HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-02-11.. REsroEruilAL.. C OMB IN ATI O N APPLI C AT IO N / PWJLII 225 North 1th Stneet Springfi,eU, 1tegon 97477 Building Ditsision 726-37 53 I, I SPRINGHAD iob bcaticn: ta t-ot #3qtuAssesso"s l,ho "4 Svbditision: arrcnt ,P n\ .rd&eaa:Sg3a!. \ Date or'Aooliaciott Deactrtbe l'ork: { Mdirioa Crrf\ Valuc GeaenL r\- Plmb*q ..- (\n rnh^tn Afl LL,fiL &) lLectrical A,t\ :.lechqiczl Conetmtctton Lend,ct It is the responeibili,tg of tle pennt lo&o, b eee tlat aLL inapec;iorls de nod.e at ;he pto?er f"on t u st]!eet, ord, tlat the pdriit eqd ia Located at the fzottt of tle _p"ope"tl.iBuiAi.V Nuicio- aptot;ed ptor, ahc,Li' reauin on tlg BuadirlS Site at aLL lines. PnoCEDwE Fon INsPEC1]fcN REQWsa: coU,'%'lteood,el state yor/" City ,leaigated iob rumber @aav fot inspectiot, cont?actote ci a,tr.ra- nane -and. plotta tanba. 't',iLL fu ftafu thc eona datr, fiquotts nods afta 7:00 onviLL ba rud,a tha nezt'"nrking dzg. tin6, tLat aach addrese is 42asa\t,2 ', iob adibesa, type of inapecticn PeqEBtB veceixed befo*e 7:00 an lonr City Decigtutd Job lluabel Io: S@rit@g eane cqgei zt pro?&i Lirt Segtic tak f,iAed *. filied tith geasel Pitul -,llhen ainue iixg @e caqle+-ed, cd uhstt Cq.al.ition ia corelc;a o? sttltc- ttse naoed ci Vranlacs cr,eanei up. l _l l Mobile Ecnes Blockittg otd. Sat-zp Pltnbitrg cottnecticns -- ed.)€? clC. aater Elecdcal Cc,rlnection - Blcckir4, set-uo od. plwbittg cofieeti.ns E";st aa qpta;eti beforc reqteating elec=rLeal rtspee=ion Acceesor!* fuiiditu Fittal - Aftar Vcrehea, skirting, declcs, etc. @e cotnpleted. l -ll l l F:ie 1 of 2 SJ3g INS?EC|IOil: woatlott htt ,- IfiDMSLAB PLINBING, 1LEfiRICAL E | | \IECHA.JICAL: To be nwia beforc any w?k La cousful. Fe?UnG ! F2aNDA?fCil: ?o be rnCe @atedod farne ee etectad, brtt paiot topuriA ccrlc?.te. UND,RGPAUXD P'AMEINC, SgHEfr. H.4TER. Litq trenciue. tr I]IIDEP,ITPOR I'LUI,IB III C 4 :,IECEANT C AL :@o7 f1,oor insuiztion or decking. PgSr 4!2_!E4A: lo be nade priot to ffiilTffiof floor inst:.ktiorz ot deckitg. ROI]GE PLAIBI:IC. |f,ECIRICAL ,' WCH- AN|CAL: No wrk ia to be co'*eteci,n theaa inspecions hatte beerz iad.e orn, @rcoed.. PLPELACE: kior to plccirq fceiqrcieriala od. before iranttrg inapec- tion. FEAf,filG: l{ttst be rearectd, aftet @ of rcuqh pt;raing, electri-al 3 .neeltodcal. A7,! rcofing bztciry t chitmeye, etc. ft:at be catoleted. llo vprk ,:s to be eon- ""il"d, tmtil thio insoeetiot las been nadc od, qpnved,. :NSIIUTION /VAPOR SARRER I!ISPEC?!0fl : fo bc dc afta aLL itluleicl &'rd. rqubd, Dqo! b@vi.?s oo in pLaca btt beforc ory l,ath, Wps?ra boa4 ot unLL auxing ia qplied,, od. before ory insul-attbn ie eotEu,Ld. DRWALL IllSPEd!1N: Tc be nad.e aft* aLL dtyt'ELL ie in plz.ca, htt prior to aq tqing. tW2llRI: Steel Loeatiotr, bottd. burc, grculing or oettia,T.s in aeeotlotce Ltith U.B.C. Section 2478. ?00DSAOY8: Aftet install,ation ie antpleted. CURB & AFPPCACA AP,9,N: oe erecxeC but pr)on ,prl,r?