HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-29t': . . RE S I'- tr N T IA L . . /PERI4IT SPFIINGFIELI)-bqslAPPLIC>* 225 North |th Street Springfield, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 ab I 5.Job Locaticn: '?0 2 VooTa-r Lot llAscessot,c Map ll Oumer: rt,on"' -JL{7-}YOk)he,IAddtess City {"t tl 4 Desct,i:be h'orl<r-l Neu /tDate of AppL ication Val,ue/b ,xr lddition RemoCeL i.lobile llomc Ilront r General i'luuib ing l.Ie.clean Lrir:a Iller:l-riciatlS rrperw 1.lt i ; t itl i itil,:t .!.'{:'r.)cl' ir:rirf 4.i : t pt' opert!1 Li*: ,:..- l.:.: /.,^r;:. /.:,'-: ! ;:L.i ..1 11..-,! uiLh r;r:'.:-- I'incl - t,tlten abcte i..tc:ns ate ecnpletei an;d uhen ienci.i.tiott is conplete or st]"":- tuye mouecl an"1 prentses cLeaned. up. BLo<:ki.rtg cttul Se ;-ay: !'/tmltfn,y connectictts -- sa)e? ani aa:er E/,e:,:tri.c,:1. Ccnree ti.ott - RLoeking, sel-l-:; ,:;.ti.i pltalbinli c:|stactiotts m;sL be dpprcia: b e f , t r c r e q ue s t : t t,.i e l e,: ! t' t- c al"tns p e c ! io: : i7c -'e $.t/)r:r' Rui-1.i'-tu,7 l'i.rt.t'i. - Af t;:r ::r'ci:<." , si:irttn5, decks , r:l:i: . til'€ acnli.ta aJai. n,-, , ^i": rt is the t,esponsibility o! the petmit ho\"det, to see that aLL inspections are na,le- at !'lic i:)\ji.eP l:inc, l:hat tclh addresc is readai 'c fnon the street, and that the permit card is Located at tlle front of the ,pr,tpcrty.isuilding Ditticion approu*ed plan sfu;Ll 7.emt)itt on tlp Build'Lrt1t Sit; at aLL tines. pRocEDUpE poR INS1ECTI1N R\IUEST:GALL 726-3769(reeorder) state your City ,7csi,,7rn.ted ,it-ti; tttnher, job atliress, t""pe- of -irispec=icrieadyforinspection,Col7tI,aetcrsc.t,a,lners.,nn,:-,:,,.7pi't-ot:,:ntmb,.:r.F:equ€3.srectli,l:e,]befcre7:0Cal Ltiil be rmde the sone day, requests nade after 7:0A on uiLL be made the ncrt:^torki.n.o d rou, city Desigr,a.ted. Job Nunbr;r ,, "'Kq I d I { SITE INSPEC?ION: To be made after etcdu;tlon, but prior tc se! up of forme. UNDERSLAB PLI-]MBING, ELECTRTCAL & MECH|ilICAL: To be made before any i6itZi-coocred, FCOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be marle ;fier'$;;;i;s are ercan;ated and forns are ereated" but prior l;o pouring ccncreta. To be made after al. -1, rr /; t ) [:. (,, 1 1 [ i.,1,',] iLi.on a: 1-.>' i.: i.1rl)t,t ),i),_-rl/i i'i-:l- I---f UNDTRGP]U::D PLUMEINC, SEI,IEP. W,ITFR,;J Lirq trenehee, i1 unomrLlnR pLIn.Emc & HECIIANrcAL:;lof floor insulction or decki-ng. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to TiiliTl,ilicrt of floor insulatior; ot' decking, ROIJCH PL,IIIIBIIIC, ELECTRICAL ,9 I,IECH: nArcAn: No r,tork is to be coxet'e,7 GEiTthese inspectioris haue- been made and approtted.. FII?EILiICE: Prior to placir,rt facittg mat;;Z;T; atrl before'fratning inspeb- tion. FRA!.'!INC: l,lust be requested after approoaL of rough pLurnbing, eLectri- caL & neclwnical. ALL roofino braeing 8 chimncys, ete. rntst be cornpleted. Ilo acrk is to be cort- cealed unti.L tltis inspection lns'been made anC appro"*ed. lA orrot MECIANTIAL : 1 rrnm ELECr'tit cAL I DRYI,tAr,r, TNSPXCTI1N: Tc be n.uie after aLL drguall ls in place, but prior to cny taPing. MAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond dZfrilgroutinll outerticals rtz aecordance ttith U,B.C. Se.:tioti 2415, VOODSTOVE: ccmnGm. After LnstaLlttti.ttrt is CURD & APPR1AC\I AP!?ON: Af t;it;' ft.;nns a.e erectei bui pt'ior io pcu.tino concrete. SIDEIIALK & DRII'EWAI: For aLL cot' ;rete pax)W;lElin street rigltt:- of-rxA, to be maCe a.fter aLL erco- oating conpleta & fon:t uvrk i cul:- base mcterial in Place. required oapor ban'ier:t are in pl.ace but; befora any Lath, gypsltn bc:at'r! ,;r *zLL couerirry is applied, arul befote ary insuLation is conceeled. !ENCE: gates P. U, E. h1ten conPlete -- Prot;i,le or nooable sections thrt;ug1l'; ALL pro;jact aondt',!;i',ortt;, t:ui:!: cts f,irc :ri.:t:qi. l.oi.i.t.n at-l :;1,i',.'ct rr"r{r.'r, .'