HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1996-06-18FENCE PBRHIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUIIJING SAFETY DIVISION S['fIINGFIELO Office: INSPECTION LINE: 726-37s9 726-3769 Job Locarion: ZVZ S HZna Slret Assessors Map *:\l - <rz- 32-33- 02160 Tax Lot #: 02IO6> 0vner: Ad<lress , ZZZ S. lZhJ Stre,et Phone {f : 5tt \- lq t- I6bt Ci ty:s State, O F-zip: qlq?8 Value of Fence:$ tsoo Fence Permit is $5.00 Contractor/Installer: 6tUne-I-S Address:Phone fi: Ci ty:State:Zipz Constructlon Contractors Registration *: Expires: !) ^l 'n lb)-r-te-rn Slgn5tur-e o Date FOR OFFICE USE Date of Application: 6fZ% Recei p t 11 22oa / TotaI Amottnt CoIlected, 5* JoB fiz ?6a*< Issued By: Checlted f or Delinquene'ies: 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Dy signing this permit/application, I agrce to caII for an inspection once my fence has been constructed (726-3769). I also stated that aII informatlon on this application/permit is correct and that I vas provided vith the Springfield Development code requirements for fence standards. Juon - 1.8, tqqa Checked for Ilistorieal Stattts: