HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1981-08-31INSPECTTON ltNE 72&.3769 CITY OF SPRINGFIETD CO}IBINATION APPIICATION /PENMII INFONiIATION I.INE 726-3753 lDe -oz-I ENERGY SOURCESI Woter Heoler Heot Volue of Worl: Sg. Ftg. Access. -New__.Add_Alter_Rep.- -Fence__Demo_Chonge/Use --Orher Sq. Ftg. lt{oin Address Singlewirh Building Permit lnfo:Describe Work (i.e., Bui Address Phone k .\.)\0 N DESIGN TEAM (nome)(oddress) no.) Residence of furnoce/burner lo PI.UMBING ETECTRICAT MECHANICAT FEE CHARGE NO.FEE Eoch fixture tt. Electricol Mechoniol Relocoted building fix.New circuits, olterotions or extensions Applionce vent ro teS.F, Residence (r SERVICES Sio tio no ry evoP. eoch T Conslruction Additionol both system oport from A.C. Woter Mechonicol exhoust Sewer Storm Sewer FEEDERS Heot Air hondler to CF,lt Air hondler over 10,000 cF ^ ISSUANCE OF PERMTT TOTAI. CHARGES TOTAT CHARGES TOTAT CHARGES STAIEWHERE tAw REQUIRES rhethot workElcctricol donebe tho Electricalby Conlroctol rhc cleclriccl of thisportion nol:hollpermit validbalobel ohssSsenonrignedConlroclorElertricslbyottochedondrheloeleclricslnel.Po t 1,+ RPET t SIGNATURE DATE {4-'>t-P/ EXAMINED the completed oll work performd sholl de of ony s required HA'CAREFUVE ,YLT for ondopplicotion dopermit,lhot Ioherebycertify hereoninformotio n ts lrue ond ndcorrect,furthertholsndcertifyonybelndonewithoccordoncethofOrdinoncestheofCitytheondLowsSpringf ield of Stotethe oftolhedescribedworkperloiaingondherin,NOthot willOCCUPANCY mobe withoutstr ucture lhe ofsSronpermi Buithe Division.lding Oregon furtherthotcertlfythewithBuilder'sregislrotionmy Boord tnt5 forcef ull effeclond q oRsby 701 thdt if.055,theexempt bosis Ior ts notedexemptionqndthotheron,ondsubcontroclors whoonly tnore with 701oRsemployeesomplionce .055 beil u*d on this proiect. Bosis for 8uilder's Boord exemption: NArl{E (pleose print)GVaR Lr/ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY tire Zone-Bedrooms Occy Lood Sq. Ftg. Access FloodPloinstories-OccyGroup-sq.Ftg.other-a-fq|g3 TOTAT VATUATION Sq. ftg. MoinZone -Iype/Const. -Units x Volue x Volue | ,rrr"., D"r"lopr"nt I choroe (1.5%) BUITDING PERATIT Chorges ond Surchorges Plon Ck. Comm/lnd PIon Ck. Res Per Fee Totol Comb. Permit PTUMBING PERMIT Chorges ond Surchorges Demo PERMIT SidewolkChorges ond Surchorges TOTAI^ ECHANICAL PERII{|T Chorges ond Surchorges Curb Cut CHARGF --==_-BTU'S Vent fon with single duct Amps. Wood stove/heoter Amps. until Fe nce a/a Pavinn CoMBINAT|ON AppLlcATlON/PERMlT (CAP) l. Appliconr to furnish A. Job Address is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY i:t:l.H::IXi",., r00, Lone coytly Mop.Rererence r7 03 43 i: Hffiff-i"ii. irt'i's,lia raaiiion to sprinsfield Estotes No-", "I. of owner ond construction lender B. c. D. E. Energy Sources i.' "iJ - pf "- h eor /el ectri colg{ilg'io.l f o rc,ed o i r so s ;. affi-wJer-r''eoterT@gl7 or solor '- souIEJiJoge or voluotion' etc' i:;;;;i;:iiso 'q' foot house' 500 sq' foot sorose i: H#lEkl,:* ..d';i;t,Ii"il **-ii oddition' check odd, etc. F. Building Permit informotion: I. exomPle-tt..'l;;;';;sit'+o-itv house with on ottoched goroge' 'nto fomilY roomZ. i*o-pl"-remodel existing goroge.rr i: ffi"-.on'"'t sing-le fo.mily residence inlo-- ffint (chonge of use) G. Vqlue of work o' dJfined in Section 303 (o) of the - Stiucturol SPecioltY Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid d",ign-o'-t;;t'uttion deloys' Building Division stoff must be oble to contoct oppropriote Persons regording ;;;ig; informotion or iob site correclions' etc' ll. Abbrevioted Plumbing' Mechonicol & Electricol Schedules"' ;. ;;."01 where uton-t 'pot"s occu-r-in the description portion of the Mechotl:;i';;i;l;ctricol Schedules' the opplicont need fill-in .tt;;'It:'s"'"t odiocent lo the oppropriote irem(s) to be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol' ond Electricol Schedules-' ;;; oroitoUtJ or the Building Division l. To consert" tp"t"-trr-the"permit form the schedules hove been obbrevioted r ^- rL^ ^kkr2. lf the it"rnt'iil'il'instolted qre not covered on 'th'e obbrevi' oled sohedui;;;; ;"'ld consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DlvlslOi'l STAFF WILL FILL oUT AtL FEES AND-' iilncrs oN rHE scHEDuLEs tll. ApPlicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the initiol opplicolion will be used os o worksheet ."rr. t"ii'erI ;;;;iil:E;ilciins Division stoff wiII prepore o typ"*tiiiJ; tLpt ond return it to the opplicont ot thetimetheoctuolp",.itisissuedforhissignoture. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due qnd poyob.le ot the time of the opplicotion' ond no plons will [";;;;;tiJliiit-tt'"'" fees ore poid' All other fees ona .nJiJ" "i" a'" ond poyoble when the permit PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDIIIONS TO BE SAIISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additionol Proiect lnformotion: signolurenome dote PLANS REVIEWED BY: