HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1988-08-12Job Loeaticn: Assessors Map # /oe3 3 Tcs Lot #O tq Phone:2q7 ..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICA: ,'/PERI,TIT 225 North Sth Street * Spz,tngfieLd, )regon 97 477 Building Ditsisdon 7 26-37 53 Recerpt # SPFIINGFIELD- \flo qbl rll l q V eo -c.\l DEI.IALTTIA!] OR !,lOVE' Bi.]ILDI;:CS taty sa)e" capped at p"op.!tr- Line Septic tank punped and. filled trith grattel '.L - lrthen abctse 'Ltens are cctnpleted uhen dernclition is eornplete o" styac- ture moued anC pt,emiaes cleaneC up. Ftna Hcmes Blocking and Set-up Plttrnbing connectians -- aaiez, otd. uater Electtlcal Ccnnection - Bloekin4, set-u: and pkmbing eonnections rn;st be apprcaed. befor e requesting elec*.rLcaL inspee|io:': Final - After pcrekes, skirting, decks, etc. at,e completed. Accessorl- BuiLCtng Pece 7 of 2 Asner: Subdiui.ston: Address: Additicn Qt vsS Z^ tt Date of General C o ns j mtg t't on_ L end e z, SI?E INSPECTION: To be nade aftet, eccauation, but priar tc set up of fonns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRTCAL & WCH4IIICAL: ?o be made before any uotk is cotlered. FA1IING & F)UNDATICN: To be rnaCe ;Fa-Am;;'at e eccaated anl fonns are ereeted, but ptior to pouring ccncrete. UIIDERELOOR PLUIEING & I,IECIIANrCAL : ?o be na.de prior to installation of floot, insulation or decking, 71 uttotncnoultD zLUM?!!!g,_ ;thEL_t't!!ER,)Lirq trenchee.I llot k: VaLue Iour City Desigtated Job Nunber fs: TNSULATIOII/VAPOR BARRTER il\SPECTION : To be nade after aLL insulcticn a,-d required uapor barie?s ote in pl,ace but befoz.e ory Lath, gypsun bootC oy, tnLL couering is applied, ad. before any irculation is concealed. \ rLl DRYWALL INSPECII)N: ?c be made ,'l aftez, aLL dryuall is in place, c. , but pz,ior to any taping. IIAS1NR!: Steel Location, bond beons, grouti.ng ot, uez,ticals in aecotdance LtLth A.B.C. Section 2415. W0ODS?01/E: After installation is ampLeted. CURB & APPR)ACE APPON: After fonnsare erecteC but prior to pouz,ing concrete. STDEWALK & DRf'"WAI: For aLL con-."et;VA@ ulffi street risht- of-DaA, to be nade after aLL exca- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base naterial in pLace. RemoCeL L It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that aLL inspeetions ate nade at the p?opep tine, that eaeh cd,ltess is re4dnb'.e frotn the street, andthat the-permtt cardis Loeatedat the front of the property.*Euildiq Nuicion appto"*ed plan shell remain on tlp Bunlding Site at aLL't[nes.- PR)CEDUP\F04TNSPETI)N.EISUEST;CALL726-3769 (recorder) state Uou City desigrnted job nrorber, job aCitess, type of inspee;ictitequested and uken you uiLL be ready for inspeetion, Contraetars oy anne?s nane Lnd piane rulnber. Pequests receilbd befcte'?:0C ciL'iLL be made the sane day' "equests mcde afier ?:00 an uyLLL be made the nc* aorking'd.aA.tr807r{ A posr l,no aetu: To be nade prior to -l TiitiTTEla" "7 floor insul,ation or decking. _-1 ROL'GH PLUIIBIIIC. ELECTRICAL & I4ECH- I4- - until these inspeetions haue- been natie arui aporotsed-.