HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1993-03-15CITY OF ONEGON SPFlINGFIELr, DEVELOPMENT SEBVICES PUBLIC WONKS M ET R O PO LITA N WASTEWAT E B M A N AG E M E NT C ertified Letter llarch 15, 1993 Jeffrey A. and C.B.Schu1atlz 2898 JosePh Ave. Campbell, California 95008 RE: 170 N. 4ATH, Street Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr.and Mrs.SchuIarLzz In reference to the previous letter sent to you dated February 1gg3 regardini- ii;; -po"sible sanitary sewer problems at PropettY,wehavenolreceivedanycornmunicationfromyou reque sted . Sincerel, 225 FIFTH SIBEFI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97177 (s)s) 726-s75s 9, your AS I need to hear from yorl within fifteen (15) days to.determine what action you wiif be i:ndertaking to "oti""i t'ha potential health hazards identified in our previous correspondence' ]fYouhaveanyquestionspleasefeelfreetoca}lmebe.tweenthe hou?s of 8-9:00 a.m. , L-Zt5;";:;.-;;- a-tzz0 p.m. at 726-355s' (,/*L Raly'h sha Plumbing w InsPe cto r r Form 5 6. op o oo o o oE tro !,o -9CL Eo(, alal ErlEI6lol<l zl tElftFI r.ul ccl rol>,9 o ComPlete items. Complete items . Print your name return thistard to / 1 andtor 2 tor additional se( , RAL P H S .3, and 4a & b. and address on the reverse oI this form so that we can you. . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, ot on the back il space doe6 not Permit.. Write "Return Beceipt Requested" on the mailpieco below the article number . Tha Roturn Beceipt will show to whom tho article was deliverad and the date I also wish to receive the following"settuices ffor an extra fee): \r 1. n Addressee's Address 2. E Restricted Delivery Consult for fee 4a. Article Number 699 4b. Service TypeE Registered E lnsured XX Certified E coo o .9 oo .s-o()o TE , oG g, .Eo5 o o Jco 3. Article Addressed to: JEFFREYA&CBSCHULARTZ 2898 JOSEPH AVE CAMPBELL CA 95008 S n Express Mail tr Return Beceipt for 7. Date of Delivery 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) PS , December 1991 *u.s.GPo:ree2--a2+4o2 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT /993 01 t ,LO q E Pt1 il ll UNITED STATES POSTAL Official Business a Print your name, address and ZIP Code here ilJ *rEt L,.s.MArr. ll,l,,l,,,l,l,,ll,,,ll,,,l,l,,l,ll,,l',,l,,,lll,,ltl )"s PENALW FOR PflI\iATE' USE TO AVOTD PAYMENT.'oF'POST.AQL$3o0 a SPFt!NGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SEBVICES PUBLIC WOBKS M ETFAPALffA N WASTE WATEB M A N AGE MENT Please eontact Ralph Shav of -this office as soon as possible matter. Mr. sr,ri-is "r"rgn"a to the program and vilr assist identifying pfrrilni J"i"Ett' He vi]I also respond to vour as repair ot ,"pi"":';;i vork progresses' rf Mr' Shav has n ;;r-;lihin 30 davs, he vi11 initiate contact' lfvouhaveanyquestionsaboutthiSmatter,pleasecontact the hours ot g-g100';:;:'oi-a-s:00 p'm' at 726-3665' Ltrlyl 225 FiFrn S'EEFI SPRINGFIELD OA 97.i77 tcuJt i.o-c75c February 9, 1993 Jeffrey A. and C.B. Schulartz 2898 JosePh Ave. Campbe11, California 95008 RE: SANITARY SEVER DEFICIENCY AT 170 N. 44TH STREET' SPRINGFIELD' OREGON Dear Mr. and Mrs. Schulartz: In conjunction vith the construction of the metropolitan L'asteuater treatment plant and subsequent improvemeri;-i; SpringfieLd'i sanitary sever systems' the City must also;;;;; ceitain repairs tb be made to private sanitary sever ;i;i"il: - There are tvo primary reasons for this action: i) l'{any defects exist in the pri-vate sever system r':hich a1lor^' storm vater to enter the sanitary sever. As a.".uft, millitns of gallons of vater that should not be entering the sanitary sever must be treated ai a great expense to the users of this facilitY' 2) Many of the problems that exist in the private sanitary sever system are real or potentiai-i.""itf', hazards. Broken sLver laterals not only :11:I^:::tT--;later to enter the sanitary sever, but they also allov rav sevage to escape into the ground. rn-"Jaiiion, t.ulty-r"r"..or.irain vents may also allov toxic or explSsive sever gases to enter into building' Recently, several segments of the city's sanitary sevel-system vere smoke tested to focate potential problem areas. ffie tests on specific segments of the City's sever system, "iro rlvealed thai the private sanitary sever and/or plumbing drainage system serving your-p.op"ii,'contains defects' The defect(s) are listed in the atiacnmeit. pfias!-noie-that, depending.on the tyPe of defect, it is not alvays p;;;i-b1; io "p""iiv ir,"-"*"ct'deflct or its exact location' For example, ,nere.s-irot " t"rting i'a,-i;1";. indicated a leak in the sever lateral' there may be r"u"i"i "auses t6.'