HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1985-12-23^dd/!/-SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Department December 23, 1985 Key-Largo Real Estate, Inc. 1749 Mai n Street Spri ngfi e1 d , 0regon 97 477 Subject: The Blackhorse, located at 170 North 43rd P'lace Dear Property Manager: The Finance Department contacted you regarding the nenewal of your mobile home park license for the Blackhorse located at 170 North 43rd Place. Your response was that the trailers on the property were R.V.'s and not mobile homes, therefore, the license was not warranted. The State requires that R.V. parks and mobile home parks be licensed. The City provides the serv'ice of licensing mobile home parks and Lane County licenses R.V. parks. I have contacted Lane County and have been informed that fhe Blackhorse is not currently licensed as an R.V. park. Th'is park must be I i censed C'ity as a mob'i 1e home park Project I. as one or the other. It has been licensed with the f or many years , 'inc1 udi ng i ts f ormer name of R & S Aiso, as per Code, this mobile home park is considered non-conforming as are not permitted in mob'ile home panks. Therefore, should you choose to the mob'ile home park license, any of the existing units that are removed the property cannot be rep'l aced with anothen R. V. Attached i s a copy of 8 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code r^elative to Mobile Homes. R.V.'s renew from Art'icl e Please let me know as an R.V. park. Ito renew your mobi 1 iffn eh you intend to obta'in a l'icense f rom Lane County to operateot, please contact Jana Meehan in the Finance Department rome park ljcense. Should you have any questions, p.lease call Greg Mott or myself at 726-3759. Sincerely, Cynthia L. Harmon Permit Coordi nator Mott Meehan Greg Jan a cc: 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon 97 477 503/726-3753 Nf,ENfl@RANDUMf,CITY OF SPRINGFIELD November 21, 1985 TO: FROM: SUBJ ECT : Cindie Harmon .lunu t{..S;ry V MOBILE HOME PARK LICENSE FOR 170 NORTH 43RD PLACE For approximately two years Blackhorse (mobile home park) located at 170 North a3rd Piace has bLen paying an annual fee for a mobile home park license (Code Secti on 8-2-7). The park was turned over to Key-Largo Real Estate, Inc. I sent Key-Largo copies of the Code Section 8-2-7 and Artjcle 2 from the Zoning Code. After reviewjng this jnformation they informed me that accord'ing to the Code' 170 North 43rd Place did not require a Mobile Park Ljcense. They said that the trailers on the property were RV's not mobile homes. Pl ease check this out and I et me know j f this j s correct. (Ci ndy McCl enathan told me that 0CED was the department responsible for handl ing this). Thank you. ffijil *-t"(-sq