HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-07-07Qy^pdt d/Ef 1-8"f3 .. RESIDENTIAL.. A? ? L ;.: ;: I O II / PE ?.:11 : 225 )lor=h 1zh SlYeet Sgr4ngiteli, Cteqan 37 -177 BuiLiing Di:;iat an 726-37 53 3C &.rn SPFrINGFIET-D Date: & 1 --7-K ? Ceneral PLtnbina tacticn Latier I! is lhe reeponcibility of tla penrit iolder b see tt@t aLf, inspections @e nada at )he ;'roa tie st?eer, cnC:hat the getr.tit cad. ie Lccated at the frcnt oi tte ptopetty.,?ui!d.i4 Vlvi:'Jo- apircu-ed =!at sV,=LL reaain on tha Euil<itng Site at aLL tines. ??ociguPr:C?;JSP!C:aX-E9U2S!;CALL726-3?69(rae't:c*) sLuLe you! Ctl'ty designted job teqresccc cri uien ;icu uiLL oe tetiy icr irspecxicn, Conttdetc"s o? C\.>zers raae ad. plone '-iLL be tr,a<ie the sare icg, reqltests ncie aft* ?:00 on vtLL be r,ad.e the nest'-mrking dag. Iottt City' Desigra.ted Job lfutnber Is:83K,4q ptoper tine, ihet n""7 ;4,hess is teaia.li,e 'run;ber, iob alirees, type of ir.s>ec=icn n;,nbet. Pequests receixed befcre 7:CC ;r Peedred lns:oc:ic,:s Sardtul eeaer ecpoed :t prc'ttetty lire Septic totk ptiqeC a'rd filled. uith gta::zi linal - i.,1ren abcue 'liens ate ectolecei arC uhen 7e:tclitiot: ts catr>Lete Zt s;t-;c- ttse naued a,C. crerr;)aes cleaned ut. dcn2a tsLockiytg od, Set-up PlwtbinX ccnnections -- sato? al. oalet Electrical Ccnnection - Blcckinq, set-u: anC plutnbing ccnnections n;st be qptct;ri bei'ot e requesting eleclrical,i.nsoee! io;t Accessc'.g tsuiliJr4 Eirzal - After :crckes, skivting, Cec)ls, etc, @e canplz-.ed. !2r2 : Ot : "'ob '-occcicn: lcz tat #Assesco,.3 :!d? I Strbdi'r)sicn: ..ld&ass.' j-zer: Descibe l,lork:r-l n c ceC\,Va \Tronlrev'- BD)C ic=e of ApgL ion r,-^"'1 " a^n. RanoCeL L I ;]r ?a ),.- -e rfr.ce esccuction, lut picr ta ae: u? of fcrns. rrrrhrrdr.a .r.tta,t.. at!C:pf,lL, tr:34;a.i!t.;e: tO Ce rCCe ?e:O!e C.ny - uor( cs cc1Jz?ed. FeC?:iG 1 |CU::DA!:CY: lo be :aCe d e | ;tffi;;- a.I'ezc s,t ct ed ard, fcnts ae arecled., iut gicP io pouiry c.ne?ete. u :!riRi?atl:! 9 ? au!.e ! ::c, s!"t??., 7.1T !?. DPAi):AC| : lo be na:e pior to it i- Lirq zrar.c1.ee. H2EP|:CC? ?ti;:.3 ltc I ;.Ei1!.lt!CA!:@oi floor .Jneui.c.cian ot deekina. ?ct_'c:; ?!'.i!9 ::;c. i:z::PI:.1a t ;1:3- A:l!i;'-: .:o ':ct1 ')s =c :e i:ale?ec &i-:kese '.r;cc-czior.s hcte leer de =rd :>prcte!. I;ISULAT:DN /VAPON 3A.FRI!3 IIIS?ICIICII : lo be nade aftet aLL insulaiLcn el. reouired uqor berie?s de in pla,ee but before ay lath, gUpslt l bcati ct tnLL eouering is cpplied, ctd before ay insul,a.tion {s concealed. DPI'ILLL illSP!C!l'l)1: Tc be naCeZftefti@izT;s in ptace, but prior to ctzg tapitt4. WSC\IR!: Steel iocation, bond ffijgrstting or, terticdls in aeeotbtce ,,rLth U,ts.C. Secticn After i*stallation isiiCCDS!3'/E: -*7 .-^; V -"ost AitD 3iA!,t: lo le ncCe :--or lo, i ffitioj ;-r.cor ir.suk=zcn cr &cktttg. CUPB E .A.?PRCAC,'] A?P!N: ee erecteC but pi.)or to concrete. SIDEI|A.LK t DRfiEnAT: For aLL cctt- Ai'tet fonts po"*.)r4 riaht-crete pauirq urtahtn stteet o|'-,'ny, tc be naCe a!-ter a i I F:?I?r-;CZ: *--cr '.o i-tcczr4 j=otngi I tnc;A= cwi before'jrxir4 inqec- -1 F?-t-'::lC: i4tst 'oe :ectesteC cf:ertJ dt?tourl cJ' rcugh piur,c.Jrg, e'Lec!r!