HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1982-02-02OFFICE OF THg CITY ATTORNEY CIIE,Y OF SPF,IIVGE-IEIJD sPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 February 2, L982 E23 NORTH A ATREET SUITE D 746-9621 Robert & Marian Gielish 85322 Jasper Park RoadSpringfield, OR 97477 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Gielish: Please find enclosed for your information and review a copy ofa retter to you dated December 4, 1981, from Roy Bordeauxr-Prumbing rnspector, city of springfierd. you wirl note in theletter that lt{r. Bordeaux states that there is a condition existingon the property which 'poses a potentially serious public healthhazardr and that "immediate corrective action must Le taken". ft is our understanding that this immediate corrective action hasnot been taken. The purpose of this retter is to inform you that unress the pro-perty at 297 south 43rd street, springfield, is in compJ,iancewith the reguirements as set forth in the letter to you datedDecember 4, 1981, of Mr. Bordeaux by March 1, l9BZ, that anaction will be instituted in the Municipal court of the city ofSpringfield to obtain your compliance. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your anticipatedcourtesy and cooperation. Sincerely, HARMS, HAROLD & LEAHY rToseph J. Leahy Office of City Attorney .IJL:bkhgnc. SP]TTNGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works CERTIFIED LETTER Robert & Marian Gielish 85322 Jasper Park Road Springfield, 0R 97477 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Gielish: December 4, 1981 ,r/ It has cone to our attention that your residence, located at 2q7 !,,43r.1 slreet . ,r Springfield, 0regon, is not connected to the sar:itary sewer. tn aaa:-tion, the septic tank on your property trai fai.ted evidenced by raw sevrage in the yard. Because this condition porl, a iotenti.riy s"rious public heatih hazard, innediate corrective action must be taken' The Department of Environmental euality has established requirements for septic tank aban- dorunent in Oregon Administrative -liules, Chapter 340, Division 7' The required abandonrnent procedure is as follows: t'Each and every orrner of the real property upon which is situated a subsurface sewage disposal system whicir is required to- be abandoned, or which has been abandoned, sharr f,.r" "il the sludge fron the leptic tank,- seepage pit or cesspool removed by a person holding a sewage dispolal -service_lilense, and sha1l fill same with clean bar- run graver or othei *rtu"iit app'roved by the Director or his authorized representative.'' you should contact a licensed septic tank pninper. I{any are listed in the yellow pages- of- - your telephone directory. Upcn Lonpletiort-ol abandonment you or your representative should notify the Buildi"g oi"irion of the'city of springfield for an inspection at 726-3769' Section 2-70-l of the SPringfi e1d City Code requires that r'...a person erecting or naintain- ing a water clos.et, sink, bathtub, or Crain in the CitY uPon ProPert y within 120 feet of any pub 1ic sanitary sewer sha11 connect the facility with the sewer at his own exPense, in the manner and under regulations and suP ervision Perscribed bY the City.rr You will have 30 fron the date of this letter to connect to the sanitary sewer system' A plumbing perni t is requi red as well as a $1 00.00 sewer connection fee. Both roay be pur- chased at the Public lVorks Departnent'After connection to the sanitary sewer systen is comp leted, all work :rrust also be inspected by the Building Division of the City of Spring- field.Your anticipated cocPeration is approc iated. please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753' Sincerely, ,/t^- Plumbing Inspector cc: Jcseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney John stoner, Lane County Environmental Health Division (r, B* Roy bordeaux RB:SUIs 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753