HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-06-01..RESIDFNTIAL.. 225 iOYth \th STTEEAPPLICATT.--,IPERMIT Springfield" )r,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job locaticn: Aaoeeaore Map ll a3 t SPFlINGFIEI..D Tcr Lot fl ci S-ubdioiaion Ounen: Addteas: Additicn Date of Applica General \ Deacrtbe h,ork: Value fute: F :1\1(7-) Phonc , Plutnbl Dl.ec E,rica Surrerv 1n EIec c r c l.:l rr It ia the reaponaibi-lity of-tle permit ho_lder to see that aLL inapectione ate nade at the Jborn the atreet' anC that the penmtt oatd ia Located at the front of the orooentu-tBuilding Nvicion approv'ed plan shcll remain on the Building sitcht "1t'l7ini-"."-PnoctDUPE F)n IilSPEC?I1N.11QYEST;CALL 726-3769 (yecorder) state your City dea{gnated, jobeiayjoii"'pection,c";l;;"l;;;olast,Ersnanaand,plpne;'""tll be nade the aane dcy, requesta-ncde afier ?:00'on viLL be rmde the "ert ir.ii.iig-day. Iou? City Deaigr,ated Job ttunber fo: rNSULATI)N/VApoR BARRTER IilSpFCrr2N : To be nwCe after aLL inaulaticn ad required uapor barriera are in phoe but before ory Lath, Wpswn boatd on unLL aouening ia applied, end beforeay inaulation ia concealed. DnYilALf, INSPEtrI)N: ?o be radeafter aLL dryr^nll io in place, but prior to any tapittg. YISONR!: Steel Location, bond beams, gtouting or oetticala in accoyd@rce vith U,B.C. Section 2415. l,l0ODST0t/E: After inetalTation ie anpleted, CURB & APPRCACH APSON: Aftet fornsa'e;"";bd6;@ to pounittg conaret.e. SIDEIIAI,K E DRIl,El,tA!: Fot all con-cret; W;l/tg ulti4; atreet fight- of-rxy, to be nade after all exca- uating canplete & fornt r,tork & sub- base nntertal in place. IENCE: hhen conplete -- ProuiCe gatee on notable eectione tfu,ottgh P, U.8,. proper trhre, that ccoh addreae ia readabje nunbet, iob aCdyeaa, type of inspecliotrunbq. Requeata teceived before ?:00 ct Santtaty aaset capped at ptopefi!. Line Septic totk pwped and fitled vith gra:,tal SITE INSPEC?I0\'1: To be nade after escevation, but pniar tc set up of forns, UNDERSLAB PLL'TEI,VC, ELEC"TRICAL &taWny t,lork ie coucred, FOO?Ii,IC 4 F0U,\DATIC\|: To be raCe d-f-l7i- t'iffi tGAiii x c au a t e d a nd forns a.ne erected, but prion to pouring ccncrete. UND9RCROU]ID PLUM? INC, _591,/ER, 11,4T83. DRAIIIAGE: ?o be nnCe ptior to fil-@-frnehee, UNDERFLOOR PLUI.IBING E I'TECIANICAL: o1 floor insulation or decking, P2S? AND BIAM: To be nade priot todffitffiof floor insulZtion ot Final - I'lhen abote itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cenpl,ition ia conplete or atru3- tuye noved od ptetrisea cleaneC up. il Itcnea Bl,ooking od set-up Plwttbing connecttone -- Bclter ad, uater El,eotrioal Canneotion - Blooking, aet-u2 atd pltnbing cotneot.ione truet be apprctbd befoto requeeting eleo)yical inapeclion Aoceaeory Building deckittg ANICAL: No GrtT'theee sto inspections nad,e ard approued. FIPEPLACE: Pnior to plccirg facingmcterials and before fratning inapec-tion. l@!ilt: l"tust be requected after approual of rough plw;bing, electri-cal & nechanical, ALI roofing bracing A chitmcya, etc. rntst be . contpletcd. !!o ucrk is to