HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1983-08-17..RESIDTNTIAL.. zz5 North sth streeAPPLrcATr,N/PERMrr SprLn4fieLd, 2regon 97477 &dlding Ditsision 7 26- 37 53 SPFIInrGFIELD w 43D otr. 4Loq-JfrltroLJob !-ocaticn: Aasessore Mq* \nn))S{} r6-Lotr Olloff) Subdit;.sion: or,r,., f-)-[-[*n \tt*n Adbess:45n rf,I\. 4tOm $|i, . pkone: tl{to - 538q rT GA?-q14-11Citg: VaZue :'ls"s &nd Date of Applica Describe l,lork a ldCiticn RentoCeL Contteccons kidress Ltsc. r Etoires General aatt^f if Tail aD ,.afE^ Soritory seser caplted =t ?ropett! Ltre Sepxie totk p-aqeC ad, fillei wtth grat"-i P"lnal - it|zen cbcue itens are ecnolexed azd :,then ienclition ts =omplete br s*-."- htre nouo-C ai prenises cleaned up. i!cnes Plunbing conneczic-tzs -- sa!)e? od. aa:er Electrical Ccntzecta:on - Blockir4, se:-u, anl pltunbing eonneetions m;st be qorcteC before requesvlng e|eclrical insoec=ial Accessorl BuiEing :crekes, skirtina, deci.s,. .:^; tsLocking od.6zt-up EiuL - Aftet -+^ i1eelwticcL Const?rcticn Lewier reo-uisied ar.d a.zen gou ,,ritiLL be natie the sane Ccg I! ie 2he tesgonsibility of the pextrit holl,er to aee it@t aLL inspeetions @e nod.e at lhe proper tL\6, thet acch cddress t)s v2a;r2'-2 fltrt the st?eet, cnC, tlzct the pemntt eal is Located at the frcnt of the oropettu.rgui!d,i-4 iluicior. ce.!ou-a(i pl.bt si"c.Ll retta.Jn on tie tunkiing iite Zx zLL- tihes.' P:?)cEpupE F0!? iltsp|*fiil R!QU!E! :CA LL 726-3769 (recotdet) state !ou" Citg Cesigrated job ntm,ber,of insoeelicnLt be r.eadg for ir,spection, Conttactcra cr A.>ters nane cnd, phone nunbcr. , "equests tucde aftet 7:00 an vtLL be nnd.e the nect ',nrkin4 iob aC&ess, type P.eques.s receixed befcre 7:00 e:t dau.83 9(eL T Ir SI?9 INS?TCTICN: ?o be rude after e.ca)ation, but pricr tc seJ u.o of J'crns. ANDERSLAts ?'L'!/gTIIG, ZLZqIPICAI, 1 !,ECti.t:lICAL: 7o be narie beioz,e cng wrk is eotlet,ed. FCO?IIIC 1 F)AnDA?ICll: To be tmCe @ t"enc;;;-ap- e.cauated ard. 1'crms are erected, but pttor to pourirq ccncteta. U:!D,?GPOU:ID ?LAM?|:IC. SJKEP, 7.1?g?. DRAIIIAGE: To be rpie y-Jor co ;'iL-T@ench.es. UIDEP?LACR PI-IJ!,ETI:G A :|ECqAilICAL:@c1 fLoor insuia.tion or deekiag. ?CST AND 3EA.i4: ?o beinstalkiian of floor deeking. 3.1r.tGi! ?!c,!BfitG, IL7CIP.ICA! ) ;,tECl: AtlICLL: llo 'sork ..a to be cc"^eteri GlTthese inscectior,s h;oe been narie dnd. zpgrcrted.. Iour City Desigr,ated Job ltunber fs: IN S ULA! I C lI / Il APC R -A A R P IlR I :|S?!C? ! O iI : To be nade after aLL insalaticn ei required uqor berieTa @e in pLace tat beybre org k;h, Wpsun bcarC or tnLL couer.)ng is agl:,ed, ,ad. before ozy insulatian is concealed. DRYIALL llSP1ClICll: Tc 'oe -adeaTter-ilT@l.s in place, but priot to cng ',aping. \|AS)NRI: Steel Location, bond. beans, gtoutin4 or oer--icals ,.n accord.ozee virh U.ts.C. Section After instalTztion iet'tc)DSTc,/!: **t ^-^; nd.e prioz, to insul,atioti or h-)or 'a plcc:.rg lacing a>..d before frtrtng ineoee- core"ete. SIDETIALK I )RITiA!: Por aLL con- clete paoffi; st?eet righ.t- of-,,n|, to be naCe alter all. e*ca- uating 4qolete I 1-oan unrk & sub- inse natezn)al in plnce. prior '.o te{hen conplete -- *ouiLe or mooable aections through After forms pca/";-nS iac7 i."l::l:tc: ttus. be tec""ested af.