HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2002-05-31&- Job# 02-00642-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of 2 Job Number: 02-00642-01 Office: 726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 04200 Subdivision: SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 457 S 00043rd St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17023234 Lot: Block: Addition Owner: R Kishen Phone Number: 541-942-8663 Address: 2110 W Main St City/State/Zip: Cottage Grove, OR97424 Scope Of Work: Single Family Residence Demolish Value: $0 House Demolition and sewer cap - sanitary sewer cap must be performed by licensed plumber. Owner needs to call orior to oerformino anv olumbino work, Contractor Type Contractor Registration # Expiration Date Phone GeneralContr R Kishen 541-942-8663 2110 W Main St, Cottage Grove, OR 97424 F' rO ^t\:$i:i ctTY oF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use - Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at726-3769 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested working day. Required lns Demolition -After demolition is complete Sanitary Sewer Cap -Capped within five feet of the Gonstruction Types: Occupancy Groups: the site capped with an approved material as required by # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? Area (Sq. F Main: # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: Proposed Units: Gensus Gode: Does not apply Accessory:Total: .CITY OF OREGO'II .4 SPFlINGFIELD DEV ELO PMENT SERVI CES D EPA RTMENT Address:7 Stmcture to be Demolished: . .: : _ :'-i i,:, r:1 :i. Page I of I I :\WORDFILE\PERMITS\Demosdc.doc 225 FIFTH STBEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 ,h t Job Nrmber: O Z^oo6 YZ_O I The applicant is hereby notified that any redevelopment of the subject site must comply with all of the applicable laws, codes, ordinances, policies and plans in effect at the time the redevelopment proposal is accepted as complete for City review. This would include correction of substandard conditions associated with the present development Examples of such corrections may include modification of inadequate drainage facilities; compliance with building set-backs from property lines; correction of substandard sidewalks and street improvements, including driveway width andplacement; and other corrections which may be oecessary to comply with existing development standards. Fgrthermore, if an existing use is demolished or otherwise removed prior to the development of the proposed use, then the system development cbarge credit for the previously existing use shall expire two years after the date of issuance of the demolition i.r*it o, ott., reiroval of the freviously existing use. (Springfield Municipal Code 3.416(1). My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above conditions r.tutio-g to the demolition of the above mentioned stnrcture. 5$l-zooz Date SPRIHGFIELO DEI/ELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBUC IiTOBKS M ETROPOLTTAN WASTEUIATER MANAG EMENT DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS T,HIS DOCUIIENTATI()N I.IILL NOT IHPEDE THE DEI'IOLITION PROCESS. your demo'lition permit is currently be_ing..processed. There may. be a slight ilTly,-iT,io a; i woiring days for-small ltiuctures, due to.the time required ii'ri,ii;; tf. trittoiv or [rre itructure to determine if it needs to be documented ilfbri a.rotition. "rtris documentation is for archival purposes on'ly and-will nii-iirJ.I ttre giiirting of the demolition permi.t.. If the structure is-very Iarge ;;-.iljiiadiain. doiumentation process'may take u.p.to a.maximum of 4 working Aivi. '',Documeni;1irn witt consist of photographing.the building'. taking *.iiur.r.-ntt an4mat<ing scaled drawings. 'The documentation wil'l be undertaken i;t-i[;-aity at no cosf to you. Docuri'entation is being .9on.-.on aII structures iitij p"ioi to tgqo-i[at ma! have historic importance to the city's development. 