HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-01-02UOOD STOVE/INSERT TNSPECTIOI{ APPLICATTON CITY OF SPRINGFEILD BUILDII'lG SAFET)' DIVISIOI'l 225 Fifth Street Springfield , Oregon 97 t 77 Job Loca t ion:(;t- Assesso[-< Hap ii :L o Ovner: Add ress SPRINGFI€LO Office: INSPECTION LINE;- eft, 7 26-37 59 7 26-37 69 C- o Tai: Lo t ii Phone: #: Zip Code: 7 u- le6 =_ b cicyr.Sn ^-*r^1,) Q 0---T----ry Value of Uood Stove S ta te: ./Pe1Iet Stove/fnsert: Prelirfiinary Inspection is S15.00 (priof to installation of, insert) Uood.Stove/Pellet/fnsert Permit is S15.OO + $.75 state surcharge + S.45 administrative fee * Si0.0O issuance = 526.2O total Type of Inspection Requesrca: Pollerl- T:nSeet- .. Contractor: Add ress :Phone *: Ci ty:S ta te: Expi res : By signing this permit./application, I agree to caII for inspection(s) as required (726-3769). I state that aII the information on this permit/application is correct and.that I vas provided vith the Uood Stove Safety information for vood burning appliances and preliminary inspection standards. I further state that-the appliance f am installing meets smoke.emission standards as set by the Oregon Department-of Environmental euality or the Federal Environnrcrrtal protection Agency and I agree to provide the. testing approval number to the irrspector at the time of inspection. I also understand that if f am requesting a prc).iminary inspection, the vall covering may be required to be removed. .l tu REQUIRED INSPECTION(S) : Date of Application: I To tal Amoun t CoI lec Ied : Recei p t lt 2e33 6O 19 te F.ICU USE SDRT PRELIHINARY - Job ll Issued By:{a tlrecked for Oetiqrun.ius Chccked for Ilistorical Status: Construction Contractors Registration f, : \