HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 1999-02-11This permit ls requlred for any slto actlvity ln the flood plaln and everywheie'alta blteratloir conslets of flfty (5O) cublc yards of materlal or more and/or lf a dralnageway ls affest6d; wlthln Clty llmlts and Thls Slde To Be Hlled Out by Appllcant Permlt Explratlon Date: 6erzoPropertyOwner Address 'Sprlngflild, Oregon .l ! , '/^'t . al-? 'f^L\llDate of Sito Address: ..I* \., I I Phone:7?b498 -a Tsxtott 6b& Journa! number appllcable Land Use tr ucB Tax Map ,o 4od Projec,t g GRADING, EXCAVATION, SourceEf FILL, Address E( tr tr tr tr tr ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, wav8, Prodosed , Bulfdihos.'Seotic slides, ?rbpoied Tax andmateofnanddl,m8p lines, land ents.lmp16vem lot num SITE DRAINAGE, POLLUTION AND EROSION CONTROL SOILS & GEOLOGY PLAN, REPLANTING PLAN STATE)4,CITY g crwADDRESS:,/2tl{ .&*z- o COMPANY NAME: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: COMPANY NAME: ADDRESS: 2 STATE: ADDRESS: zt ie><-il*n+ ExplratlonRegistration Num CITY: .<;Y OFFICE EMERGENCY PHONEMOBILE PHONE: CONTRACTOR NAM PROJECT SUPERVISOR: whlch mry bc of thlr LDAP. ruoh and rnCmry havr futurc or modlflcatlon of any actlonr whlch I havc F ETI M, IJJo- Zc EIF M LIJ = IJJ U Z EI Mo cZ oZ s By rlgnaturc, I stltc lnd agrce, that ! hate carefully examined the completed lpplicltlon a.nd dg lrcrqby ccrtlfy that all lniformltlon hcrcln b truc rnd oonost, and I fufther certify that any rnd all work pcrlormcd rhall bc donc ln accordancc wtth thc Ordlnrnccr of thc Ctty of Sprlngflcld, appllcablc-Chy Stcndrrd rpcclfloeilom rnd DrLwlmJ;'and tlr lawr of thc Stac of Orcggn pqftlllhg 1o thc wdrk dcecrlbcd'hereln. I furthor ccrtlfy thrt only contrtcton rnd cmployccl who arc ln compllance wlth ORS 7Ol .056 wlll be ueed on thls project. at cny tlmc durlng r onc yrrrpcrlod foilowlng thc rccclpt by cpccify, at Src CiVr rolc dcrecradon, eny rdditlonal rcrtoration tho City. Thc pcrmlncc wlll b. notmcd h.wrttlng of rny work noticc to complct! thc rvorE Work not aomplctcd rt thc cnd of will be blllcd to thc pcrmlttcc. arc ,cqucstod rt thc propcr tlmc, that plolcct addrcrr.lc raadable from on thc dtc at all tlmca durlng conctnrcdon. S,fila, remaln to rot I furthcr lgrcc thc str.ct, My'-,',vtl cnturc Slgnature os$ d2 -,// -99 of thc costE tuF ctt 2o EE tU5 6z 5 CT'Fz TU =o koulE =a ]U TE aFz h fazoo EoFo E,l-zoo ut cc:)F zoo cDz 5(L TU CElF =lL EtrjZ =o tti :w ity of Springfietrd ttt Thc thc of thc thc work dcecrlbcd ln thlr trp Ftr Ditch, E Culvert, B Natural None, Date: FEMA Community paner No.: 4lso|toooZ* FLOODWAY, FEMA Community Panel No.: DBAINAGE, El Storm, El FLOOD PLAIN, Zono: WETLANDS, $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $40.00 For the first 1O,OOO cublc yardc, pluc $20.00 for each rdditlonal 10,000 orblc yarde or frection theroof. t220.00 For thc flrrt 100,00t oublo yerdr, plur S20.00 for each rddltlonrl 10,000 oublo yrrdr or lrrstlon thcrcof, 9340 For the first 2O0,OO1 cublo yardr, plue $6,O0 for each additional 1O,OOO cubld yardc or fractlon th6toot. $30.00 930.00 For the flrct 100 cublo yardr, plur $14.OO for each additlonal 100 cublc yardr or fraction thor€of. $166.00 For the firrt l,OOO cublc yardr, plur $ 1 2.OO for each additional l,OO0 cubic yardc or frastion thoreor. $264.00 For the first 10,000 cublc yardr, plur $54.00 for each addltlonal 10,000 cublc yardr or frtctlon thereof, $75O.OO For the first 1O0,OO1 c{blc ycrdr, pluc $30.00 for each addltlonal 1O,O00 cublc yardg or frastlon thereof. 33043 :I{ fl 3-+q4Date: K Receipt No: ru43 Received Date 100,001 To 200,000 2OO,OO1 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE Date: Received by: ReceiptGrading Permit fea: Estimatod Volume: Plan Check Fee: PLAN CHECK FEES: UP TO lOO CUBIC YARDS 101 TO 1,000 CUBIC YARDS 1,001 TO 10,000 cu8tc YABDS 10,000 To 100,000 cuBlc YARDS GRADING PERMIT FEES: UP TO 1OO CUBIC YARDS 101 TO T,OOO CUBIC YARDS 1,001 TO 10,000 CUSlc YARDS 10,000 To 100,000 cuBlc YARDS 100,001 To 200,ooo tr tr tr tr Planning Enoineerino Malntenance: Bullding:Date: Date Date: Date: lssued by:Date: Date Pp rmit Number ReqUlrerl Final lnspectlons,' Malntenance: Date Date: Planning: Engineering: Bullding: u tr tr Land and Dralnage activity as outlined in this permit has been completed in accordance with the provisions ofthis perririt. hit$,flYp?6gfiffi,.r1$i.yil,Jfgrsyflin"d in this permlt has not been completed in accordance Land and Dralnage activity was performed prior to apptlcatlon for thls permlt. Accepted by:Date: F EI M IJJo- Zc IrlF M IJJ = LJJ U Z EI rvEITo cZ oZ 5 luoz F(Ltuoo 1/6/1998 Date: Side To Be Fill By City trJ(, z Eo IU UJll. azo 6zoo o TU =ut UJ CE CI'zo oul(La I