-:-i.'ir.i.,rt; et.:' LiE ,,1qrir,,lr7 Lan4sccping, ctc.., rmtsl: l:e sttl,i..:;'i.,:,..i l-',:.1'.'l'r ili,' plril.l\Iiil rr'1""'iL :';r; !;t't requesL'':ri' Dl.t,<rl.t,t',:nl, onll l,lgsltrtr,i,';/ lt7.:1',',tt.i' )t:; ;::i)' 1r':';',;r, 'r':i ;;:r' ;' :' *N,r, t"lANIrcf'ES AND CLEAN1UTS IIUST Rlt ACCE{;St\r-|, AD,rtti;T!ililT T0 3il Ii,trlil .'1:' ,!"0 -1:;l Ta '!'''y / Drtt,: { '!l 14.'; tr l-r's1lrs ll() Subdittision: & Pege 2 : l,.,rl JOB NO Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Ccuenage # of Stories 'l'otal lleight 'Iopography li'[.:ttt SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- CroLl I,CT TYPE I ntericr _ Corner Panhcmd'l.e CuL-de-sar: L-co ir BeCrooms Lot Faces - !leatSe, P. t,ilouse Cdraqe Access. t'lot'tlt l',:(t:i L I I finepLace 5ot;tlt ll tloodc tox e l,/e st ll -- Ftoc -- lTt:il I':l)X L'ctl.Lie Building Volue & Permit This petmit is granted on the express condibion ttnt the said eonstruction sl-l.Ll, in all r"espects, confomn'l:o the Zrd'Lrrunce edop.ted by the City o.f t:S.,ri7,iry-;nrL, tncf,urling' the ?,onirtg Crdinance, negulcting tltc ccnstmtcticn anrl u's'e oJ'Lu.ilcllngs, and may be susT:endeil or reuokeC at ctty tine upon oic- laL-Lon of an11 prcuisions of said 0tdinances. tt ,.1 TOTAL VALUE \ Buildinq Pernrtt Fee: -62 Date Paid tState Sut:chat11e Receipt ll ?otal t'lnrytes Signed r Ll ctlAIi(;l;;'Plumbing P itFi:rtutes rm Residential (1 bath)No pereon slnll constv'ttal:, ins!;al!' altet or clnnge -any neD-ct' etisting pttkblng cr dratnage systen in aho1e or in payt, unless such person is the 'Legal pbsses"o, oT"o r"olid pl*rbnt'ts License' escept that a pe"son mdA qq pl"rfl."g aor'k to pt:operty uhi.ch is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Sani Seaer llcter 1e d Electricol Permit t{het,e State Laa requires that the electrical uork be done by an Electrical contractor, the el)ctuical pontio.n of this pernit slnll not be ualic until the Label has been signed by the ElectricaL Conttactot" .!o t Llt Neu/Extend Circu.its Seruice Electrical Perm'it e Total f !,11rt':tM C!IA}ICI,: I Mechonicol Permit State lbharct llooC ilcodstope Vent Fsn Pet nrit Is:ntance l'lechanicel Perrm b -- ENCROAC',Htll:!'t',l - - Seaaritu Deposit Storage Ma'internnce Curbcut Sideualk !ence Electrical Label Mobile Hcme z-229uate TotaL I HAVE CAREFULLY L'XAMINED the completed appltcation fo? pet'mit, and do inr:eby certify that aLL information hereoi is true and cornect, anC f fut,tk"er certiiy that ang ar.d aLL uork perforned slnll be done in accot'- 'dan"e_ uitlr th2" OtdinancLs of the C.ity of Springfield, anC the La:;s of the state of 1r,egcn pertaininq to the uotk cescribed hetein, end tlrtt No occu- PANCy aitl b'e rn'de of any stz:ucture uithout permissi_on of the BuiT.ding N- uision. I furtl'ter c-ertif'r1 that otly contnactov's at'id enplcyees aho are in conpliance Dibh L\RS 701.-0-55 uiLL be used on this project tr^77'{7_ Date- ")'I'Ai, AM]U\IT DU[:: *{?Ea t: 4 =t77=*) va Pfun;ng fen':tt ,4 * | State Sitt'.'J:Lr?s I rcta! chcraa" -l