-1 nptptAcE; p?i.ot, to plaeira facina| ;ater.ia:Ls and before'fronin"g Zn"puL- ti,on. --1 fnulnc: Must be nequested aftet, ) approu"L of rough plwnbing, eiectz,i- caL & neeVnnieal. A7-l roofing bracing E chinrneys, ete. rntst be eoilpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- , eealed until this inspection has'been made anC approoed. Fiitf,T ' aaa h1ten conplete -- Prooide oy mooable sections thnough II l _l ETilAL PLUI|BIIIG FIIIAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL P, U.E, - --- ALL proiect conditions, such ae the installation of street t7ees, co:pletion of the required Landsccping, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. /l FINAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Build.ing rnspection mtst be requested aftet, the FirnL Plumbing \J Eleetrical, otC Meeltanieal fnspeetions l'ratsa been made and approoei. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEAN1UTS MAS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTttEilt T0 BE llADE AT NO CCST T0 CIry 4/st St +// n Lisc. #ddress Phone Sr,"-, D JOB NO. Ileat Df House Cdyaqe No?th tast ll FirepLace South l Wood.stou"e West ti Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cooetage_ # of Stories Total Eeight Topography L-co d Lot Faces - Bedtoons ($ soLAR AcgEss REe.- LCT TYPE Grqt Interioz, Co?ner Panhand.Le CuL-de-sac --F ruEI'I x Value I Main C,aace CarDcrt Aceesso?t,t TOTAL VALUE PLan S.D.C. 1.5 t This permit is granted on the erp?ess eondition tha.t the said eonstruetion sLnLL, in all z,espects, conform to the Ordirnnce edopted dy the City ofSpringfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulctittg the ccnsttabticn and. use of buildi.ngs, and may be suspend.ed,or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- La.tion of Grry prcuisions of said 0r,dir,ances, * Building Pernrit Iotal Charges Building Volue & Permit Reeeipt #: Signed: Plumbing Perrriit No person stall construct, ins!al'!., alter oy elnnge anA neo cr existing plutnbing or drainage systen in uLole or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal possessot, of a ualid plunbet,ts License, eucept tlnt a pe"son mag do plunbing uotk to p?ope?tA uhich is oumed, Leased oz, operated by the appli- cant. NO rEE LIIAIiUL F Sani Seuer Resid.ential (1 bath) Plutnbing Pemit State -75 _o-a Electricol Permit Were State Law requites ttwt the eleetrieal uoy,k be done by an Electrical Contz,actor, the eleetrical portion of this permit sltall not be ualiC until the Label, has been signed by the Electuical Conttactar. ,7 FEE CIIARCE Mechqnicql Permit Na,t/Ettend Circuits Setltice State ?otal 'l,lcodstoise Vent Fan fuhanst Hoo,l. BTU I PernrLt Issuance MecVnnical Petmit -- ENCROACHMENT .- 9eaarity Deposit Storaoe Man)nterwnce Permit 18.". tC_,QO PLan Excminev, Cutbcut Si.da,talk Mobile Hone f HAW CAREFULLY EXLMfNED tle eompleted applieation for permit, and da hereby certify that aLL information het,eon is true and correct, artC I furthet: certifg that any ard aLL aork perforned shalL be done in aceoy,- dance tLth the 2rdinences of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the State of )regon pertainino to the uotk Ceseribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 ?CCU- PANCI uill be nwd.e of any structuye uithout pennission of the Buildtng Di-oision. f further certifg that only eontnactoys and anplcyees dho a"e in eonpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project \\ K - tz-Erd ITOTAL AMOI]II? DI)E:A 5 6 Sioned Date uil trlcf er /t rTE]4 . Total Charqes State Swchanqe *rE.,-, Planning rnd Development Derartment City of Springfield Jackie Murdoch, Associate Planner Ccde Enforcement ,/t/: .28t :i_4 tsx -Q (Arr^^rrL fz-u>tZ-z ,M-4 a,/Ytl /o* W.-( n<-4t' /-J7 flto Luzz h&a {o A--//L!/- A-{,L 4q.-Jeldl ha//o"D q ( "/^-,< e-*z*<a W-d- 3 uh..r-r-- Ou^Z /uutz,* Jun