HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-21..RESIDENTIAL.. z2s North sttr sa'eeawrucnr rcN /PERl4rr Spr'ingfiald, 2regon 97477 HulLdlng DLUI.SLOn 7 26-37 53 SPFIITi{GF!EL.D i90 South 4lst StreetJob Locaticn: Assessore Map # 17-02-31-41 rcx Lot * 5300 Subditsision: Mr. & Mrs. SuitA,mez': 190 South 4lst Street ph.one: 746-5565Addtess: bl dg. 4% 1 5.00 # 60 $m.64- Siqned: Date June 2 o t 0.) 1982 (,\ 76.00 3. 04 El ectri cal 4% Add two rooms over the car port & shop Date of nppli"rti"n Ju'fie 14. 19BZ rdzae $.l6.000.00 Citg: Desq.Lbe Work:t-r Nzt) zip: 97477 RenoCel OwnerGeneral Plwrbin4 ELectrieal 14eclwrieaL DEI.IOLITIA!] CR i'!AW) tsI,i ILDI:|CS Soitag seaer capped tt ptoperQl Lire Septio tank p;nped e;ui filLed tith grc::ei Pinal - i',l"nen abcle i;ens ate ecrnoleteC and uhen iatclttian is eonrle=e br sin;:- t:ate naueC ai pralrLaes cLeanei *p. ilcnes x Blocking od Set-up Pltnbing cannectiots -- sa))ev qd aater Electrical Ccnnection - Bloekirq, set-uc and plwnbing connections m;st be appra:ei befor e requesting eleclr'ical insp ee=ion Accescot'i Building Final - After pcz'ehes, skirting, deeks, etc. ue cor,pleled. x Page 1 of 2 C on s t?,, ct't cfl_ I and 9!_ It ie the responsibility oi tle petwit loll,a to see that aLL inspectiona @e nade at lhe proper titne, thct each addtesa is rendabi-e fnon the stteet, dnl, tha,t the penrlt eatd is Located at the fu.oat of tlLe Wopet ty.*EuiZding Nuicion appro"*ed plan shall remain on the Building Site at aLL times. P1OC.\DUPE FOR INSPEC?I_91!_REggllrCALL726-3769(teeotder) state youz, City Cesignated job nz.cdber, job aCiress, type ai inspec;ict. @eadyfcrtnspection,contractcr,sc-yan,e?s-,1c,,eLndpho,eru,nbel.P.equestsreceiuedbefcre7:c0cl,vtLL be nade tha sane dcg, "equests nc.de aft* 7:a0 anurillbe nade tke nest rtotkinq dag. YolE CitA'Desigrated Job Mnber fs:820666 il |l!E !!E?Lc!lQN: ?o be nade afterffiAon,ffi prtar tc se! up of forms. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELEEIRICAL E WCHA-\IICAL: To be nade before anyffiTiaZoered. P1)fiNG & ,zOAWATICN: ?o be naCe Aft e" rt, "tLeE;' ar';Zzea at ed and. forms ate erecteti, but pz.ioz, ;o portz.izt4 ccnetet€. UIJDIRGR)UIID PLUMPINC, SgtltEP.,'i.ATER, Q$4!l!AgE: ?o be ned.e piot, to iil- @'6inches. WDEREL11R PLUIE ;-ll C & i,tgc1 A,Nf C AL :@offloor insuT,atian or deeking, ?QEI $plq4!4: To be nade pn'iot toffifrffillcTof iLoon insularion or deckinq. RouGH Y{XY.dYYtd, ELEC?PrIAL d r.XX* nr-til these inspectiatis itc',te been nade and. cpprcueC. INSULATTAN/VAPOR tsARRTER IIISPECTION : ?o be nade after aLL insulaticn eC required oapor bavie?s @e in pLace but before oty lath, Wpsum boarC or rnLL couering is cpplied, ctd. befoz'e any insulat'-on is concealed. DRYWALL INSPltrf)I: Tc be nade aftez, aLL CaguaLL is in place, but prior tc any taping. IUSO\ILY: Steel Location, bond ffijg"outing or uerticaLs i.n accord.otce with U.B.C. Section 2415. tlc0DS?0\/E: @ted. After installntion is Py.Lor r.o placirg and befot,e fronirq coflcz,ete. SIDEWALK 8, DRt',EilAI: Eor aLL ccn-A; p"r)dGr*|- stt'eet right- of-,'nA, to be made aflen aLL eoea- oating canplete & forn rnrk & eub- base mcterial in place, inspec- CURB & I|?PRCAC|] APPCN: a,e e"ATA-ffi pfio" Aftet, fonnsto poarirq tion. ERAIIING: ltust be reqaested aften @t of rough plrrr,bing, electz"i- cal & neelwnical. ALL roofing braeirg 8 ehitmeys, etc. rntst be . ccnpleted. ilo acrk is to be con- ' eecled until this inspecticn lae 'been made anC approaed. diafrf n an .ffi;E FITIAL PLUMBII]G FINAL MECUAIIICAL FTNAI, ELECIRICAL ALL projeet conditions, euch as the i.nstalLation of streeb trees, :ct-cletion of Lie reqtired Landsccping, etc., rntst be satisfied beiore tke tsUILDII|C FIt'lAL ean be requested. IINAL NILDING: The Einal Buildtn4 Inspection trwst be requested cfter ihe litnl Pl.umbing ELectz'ical, ml. Mechar.ical fnspecttons hare been nade end aporouei. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEA.NCUTS MUST BE ACCESSItsLE, ADJUSTIEII?:O 3E t.lADE I.: ilo::ST:C Ci:Y o X Snri,noficld- 0R t-l f\ ^*,ron tr V I1UCS: Lrhen cowlexe -- pyouiCe l) gaEe€ or nottable- sectians throagh |-lP.u.E. L_l 2 JOB NO. 820666 SOLAR ACC S REQ.-L-CO G* R-Bedroons:bt sq. Pts. _47580 r r,o ryw?Lot Fdces - % of Lct coz:e::age UNCHANGE! # of €torn)es 2 X Inter-icz,geat Df Cornet, Parlh.afldle CUL-de-sac iotal ileight 23', ?opography F lat I!EM T:U VaLue Building Vqlue & Permir This pertnt,t is granted on the ery"ess cond.ition ttnt the said conettaetion s^ital.L, ")n-a"!L.z,es_pe_ets, confotn to the Crdinance adopted 5y the Ct-ty ofSpt-.ngfielC, inclutitng che Zoning Cz,ciir.ance, reEulctittg titZ ccnstntLtiZncnl.-use of builatngs, andnay be susoerd.ed oy retsckei at crj tane ucan uic-lation of any prcui,sions o! aa"-d Crdir,ances. TC?AL VALAT s.D.C. 1..5 c Euilding Perwtc 76.00 22.80 3 une Total Otangea 79.04 St-gned orne Ple er /.HA enq Plumbing Permit Residetttial (1 bath)N9 person slyll constzuct, tt.stall, alter or cltan4e ang neu cr ecisting qlwt7ing or dtainage s1stqn in ahole or in part, unLesi such person ia tle Legal .posseasor of a ualid plunrbet,s License, escept tlnt a person nag dopltmbing uork to p?ope?tl uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the ippli-Seuer PLwnHng PernLt Electricol Permit Hhez,e State Las requires tl.at the eleetr.Lcal uork be done bg aa Eleetricalcontraetoz', the electrtcal portion of thia permit ehalL r,ot be ualic untilthe Zdbel lns been signed by the Electrtcal- Cantracto!. .l5.00 -- ENCRCACHI4EN? -. L CIU-?CE Mechqnicol Permit Na,t/lxterd, Cirarits Sentice .l5.00 60 Vent ,aol bltanst HooC fs Pennut fssuancz Meelwnical Permtt Sec,a.itu Deocsit Storage Mai4terance Penrrtt %ry Sld.el)dLk MoAile ilqne IO?AL AI4OUNT DUE:*94.64 Lorne Pleqer 6 lTll8zr LalL ztatLne? - 'Dfrr-- r HAw 1AREEULLY zxil4rwD the conoleted aplieation for pernit, cnd cioherebg