HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-05-2911eee".# t\\5\b RESIDT ]TIAL.. nppructsriNienmtr SPRINGFTELD 225 North |th Street Springfiald' )regon 97477 Building DLoision 7 26-37 53 1an Reatir erl Tnsn e o-tt1 cns pRocspupq FoR rNspEc?r1tl RIS|EST.'CALL 7l requested and uhen s-ou uiLL be neady fot''*ill be nade the sane dag, requests made Date: 26-3769 (r,ecorder,) state yout, City desi-grnted iob ntmbet', inspeetion,Conttaeto?s or Otmers rtane and plnne rrutnber'. It io the responaibi-Lity of tle penrtt lotdet to eee tlut aLL inapections oe nade at the Fito?e! tine, that each cddress is realable ftun the st?ebt, and tltat the penrit card ia located dt the ftont of the propetty.*auilding Diuicion cppro"^ed plot shall remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. job al.d.rees, type Requests receited of inspeeli,cn befcre 7:00 att aft* 7:00 an rvill be nade the nest wnking day youv CitA Desigr,ated Job Nwnbet Is:. Ics Lot #Assessors Map # Job Lceaticn: svbdi,tision: 0tmer:<b- Ph,oneAdtitess: Desct"ibe h'ork: additian =,F P*.id<-..c<.- RemoCel fk^ r-l TI UqO valueDate of App Lieatian trac o General Plurnbing E1 ectr El-ectSu Blocking ud set-up Pltnbittg connections -- aa)e? qtl uater E'Lectrical Ccnnection - Bloeking' eet-up anC plwnbing eonnections m;st be apprc"^ed before requesting eleclrical insptection Aeeeesory Bui.LCing ski-rting, decks,pct ckes, Leted. Pitnl - After ete. are comp Pege 1 of 2 G) Ulogncpauro pr,uuerwe, sgwEn, w.qrffi,t*l onuanu: To be naCe prior to fil-Lttq trench.ee. 7A uumarr.ooR pLUr.ErNG & MECqANT:AL:Lf floor insulation or decking. 7I1 posr AND BEAM: ?o be made prLor to I /l ffiTT&Tan'of ftoot: insulZtion ot deckirtg. fiI ROUCH PLI]IIBIIIG, ELECTRICAL & MECH:l>l w:tlL these lnspeetlons hnt)e beer. mad.e and. cpotooed.. I Xl ptpgrulgt: Pr.Lon to plaeirq facing| {\l ,*1"7;1, ard before Traniig Zr"pnl- r-7 DRYWALL INSPE1TI)N: TcI Kl;ftn";tT-6w"tt t" t" - but pri-or to any taping. MASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond diffilgr.outi,ng or t:erticals in accordarce LlLth U,B.C. Seetion 2415. be made place, After installation is I w A ffi @ SI?E INSPECTISN: ?o be nade afterqcffioaEl priar tc set up of forns. aNpERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRTCAL & !@CX!l!ICll: ?o be made before ang ffi7i-iateted. P)UfNc & P)UNDATICN: To be rnaCe @e"'6enc6s ave acaoated' and forns ate erected, but ptior to pouring ccncrete. of tr INSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION : Io be made aftez, aLL insulaticn e"d requined oqor baviers de in p'lzce,.i . but before ang Lath, wpswn boatC or tnLL cooeri.ng is appli.ed, cnd before ay insulation is eoncealed. DEMOLTTTO!] OR !.IOWD BUILDINCS Scnitog seaer cappted at WoPez'tii Lire Septic tutk y,nped ad filled r,rtth gratel Final - hthen abcrte itens ate eonpleted and uhen danolition is complete o! st"ul- ture motted and. ptznrlaes cleaneC up. Hcmes fi cuna & APPR1A:H EPoN: Aftex, fozmsA e,e;;ect;TiE pio" to pourtirg conz?ete. f -) SfDWALI< & DRf',ry|lAy: Fot' aLL eon- I Ll;*t" paW-AnA stz'eet risht- - of-te!, to be ma,Je afier aLL e*ca- oati.ng conplete & forn wrk & sttb- base material i-r' plaee. WOODSTOVE: entpTetA. tion. FRAIIIIIG: lfiust be requested aftet apptottal of rough plwnbing, electri-q,L & neclnnical. ALL roofin4 bracLttg & ehinmeys, etc. nrast be . anpleted. Ito ubrk is to be con-- . cecled until this inspectLon \as 'been nade anC approoed. FTNAL PLUI,IBIIIG FilIAL ASCHANICAL ?INAi ELECTRICAL Hve Sh*j {44@ ALL project eonditions, such as the installation of street trees, conpletion of the requined Landsccping, ete., rmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDLNG: Ihe Final Building Inspection rmtet be requested after the Final Plumbing ELectrical, and Mechanical fnspections hque been nade and approueC. *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MAS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS?ITEI'II ?O BE I,!,4D8 AT NO CCS? TO CUY IENCE: ta4ten cornpLete -- ProuiCejE66 on notsable- seeti.ans through [_lb.u.t. I I soLAR ACCESS REQ.-cL-CO Sed.roons Ihis penntt is g?anted on the esp?ess condition tTnt the said-eonsttuctiort shall-, in all z,Zspeets, eonform to the CrdLtwnce cdopted 6:y the Ci,ty o-f Sprin4field, ineludtng the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ecnstmtcticn od. use of buildings, utd may be suspend.ed ot' reuokeC at enA tine upon oic- lation of @A prcoisions of said 0t'dir,ances. -- Fees -- Value ?OTAL VALUE Zcne: Access ETG xrTEM 66 Signed: S.D.C. 1.5 c Faces P. L.House Grott Building PenrLt Iotal Clnrges State Date Paid: !. Lot sq. Fts. R/VO % cf Lct Ccuetage 2 / # of Stot ies / rotal Heisht /1 ', ?opography a <?a LCT TWE _ Interior 1 Corryterlrr. _ Panh.and.Le. CuL-de-sac ITEM N0.FEE Firtz*es Resil.entia.L (1 bath)2 /Sanitdr! Seder Wate" 744zs-o kwrq,€ Plumbing Perrnit No person slwll consb'uet, instal!, alter ot chan4e anA ned cr esisting -plrhbing or drainage systan in ulole or in patt, unless sueh pet'son ts the iegal pZsses"ot, of a r:att:d ptuntet's Licensb, escept that a Pe"son natl !o-ptunt'tig aork to property uhieh is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. CHARGE 4> 2A-# Pltnbing Peffnt I ,rorn ,*"rorn" -1 ,oro, *orn" a ITEM NO,FEE 2ts 2.,Res. So. fta. ,/@Dn Na,t/Esterd Circatts Iatrporey Sensice *r/$a*,Y. Electricol Permit Where State Las reqtires ttnt the eleetrical uotk be done bg _an Eleottical cont?actor, the elie+a.Lcal porti.on of this petnit shall not be oal.il until the label lns been sig:ned by the Electrical Contractot. @FrZr.7,aa4amz*ra ,?e,ZzZtf ,b V€a7 4-<E:m/4< Zr't%F"/ffi-Electrieal State Meclwnicel- Pertmt NC.FEE 4 State Mechcr nicol PermitCIIARCE Ph*'aaee ETUTS Vent F@t E*hanst- Hood a:t, 6 -- ENCROACEMENT -. Secur.ttq Deposit Stora4e l,laintenance Penrrtt :d{^22Citbcut Sida,taLk / 4D '4B.fO Fenee Electrical LabeL Mobile Hone .ga-?o Date I HAW CAREFULLy EXLAINED tle conpleted applieation for pernit' and do hereby cettify that aLL informatibn hez'eon is tvae and correct, art'C f futth-et certify that any ard aLL uork perfor:ned ahall be -dane in aceor-'dance vLth th-e- OrdinancLs of the city of Sprtngfield, ard th-e La";s of the* State of 7r,egcn pertaining to the uotk Cescribed herein' end tlnt NO OCCU- pAycy ;iLL bZ *C" of any strueture uithout permission of- the Building DL' oi,sion. I fuyther iertiiii that o:zly contractot,s and anplcyees uho are in eonpliance uith ORS 70L.0-55 uiLL be used on this proieet' TotaL E'4-?o TOTAL A},IOUTIT DUE: */tra7-{Date JOB NO. e 1 4-82 3 7 4 *-) o}ClozPermit No: tl t7 C rl)?Address: lssued by: Date: : STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28: 