HomeMy WebLinkAboutMWMC Agenda Packet AGENDA II.a. • • • • • • • AGENDA IV. Memo: November 30, 2023 Page 2 of 2 Attachment 1 Page 1 of 2 Digital Signature: Digital Signature: Digital Signature: Attachment 1 Page 2 of 2 AGENDA VIII. Attachment 2 Page 1 of 2 • • • • • • • • AGENDA VIII. Attachment 2 Page 2 of 2 ______________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA V. Attachment 1Page 1 of 4 Attachment 1Page 2 of 4 Attachment 1Page 3 of 4 Attachment 1Page 4 of 4 ______________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA VI. • • • Expiration Date: September 30, 2027 EPA Ref. Number: OR0031224 Permit Number: 102486 File Number: 55999 Page 10 of 56 Pages Revision 7.2021 Version 3.1 SCHEDULE B: MINIMUM MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Reporting Requirements The permittee must submit to DEQ monitoring results and reports as listed below. Table B1: Reporting Requirements and Due Dates Reporting Requirement Frequency Due Date (See note a.) Report Form (See note b.) Submit To: Mercury Minimization Plan (See Schedule A, condition 5) One time Submit by 11/15/2024 One electronic copy in a DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Tables B2, B3, and B4: Influent Monitoring, Effluent Monitoring, and Receiving Stream Monitoring Monthly By the 15th of the following month Specified in Schedule B2 of this permit Electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Table B5: Pretreatment Report Annually March 31 1 electronic copy and 1 hard copy in a DEQ-approved format 1 Hard copy to DEQ Pretreatment Coordinator 1 Electronic copy to Compliance Officer Table B6: Copper Biotic Ligand Model and Aluminum Sampling Requirements Twice per year in alternating quarters for at least five years, beginning in the first year of permit issuance By the 15th of the month following each quarter Electronic copy in a DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Tables B7 – B11: Effluent Toxics Characterization Quarterly for 3 years of the permit cycle, beginning in October 2023 By the 15th of the month following each quarter Electronic copy in a DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Table B12: WET Test Monitoring Quarterly for one year, beginning in October 2023 (See note c.) With the first DMR submittal after receipt of the test results Electronic copy in a DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Inflow and infiltration report (See Schedule D) Annually February 15 Electronic copy in a DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Attachment 1 Page 1 of 3 Expiration Date: September 30, 2027 EPA Ref. Number: OR0031224 Permit Number: 102486 File Number: 55999 Page 11 of 56 Pages Revision 7.2021 Version 3.1 Reporting Requirement Frequency Due Date (See note a.) Report Form (See note b.) Submit To: Table B13: Recycled Water Annual Report (See Schedule D) Annually January 15 Electronic copy in the DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Electronic copy to DEQ Water Reuse Program Coordinator Table B14: Biosolids annual report (See Schedule D) Annually By February 19 of the following year Electronic copy in the DEQ- approved form EPA NeT CDX web based reporting tool Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ DEQ Biosolids Program Coordinator Groundwater Monitoring – Quarterly Report (See Schedule D) Quarterly By the 30th of the following month Electronic copy in the DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Groundwater Monitoring – Annual Report (See Schedule D) Annually By April 1 of the following year Electronic copy in the DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Groundwater Water Quality Analysis Report (See Schedule D) One time Submit by 5/15/2025 Electronic copy in a DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Groundwater Monitoring Plan Update (See Schedule D) One time Submit by 11/15/2023 Electronic copy in a DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Pretreatment Program -Local Limit Report (See Schedule E) One time Submit by 5/15/2023 1 electronic copy and 1 hard copy in a DEQ-approved format 1 Hard copy to DEQ Pretreatment Coordinator 1 Electronic copy to Compliance Officer Pretreatment Program - Municipal Ordinance Update Report (See Schedule E) One-time Submit by 5/15/2024 1 electronic copy and 1 hard copy in a DEQ-approved format 1 Hard copy to DEQ Pretreatment Coordinator 1 Electronic copy to Compliance Officer Attachment 1 Page 2 of 3 Expiration Date: September 30, 2027 EPA Ref. Number: OR0031224 Permit Number: 102486 File Number: 55999 Page 12 of 56 Pages Revision 7.2021 Version 3.1 Reporting Requirement Frequency Due Date (See note a.) Report Form (See note b.) Submit To: Outfall Inspection Report (See Schedule D) Once per permit cycle Submit by 9/15/2025 Electronic copy in a DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Water Quality Trading Plan Annual Report (See Schedule D) Annually Submit by May 1st Electronic copy in a DEQ- approved format Attached via electronic reporting as directed by DEQ Electronic copy to DEQ Water Quality Trading Program Coordinator Notes: a. For submittals that are provided to DEQ by mail, the postmarked date must not be later than the due date. b. All reporting requirements are to be submitted in a DEQ-approved format, unless otherwise specified in writing. c. Quarters are defined as: Q1: Jan – Mar, Q2: Apr – Jun, Q3: Jul – Sept, Q4: Oct – Dec. If no discharge occurs during the quarter, continue sampling quarterly until 4 sets of samples have been collected. WET tests and toxics characterization testing must be collected on the same day. 2. Monitoring and Reporting Protocols a. Electronic Submissions The permittee must submit to DEQ the results of monitoring indicated in Schedule B in an electronic format as specified below. i. The permittee must submit monitoring results required