certif-y that aLL infcrmatibn hereoi is tuae and cZz,rect', otd. ffuvtke" cefiifg that any ard aLL uo,k perfotmed srwll be done in accot,- . *"1" wj\ the 0z,dinances of the City of bprLngfield, an"d. the Laus of the" state of 0regon pertaining to the uo"k cescribed herein, and ilut No ccca-PAllcr t'rilL be rrud.e of @ry stzwctuna utithaut permisaion of the Buizdina Di-rislo.n. i fu,ther ce,tiiy th.at otly contyactoz.s ad. a-npiayee, ono iL tneatpliance aith )RS Z01.0SE uiLL be- used on this p?oject {'59.| (Fl- /-( ?otal n^t; FEE !ence tZeetrieal Label 8?AbGb art"'Jt ',RTNGFTELD--BUTLDTNG DrvrsroN 346 MArN ST. 726-3753 (BUSTNESS\ 726-3769 (TNSPECTTONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL LABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OWNER The Electrical Safety Law of the state of oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an eleclrician and,/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by hfunself or a mernber of his immediate fanily which is not intended for saIe, leaser or rent. (PI,EASE PRINT) APPLICANTI S NAI4E CS 1.ltv -s5u{ADDRESS PHONE ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK ADDRESS PHONE I certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and. that no portion of any wiring system requiring a label as applied for herein and intended, to be con- cealeC by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: I 2 3 Temporary Service Underqround Service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions 7. Mobile Home Connections 8. Signs 9. Swi:runing Pools 4 5 6 I further certify that I witl notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAI INSPECTIONS are ready, that a1I work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner, I am a member of his or her iate family. Signature Date ]NSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE ON THE BUILDING DIVISIONIS 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION LINE. THE INSPECTTON NUMBER 1S 726-3769. INSPECTION REQUESTS WHICH ARE CALLED IN BE- FOR 7 A.M. WILL BE MADE ON THE SAIVIE DAY. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Qer BI,ABEL NUMBERS LABEL TSSUANCE FEE eo4 DATE Q-rrRECE]VED BY Cud"u; sq-1 t3 -32- 60 Mqo s,4t s+t (( .. RESIDENTIA [.. APPLICA?r0N/PER\LIT 225 llorth Sth Street Spmngfield, 1r'egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Jcb Incaticn:I 90 South 4l st Street Constrtcticn Lender Si?E !!lS?!C?IC!l: lo be naae afteracaoffioq-iG pricr tc se! up of forms. llrtntae. aa af ttth?rtF af ?rofa4 t , iECHLiliCAL: To be narie before any oork is coueted. PCO?ING ', to0U:tDAlIC:t: To be rnCe M t"sncGs cre erccsated ad fcrms a.re erectei, but ;t'.ar '-o pouti?14 ccnc.rete. SPFI'IvGF'ELI) iNSULATJON/VII,POR BARRIER IIISPIC?ION : ?o be nade aftez, aLL insuleticn arC tequired oapor bez,ie?s @e in p'La.ce but before ary Lath, Wptutn boati or rnLL couering is cgpl'i.ed, crd. before oty insulatr-on is concealeC. b7ds. 4% El ectri cal 4% Siyed 76.00 3.04 I 5.00 .60 $94.4- Tlndfi) Date:June 2l , 19BZ It is lhe nespons,ibility of tla penrtt hode, to see that aLL insoectiorl,s @e r,ade at lhe proper tine, that ecch adlress 1s vsa;aei-2 fron the street, anC that the oermit ca:4 is located at the fz,ont of tl,.e property.