HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1986-07-29Reeei { Job Loeaticn: Aeaeesors Mao f Subditrision: Qsner: rToa 3o 4s 3 TH SPRINGFIEL.D Icz lat #o Phone: ' . .. RESIL-.{TIAL" APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North ith Stv,eet SprLnqfield, Oyegon 97477 Whii"ii;,:igpSUnon/ N, Addtess: CL {q3 l.^l-orLnDescribe ltork: Value s Na) Addition RenoCeL Date of Apc 1-213b Date: Ceneral PLwtbi-ru ELeetricaL l.!eciur.ie.zL Constmtcticn Leruier Ackfuess Icur City Desiar.ated Job Nunber fs: I: is the resconsibility of tle permit holdet to see that aLL inspections ate nade at ihe ptoper time, thdt --sfu c)itsss is v2a;-'-'. ;'ton the at?eet, anC tiut the permtt card is Lceated at the front of tl,e orooerttttluild*ca D"luiciot: derrou-€d. clan siz=il venain on tia Euilcitng Si;; ai eLL'tines." ?:CC:r';?5 FO?. ii:9?:C?IC!t .E:€!'!ST:CALL 726-3769 (yecot'det) state !ou! City iesioraxed job nto:,bet,, job ai&ess, t!?e of i.t:soee=icr,teouts;ea ari uien i;ou uiLL be read.y for irspcction, Cont?detcrs c"n a*tets-ncne Zni cUie n:,ztber.' -p"qu""tt rcLei|'ea b'efcre'Z:Cg r,:til be mad.e the sane dcg, ?eouests nade cfter 7:00 en nLLL be nad.e ylze ncst torkin; ciay. Sr"c= 3aleati.rai Tr<^anI l l SflS f.l'-qj i:l--i.'.'.' To ce rc<ie aiter - ercaltatLcn, Dut P?iar tc se! uo of forne. r::sL'LS.:IC:i / VA?OF plpRrZR rits?!C?!O::aarrtr in?ati -, r,arr-- -- uitDzRcpcu::, pLutryllL_SlvE:2_ H!E!,)Lir4 crenchee. l llrln?oar.a rrtrtaf..a lt=^4Dtt.f o.r_v-i::v.le g i,ECP..:_ilICiL: io be nacie beiore any ttot,k is eooct,ed. P1)?.titc , F0U:lD,lTICll: ?o be naCe A;;;-ct,encds ape escaoated and forms are erectei, but prior to pou"'trq ccncreta, UIIDERFLOCR PLU!911]G & I.!EC!]A.I:ICAL To be naie prior xo insxallaxion of floor insulction or decking. ?ITIAL PLUI{BITIC FIIIAL MECHA}IICAL FIIIAL ELEORICAL 7o be nade after aLL insulcxicn a"d required oqoor. borie?s @e in pl.a.ce but before any lath, Wpstlm boa.yi or tnLL coueting is aooli-ed, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRYI,IALL IilSPECAI)N: Ic be nade aften aLL itguall is in place, but priot to anA taping. MASOI|RY: Steel Locati.on, bond beons, otouting or uerticcls in accond.orce Lfith U.B.C. Section After installation isWOODSTO\ry: ccntpTeted. 1 Posr nao agv: To be na<ie ptioz, toj 7ffidG;oi 11oot, insui.a.xion or decking. -_I ROI-ICH PLUEI::C, !LE':!?TCA: .t |ECH- I - w:til these inspectiors hatse been node and aoproued.. 1 rrptptlcti pri,on to plceira facino -) nc;;;l;t; anti. before'franini inrpnZ-tion. 1 rna::rnc: Must be nequestei. aftet ) dppr.,nl of rough plwr,bing, electri-q.L & neclwnical. A1L r'oofing bracing A chinmeys, etc. trust be . eorrpLeted. llo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until thi.s inspecti.on las- " been tod.e anC apprcued. CURB & APPRCACE APP)N: After fornsue erecteC but ptiot, to pouring concrete. STDEWALK & DRT',E'\/AI: For aLL can- crete pauing uithin street right- of-uny, to be naCe after aLL etca- oating canplete & forn vsotk & sub- base natertal in plaee. IENCE: hhen eonplete -- tuooil.e gate6 o? mouable seetians thtough P.U.E. ALL ptoject conditiona, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conolcti,on of the requined LanCscqirq, etc., nuat be satisfied befote the BUILDING FIIIAL ean be requested. FINAL BUfLDfilC: The Fi.nal Building Inspeetion rmrst be tequested cftet the Final Plurbing Electnical, attC Meclanical fnspections hlue been nade ard approoeC. l lI f Sani:ar1 saser cqced. ct pt,operti lite Septic totk p;^xted a;"d. fiLLeC trith g"ratei linal - krhen cbcue itens ate cc:tclecei anci uhen iertclition is co-slele or st?.e- xuye noueC oi ptetrLses eleanei u?. Le Ecnes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa)e! d. ucter Electticcl Ccnneetion - Bloakin-2, set-u= artd plunbing connections nr;st be apprcxei before requesti.ng eTectrical inspec=io- Aecessory BuilCing Final - After pcrches, skirting, deeks,etc. a?e ccnple)ed. Pace 1 of 2.ALL I,'ANHCLES AND CLEANOWS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTII1\II TO BE I.I4DE /.? IIO rcSA TO CTY /4t'' JOB "".