HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-04-19Date: t!" RESIDEl{TlAL" APPLICATION /PERTLIT 225 Nov.th Sth Street Spz.ingfield, 0z'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPTINGFTELJ) d/h P Genev,aL robLocaticn, /7O fl.41 ?W Aesessots Map # \1;.543&3t rcz Lot * OO4 ({) svbdioision: /)/1 ^*",, /,/n /h- /lnr:a-r,t" "lCorffi/- Address: /4f7 )Y-',r*n, bI3:5CSZ ci Deseribe Hork: l\t ct Val,ueDate of AppL n Nan 60 L D^*/ M;L!)Additian ELeetrical It ia the tesponsibility o! the penrit holden to aee that alt inspec_tions are nade at lhe p?ope! tin€' that eech address is ?ealab;'z yru,, ttw- stnrLt, orrd, tttZl tne _permit -c-atd is Located at.!h-e. frcttt of _the"p:?:W.ibi;.UirrS- Ntticion approu*ed. plbn sVtzLL remain on tlp Building Sitc at aLL tines' pnocEDUpE.Eo| INSpEC?IOU -E-E=QWS\;GALL 726-3769(teeo?det,) state yottr City desigrnted iob nunber' iob acitess, tgpe of inspec;icn tequested. and uhen gou uiLL be readA for tr,spection, Cont?acton" oi'A*nr""rron. Lnd ptnie nunbcr'. Pequests receit;ed befcre 7:00 r' *yiLL be nade the sane d.ay, r,equests-iade aftet, ?:00- an urill be made tke neat torking dag' 7 you" CitA Desi,gr'ated Job Nwnbev' Is 8(o ja7 Reouired sneef,l',cns SfTE INSPECTI1N: Io be made after *cd,ratC-o";Tl pt'ior tc se+- uP of forns. UI]DERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRTCAL & t'nCuLtUAf': To be made before anY ffit-ii-1otsered. PO)IING & F)UNDATICN: To be naCe Afr et-t"encte s ar e-escattated and forns ate erected, but Prior to poul"i7tg ecncreta. rNSI}LATIAN /VAPOR BARRIER T!ISP!C!!A!! : T;-8. ^aCe aft""-"LL insulaticn ard' requited uapor batrieta Me in pl'ace bui belore ory l,ath, gypsum b,oarC oz' tnLL couering is applied, and. before ary insulation is concealed. Sanitat'y sasez' eapped at properfil Li.te Septic tank puxped a,td filled urLth gtavel Fi-nal - l{hen abcue itens oze cqpleted and uhen Cenclition is cornplete o? strll3- ture nooed anC prer'rLses cleaneC up. Le Hcmes Blocking utd Set'uP Plunbing eonnectians '- aaie? otd ualet Electrical Connection - Bloekirq' set'ut - "id olwrbi"q eonnections rn;st be qprc';ei beforc reqiesting elec*.rtcal inspeclion Aecessory BuilCi.ng DEIIOLITIOII OR ai ! rf nl'1aq - ulnncnoutto pzuuttuc" ssl'Fn, w.qTE-:1' '. I onllalct: To be made prlor to ILL- Lirq trenchee.I ',rW'. floor insulation or decking' DRYI,IALL INSPECTTON: TC bE MAdC Atet alZfl@;tris in place' but pr:ior to anY taPing. ILASONRY: Steel Location, bond iidilgrouting or zserticals in ac.ord&.e TnLth U,B.C, Section 24L5. After installation is PlST AND BEAI4: To be nade Prlor to fiif,frffi{}To! floor insulation ot' deckirq. ROUGH PLATBT:\G. ETFCTRI?AL & ttECHa ANICAL: No uo?k is to be cocerea ffilTthesn irnpeetions lnue been nade and. approtseC. FIPEPLACE: Pv"Lor to placirq facing natffiA; and before ftaning insPee- tion. FRAI'IING: Ltust be t'equested aften ffiffit of rough Plwrbing' electz'i- cil & nec?tanica1. - ALl, t'oofing bnacing & chirmeYs' etc' rrust be compleled. llo ucrk i.s to be con- , ceiLed unttl this insPection las 'been made and aPProoed. eorcrete. SIDEWALK & DRfVU!,I: For aLL eon- 6iete paoW uEnii stYeet right- of-uau'. to be maCe after aLL exea- uLil"Z- complete & forn uonk & sttb- base inaterLal in Place' cuRB & APPRI 1H APP.9N: tre e?ectec but prlor After fonnsto pouring FIIIAL PLUUAING FTNAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRTCAL Pinal - Aftet'pcrekes' skinting, decks' etc. at:e ccmPleled. IENCE: hrhen comPlete '- ProuiCe g"t* oo motsable- sectians thnough P.U.E. nLLprojecteon&Ltions,suelzasthe'tnstallationofstreett:?n-"-."