-eri) @! cf rcugh pz;reing, e'lecttl- - dit I necitsnteei. 'LLI rc'oiirra brar-ng E ehitrmegs, ete. rnlsc be conpleted. !!o ,,tcrk is to be coy - cedled unt"-L this insoec*cn ia,s'beea noCe anC cpproueZ. FT?ZPLACZ: mdtefi.aLs tion. FI|IAL PLAiEIIIC FT;IAL |,IZCITA:IICAL ?I:IAL !iZC:?ICAL P. U. E. I -_l I :l ALL pro;ect condi;icna, tuc!': as the insxallcttcn of alreet tTees, co:-clexion ci''!:;Le required Lardsccpir4, etc., xtust be satisfiei beiore the SUiLDfiiG FflAL :an be "eqtested.. ?II\AL tsUILDI:|1: T|".e Etnal Euildln4 fnsaeetion ntet be yeouestei cite" the iir,al ?lwrbingElectrical, ad t4eclwttc:L ix,soect;.cns hae been nctie anti :coyouei. 'ALL "lAllilcLis AltD cLgAll1uls :lus! 30 .tcclSSI3Li, .1D;LS?::i:ti ?o 3E :!4Dg ,'.? ::a ::sT rc cry -1:. . v,j e T 0 a , lr lnt Sq. F.4. i tf 't.s Catercge I of Storles lotai letght ?opogryiq oLAR ,CESS REQ.- _ lr-teticr Comv: ?ani"cruile CUL-de-sac L-COG* Receipt #: Sia*ed: Electricsl Permit Were State La reqtires tlla,t the electrical uork be dane bg an glaetrical Contta.cto", the electrlcal porlion of lhis petnit shall not be ualiC untiLthe Label |as been aigaed bg the Electy!.cal Cont?actor, Mechqnicol Permit Plumbing Permit ,'lo- per.eon si@_il _ccasi;zc"tet, instc1.1., altet ot citan4e cnA ned er e:isting ylungina cr cirainage systqn in uhole or in par+-, unless such person is the Legal .posseasor of a ualid plwtber's Lieense, encept that a ?e"son nay dopltnbb.g aork to p"ope"t! alich is owted, Leased or ooerated by the aipli- c@tt. ?Lubl.ng Penit State Surclatge Stcte lotal ?e*mx Issuance !4e eisn")ccl P ez'r'r! ; PLcn irsriner I |IAVJ CARE?ULLY IXA:4illgD the eornplete-d aoljcaticn for tetmi;, ctui da hereby cer+.'Jf! tlet aLL il,fonation het,eon is true anC ccrrect, anC I f"ttti.er eer.iii that oty atl aLL aork ceriotaed sha,Ll be done it accot - d^znce tith ;.he Cydinsrces of the City of Spr)ngf,;214, and. the Lacs of tie State of )regcn pertaining to the w"k Cescr)bcd hetein, ad. ;ha.c nO CCCU- PAXC-I 'nalL be z,ai.e of c.t1y sttwcttga aithcut oern!.ssion cJ' ;he 3uiiding Di-uision. f i\trther eertifii tha.t oTrly conttaetors atd, e*playees ,,;h-c eZ h,t eqnol:.ance urth CRS ?07.055 aiLL be used on thts ptoject >LCetu)A L < JOB NO a2 Access t4 ;cte s,Lot Faces - icuse ::3:,!:{ :.b,in i=cce aaq. f "rtt tta s.D.c. J.5 = I C3A?.CE Building Volue & Permit Tnis pe*rr:,t ,)s arcnted on the esp"ess cotdltian tlut the said constmte+-ions'ra.ii, ").n cll resoects, confcrm ,jo the Crdinance cdocie,L b,1 the CitE oiScr4r4;"Jeli, ')nelud.tng lhe 3oning Crdinc71.22, regal,::ir.:o ;h"e ecnstr.letibn?ri.rJe ci bu'-1-iin4s, oti n=y be sucoeruied. or relsckei at cny tine ticn uic-Lcticn ci tty >tcoisicns of saiC Ardir,ances. ?uild.rrg ,De*rit lotal llcges -Fr};rras Reaid.zrttia,L ( 1 - bcth) Sani Setet C:il:.GC:i0. na,:/Ertetd Citcuits Sep;ice ,,lC Funzce 3!U'S Ezha/Bt HoaC V€nt ?at ',lcoCstcre -. .:ICR,CAC:'I:,8::7 -. Sec,tdta Dz:csit Storzee ilc.!.n!en"cr.c e Per*it 'Sutbet L l1lAL A.l.XUltT JU!:'@ )loAtle i{ae n-- ^ ( )lc;,er i zq: et lio!1rh ,/est 'ictea ?es. So. flo. I tT.