725 FIFTH SIREEI sP8'NGFrEtO, OR97477 (s03)726-37s3 An age cut -off of 1940 was chosen because this is the ialParks Serv ice and the Springfield Development Code use, historical significance. If you tiould p refer to comp following i lete this d City with the nformation: 1) b 1 wh elevation, a fl oor plan with measurements,and a of elevation draw lngs with measurements. Thank you for Your Patience. ant the City of Springfield ssion to enter mY ProPe rty to completeIgrpermi esteddocumentation prior he requ Property .owner signature: Date:5 1 of the structure located at -6q TITI-E NO. ELT.37O34 ESCROW NO. SP02-13007 TAXACCT. NO. 01286s0 MAP NO. t7-02-32-3+04200 ?'.' tltll No- lLr-rmr.IIlexrtrNo. 6Gi&Dtlutr7taI^ccr. No- oElraSt MA"NO. l7.U}n'[2.:ttl4ttfrtD fHfS TMENTURE Made this PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE' S DBED f , 20 6L , by and between LOYCE M. GOODWTN the duly appointed, r#+F?4-?W2 L5:39 day of qualified and acting personal representative of the estate EI.TERGF€EN TITLEzSPFD 841 ?41 BE€'9 p.gZ/A3 , To(Y) , blz r6d 5ctwcea i,5 =lg\ f,'-IE# E lrlG PER'SONAL REPRESENTATf\IE'S DEED EErs JlrDElrrrrnE rrra.d.. rlrj"c 7rl+- dey of I,orea x. GOODIT:!!i chc drr].y rFlro5.u.ted, qur].i,ticd and a.cciagr pc-rorrr.I_ r€t l:(.-cnErGll,wo c't EhG a'aEaEG of, ]{ICEAEIJ A- 6OODWI$ , dcccared, horein- ^*.F*.rl-od the lirac parcy, .ad ,?r4r,ffiCEXt tEtfi0, cl.so lcnown rrcreian rt o= c.:. rlX 5i. :Sgs"fl "l1i?1'&?!rESSElrE : FOilvaluc rcr:r=irred en: elrc eoan:t-deratj.on tro-e!.Dattor :rtated., Ehe fOCalpErrlrcreo! lrorcby Lg rclcrrorrtrodEod, thG flrrt pBrElr lrro grant,cd., iggrrl,ned, aold aldeorrrrcyad, and by Elraea p-a!cnt3 docr grranrc. brr,galrr, rcll rlnd corrvcl, ugto Ghcaald accorrd party-rnd lcooad Pa*y'r ur{ua, 3tlce.lr6rr-1D-LntaraaE tpd r36i-E,,.all tlro catrcc, rigtrt arrd frrGcrcat of tll,e rald. ncc€a.cd at clre ctrtG of thedccedcDtra dca'trr, aad r11 Etre rLght, t,l,t1e ead LneqrGgE tlr"ats i}re ra{,C areaEG oflaid'- dnccrecd by oPera'tioa of Ehc lrw or oGhGrtrj..c nrry haw. tborGa'tr€Gr acguJ-rcdI'n thrc c'Drtain rcll p-operey aLcrraca {n t}rc ccruraey o! Lr}rt, statc ofOrcgotr, 4ofcrlbod, gg (of,.I.orru, to-witr6rt rlEr? I HEtCl tt tllDt ^ Drxl illlot ur ttlrs llr EIESCT!!O EfXrE.eND ?O tiOLD thc rarre urrto Ch€ raid 1rrrty, ryad tceond parEyrr }1cir3,t,rrc€rltaoft-1a-inCcrqrt rad rfeigna lorerrer.tho csreo ald rcturl cor,a:Lderatiorr prl,d lor cleic cranrfer, aG,rrEed tra tszmgol doLLerr i's g23,ooo-oo- Hor*prrGr, G,b'e .ecurr cougl.deratsaoa <loar!.tEa o! orLaclqdea oclror propcrEy cr walrrc grarran or prornir('d wh,.ch La prrc ./ wlroro o,! tbccoasl.darrtLoE. Ir[ lrltl[ESs I{EBAAOT, tbe rrid f:[=at Drrc:, br5 lrr66rrgGd tbir ia.rtnrncrrt;tf fi'arE Darey lc r .corpo8rc.l,orr, Lt hr.. crulca icr anna to bo rlgaed encLrc aea,t rf,fixod by atr offiacr os cth,or lrGraoEr. drrllr auth.orl'zcd !o do ao byordcr of iE! Iroald of directora - IE:IA ll'gl|llnotT l*lE& tlotf lllor UtE Of ltt t tODlEEr DEgCnrtrD rrl tlrrs DsltttrRut@artft vtrOlllrlqf, oit IDDITICIAL! IrND tlgt IAffit lllD nEerr&r':rro[E Blrotul groxrtr(I 0rlcc-pIDrc tlltr8 txsrr*lgt@|lr lrr DInAOllt tccrrlru(! rlt ?grLB ro tEt PnoPlalrrSOIIIID CEICI,I(rT!I TE .r,DDroELtLlrt crfr on clol[rlT Dl.r\tuftrro DEP}EIICIIE lTO \,IN^IrrA'DNO\IID EETS rlID I1O Dllrlrfitdlt(!t:xc!, or LNirgtlIrt lorlrrtt! trrilrNo 0t Dor,rr?.r,g on3 of, chc EEE.t(g MICIIAEIJ A. OooDttttl, Dccsarcd slfArB OF ORB(H8, Couraty otr ta oll*hia i;iraErumrnt w1a 2€=by rPYCE U. €OODwIt0 .r ?at'6lralof, elro ErtrEG ot HICI{AEIJ A. COODWtrN l-e otIrty confiit aalon No-; GR}IITEE S IUAME EIqD .BDDTBSS Aftcr rcCOrdilg r13tua.3: Eo:8\rmmEEs raND ttTtiE cotrDAly oF qnEcrots 1,570 !@lIAr{8, EL\,DaPRITGiTIELD, ott 9-t4.r., Dlvlrloa cf Ctrlo? Drputy Glrrtrr."rrr C..rity Oradr .rla tacGda Grovc,97424 il0e.u0637 t3t.00 @:0C:03 Ht Ecnt tAx StatGmants tosSelne at grarrtGc abova Itl-.oE@ Gntrt 3trrt.ra.oo trr.oc tto.o ilfl