HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1985-06-01city of springfield 225 n. 5th street A SPFIII{GFTELEI I N FO RMATTON : 726-3?s3 INSPECTtoNS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION . LocATroN Or SIGN (ADDRESS)\a:.-rtu-r-Lh \\-\ LECAL DESCRIPT t-) '\'r E. ADDRESS . I HAVE CAREFULLY D(A}IINED IhEtnformation ls Erue and corr ecE, and I"completed applicafurrher tion for t and do here by certi that all TA.Y LOT -Jt O1INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS ZTP ADDRESS NAME OF BUSIIIESS, FIRM, ETC TYPE OT .BUSII:ESS D.USE AND CI4.RACTER OF SIGN: Lr6nnr:: INCIDETITAI. DOUBLE, FACE , {NGLE FACE YITLTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD VENDORS, COMRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR PTICNE 'ADDP.XSS CITY LICENSE EXP.DATE- SIGN I.IANUFACTURER CIF ADDP.ESS TIIAN ERECTOR) }IE G. orrrr*c srcNs ARE IHERE ANY EXISTI}.IG sIG}Is? YES ---IIo FTG AI.L EXISTING SIGNS rOR, EUSINESS, ETC. H . I'ILL SIGN IIAVE ELECTP.ICAL T,IIRII{G? 'LNIF YES, }HICE APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLTJIIIIIAIED (INDIPJCTF LIGITTED) ELECTRICAT CONTRACTOR cerEl permi thaE a 11 work perfo rmed sha be done inSpringfield Sign Ordinance, rhe fy Uni fornr Si Code as adopred by the fy 1laccordance erith CheSoring Cregon cens e 8-2-6( permic NA.},IE ( field and alloertaining Eowith che Cic.of SpringfieLd is in full force and effec t as reouired by Springfield Codes other-Ordinances of the Ciry of Sprincfiet:'re r^rork descr:-bed itererrl. I further ce 1rti.fv that nv Xlgn Corcractor .r-i- gn d and the laws of rhl Sra Cicy ofte of .B- rype oF woRK: ALTER OTHI'R RELOCATE t/, ERECT STP.UCTURAL TYPE OF SIGN: ,/tttflt FREEsrANDrtrc ROOT PROJECTING MAROUEE I'NDER I,IAROUEE OTHER c. DI],IETISIONS, UISTALIJ1TIOII & CONSTPJ'CTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE CRADE VEPJICAL DI}IENSION OF SIGN HORIZONIAL WIDTTI OF SIGN DIIIE}.ISION FROM GRADE TO BOTTO!,T OF SIGN NOTE: IF PROJECTIOTI IS IIORE TI{AN 12"OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIIE SIGN ERECTOR I.IUST TILE WITII THE BUILDING DIVISIONCOPIES OF HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI.ID PP.OP.ERTY DAI.IAGE ITTSUP"ANCE POLICIES _v.;' YES E TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPTII DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LIIJE? IF YES, DI}IET;SION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE l. DEscRTBE TypE oR yATERrArs srcN K . VALUE OF SIGN ISor. 3o t - d a PR,OPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR I.AND: ISING .r'7 vAcANT) usE) h J' ,r* rNFoF]{ATro}r (r,A,lrD EXISTING USEOF BUILDI}IC OR LAND (OR IAST USE IT INDOOR BUSINESS OUIDOOR 3) and 9-7-2 v 0 (Z). I will requesE all required sign inspeccions lisr ed on che aporoved R \t^ F\ LISC.NTJMBER PUCIIE i i I I I I P L EAS E R E A D - 1) 2) 3) 4) ffffi:AseparateaPPlicaEionlsrequiredforeachseparatestgnasdef1ned Electrical: Any permlt issued under thls application will lnclude wirlng in or on slgn sEructure,the supprv wires for connecEion rousE u. co"!i"J-;;-; "i""rii".i-p="i,*i. Elecrrical fonneccionmusc'be made onrv by a scate Licensed erectricar-doii.o.ro.. rllirmi.naie.d "igr,: (boch inrernarryand exEernarlv) irust conform i"-s.Iiio""-i:7:q-i+i-E-i5i-;;i g:7:rifli'lr,u springrierd sign or-dlnance. Prans Required: Tttis-applicatton Ls to be suburitted wlth two coErplete sets of plans shouing d!-::Tl9l1 and height of sign; advertisinq..99"tu.o"-"igr; rocauioi-oi-srgn on properEy wirh di-Eenst'ons Eo property 1ines, structural decails-ot supp5i; ri"ri"il 6i.Iing ancl foorinps; narerlalsot construcEion fo1_s!sn and si8n struccure; erecriilit,equipmeni and rigf,ti"e;';i;;"5;; locarion ;f."ri:iilE,riE"i,!r.qiip;::*'?r,i*;:;i;.?":lFi;*il,:r.:Hilitl.:i E:iir::i,:I,:ii,l:i.rirn lng lnfornacion on the proi- tia;--i;i"" strowint tr;;;;E rines ani ro"iiio., of signs) : a) show the locarion of ar1 exisrrng stgn(s) as werr as proposed slgn(s).b) show the length of the street f:?l!lg: 5ake1 up by rhe busLness or bulrding. For warlsi-gns, show che length of the building frontagl. ' c) Show the rocacion of entrances open to the pubrrc and driveways.I{hen required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and-calculations &ust be pre-pared bv a ricensed engineer oi inatt ionrori 6'e;;ig" standaris o., rir" ar rhe Buirding Divi-sion Offlce. Plans of Lnsufficl'ent clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant wlth no perurir beinglssued. stgns Elust Eeet corrler visLon clearance requirements as described in Figure g of the SpringfleldCouprehensive Zoning Code. --1-.-b..e"Ee ' NorE: No sign raay be erected which is I'ess than 12 feet horizontally or vertically frorn overheadeleccricat conducEors in excess of 750 roii";-;; i;";-;;;-;^;;;;-i;r;; direcrion fron overheadelectrical lines whlch are energiiea "r i.""'ct""-iIo;;il": -sEL 'r' q^'r rf a sign is noE lnsta11ed withia 60 days after the date of issue of this penoit, the peroit shallbe void. s) 6) 7) 8) e)Inspe ctLons : a) b) c) site rnsoeetlon - to be n'de before the sLgn ls placed. usualry, the Footinq rnsoectionGGFI1?a5Ermayb.e,";;_";-E[!-"","tiieasthesit.Inspecti'on.@tion is to be n'de- afEer hole(s) rs-e-cavic.al-a"i-piio. to the placeneng of concrer,e.Flnal rnsoectr.on:- to be oade upon coryletion of all work. i:-::H* ;"e'i"?:::t=ol!"lrilT: H*":""lnspected ror elecrrical hook up arrer the sign CAIJ. FOR TIIE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TTE 24 HOT'R INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 ).{l--, r ! .-rSIGN DISTRTCT I ,,'T 'L€,. ZONE DISTRICT I. . I'OTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN ". ""/ REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: _SITE/LOCATIOIT _FooTrNc oR MEIHOD OF AITACHMENT _ELECTRICA.L . Frlral OTITER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL IMORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: APPROVED BY:DATE I ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: TOTA.L: /DA SIGN PERMII FEE: JOB # i)-,r---..'r SECTION:SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDIIIA}ICE c,( Autobody Specialtter Metamorj<s 157 S. 47th Street 4-9-E5 l&fE"Lll -: L- Ltl ffiTEiI-IG-