be con- . cecled until thia inspection las'been tade anC approved, Pinal - After etc, are odnF) , pcrchea, ekirting, decks, leted, FIIIAL PLUI{BIIIC FINAL TIECIIAIIICAT, 'ALL pnoject conditions, such ae the i.netallation of street traee, conplotton of the ' re.quired Landsccping, ctc., nuat be aatiaficd before the BUILDINC FINA\ can be requested- FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnapection nuat be requeoted alter the Final Plwnbi.ng Electrical, anC Necltarical Inspectiona hqva been nade atd approved Perte 1 of J FINAL ELECTRICAL .AT,L ilANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST DE TCCESSIBLE, ADJIISNENI TO BE I'L(DE AT NO COST TO CIIY r- I t/ n L.CO dJOB NO oLAR ^ cEss REQ.- Zone:L.BeCroons: -- Feee -- lteat Rece il: Sowaeo tove Building Volue & Permit Thia pernnt ia gnantcd on the crpreoE cond.ibion th!1t the:iairl constntc-Li.on ehalll, in alL |eapccti,- "oi,1i*,'l:o thc orditr'rtt:r:e *1op.te-'l lt'y t:it'e Ctty o.f spii"g1inta, inctluding- the Zoning Cndinalrc.o, rrzgulcLittll tlie ccnctructiat oird ,'o" of Luildings,'and mey bi eucpende,T or reuokeC at ctiti t'-rne upori ttic- |ation of atty prcuiaione of said ordinances. a 'Building Pe?ntt State ?otal Clutgea { PTdn UaLc I f ilAVE CAREFULLy EXAI4INED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infotnation hereon is true and conrect, an7 I furthen certify that any ard aLL work penforrned alall be done in accor- dance trith the ordinancea of the City of Springfield, and. the Lc,te of the State of 1regon pertaining to the tnrk Ceaeribod herein, cnd trat N0 1CCU- PANCI uill be nnCe of any Bttucture uytthout permission of the Building N-oieion. I furthen certify that otlg contractoi.s and ezplcyeel uho are in canpl':.ance uith 1RS 701.06s uiLL be ueed on thie projeet q Lot Facea - Sethacks Houee Can aee AccessP. L. North Eaat South l,/eat Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 of tot Cooenage I of Storiee Total Height Topogruphy LOT ?WE fnterior " _ Con@f Panlundle Cvl-de-eac VqLue tId.in ktaae Carocrt Accessoru LVIAL VALUE 5,D.C. I.5 I PLan Date Paid: Sigted: Plumbing Permit No pereon alull construct, inatall, a'!.ter or clnnge anll neu cr e:isting ptthtlng or drainage systan inuhole or in part, w':Less such petson is the iegol pZaan"ron oT"o rtolid pt*,bcr's Lic-ens-e, etcept bhat a pc"son nay 1o ptirnt iig uork to prope-rty uhict, ia ooned, Leased or operated by the apL'Li- cant, CHARGE Sani Sane" Firtures Reail.enti.a.L (1 tuth) Plwtbing Perntt Electricol Permit Hhere State l,au requires t|"a.t tha clectrical work be clone by an Slectnical Contractor, the electrical pontion of thia patmit shall not be ualiC until the Label haa been aigned by the ELectrtcal Contraetor. ITEI'I NO,FEE RGE Stcte i Na,t/Ext.end Circuite Seruice , 3 ,t1 Mechqnicql Permit Eshanet Hood. llcodatole Vent F@t Permit laeuooe Neclanical Pendt -. ENCROACIIMEN? .- Secat i l,laintenance Pcrmit Asbcut SidataLk Fence Electricat la.bel l,lobile ltane Al'OUll? DUEr I >?5 ^ te NO.FEEITEM l,la f. an Total Claraae State Sur.cl,ange I FF:N :i a, I