by this permit via DEQ- approved web-based Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms to DEQ via electronic reporting. Any data used to calculate summary statistics must be submitted as a separate attachment approved by DEQ via electronic reporting. ii. The reporting period is the calendar month. iii. The permittee must submit monitoring data and other information required by this permit for all compliance points by the 15th day of the month following the reporting period unless specified otherwise in this permit or as specified in writing by DEQ. b. Test Methods The permittee must conduct monitoring according to test procedures in 40 CFR part 136 and 40 CFR part 503 for biosolids or other approved procedures as per Schedule F. c. Detection and Quantitation Limits i. Detection Level (DL) – The DL is defined as the minimum measured concentration of a substance that can be distinguished from method blank results with 99% confidence. The DL is derived using the procedure in 40 CFR part 136 Appendix B and evaluated for reasonableness relative to method blank concentrations to ensure results reported above the DL are not a result of routine background contamination. The DL is also known as the Method Detection Limit (MDL) or Limit of Detection (LOD). Attachment 1 Page 3 of 3 Expiration Date: September 30, 2027 EPA Ref. Number: OR0031224 Permit Number: 102486 File Number: 55999 Page 31 of 56 Pages Revision 7.2021 Version 3.1 SCHEDULE C: COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE 1. Compliance Schedule to Meet Final Effluent Limitation The permittee must comply with the following schedule: Compliance Date: Requirement: Within 6 months of permit effective date (May 1, 2023) Submit to DEQ a Thermal Load Mitigation Study that identifies the necessary kilocalorie/day targets for thermal credit generation to meet the final excess thermal load limits, describes the mitigation strategies under consideration and provides a timeline for implementation. Within 1 year of permit effective date and annually thereafter (due by January 15th) Submit to DEQ a written Progress Report outlining the progress made towards achieving the final effluent limitations. Within 5 years of permit effective date (November 1, 2027) The permittee must have obtained at least 200 Mkcal/day of thermal trading credits. Within 6 years of permit effective date (November 1, 2028) Submit to DEQ an updated Thermal Load Mitigation Study that includes an evaluation of the current mitigation strategies and a description of additional strategies that are being considered for implementation. Within 10 years of permit effective date (November 1, 2032) The permittee must have obtained 60% of the maximum (approximately late October thermal credit needs) kilocalories needed to comply with the final excess thermal load limits. Within 15 years of permit effective date (November 1, 2037) The permittee must submit to DEQ a final report summarizing all of the thermal credits that have been obtained. The permittee must achieve compliance with the final excess thermal load limits. 2. Responsibility to Meet Compliance Dates No later than 14 days following each compliance date listed in the table above, the permittee must notify DEQ in writing of its compliance or noncompliance with the requirements. Any reports of noncompliance must include the cause of noncompliance, any remedial actions taken, and a discussion of the likelihood of meeting the next scheduled requirement(s). Attachment 2 Page 1 of 1 Attachment 3 Page 1 of 1 ______________________________________________________________________________ AGENDA VII. • o • o • o • o AGENDA VIII. • • • • • • • • 1 2023-2024 Teachers’ Guide cleanwateruniversity Adventures in stormwater, drinking water, and wastewater. Attachment 1 Page 1 of 13 2 Introduction & Table of Contents Welcome to Clean Water University, Virtual Edition! Welcome to the Clean Water University (CWU) Teachers’ Guide for the 2023-2024 school year! The City of Springfield, City of Eugene, and Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) are proud to offer this program to 5th grade classes in the Eugene-Springfield area free of charge. This guide can be used as prep for attending the in-person field trip if your school enters the selection lottery and is selected, or if your school is not selected or can’t due to school policies, but want to participate in the online version. The overarching goal of the program remains the same regardless of attending the in-person field trip or participate in the virtual offering: to teach students about the importance of clean water. This Teachers’ Guide is to make CWU as easy to implement into your existing lesson plans as possible. Outlined below and on the following pages, you’ll find curriculum on a variety of topics pertaining to clean water with links to videos, activities, and worksheets on the City of Springfield’s website. Move through them at whatever pace works best for you and your virtual classroom. Thank you for your participation and enjoy! Clean Water University Curriculum Contents Incentive Program.......................................................................................................................................................................Page 3 Lesson 1: Water Cycle.................................................................................................................................................................Page 4 Lesson 2: Drinking Water..........................................................................................................................................................Page 5 Lesson 3: Water Quality.............................................................................................................................................................Page 6 Lesson 4: