HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1985-03-08i4'i f r. city of springf ield 225 n. 5th street A. E SPFIINGFIELD SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION S.+A I N FO RMATTON: 726-37s3 INSPECTtONS: 726.376E LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS LECAL DESCRIPTION/.,4?TA-Y LOT "TOUNER OR PROPERTY 4,.a_/- a o PHONE A-DDRESS arD9.. OI.JNER OF SIGT{ CIF OTHER THA}I PROPERTY O!{NER) ADDRESS O4a-r2",-O-f- T.IAME OF BUSII,IESS, FIRY, ETC.orr BUsrr:ESs aL*6 D.usE AIJD CPi.RACTER 0F SIGN: ./,/ IDETITITY -*arrr** - DOUBLE FACE u-€mclr recrl*rrrr-ro., READER BOARD BILLBOARD . VENDORS, COMRACTORS: SIGN CITY LICENSE 4 SIGN I.IANUTACTURER CIT OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS . EXP. DATE K . EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ANY D(ISTII]G SIGTIS? Ep. ALL E\ISTING SIGNS FOR, EUSINESS, EIC. ADDRESS LISC . I'ILL SIGN I{AVE ELECTP.ICAL ITIRII{G? /TO IF YES, IIIICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGTI _ILLWINATED (INDIPJCTE LIGIITED) ELECTRICAL COIITRACTOR G H YES 4 FTG . I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA}IINED the completed appli.cation forfurther certldinance, the .fy Untlforr:r permit and do hereby certifythac all work oerformed shallSign Code as adopted by the Cirv ofeld and the laws-of rhi Srare of lnformation ls Erue and correcE, and Iaccordance vrith EheSoringfleld and all Springfield Sign OrotheE Ordinances of the City of SprinqfiCregon chat all be done in oertai.ning'ith Ehe Ci Eo t:le worli describeo ilcrr.rn. I further cert{.fv tfutl force and effect as re hat nv X16n Contractor I.1-cy of-Sprinefield is in field Codesqulslred by Springisted on Ehe aporoved8-2-6(3) andpermic. NAr..rE (PLEASE cense w B. I / ERECT ALTER T]IPE OF WORK: RELOCATE oTluiR ROOF PROJECTING }tAROI'EE ' ITNDER l,rARqUEE OTI{ER c.sTP.ycruRAL/ rr*, rypu dr srcu: FREESTANDI}IG DII{ETSIONS, UISTALIJTIO}I & CONSTP.UCIIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEPJICAL DI}IENSION OF SIGN ITORIZONIAL I.IIDTII OT SIGN DI}IEIISION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOU OF SIGN flUCKTIESS OR DEPT}I IT YES, DI}IETISION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE !OTE: IF PROJECIIoII IS IIORE TIrA- lr" - OVER PUBLIC PROPEP.TY TI{E SIGN ERECTOR}ruST FILE }'ITII THE BUILDING DIVISIONgglrEg oF rrrs/lrER LrABrLrTy Al,lD pp.oi_ ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISUP"ANCE POLICIES. ---_- E - YES ,K,DCES SICN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LI}IE? l. DEScRTBE TypE oR yATERrAr.s s . VALUE OF SIGN: r' K IGN IS OF cotocd - o-oo J' ,a* rNFoF]{Arro* (LArrD usE .-;, INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR I4ERCHAIIDISING PB.OPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR I.AND: OR IA'T ,r*(t )EXISTING USE OF BUILDIT]G OR LAND (usE IF VACANT) e /7/\ y'+^--o t-c-r A---< 4, s 9-7 -20 (2) .I wil.l requesE all required sign inspection rEF\/tlqs - 3) 1) 2) 4) s) 5) 7> 8) e) PLEASE READ Seoarate Slen Aoolication: A separate applicatl.on is required for each separate slgn as deflnedIE- Eh-E-EEn-Eo?a: Electrical: Anv oerolt issued under this appricatLon will lnclude wirlng in or on stgn structure,EffiFEIv