-iL" leak' There may-a1so be-several defects in the same sever rine. rn these cases, although ve viII be able to suggest a probable cause and location, "ni-oiiit-as 'ouEh other information as ve have available, it vill be up to you (or a contractor hired by you) to locate and correct the deficieneies' Sincerely, \t\.',\d-\t regarding this you in loeating and inspection requests ot been contacted bY Ralph Shav betveen r r{15 ,t, rtIrt David J' Puent. community servlc }lanager .1, TAx LOT: 00400 ADDRESS z l7 0 No 44th Street REFERENCE NUMBER: 17023231- O).1- ^^!-L--- aa l na.LI\DTtlLl.LUI\ I,ALL: \./ULUDSL L I, TAJL DESCRIPTION OF DEFECT: During the smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system, ground smoke appeared in the laundry room, which usually indicates the washing machine drain connection is not properly trapped. Corrective action may require the installation of a trap on the drain system at this location by the home owner or a plumbing contractor. TN( 4A) ,slzzfrs uu tt*L[ rJd Tu' Yt €f",4 f ,r* o ADDRESS: 170 No 44th Street REFERENCE NUIVIBER: 1702323L '/ TAX LOT: 00400 iNSPECTION DATE: October 21,i992 DESCRIPTION OF DEF'ECT: During the smoke testing of the sanitary sewer system, ground smoke appeared in the laundry room, which usually indicates the washing machine drain connection is not properly trapped. Corrective action may require the installation of a trap on the drain system at this location by the home owner or a plumbing contractor. rN( 4A) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Publi 225 I'trorth 5th Stree ,o ctrdt )N orKs BUI. {G INSPECTION DIVISIO}I JOB NT]MBER: DATE:JOB ADDRESS: TO NO /70 '/i--12.(- d- INEOR},IATIO}I INSPECTION: 7 26-37 53 7 26-37 69 CALL FOR. REI}{SPECTIOII INSPECTOP.: v. <4/J. //*ur -1,.-t SPFINGFTELO DEVELOPMENT SEBVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATE B MA NAGEMENT Lt "Ay, zz) Ttr ' rl J -tr-- / S?RINGFIELD OB 37;:7 t503t 72o'c,5's February 9, 1993 JeffreY A. and C.B' Schulartz 2898 JosePh Ave. Campbe11, California 95008 RE: SANITARY SEIJER DEFICIENCY AT Dear Mr. and Mrs. Schulartz: 170 N. 44TH STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON In conjunction vith the construction of the metropolitan -tasteuater treatment plant and subsequent improvemett;-i; iptingtitl-d's sanir'ary se'rer systems' the Eiil'r;;; ;i;;-;;;;e ceitain ,"p.i'. tb be*made ro privat€ sanitarv sever systems. There .i"-t"o primary reasons for this action: 1) l,{any defects exist in the private se'?,'er s)'stem r'rhich a11ov storm \^Iater to enrer the sanitary sever. As a i"iutt, millibni of gallons of vater that should not be entering the sanitary sever must be treated ai a great expense io the users of this facilitY' 2) Many of the problems that exist in the private sanitary sever system are real or potenti"i';;;i;; ;;;;.Jt. Broken sl,er laterals not onlv a1lov storm vater to enter the sanitary sevlr, t;i ihey also allov rav sevage- to escape into the ground. fn'"Jaiiion, "t.ufty-i"""t.or.irain vents may also a1lov toxic or expl6sive sever gases to enter into building' Recently, several segments of the City's sanitary sevel.system uere smoke tested to focate pot"nii"f f,roblem areas. ffie tests on specific segments of the City's seuer system, "i=o tl""a]ed that the private sanitlry sever and/or plumbing drainage system serving your proPerty contains defects' The defect(s) are listed in the attachment. p:.easl noie that, depending.on the type of.defect, it is not alvays po..iUt" to specify the exact defect or its exact location' For' example, vhereas-imoke testing m"ay have. indicated a leak in the sever lateral' there may be seueral causes tor tLe leak' There may-a1so be-several defects in ir,"-..*""sever 1ine. rn these cases, although ve viII be able to suggest a piobable eause and location, and offer as much other information as ve have available, it vill be up to you (or a contractor hired by you) to locate and correct the deficiencies. please contact Ralph Shav of this office as soon as- possible regarding this matter. Mr. Sh;;-i; a"ilgn"a to the program and vili assist you in locating and ia""ilfying ptumUlng defeits. He vili also respond to your inspection requests as repai, o. r"pl;;:.;;i vgrk piogr""""". rf M;. Shav has not been contacted bv you vithin 30 days, he vill initiate contact' If you have any questions about this matter, please contact Ralph Shav betveen ih""hour= of 8-9,00 ".r. or 4-5:00 p'm' at 726-3665' SincerelY, \ct. \. C- \-i..,(1\tl,i David J. Puent Communi ty Servic Manager