@ S.0.P.P. #T-4..la /x\s DATE: 8- lG-43 The fol lowi appl i cati on The appl icant agrees within 30 days of cu authorjty to close t incurred costs shall APPLICANT (pnOprnrv 0r'INER) : ADDRESS OF APPLI ADDRESS OF PROPERTY 2ND DRIVEWAY: APPLICANT'S TEL HONE NO APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY 5 conditions must be answered affirmatively in order for this be cons'idered for approval : l). Property is either a single family residence or duplex. YES A N0_. 2). The proposed driveway w'i11 take direct access from a minor street (not a collector or arterial street). YES_ 3). The driveway will have a m'inimum setback of 30 feet from the curb return of an intersect'ion (for corner lots). YESX N0_. 4). The proposed driveway (parking area) must have a minimum depth of 20 feet between the front property line and the garage, carport, fence or wal1, if any (identical to setback for garage). YESX rrOi#g 5). The second driveway must have direct access to a garage, carport, rear yard or the side yard where the vehicle, trailer or boat w'il I be stored. YES,( N0 . 6). If the vehicle, trailer or boat is to be parked/stored in the side yard, there must be a minimum setback of 5 feet between the stored vehicle and the s'ide property line. This setback is for fire fighting access and to corlply with the intent of the zoning code. Setback sati sf ied YES y' N0_. 7). The proposed parking/shs. ; must not create a vision obstruction to adjacent property driveways or to any vehicular movement on a public street. Satisfied YESX N0_. Applicant hereby agrees to install the requested driveway to City of Springfield standards. The applicant further agrees to have 6" of concrete'in the sidewa'lk area adjacent to the proposed driveway and further agrees to pave the area behind the back edge of the sidewalk adjacent to the driveway with a minimum depth of 3" of asphaltic concrete or with a minimum depth of 6" of portland cement concrete. The area behind the sidervalk shall be paved to the property line or for a distance of 4 feet which ever is greater. that if he/she does not pave the area beh'ind the s'idewalk tting the curb opening, the City of Springfield has the he driveway access by the removal of the curb cut. All be assumed by the app)icant and if unpaid, said cost L - shall become a lien of the property. -2- S.0. P. P. #T-4. I a When this app'lication is approved by the City, the applicant (property owner) must obtain a driveway permit from the Public llorks Department Building Division. PERMIT FEE 6,L[[-s\w a 0n an improved street (exist'ing curb): S'l 2.00 pl us 1 2( per I i neal foot of curb cut. 0n an unimproved street (not curbed): $.l2.00. 0n cument'ly unimproved streets that are under- construction: $l 2.00. PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE b c TRA 9.I ATTACHMENT: DATE:{-,/c/ . q 2 APPROVED B DATE: 8- lA-83 BUILDING PERMiT NO.: DAT City of Springfield Standard Drawing No. 3-ll Dated 10/8/82 L a3\q\e?,f:als \SF