Macroinvertebrates.................................................................................................................................................Page 7 Lesson 5: Wastewater Treatment...........................................................................................................................................Page 8 Lesson 6: Microorganisms........................................................................................................................................................Page 9 Lesson 7: Pollution Prevention.............................................................................................................................................Page 10 Lesson 8: Sustainability...........................................................................................................................................................Page 11 Lesson 9: Wrap-Up Jeopardy Game...................................................................................................................................Page 12 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................................................................Page 13 Attachment 1 Page 2 of 13 3 Incentive Information School STEM Program Donation As a thank you for incorporating Clean Water University into your curriculum and to further science, technology, engineering, and math education in the Eugene-Springfield area, the MWMC will donate $500 to each participating school’s STEM program. To ensure this funding is sent to your school, simply confirm participation in Clean Water University with Thomas Gray, City of Springfield/MWMC Communications Coordinator, at igray@springfield-or.gov. The MWMC will then coordinate with your school district’s Finance Department to send those funds to your specific school and designate them for your STEM program. If your school doesn’t have an official STEM program, the donation can go toward your science curriculum supplies, such as microscopes or other equipment. Class Drawing: Eugene Science Center Memberships In addition to the school STEM program donation, participating classes will be entered into a drawing for all students in the winning class to receive a membership to the Eugene Science Center for one adult and one child (a $50 value!). This will give the students and a parent/guardian free admission to Eugene Science Center exhibits and to Planetarium stargazing shows for an entire year! Memberships also include discounts on a variety of the Science Center’s other offerings. To learn more, visit https://eugenesciencecenter.org/ support/membership. To enter your class in the drawing, submit proof of your class’s participation (can be a student’s Micro Story Assignment, a screenshot of you leading your class in a game of Jeopardy, etc.) to igray@springfield-or.gov. The winning class will be announced in May 2023, and the teacher will then receive instructions for distributing the memberships to students/parents. Good luck! Attachment 1 Page 3 of 13 4 Lesson 1: Water Cycle Overview & Key Learning Outcomes In this lesson, students will be introduced to the water cycle and learn about the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the earth. They’ll learn about the various phases of the water cycle, including evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and absorption. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Explain where water comes from. • Identify the various stages of the water cycle. • Recognize water as an essential resource. Teaching Points •Water is essential to all life. Without it, humans, animals, and plants couldn’t survive. •All water moves continuously and is recycled over and over again. The same water we use today has been here for billions of years - that means the water you drink could be the same water thirsty dinosaurs were drinking 65 million years ago! It’s also the only water we’ll ever have in the future. •While water hasn’t changed much over billions of years, what does change is the stage of the water cycle that it’s in. The four main stages of the water cycle are evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Procedures/Materials 1.Start by asking students where they think their water comes from when they take a bath or shower, wash their hands, or do the dishes. 2.Play the Water and You: The Water Cycle video from American Water on YouTube to give students an overview of the water cycle. 3.Take a look at the Water Cycle Diagram handout from the U.S. Geological Survey together as a class. Identify the various stages of the water cycle that were explained in the video. 4.To close the lesson, have students complete the Water Cycle Word Search. Key Words Graphic Credit: Vecteezy.com Water Cycle Water Droplet Water Vapor Surface Water Evaporation Condensation Precipitation Runoff Absorption Aquifer Attachment 1 Page 4 of 13 5 Lesson 2: Drinking Water Overview & Key Learning Outcomes In this lesson, students will learn where their drinking water comes from, how it’s cleaned, and the tools used to transport the water to the faucets in their homes. They’ll be introduced to the various steps in the process of cleaning drinking water to ensure high water quality. