioners Present: Chair Salazar, Vice Chair Rhoads-Dey, Stout, Buck, Thompson, Webber, and Schmunk Absent – None Staff: Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager; Sarah Weaver, Community Development Administrative Assistant; Kristina Kraaz, Assistant City Attorney, Jeff Paschall, Director of Public Works; Stan Petroff, City Engineer; Haley Campbell, Senior Planner; Chelsea Hartman; Senior Planner City Councilor Victoria Doyle Chair Salazar called the Work Session to order at 6:00 p.m. Chair Salazar introduced the new Planning Commissioner, Bruce Webber, to the rest of the Commission. Item(s): • Comprehensive Planning Work Program Sandy Belson, Comprehensive Planning Manager 20 Minutes Sandy Belson / Staff: gave a brief presentation on the Comprehensive Planning Work program and the issues that the Planning Commission will be addressing in the future. She presented a PowerPoint presentation on recent legislation and the impact on Public Works: • State Goal number 10 – Housing. HB 2001 mandates that the State will provide municipalities with the targeted income levels to base the city’s housing needs projections. • Oregon Housing Needs Analysis (OHNA), which reorients Goal 10 towards housing production, affordability, and choice. • The timeline for the Housing Capacity Analysis and Housing production Strategy has been shifted to allow the State to provide the numbers by January 2025. • Affordable Housing Code Amendments House Bills 3151, 2984, and 3395 and clarifying the State’s new term for Affordable Housing - Income Qualified Housing. Planning Commission Minutes – December 5th, 2023 Approved 1/3/24 Attest by S. Weaver 2 • The Governor’s Legislative Concept and an overview of the Comprehensive Planning Projects over the next six years (2024 – 2029). • Affordable Housing Code: Community Involvement Strategy Staff: Haley Campbell, Chelsea Hartman, Senior Planners 30 Minutes Haley Campbell / Staff: gave a presentation on the Community Involvement Strategies for Affordable Housing/ Income Qualified Housing. The Development Code Amendments are proposed to be renamed to talk about Income-Qualified Housing. The Development Code Amendments will include changes prompted by the State Legislature and clarify existing code language related to Income-Qualified Housing. Staff proposed some strategies as tactics, which include: Project information included in the City’s website webpage; Project updates included in the City’s social media; workshops for interested parties and; hearings and work sessions with the Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions as well as Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners. Staff would like to get input from the Commissioners on: • The above listed involvement strategies: are they the best methods of outreach given the limited resources? • Are there any additions to the key messages other than the change of term from Affordable Housing to Income Qualified Housing? • Are there any additional opportunities to involve the community given the adoption requirements and time constraints? Commissioner Buck moved to approve the Community Involvement Strategy in the agenda packet for this item as presented in the Attachment 1. Commissioner Schmunk seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Salazar – Aye Rhoads-Dey – Aye Buck – Aye Thompson – Aye Schmunk – Aye Stout – Aye Webber – Aye Motion passes: 7 / 0 / 0 Abstentions Adjournment – 7:02 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes – December 5th, 2023 Approved 1/3/24 Attest by S. Weaver 3 Springfield Planning Commission Draft Minutes for Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 Regular Session (approx.) 7:00 pm Chair Salazar called the Regular Session of the Planning Commission to order at 7:07 p.m. Since all the Commissioners are still in attendance, roll call will not be held again. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA – The Item next on the agenda “Capital Improvement Plan Recommendation” needs to be open to the public during a Public Hearing. This Item will be presented again during the January 3rd, 2024, Planning Commission meeting during a Public Hearing. PLEDGE OF ALLIAGENCE – Led by Chair Salazar BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None Item(s): • Capital Improvement Plan Recommendation Staff: Jeff Paschall, Director Public Works, Stan Petroff, City Engineer 10 Minutes Stan Petroff / Staff: reported on their presentation to the City Council on the Capital Improvement Plan and confirmed that the Council voiced no concerns or suggested changes regarding the Plan. He stated that staff made minor revisions in the meantime on some of the wording i.e., for the wastewater project. Jeff Paschall / Staff: answered questions regarding the Transportation Plan and the bicycle and pedestrian safety plan. He also spoke to the issue of funding for the transportation plan and the limited resources the City has to undertake these projects. Councilor Doyle: pointed out that the last time a gas tax as a potential funding stream for Transportation projects was put to a community vote it was handily defeated. REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION • Commissioner Salazar reported on the October 16th, 2023, Work Session with the Lane County Board of Commissioners and the Springfield City Council and; Planning Commission Minutes – December 5th, 2023 Approved 1/3/24 Attest by S. Weaver 4 • The December 4th, 2023, City Council Work Session. BUSINESS FROM THE PLANNING COMMISSION – None BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sandy Belson / Staff: reported that there will be an Executive Session during the next Planning Commission meeting in the newly renovated Council Chambers on January 3rd, 2024. This will be an in-person meeting. There will also be a Public Hearing on the Capital Improvement Plan Recommendation as well as another item that the staff will prepare. Since January 3rd will be the first meeting of the year, the Commissioners will have the opportunity to elect new leadership as well as the Council and committee liaisons. The committees Planning Commissioners provide liaisons to include: The Springfield Economic Development Committee, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and the Development Code Advisory Committee, which has been inactive but could be called up to meet in the future. ADJOURNMENT – 7:40 p.m.