HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-01-20__ RESIDENIi.<L -_COMBINAIION/.APPLICATION PER}TIT FECEIPT #SPRNGHETDCTTT Oi S?RT1ICFIELD 225 :ic?.Tg .srE .sl?fgr sPRr:rcuELD, 1RECQN 97477Adldi.a Diuisio,?26-i753 ,And* 4?o l5,oE ,60 T&e ,8/5,6c Job Location:loN or*h q V St:bCiuisicn: .q.saesso?E llq lt oL,!o.E Lot # Cumer E t LCi y tp \- Phot14 # l.l t:, .i f ] Addteoa fi M .{yt_3 ci Deec*ibe ltotk edCition r^.:otJ s!o.,e_ fsas Addreea ,oltracDOts i'lane Genetul lZaetrlq,L l.helwzicz,i Collst rction Iatdet It ls the REQUIRED INSPECTIONS rcadable _responsibiU tyrrcn the street of tha pernit holderi tc see thst all i:rspectlons* .{Il raanholes and , and that thc perni,t card is loeated at ihe f.nont are nadc at the DrGDer tine, that each address isof the pnoperty.c.l,eanouts a!€ tc be adjustEd at no cost to the cltysI?E rusPEc?rc!:, cxcavation, but .: To bc nBde after FfREPII|CET natcrials : Eniotr toforns.prior to sst up of and befone placing facing IgoryrgE:,. Afrer instaLlat:on I1s compf,etedtion.fi:aring ,work is covercd. FR{}II}{G: approval lfust be requested after ffi:Heffi' concrete.cal 6 of rough plunbing,Afteli forEsto pcuringmechanica].A1l roofing, F9OTIltc 6 FCUTIDATION: To be :naCcaarer trcnches arc i::cavated andfornr are crccted, but prlcr topourrrng @ncretc. bracing 6 chinaeys,etc. ntust b6cmpl€t6d llo rork l.s to be con-ccaled uatiL this lnspection has SIDEI.JALK q DRI.rErAy: Fon al.I con_cnete paving uithin strect night_of-way, ta be nade after all exca_vatiag ccmplete 6 for-,n *ork t sub_base materi:,I in ptace. bs:n raade and approved.r+r ffi'",floor insulatLcn or decking. OTHER INSPEC?TONS: rn accordance with POS? 6 BEAH: - rnstallaticn To be nade prior toof floor insulation to be indlcataC intice fron Building on Cecking. DBYI{ALL I}ISPECTIOT{: To be madeafts!'all. dryral,l is in plaee,but p,nlor to :rny taping. RCUGH PLUHBING, ELECTP.IC.',1 6 MECI{. Gffihese inspections have becn madc and approv€C. HASoIIRY: Steel location, bondbeans, grouting cr verticals in accorrCance t{ith U.B.C. Section 2r+15. EINAL PLUMBI}IG All project conditions' such as the installation of sfiiset trees, conpletion of therequired landscaping, ctc.' must be satisfied before the BUTLDTNd FINIL can le-reqJestea. FINAL BUILDIIIGT The Einal Elecbrical, and Hechanical Building Inspection ilust be requested after the Eina1 prumbing Inspections have 5een maCe aed apgncved. FINAL ELEqIRIC.qL llo occupancy of the Premises ctn be rnade until the Final Building Inspection has been nade and aPproved, anC a CERTIFICATE 0F OCCUPANCY HAS BEEII ISSUED BY THE BUILDII.IG DIVI- SICN AND PCSTED ON THE PRE}IISES. YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUMBER IS: FINAL MECHA}IICI.L dayPbge 1 of 2 Agent rnay bc required Building Code, ;lans or by no-fnspector. L-coG '! b REFI]RENCE NTT!,IBERS JOB NInIBER' I e2 l AccossCa?4{eEouseP.t. Ito?th, East I'lest BEDROO}{S ZONE i.t4.tef Iieater OCCLIPANCY CROUP TYPE/ CONSTRTICTION Setbacks ic2ogrqh-Y Lot TYPe Intettor Corilet 0th2t Corege=+^ Car?or,Ftg-Sq tlalve TOTAL CILLRGES Su?ehlr?dc 1.5 z Tttis per*it is gto'ted on the -'-?.t' -o^?gt':on tIllt the said c-ons.;?ttctlnrl oitt'l- i ZL-i *'-7:::;;"ii17 Z- tt - ordin*-""" aiopted by the cz;1. o:, >it incluiing the zoning^ frln-&""' regt-tlating- :'te ccn- stnct on otd uae "1. ;\i'i"s;i --a ."' ?"-i*-|1*ud or re'toked a! a'nJ-.tune tqonliotat'i:n ci- at'g t?c'L' sione of said ?tuiinatcee' BUTLDINA VALW/PERUfi ?Lat Check lee # Date Patid ?LAfiBING PSRME Satri Saser No pervort slall cortmtct' :'tetzl-L' .zltet -.11 "W-' #r::i.*'i,4,-ilginfi ,fiI:\3":f:.:u;i- iizrz#i:,;*;it*'r*i;;,2';rrV;1'11:";x' Z',,ii"a,'iii""d oi operutZd bv the q=iicant' SWTdTAL State Surchaqe CHARGES ELEORICAL PERTE? !la, o? vhe?e state L&t ,.equi"es thst the 1i":*1? uork be Liliuy-q.ex*ry:L^,h;'ff '"u2',';L"'"fr;frt1i211:-ff ;['I; o"ff"lo iT ;*'', "-";vii zL c c naac t ot' Tha Electrieal Safety Lat does no-t -!aqu'v'e,-3 ?elson tu obtain a License o'-ZilL"t*cJat-al/* elec' trical cottttzcic" b2 ;"k;; electti.eal |na=:LlztLcn T:m#S:rxi;"xz{',2m"",i:;#"i-*"";,21 Lease ct raat' Cols*uction ClTARGES WCHAIIIC.4L PfiMI? Hood Vent For Hood , Stdte EiJCRCACHi'tEilf Deposit ildincndtce PerrtrLt ,ornt orrovllT D!]E Sidatalk ilectrteal tabel l-AD "8a Nuision apptotsed plet slulL rqcin on the BuiLding dLL AITOAIT DUE ttnes South