1. T-I I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure 2. A. l-l My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR B r-_?r I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors. I will hire onlv subcontractors reqistered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe mv mind and Eo hire a qeneral contractor. I will contract with a contrattor -who is reoistered wlth the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contradtor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form.q -r'O - //- ?< ure cant Date WHITE COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERM]T FILE PINK COPY TO APPLICANT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARDo24) 10t24tffi @s sr- .. RESIDEI* IAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 llorth |th Street Sprtngfield' 2negon 97477 Building Dt"-ision / zb-o / oo lob f-ocation: lssessorc Map # Jubdioision: \ddtesc Descrlbe htork: SPFIINGFTELD P!?OCtpuPE F1n TNSPEC?r1tt 1f.9aEST:ca;;qt esrAa-arA al".en you uiLL be ready Date of App Lieaticn ;ontr leneral ?lurnbing ,Iechanica ec E.rica S rrrr e EIec tr c1 l.iLL be nade the sone dcy, "equests FilIAL PLUIIBIIIC FINAL I,IECHANIEAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL S TTISULATION /VATCR I]ARRIER IIISPECTION : ?oE twdezner aLL insulaticn and required tapor bawie?a @e in Place bui before any l-a.th, Wpsutn boarC or rnLL cooering is applied, attd before oty insulation is concealed, DRYWALL INSPECAION: ?C bE IrudE @er aTt:@tTts in ptnee, but prior to any taPing. MASONRY: Steel Location, bond Effilgrou*ing or uertieals in aceordace LYLth U.B.C. Seetion 2415, 1 ,rourrn ro ">d(J-Value to see that aL1. inspections ate nade at the proper time, that eceh cddrees is realabie Located at the front of the propetty. on the Building Sitc at aLL tines. job aCdwss' tyPe P,equests reeeited of inspeelicn befcre 7:00 c.t --1 SITE INSPEC'IION: To be ttude aJ'ter I e-;"oat7;;;Tt prion tc se! up of J vL ttt'. -l UNDERSLAB PLU\fiBINL JLEq!!!9/VJ\4 "aDOrk 1,8 COOe?eA. FC1IING & F)UNDATICN: ?o be truCe @iii tienciis are ercaoated and forns ate etected, but Prior to pouring ecne?ete. u lD1BGP)U !! D P LUMS rN C Lf r!.rEi2- tt,4l L 3'aDRAITUGE: ToE na.Ce Pt'ion to ftl- Tfi-66nehes. I]I]DERFLOOR PLUI,EING & I4ECIIANICAL: T;-6;-ffi7wlo" to installation of floor insuktion or decking. POST AND BEAM: lo be nade Prior to 6idTGtl6fof floor insulation ot' deeking. ROUdt PLUnrilG. Er'EtrnlqAL e MECHJ At'lIcAL: n;$;TE to bc cor;ened .ffilfthese inspeetions haoe been nade attd apptotsed.. FIPEELiTCE: PrLor to plceirq facing ^"t;;Z;G atd before franing inepee- tion. FRAI.IINC: l,tust be req-ztested after approvil of rough plurbing' eleetri- eal E neelwnieal. ALt roofing braci.ttg E chinmeys, ete. tntst be ; eontpleted. !1o ucnk is to be con- .cecled until this insPeetton has 'been made anC approued. I,IOODSTO'/E: ccmpTAA. After install.ati.on is CURB & AWR)ACH APR?N: After .forns at e et ecred bui pv'[,6v to Pouttng eoncrete. SIDEIIALK & DRfVN'|AY: Eon all con- c"etenct frAtffi stteet right- of-rey, to be nade after aLL exca' oating eanplete & fotn uot'k & sub- base naterial in Place. PENCE: h4ten eonPlete -- tuouidejfrii or nooable seetians through 'P.U.E. ALL proiebt cotditions" such as the instal-Lation of etteet t19e1a