wires 'rot "o"""1;i;";;; u" "orEl"a-;;-; erecrricar-p-ernit. Electricar ionnecrlonmusE'be made onl'by a State Llcensed eLecriicar-doli.o"ro.. r1limi.naie.d siens (borh inrernarryil:.;X::*arrv) irust ao;i;; Ii-I"ilio""-i:7:q-?ai-E-i5i-;;j g:7-iii:.i-rtre springrierd sign or- Plans Reouired' This-apprication is co be submltted with two compleEe sets of plans showing di-mensrons and height of sign; advertislng *.;t;;; o"-"ig., ro""rioi-oI-srgn on properry wtrh di-nenslons co ProperEy tines, structural detalls-oe suppSii rii.i"gl 6i"Ir.,g and foocinss; narertalsot conscrucEion for sign and siBn strucEure; electritil-equipmeni and riif,ci"e;-;i;;":;; rocagionof existing signs on pioperty f5r Ehe.same busienss,-al1 as _required Eo deter'ing comnliance withthe sprlnstrerd Sign 0rdinante (Arcrcre-7-oi-i[."Eiirnerield, ciry code).--1i".]l';nIi"'tii-rorro,o-lng lnforoati-on on-the plot pr".i- ipi"n storint--p="i.i$ rines-ani ri."iio' of signs): a) show rhe l0carlon of all existlng slgn(s) as well a3 proposed slgn(s).b) show the lengch of the street frontage taken up by the buslness or butrdtng. For wallsigns, show che rength of rhe buirdi;t i;;;;.;;.-, -"- ves"rEoD vr usrrsrrrts. roE tar c) Show the locacion of entrances open to the pubrrc and drlveways.llhen required' because of design,, slze, etc., engineered drawings and calculaEions Enrsc be pre-pared bv a ricensed engine"r oi itratt io"iori;;"4;;i;, srandaris o.r-rii" ar the Building Divi-sion Office. Plans of I'nsuffieient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit beingLssued. signs Eust Eeet corrrer vision clearance requirements as described Ln Figure g of the springfieldCouprehensive Zoning Code. -:---Y-'Y"E. ' llgTE: No sign nay be erected whlch is less than 12 feet horizonrally or vertlcarly frour overheaderecrrtcal conducEors in excess of 750 volrs;;; r;";-rhan 5 feer in'any direction frou overheadelectrical lines whlch are energized ar rtrs'tt""-iio;;il": 'eEL !" a^') # i.ili i1 noc lnstalled withiu 60 days after rhe date of lssue of rhis peruit, rhe perair shal1 Inspections : a) 91!e rnsoection - to be nade before the slgn ls placed. Usuarly, the Foorinq rnsoecrionr-pil=;E"."y-i,"_,".i"-..-ir,.sagletiieastheSiteInspgct1on.@tlon is Eo be -'de- after hole(s) ls excavii.a,-'""t prior ;;-A;;l;ceEeng of concrere.b) Ftnal rnspecrton:- ro be made upon ";i"ii;;'ot-"r., work. c) Electrical - all electricar siqns uust be inspected for electricar hook up after the signefore the sign-is turned on.ts erecteil and b CAII. FOR TIIE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TI{E 24 HOT'R INSPECTION LINE AT 726.3769 SIGN DISTRLCT , ..1 i.- , ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: -SITE/LOCATIOT{ _FOOTTNG OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT _ELECIRICAL _rIlrAL OTIIER SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISTIED BETORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ADDITIOT{AL INFORMAIION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: i (.#\/,'t--**-.)€;i -C APPROVED BY:DATE ct *4 ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: TOTA.L: DATE CLERK i!, JOB # SIGN PERMIT FEE: /t SECTION:SIGN ORDINAIICE Metal works 157 S. 47th Street 4-9-35