HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1989-05-05cdcl SPR. ,;IEL[) DEVELOPMENT SEFY/CES ^u;;tit,;a t in; 'u;; PLANN/A'G / BUILDING PUBLIC Y/C,qKS l't E T P, C P O L t'iA t,l Vl A S T E V tt AT E F I /, A !\l AG E tl E I't T DATE OF LETTER May 5, 1989 DATE OF MEETING l4ay 2, 1-o89 APP L I CANT 6A3) 726-'17:: Plan Review of a proposed 24' x 55' covered Assessor's Map 17-02-31-41 Tax Lot 0i700. /r^ttF tH \iFF-, Of n,/vtJf ltrLU. va it< / I Arl en Ko 3238 Nor Spri ngfi SUBJECT City Journal N parki ng addi ti o eru d 16th Streetd, 0regon 97 411 pp th el 89-04-73. Type I S at, 200. North 39t,h Stree r ACTI ON Preliminary Site Plan Approval has been granted. in order to receive Final Site Plan Lppro-vam Final Plot Plan showing the required improvements needs to be submTtteO within90 days of the date of thi s 'letter. 0nce the Fi nal Pl ot Pl an i s rece'ived a Devel opment Agreement wjll be prepared for the applicant's signature. Bujlding permits cannot be i ssued unt'il F'inal Si te Pl an Approval i s granted. D I SCUSSION The foi 1 owi ng Fi nd'i ngs and Facts are the basi s for granti ng Prel imi nary Si te Pl an Approval: 1. Assessor's l'1ap 17-02-31-41 Tax Lot 01700'is located at 200 North 39th Street. 2. The property is zoned L'ight-Med'ium Industria'l . The property is located within the boundaries of the l,'tid-Springfie'ld Refinement P'lan. The Refinement Plan Designation ofthis property is Low Dens'ity Residential . The applicant provided'informat'ion duringthe refinement plan process which qualified the property to retain L'ight-Med'ium lndustria'l zoning in accordance with Plan Implementation Policy #3. 3. The appl i cati on i s bei ng reviewed under the I'l'inimum Devel opment Standards of Arti c'le 31 because it is only to be used as covered parking. If the proposed structure 'is to be used for anything other than covered park'ing, i .e .,serv'ice bays, etc. it wou'ld be subject to Type I Si te Pl an Review Standards- and notthe Minimum Devel opment Standards. 4 . PrIl-lil'1Ul'1 DEVEL0P!''lEl'lT STAI'IDAP.DS I The development shall connect to public utilities and comply w'ith the Springfield Bu'i 1 d'i ng Saf ety Codes . The appl i cant wi I I obtai n bu'i1 di ng p1 ans need to be resubmi tted and soverall bui'lding is in excess of 4to ensure bui I di ng safety. permi ts pri or to constructi on . The bui 1 di ng tamped by an architect or engineer because the ,000 square feet. This js a State requirement Parking and c'irculation areas shall paved and striped, wheel stops installed and non-conformi !9 .curb cuts cl osed . Cl osed curb cuts shal'l be rep'l aced wi th curb ,gutter and sidewalk. The parki ng areas 'in the f ront and south si de of the bu'il di ng need to be paved.The remainder of the site wil'l not require paving at this tine because t'his is bei ng rev j evred under l'1i nirirum Devel opment Standards. t f the proposed structure i sto be used for anythi ng other than covered parki ng, the ent'i re si te wi I I beaddressed under Type I Site Plan Review and paving of-ii1 exisfTng graveled areasused for vehicular circulatjon would be required. A minjmum of 15 parking spacesare-required for this type of business. !{heel stops are required where a-parkingstall abuts a building, or landscaped area or pavement edge. See attached p'lan which highlights the area which needs to be paved. Trash receptac'l es and outdoor storage areas shal'l be screened by a structure orenclosure permanently affixed to the -oround. The west property 'l i ne has an exi st'ing wooden f ence between the i ndustr.ial useand adjacent residential properties. Any outdoor storage or trash receptac'lesvisible from lJorth 39th Street (if appficable) needs to b; screened Required plot p1ans, deve'lopment agreements and improvement agreements shall besigned by the property owner and recorded at the appiicant,s expense. 0nce the Fi nal Pl ot Pl an and Deve'lopment Agreement 'is compl eted the appl i cantshall record the documents and return the originals to the city. Concrete sidewalks shall be installed where the site abuts a curb and gutter. Sidewalks exist at this site. b c e f A 4 foot wide land_scaped planter strip with approved irrigatiodrought resi stant p1 ants shaj I be i nstal I ed betwben the reqli redparking areas or structures. A combination of decorative fencing i ron or masonry) and 1 andscapi ng may be approved i n I ieu oflandscape strip where existing conditions (e'.g., the location ofstructures and paved parking lots) warrant. The four foot wide landscape strip along North 39th Street needson the Fi nal Pl ot Pl an i ncl udi ng types of p1 ants. n a pproved ewal k and., wroughtfour foot exi sti ng or sid (e.g the the to be included )u. 5 g. Street trees and street lights shall be installed. 5 street trees need to be incorporated into the landscape strip. They should be spaced every 30 feet. Street lighting is adequate jn this location. Special Use Standards applicable to all auto repair businesses listed'in Article iB of the Springfield Development Code states: All activities associated with automotive and truck repair and service, with the exception of ma'intenance activ'ities such as pumping gas or changing tires, shall take place within a building constructed to ensure that noise and odor do not disturb the normal operati on or tranqui 1 1 i ty of neighbori ng resi denti a1 , commerc'i a1 , campus industrial or pubf ic land uses. Storage of vehicles to be repaired shal'l be screened by a sight-obscuring fence. It is the City's understanding that there are open service bays existing on the south s'ide of the property. This standard is not retroactive to those service bays, however, if the new structure is intended to be used for additional serv'ice bays they would need to be enclosed. Screening for vehicles wajting to be repaired needs to show on the Final Plot Plan. PROCEDURE 1. The applicant needs to submit the final plot plan incorporating the jnformation above. ?, Staff will prepare a Development Agreement upon receipt of the final p'lot p1an. 3. The applicant needs to take the plot plan and Development Agreement to Lane County Deeds and Records and have them recorded and return them to the City. 4. Build'ing permits can be obtained when the City receives the recorded documents. 5. All improvements must be installed prior to issuance of F'inal 0ccupancy by the Building Safety Division. QUESTi0NS Pl ease cal I Busi ness Advocate regardi ng th'i s I etter. PREPARED BY W)Ldilo*n^*-Cynthia L. Harmon Devel opment Perm'i t Coord'i nator Copy to: DRC l'lembers Cynthia Pappas at 726-3759 if you have any questions