-cal I nechaniea!. tL! noiirg bractrg I chi:rttcr1s, etc. rtsc be . caialeted, ilo .,rk ia ,.0 ce eon- - ceclcd ;tn;il ;his insceeicn 7as 'beetz nade cni cpcrcteC. uating sqoiete & forn ,;ot,k & sub- base r.ctez,ial in ,tlace. 'n4ten conglete -- Pyouiie ot nooable sectians thz,ough D I' ? ,-] l ,-] I FI;IAL .'LU:BI:;C F:}IAL :.!ECi:A:IICAL ??.tA r ;ra.46r.. .o ALL oroject carlditions,;uc.i as the instailccicn cf st"eet iaees, :cnletior. c;' ;he requined Laniscaing, ctc., TLlst be sadsiied belcre tl,e AUiiDI;iG iliiAL :cn be reqaesteC. FIIIAL ilIi.Dil1: Th.e Fi_ncl fuiHi,q Inscecticn :wet bo- recuectei :fler the iitel ?L:*birqZlectnieal, od, lleehan|ecZ inspecc-.ons hauc been naCe ard c.rr?ouaa. 'ALL !.lA:tqcais AND CLZi.ttCUrS ilUS? 3E ACCESOiSLT, $JL,iST:!i::l lO zi ilArE !t? lto:,sr ?c cry A)LloYJ.., Sianed:O^td t JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lci Ccuer:6e I of Stones iotc! ileighx ?cgogteht ?uiAing Petd,; ?otal Chatges Plunbi,ng Perrit ?cta! soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Cc:u=crcu Cro"n LC? :P! _ inter,!,or Cormet _ Pcniunrile Cal-de-sac L-CO G+ 3ectcons Building Vqlue & Permir This permtt ic gtanted ort the ee"e6s :oltditicn ttnt the said ccnscytc=ion,-*!1, ^-.n.".1L .tZs-ee.e.ts, 1onlory-:o rhe )riinanee ,ie:il .ri-lnZ- ii:l ,f5p"1n!:'-e7-i' i.nc-7-.uc"Jng the zontng ctiinan^.ce, negalcting :kb ccns*-tet-jcni.d,.,$e o-;- cutl,7t,4.s,- cnd a=y ce_ susper<ied or reuckei .e,t cr! tzne :i7cn uic_[at1-cn af *:g ttcu"Jstors oy' sc,JC Cr4ircnces, I Plumbing Permit Ilo_ pez,scn shz.ll const?.tct, inslal!, alter or chantge 6nA neD cr e:istingphnb-int ct dtainage sys-t-? i_n uiole ot in part, inles-s such. person is" theLe-gal.possessot, of a ualid plunben,s Lic_ensb, oscept that a pLtso, n";1 ii-plubing uork to propert! ahich is azed, leasad or operctei bg tt n aipli.-ent. Ele ctrico I P er t wete sLate Lat requirea th.at the eleetical uov,k be done by an lleetticalcottraelor, the elec+-rtcal porgion of ;.hts pernit sIta.LL not be ualic untilthe kbe|, ita.s been eigzed by the ELectrical- tont"aclo?. Mechqnicol Permit Stcte Parit iss-u.z,cz Mechanictl Petnit Tcce! a,c,t.tes llobila llcne l: L*yt lacZ I HAV| CAR!?ULL:[ 9XA.I/J;IAD tle eonplated toplicatict. lcr pezr,i:, cui io hereiry eettify that aLL ilfottalton heyecn ls ttae crl. elrrect, czl. i fir'.het, cet*-iJi :hat ang atd ail .;ot,k :erior:ned alall be dote it accor- dancc- ',rith the Ond.intnces of the Cifu cf SpmngiielC, ani. :he ic;s oJ' the State of 1regcn .oettainino to the wrk Cese-)beC herein, cnC :)lcz :iO .lCC'!- PLlc:l t'tllt be nc.ie oI' dtl stl,uctrl'z ailkout cemniss)a- oi the 7u"J!iir.g D:.-tision. I f,trtker :ettifg thzt otly ccnitac:ors ai z:rplcgees ui,:o .z) in cczpllance aath CRS 707-0SS ttill be userJ cn thia ptcject aot ?a..es - )f t_=1t Y ta Lue az:ce t--.1t iliU: S.D.C. J.5 : ( i?:)t FZZ I CL4PG! !i.zattes Resttiettial !1 bcth) Seuet ,:io. | :i5 ;:ii-rGE ila,t/Eetetd Circui:s lanoctd'y Sertice fuz=ce 3TU'S *ltast llooC Teat lat vcoiszole l /890 (ob tC.b0 -- J.tu:-ALi.1::.;: -- lgcrii.! Dz:csi: Sto,^a.Ge c:eca?'-c7.1 _C3eL ?cTA3 i"+!1uitt 0u9:./5 (0o I ( ?enee