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Explain how drinking water gets to their home. • Identify various sources of drinking water. • Recognize that water must be properly cleaned to rid it of pollutants before it can become drinking water. Key Words Drinking Water Water Quality Fresh Water Ground Water Aquifer Flocculation Clarification Filtration Disinfection Chlorine Ozone Pipes Pumps Teaching Points •All humans and animals must consume water in order to survive. On average, 9-13 year olds should drink about 7-9 cups of water per day to stay hydrated. •Though 71% of earth’s surface is water, only 0.3% of that water is usable by humans. The other 99.7% is in the oceans, soils, icecaps, and floating in the atmosphere. That’s why it’s important that we take good care of the fresh water that we can use! •Most of the water used by humans comes from rivers and aquifers, or water stored underground. •In Eugene, drinking water comes from the McKenzie River. In Springfield, drinking water comes from a large aquifer under the City and from the Middle Fork Willamette River. •Before water from these sources can become drinking water, it has to be cleaned to remove bacteria, viruses, and micro-pollutants. Then water quality tests are conducted to make sure the water is safe to drink. •In Eugene and Springfield, the two organizations that clean our drinking water are the Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) and Springfield Utility Board (SUB). They do such a good job that what comes out of our faucets is often even cleaner than what the State of Oregon and U.S. government require! •After it’s treated, drinking water is transported to homes and businesses through a system of pumps and underground pipes throughout the region. Procedures/Materials 1.Ask students where they think their drinking water comes from and how it gets to the faucets in their home. 2.Play the Water and You: The Drinking Water Treatment Process video from American Water on YouTube to introduce students to the sources of drinking water and the process of cleaning it. 3.Have students complete the Drinking Water Word Search to become more familiar with key words associated with the drinking water treatment process and pollutants that can affect our water sources. 4.If time allows, visit either the Eugene Water & Electric Board or Springfield Utility Board website at eweb.org or subutil.com to learn more their treatment processes and water quality standards. Attachment 1 Page 5 of 13 6 Lesson 3: Water Quality Overview & Key Learning Outcomes Key Words Water Quality Water Testing Laboratory Turbidity Dissolved Oxygen Phosphates Nitrates Temperature pH Stormwater Runoff In this lesson, students will learn about the various measures that affect the quality of water in our rivers and streams. They’ll also learn about stormwater runoff and how it can impact that water quality. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Identify the key measures that help us determine the health of a river, stream, or lake. • Explain why high levels of water quality are important to human and animal life. • Recognize the role stormwater plays in the quality of our local waterways. Teaching Points •Water is essential to human, animal, and plant life. As we learned in the previous lesson, only 0.3% of the earth’s water is usable by humans, and most of the fresh water we can use above the ground comes from rivers and streams. That’s why it’s important that we take good care of our rivers and maintain high water quality for human use, outdoor recreation, and aquatic life. •Some of the key measures that help determine water quality are turbidity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, temperature, and pH. More on each of these points is covered in the Water Quality Lecture Notes document. •Stormwater is water that falls to earth’s surface as rain or snow. We get quite a bit of rain here in the Eugene- Springfield area - about 47 inches per year! When it rains, that water flows over streets, rooftops, driveways, and lawns as runoff. Runoff flows into storm drains, which connect to local waterways that eventually lead to the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers. •As the runoff flows across the ground, it picks up pollutants from things like litter, fertilizers, fluids used to maintain cars, and pet waste. Since stormwater isn’t treated the way drinking water and wastewater are, these pollutants can end up in our local waterways. It’s important we keep pollutant levels in stormwater runoff to a minimum. •There are some simple actions community members like you and your family can take to help us keep our water clean from street to stream! These include scooping your pet’s poop, picking up litter, avoiding use of certain chemicals and fertilizers, and fixing leaking cars. Procedures/Materials 1.Go over the water quality measures defined in the Water Quality Lecture Notes document. 2.Have students complete the Water Quality Prep Worksheet, where they’ll answer questions based on defined key words at the top of the page. Discuss the answers of the worksheet on the Water Quality Prep Answer Key, explaining the turbidity, dissolved oxygen, phosphates, nitrates, temperature, and pH of the McKenzie River. Ask students how close their guesses about the McKenzie River were to the actual numbers. 3.Open the “Only Rain Down the Drain” Interactive Game. Play together as a class, allowing for group discussion between each question before answering. 4.If time allows, visit the City of Springfield or City of Eugene’s Stormwater webpages to learn more about what each of the cities do to protect our local waterways. Attachment 1 Page 6 of 13 7 Lesson 4: Macroinvertebrates Overview & Key Learning Outcomes In this lesson, students will learn about aquatic macroinvertebrates, their place in the food web, and the importance of clean water to their survival - and ultimately the survival of their predators. They’ll learn about the different bugs prevalent in our area’s waterways. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Define a macroinvertebrate and recognize their important role in the food web. • Explain the connection between clean water and the food web. • Identify some common macroinvertebrates such as mayflies, dragonflies, and aquatic earthworms. Key Words Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Metamorphosis Larva Nymph Life Cycle Food Web Teaching Points •Aquatic macroinvertebrates are water bugs (aquatic) that are visible to the naked eye (macro) and don’t have a spine (invertebrates). These insects are an important part of the food web in our area’s waterways. They are prey to fish, frogs, and other aquatic animals. •Some examples of macroinvertebrates are mayflies, dragonflies, damselflies, scud, aquatic earthworms, aquatic beetles, snails, water boatman, backswimmers, and caddisflies. (Each of these insects is shown in detail in the Macros Guide document.) •Just like us, maroinvertebrates require clean water to survive. No clean water would mean no macroinvertebrates, which in turn would mean trouble for the fish and frogs that eat macroinvertebrates. All living things require water, and a lack of clean water can disrupt the food web. •In order to protect macroinvertebrates and the food web in our local waterways, it’s important to take good care of our rivers and streams. Procedures/Materials 1.Ask students if they have spotted any insects near the Willamette or McKenzie Rivers and if they know what kinds of insects they have seen. 2.Play the CWU: Macroinvertebrates video to give students an overview of these bugs, where they’re found, and why they’re important to our local environment. 3.Open the CWU Macros Guide document and go through the photos of each of the macroinvertebrates. Have students refer to their Macroinvertebrates Overview handout and discuss the life cycle of a mayfly. Ask students if, after watching the video and viewing close-up images of these bugs, they now recognize insects they’ve seen near the Willamette or McKenzie Rivers. 4.Have students access their printed Aquatic Life in our Local Waterways Coloring Books and color in outlines of the different macros. If time allows, ask for volunteers to share their favorite colored-in bug and present one fact they learned during today’s lesson. Attachment 1 Page 7 of 13 8 Lesson 5: Wastewater Treatment Overview & Key Learning Outcomes In this lesson, students will learn about where their dirty water goes after they flush the toilet, wash the dishes, or take a shower. They’ll learn about the underground pipe system that takes water from their home to the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant, the steps that are taken to clean wastewater, and that all cleaned water is returned to the Willamette River. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Explain where their wastewater goes to be cleaned. • Explain why effectively cleaning wastewater helps to protect our community’s health and local environment. • Identify the key steps in the wastewater treatment process. Key Words Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station Pipes Influent Effluent Clarifiers Aeration Basins Disinfection Laboratory Testing Teaching Points •As wastewater goes down the drain, it enters into a system of pipes underground. Large pumps help to move the wastewater through the pipes to the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission’s, or MWMC’s, Wastewater Treatment Plant. The MWMC is a partnership of the Cities of Eugene and Springfield, along with Lane County, and cleans wastewater for the whole region - about 35 million gallons of it every day (that’s 106 Olympic-size pools)! •Once wastewater arrives at the treatment plant, it goes through a series of different treatment processes over about 24 hours before it is ultimately returned to the Willamette River. The three main stages of wastewater treatment are physical, biological, and chemical. The different treatment processes we use remove large and small solids from the wastewater, along with bacteria and other pollutants. We’ll learn more about those different processes in the Wastewater Treatment video. •Cleaning water thoroughly is very important in keeping our community safe, while also protecting our local environment. The Willamette River is a popular spot for activities like kayaking and swimming. We want to keep it clean so people in the community can continue to enjoy our beautiful river. Additionally, aquatic life needs clean water to survive! By cleaning wastewater, we’re helping to protect a variety of animals in the food web. Water is a limited resource and cleaning dirty water ensures we aren’t wasting it. Procedures/Materials 1.Play the MWMC Wastewater Treatment video to give students an overview of the process. 2.Have students access their Wastewater Treatment Process Maze handout and complete the maze to connect the water droplet to the river. 3.Play a game of Wastewater Bingo using the MWMC Bingo boards. Distribute a Wastewater Bingo Board to each student (boards will need to be printed and cut). Every card has the same 24 phrases, just in a different order. Using the Questions & Answers sheet, read the description for each and have students mark out the answer on their board. Prior to moving on to the next description, ask for volunteers to share the correct answer. The first person(s) to mark off five phrases in a row, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, wins. 4.Have students access their Wastewater Wise worksheet. Explain that students will track their water usage over a 24-hour period to see just how much water they use. They’ll then brainstorm three ways they could reduce their water usage. Have the class reconvene a few days later and discuss the ideas they came up with. Attachment 1 Page 8 of 13 9 Lesson 6: Microorganisms Overview & Key Learning Outcomes In this lesson, students will learn about the good bacteria, or microorganisms, that play a key role in the wastewater treatment process. They’ll learn how these small bugs make a big impact in the overall biological health of wastewater. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Define a microorganism. • Explain the role microorganisms play in the wastewater treatment process. • Identify some of the common microorganisms present in the biological treatment of wastewater. Key Words Microorganism Good Bacteria Biological Treatment Aeration Basins Secondary Clarifiers Oxidation Organic Matter Teaching Points •Microorganisms are organisms that are so small they can only be seen with a microscope. •Microorganisms play an important role in the biological treatment of wastewater at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The good bacteria, or good bugs as we like to call them, are mixed with incoming wastewater in the aeration basins. They’re called aeration basins because we pump air, or oxygen, into the basins through a process called oxidation. If a person tried to swim in an aeration basin, they couldn’t because there is so much air they would sink to the bottom! Adding this oxygen into the water helps to break down any remaining solids, or pollutants, in the water. •As the pollutants remaining in the water are breaking down, the microorganisms eat them out of the water. These good bugs get fat and heavy, settling to the bottom of the secondary clarifiers to take a quick rest before they go back into the aeration basins to eat more solids. •The ideal age for bacteria in the aeration basins is five days. The presence of the right amount of microorganisms is an important indicator that the wastewater is being properly treated. Procedures/Materials 1.Play the CWU: Microorganisms video to give students an overview of the role microorganisms play in the wastewater treatment process. 2.Open the CWU Microorganisms Field Guide document and show students the photos illustrating each of the micros. Zoom in on each of the magnifying glasses in the document to take a closer look at examples of protozoa, bacteria, and metazoa. 3.Leaving the Microorganisms Field Guide document open, have students access their Tell a Micro Story worksheet. For this activity, they’ll select a micro from the document, give it a name, draw a picture of it, and tell their micro’s story. If time allows, have volunteers share their work. Graphic Credit: Vecteezy.com Attachment 1 Page 9 of 13 10 Lesson 7: Pollution Prevention Overview & Key Learning Outcomes In this lesson, students will learn about the pollutants that can affect our wastewater collection system, Wastewater Treatment Plant, and ultimately, our local waterways. They’ll learn about everyday actions they can take to make a difference in the pollution prevention effort. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Recognize the importance of preventing pollution from entering the wastewater collection system. • Identify actions that community members can take to prevent pollution, such as keeping trash out of the toilet. • Explain what happens to pollutants when they are flushed/ poured down the drain. Key Words Pollution FOG (Fats, Oils, & Grease) Toilet “Flushable” Wipes Pipes Clog Backups Waste Environment Source Reduction Teaching Points •About 99.9% of what comes into the Wastewater Treatment Plant is water and 0.1% is pollutants. The MWMC’s treatment processes remove more than 97.5% of solids. The best way to remove pollutants from water though is to prevent them from entering the wastewater system in the first place! That’s what we refer to as source reduction, or reducing pollutants at the source (toilet, drain, etc.). •Some common pollutants that we have to physically remove from wastewater at the treatment plant are fats, oils, grease, “flushable” wipes, baby wipes, paper towels, car fluids, fertilizers, paints, medications, plastics, and hygiene products. After solids are removed from wastewater, they are ground up and then taken over to the landfill. Since these materials will end up having to be trashed anyway, it’s best to dispose of them properly rather than send them down the drain. •Fats, oils, and grease can cause a lot of issues if poured down the drain for both families and the entire community. These materials harden in wastewater pipes and can cause clogs, which are often expensive to fix. Instead of pouring fats, oils, and grease down the kitchen sink, try pouring them in a can, waiting until they harden, and then throwing the can away in the trash. •Items like “flushable” wipes, baby wipes, and paper towels can also cause clogs in pipes. These items aren’t designed to dissolve in water the way toilet paper is, so they can get stuck in pipes and pumps, leading to blockages and backups. Remember, the toilet is not a trash can! The only things that should be flushed are the three Ps - pee, poop, and (toilet) paper. •Taking simple steps like these can make a big difference in protecting our local waterways. Procedures/Materials 1.Play the MWMC Pollution Prevention video to give students an overview of the pollutants that often enter the wastewater collection system and the actions we can take to prevent them. 2.Have a class discussion about what students can do to prevent pollution based on the video. 3.Have students access the Flush With Care handout, where they’ll unscramble key words pertaining to pollution prevention. 4.If time allows, visit the MWMC’s Pollution Prevention webpage to learn more. Attachment 1 Page 10 of 13 11 Lesson 8: Sustainability Overview & Key Learning Outcomes In this lesson, students will learn about the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission’s efforts to sustainably manage its resources, benefitting both the community it serves and the environment it protects. They’ll learn about byproducts of the wastewater treatment process like biosolids and recycled water that are reused to help poplar trees on our Biocycle Farm grow. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • Explain the benefits of sustainability efforts in protecting our local environment. • Identify the byproducts of the wastewater treatment process that the MWMC beneficially reuses: biosolids, recycled water, and renewable natural gas. • Recognize that the Biocycle Farm uses waste to produce wood, a renewable resource for our community. Key Words Sustainability Recycling Beneficial Reuse Natural Resources Renewable Non-Renewable Byproduct Recycled Water Biosolids Biocycle Farm Poplar Tree Renewable Natural Gas Fossil Fuels Waste Teaching Points •As we learned during our Wastewater Treatment lesson, the MWMC cleans water for the Eugene-Springfield area. They strive to do so in a sustainable way. Sustainability is the act of taking good care of the resources we have and reducing waste. •One example of sustainability in action is the MWMC’s use of biosolids on its poplar tree farm. Human waste is a natural part of everyday life, and it has to be removed from wastewater during the treatment process. Rather than trashing solids in the landfill, the MWMC transports them underground to the Biosolids Management Facility, where they’re turned into a safe fertilizer. •That fertilizer helps poplar trees on the MWMC’s Biocycle Poplar Farm grow. It’s also applied on grass farms to help local farmers. After the poplar trees grow for about 12 years, they’re harvested and turned into plywood, wood chips, and other wood products that are sold in the community. •The MWMC uses recycled water, or treated wastewater, to irrigate the poplar trees, along with landscaping at the treatment plant. This allows us to save our drinking water and recycle water we already have! •Another example of the MWMC’s sustainability efforts is the reuse of energy produced during the wastewater treatment process. The MWMC is currently working on an exciting project to convert this energy into renewable natural gas, which will be used as a clean fuel for cars. This will help to reduce the amount of gasoline we’re using that’s made from non-renewable, or limited, natural resources. Procedures/Materials 1.Play the MWMC Sustainability video to give an overview of the MWMC’s sustainability efforts. 2.Have students complete their Waste to Wood worksheet, where they’ll fill in missing key words using a word bank to tell the story of biosolids and recycled water being used on the poplar farm. Go over the answers on the Waste to Wood Answer Key. 3.Ask students what sustainability means to them and what ideas they have for reducing waste. 4.If time allows, visit the MWMC’s Biosolids Management Facility and Biocycle Farm webpages. Attachment 1 Page 11 of 13 12 Wrap-Up Jeopardy Game Wrap-Up Game To help students review what they’ve learned during Clean Water University, play a fun game of Jeopardy using our PowerPoint presentation. Students will answer questions on water quality, macroinvertebrates, wastewater treatment, microorganisms, pollution prevention, and sustainability. This game can be played either in person or virtually, with the teacher managing the PowerPoint presentation either in classroom or via screen sharing. If you need technical assistance or would like MWMC staff to facilitate the game via Zoom or another video conferencing platform, please email lspiro@springfield-or.gov. How to Play Clean Water University Jeopardy 1.Access the CWU Jeopardy PowerPoint presentation and play the slideshow from the beginning. Additionally, open a blank spreadsheet or use a piece of paper and a pen to keep score. Share the PowerPoint presentation with your class either on a projector if in person or through screen sharing in your video conferencing platform if virtual. 2.Split your class into 3-5 teams. Ask each team to designate one team leader to announce answers to different questions aloud to the class. If playing in a virtual environment, have each team leader create their own team group chat in order to discuss their answers. 3.Starting with Team 1, have students select a category/point value. When the team makes that selection, simply click on the point value within the specified category’s column. This will take you to the question associated with that specific category/point value. 4.Each question slide contains a progress bar with a duration of 30 seconds, which begins automatically once you click to that slide. The team that selected the question will have those 30 seconds to agree on one final answer, which must be in the form of a question. Have the team leader announce their answer before the time runs out. After the time is up, the correct answer will appear on screen for the whole class to see. If the team answers before time is up, click in any blank area on the slide to reveal the correct answer. 5.If the team answers the question correctly, they win the designated number of points for that specific question. If they answer incorrectly, they lose that number of points. Keep track of those scores using the previously mentioned spreadsheet or pen and paper. 6.Once the correct answer has been revealed, click the question to be taken back to the grid of categories and point values. Move on to the other teams, repeating steps 3-5 for each team. Categories/point values that have already been selected by another team will turn purple. 7.After all 30 questions have been answered, click Final Jeopardy within the categories/point values grid. All teams will get to answer this question. Teams will be able to see this last question before the countdown begins and select a number of points to wager, with a maximum of their current score. If the team answers correctly, they win that number of points and if they answer incorrectly, they lose that number of points. Once each team has selected a number of points, click anywhere in the slide to start the countdown. Ask each team leader to write their answer down on a piece of paper, and wait to reveal their answer until the timer has ended and all teams have come up with an answer. If virtual, have each team leader send their answer to you in a private message. Then click in any blank area on the slide to reveal the correct answer. 