*7uiliatg D.iuicio- a-pproteci pi-cn sizc.il yemain on the Bunldnng ::-:;'at eL|-'tines.- P!?)C9DUP? F1R INSPEOICN E?.UEST;CALL726-3769(yecorder) state yout City desigra.ted job ntcdber, job olitess, type of inspec=icr, te.quested a-.d uhengou uiLL be reaCy fcz, t)nspectioa, Contractc?s cr A,mers nane cnd phone nwber. Pequesta receixed bei-cre 7:C0 an .vLLL be nacie the sane dzy, lequests ncde after ?:00 otr ttil.L be naCe tke nest,eotkitt6- da'g. your. CitA Deeicra.ted Job llumber fs 820666 71 u ::o ilc?o tilt 9 ? aui4l_lJ s2_ t tle:)_,tEt t)J Lir4 tz'ench.es. 71 mcepv:ccR ?Lu.s:Jc I :4tcsAtt:cAi, [_ltt@of tl floor insulation or Cecking. ?OS? AND 38Ai,!: To be r,ade oriot to --r instali.aticn of i1'oor insulalion ot' deckittg. ?.t,cir *XX{rNt i*rP:c.ti, .'.XX*ii-=il these ii,tsoeeticrs ',t;:te beer' naie and, apprott'ei. F|?.ZPLACI: Pr)or '"o clccir4 iac'-rg ncterials atd. before irarriry inspec- tioz. FPAIIMG: !tust be reouested afler o. prouat of rough plutr'bing' elecu')' cal I neciunieal. AL! rooi'Jrg bracing ! ehi.rmags, ete- n.r"st be . ccnoleted. llo ucrk i,s to be con- - ce;Led until th'is inspectian has 'been mdde anC aPProted' DBY\IALL INSPlefAl: Tc be nade after aLL dtgwall is in place, but prior tc ang tayLr4. bfASONll!: Steel Locatian, bond ffijg"outing or uerticcls in aeeoydotce ?ntth U,B,C, Seetion 2415. t'lCODSf1',E : AfterJnstalZatlon is arnpLeted. CUEB & AVPRCACII APPCN: Aftet fcrms ee liecteC but prior to paaring co'nerete. SLDSWA.LK & DRI',E\IAI: Fot aLL con- ;Cte parrdGrffi street right- of-,,sca, to be made aflet aLi eoea- oatinq canplete I jon tnrk & aub' base'ncterial in Place. !ENC!: llher comolete -- ?tottide @ or noztable sectians thtough P. U. E. cotdi;'Lons, ;uci"' as rhe ;-.ns taLlct:-on of sltee -o aTees, :C:Q LC'vLCn o. T.ard.secPittg , etc. t tftt'ls t be sctLsfieti before tha tsUILDIiiC /!:!AL cen be tzquestei- The EinaL Mectar-"Jcc'u ALL proje lequired T ET)IAL PLUIETIIG FTSAL L{ECHATIICAL rlifAl tl;cTFrcAi -\ iritAL tsurLDrttG:-( X) lleetrieaL, ar/'';:-T;"Yr,:;,'-ttr:;";,#":":: z.eauested cf:et the ?iral P1'utb;'r'a erui' ccotouzt" X Aesessors Mq # 17-02-31'41 ?d, Lot # 5300 Subdiu"Jsion: Mr. & Mrs. Suitlsner: 190 South 4lst Street phone: 746-5565Addtese: Sorinofield- 0R zip: 97477veLg. Add two rooms over the car port & shop Date of eppLi.rti"n JUn€ 14. 19BZ Deseribe I'lork: voztn $l 6.000.00 t-Ll llqt n AdCiticn RenoCel Lisc. #PloneAddtessEsoit,zs GeneraL Owner Pltnbing i Electrtcal i.lecha riecL DEI.IOLTTIA!] CR :.!CVi) SUILDI:;CS Sani:ay sa:er capped ci properiA Lize Septic tank p:.r::2ed a:ui filled uith graLel linal - it4ten abc.,se izens ate cc*oLeted and. uken iqtcli;icr: ts coralete by szt-r-.