HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-06-14tl alo Ics lat 4 Phone:a. .. RESIDENTIAL.. 225 Nonth ,rr, irrnnor"trcArr'* /PERlEr Sprtngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision nn -d.-do-o / Dn Job Locaticn:{7 e- Aesessors Map #rl 0?3a3 Subdioision: city: LSPHINGFIET-D 22,a> b- t5 (-" trlt t-t Descz"Lbe Hotk: Value l-l /3/x/Gl@ fi.a*additian RetnoCel s -4 Date: Date of CeneraL rt i8 the responaibi-lily of-tle pennt tzoldet to aee tlat alt iaapeetiotls ae nade at the prope? time, that s4411 iarsss is realabie1ffi,h"fr3i:Ly*Wl"'!'r,rtrT*rff*:i,*"i1,1fri,ui3r"{yii""L'yrr\nfl?- r Meclwnieal Coaglnuctio"_Le"det_ _ TilSPECIION 7 26-37 69 (reeordet ) state your City designfied job nuber,uhen "gou ready for inspection, Conttaetors or )tmers ncrne cnd plane rwnbx.be nade the sone dcg,?equests nade after ?:00 on tiLL be nade the nett wrkirg day. iob aCi.r,ess, type P,equestE receixed of inspec)icn befcre 7:00 an Iour Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nutnber fs 8=o?6A SIIE fNSPEC?f1N: To be nnde aftet, escansation, but prtor tc set up of forns. IN,DERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELEC?RICAL & MECItLilTCAL: lo be nade befoie-ng wz,k ie eooeted. P))TIN? & F)UNDA?ICN: lo be maCeAF;; ttenct;s are eseauatld. ai- fonns ate ereeted, but prior to pou?ing ecnerete. TNSALA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER TilSPECNON : ?o be nade aftet' aLL insulaticn ed. required tsapot betie?a @e in place but before ag Lath, Wpswn boatC or tnLL eooering is applied, and before otg insulation is concealed. DRIHALL TNSPECAf)N: ?c be rru.deafter aLL &,AuaLL is in plnee, but ptior to ang topirrg. I,IAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerticals in accordorce LrLth U.B.C. Section 247 5. W0ODSTOI'E: After installation is anpleted. BUTLDIiICS Sanitoy saser capped et properfii Lir:e-l Septic totk p;,otrped and. filled trith I 3ra:sel , Final - tt/hen abctse itans ate conpleted and uhen dqtolition is canpleteiot sttac- tuz,e notted otd. prenrises cle,zneC up. ( E PLTIMEING to these inspeettqns have been, CURB & A?PRCACH APPAN:'After fornsee erei,eteC bui pior to pourLng concyete. SfDWALK & DRfIEilAY: For all con- cz,ete paoirq uithin st?eet tight- ef-txA, to be nade after all eeca- oating canplete & forn uotk & sub- base naterLal in place. 1 uuomrtooR pLUlErNc & IIECuANTIAL:to7 floor insu1,ation ot decking. I P)ST AHD BEAM: To be nade prLor toJ iiiitTffin oi floor iraulZtion ot decking. A nad.e ard apptorsbC. I FIPEPI,.ACE: Prtot to plaeitg facingI mateyLals and. befone froning inspei-tion. Q fnitwc, ttust be requested. after ) appz,olral of rough plwrbing, eieca,i-eal & neclwnical. AL! roofirq ..' btacirq & chinmeye, etc. rrust bei arnpleted. tlo tpz.k is to be eon- ...,..cealed until this inspection ltae : been nad.e anC approtted. U!!E: h4ten conplate -- PtouiCe. gates or mooable aections tl*ottghP.A.E, : ALL pt'oiect conditions' such as the installation of stteet trees, conoletion of tierequired Landsccping, etc., rmtst be eatisfied befoz,e the BUILDfNG FINAL can be tequesl lx l FTilAL PLUMBING PINAL MECIIANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRTCAL ted. O\ P-|-NAL B.urLDINc, ?hg ?inaZ Building Inspeetion muat be requested after the Finat Plwnbing L/ Electnical, od Meclanical fnspections tt4ue been nade atd'approoed. uq ^ Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- saie? Electtical Ccmneetion - Bloeki.ttg, set-up and. plunbing connections rrust be apprcued befot,e requesting eleclrLcal inspectiott Accessory BuilCing pct ehes, skitting, decl<,s, Leted. Fittal - After etc. ate cornp otd uater I Page 7 of 2'ALL MANI|CLES AND CLEANOWS MUST B8 ACCESILBLE, ADJASAIENI TO BE t44DE tlP NO COST TO eIY ,: T j u JOB NO. . Secan'i Permit Total Cutbcu! Sida,talk Mobile Eone (59LAK AUUE5) KE.V.- -. ENCROACHMEN? -- L-CO G^ f tAW CAREFULLY EXAI"ffNED tle eotttpleted applieation for pe?rnit, and do hereby ce"tifq t?nt aLL inforrnation hereon i.s ttue and eorrect, and f furtker certify that any ard. aLL uork perforned slall be fune in aceor- dance ,'rith the 2rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and. the La.ss of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uo?k Ceseribed herein, and that ll0 )CCU- Pr'.NCy LI|LL be rmd.e of anu structute uytthout pemission of the Butlding Di-oision, I further certify that otly cont?actors ad. enplcgees Dho d"e in canplianee uith 2RS 701.055 ui,ll be used on this project 3 I n & t Soarees lleat Df House Canaoe NoPth East ll Eineplaee South l Hoodstote Hest l rat Sq. Ftg. Z of lct Cooerage i of Stories ?otal Height ?opogrcphy BeCvoons: Int Faces - Grou ' Cormer Panhand.Le CUL-de-sae ID? ?WE -Interiot -- Fees -- SQ. FTG x Va Building Volue & Permit This permi,t is granted on the erpress eondition tlat tle sciid consttactiott slta.Ll, in aLL rbspeets, confonn to the 0rdinance edopted tiy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Cndinance, regulating the ecnsttaeticn otl. use of buildirqs, otd may be suspend.ed ot reookeC at aty time upon oic- Lation of @tA prcuisione of aaid 0rdi,nances. Main */? TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c * Building Penit V2-sa 1/2 State 17 Date Pai.d: #?otal Chatges Signed: I?EM FEE CHARGE Plumbing Per itFtbhtres Resil.entia.L (1 bath)No pereon slnll constntct, instal!, alter or ehange anA neD cr erLsting plwttbirq or drainage systqn in uhole or in patt, unless such person is the Legal posaessor of a ualid plunber's License, ercept tlat a pe?son nag do plunbing uork to prope"ty uhich is ouned, Leased or operated bg the appli- cant. Seuer Plunbing Pernrtt State * Electricol Permit t{le?e Sta.te Las nequites that the electrLcal uork be done by dn Eleetrical Contz,aetor, the electrtcal porti.on of this permit slta,Ll rat be talil until the Label lns been signed by the ElectrLcal Contractor. a6 FA l/ *L State Neu/Eetend. Circuits Ianpctoy Sensiee FEE CIIARCE * Mechqnicol Permit llcodstote Vettt Pot khanet EooC 3?Ul Pennt t fesudrce Meehanicel Pertntt ?O TATAL AMOUNT DTJE: *d 5;2.D6 Signed Date -/g 6-/v-aR DaXe L