8.Tally the final scores for each team and reveal your winner! Have fun! Attachment 1 Page 12 of 13 13 Conclusions In Closing That’s it! You’ve made it to the end of our Clean Water University virtual curriculum for the 2022-2023 school year. Thank you so much again for your participation. We hope you found the materials valuable in teaching your students about the importance of clean water. We would love to hear your feedback. Please feel free to send any questions or comments to igray@springfield-or.gov and be on the lookout for a feedback survey that will be emailed to you. As a reminder if you haven’t done so already, please submit proof of your participation in Clean Water University to igray@springfield-or.gov to enter your entire class into a drawing for memberships to the Eugene Science Center. See page 3 for more details on both this incentive and the $500 donation to participating schools’ STEM/science programs. Recap of Key Learning Outcomes •Explain where water comes from. •Identify the various stages of the water cycle. •Recognize water as an essential resource. •Explain how drinking water gets to their home. •Identify various sources of drinking water. •Recognize that water must be properly cleaned to rid it of pollutants before it can become drinking water. •Identify the key measures that help us determine the health of a river, stream, or lake. •Explain why high levels of water quality are important to human and animal life. •Recognize the role stormwater plays in the quality of our local waterways. •Define a macroinvertebrate and recognize their important role in the food web. •Explain the connection between clean water and the food web. •Identify some common macroinvertebrates such as mayflies, dragonflies, and aquatic earthworms. •Explain where their wastewater goes to be cleaned. •Explain why effectively cleaning wastewater helps to protect our community’s health and local environment. •Identify the key steps in the wastewater treatment process. •Define a microorganism. •Explain the role microorganisms play in the wastewater treatment process. •Identify some of the common microorganisms present in the biological treatment of wastewater. •Recognize the importance of preventing pollution from entering the wastewater collection system. •Identify actions that community members can take to prevent pollution, such as keeping trash out of the toilet. •Explain what happens to pollutants when they are flushed/poured down the drain. •Explain the benefits of sustainability efforts in protecting our local environment. •Identify the byproducts of the wastewater treatment process that the MWMC beneficially reuses: biosolids, recycled water, and renewable natural gas. •Recognize that the Biocycle Farm uses waste to produce wood, a renewable resource for our community. Attachment 1 Page 13 of 13 2023 Clean Water University Feedback Summary Overview The 2023 Clean Water University event was aided and improved based on feedback from previous years. After the 2023 event, staff conducted two debrief sessions to capture feedback on what went well at this year’s event, what can be improved in the future, and overall impressions and thoughts. Additionally, feedback from teachers has also been captured. What Went Well • Best response and turnout in CWU history. • Portable P/A systems helped tour guides. • Tour booth location next to the Springfield trailer worked well, and the TV and intro video were useful. • Busing pace worked well (staggered arrivals, usually 1 per hour). • Rainbow Water District’s General Manger Jamie Porter expressed that he enjoyed the experience and wanted to be involved again. • Throwing plastic axe game at Biosolids table provide a way to engage students well without being disruptive. • Eugene and Springfield staff expressed satisfaction with the overall event. What Can Be Improved • More chaperones are needed to assist with tours. Some kids were not staying with their groups or running to different stations without supervision. • Another person is needed to help setup and maintain the Macroinvertebrates table. • Additional grabbers are needed for cornhole (1 was purchased). • Volunteers expressed that they would like to have two people working cornhole due to kids being energetic and repeating visits to the station. • Jeopardy is proving to be very difficult for students who have not studied the curriculum yet. Alternative game format may be needed. Some specific questions were too easy or too difficult. • The spacing on Jeopardy could be tightened to reduce how much volunteers have to move. • Some students are intimidated by the aeration basins or have other fears on the tour. Explore options to help them (stress toys were suggested). • Try to create and provide a list of FAQ’s for teachers and their students on tours. • Instructional videos could be helpful to quickly train and orient volunteers. • Water samples for the micro tables need to be returned to operations for disposal immediately after event. • The sign-up sheet for tour guides needs to be updated to show the number of time slots more clearly. • Add additional signage to front office to direct parents/chaperones. Attachment 2 Page 1 of 2 Additional Thoughts • If plans to build a new administration facility move forward, coordinate with the project manager in 2024 and/or 2025 to make sure parking and foot traffic don’t impact staff construction or vice versa. • Possibly explore having a dedicated risk/safety staff person work the event and monitor for safety issues. • Concerns from Eugene staff about expanding to three days and whether there will be enough staffing to support that. Explore partnerships with other organizations to develop a base of volunteers. Attachment 2 Page 2 of 2