- t-ute naued anz prarises eleanei up, Blocking otd, Set-ug Phnbing eonnections -- saner otC uaner Electt'iccl Ccnnection - Blockit"q' sec-uc arai plwnbing eonneetions m;st be apprcxei befor e requestirlg e! ectrtcal instr; ee=;-oz Accesso?i Buildin4 lcrch.es skirting, deeksE"JnaL - After etc. ee ccrg X X x *ALL !,IAIII:CLES AND CLEA'IICUTS ,,ttcd PF .4CCZS3T3LE, ADJUST:€;J1 :o 3Z :iADE ,",: :ra a:5! :c c::y ?t,;e 1 o,! r t gedxcoil6: L-co d 6B JOB NO. 82 0666 Euilding ?elYr|t ?otal Changes i Mobi.Ze ilcrte SOL ACCESS REQ'- 3,R- -- Fzes -' Building Volue & Permit This pemrtt is granted on the eq?ess condition t?nt the said-constn)ction siwll-, ;-n aLL resaects, eonforn to the Crdi,na'ce adocted, by t'r,e C""t'g of Spt ingfrelC, including the Zcnir.g Crdinance, z,egula',ing tne ecnstr.Leticn end _uce of buildings, e,<i may be suscerd.eti oz. reuckei at cn! tine t7on uic-Lation of cny prnisions of saiC Cz,ilirances, Heat Reeeipt l: r iuw cARllaLLy zx.LarrED )he ccnto|,eted aoplication for petmit., and. cohereby eertif'1 that aLL info:nalilon hereon' ;a tn e "i'a "L"i""ri *,a tfat'tltet, .17t1fi that ang ard aLL aork perfozned. aha.Ll be d.o:ze in o..on_ednce'nltit the O?dinenees of the Citil of Springfield, and. the La;s af ther l?.t-?_ of -7regon pertaining to the ,oi* Z"rnltZa n"ili.i, oi- tt-, No Ccca_PAllcy '"nll be rade of ana- stzactute wtthaut pernisai_on ,7 tlr" suiltiing i-ttsio_n_. f fiuther'eblgii^y _chet,only conttactors -i n.oi"ye"s uho are itteoapliance uith 1RS z01.0s| uiLL be'used. on this i*ilZ"i -"--- Lot Faces - HouseL.bt Sq. Ftg' z cf Lct Ccoetage # of Stodes \ InterLct Cotnet ' trlatToooct rtl 4 7580 fotal lleight PanhandLe Cul-de'sac UNCHANGED ? X Va rOT,lL V.LLUI S.D.C. 1.5 c 76.00 80 June 79.04 Lorne e r ITEM N0.I LL aoA Dai ?i.ztutes Resid.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Perrnit N9 pereon silall .constrtct, tJtstal?., alter ot chan4e anA ned cr esisting qlwto-in4 or drainage s!B!? in uhole on in patt, unLesb sueh person is theLegal.possessot of a ualid plznbetts Licensb, eccept that a person nay dopltnbing aork to p?ope"t! uhich is oz,sned, Leased or operated by the oppli.-@rtt. Plwnbtng Pern'il tteu/E tefld Cireuits I 5.00 Seliee I s.00 60 Electricol Permit Where State Lan requites th"at the electrical uork be done by an ll,ect*icalCont"actot,, the electn-ical portion of this permit elull rat be ualiC untilthe Label las been signed by the Elecb*ical- Cont"acto?. ?otal aft,t JFn ,s bhanst HooC Tent Fot lcodstooe Mecho nicql Permit Penttt t fssu.ance Meciunical Permtt -- ;lIf 2^ ^ f t,Etti Pennit >LCA'ALK ?2TAL A.'.to{/tt? DLIE: I 64 uu Aceess.Coraoe uorth I i')re I Il.l\fE.A I.Jiouth 'lest 2?l l.futi-n c.'t ? Cartcrl: ieeesson.t Encl ose Porr h ]28 i?9:4 :lc. Total (tsroes SXata Sztlehme { -E--' Secaz.tty Dapc;it Storage l4ti4tettatzee ?enee lZectrical ((