*b \SEO soLAR acc^s REe.-r--coil l.one: iat Sq. F*. 7 cf Lct Cooeraqa ! of Stories iotal ileight ?opography :?i;.! Decroons: TOTAL VALUE Intericr Coraer _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This penmt is granted on the erpress eondition tlat the saiti eonsttactions_tnll, in,all.respects, confonn to the Ordirance adopteC i2:y tte City ofSpringfield, including the Sonina Ctdinance, neguleting ttte ecnsttucticn otd .use o-f buildings, otd may be suspended, or reuokeC at cnu t--ne upon oic-Lation of dny prcuisions of said Ordirances. :n^1a- Euilding Peznnt State ?otal Chetges .?esiietltiaL ( 1 batk) Seuer Date Pald Reeeipt #: iia Plumbing Permit No, person shall constntct, instal!-, alter or ehange GnA neo cr eristing qlun2ir,g cr drainage s!.tsten in i,shole or in part, utlesi sueh pez,son is theLegal possessor of a oalid plutnben,s Lieens-e, escegt th.at c ielson na:t doplunbing uork to pz,operty uhich is ou.ned, Leased or operaxeti by the ippli.-cant. En 't Df House Lot Faces - Llater eat x VaLuc 0a,zt l-15. (DO 0 Is..- GO (S. ao I I -.1,-.1 J -Electrical Permit I'/'he?e state Lan reouires ti^a.x tne electrical uotk be done bu cn Eleet?ies.icont?aetar, tite electrtcci- conxion of this oetmit si",ell nox be valiiuntiltite Label ins been st-gnei o.11 the ilecxz,ical Conxyacxcy. ',;;/Z:teni. Custi;s Str.te Total Cka.y,ces t;r.l?i ,s,Mechqnicql Permit ---;r,6+ u^^) 'ent Fo1 ;cois!o;se !oraae ')Ce.talk .n2e ,"bile Hae Penntt fssumce Mecitanic:L Petmit -- EiJcR)ACHt4El'? -- ?ctal PLan EtanLner f ilAW CAREFULLY EX,LUINED the eonpleted aeplication for permit, cnd dohereby certify that aLL itfotnation het eon is true anL corree=, a"C ffutthen eertify that any ard aLL uoz,k perforned stnll be da;'L;i accor- dance ttith the 1rdintnces of the City of Sptingfield, anC the Lcts of theState of )regcn pertainino to the utotk Cescribed herein, cnd :itat NO OCC!)- PANCI uill b_e n ,ude of any st?uctur.e tytthout permission of the 3uilding D:--oision. f further certifil that only contractors a;;d. enplcyees uho arb in eonpliance uith CRS ?01.055 wiLL be used on this project cO -:iAL AiIOUIIT DIJE:'33,td ?- Fb -l rf PLan Cheek Fee: PatR k Environmental, lnc. e z /7{/ */4*-".2 -42J-avll- e L\ /lqe /'/, 3?rs 1192 NORTH 39TH SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 TELEPHONE746.7528 .r)t_.t^frc ,"*-hJn-Ar" "o) /?16 u)a_t-"-,9e ,9r*" -t*Aurert-t,a-'L vtLar t ) ""rfrrPfu lt ll J-l -I rD-16 SPRI}JCFIE]-D FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE DAI4AGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD Ktoa Yr/ z/,, /v^DATE: TO: FR0l,,l: SUBJECT: Address or: loc Name of ot',ner Building Department Springfield Fire DePartment Structura'l Damage to Bu j 1 di ng ation of bui lding 7a ^j ,,,*t 374 s[,unt Type of building Estimated val ue of bu'il di ng Estimated loss to building S..:e-z a -ttu ln,- (Dwelling, S lnJarehouse, etc. ) Pi L l<.y D tc<V,/ {/ t S., r: t o(> c> o(} J Date of fire I rr Itc1 Locat'ion of damage in bui'lding C'.*\ (Roof, Wall, Exterior, Interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire 4S (Burned rafters , Beams, Joi sts ' etc.) Addit'ional pertinent information Electrical Hazard (l,li rinq , 0utl ets , etc.) cc Siqned Planning & Development €G{/ {lnL ^/ ,e7 l9- CITfT OT- SPR,I\TGFIEI,D OFFICE OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 225 North 5th Street Date Bui 1di ng Division Job. No. JOB ADDRESS TO: CALL FOR REINSPECTION INSPECTOR **** CALL FOR. INSPECTION 725-376 INF TI0N: 726-3753 ****