^eonpLetionofthe tequited. Land'seaping,'Li-"'i"t be satisfiJ|- a;ii"n- tt'n BUTLDTN1 FTI\AL can be requested' FINAL BaILDING: The Final Building rnsPection rntst be requested cfter the 'qinal Plutnbing Electrical, *rl. U"oto*i."zt ti"iiti"i'i 'l-tn o been mad.e and'appt'ooed-I tt:Lt, ]4.ANHILES AND CLEAN)UTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE' ADJUST!'IENI TO BE I'IADE I'T IIO CCST TC CITY Pege 1 o ,! r-l , SOLAR 2--CESS REQ.-^+(,7JOB NO.L.CO Bedrootns: Building Volue & Permit This perrfit is granted. on the erpress condition tLtat the said-eonsttuction sluLl', in atl rZspects, conform'to the 7rdirwnce adopted b:A the c:ta 2f ip"lngfl."ti, incl;rd.nn;' tie 2oning Ctdinanc-e' regulat'Lng the ccnstmtcticn ,ia "ZL of'buildinAs," ond ^"y be suspended oy, reuokeC at cny time upon uic- Lation of ctty pt'cuisions of said 1t'dinances. Aceess. Value TOTAL VALUE J. U. L. Total Clnrges xFTG ?ee State DT House -- Fees -- !!eat Sou?eesLot Faees - I?EM Win 1.5 s Building PermLt LOI TWE _ fntericr Co?ne? r-ot Sq. Etg. % cf Lct cooetag. # of Stories ?otal Eeight Topogrcphy Panhandle CLL-de-sac Plumbing Permit No pelson stall consfuact, instaLl,- alter ot' elwrqe -ang neD-er existing -iliilW o, d.r,ainage syetan in uhole or in pott, unless such penson is the iegal p"osses"o, o7" o uLlid plr b"o's Lic-ens-b, eccept tlwt a P??son ^oa 40-ptiortt"g uork to property ihi"h i" otmed, Leased or opetated by the apPli- cant. FEE CHARCEN0. Fistutes Resil.ential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Pl,unbing Penrit State ITEM NO FEE C|IARGE Res. So. fta. Na,t/Eetend, Citcuits Iarpcrey Setoiee NC FEE CIIARCE llcodsto;se o * Mechqnicol Permit Eslfinet Hood Vent Eot PevmLt fssuance Meclwnicel Pernrtt -- ENCROACEWN? -- Sec,p'it! Depoait Storage Maintmance Pendt Cvrbeut - Sida,talk .?ence Electz,ieal Label Mobile Hcne Date Paid: Reeeipt #: 54-glted Electricol Permit Where State La,t reqttites tttat the electtical uork be done bg an ELectrical Contractor, the eleet?tcal portion of this permit sLaLL not be ualiC until the label has been signed by the ElectticaL Cont?aetor. Electrical Permi.t Total ?otaL PLcn Esanrinet Date I HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED the cotnpleted application for pernit, and do herebg certify that aLL infoltnation heyeon is true ad eorreet, attd I furtker cettify that any ard aLL utork perforned slall be done in accor- dance tLth the 1ydinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed herein, cnd tlat NO OCCA- PANCy ?nill be naCe of aily st"ueture uithout pemnission of the Building Di,-oision. I further certify that otly contractot,s and enplcgees uho arb in corpliance uith 2RS 701.055 aiLL be used on thie projeet ,tltq \9f oTO?AL A],IOUN? DUE:*/_Y Date 1