€ta. S|DWALX 8 DRIIEIJAI: Por aLL con- crete pa)itq ?tithi,n atraat rtght- of-r*g, to bc nale after aLL ezca- uatiag catplete & forn ork & cub- fu,se tcterlal in plzce. lo be dftatpria?bectqof fotno. E'IIAL PA]ABI:IG FINAL I,IECE.A,IIICAL ?ItrAL EI,E*RICAL Aftat fornetu pouring aatea Dil? 'lhet conplate -- bovi.Ce ot ..touoble sectiaas thr.ough o ALL project caty'i9ian6, such a tle instalZation of sueet frecs, ecm!;-"zon of =ie*quired Lod,scqtr4, etc., iaat be aatisfied beJ'ore tla tsUILDIXC FfilAL :ot ':e raqtested. ?INAL tsAILDIIIC: The Final EuiU.nng Insoection rntst be recyueoted cfier lhe Pinal ?!.tnbingglccL:rical, otd leciwzieal Inspect'i,ata llovs beet nade od aDrooed. D *ALL |TAIIIHCLES AIID CLEAT|OWS MUS? BE .4CCESSItsLE, ADJUSTIEN! YO 9E I44DE IT NO CAST 7C :I!Y Date: Nlt, 6't "(L,t)h Plwne: 7 ,,ourr. r^" 1oaq'*ai iaaoatiao Ir D r tr T Job Nunber: Lot Sq. Etg. % cf Lct Cclre?age_ # of StorLes ?otal Eaight iopogrq;hy Building Pendt State ?otal Chargea LC? TWE _ fnterior _ Cor.ner _ Patthodle _ Cul-de-eac Refetetcee llwnbets: -'- Pees -- Building Volue & Permit This pelmtt is granted on the erp?ess cond.ition thlt tl12 said. conetntetion sltall', in aLL rbspects, eonforrn to the Ot&inance adopte'l lV tne City 2f Spt-tng7leU, inc1-ld.tng- the Zoning Crdi,rwe-e, regalating the ecnst?u.cticn ;rn ;; of -buildirqs,- and nq be- sueperded ot vevol<eC at a,A t*ne upon tic- Latton of oty prcoisions of eaid )tdinances. oeeuDancu Group:Ti;pe/Const:Bedvooma:Zone: Ileat Iat Faces - P.Eouse IlEM SQ.FIC Value llain fuaae C@oott Aceeaaotu TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 x Signed: Paid: {. Plumbing Permit Ilo petson ehall eonatnot, inetal!, alter ct cho'qe -anA nan -c? erieting pl;nbing or drainage syetan in uhole ot in pa.tt' unleea auch person is the iega| pbseeesor of a ttiltd pt,nbx'l Licenee, ezcept tlnt a P?*of twv qo^ plintritg wrk to p"ope"ty ihich is ormed, Leased ot operated by the appli' unt. Plunbing Pewrit FEE CEARGE Ebtlees Residential (1 bath) SareP €tate IotaL Eleclr.iecl Permit Wfure State La,t teqtiree tlwt the electrical wvk be dgae bg,ot lTeetttcal Contmcto*, the elictrLcal pottion of ihis penrit allall not be oalil. until the Label hds been signed by the ELecLrLcaL Contractor. Nas/Ectead, Cirerdts S*tsice Ec?tanst Hood, Vent Fdt * Mechqnicol Permit Perfirt fsstotce Mechanicel Pertt I HAW CAR4PULLY EXAMIIIED the conpleted appLication fot penttt, @d do leteby eertify th,at aLL infor+rution hereon ia t"ue atd. eonnect' od I fu"thb" ce"tify that anA ard aLL uork perfortred eiull be done in aceot- dance vLth the- Ordinaneee of tlle City of Springfield' atd. the Iane of the* state of Otegon pertaining to the uork ceecyLbed herein, a1d tl14t N0 )cca- PANcy tiLL bb nad.e of trry st"uctu?e vitlwut pemrLseiott of the tsuilding Di- uision. I further certifg tlnt only cont?acto?s otd atpl'oyeee uho ee in cattpliance oith cRS 70L.055 uiLL be used on thie ptoiect -- ENCROACHI4EIIT -- PLan Eeadnet ?OTAL AIIOUW DUE: *qo Date ?unit Cutbcut Sila,talk ELeetricaL Iiobile Hane P l-an ::haak h'ao: :!9M ;tc.CILARCE *mea 97lltS llcodstorse 't'o-d l- (:hnraas State SweTcz,qe