conplction-of the ,nqrtnnla tinaieqLng,-Lti., ,*st be aatisfted before the BUILDIN7 F1NAL ean be tequested' FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Buitding fnsPection nlult be neTteated altet the Pinal Phnbing'81";;i";;;L;'id uieharical rnspeetions ha)e been nade drd app"ooec' lc,s Lot ll Phone: re \\ 0R !.:owD Final - l{her abcoe itens ore ecnpleted and uhen datalittor: is eonplete ov atrae- tute nooed at'td ptenrlees cleaneC up. e llcnes Bloeking and. Set-uP Pltnbittg eonnectiona -- satte? otC rsater Eleetrieal Cqtnection - Bloeking' set-up and plunbing eonneetions mtst be approted beforc requeating eleetrieal inspeelio;t Aeeessory AtilCittg Pi.n-zt - Aftet pcrches, ekitting, decks, ete. oe eontpleted. Pago 1 of 2{ALr, ilAI\ilCr.E:: AND CI,EANOUTS IIII:T BE /\CCE{;SIBLN, AD,IU{]TIIETIT IO 3E T,IADE A? IIO CCST TO C|YY _-1 4-) ^oorrr,,--) no oeor Iour City Detigr,ated Job Nunben a :l D ) Sani*og easet eapped at propertg Lite Septic totk Vatrped atd fi.Lled ttth gra:sel JOB NO.SOLAR A.QCESS REQ.-L-COc^ BeCroons Lot So. Fts. 7 of Lot Covetage- # of Storiea Total Hetqht INT TYPE Intetior Lot Paces - P. L.Itouse Cotnet Panlwndle Cul,-de-sac -- Fees -- ITEM FTG A Building Vqlue & Permif ?his permit is granted on the eq)ress eond.ition ttwt the sat'<l'construction shall, in all z'espects'-'ioiiii io th-e lrdirunee edopte'l' Iiy the ?tv of lfiiirbftitZ,- t.illianng' *tl''.%it"g cldinanc.e, regulctitts thb cc.nstru:l:":., ^-rfu u""L of Luildings' aizd riay be- suspended or reuokec at cny ti'me upon oLc- lation of ony prcttisiona of eaid 1rdir'ances' TOTAL VALUE s. D. c.1.5 s * Euilding Perrtt Chec Date Paid State ?otal Clangea *Signed ITEM NO CI]ARCE Plumbing Permit No person slwll constract, instal!',, alter or clange-cny nel.cr eci'sting i;;iiA "; iiainage "yit* in ahoi.e o1' tn part" inless such person is the iisit-p"ouii""oi of"o rl"lii pt*rt"i'i Li".un"-b, escePt ttut a P?'"?f '-t 41ptiit{"i "i"k to bropeita-intin is outned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. ELrhres Resident'ial (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Pemit State Suteh,arge Electriccrl Permit Vlpte State Latt requites tha.t the electrical uork be done by -an Electrical Cintio.too, the elictri,lc"'t piollo" of this -permit shall not be ualic until the Label -lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor' 6 FgE * ,") Mechqnicol Permit Nau/Eotend Circuits Sentice State !otaL Hcodstoite Vent Pot bhant Hood. ETU, S Permit fssucflce Mechanical Pet'not -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secarttu Deposit Storage Maintenance Pernit Cvtbcu! Sida,talk Fence Electrical Iabel Mobile Eone f HAVE CARE\ULLy ELAvIINED the completed application fo-t'petmit' and do i"'iiti inil..fy ttot ali-l,iyorr-tibn heyeoi is true and corz.ect, otC I fi"t-in, i"rtiiy that iy ira aLL uo.rk perf-otrned stall be dote in accor- 'iince ,,rLth tie- ordtrciil"-of it n citv 'of 'spmngfield, .and the Icns of the State of ,regon pnnt"iiiig'to tha uo-rk Cescriblcd herein, cnd tlat NO OCC!- pt1cy tyitl be nace ot.iiu' ,lr"iiuye i,l..tiot t permisaion of the Suilding N- oision. I fu,ther "nn|,ii1i1 tlat only contraitors and anplzysts uho are in "iptr:"*"'r'ttt, ons zol.bss aiLL be- used on this proiect PLan Ercminer uate Signed T1TAL lt't1lJNT DIJE:*5 Receipt ll I